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- % Main Function
- % Standard data
- M = 24;
- N = 13;
- Pg = 1;
- SNR = 10;
- stepDegrees = 0.1;
- SNR_noDB = 10^(SNR / 10);
- P_noise = Pg / SNR_noDB;
- centerDegrees = 90;
- counter = 0;
- deltaDegreesList = [];
- for i = 5:-0.01:4
- counter = counter + 1;
- deltaDegreesList(counter) = i;
- end
- % Scanning my list for all the values of delta (between 4 and 5 degrees)
- for i = 1:length(deltaDegreesList)
- display('*********************************************');
- deltaDegrees = deltaDegreesList(i)
- % if deltaDegrees == 4.21
- delta = deltaDegrees * pi/180;
- thetaList = createThetaList(centerDegrees, deltaDegrees);
- THETA_LIST = thetaList * 180/pi
- A = steeringMatrix(M, thetaList);
- spectrum = draw_LP_Spectrum(M, N, A, THETA_LIST, Pg, P_noise, centerDegrees, deltaDegrees, stepDegrees);
- topicMax = findTopicMax(spectrum, stepDegrees);
- LENGTH = topicMax(1)
- topicMaxList = topicMax([2:LENGTH+1]);
- anglesList = topicMax([LENGTH+2:end])
- % Now, we have the angles of topic max, but sometimes their number is not
- % 13, so it's wrong
- if LENGTH ~= 13
- display(strcat('LP method is not efficient for delta=', num2str(deltaDegrees),' degrees'));
- end
- display(' ');
- % end
- end
- % ===============================================================
- % ===============================================================
- % ======================== Functions ============================
- % ===============================================================
- % ===============================================================
- % Function 1 - Steering vector
- function a = steeringVector(M, theta)
- a = [];
- for m = 1 : M
- a(m) = exp(i * pi * (m-1) * cos(theta));
- end
- a = a';
- a;
- end
- % Function 2 - Steering Matrix
- function A = steeringMatrix(M, thetaList)
- A = [];
- for index = 1 : length(thetaList)
- A(:, index) = steeringVector(M, thetaList(index));
- end
- A;
- end
- % Function 3 - DoA: LP = Linear Prediction
- function spectrum = draw_LP_Spectrum(M, N, A, THETA_LIST, Pg, P_noise, centerDegrees, deltaDegrees, stepDegrees)
- Rgg = Pg * eye(N);
- Rnn = P_noise * eye(M);
- Rxx = A * Rgg * A' + Rnn;
- % Draw χωρικό φάσμα ισχύος του εκτιμητή
- % We suppose 1st element as the reference
- e1 = zeros(1, M);
- e1(1) = 1;
- e1 = e1'; % Now, its a column-vector with size = 24x1
- nominator = e1' * inv(Rxx) * e1;
- % For denominator, I need to make a vector "ad" which refers to a random
- % angle signal
- counter = 0;
- angles = []; % x axis
- spectrum = []; % y axis
- for angle = 0:stepDegrees:180
- counter = counter + 1;
- angles(counter) = angle; % In degrees
- angleRad = angle * pi/180; % In rad
- ad = steeringMatrix(M, angleRad);
- % For calculations, I will need rad angles
- denominator = (norm(e1' * inv(Rxx) * ad))^2;
- spectrum(counter) = nominator / denominator;
- end
- plot(angles, spectrum);
- myTitle = "";
- for i = 1:length(THETA_LIST)
- t = "θ" + int2str(i) + "=" + int2str(THETA_LIST(i));
- if i < length(THETA_LIST)
- t = t + ", ";
- end
- myTitle = myTitle + t;
- end
- title(myTitle);
- xlabel("θ in degrees, delta = " + num2str(deltaDegrees));
- ylabel("10log(P / Pmax)");
- spectrum;
- end
- % Function 4 - createThetaList(center, delta) - output in rad
- function thetaList = createThetaList(centerDegrees, deltaDegrees)
- thetaList = [];
- counter = 0;
- for i = -6:6
- counter = counter + 1;
- angle = centerDegrees + i * deltaDegrees; % Degrees
- theta = angle * pi/180; % Rad
- thetaList(counter) = theta;
- end
- thetaList;
- end
- % Function 5 - Deleting zeros from a list
- function newList = deleteZerosFrom(myList)
- counter = 0;
- newList = [];
- for i = 1:length(myList)
- if myList(i) ~= 0
- counter = counter + 1;
- newList(counter) = myList(i);
- end
- end
- newList;
- end
- % Function 6 - Find the topic max values in my spectrum
- function topicMax = findTopicMax(spectrum, stepDegrees)
- lowerBound = 20;
- counter = 0;
- topicMaxList = [];
- anglesList = [];
- % If my sample is below this value, I continue with the next sample
- for i = 2:length(spectrum)-1
- value = spectrum(i);
- if value >= lowerBound
- counter = counter + 1;
- if value > spectrum(i-1) && value > spectrum(i+1)
- topicMaxList(counter) = value;
- index = i;
- angle = (index - 1) * 0.1;
- anglesList(counter) = angle;
- end
- end
- end
- % Now, I have a list with all my topic max and the positions
- % I will return a big vector with 3 returned values in row
- % 1st_element = length = number of topic max values
- % 2nd_element = a list with all the topic max values (13 elememnts for example)
- % 3rd_element = a list with all the angles of topic max (13 elememnts for example)
- % Sometimes my 2 lists have some zeros (depends on lower bound)
- % I have to delete them
- topicMaxList = deleteZerosFrom(topicMaxList);
- anglesList = deleteZerosFrom(anglesList);
- LENGTH = length(topicMaxList);
- topicMax = [LENGTH topicMaxList anglesList];
- end
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