
BL9 - Blocked by Mist

Jan 22nd, 2023
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  1. Watching through the open hatch, Kopaka had to agree with Tanma. Hiding behind lightvines and walls, trying to hang on for one more battle, was a quick route to disaster. At best, the presence of the Toa Nuva would buy the village and its people another few days or so. Maybe he and Lewa and Pohatu could even down a careless Makuta and a few dozen of their shadow Matoran. But in the end, the odds were too great.
  3. I can’t even spot where the shadow leeches are coming from, he thought. Something in the substance of the mists blocks my mask’s X-ray vision. There’s no getting around it — darkness is going to win here.
  5. It was a sobering realization and one that Kopaka hated admitting to himself. His dislike of it was even more intense because he knew it was something Tahu would never even consider. The Toa of Fire simply didn’t believe in the possibility of defeat. In Kopaka’s eyes, that made him a fool — but it also, he had to admit, somehow made Tahu a great leader of Toa.
  7. Maybe, just this once, I need to be more like him, thought Kopaka. Facts — cold and hard as ice — say one thing. But maybe they don’t say everything.
  10. - BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky, Chapter 4
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