
Royal Indulgence

Feb 19th, 2020
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  18.     <div style="width:0px;height:135px;float:right;padding:5px 50px 5px 50px;text-align:center;font-size:18px;text-shadow:2px 0px 0px #45666F, 3px 0px 0px #088;font-family:parisienne, serif;font-style:italic;line-height:20px;letter-spacing:0px;text-transform:none;overflow:auto;">
  20.     </div>
  21. <!-- CLOSE FLAVOR TEXT -->
  22. <span style="text-shadow:-1px 2px 0px #0bb, 1px -3px 0px #a80;color:#a0e;">
  23.     Lillian Von Herldberg<br>
  24.     The Duchess    
  25. <div style="font-size:24px; font family:times;float:right;margin:-80px -90px 0px 0px;text-shadow:1px 0px 0px #0cc;color:#a0e;">NOM!</div>
  27. <!-- CLOSE BANNER --></span></div>
  29. <!-- INFO -->
  30. <div style="width:31%;height:400px;float:left;">
  31. <div style="width:413px;height:400px;background:rgba(110,0,50, 1);background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent 30%,rgba(44,0,151, 1 ));overflow:auto;margin-top:0px;">
  32. <table style="width:100%;color:#cef;font-family:rye, copse, sans-serif;font-size:20px;letter-spacing:1px;">
  33. <tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;width:100px;">Name</td><td style="width:136px;">
  34.     Lillian "Lilly" Von Herldberg<p><br>
  35. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Title</td><td>
  36.     Duchess<p><br>
  37. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Nicknames</td><td>
  38.     <li>Lily (only to close friends)<br>
  39.     <li>The Duchess to all others<p><br>
  40. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Age</td><td>
  41.     Unknown<p><br>
  42. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Date of Birth</td><td>
  43.     Unknown<p><br>
  44. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Occupation</td><td>
  45.     Mercenary<p><br>
  46. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Residence</td><td>
  47.     The Darkest Estate<p><br>
  48. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Sexuality</td><td>
  49.        <li>Open<li>Sadist<p><br>
  50. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Partner</td><td>
  51.     Single<p><br>
  52. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Exes</td><td>
  53.     <li>
  54.     <p><br>
  55. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Mother</td><td>
  56.     Dead<p><br>
  57. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Father</td><td>
  58.     Somewhere among the Crimson Court<p><br>
  59. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Family</td><td>
  60.     <li>
  61.     <p><br>
  62. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Height</td><td>
  63.     6'3"<p><br>
  64. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Build</td><td>
  65.     Tall and Curvy<p><br>
  66. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Eyes</td><td>
  67.     Crimson red<p><br>
  68. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Hair</td><td>
  69.     Short Black<p><br>
  70. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Tattoos</td><td>
  71.     None<p><br>
  72. </td></tr><tr><td valign="top" style="opacity:0.8;">Scars</td><td>
  73.     Various claw scars on her back
  74. </td></tr>
  75. <!-- CLOSE INFO --></table></div></div>
  77. <!-- CONTENT -->
  78. <div style="width:500px;height:400px;background:#344145;float:left;overflow:hidden;color:#e0f;font-size:21px;">
  80. <!-- PERSONALITY -->
  81. <a name="1"></a>
  82. <div style="width:50%;height:39px;font-size:42px;line-height:49px;border-bottom:4px solid #d0a;letter-spacing:5px;font-weight:bold;color:#a9e;text-align:center;margin:0px 0px 0px 111px">Personality</div>
  83. <div style="width:95%;height:350px;background:#209;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent 10%,rgba(120,0,69,0.9 ));overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding:10px;font-family:Kurale, rye, times;">
  84. <li>Lillian has a kind heart. It isn't as open as it used to be. She has become cold and sadistic, preferring to fight rather than to talk. However, underneath all of that she is still someone who wants to help others even though she can be pretty selfish.<p>
  85. <!-- CLOSE PERSONALITY --></div>   <!-- HISTORY -->
  86. <a name="2"></a>
  87. <div style="width:30%;height:39px;font-size:42px;line-height:49px;border-bottom:4px solid #d0a;letter-spacing:5px;font-weight:bold;color:#a9e;text-align:center;margin:0px 0px 0px 144px;">History</div>
  88. <div style="width:95%;height:350px;background:#702;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent 10%,rgba(60,0,120, 1 ));overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding:5px 10px;font-family:sail, rye, times;margin:0px 0px 0px 5px;font-size:30px;line-height:30px;">
  89. <li>Born to a royal family, she was taught how to swing a sword, play the violin, and to be as affluent as the other nobility. <br>As in all things, nothing lasts forever. <li>A woman from another wealthy royal family had declared a moratorium, a party to be attended by those of the darkest estate. Thereat, Lillian's parents were invited. They left that very night, abd it was the last she saw of them. <li>Lillian found that the woman who instigated this party was a horrid vampiric beast who knew nothing but avaricious hunger. Lillian would soon discover this lady was known as The Countess, whose real name was lost to time, and who had been known to interact with Lillian's family. <p><li>
  90. By the time Lillian had discovered this horrid truth it was too late, for she had received a letter from The Countess. Upon opening it a piece of metal attached to it cut Lillian's hand. With that, a curse had spread, and Lillian felt her body tear and break as she was transformed into a monstrous vampiric bug-like creature.<p><li>
  91. Filled with an intense blood-lust, and an unending hunger, she went out that night, and when she came to the next morning, she found herself surrounded by bodies from a nearby settlement, her ravenous hunger satiated for the time being. <li>Learning of the curse and its origin, she set out on a path of revenge to overthrow the Crimson Court. However, her intentions may not have remained so clear because of the curse, which created a lust for the power at the head of Crimson Court, and how it would be to have it. <p><li>All she knows is that she will stop at nothing to end the life of the cursed being known as The Countess. <p>
  92. </ul><p><!-- CLOSE HISTORY --></div>
  93. <!-- ABILITIES -->
  94. <a name="3"></a>
  95. <div style="width:38.5%;height:39px;font-size:42px;line-height:49px;border-bottom:4px solid #d0a;letter-spacing:5px;font-weight:bold;color:a9e;text-align:center;margin:0px 0px 0px 144px;">Abilities</div>
  96. <div style="width:95%;height:350px;background:#706;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent 10%,rgba(55,0,70,0.9));overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding:5px 10px;font-size:22px;font-family:rye, times;margin:0px 0px 0px 5px;">
  97. <span style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:2px solid #00f;line-height:17px;letter-spacing:1px;color:#08f;">Eldritch Vampirism</span><p><li>
  98. With Crimson Curse, she is able to transform into a vampiric Wyrm enhancing her strength and reinvigorating her stamina, her claws can pierce throughldritch monstrosities and her teeth have a draining property in both this her human and monster form, allowing her to heal her wounds from the blood she drinks. <p><br>
  99. <span style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:2px solid #00f;line-height:17px;letter-spacing:1px;color:#08f;">The Blood Zweihander</span><p><li>
  100. An eight foot long, blood red Zweihander that is designed with the intent of killing eldritch vampires such as herself, if a vampire came into contact with it they would suffer intense pain as if they were set on fire, while normal humans probably couldn't swing it, she has trained her body to be able to use this blade with ease being able to counter attacks with ease and able to cut through metal with a bit of effort with help of it's massive size. <p><br>
  101. <span style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:2px solid #00f;line-height:17px;letter-spacing:1px;color:#08f;">Affliction: Ravenous</span><p><li>
  102. Normally she is able to choose if she transforms or not but if she is hit with a heavy enough blow her curse will activate transforming her into her wyrm form in this state she will start hitting with more force and become heavily resistant to damage, at the cost of her ability to notice unseen threats.<p><br>
  103. <span style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:2px solid #00f;line-height:17px;letter-spacing:1px;color:#08f;">Crimson Curse</span><p><li>
  104. This curse is the source of her vampire abilities, and gives her the ability to turn into a 12 foot tall wyrm like creature, The curse can also be transmitted to another person by her biting them while in wyrm form or giving them her blood in human form, If this happens the infected will go into a crazed state causing them to devour their own flesh in attempt to gain access to their own blood, while there is a cure, it will only work in the first few days of infection.
  105. <!-- CLOSE ABILITIES --></div>   <!-- NOTES -->
  106. <a name="4"></a>
  107. <div style="width:24.5%;height:39px;font-size:42px;line-height:49px;border-bottom:4px solid #d0a;letter-spacing:5px;font-weight:bold;color:#a9e;text-align:center;margin:0px 0px 0px 144px;">Notes</div>
  108. <div style="width:95%;height:350px;background:#307;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent 10%,rgba(82,00,102, 1));overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding:10px;font-family:rye, times;">
  110. <span style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;border-bottom:2px solid #00f;line-height:17px;letter-spacing:1px;color:#08f;">OOC</span><p>
  111. <li>No profile no RP,<p>
  112. <li>Please message ooc first so that we may discuss what type of scene we want. I do hold the royal prerogative to decline. <p>
  117. <!-- CLOSE NOTES --></div>
  119. <!-- CLOSE CONTENT --></div>
  121. <!-- NAVIGATION -->
  122. <div style="width:250px;height:400px;float:left;font-size:24;text-shadow:2px 0px 0px #e49;margin-top:-20px;">
  124. <a href="#1" style="color:#a9e;text-decoration:none;"><div style="width:413px;height:96px;background:#209;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent,rgba(52,65,69,0.9));margin:20px 0px 0px;border:1px solid #344145;border-bottom:5px double #406;line-height:30px;letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:bold;">Personality</div></a>
  125. <a href="#2" style="color:#a9e;text-decoration:none;"><div style="width:413px;height:96px;background:#509;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent,rgba(52,65,69,0.9));border:1px solid #344145;border-bottom:5px double #406;border-top:0px solid;line-height:30px;letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:bold;">History</div></a>
  126. <a href="#3" style="color:#a9e;text-decoration:none;"><div style="width:413px;height:96px;background:#b0a;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent,rgba(52,65,69,0.9));border:1px solid #344145;border-bottom:5px double #406;border-top:0px solid;line-height:30px;letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:bold;">Abilities</div></a>
  127. <a href="#4" style="color:#a9e;text-decoration:none;"><div style="width:413px;height:95px;background:#908;background-image:radial-gradient(circle,transparent,rgba(52,65,69,0.9));border:1px solid #344145;margin-bottom:1px;border-top:0px solid;line-height:30px;letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:bold">Notes</div></a>
  129. <img src="" style="width:100%;margin:-401px 0px 0px 165px;">
  131. <!-- CLOSE NAVIGATION --></div>
  133. <!-- OOC -->
  134. <div style="width:98.4%;;height:25px;background:#204;background-image:linear-gradient(to left, transparent 10%, rgba(112,0,29, 1 ));clear:both;padding:11px;border-top:5px double #344145;text-align:justify;font-size:16px;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:25px;color:#abe"> OOC RULES::
  135.     Royal Indulgence •
  136.     Have some grace, and we may in turn •
  137.     Elsewise, listen to some better music.
  138. :: code by <a target="_blank" href="" style="color:#f9f;">morethancostume the html maestro</a>
  139. <!-- CLOSE OOC --></div>
  141. <!-- CLOSE MASTER --></div>
  142. </lj-cut></center></lj-raw>
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  144. </html>
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