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- #Keine Rechte Nachricht
- NoPermissionsMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &cNo tienes permiso para hacer eso!'
- #Join/Quit Nachrichten
- JoinMessage: '&a>>>> &6[P] &7entro al juego!'
- LeaveMessage: '&c<<<< &6[P] &7salio del juego!'
- #Todes Nachrichten
- DeathMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &4[P] &7fue asesinado por &4[K]&7!'
- DieMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &4[P] &7ha muerto!'
- #Spawn Nachrichten
- TeleportToSpawnTime: 5
- NoSpawnSetMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &cEl &4Spawn &cno fue establecido!'
- SpawnSetMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &7Spawn establecido correctamente!'
- SpawnTeleportMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &7Seras teletransportado al spawn en &45 segundos&7! &4No te muevas!'
- SpawnTeleportetMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &7Teletransportado!'
- SpawnTeleportCancledMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &4Te has movido! Se ha cancelado el teletransporte!'
- #/clearlag Broadcast Nachricht
- BroadcastEntityClearMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &cTodos los items del suelo han sido eliminados!'
- #Kit Nachrichten
- KitsAreDisabledMessage: '&8[&3SkyPvP&8] &cLos kits no estan activados!'
- #Sontige Nachrichten
- FakePluginMessage: '&7No puedes mirar nuestros plugins.'
- BroadcastChatClearMessage: '&4>> &3El chat ha sido limpiado por &6[P]&3!'
- TeamSpeakMessage: '&4>> &3TeamSpeak3: &!'
- WebsiteMessage: '&4>> &3Pagina web: &!'
- #Scoreboard
- ScoreboardTitel: '&6[P]'
- #FreeItemFrames
- FreeItemFramesTitle: '&3&lItems gratis'
- #Options 'true' to use it, 'false' to use it not
- DeathMessages: true
- ChestProtection: true
- DisablePlacingBlocks: true
- DisableBreakingBlocks: true
- UseScoreboard: true
- UseKits: true
- UseBloodEffect: true
- ###########################
- ## Villager Shops Prices ##
- ###########################
- #Weapons Villager
- IronSharp1: 10
- IronSharp2: 15
- IronSharp3: 20
- IronSharp4: 25
- IronSharp5: 30
- IronKnockback1: 15
- IronKnockback2: 20
- IronFireAspect1: 25
- IronFireAspect2: 30
- DiamondSharp1: 15
- DiamondSharp2: 20
- DiamondSharp3: 25
- DiamondSharp4: 30
- DiamondSharp5: 35
- DiamondKnockback1: 20
- DiamondKnockbakc2: 25
- DiamondFireAspect1: 30
- DiamondFireAspect2: 35
- #Bow Villager
- BowPower1: 5
- BowPower2: 10
- BowPower3: 15
- BowPower4: 20
- BowPower5: 25
- BowFlame1: 25
- BowPunch1: 25
- BowPunch2: 30
- BowInfinity:
- Slot1: 64
- Slot2: 32
- #IronArmor Villager
- IronHelmetProtection1: 2
- IronHelmetProtection2: 8
- IronHelmetProtection3: 12
- IronHelmetProtection4: 18
- IronChestplateProtection1: 10
- IronChestplateProtection2: 15
- IronChestplateProtection3: 20
- IronChestplateProtection4: 25
- IronLeggingsProtection1: 8
- IronLeggingsProtection2: 13
- IronLeggingsProtection3: 18
- IronLeggingsProtection4: 23
- IronBootsProtection1: 5
- IronBootsProtection2: 10
- IronBootsProtection3: 14
- IronBootsProtection4: 20
- #DiamondArmor Villager
- DiamondHelmetProtection1: 5
- DiamondHelmetProtection2: 10
- DiamondHelmetProtection3: 15
- DiamondHelmetProtection4: 20
- DiamondChestplateProtection1: 25
- DiamondChestplateProtection2: 30
- DiamondChestplateProtection3: 35
- DiamondChestplateProtection4: 40
- DiamondLeggingsProtection1: 20
- DiamondLeggingsProtection2: 25
- DiamondLeggingsProtection3: 30
- DiamondLeggingsProtection4: 35
- DiamondBootsProtection1: 10
- DiamondBootsProtection2: 15
- DiamondBootsProtection3: 20
- DiamondBootsProtection4: 25
- #Food Villager
- CookedBeef: 2
- CookedChicken: 2
- CookedPorkchop: 2
- CookedMutton: 2
- CookedRabbit: 2
- CookedFish: 2
- Melon: 2
- Cookie: 2
- Apple: 2
- Carrot: 2
- BackedPotato: 2
- Bread: 2
- PumpkinPie: 3
- MushroomStew: 1
- RabbitStew: 1
- GoldenApple: 20
- #Potion Villager
- Bottles: 1
- Sugar: 2
- NetherWart: 1
- MagmaCream: 2
- SpiderEye: 3
- SpeckledMelon: 5
- RabbitFoot: 8
- GhastTear: 10
- GoldenCarrot: 20
- BlazePowder: 32
- FermentedSpiderEye: 5
- Redstone: 2
- Glowstone: 2
- Gunpowder: 5
- #Extras Villager
- XPBottles: 5
- EnderPear: 10
- Wood: 1
- FishingRod: 10
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