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- do
- local plotting = false
- local plots, quads = {}, {}
- local plot_count, quad_count = 0, 0
- local thickness = 0
- local min_angle = 0
- local corner_type = 0
- function draw.StartLine(_thickness, _min_angle, _corner_type)
- assert(not plotting, "how come your mom lets you have 2 lines")
- plotting = true
- plot_count, quad_count = 0, 0
- thickness = (tonumber(_thickness) or 10) / 2
- min_angle = math.pi - math.rad(tonumber(_min_angle) or 20)
- corner_type = tonumber(_corner_type) or 0
- end
- function draw.AddLinePoint(x, y)
- assert(plotting, "better start a line boy")
- if not y then
- y = x.y
- x = x.x
- end
- plot_count = plot_count + 1
- plots[plot_count] = Vector(x, y)
- end
- function draw.EndLine()
- assert(plotting, "cut me point 2 g fam")
- plotting = false
- assert(plot_count > 1, "A minimum of 2 points are required to draw a line.")
- for i = 1, plot_count - 1 do
- local a, b = plots[i], plots[i + 1]
- local ab = b - a
- ab:Normalize()
- local ab_right = Vector(-ab.y, ab.x)
- quad_count = quad_count + 1
- quads[quad_count] = {
- a + ab_right * thickness,
- a - ab_right * thickness,
- b - ab_right * thickness,
- b + ab_right * thickness,
- }
- end
- if plot_count >= 3 then
- for i = 2, plot_count - 1 do
- local a, b, c = unpack(plots, i - 1, i + 1)
- local left_quad = quads[i - 1]
- local right_quad = quads[i]
- local ab, bc do
- ab = b - a
- bc = c - b
- ab:Normalize()
- bc:Normalize()
- end
- local angle = math.acos(ab:Dot(bc))
- local bc_right = Vector(-bc.y, bc.x)
- local is_left = false
- if ab:Dot(bc_right) > 0 then
- is_left = true
- end
- if corner_type == LINE_CORNER_MITER then
- local height = thickness / math.cos(angle / 2)
- local joint_direction = bc - ab
- joint_direction:Normalize()
- if is_left then
- joint_direction = -joint_direction
- end
- if angle <= min_angle then
- left_quad[3] = b - joint_direction * height
- left_quad[4] = b + joint_direction * height
- right_quad[1] = left_quad[4]
- right_quad[2] = left_quad[3]
- end
- elseif corner_type == LINE_CORNER_ROUND then
- local bd = (is_left and left_quad[4] or right_quad[2]) - b
- bd:Normalize()
- local step = 1 / thickness
- local theta = (0.5 * math.pi - math.atan2(bd.y, bd.x)) % math.tau
- mesh.Begin(MATERIAL_POLYGON, 1)
- for a = theta, theta + angle + step, step do
- local sin, cos = math.sin(a), math.cos(a)
- local pos = b + Vector(sin, cos) * thickness
- mesh.Position(pos)
- mesh.AdvanceVertex()
- end
- mesh.Position(b)
- mesh.AdvanceVertex()
- mesh.End()
- end
- end
- end
- mesh.Begin(MATERIAL_QUADS, quad_count)
- for i, quad in ipairs(quads) do
- mesh.Quad(unpack(quad))
- end
- mesh.End()
- end
- end
- --[[
- ]]--
- local plots = {}
- for i = 1, 20 do
- if #plots == 0 then
- table.insert(plots, Vector(ScrW() / 2, ScrH() / 2))
- else
- local rand_direction = Vector(math.Rand(-1, 1), math.Rand(-1, 1))
- rand_direction:Normalize()
- local last_plot = plots[#plots]
- table.insert(plots, last_plot + rand_direction * math.random(100, 400))
- end
- end
- hook.Add("PostRender", "", function()
- cam.Start2D()
- surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255 ,255)
- render.SetMaterial(Material("vgui/white"))
- draw.StartLine(50, 15, math.floor(CurTime() % 3))
- for i, plot in ipairs(plots) do
- draw.AddLinePoint(plot)
- end
- draw.EndLine()
- cam.End2D()
- end)
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