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- /*
- * main.c
- *
- * Copyright © 2013-2014 by 240-185
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- //La librairie principale OSLib
- #define VERSION "v1.2"
- #define DATE "09/03/2014"
- // v0.99 RC1 first release
- // v1.00 First release: refined ball detection
- // v1.01 Added compatibility with PPSSPP - Corrected a small graphical bug
- // v1.011 Corrected a bug in which the ball could be stuck after a mini-game
- // v1.012 Testing a mini-game under PPSSPP
- // v1.013 Reverted to previous state
- // v1.02 Fixed a graphical bug on enemy's latest ults in 2 player mode
- // Fixed a bug where the psi sound could be heard after dying
- // Fixed a confusing issue where the lightning sound was played even if shielded
- // v1.021 Now, the ults won't trigger if the screen is black
- // Improved stability with PPSSPP
- // v1.03 Fixed a flaw in the gameplay in which the player had to stick near the pie to win.
- // Improved PPSSPP compatibility
- // v1.04 The scene becomes more and more red as the pie's HP decreases
- // Fixed a case where the psi sound could be continued to play during ShootDaWhoop's sequence
- // The poles won't hurt the player if a mini-game is being launched or if the mad hatter is on screen
- // Game can't be paused any more when the pie is dying
- // v1.041 Sonic.exe pic from Sammi-Psycho removed due to DeviantART account closing. Replaced by another pic, credited as such.
- // v1.2 Final version.
- // - When Kim Jong Eun's face appears, the game does something now.
- // - Shoop da Whoop's sequence has been changed. Instead of mashing buttons, you must now protect the planet by moving left or right.
- // - New mini-game added.
- // - New defeat animation.
- // Fixed a glitch where you could still send stars after the pie had died.
- // SONIC.EXE mini-game made harder.
- // The source code is now provided with the game! Try to understand it and make your own mod!
- #define _16bit OSL_PF_8888
- #define spr_draw oslDrawImageXY
- #define STALLMAN Stupid_Toe_Cheese_Eater_Hippie
- #define GPL Shitty_Confusing_License
- #define BSD3CLAUSE Actual_License_Of_This_Program
- #define ESPAC_HORIZ 64
- #define HAUT_FIELD 138
- #define GRAVITY -0.05
- #define DEBUG 0
- //#include <libc/stdio.h>
- #include <oslib/oslib.h>
- #include <psputils.h>
- #include <pspkernel.h>
- #include <pspdebug.h>
- #include <pspmpeg.h>
- //#include <libc/string.h>
- //#include <libc/time.h>
- //les callbacks
- PSP_MODULE_INFO("PastaSquash", 0, 1, 1);
- struct ball {
- float speed_h;
- float speed_v;
- float speed_z;
- int angle;
- int x2d;
- int y2d;
- int z3d;
- short poisoned;
- };
- struct pie_entity {
- int pie_hp;
- int pie_facemode; //mode sarko-JLM-autre?
- int pie_direction;
- int pie_x;
- int pie_y;
- };
- SceKernelUtilsMt19937Context ctx;
- OSL_IMAGE *court, *benj;
- OSL_FONT *gothic;
- unsigned long int counter=0;
- int exit_callback(int arg1, int arg2, void *common) {
- sceKernelExitGame();
- return 0;
- }
- /* Callback thread */
- int CallbackThread(SceSize args, void *argp) {
- int cbid;
- cbid = sceKernelCreateCallback("Exit Callback", exit_callback, NULL);
- sceKernelRegisterExitCallback(cbid);
- sceKernelSleepThreadCB();
- return 0;
- }
- /* Sets up the callback thread and returns its thread id */
- int SetupCallbacks(void) {
- int thid = 0;
- thid = sceKernelCreateThread("update_thread", CallbackThread, 0x11, 0xFA0, 0, 0);
- if(thid >= 0) {
- sceKernelStartThread(thid, 0, 0);
- }
- return thid;
- }
- // End Callback functs
- int random(int max)
- {
- //return (int)oslRandf(0,max);
- u32 rand_val = sceKernelUtilsMt19937UInt(&ctx);
- rand_val = rand_val % (max);
- return (int)rand_val;
- }
- int swirl_collide(int px, int py, int gudule, int mgsy)
- {
- if ((px-(gudule))*(px-(gudule))+(py-(mgsy))*(py-(mgsy)) <= 512) return 1; else return 0;
- }
- struct ball initball(struct ball ball_arg)
- {
- struct ball abadgh = ball_arg;
- abadgh.x2d=random(320)+80; //x
- abadgh.y2d=170; //y
- abadgh.speed_v=-1; //vy
- abadgh.speed_h=0; //vx
- abadgh.speed_z=2; //vz
- abadgh.angle=0; //
- abadgh.z3d=2; //z
- abadgh.poisoned=0;
- return abadgh;
- }
- struct pie_entity initpie(struct pie_entity pie_arg)
- {
- struct pie_entity abadgh = pie_arg;
- abadgh.pie_facemode=0;
- abadgh.pie_direction=0;
- abadgh.pie_x=128;
- abadgh.pie_y=136;
- return abadgh;
- }
- struct ball apply_impulse(struct ball ball_arg, float v, float v2, float angle)
- {
- struct ball this = ball_arg;
- this.speed_h = v;
- this.speed_v = -v2;
- return this;
- }
- void mackey()
- {
- int i=0,j;
- OSL_IMAGE *mackey = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/mackey.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *mkayyy = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/mackey.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);;
- oslSetSoundLoop(mkayyy, 1);
- oslPlaySound(mkayyy, 0);
- while(1<2)
- {
- j=random(9)+1;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- while(i<272)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(0,i,480,i+j, RGB(random(255),random(255),255));
- i += j;
- }
- i=0;
- spr_draw(mackey,0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- }
- void noppsspp()
- {
- int check=0;
- if (((long int)oslGetRamStatus().maxAvailable) > 21117447)
- {
- check=1;
- }
- if (check==1)
- {
- mackey();
- }
- }
- void cleanbuffer()
- {
- oslDisableTransparentColor();
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255,0,255));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- }
- void cleanbuffer2(int color)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, color);
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- }
- void frame_debug(int frame)
- {
- char buffer[20];
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 0));
- sprintf(buffer,"Frm %d",frame);
- oslDrawString(0, 0, buffer);
- oslEndDrawing();
- }
- void fadein(OSL_IMAGE *image)
- {
- int i;
- OSL_IMAGE *temp;
- temp=oslCreateImage(480, 272, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslCopyImageTo(temp, image);
- for (i=0; i<400; i++)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,i/2);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- spr_draw(temp,0,0);
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- oslDeleteImage(temp);
- }
- void fadeout(OSL_COLOR u)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<80; i++)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,i*2);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, u);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, u);
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- }
- void rndsft()
- {
- int frame=0, i=0, j=0, k=0, l=0, m=0, n=0;
- OSL_IMAGE *rndsft, *px;
- OSL_SOUND *rndtheme;
- rndsft = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/rndsft.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- px = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pixel.png", OSL_IN_VRAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- rndtheme = oslLoadSoundFileMOD("./muzaxx/rndsft.xm", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(rndsft);
- oslPlaySound(rndtheme, 5);
- while(frame<470)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- if (frame >= 161)
- {
- if (frame-160 < 35) oslSetImageTile(rndsft,0,0,282,frame-160); else oslSetImageTile(rndsft,0,0,282,35);
- spr_draw(rndsft,240,138);
- }
- if ((frame >= 200) && (frame <= 220))
- {
- if (frame==200) i=random(360);
- if (!(frame%2))
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- for (j=0; j<13; j++)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(i+j*16, 60, i+j*16+8, 272, RGB(255,127,0));
- }
- }
- }
- if ((frame >= 259) && (frame <= 295))
- {
- if (frame == 259)
- {
- i=random(32)+24;
- k=random(9)+6;
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(0, 224, 0));
- m=random(127);
- n=random(44);
- }
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- for(j=0; j<k; j++)
- {
- for (l=0; l<i; l++)
- {
- oslDrawString(m+l*6, n+j*12, "@");
- }
- }
- }
- if ((frame >= 336) && (frame <= 345))
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(rndsft,random(480),random(272));
- }
- if (frame >= 369)
- {
- for(i=0; i<48; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j<17; j++)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGB(random(255), random(255), random(255)));
- spr_draw(px, i*10, j*16);
- }
- }
- if ((frame == 369) || (!(frame%4))) k=random(360);
- oslDrawFillRect(k,0,k+32,272, RGB(0,254,255));
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- frame++;
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslDeleteImage(rndsft);
- oslDeleteImage(px);
- oslDeleteSound(rndtheme);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- }
- void ben()
- {
- OSL_IMAGE *noise[9];
- OSL_SOUND *ben_mzx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/ben.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);;
- char buffer[20];
- int i, j, frame=0;
- noise[0]=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/ben.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- for (i=1; i<9; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/gfx-0%d.png",i+661);
- noise[i]=oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- noise[i]->stretchX = 480;
- noise[i]->stretchY = 272;
- }
- oslPlaySound(ben_mzx, 0);
- while(frame<704)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(noise[(frame%8)+1],0,0);
- if (frame<192)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, frame);
- }
- else if (frame>512) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,704-frame);
- else oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,192);
- i=0;
- while(i<272)
- {
- j=random(27)+13;
- oslSetImageTile(noise[0],0,i,425,i+j);
- spr_draw(noise[0],random(55),i);
- i += j;
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- for(i=0; i<9; i++)
- {
- oslDeleteImage(noise[i]);
- }
- oslDeleteSound(ben_mzx);
- }
- void creepypasta(int cpn)
- {
- int i, j, k, l, frame=0;
- char buffer[20];
- OSL_IMAGE *suicidemouse[18];
- OSL_SOUND *creepysfx, *w4c;
- OSL_SOUND *sfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/dummy.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- int bok[4][16];
- const char *text[7]={"y wud u do dis","acually is dolan","fak u","FAGGT","u litl SHIZNIT", "gooby pls", "i wuz ins al a long"};
- w4c = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0005.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(w4c, 1);
- w4c -> volumeLeft = w4c -> volumeRight = 0x2000;
- if ((cpn != 5) && (cpn < 17)) oslPlaySound(w4c, 0);
- switch(cpn)
- {
- case 0:
- for (i=0; i<18; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/gfx-%d.png",i+1160);
- suicidemouse[i]=oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[i]->stretchX = 363;
- suicidemouse[i]->stretchY = 272;
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[i]);
- }
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0065.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 1);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- i=0;
- cleanbuffer2(RGB(0,0,0));
- while (frame < 620)
- {
- if (!(frame%6)) i++;
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[i%18],240,138);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255,0,255));
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug((int)oslGetRamStatus().maxAvailable);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- for (i=0; i<18; i++)
- {
- if (suicidemouse[i]) oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[i]);
- }
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 1:
- suicidemouse[0]=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-1038.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1]=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-1039.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0058.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- while (frame < 45)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, frame*4);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,271);
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug(frame);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX +=2;
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchY +=2;
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- frame++;
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(0,0,0));
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(creepysfx) == 0);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 2:
- j = random(2);
- if (!j) suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/endisneigh.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- else suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/endisneigh2.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- if (!j) creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0083.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- else creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0109.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- for (i=0; i<10; i++)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 3:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/safe.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0026.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(0,0,0));
- for (i=0; i<200; i++)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],239,135);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 4:
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/bnours%d.png",i+1);
- suicidemouse[i]=oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- }
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0149.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- i=0;
- while (frame < 600)
- {
- if (!(frame%4)) i++;
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[i%4],0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- cleanbuffer();
- frame++;
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- if (suicidemouse[i]) oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[i]);
- }
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 5:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/court_joy.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0717.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0147.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- sfx=oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0011.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslPlaySound(sfx, 6);
- for (j=0; j<256; j+=3)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255,255,255));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, j);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],177,215);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- while (frame < 292)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],177,215);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- frame++;
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- break;
- case 6:
- oslStopSound(w4c);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0060.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/oag1.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/oag2.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- while (frame < 5000)
- {
- if (frame==3000)
- {
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- }
- if (frame >= 3000)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],173,26);
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug(frame);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- else if (frame < 3000)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug(frame);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- frame++;
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- cleanbuffer();
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 7:
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0148.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/smurf_village.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/smurf_sprite.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[2] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/smurf_papazombie.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- i=0;
- j=-32;
- frame=0;
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[2]);
- oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- //fadein(suicidemouse[0]);
- while (frame < 400)
- {
- if (!(frame%2))
- {
- if (j < 222) j+=4;
- }
- if (!(frame%3))
- {
- i++;
- }
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- oslSetImageTileSize(suicidemouse[1],(i%8)*32,0,32,42);
- suicidemouse[1]->stretchX = 64;
- suicidemouse[1]->stretchY = 84;
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1], j, 181);
- oslEndDrawing();
- if (j >= 222)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],0,0);
- oslSetImageTileSize(suicidemouse[1],256,0,32,42);
- suicidemouse[1]->stretchX = 64;
- suicidemouse[1]->stretchY = 84;
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1], j, 181);
- oslEndDrawing();
- if (frame > 248)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,155);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255,0,0));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[2],238,136);
- if (!(frame%2))
- {
- suicidemouse[2]->stretchX+=16;
- suicidemouse[2]->stretchY+=16;
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- }
- }
- //frame_debug(frame);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- frame++;
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[2]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 8:
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0151.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/squiward_suicide.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/bikini_hell.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],0,0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[1]);
- frame=0;
- while((suicidemouse[0]->stretchX) >= 0)
- {
- if (!(frame%2))
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,136);
- if (!(frame%4) && (frame < 282))
- {
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX++;
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchY++;
- suicidemouse[0]->angle += 6;
- }
- if (frame >= 282)
- {
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX-=3;
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchY-=3;
- suicidemouse[0]->angle -= 11;
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug(frame);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- else
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],240,136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- }
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],240,136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 9:
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0152.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- j=0;
- i=0;
- frame=0;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslEndDrawing();
- for (k=0; k<16; k++)
- {
- suicidemouse[k] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/creepycircle.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[k]);
- }
- while (frame<16*2)
- {
- if (!(frame%2))
- {
- bok[0][i]=(2*(random(24)+1))-24;
- bok[1][i]= random(128)+127;
- bok[2][i]= random(128)+127;
- bok[3][i]= random(128)+127;
- oslStartDrawing();
- if (bok[0][i] > 0) suicidemouse[i]->stretchX = bok[0][i]; else suicidemouse[i]->stretchX = 1;
- if (bok[0][i] > 0) suicidemouse[i]->stretchY = bok[0][i]; else suicidemouse[i]->stretchY = 1;
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[i],(i%4)*40+172, (i/4)*40+64);
- oslEndDrawing();
- i++;
- }
- else
- {
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- frame++;
- }
- oslSwapBuffers();
- //oslWaitKey();
- i=0;
- j=0;
- k=0;
- frame=0;
- while(k < 100)
- {
- if (!(frame%4))
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- for (j=0; j<16; j++)
- {
- if (bok[0][j] > -24) bok[0][j]--;
- if (bok[0][j] <= -24)
- {
- k++;
- bok[0][j]=24;
- i=0;
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(creepysfx) == i)
- {
- i++;
- }
- if (i < 8) oslPlaySound(creepysfx, i); else oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 7);
- bok[1][j]= random(128)+127;
- bok[2][j]= random(128)+127;
- bok[3][j]= random(128)+127;
- }
- if (bok[0][j] > 1) suicidemouse[j]->stretchX = suicidemouse[j]->stretchY = bok[0][j];
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGB(bok[2][j], bok[3][j], bok[1][j]));
- if (bok[0][j] > 21) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[j],(j%4)*40+172, (j/4)*40+64);
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug(frame);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- //oslWaitKey();
- }
- else
- {
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- frame++;
- }
- for(i=0; i<16; i++) oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[i]);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 10:
- case 15:
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0057.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- if (cpn == 15)
- {
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- sfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/bark.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- }
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0253.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- for (i=1; i<9; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/gfx-0%d.png",i+661);
- suicidemouse[i]=oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[i]->stretchX = 480;
- suicidemouse[i]->stretchY = 272;
- }
- frame=0;
- j=0;
- oslStopSound(w4c);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 1);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- while (frame < 750)
- {
- if (!(frame%16))
- {
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX++;
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchY = (int)(1.27*(suicidemouse[0]->stretchX));
- }
- if (!(frame%4))
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[(j%8)+1],0,0);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,75);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- else
- {
- oslWaitVSync();
- j++;
- }
- frame++;
- }
- if (cpn == 15)
- {
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX = 480;
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchY = 610;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslPlaySound(sfx, 1);
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(sfx) == 1);
- }
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- for (i=0; i<9; i++)
- {
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[i]);
- }
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- break;
- case 11:
- case 16:
- oslStopSound(w4c);
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/dolan.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/dolan.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- i=272;
- frame=0;
- j=random(7);
- while(frame < 1200)
- {
- if (!(frame%2))
- {
- if (i>72)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 332, i);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- i--;
- }
- if ((frame > 800) && (i<73))
- {
- if (cpn == 16)
- {
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX = 480;
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchY = 648;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- if (frame == 812) oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 332, i+1);
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- k = oslGetStringWidth(text[j]);
- oslDrawString((480 - k)/2, 32, text[j]);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- frame++;
- }
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(creepysfx) == 1);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 12:
- oslStopSound(w4c);
- k=random(42);
- j=random(25);
- sprintf(buffer,"./sfx/sfx-0%d.wav",j+121);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile(buffer, OSL_FMT_NONE);
- j=random(25);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- sprintf(buffer,"./sfx/sfx-0%d.wav",j+121);
- sfx = oslLoadSoundFile(buffer, OSL_FMT_NONE);
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/pasta%d.png",k+1);
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- frame=0;
- oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(creepysfx) == 1)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 240, 136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- if (!(frame%4)) suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX++;
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)((float)(suicidemouse[0] -> sizeY)/(suicidemouse[0] -> sizeX)*suicidemouse[0]->stretchX);
- frame++;
- }
- oslSetSoundLoop(sfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(sfx, 1);
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(sfx) == 1)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 240, 136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- if (!(frame%4)) suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX++;
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)((float)(suicidemouse[0] -> sizeY)/(suicidemouse[0] -> sizeX)*suicidemouse[0]->stretchX);
- frame++;
- }
- oslSetBilinearFilter(0);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 13:
- oslStopSound(w4c);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0150.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetSoundLoop(creepysfx, 0);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- creepysfx -> volumeLeft = creepysfx -> volumeRight = 0xFFFF;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,255));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslMoveTo(0,0);
- oslConsolePrint("I regret to inform you your psp has just crashed\n");
- oslConsolePrint(" \n");
- oslConsolePrint("Shit happens... :-(\n");
- oslConsolePrint("Exception Details:\n");
- oslConsolePrint("Exception - Bus error (death)\n");
- oslConsolePrint("EPC - 08A1C208\n");
- oslConsolePrint("Cause - 07H30P13\n");
- oslConsolePrint("Status - D34D0L0L\n");
- oslConsolePrint("BadVAddr - 0012AC40\n");
- oslConsolePrint("zr:000Y0000 at:0008OF00 v0:000U0000 v1:00000012\n");
- oslConsolePrint("a0:0000A001 a1:000R002E a2:09FFE768 a3:09FF06BC\n");
- oslConsolePrint("t0:00D0E6BC t1:000E07D4 t2:0000A032 t3:8804D000\n");
- oslConsolePrint("t4:09FFY5F8 t5:000O0E00 t6:08A2U658 t7:00008600\n");
- oslConsolePrint("t8:000S0000 t9:000U8368 s0:08AC0000 s1:08AFK53C\n");
- oslConsolePrint("s2:08BA0C20 s3:08BT453C s4:08A30000 s5:08A30000\n");
- oslConsolePrint("s6:000T00EC s7:0000H0F9 k0:09FFIF00 k1:0000S000\n");
- oslConsolePrint("gp:08AGD390 sp:000AFF00 fp:08A3M000 ra:0896E4BC\n");
- oslConsolePrint(" \n");
- oslConsolePrint("Will exit to PSP menu in 10 seconds\n\n\n");
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(creepysfx) == 1);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslConsolePrint("Admit it: this blue screen is almost plausible, eh?");
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 14:
- oslStopSound(w4c);
- if (random(2)) suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/smilechu.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551); else suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/smilechu2.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- i=0;
- j=0;
- frame=0;
- while (i < 12)
- {
- if (!(frame%3))
- {
- if (!j)
- {
- k=random(70);
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX = 10+random(150);
- l=82+random(36);
- }
- else k++;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- if (k>44)
- {
- j=1;
- if (k < 74)
- {
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX += 13;
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)(1.18 * (suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,138);
- }
- if (k==l)
- {
- i++;
- j=0;
- }
- }
- //frame_debug(k);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- else
- {
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 17:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/nigel.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/smashing.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- frame=0;
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- while (frame<512)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- for(i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- j=random(10)-20;
- oslDrawFillRect(i*60,120+j,(i*60)+60,152+(-1*j), RGB(96,96,0));
- oslDrawFillRect(i*60,128+j,(i*60)+60,144+(-1*j), RGB(128,128,0));
- oslDrawFillRect(i*60,136+j,(i*60)+60,136+(-1*j), RGB(160,160,0));
- }
- if (frame >= 480)
- {
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,138);
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX += 16;
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)(1.33*(suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX));
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 18:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/caaat.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/caaat_ns.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/caaat.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- frame=0;
- while(oslGetSoundChannel(creepysfx) == 1)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- if (frame<150)
- {
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1],240,138);
- }
- else
- {
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0],240,138);
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 19:
- for (i=0; i<9; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/pona0%d.png",i);
- suicidemouse[i]=oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[i]->stretchX = 480;
- suicidemouse[i]->stretchY = 272;
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[i]);
- }
- frame=0;
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/pona.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 0);
- i=0;
- while (frame < 333)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- if (frame < 110)
- {
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[frame/14],240,138);
- }
- if ((frame >= 110) && (frame <= 140))
- {
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[8],240,138);
- }
- oslSetBilinearFilter(0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug((int)oslGetRamStatus().maxAvailable);
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- for (i=0; i<9; i++)
- {
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[i]);
- }
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 20:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pookey1.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pookey2.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/pookeymon.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- frame=0;
- while(frame < 550)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- if ((frame >= 375) && (frame < 389)) spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 240, 136);
- if ((frame >= 389) && (frame < 401)) spr_draw(suicidemouse[1], 240, 136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 21:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0825.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0030.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- frame=0;
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX = i = 396;
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)(1.68*suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX);
- while(frame < 480)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- i=suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX;
- if ((suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX) > -72)
- {
- if (suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX >= 0)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 240, 136);
- }
- if (suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX >= -36)
- {
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX += 36;
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)(1.68* (suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 128);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 240, 136);
- }
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX += ((suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX < -36)?72:36);
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)(1.68* (suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 64);
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 240, 136);
- }
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX = i;
- if (!(frame%5))
- {
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX = i - 18;
- }
- suicidemouse[0] -> stretchY = (int)(1.68*suicidemouse[0] -> stretchX);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 22:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/lavender.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/lavender.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageTileSize(suicidemouse[0],0,0,48,48);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- frame=0;
- while(frame < 420)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- if (frame <= 341)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, random(128));
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX = suicidemouse[0]->stretchY = 96;
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslSetImageTileSize(suicidemouse[0],48,0,48,48);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- suicidemouse[0]->stretchX = suicidemouse[0]->stretchY = 640;
- }
- if (frame < 395) spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 240+((frame>341)?0:random(4)), 136+((frame>341)?104:random(4)));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 23:
- frame=0;
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/c64.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/c64-ar.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- while (frame < 360)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDrawFillRect(60, 0, 420, 272, RGB(165,165,255));
- oslDrawFillRect(80, 46, 400, 226, RGB(66,66,231));
- if (frame < 150)
- {
- for(i=0; i<1000; i++)
- {
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1], (i%40)*8+80, ((int)(i/40))*8+38);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 80, 46);
- if ((frame%60) < 30)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(80, 94, 88, 102, RGB(165,165,255));
- }
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- case 24:
- suicidemouse[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sncell.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- suicidemouse[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sncpnt.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(suicidemouse[0]);
- creepysfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/nuls.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslPlaySound(creepysfx, 1);
- while(oslGetSoundChannel(creepysfx)==1)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[0], 236+random(7), 132+random(7));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1], 224+random(7), 132+random(7));
- spr_draw(suicidemouse[1], 246+random(7), 132+random(7));
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- fadeout(RGB(0, 0, 0));
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(suicidemouse[1]);
- oslDeleteSound(creepysfx);
- oslDeleteSound(sfx);
- break;
- }
- oslDeleteSound(w4c);
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- }
- void draw_benj(OSL_IMAGE *benj, int px, int py, short shielded, OSL_IMAGE *shield)
- {
- float court_zoom = 0.00192*(py+32) + 0.562;
- shield->stretchX = (int)(48*(float)court_zoom);
- shield->stretchY = (int)(48*(float)court_zoom);
- //oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- if ((benj -> angle) == -90)
- {
- spr_draw(benj, px-16, py+88);
- }
- else if ((benj -> angle) == 90)
- {
- spr_draw(benj, px+64, py+32);
- }
- else if ((benj -> angle) == 0) spr_draw(benj, px, py);
- if (shielded)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 128);
- spr_draw(shield, px+4, py+16);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- //oslSetBilinearFilter(0);
- }
- int warning_onepilepsy()
- {
- int i, w, frame=0, quit=0, red=0, accept=0;
- const char *text[8] = {"This game contains flashing patterns that may cause","epileptic seizures when players attempt to see them.","It also contains strange pictures that may cause some players","to have brief but intense adrenaline surges in their body."," ","Consult a doctor if you experience","unusual symptoms while playing games!","Press START to play or X to quit"};
- OSL_IMAGE *warning = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/warning.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- OSL_SOUND *theme = oslLoadSoundFileMOD("./muzaxx/giygas.xm", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- warning->stretchX = 360;
- oslSetImageRotCenter(warning);
- oslPlaySound(theme, 5);
- //oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- while (!quit)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- for (i=0; i<7; i++)
- {
- if (i<5) oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- if (i>4) oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 0));
- w = oslGetStringWidth(text[i]);
- oslDrawString((480 - w)/2, 92+i*20, text[i]);
- }
- warning->angle = (int)(7*sin((0.25*frame)/3.14));
- spr_draw(warning, 240, 32);
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(red, 0, 0));
- w = oslGetStringWidth(text[7]);
- oslDrawString((480 - w)/2, 256, text[7]);
- red -= 3;
- if (red < 0) red=255;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslReadKeys();
- if (osl_keys->pressed.start)
- {
- accept=1;
- quit=1;
- }
- if (osl_keys->pressed.cross)
- {
- accept=0;
- quit=1;
- }
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslFlushKey();
- //oslSetBilinearFilter(0);
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDeleteImage(warning);
- oslStopSound(theme);
- oslDeleteSound(theme);
- return accept;
- }
- short sonicexe2(int diff)
- {
- int i, rects=1, sc=0, bx=240, frame=0, bouss=0;
- short reussi=0;
- OSL_IMAGE *bg, *pass, *buttons, *sexe2, *slyexe;
- OSL_SOUND *oof = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0009.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *passs = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0053.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *kte = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/kte.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *sallyexe = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sallyexe.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- sexe2 = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sonicexe2.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- bg = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0776.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- pass = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0718.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- buttons = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/arrows.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- slyexe = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sallyexe.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- benj -> stretchX = 64;
- benj -> stretchY = 96;
- oslSetImageRotCenter(sexe2);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(buttons);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(pass);
- oslSetSoundLoop(kte, 1);
- oslPlaySound(kte, 1);
- while ((sc < 90*diff) && (rects < 240))
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 160);
- spr_draw(bg, 0, 0);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(255,0,0,48));
- spr_draw(bg, 0, 0);
- oslReadKeys();
- if (((osl_pad.analogX < -32) || (osl_keys->held.left)) && (bx > rects))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(abs(frame%32)/4)*32,144,32,48);
- bx -= 4;
- if (bouss==0)
- {
- bouss=1;
- sc++;
- }
- }
- else if (((osl_pad.analogX > 32) || (osl_keys->held.right)) && (bx < (448-(rects+1))))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(abs(frame%32)/4)*32,48,32,48);
- bx += 4;
- if (bouss==1)
- {
- bouss=0;
- sc++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,0,192,32,48);
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- spr_draw(sexe2, 240+4*sin(0.0625*frame), 64);
- spr_draw(buttons, 240, 136);
- benj -> stretchX = 64;
- benj -> stretchY = 96;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(0,0,0,255));
- spr_draw(benj, bx, 176);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, rects+1, 272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDrawFillRect(480, 0, 480-(rects+1), 272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, rects+1, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- if (!(frame%(20-((diff-1)*5)))) rects++;
- if (bx < rects) bx=rects+4;
- if (bx > (448-(rects+1))) bx=443-rects;
- }
- if (sc >= 90*diff)
- {
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(passs, 2);
- for (i=135; i<=272; i+=24)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(pass,240,136);
- pass -> stretchX = pass -> stretchY = i;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- reussi=1;
- }
- else
- {
- oslPlaySound(sallyexe, 1);
- while(oslGetSoundChannel(sallyexe)==1)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- spr_draw(slyexe, 0, 0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- }
- oslDeleteSound(kte);
- oslDeleteImage(sexe2);
- oslDeleteImage(bg);
- oslDeleteImage(pass);
- oslDeleteSound(oof);
- oslDeleteSound(passs);
- oslDeleteSound(sallyexe);
- oslDeleteImage(slyexe);
- return reussi;
- }
- short sonicexe(int diff)
- {
- SceUID check;
- short reussi=0;
- int i, j=0, k=0, l=100, benj_frame=0, bgx=0, flx=0, bb, by, sedx=80, sedy=16;
- OSL_IMAGE *iamgod, *sonicexebg, *sonicexefloor, *sonicexe_d, *buttons, *pass;
- OSL_SOUND *drowning;
- check = sceIoDopen("flash1:/");
- if (check < 0)
- {
- drowning = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0146.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- }
- else
- {
- drowning = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0146.wav", OSL_FMT_STREAM);
- }
- OSL_SOUND *oof = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0009.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *passs = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0053.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- char buffer[20];
- oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(0,0,0));
- i=random(4)+1;
- bb=random(4);
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/iamgod%d.png",i);
- iamgod = oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(iamgod);
- sonicexebg = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0973.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- sonicexefloor = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0974.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- buttons = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/buttons.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- sonicexe_d = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sonicexe.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- pass = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0718.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(pass);
- oslPlaySound(drowning, 2);
- while ((oslGetSoundChannel(drowning) == 2) && (j < 23*diff))
- {
- if (k > 700) l = 90;
- if (k > 1300) l = 80;
- if (k > 1850) l = 70;
- if (k > 2350) l = 60;
- if (k > 2800) l = 50;
- if (k > 3150) l = 40;
- if (k > 3450) l = 30;
- if (k > 3700) l = 20;
- if (k%l < (l/2)) by=0; else by=32;
- if (!(k%40))
- {
- sedx++;
- sedy++;
- }
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(sonicexebg, bgx, 8);
- spr_draw(sonicexefloor, flx, 248);
- spr_draw(sonicexebg, bgx+480, 8);
- spr_draw(sonicexefloor, flx+480, 248);
- spr_draw(sonicexe_d, sedx, sedy);
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,48,32,48);
- oslSetImageTileSize(buttons,bb*32,by,32,32);
- benj -> stretchX = 64;
- benj -> stretchY = 96;
- buttons -> stretchX = buttons -> stretchY = 64;
- spr_draw(benj, 360, 152);
- spr_draw(buttons, 368, 82);
- /*sprintf(buffer,"%d %d", l, (int)oslGetRamStatus().maxAvailable);
- oslDrawString(0,8,buffer);*/
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslReadKeys();
- if (((bb==0) && (osl_keys -> || ((bb==1) && (osl_keys -> pressed.cross)) || ((bb==2) && (osl_keys -> pressed.square)) || ((bb==3) && (osl_keys -> pressed.triangle)))
- {
- j++;
- }
- oslAudioVSync();
- if (!(k%24)) benj_frame++;
- bgx--;
- flx -= 2;
- if (bgx == -480) bgx=0;
- if (flx == -480) flx=0;
- k++;
- }
- if (j >= 23*diff)
- {
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(passs, 2);
- for (i=135; i<=272; i+=24)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(pass,240,136);
- pass -> stretchX = pass -> stretchY = i;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- reussi=1;
- }
- else
- {
- k=255;
- for (i=sedx; i<360; i+=5)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- bgx--;
- flx -= 2;
- spr_draw(sonicexebg, bgx, 8);
- spr_draw(sonicexefloor, flx, 248);
- spr_draw(sonicexebg, bgx+480, 8);
- spr_draw(sonicexefloor, flx+480, 248);
- spr_draw(benj, 360, 152);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, k);
- spr_draw(sonicexe_d, i, sedy);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- k -= 8;
- if (k<0) k=0;
- if (sedy < 168) sedy++;
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(oof, 2);
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(iamgod,240,136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- }
- oslDeleteImage(iamgod);
- oslDeleteImage(sonicexebg);
- oslDeleteImage(sonicexefloor);
- oslDeleteImage(sonicexe_d);
- oslDeleteImage(buttons);
- oslDeleteImage(pass);
- oslDeleteSound(oof);
- oslDeleteSound(drowning);
- oslDeleteSound(passs);
- return reussi;
- }
- short mincer(int diff)
- {
- short reussi=0, floor=-1, score=0;
- int i, skipframe=0, by=-36, bgy=0, my=404, minced=0, bb=random(4);
- OSL_IMAGE *mincer[3];
- OSL_IMAGE *benj_mincer;
- OSL_IMAGE *buttons = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/buttons.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *pass = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0718.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *passs = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0053.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *mincing = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0081.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *rightwrong[2];
- mincer[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/mincer_bg.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- mincer[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/mincer.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- mincer[2] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/mincer_fg.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- rightwrong[0] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/right.wav",OSL_FMT_NONE);
- rightwrong[1] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/wrong.wav",OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_mincer = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/benj_mincer.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(pass);
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj_mincer,0,0,29,34);
- benj_mincer -> stretchX = benj_mincer -> stretchY = 58;
- oslSetFrameskip(0);
- oslSetMaxFrameskip(3);
- while ((floor <= (-2*diff+12)) && (score < (2*diff+3)))
- {
- if (!skipframe)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetImageTileSize(buttons,bb*32,0,32,32);
- buttons -> stretchX = buttons -> stretchY = 64;
- if (floor == -1)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,32));
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 80, 0);
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 80, 240);
- spr_draw(benj_mincer, 215, by);
- by += 4;
- if (by==136) floor=0;
- }
- else if (floor >= 0)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,32));
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 80, bgy);
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 80, bgy+240);
- if (floor >= (-2*diff+9))
- {
- spr_draw(mincer[1], 182, my);
- }
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 80, bgy+480);
- if (my < -108)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj_mincer,29,0,29,34);
- benj_mincer -> stretchX = benj_mincer -> stretchY = 58;
- }
- spr_draw(benj_mincer, 215, 136);
- if (bgy<=-240)
- {
- floor++;
- bgy=0;
- }
- if ((my <= 48) && (my >= -180))
- {
- oslFlushKey();
- if ((!minced) && (oslGetSoundChannel(mincing) != 2))
- {
- oslPlaySound(mincing, 2);
- score=0;
- }
- switch(minced)
- {
- case 0:
- case 2:
- {
- bgy -= 2;
- if (floor >= (-2*diff+9))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(mincer[0],0,0,101,240);
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 80, my-164);
- oslSetImageTileSize(mincer[0],226,0,94,240);
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 306, my-164);
- spr_draw(mincer[2], 182, my+158);
- oslSetImageTileSize(mincer[0],0,0,320,240);
- my -= 2;
- }
- if ((my == -96) && (!minced)) minced=1;
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- bgy += 2;
- if (floor >= (-2*diff+9))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(mincer[0],0,0,101,240);
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 80, my-164);
- oslSetImageTileSize(mincer[0],226,0,94,240);
- spr_draw(mincer[0], 306, my-164);
- spr_draw(mincer[2], 182, my+158);
- my += 2;
- oslSetImageTileSize(mincer[0],0,0,320,240);
- }
- if (my == -12) minced=2;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- bgy -= 4;
- if (floor >= (-2*diff+9))
- {
- spr_draw(mincer[2], 182, my+158);
- my -= 4;
- }
- oslReadKeys();
- if (my > 48)
- {
- spr_draw(buttons, 326, 136);
- if (((bb==0) && (osl_keys -> || ((bb==1) && (osl_keys -> pressed.cross)) || ((bb==2) && (osl_keys -> pressed.square)) || ((bb==3) && (osl_keys -> pressed.triangle)))
- {
- score++;
- bb=random(4);
- oslPlaySound(rightwrong[0], 3);
- }
- else if (((bb!=0) && (osl_keys -> || ((bb!=1) && (osl_keys -> pressed.cross)) || ((bb!=2) && (osl_keys -> pressed.square)) || ((bb!=3) && (osl_keys -> pressed.triangle)))
- {
- bb=random(4);
- oslPlaySound(rightwrong[1], 3);
- score--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslEndFrame();
- skipframe=oslSyncFrame();
- }
- }
- if (score == (2*diff+3))
- {
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(passs, 2);
- for (i=135; i<=272; i+=24)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(pass,240,136);
- pass -> stretchX = pass -> stretchY = i;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- reussi=1;
- }
- for (i=0; i<3; i++) oslDeleteImage(mincer[i]);
- oslDeleteImage(benj_mincer);
- oslDeleteSound(mincing);
- oslDeleteSound(rightwrong[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(rightwrong[1]);
- oslDeleteImage(buttons);
- oslDeleteImage(pass);
- oslDeleteSound(passs);
- return reussi;
- }
- short shoot_teevees(int diff, int *health, int round)
- {
- short reussi=1, enemyx=random(2), enemyy=random(3), fired=13, hasdied=0;
- int i, j, u, frame=0, skipframe=0, hgx=208;
- int teevees[3][4]; //angle-ecran-y-fallspeed
- OSL_SOUND *passs = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0053.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *dead = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0025.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *pew = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0100.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *oof = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0101.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *ambient = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0017.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_IMAGE *pass = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0718.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *bg = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0776.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *teevee = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/teevee.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *teevee_targets = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/teevee_targets.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *numberz = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/numberz.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *handgun = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/handgun.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *explode = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/explode.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *temp = oslCreateImage(128, 96, OSL_IN_VRAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(pass);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(temp);
- oslSetSoundLoop(ambient, 1);
- oslClearImage(temp, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- teevees[i][0]=random(180)-90;
- teevees[i][1]=random(2);
- teevees[i][2]=-1*random(128)-128;
- teevees[i][3]=diff+1+random(3);
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(handgun, 0, 0, 64, 64);
- oslPlaySound(ambient, 1);
- while (frame < 900*diff)
- {
- if (!skipframe)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(bg, 0, 0);
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslDrawString(160, 2, "Shoot the TVs with that screen:");
- oslSetImageTileSize(teevee_targets, 99*enemyx, 71*enemyy, 99, 71);
- oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- teevee_targets -> stretchX = 50;
- teevee_targets -> stretchY = 35;
- spr_draw(teevee_targets, 215, 14);
- oslSetBilinearFilter(0);
- teevee_targets -> stretchX = 99;
- teevee_targets -> stretchY = 71;
- explode -> stretchX = 128;
- explode -> stretchY = 96;
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,160,0,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, 2, 2);
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- oslSetDrawBuffer(temp);
- oslSetImageTileSize(teevee_targets, teevees[i][1]*99, 71*enemyy, 99, 71);
- spr_draw(teevee, 0, 0);
- spr_draw(teevee_targets, 14, 10);
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- temp -> angle = teevees[i][0];
- spr_draw(temp, 160*i+80, teevees[i][2]);
- teevees[i][2] += teevees[i][3];
- if (teevees[i][2] > (336+((int)128*(sin(teevee -> stretchX)*3.14/180))))
- {
- if (teevees[i][1]==enemyx)
- {
- *health -= 12*diff;
- if ((*health <= 0) && (!hasdied))
- {
- oslPlaySound(dead, 2);
- hasdied=1;
- frame=900*diff-131;
- }
- }
- teevees[i][0]=random(180)-90;
- teevees[i][1]=random(2);
- teevees[i][2]=-1*random(128)-128;
- teevees[i][3]=diff+1+random(3);
- }
- }
- if (*health > 0) spr_draw(handgun, hgx, 211+((int)3*sin(0.0625*frame))); else spr_draw(handgun, hgx, 211+((int)3*sin(frame)));
- oslReadKeys();
- if (((osl_keys -> held.left) || (osl_pad.analogX<-16)) && (hgx > 8) && (*health > 0)) hgx-=8;
- if (((osl_keys -> held.right) || (osl_pad.analogX>16)) && (hgx < 408) && (*health > 0)) hgx+=8;
- if (fired < 13)
- {
- fired--;
- if ((teevees[hgx/160][1]==enemyx) && (teevees[hgx/160][2] > 140))
- {
- spr_draw(explode, 160*i+80, teevees[hgx/160][2]);
- }
- if (fired > 9)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(handgun, 64, 0, 64, 64);
- spr_draw(handgun, hgx, 211+((int)3*sin(0.0625*frame)));
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(handgun, 0, 0, 64, 64);
- if (fired==8)
- {
- if ((teevees[hgx/160][1]==enemyx) && (teevees[hgx/160][2] > 140))
- {
- teevees[hgx/160][0]=random(180)-90;
- teevees[hgx/160][1]=random(2);
- teevees[hgx/160][2]=-1*random(128)-128;
- teevees[hgx/160][3]=diff+1+random(3);
- *health += 2*(4-diff);
- if (*health >= 100) *health=100;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!fired)
- {
- fired=13;
- oslSetImageTileSize(handgun, 0, 0, 64, 64);
- }
- if (((osl_keys -> || (osl_keys -> pressed.cross) || (osl_keys -> pressed.triangle) || (osl_keys -> pressed.square)) && (fired==13) && (*health > 0))
- {
- fired--;
- oslPlaySound(pew, 3);
- if ((teevees[hgx/160][1]!=enemyx) && (teevees[hgx/160][2] > 140))
- {
- *health -= 6*diff;
- oslPlaySound(oof, 4);
- }
- }
- i=random(15);
- u=18;
- if (*health <= 0)
- {
- *health=0;
- }
- if (*health < 25) j=16; else j=0;
- if (*health / 100)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((round==2)?((i<12)?16:random(144)):16),0,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- u += 16;
- }
- if (*health > 9)
- {
- if (round==2)
- {
- if (i<12)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((*health%100)/10)*16,j,16,16);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,random(128),j,16,16);
- }
- }
- else oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((*health%100)/10)*16,j,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- u += 16;
- }
- if (round==2)
- {
- if (i<12)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,(*health%10)*16,j,16,16);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,random(128),j,16,16);
- }
- }
- else oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,(*health%10)*16,j,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- frame++;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslEndFrame();
- }
- skipframe=oslSyncFrame();
- }
- oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(0,0,0));
- if (*health > 0)
- {
- oslStopSound(ambient);
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(passs, 2);
- for (i=135; i<=272; i+=24)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(pass,240,136);
- pass -> stretchX = pass -> stretchY = i;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- }
- else reussi=0;
- oslDeleteImage(bg);
- oslDeleteImage(pass);
- oslDeleteImage(teevee);
- oslDeleteImage(teevee_targets);
- oslDeleteImage(handgun);
- oslDeleteImage(temp);
- oslDeleteImage(numberz);
- oslDeleteImage(explode);
- oslDeleteSound(passs);
- oslDeleteSound(dead);
- oslDeleteSound(pew);
- oslDeleteSound(ambient);
- oslDeleteSound(oof);
- return reussi;
- }
- short flappy_cacodemon(int diff)
- {
- short reussi=1, bunk=0, bgx=0, ghgx=0, dead=0, cacoy=32, pressed=26, mess=0;
- int i, frame=0, skipframe=0, growl=random(360)+35, postree=0;
- int walls[7]={0,0,0,0,0,0,random(100)};
- OSL_IMAGE *pass = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0718.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *cacod = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/cacodemon.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *pot = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pot.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *pot_edge = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pot_edge.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *flappy_bg = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/flappy_bg.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *flappy_redhill = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/flappy_redhill.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *passs = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0053.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *ambient = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0017.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *caco_sfx[2];
- caco_sfx[0]= oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/cacogrowl.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- caco_sfx[1]= oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/cacodie.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageTileSize(cacod, 0, 0, 64, 64);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(cacod);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(pass);
- oslSetSoundLoop(ambient, 1);
- oslPlaySound(ambient, 1);
- while ((frame < 300*diff+300) && (dead < 5))
- {
- if (!(frame%growl))
- {
- growl=random(360)+35;
- oslPlaySound(caco_sfx[0], 4);
- }
- if (!skipframe)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- for (i=0; i<5; i++) spr_draw(flappy_bg, bgx+i*138, 128);
- if (!bunk)
- {
- for (i=6; i>=0; i--)
- {
- if (walls[i])
- {
- pot -> stretchY = walls[i];
- spr_draw(pot, i*80-(postree%80), 230-walls[i]);
- spr_draw(pot_edge, i*80-(postree%80), 230-walls[i]);
- pot -> stretchY = 94-walls[i];
- spr_draw(pot, i*80-(postree%80), 0);
- spr_draw(pot_edge, i*80-(postree%80), 94-walls[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- if ((!bunk) && (!dead))
- {
- if ((postree%80) == (80-((diff==1)?1:((diff==2)?2:4))))
- {
- for (i=0; i<7; i++)
- {
- if (i < 6)
- {
- if (walls[i+1]) walls[i]=walls[i+1];
- }
- else
- {
- walls[6]=walls[5]+(random(2)?1:-1)*random(32);
- if (walls[6] < 32) walls[6]=32;
- if (walls[6] > 110) walls[6]=110;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(i=0; i<32; i++)
- {
- spr_draw(flappy_redhill, ghgx+i*16, 224);
- }
- if (!bunk)
- {
- if (!(frame%2))
- {
- cacod -> angle = 8*sin(0.15*frame);
- }
- spr_draw(cacod, 40, cacoy);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(frame%9)) dead++;
- oslSetImageTileSize(cacod, 64*dead, 0, 64, 64);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(cacod);
- spr_draw(cacod, 40, cacod -> y);
- if (dead==1)
- {
- oslPlaySound(caco_sfx[1], 4);
- }
- }
- if (!mess) oslDrawString(200, 18, "MAKE HIM FLY!");
- oslReadKeys();
- if (((osl_keys -> || (osl_keys -> pressed.cross) || (osl_keys -> pressed.triangle) || (osl_keys -> pressed.square)))
- {
- pressed=0;
- if (!mess) mess=1;
- }
- pressed++;
- if ((cacoy > 35) && (pressed < (-4*diff+28))) cacoy -= diff;
- if (pressed > (-4*diff+28)) cacoy += diff;
- if (!bunk)
- {
- if (!(frame%2)) bgx -= diff+1;
- ghgx -= (diff+1);
- if (bgx <= -138) bgx=0;
- if (ghgx <= -16) ghgx=0;
- }
- if ((cacod -> y > 192) && (!bunk))
- {
- bunk=1;
- frame=0;
- }
- if ((walls[1]) && ((cacod -> y)-24 <= 102-walls[1]) && (!bunk) && (postree%80 < 40))
- {
- bunk=1;
- frame=0;
- }
- if ((walls[1]) && ((cacod -> y)+24 >= 230-walls[1]) && (!bunk) && (postree%80 < 40))
- {
- bunk=1;
- frame=0;
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslEndFrame();
- }
- frame++;
- if (!bunk)
- {
- postree += ((diff==1)?1:((diff==2)?2:4));
- }
- skipframe=oslSyncFrame();
- }
- while (oslGetSoundChannel(caco_sfx[1])==4);
- if (!bunk)
- {
- oslStopSound(ambient);
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(passs, 2);
- for (i=135; i<=272; i+=24)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(pass,240,136);
- pass -> stretchX = pass -> stretchY = i;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- }
- else reussi=0;
- oslDeleteImage(cacod);
- oslDeleteImage(flappy_bg);
- oslDeleteImage(flappy_redhill);
- oslDeleteImage(pot);
- oslDeleteImage(pot_edge);
- oslDeleteSound(ambient);
- oslDeleteImage(pass);
- oslDeleteSound(passs);
- oslDeleteSound(caco_sfx[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(caco_sfx[1]);
- return reussi;
- }
- short love_boat(int diff)
- {
- short reussi=1, alive=1, bx=240, boat_x=random(320)+80, sens;
- int i, frame, a=0;
- OSL_IMAGE *boat = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/boat.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *boat_blood = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/boat_blood.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *boat_sfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/boat.wav",OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *sflartch = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0037.wav",OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_IMAGE *pass = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0718.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *passs = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0053.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *ambient = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0061.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(pass);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(boat);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(boat_blood);
- oslSetSoundLoop(ambient, 1);
- oslPlaySound(ambient, 1);
- frame = -1*random(540)-240;
- if (diff == 3)
- {
- if (boat_x%4)
- {
- boat_x += 4-(boat_x%4);
- }
- }
- while (frame < 255)
- {
- if (!frame) oslPlaySound(boat_sfx, 4);
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(16,0,0));
- if (diff==3)
- {
- if (frame == 92)
- {
- a = bx+32;
- }
- else if (frame > 92)
- {
- if (boat_x > a) boat_x -= 4;
- if (boat_x < a) boat_x += 4;
- }
- }
- else if (diff==2)
- {
- sens=random(2);
- if ((sens) && (boat_x < (400-(boat->stretchX)/2))) boat_x += 4;
- if ((!sens) && (boat_x > (boat->stretchX)/2)) boat_x -=4;
- }
- if (frame >= 0)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, frame);
- boat -> stretchX = frame*2;
- boat -> stretchY = (int)((float)1.5*(boat -> stretchX));
- spr_draw(boat, boat_x, 96);
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslReadKeys();
- if (((osl_pad.analogX < -32) || (osl_keys->held.left)) && (bx > 0))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(abs(frame%32)/4)*32,144,32,48);
- bx -= 4;
- }
- else if (((osl_pad.analogX > 32) || (osl_keys->held.right)) && (bx < 448))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(abs(frame%32)/4)*32,48,32,48);
- bx += 4;
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,0,192,32,48);
- }
- benj -> stretchX = 64;
- benj -> stretchY = 96;
- if (alive) spr_draw(benj, bx, 176);
- if (((boat->stretchX) >= 200))
- {
- if ((alive) && ((bx+32) >= (boat_x-((boat->stretchX)/4))) && ((bx+32) <= (boat_x+((boat->stretchX)/4))))
- {
- alive=0;
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(sflartch, 3);
- }
- }
- if (!alive)
- {
- spr_draw(boat_blood, 240, 136);
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- if (alive)
- {
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) oslClearImage(OSL_SECONDARY_BUFFER, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslPlaySound(passs, 2);
- for (i=135; i<=272; i+=24)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(pass,240,136);
- pass -> stretchX = pass -> stretchY = i;
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- }
- else reussi=0;
- oslDeleteImage(boat);
- oslDeleteImage(boat_blood);
- oslDeleteSound(boat_sfx);
- oslDeleteImage(pass);
- oslDeleteSound(passs);
- oslDeleteSound(sflartch);
- oslDeleteSound(ambient);
- return reussi;
- }
- void draw_ball(struct ball ball_ent, OSL_IMAGE *ball_gfx, OSL_IMAGE *ball_shad)
- {
- float yr = pow((ball_ent.y2d - 160) / HAUT_FIELD, 1.4f) * HAUT_FIELD + 160;
- float x_pr_centre = ball_ent.x2d - 240;
- float x_percent = x_pr_centre / 240;
- float y_percent = (272-yr)/HAUT_FIELD;
- float x_mult = 240 - ESPAC_HORIZ*y_percent;
- float xr = x_percent * x_mult + 240;
- ball_gfx -> stretchX = ball_gfx -> stretchY = 8*(1-0.266f*y_percent);
- ball_shad -> stretchX = ball_shad -> stretchY = 8*(1-0.266f*y_percent);
- spr_draw(ball_gfx, ball_ent.x2d, ball_ent.y2d-ball_ent.z3d);
- spr_draw(ball_shad, ball_ent.x2d, ball_ent.y2d);
- }
- void redness (int round, int diff, int hp)
- {
- if (round == 2)
- {
- if (hp == 100*round*diff)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_COLOR, RGBA(255, 0, 0, (int)(-2.55/(round*diff))*hp+255));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- }
- int shoop_da_whoop(int health, int round, int diff)
- {
- int i=480, f=0, ta=0, j, u, k=0, sc=0, a=0, b=0;
- short sens=0, by=0;
- OSL_IMAGE *starsky = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/starsky.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *firin = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sdw.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslPlaySound(firin, 1);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(starsky);
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255,255,255));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- OSL_SOUND *sdwh = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sdw2.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *expl_sound = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0018.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_IMAGE *buttons = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/arrows.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- OSL_IMAGE *sdw = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sdw.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- OSL_IMAGE *sdw_sh = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sdw_sh.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- OSL_IMAGE *planet = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/planet.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(starsky, 240, 136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- OSL_IMAGE *numberz = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/numberz.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *explode = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/explode.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *temp = oslCreateImage(480, 272, OSL_IN_VRAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *shoot = oslCreateImage(160, 60, OSL_IN_VRAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(temp);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(sdw);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(sdw_sh);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(planet);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(buttons);
- oslDisableTransparentColor();
- oslClearImage(temp, RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslClearImage(shoot, RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255, 0, 255));
- for (i=480; i>=128; i-=4)
- {
- planet -> stretchX = planet -> stretchY = i;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(starsky, 240, 136);
- spr_draw(planet, 240, 136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- for (i=480; i>=360; i-=4)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(starsky, 240, 136);
- spr_draw(planet, 240, 136);
- spr_draw(sdw, i, 136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- for (k=0; k<(diff+1); k++)
- {
- f=0;
- sc=0;
- while ((f < 270) && (health > 0))
- {
- if ((f%30) >= 15) by=32; else by=0;
- oslStartDrawing();
- spr_draw(sdw_sh, 240, 136);
- if (f < 120)
- {
- if (!(f%20)) sens=random(2);
- temp -> angle = 0;
- oslDisableTransparentColor();
- oslClearImage(temp, RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslSetDrawBuffer(temp);
- spr_draw(sdw, 360, 136);
- ta += (sens)?6:-6;
- if (ta < 0) ta += 360;
- if (ta > 359) ta = ta%360;
- temp -> angle = ta;
- oslReadKeys();
- if (osl_keys -> held.left)
- {
- sdw_sh -> angle -= 12;
- }
- if (osl_keys -> held.right)
- {
- sdw_sh -> angle += 12;
- }
- if ((sdw_sh -> angle) < 0)
- {
- (sdw_sh -> angle) += 360;
- }
- if ((sdw_sh -> angle) > 359)
- {
- sdw_sh -> angle = ((sdw_sh -> angle))%360;
- }
- /*if (((bb==0) && (osl_keys -> || ((bb==1) && (osl_keys -> pressed.cross)) || ((bb==2) && (osl_keys -> pressed.square)) || ((bb==3) && (osl_keys -> pressed.triangle)))
- {
- sc++;
- }*/
- }
- if (((sdw_sh -> angle - 60) < (temp -> angle)) && ((sdw_sh -> angle + 60) > (temp -> angle)) && (f==119)) sc = 2*diff+2;
- if ((f >= 120) && (f <= 150))
- {
- temp -> angle = 0;
- shoot -> angle = 0;
- oslDisableTransparentColor();
- oslClearImage(shoot, RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslSetDrawBuffer(shoot);
- oslDrawFillRect(160, 0, (-16/3)*f+800, 60, RGB(0,0,255));
- oslDrawFillRect(160, 10, (-16/3)*f+800, 50, RGB(0,128,255));
- oslDrawFillRect(160, 20, (-16/3)*f+800, 40, RGB(0,255,255));
- oslDrawFillRect(160, 23, (-16/3)*f+800, 37, RGB(128,255,255));
- oslDrawFillRect(160, 26, (-16/3)*f+800, 33, RGB(255,255,255));
- oslSetDrawBuffer(temp);
- spr_draw(shoot, 208, 116);
- temp -> angle = ta;
- }
- if (sc == 2*diff+2)
- {
- if (f >= 150)
- {
- oslSetDrawBuffer(temp);
- spr_draw(sdw, 360, 136);
- if (f == 150) oslPlaySound(sdwh, 1);
- if (!(f%15))
- {
- oslPlaySound(expl_sound, 6);
- a=330+random(35);
- b=72+random(64);
- }
- if ((f%10) < 5)
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 64;
- explode -> stretchY = 96;
- spr_draw(explode, a, b);
- }
- else
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 32;
- explode -> stretchY = 48;
- spr_draw(explode, a+16, b+24);
- }
- }
- if (f > 180) f=333;
- }
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- spr_draw(starsky, 240, 136);
- spr_draw(temp, 240, 136);
- spr_draw(planet, ((f > 150) && (sc < 2*diff+1))?(238+random(5)):240, ((f > 150) && (sc < 2*diff+1))?(134+random(5)):136);
- spr_draw(buttons, 240, 136);
- spr_draw(sdw_sh, 240, 136);
- //if (f < 120) spr_draw(buttons, 208, 118);
- if ((f >= 180) && (f <= 240) && (sc < 2*diff+1))
- {
- if (f > 180)
- {
- if (!(f%3)) health--;
- }
- if (!(f%15))
- {
- oslPlaySound(expl_sound, 6);
- a=180+random(128);
- b=68+random(128);
- }
- if ((f%10) < 5)
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 64;
- explode -> stretchY = 96;
- spr_draw(explode, a, b);
- }
- else
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 32;
- explode -> stretchY = 48;
- spr_draw(explode, a+16, b+24);
- }
- }
- i=random(15);
- u=18;
- if (health <= 0)
- {
- health=0;
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,160,0,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, 2, 2);
- if (health < 25) j=16; else j=0;
- if (health / 100)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((round==2)?((i<12)?16:random(144)):16),0,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- u += 16;
- }
- if (health > 9)
- {
- if (round==2)
- {
- if (i<12)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((health%100)/10)*16,j,16,16);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,random(128),j,16,16);
- }
- }
- else oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((health%100)/10)*16,j,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- u += 16;
- }
- if (round==2)
- {
- if (i<12)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,(health%10)*16,j,16,16);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,random(128),j,16,16);
- }
- }
- else oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,(health%10)*16,j,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- f++;
- }
- }
- oslDeleteSound(firin);
- oslDeleteSound(sdwh);
- oslDeleteSound(expl_sound);
- oslDeleteImage(buttons);
- oslDeleteImage(sdw);
- oslDeleteImage(planet);
- oslDeleteImage(starsky);
- oslDeleteImage(temp);
- oslDeleteImage(shoot);
- oslDeleteImage(explode);
- oslDeleteImage(sdw_sh);
- return health;
- }
- void sad()
- {
- int f=0;
- OSL_IMAGE *gr = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sad.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *ss = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0027.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *dummy = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/dummy.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(gr);
- oslSetSoundLoop(ss, 1);
- for (f=0; f<8; f++) oslPlaySound(dummy, f);
- oslPlaySound(ss, 2);
- f=0;
- while(f < 90)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- gr -> stretchX = gr -> stretchY = random(200)+64;
- spr_draw(gr, 240, 136);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- f++;
- }
- oslDeleteImage(gr);
- oslDeleteSound(ss);
- oslDeleteSound(dummy);
- }
- int game(int round, int diff, int nbp)
- {
- int i, j, a=0, stun=0, u, global_fr=0, fs=0, quit=0, px=239, py=180, giyg_flag=0, mort=0, health, pbouss=0, benj_frame=0, skipframe=0, tvnoise_ev=0, att_ch_timer=80;
- int cursor2p=0, mgcd=0, ko_frame=0, mgsy=0, ultlvl=0, ultrectshine=4, frappe=-1, shldlvl=60, racket_devnull=0, stary=0, suppo=0, suppox, suppoy, whineface=0, kx=0, ky=0;
- short lightsoff=0, paused=0, bulbfell=0, bulbfs=0, shielded=0, darkness=0, chair=0, attf=0, putin=0, ulted=0, rckchscr=0, nbult=0, returned=0;
- int giyg_bg_angles[3] = {0, 0, 0};
- float court_zoom=1, reddv=0;
- char buffer[20];
- int pie_attacks[8][5]; //numeroattaque-duree(frames)-x-y?
- int att_cooldowns[15];
- int stars_ult[5];
- int meteors[3][3];
- struct pie_entity pie_ent;
- struct ball ball_ent;
- SceUID check;
- ball_ent=initball(ball_ent);
- pie_ent=initpie(pie_ent);
- pie_ent.pie_hp=100*round*diff;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslDrawString(20, 230, "PREPARING THE PHUCKPHEST…");
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- OSL_IMAGE *pie, *tvnoise[5], *numberz = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/numberz.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *minigametime = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0080.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *tvnoisesound;
- OSL_SOUND *giygas[3];
- OSL_SOUND *quitter = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/quitter.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *ko_sfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0045.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *expl_sound = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0018.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *pew = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0100.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *paf = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0011.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *meteor_fall = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0040.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *expl_sound2 = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0036.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *bulbsfx[7];
- OSL_SOUND *stun_sound = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0038.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *elec = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/elec.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *thunder = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/thunder.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *psis_sfx = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0043.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *dictators_sfx[4] = {
- oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/putin.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE),
- oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/kjun.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE),
- oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/hitler.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE),
- oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/skeletor.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE),
- };
- OSL_SOUND *mouth_sfx[2] = {
- oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0021.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE),
- oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0022.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE),
- };
- OSL_SOUND *whine = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0097.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *bounce = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/racketbounce.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_IMAGE *lightning = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/lightning.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *premess = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/premess.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *giyg_bg, *starsky = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/starsky.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *sleepwell = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sleepwell.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *ball_gfx = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/ball.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *ball_shad = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/ball_shadow.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *ko = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/ko.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *mgswirl = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/mgswirl.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *explode = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/explode.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *rckch[2];
- OSL_IMAGE *psycho = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0672.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *paused_gfx = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/paused.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *ultgauge = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/ultgauge.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *shlgauge = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/shlgauge.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *visor = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/visor.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *bulbasaur = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/bulbasaur.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *recipe = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/darkness.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *shield = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/shield.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *meteor = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0471.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *stunning = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/creepycircle.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *psis = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/psis.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *dictators = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/dictators.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *mouth = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0102.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *powerball = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/powerball.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *star = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/star.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *juche = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/juche.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *suppo_gfx = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/suppo.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *attch = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/attchoice.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *cp2 = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/cursor2p.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *benj_sfx[11];
- benj_sfx[0] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0000.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_sfx[1] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0001.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_sfx[2] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0002.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_sfx[3] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0003.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_sfx[4] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0004.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE); //hurt
- benj_sfx[5] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0013.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_sfx[6] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0016.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_sfx[7] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0020.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE); //pass
- benj_sfx[8] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0009.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- benj_sfx[9] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0015.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE); //ult
- benj_sfx[10] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/beng-0006.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE); //shield
- rckch[0] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/rocking_chair.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- rckch[1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/rocking_chair2.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- pie=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pie.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(pie);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(starsky);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(sleepwell);
- rckch[0] -> centerX = 32;
- rckch[0] -> centerY = 47;
- oslSetImageRotCenter(rckch[1]);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(recipe);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(paused_gfx);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(visor);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(mouth);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(stunning);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(powerball);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(star);
- ball_gfx -> centerX = 3;
- ball_gfx -> centerY = 7;
- oslSetImageTileSize(powerball, 0, 0, 32, 32);
- giyg_bg=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/dummy.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- tvnoisesound = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/dummy.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- mouth -> stretchX = 10;
- mouth -> stretchY = 16;
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j<5; j++)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][j]=0;
- stars_ult[j]=-32;
- }
- }
- for (i=0; i<7; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./sfx/sfx-0%d.wav",i+114);
- bulbsfx[i]=oslLoadSoundFile(buffer,OSL_FMT_NONE);
- }
- for (i=0; i<15; i++)
- {
- att_cooldowns[i]=(random((8-(diff*2)))*100+random(3*diff)*100+800);
- att_cooldowns[i] += (((i==0) || (i==3) || (i==4))?9*att_cooldowns[i]:0) + 2*random((int)(((i!=0)?1.5:3.5)*att_cooldowns[i]));
- if ((i!=0) && (i!=3) && (i!=4)) att_cooldowns[i]=att_cooldowns[i]/(0.5*round+0.5);
- }
- oslSetSoundLoop(psis_sfx, 1);
- if (round == 2)
- {
- giygas[0] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0006.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- giygas[1] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0007.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- giygas[2] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0008.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- for (i=0; i<5; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/gfx-0%d.png",i+642+random(11));
- tvnoise[i]=oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- tvnoise[i] -> stretchX = 480;
- tvnoise[i] -> stretchY = 272;
- }
- oslDeleteSound(tvnoisesound);
- oslDeleteImage(giyg_bg);
- tvnoisesound = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0028.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- tvnoisesound -> volumeLeft = tvnoisesound -> volumeRight = 0x2000;
- oslSetSoundLoop(tvnoisesound, 1);
- giyg_bg=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/gfx-0103.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(giyg_bg);
- giyg_bg -> stretchX = giyg_bg -> stretchY = 512;
- }
- else
- {
- giygas[0] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0155.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- giygas[1] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0153.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- giygas[2] = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/dummy.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- for (i=0; i<5; i++)
- {
- tvnoise[i]=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/dummy.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- }
- }
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- for (i=0; i<3; i++)
- {
- oslSetSoundLoop(giygas[i], 1);
- }
- oslPlaySound(giygas[0], 0);
- health=100;
- oslSetFrameskip(0);
- oslSetMaxFrameskip(3);
- while(!quit)
- {
- if (!skipframe)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- if (pie_ent.pie_hp < 1)
- {
- pie_ent.pie_y = 136+5*sin(0.5*global_fr);
- }
- spr_draw(starsky,239,136);
- if ((whineface) && (health > 0) && (pie_ent.pie_hp > 0))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- spr_draw(pie,pie_ent.pie_x, pie_ent.pie_y);
- oslSetImageTileSize(dictators, 160, 80, 80, 80);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(dictators);
- spr_draw(dictators, pie_ent.pie_x, pie_ent.pie_y-22);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(255,0,0,whineface*8));
- whineface--;
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- spr_draw(pie,pie_ent.pie_x, pie_ent.pie_y);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- for (i=0; i<((2*diff)+2); i++)
- {
- if ((pie_attacks[i][0]==12) && (health > 0))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(dictators, 80*(pie_ent.pie_facemode%2), 80*(pie_ent.pie_facemode/2),80 ,80);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(dictators);
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > (240*diff-255))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, (240*diff - pie_attacks[i][1]));
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] < 0)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 255+pie_attacks[i][1]);
- }
- if (!whineface) spr_draw(dictators, pie_ent.pie_x, pie_ent.pie_y-22);
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] == -255)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- pie_ent.pie_facemode=0;
- putin=0;
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if ((pie_ent.pie_facemode == 2) && (pie_attacks[i][1]==90))
- {
- for (i=0; i<15; i++)
- {
- if ((i!=0) && (i!=3) && (i!=4) && (i != 11) && (i!=6)) att_cooldowns[i]=random(250);
- }
- }
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode == 0)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > -255) putin=1; else putin=0;
- }
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode == 1)
- {
- spr_draw(juche, pie_attacks[i][2], 40+30*sin(0.0625*pie_attacks[i][2]));
- pie_attacks[i][2] -= 3;
- }
- }
- }
- if (health <= 0)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslSetImageTileSize(dictators, 160, 0, 80, 80);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(dictators);
- spr_draw(dictators, pie_ent.pie_x, pie_ent.pie_y-22);
- }
- else if (pie_ent.pie_hp < 1)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslSetImageTileSize(dictators, 160, 80, 80, 80);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(dictators);
- spr_draw(dictators, pie_ent.pie_x, pie_ent.pie_y-22);
- }
- spr_draw(court,0,0);
- if (!paused)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_hp > 0)
- {
- if (!(pie_ent.pie_direction))
- {
- pie_ent.pie_x++;
- pie->angle+=((round==2)?(giyg_flag+1):1)*4;
- if (pie_ent.pie_x>=351) pie_ent.pie_direction=1;
- }
- else
- {
- pie_ent.pie_x--;
- pie->angle-=((round==2)?(giyg_flag+1):1)*4;
- if (pie_ent.pie_x<=128) pie_ent.pie_direction=0;
- }
- }
- if (round==2) starsky->angle=starsky->angle-(giyg_flag+1)*((random(10))-1);
- if (counter >= 240)
- {
- if (diff != 3) a=diff; else a=2;
- if (counter == 240) ball_ent=apply_impulse(ball_ent, -1*a, -1*a, 30*3.14/180);
- if (ultlvl > 239) ultlvl=239;
- if ((!mgcd) && (!lightsoff) && (!rckchscr) && (mouth -> stretchX == 10))
- {
- ball_ent.x2d += ball_ent.speed_h;
- ball_ent.y2d += ball_ent.speed_v;
- /*ball_ent.speed_z += GRAVITY;
- ball_ent.z3d += ball_ent.speed_z;
- if (ball_ent.z3d < 0)
- {
- ball_ent.speed_z = -1*(ball_ent.speed_z);
- ball_ent.z3d=0;
- }*/
- ball_ent.z3d = abs(16*sin(0.0625*global_fr));
- }
- if (ball_ent.y2d < 138)
- {
- ball_ent.speed_v = -1*(ball_ent.speed_v);
- ball_ent.y2d = 140;
- returned=0;
- if ((ball_ent.x2d >= pie_ent.pie_x-128) && (ball_ent.x2d <= pie_ent.pie_x+128))
- {
- pie_ent.pie_hp -= (4-diff);
- ultlvl += 5-diff;
- oslPlaySound(whine, 3);
- whineface=31;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((!suppo) && ((health) || (pie_ent.pie_hp)))
- {
- suppo = 150;
- suppox = px - 32;
- suppoy = py + 48;
- }
- }
- if (ball_ent.speed_v > 0)
- {
- a=random(100);
- //if (a > 85) ball_ent.poisoned=1; else ball_ent.poisoned=0;
- }
- }
- if (ball_ent.y2d > 288)
- {
- ball_ent.speed_v = -1*(ball_ent.speed_v);
- ball_ent.y2d = 286;
- ball_ent.poisoned=0;
- if (!shielded)
- {
- stun=616;
- health -= diff+1;
- oslPlaySound(thunder, 3);
- }
- returned=1;
- }
- if ((ball_ent.x2d >= 480 - 16/2) || (ball_ent.x2d < 4))
- {
- ball_ent.speed_h = -1*(ball_ent.speed_h);
- if (ball_ent.x2d < 4) ball_ent.x2d = 6; else ball_ent.x2d = 478 - 16/2;
- }
- }
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslReadKeys();
- if (((osl_keys->pressed.L) || (osl_keys->pressed.R)) && (nbp==2))
- {
- att_ch_timer=0;
- if ((osl_keys->pressed.L) && (cursor2p > 0)) cursor2p--;
- if ((osl_keys->pressed.R) && (cursor2p < 13)) cursor2p++;
- }
- if ((osl_keys->pressed.start) && (pie_ent.pie_hp) && (health) && (!mgcd) && (counter > 256))
- {
- if (!paused)
- {
- paused=1;
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(quitter) == 5)
- {
- health -= 5;
- if (putin) health -=2;
- oslStopSound(quitter);
- }
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(tvnoisesound) == 5) oslStopSound(tvnoisesound);
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(psis_sfx) > -1) oslStopSound(psis_sfx);
- }
- else paused=0;
- if (!lightsoff) oslPauseSound(giygas[giyg_flag%3], -1);
- }
- if ((osl_keys->held.L) && (paused))
- {
- if ((osl_keys->held.R) && (osl_keys->held.L))
- {
- if ((osl_keys->held.cross) && (osl_keys->held.R) && (osl_keys->held.L))
- {
- paused=0;
- health=0;
- mort=2;
- }
- if ((osl_keys->held.triangle) && (osl_keys->held.R) && (osl_keys->held.L))
- {
- paused=0;
- pie_ent.pie_hp=0;
- pie_ent.pie_facemode=0;
- }
- }
- }
- counter++;
- global_fr++;
- if (nbp==2) att_ch_timer++; else att_ch_timer=4;
- if ((att_ch_timer >= 81) && (att_cooldowns[cursor2p] == 1) && (nbp==2))
- {
- att_cooldowns[cursor2p]=0;
- }
- benj->stretchX = 32;
- benj->stretchY = 48;
- benj->angle = 0;
- if (stun > 600)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, (stun%600)*16);
- oslSetImageTileSize(lightning,0,0,32,py+64);
- spr_draw(lightning, px, 0);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if (health > 0)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 128);
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,32,192,32,48);
- spr_draw(benj, px+8, py+26);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,0,192,32,48);
- if ((osl_keys->pressed.triangle) && (pie_ent.pie_hp > 0) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe<7) && (!stun) && (counter > 300) && (stary <= 0))
- {
- oslPlaySound(benj_sfx[(random(2)+8)], 3);
- racket_devnull++;
- stary=py+48;
- if ((ultlvl > 59) && (ultlvl < 120))
- {
- stars_ult[0]=px+32;
- nbult=1;
- }
- else if ((ultlvl > 119) && (ultlvl < 239))
- {
- stars_ult[0]=px-48;
- stars_ult[1]=px+32;
- stars_ult[2]=px+112;
- nbult=3;
- }
- else if (ultlvl==239)
- {
- stars_ult[0]=px-48;
- stars_ult[1]=px-8;
- stars_ult[2]=px+32;
- stars_ult[3]=px+72;
- stars_ult[4]=px+112;
- nbult=5;
- }
- if (ultlvl > 59) ultlvl -= ((diff==1)?60:((diff==2)?(ultlvl%60+60):ultlvl));
- }
- if ((osl_keys -> pressed.cross) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (shldlvl > 2) && (!stun))
- {
- if (!(racket_devnull%2)) oslPlaySound(benj_sfx[10], 3);
- racket_devnull++;
- }
- if (((osl_keys -> pressed.square) || (osl_keys -> && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe<7) && (!stun))
- {
- if (!(racket_devnull%2)) oslPlaySound(benj_sfx[random(3)+5], 3);
- racket_devnull++;
- frappe=1;
- }
- if (((osl_pad.analogY < -32) || (osl_keys->held.up)) && (py >= 102) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe == -1) && (!stun) && (mouth->stretchX == 10))
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 1)
- {
- pbouss=0;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,0,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogY > -108)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode == 3) py-=2; else py--;
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) py-=4; else py-=2;
- fs=3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pbouss=2;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,96,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogY > -108)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) py+=2; else py++;
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) py+=4; else py+=2;
- fs=3;
- }
- if (py > 224) py=216;
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(powerball, 32, 0, 32, 32);
- if (!(counter%fs)) benj_frame++;
- }
- if (((osl_pad.analogX < -32) || (osl_keys->held.left)) && (px >= (-0.492*py+94.184)) && (px <= (0.492*py+321.792)) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe < 4) && (!stun) && (mouth->stretchX == 10))
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 1)
- {
- pbouss=3;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,pbouss*48,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogX > -108)
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px-=2; else px--;
- }
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px-=4; else px-=2;
- }
- fs=3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pbouss=1;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,48,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogX > -108)
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px+=2; else px++;
- }
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px+=4; else px+=2;
- }
- fs=3;
- }
- if (px > (0.492*py+321.792)) px = (0.492*py+321.792);
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(powerball, 32, 0, 32, 32);
- if (!(counter%fs)) benj_frame++;
- }
- if (((osl_pad.analogX > 32) || (osl_keys->held.right)) && (px >= (-0.492*py+94.184)) && (px <= (0.492*py+321.792)) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe < 4) && (!stun) && (mouth->stretchX == 10))
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 1)
- {
- pbouss=1;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,48,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogX < 108)
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px+=2; else px++;
- }
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px+=4; else px+=2;
- }
- fs=3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pbouss=3;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,pbouss*48,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogX < 108)
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px-=2; else px--;
- }
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (frappe < 4)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) px-=4; else px-=2;
- }
- fs=3;
- }
- if (px < (-0.492*py+94.184)) px = (-0.492*py+94.184);
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(powerball, 0, 0, 32, 32);
- if (!(counter%fs)) benj_frame++;
- }
- if (((osl_pad.analogY > 32) || (osl_keys->held.down)) && (py <= 224) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe == -1) && (!stun) && (mouth->stretchX == 10))
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 1)
- {
- pbouss=2;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,96,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogY < 108)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) py+=2; else py++;
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) py+=4; else py+=2;
- fs=3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pbouss=0;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(benj_frame%8)*32,0,32,48);
- if (osl_pad.analogY < 108)
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode == 3) py-=2; else py--;
- fs=6;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode != 3) py-=4; else py-=2;
- fs=3;
- }
- if (py < 102) py=110;
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(powerball, 0, 0, 32, 32);
- if (!(counter%fs)) benj_frame++;
- }
- if ((osl_keys->held.square) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe<7) && (!stun))
- {
- if ((!(counter%3))) frappe++;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(frappe)*32,240,32,48);
- if ((osl_pad.analogX > 108) && (frappe > -1))
- {
- if (frappe>3) benj -> angle = 90;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(frappe)*32,432,32,48);
- }
- else if ((osl_pad.analogX < -108) && (frappe > -1))
- {
- if (frappe>3) benj -> angle = -90;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(frappe)*32,384,32,48);
- }
- if (((px+24-(ball_ent.x2d))*(px+24-(ball_ent.x2d))+(py+24-(ball_ent.y2d))*(py+24-(ball_ent.y2d)) <= 404) && (!returned) && (py >= 142))
- {
- if (diff != 3) a=diff; else a=2;
- ball_ent = apply_impulse(ball_ent, a, a, (180-15*frappe)*3.14/180);
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(bounce) != 2) oslPlaySound(bounce, 2);
- frappe=-1;
- returned=1;
- }
- }
- if ((osl_keys-> && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe<7) && (!stun))
- {
- if ((!(counter%3))) frappe++;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(frappe)*32,288,32,48);
- if ((osl_pad.analogX > 108) && (frappe > -1))
- {
- if (frappe>3) benj -> angle = 90;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(frappe)*32,432,32,48);
- }
- else if ((osl_pad.analogX < -108) && (frappe > -1))
- {
- if (frappe>3) benj -> angle = -90;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(frappe)*32,384,32,48);
- }
- if (((px+24-(ball_ent.x2d))*(px+24-(ball_ent.x2d))+(py+24-(ball_ent.y2d))*(py+24-(ball_ent.y2d)) <= 404) && (!returned) && (py >= 142))
- {
- if (diff != 3) a=diff; else a=2;
- ball_ent = apply_impulse(ball_ent, -1*a, a, (15*frappe)*3.14/180);
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(bounce) != 2) oslPlaySound(bounce, 2);
- frappe=-1;
- returned=1;
- }
- }
- if ((osl_keys->held.triangle) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (frappe<7) && (!stun) && (counter > 300))
- {
- if ((!(counter%3))) frappe++;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,(frappe)*32,336,32,48);
- }
- if ((osl_keys->held.cross) && (health>0) && (!mgcd) && (!paused) && (shldlvl > 0) && (!stun))
- {
- if ((!(counter%(4-diff)))) shldlvl--;
- shielded=1;
- }
- if ((osl_keys-> || (osl_keys->released.triangle) || (osl_keys->released.square))
- {
- frappe=-1;
- }
- if ((osl_keys->released.cross) || (!shldlvl))
- {
- shielded=0;
- }
- if (stun)
- {
- frappe=-1;
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj,64,192,32,48);
- stun--;
- if (!(stun%200)) stun=0;
- }
- if (px < (-0.492*py+94.184)) px = (-0.492*py+94.184);
- if (px > (0.492*py+321.792)) px = (0.492*py+321.792);
- if (((osl_pad.analogX==0) && (osl_pad.analogY==0)) || ((osl_keys->released.down) || (osl_keys->released.up) || (osl_keys->released.left) || (osl_keys->released.right)))
- {
- benj_frame=0;
- }
- if (frappe >= 7) frappe=7;
- court_zoom = 0.00192*py + 0.562;
- benj->stretchX = (int)(64*(float)court_zoom);
- benj->stretchY = (int)(96*(float)court_zoom);
- shield->stretchX = (int)(48*(float)court_zoom);
- shield->stretchY = (int)(48*(float)court_zoom);
- ball_gfx -> stretchX = (int)(8*(float)court_zoom);
- ball_gfx -> stretchY = ball_gfx -> stretchX;
- powerball -> stretchX = powerball -> stretchY = (int)(32*(float)(court_zoom));
- if (health > 0)
- {
- if (stary > 0)
- {
- for(u=0; u<nbult; u++)
- {
- spr_draw(star, stars_ult[u], stary);
- if (stary <= 136)
- {
- if ((stars_ult[u] >= (pie_ent.pie_x-128)) && (stars_ult[u] <= (pie_ent.pie_x+128))) pie_ent.pie_hp -= 10;
- stary=-64;
- stars_ult[u]=-32;
- nbult=0;
- }
- }
- star -> angle -= 5;
- stary -= 4;
- }
- if (ball_ent.poisoned) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGB(0, 0, 255));
- if (pie_ent.pie_hp > 0) draw_ball(ball_ent, ball_gfx, ball_shad);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- draw_benj(benj, px, py, shielded, shield);
- if (((pbouss == 3) || (pbouss == 0)) && (pie_ent.pie_facemode == 3)) spr_draw(powerball, px+64, py+48);
- if (((pbouss == 1) || (pbouss == 2)) && (pie_ent.pie_facemode == 3)) spr_draw(powerball, px, py+48);
- if (ball_ent.poisoned) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGB(0, 0, 255));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if (suppo)
- {
- if (!paused) suppo--;
- if (suppo<40)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(suppo_gfx, suppo/10*32, 0, 32, 32);
- }
- if (suppo>110)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(suppo_gfx, (150-suppo)/10*32, 0, 32, 32);
- }
- court_zoom = 0.00192*suppoy + 0.562;
- suppo_gfx->stretchX = (int)(32*(float)court_zoom);
- suppo_gfx->stretchY = (int)(32*(float)court_zoom);
- spr_draw(suppo_gfx, suppox, suppoy);
- spr_draw(suppo_gfx, suppox+64, suppoy);
- if ((suppo>65) && (suppo<85))
- {
- if ((px>=suppox) && (px<=suppox+64) && (py>=suppoy-64) && (py <= suppoy))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(0, 128, 128, 255));
- if ((suppo%4) < 2)
- {
- draw_benj(benj, px, py, shielded, shield);
- }
- if ((suppo == 67) && (!mgcd) && (!rckchscr))
- {
- health -= diff;
- oslPlaySound(elec, 3);
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- if ((pie_ent.pie_hp > 25*round*diff) && (!giyg_flag) && (pie_ent.pie_hp <= 50*round*diff))
- {
- giyg_flag=1;
- oslStopSound(giygas[0]);
- oslPlaySound(giygas[1], 0);
- }
- if (round==2)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, random(64));
- spr_draw(giyg_bg, 240, 138);
- giyg_bg_angles[0] = random(10)-5;
- giyg_bg -> angle += giyg_bg_angles[0];
- if (pie_ent.pie_hp <= 50*round*diff)
- {
- giyg_bg_angles[1] = 2*(random(10)-5);
- giyg_bg -> angle += giyg_bg_angles[1];
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, random(64)+64);
- spr_draw(giyg_bg, 240, 138);
- }
- if (pie_ent.pie_hp <= 25*round*diff)
- {
- giyg_bg_angles[2] = 4*(random(10)-5);
- giyg_bg -> angle += giyg_bg_angles[2];
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, random(64)+128);
- spr_draw(giyg_bg, 240, 138);
- if ((giyg_flag < 2))
- {
- giyg_flag=2;
- oslStopSound(giygas[1]);
- oslPlaySound(giygas[2], 0);
- }
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if ((counter >= 640))
- {
- //initializing attacks
- for (i=0; i<14; i++)
- {
- if ((nbp==1) && (!paused)) att_cooldowns[i]--;
- if ((nbp==2) && (!paused) && (att_cooldowns[i]>1)) att_cooldowns[i]--;
- if ((i==7) && (bulbfell > 0)) att_cooldowns[7]++;
- if ((att_cooldowns[i] <= 0) && (pie_ent.pie_hp > 0))
- {
- attf=0;
- for (j=0; j<((2*diff)+2); j++)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[j][0] == (i+1)) attf=1;
- }
- for (j=0; j<((2*diff)+2); j++)
- {
- if ((!(pie_attacks[j][0])) && (!attf))
- {
- pie_attacks[j][0]=i+1;
- switch(i+1)
- {
- case 1:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=140;
- break;
- case 2:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=(py-(pie_ent.pie_y))/(px-pie_ent.pie_x);
- pie_attacks[j][2]=(pie_ent.pie_y)-pie_attacks[j][1]*pie_ent.pie_x;
- pie_attacks[j][3]=pie_ent.pie_x;
- pie_attacks[j][4]=px;
- mgsy=pie_attacks[i][1]*pie_attacks[i][3]+pie_attacks[i][2];
- break;
- case 3:
- darkness=0;
- for (u=0; u<((2*diff)+2); u++)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[u][0]==7) darkness=1;
- }
- if (!darkness)
- {
- pie_attacks[j][1]=360-(15*diff);
- pie_attacks[j][2]=random(160)+80;
- pie_attacks[j][3]=random(112)+160;
- pie_attacks[j][4]=2*diff+3;
- }
- else pie_attacks[j][0]=0;
- break;
- case 4:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=diff*166;
- lightsoff=1;
- break;
- case 5:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=-218;
- pie_attacks[j][2]=255;
- break;
- case 6:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=225*diff;
- pie_attacks[j][2]=random(416);
- pie_attacks[j][3]=random(100)+108;
- if ((diff > 1) && (pie_attacks[j][2]%diff))
- {
- pie_attacks[j][2] += (diff)-(pie_attacks[j][2]%diff);
- }
- if ((diff > 1) && (pie_attacks[j][3]%diff))
- {
- pie_attacks[j][3] += (diff)-(pie_attacks[j][3]%diff);
- }
- break;
- case 7:
- chair=0;
- for (u=0; u<((2*diff)+2); u++)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[u][0]==3) chair=1;
- }
- if (!chair)
- {
- if (px+16 < 240) pie_attacks[j][1]=0; else pie_attacks[j][1]=1;
- pie_attacks[j][2]=random(400)+600;
- if (pie_attacks[j][1]) pie_attacks[j][3]=400-random(160); else pie_attacks[j][3]=random(160)+80;
- if (pie_attacks[j][1]) pie_attacks[j][4]=480; else pie_attacks[j][4]=0;
- mouth -> stretchX = 10;
- mouth -> stretchY = 16;
- }
- else pie_attacks[j][0]=0;
- break;
- case 8:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=diff+2;
- pie_attacks[j][2]=random(4); //sens bulbasaur
- pie_attacks[j][3]=random(320)+80; //bulb_x
- pie_attacks[j][4]=-64; //bulb_y
- bulbfell=1;
- if (!lightsoff) oslPlaySound(bulbsfx[(random(2)?1:6)], 6);
- break;
- case 9:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=120*diff+120;
- if (px < 240) pie_attacks[j][2]=1; else pie_attacks[j][2]=0;
- pie_attacks[j][3]=py;
- for (u=0; u<3; u++)
- {
- meteors[u][0]=0;
- meteors[u][1]=0;
- meteors[u][2]=0;
- }
- break;
- case 10:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=96;
- if ((!shielded) && (!stun)) stun=96;
- break;
- case 11:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=1;
- pie_attacks[j][2]=30;
- if (!lightsoff) oslPlaySound(psis_sfx, 4);
- break;
- case 12:
- pie_attacks[j][1]=240*diff;
- pie_ent.pie_facemode=random(4);
- if ((!lightsoff) && (health > 0)) oslPlaySound(dictators_sfx[pie_ent.pie_facemode], 7);
- if (pie_ent.pie_facemode==1)
- {
- pie_attacks[j][2]=560;
- }
- break;
- case 13:
- if ((round==2) && (pie_ent.pie_hp < 20*round*diff) && (!ulted) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- oslStopSound(giygas[giyg_flag]);
- oslStopSound(psis_sfx);
- oslEndDrawing();
- health=shoop_da_whoop(health, round, diff);
- oslStartDrawing();
- ulted=1;
- oslPlaySound(giygas[giyg_flag], 0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- }
- pie_attacks[j][0]=0;
- break;
- case 14:
- if ((round==2) && (pie_ent.pie_hp < 10*round*diff) && (ulted==1) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- oslStopSound(giygas[giyg_flag]);
- oslStopSound(psis_sfx);
- oslEndDrawing();
- sad();
- oslStartDrawing();
- ulted=2;
- oslPlaySound(giygas[giyg_flag], 0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- }
- pie_attacks[j][0]=0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- j=2*diff+3; //break;
- }
- }
- //att_cooldowns[i]=(random((8-(diff*2)))*100+random(3*diff)*100+800)*(2*i+11);
- att_cooldowns[i]=(random((8-(diff*2)))*100+random(3*diff)*100+800);
- att_cooldowns[i] += (((i==0) || (i==3) || (i==4))?9*att_cooldowns[i]:0) + 2*random((int)(((i!=0)?1.5:3.5)*att_cooldowns[i]));
- if ((i!=0) && (i!=3) && (i!=4)) att_cooldowns[i]=att_cooldowns[i]/(0.5*round+0.5);
- if (i == 11) att_cooldowns[i] += 1792;
- }
- }
- //programming attacks
- if (!paused) {
- for (i=0; i<((2*diff)+2); i++)
- {
- switch(pie_attacks[i][0])
- {
- case 1:
- {
- if ((mgcd < 1) && (health > 0) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(0, 128, 128, 255));
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > 115)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,0,0,120,96);
- spr_draw(ko, (int)(9.6*(140-pie_attacks[i][1])-120), 88);
- }
- if ((pie_attacks[i][1] <= 115) && (pie_attacks[i][1] >= 90))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,0,0,120,96);
- spr_draw(ko, 120, 88);
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,120,0,120,96);
- spr_draw(ko, (int)(-9.6*(140-pie_attacks[i][1])+720), 88);
- }
- if ((pie_attacks[i][1] > 0) && (pie_attacks[i][1] < 90))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,0,0,240,96);
- spr_draw(ko, 120, 88);
- }
- if ((pie_attacks[i][1] <= 0))
- {
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > 80)
- {
- if ((pie_attacks[i][1]%6) < 3)
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 64;
- explode -> stretchY = 96;
- spr_draw(explode, px, py);
- }
- else
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 32;
- explode -> stretchY = 48;
- spr_draw(explode, px+16, py+24);
- }
- }
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- //frame_debug(j);
- if ((!mgcd) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,128);
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] < pie_attacks[i][3])
- {
- pie_attacks[i][4]-=3;
- pie_attacks[i][3]-=3;
- }
- else
- {
- pie_attacks[i][4]+=3;
- pie_attacks[i][3]+=3;
- }
- if (mgsy < py) mgsy += random(8)+2; else mgsy -= random(8)+2;
- court_zoom = 0.00192*(mgsy) + 0.562;
- mgswirl->stretchX = (int)(128*(float)court_zoom);
- mgswirl->stretchY = (int)(128*(float)court_zoom);
- spr_draw(mgswirl, pie_attacks[i][3], mgsy);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if ((swirl_collide(px, py, pie_attacks[i][3], mgsy)) && (health>0))
- {
- if (!mgcd)
- {
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(minigametime) != 7)
- {
- oslStopSound(giygas[giyg_flag%3]);
- oslPlaySound(minigametime, 7);
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(tvnoisesound) == 5) oslStopSound(tvnoisesound);
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(meteor_fall) == 6) oslStopSound(meteor_fall);
- oslStopSound(psis_sfx);
- sleepwell -> stretchX = sleepwell -> stretchY = 272;
- }
- }
- mgcd++;
- if (mgcd >= 1)
- {
- oslStopSound(psis_sfx);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (mgcd < 9) oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255,255,255)); else
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 255-(int)(mgcd*2.55));
- sleepwell -> stretchX+=18;
- sleepwell -> stretchY+=36;
- spr_draw(sleepwell,240,138);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- if ((pie_attacks[i][3] <= -128) || (pie_attacks[i][3] >= 544))
- {
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- mgcd=0;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- if ((mgcd < 1) && (health > 0) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] > 0)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > 90)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] < 180) rckch[0] -> angle = (int)(6*sin(0.5*counter));
- else rckch[0] -> angle = 0;
- court_zoom = 0.00192*(pie_attacks[i][3]+15) + 0.562;
- rckch[0]->stretchX = (int)(64*(float)court_zoom);
- rckch[0]->stretchY = (int)(64*(float)court_zoom);
- spr_draw(rckch[0], pie_attacks[i][2], pie_attacks[i][3]+15);
- if ((((px-pie_attacks[i][2])*(px-pie_attacks[i][2])+(py-pie_attacks[i][3])*(py-pie_attacks[i][3])) <= 3000) & (frappe >= 1))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(255,255,0,255));
- spr_draw(rckch[0], pie_attacks[i][2], pie_attacks[i][3]+15);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (frappe == 1)
- {
- if ((osl_keys -> held.square) || (osl_keys -> pie_attacks[i][4]--;
- if (osl_keys -> held.triangle) pie_attacks[i][4]=0;
- oslPlaySound(paf, 7);
- ultlvl += 5-diff;
- }
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] <= 0) pie_attacks[i][1]=20;
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > 59)
- {
- rckch[1] -> stretchX = (90-pie_attacks[i][1])*16;
- rckch[1] -> stretchY = (int)(0.567 * (rckch[1] -> stretchX));
- rckch[1] -> angle = ((pie_attacks[i][1]-30)*12);
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] == 59)
- {
- rckch[1] -> angle = 0;
- rckch[1] -> stretchX = 480;
- rckch[1] -> stretchY = 272;
- rckchscr=1;
- oslPlaySound(quitter, 5);
- }
- spr_draw(rckch[1], 240+random(8)-4, 136+random(8)-4);
- if (!(pie_attacks[i][1]%36) && (!shielded))
- {
- health--;
- if (putin) health--;
- }
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] <= -180)
- {
- oslStopSound(quitter);
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- rckchscr=0;
- }
- if (py > ((pie_attacks[i][3]-62)*court_zoom))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- draw_benj(benj, px, py, shielded, shield);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1]==20) oslPlaySound(expl_sound2, 6);
- explode -> stretchX = explode -> stretchY = 20 - pie_attacks[i][1];
- spr_draw(explode, pie_attacks[i][2], pie_attacks[i][3]);
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- if (pie_attacks[i][1]==0)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- if ((mgcd < 1) && (health > 0))
- {
- if ((pie_attacks[i][1] == diff*166) || (pie_attacks[i][1] == 0))
- {
- oslPauseSound(giygas[giyg_flag%3], -1);
- }
- if (lightsoff)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,0,0));
- draw_benj(benj, px, py, shielded, shield);
- for (u=0; u<(2*diff+2); u++)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[u][0] != 4)
- {
- pie_attacks[u][0]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!pie_attacks[i][1])
- {
- lightsoff=0;
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- if ((mgcd < 1) && (health > 0))
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] < (px-108))
- {
- spr_draw(psycho, pie_attacks[i][1], abs(32*sin(0.0125*3.14*pie_attacks[i][1]))+8);
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][2] > 2) pie_attacks[i][2]-=2; else pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,pie_attacks[i][2]);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255,255,255));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- pie_attacks[i][1]+=4;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 6:
- {
- if ((mgcd < 1) && (health > 0))
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] < 51)
- {
- if ((pie_attacks[i][1])%4 < 3) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(0, 0, 255, 192)); else oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > 0) spr_draw(visor, pie_attacks[i][2], pie_attacks[i][3]);
- if (px+32 < pie_attacks[i][2])
- {
- pie_attacks[i][2] -= diff;
- }
- else if (px+32 > pie_attacks[i][2])
- {
- pie_attacks[i][2] += diff;
- }
- if (py+48 < pie_attacks[i][3])
- {
- pie_attacks[i][3] -= diff;
- }
- else if (py+48 > pie_attacks[i][3])
- {
- pie_attacks[i][3] += diff;
- }
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (!pie_attacks[i][1])
- {
- oslPlaySound(pew, 6);
- if ((pie_attacks[i][2] >= px-16) && (pie_attacks[i][2] <= px+80) && (pie_attacks[i][3] >= py+24) && (pie_attacks[i][3] <= py+72) && (!shielded))
- {
- health -= 2*diff+6;
- if (putin) health -= 3;
- oslPlaySound(benj_sfx[random(5)], 3);
- }
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] < 0)
- {
- explode -> stretchX = explode -> stretchY = 20 + 2*pie_attacks[i][1];
- spr_draw(explode, pie_attacks[i][2], pie_attacks[i][3]);
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] == -10) pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 8:
- {
- if ((mgcd < 1) && (health > 0))
- {
- if (bulbfell==1)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(bulbasaur, 0, 128, 64, 64);
- court_zoom = 0.00192*pie_attacks[i][4] + 0.562;
- bulbasaur->stretchX = (int)(64*(float)court_zoom);
- bulbasaur->stretchY = (int)(64*(float)court_zoom);
- spr_draw(bulbasaur, pie_attacks[i][3], pie_attacks[i][4]);
- pie_attacks[i][4] += 8;
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] >= 136)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][4]=136;
- bulbfell=2;
- }
- if (py > ((pie_attacks[i][4])*court_zoom))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- draw_benj(benj, px, py, shielded, shield);
- }
- }
- else if (bulbfell==2)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][2] != 4)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(bulbasaur, bulbfs*64, pie_attacks[i][2]*64, 64, 64);
- }
- else
- {
- if (abs(pie_attacks[i][3]-px) > abs(pie_attacks[i][4]-py))
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][3] > px)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(bulbasaur, 0, 192, 64, 64);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(bulbasaur, 0, 64, 64, 64);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] > py)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(bulbasaur, 0, 0, 64, 64);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(bulbasaur, 0, 128, 64, 64);
- }
- }
- }
- court_zoom = 0.00192*pie_attacks[i][4] + 0.562;
- bulbasaur->stretchX = (int)(64*(float)court_zoom);
- bulbasaur->stretchY = (int)(64*(float)court_zoom);
- spr_draw(bulbasaur, pie_attacks[i][3], pie_attacks[i][4]);
- if (!(counter%52) && ((counter%416) < 364))
- {
- pie_attacks[i][2]=random(4);
- }
- else
- {
- switch(pie_attacks[i][2])
- {
- case 0:
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] > 128) pie_attacks[i][4] -= 2; else pie_attacks[i][2]=2;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (pie_attacks[i][3] < 400) pie_attacks[i][3] += 2; else pie_attacks[i][2]=3;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] < 240) pie_attacks[i][4] += 2; else pie_attacks[i][2]=0;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (pie_attacks[i][3] > 80) pie_attacks[i][3] -= 2; else pie_attacks[i][2]=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((counter%416) >= 364)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][2]=4;
- if ((counter%416) == 364) oslPlaySound(bulbsfx[random(3)+3], 6);
- if (pie_attacks[i][3] > px) pie_attacks[i][3] -= 4; else pie_attacks[i][3] += 4;
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] > py) pie_attacks[i][4] -= 2; else if (pie_attacks[i][4] < 238) pie_attacks[i][4] += 2;
- }
- if ((((px-pie_attacks[i][3])*(px-pie_attacks[i][3])+(py-pie_attacks[i][4])*(py-pie_attacks[i][4])) <= 64) && (pie_attacks[i][2]==4) && (!shielded))
- {
- if (!stun) stun=200+3*diff;
- pie_attacks[i][2]=random(4);
- health -= diff+1;
- if (putin) health -= diff;
- oslPlaySound(benj_sfx[random(5)], 3);
- counter += (counter%417)+1;
- oslPlaySound(bulbsfx[0],6);
- }
- if ((((px-pie_attacks[i][3])*(px-pie_attacks[i][3])+(py-pie_attacks[i][4])*(py-pie_attacks[i][4])) <= 1500) && (frappe >= 1))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(255,255,0,255));
- spr_draw(bulbasaur, pie_attacks[i][3], pie_attacks[i][4]);
- ultlvl += 5-diff;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (frappe == 1)
- {
- if ((osl_keys -> held.square) || (osl_keys -> pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- if (osl_keys -> held.triangle) pie_attacks[i][4]=0;
- oslPlaySound(paf, 6);
- }
- }
- bulbfs=(counter%20)/5;
- if (py > ((pie_attacks[i][4])*court_zoom))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- draw_benj(benj, px, py, shielded, shield);
- }
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] <= 0)
- {
- bulbfell=0;
- if (!pie_attacks[i][1]) oslPlaySound(bulbsfx[2], 6);
- pie_attacks[i][2]=4;
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] == -35)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- bulbfs=((abs(pie_attacks[i][1]))%36)/9;
- oslSetImageTileSize(bulbasaur, bulbfs*64, pie_attacks[i][2]*64, 64, 64);
- spr_draw(bulbasaur, pie_attacks[i][3], pie_attacks[i][4]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 9:
- {
- if ((mgcd <1) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] == 120*diff+120)
- {
- for(u=0; u<3; u++)
- {
- meteors[u][1] = random(176);
- if (pie_attacks[i][2]) meteors[u][0]=-48; else meteors[u][0]=480;
- meteors[u][2] = random(3)+1;
- }
- oslPlaySound(meteor_fall, 5);
- }
- else
- {
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(meteor_fall) != 5) oslPlaySound(meteor_fall, 5);
- for(u=0; u<3; u++)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(meteor, u*48, 0, 48, 48);
- meteor -> stretchX = meteor -> stretchY = 12*meteors[u][2];
- spr_draw(meteor, meteors[u][0], meteors[u][1]);
- if (pie_attacks[i][2]) meteors[u][0]+=random(9)+1; else meteors[u][0]-=random(9)+1;
- meteors[u][1]+=4;
- if ((meteors[u][1] < pie_attacks[i][3]+32) && (meteors[u][1] >= pie_attacks[i][3]))
- {
- explode -> stretchX = explode -> stretchY = 48;
- spr_draw(explode, meteors[u][0], meteors[u][1]);
- oslPlaySound(expl_sound2, 4);
- }
- if (meteors[u][1] >= pie_attacks[i][3]+32)
- {
- if (((px-meteors[u][0])*(px-meteors[u][0])+(py+32-meteors[u][1])*(py+32-meteors[u][1]) <= 196) && (!shielded))
- {
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(expl_sound2) != 7) oslPlaySound(expl_sound2, 7);
- health -= round;
- if (putin) health -= round;
- oslPlaySound(benj_sfx[random(5)], 3);
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] <= 0) meteors[u][2]=0; else meteors[u][2] = random(3)+1;
- meteors[u][1]=random(176);
- if (pie_attacks[i][2]) meteors[u][0]=-48; else meteors[u][0]=480;
- }
- }
- }
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] == 0)
- {
- oslStopSound(meteor_fall);
- }
- if (meteors[0][2]+meteors[1][2]+meteors[2][2] == 0) pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 10:
- {
- if ((mgcd <1) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- if (!shielded)
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] == 96)
- {
- stunning->stretchX = stunning->stretchY = 24;
- oslPlaySound(stun_sound, 3);
- }
- for (u=0; u<135; u++)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_TINT, RGBA(0,255,255,192));
- if (stunning->stretchX > 4) spr_draw(stunning, (u%15)*32+12, ((int)(u/15))*32+12);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- }
- pie_attacks[i][1]--;
- if (!((pie_attacks[i][1])%8))
- {
- if (stunning->stretchX > 4)
- {
- stunning->stretchX -= 4;
- stunning->stretchY -= 4;
- }
- }
- if (!(pie_attacks[i][1]))
- {
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 11:
- {
- if ((mgcd <1) && (!lightsoff) && (health > 0))
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][2] > 0)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(psis, ((int)(counter%18)/6)*16, 0, 16, 32);
- oslSetImageRotCenter(psis);
- psis -> angle = pie_attacks[i][1];
- court_zoom = 0.00192*(py+24) + 0.562;
- psis->stretchX = (int)(16*(float)court_zoom);
- psis->stretchY = (int)(32*(float)court_zoom);
- spr_draw(psis, px+32+pie_attacks[i][2]*cos(pie_attacks[i][1]*3.14/180), py+48+pie_attacks[i][2]*sin(pie_attacks[i][1]*3.14/180));
- spr_draw(psis, px+32+pie_attacks[i][2]*cos((pie_attacks[i][1]+180)*3.14/180), py+48+pie_attacks[i][2]*sin((pie_attacks[i][1]+180)*3.14/180));
- pie_attacks[i][1] += 16;
- if (pie_attacks[i][1] > 360)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][1] = pie_attacks[i][1]%360;
- pie_attacks[i][2]-=2;
- }
- }
- else if (pie_attacks[i][2] <= 0)
- {
- explode -> stretchX = explode -> stretchY = 40 + 4*pie_attacks[i][2];
- spr_draw(explode, px, py);
- if (!(pie_attacks[i][2])) oslPlaySound(expl_sound, 6);
- if ((!shielded) && (counter%2))
- {
- health -= diff;
- if (putin) health -= diff;
- oslPlaySound(benj_sfx[random(5)], 3);
- }
- pie_attacks[i][2]--;
- if (pie_attacks[i][2] == -10)
- {
- oslStopSound(psis_sfx);
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 7:
- {
- if ((mgcd < 1) && (health > 0) && (!lightsoff))
- {
- if (!(pie_attacks[i][1]))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(recipe,0, 0, 32, 136);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(recipe, 32, 0, 32, 136);
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][2] > 0)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 128);
- oslDrawFillRect(pie_attacks[i][4], 0, (pie_attacks[i][1])?480:0, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- for(u=0; u<4; u++)
- {
- spr_draw(recipe, pie_attacks[i][4]+((pie_attacks[i][1])?0:32), u*136-(global_fr%137));
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (((pie_attacks[i][1]) && (pie_attacks[i][2] <= (480-pie_attacks[i][3]))) ||
- ((!(pie_attacks[i][1])) && (pie_attacks[i][2] <= pie_attacks[i][3])))
- {
- if (((pie_attacks[i][1]) && (px+32 >= pie_attacks[i][4])) || (!(pie_attacks[i][1]) && (px+32 <= pie_attacks[i][4])))
- {
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(mouth_sfx[0]) != 2) oslPlaySound(mouth_sfx[0], 2);
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- spr_draw(mouth, 240, 136);
- pie_attacks[i][2]++;
- mouth -> stretchX += 6;
- mouth -> stretchY = 1.63 * mouth -> stretchX;
- if (mouth -> stretchY >= 420)
- {
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(mouth_sfx[1]) != 2) oslPlaySound(mouth_sfx[1], 2);
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(255, 0, 0));
- }
- if (mouth -> stretchY >= 450)
- {
- health -= 2*diff+4;
- if (putin) health -= 2;
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- mouth -> stretchX = 10;
- mouth -> stretchY = 16;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(pie_attacks[i][1]))
- {
- pie_attacks[i][4]--;
- }
- else
- {
- pie_attacks[i][4]++;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(pie_attacks[i][1]))
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] < pie_attacks[i][3]) pie_attacks[i][4]++;
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] > 512)
- {
- darkness=0;
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] > pie_attacks[i][3]) pie_attacks[i][4]--;
- if (pie_attacks[i][4] < -64)
- {
- darkness=0;
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- pie_attacks[i][2]--;
- }
- else
- {
- darkness=0;
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- if (pie_attacks[i][2] <= 0)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][0]=0;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(minigametime) != 7 && (oslGetSoundChannel(tvnoisesound) != 1) && (!paused))
- {
- tvnoise_ev=random((3800/(100*round*diff))*pie_ent.pie_hp+4200);
- }
- if ((tvnoise_ev <= 4000) && (tvnoise_ev > 3940) && (round==2) && (health>0) && (!lightsoff) && (!paused))
- {
- i=random(4);
- oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- spr_draw(tvnoise[i], 0, 0);
- oslSetBilinearFilter(0);
- if (oslGetSoundChannel(tvnoisesound) != 1) oslPlaySound(tvnoisesound, 1);
- tvnoise_ev--;
- }
- else
- {
- oslStopSound(tvnoisesound);
- }
- }
- if ((pie_ent.pie_hp) && (!mgcd))
- {
- reddv = (-0.64/(round*diff))*pie_ent.pie_hp+64;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, (int)(reddv*1.5));
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(255, 0, 0));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if ((health < 1) || (pie_ent.pie_hp < 1))
- {
- oslStopSound(psis_sfx);
- ball_ent.speed_v=0;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (pie_ent.pie_hp < 1)
- {
- if (!ko_frame)
- {
- a=pie_ent.pie_x-128+random(256);
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j<5; j++)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][j]=0;
- }
- bulbfell=0;
- }
- }
- mort=1;
- if (round==2)
- {
- if (!(ko_frame%9))
- {
- oslPlaySound(expl_sound, 6);
- kx=pie_ent.pie_x-128+random(256);
- ky=random(136);
- }
- if ((ko_frame%6) < 3)
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 64;
- explode -> stretchY = 96;
- spr_draw(explode, kx, ky);
- }
- else
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 32;
- explode -> stretchY = 48;
- spr_draw(explode, kx+16, ky+24);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ko_frame == 0)
- {
- oslPlaySound(ko_sfx, 7);
- oslPlaySound(expl_sound, 6);
- u=0;
- }
- if (health < 1)
- {
- if (ko_frame < 60)
- {
- if ((ko_frame%6) < 3)
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 64;
- explode -> stretchY = 96;
- spr_draw(explode, px, py);
- }
- else
- {
- explode -> stretchX = 32;
- explode -> stretchY = 48;
- spr_draw(explode, px+16, py+24);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ko_frame < 25)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,0,0,120,96);
- spr_draw(ko, (int)(9.6*ko_frame-120), 88);
- }
- if ((ko_frame >= 25) && (ko_frame <= 50))
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,0,0,120,96);
- spr_draw(ko, 120, 88);
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,120,0,120,96);
- spr_draw(ko, (int)(-9.6*ko_frame+720), 88);
- }
- if (ko_frame > 50)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(ko,0,0,240,96);
- spr_draw(ko, 120, 88);
- }
- if (ko_frame >= 140) quit=1;
- ko_frame++;
- }
- if (health < 0) health=0;
- if (!mgcd)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,160,0,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, 2, 2);
- u=random(5);
- oslSetImageTileSize(ultgauge,0,0,64,8);
- spr_draw(ultgauge, 2+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?20+u:21);
- oslSetImageTileSize(ultgauge,(int)((ultlvl/60)*6),9,6,6);
- spr_draw(ultgauge, 69+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?21+u:22);
- spr_draw(shlgauge, 2+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?28+u:30);
- if (ultlvl > 1) oslDrawFillRect(4+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?22+u:23, ultlvl%60+4+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?25+u:26, RGB(0,0,255));
- if (shldlvl > 1) oslDrawFillRect(4+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?31+u:32, shldlvl+4+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?34+u:35, RGB(255,150,255));
- if ((ultlvl%60) > 15)
- {
- if ((ultrectshine+16) <= ultlvl%60)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(ultrectshine+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?22+u:23, ultrectshine+13+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?25+u:26, RGB(0,255,255));
- }
- else
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(ultrectshine+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?22+u:23, ultlvl%60+3+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?25+u:26, RGB(0,255,255));
- }
- if ((ultrectshine+8) <= ultlvl%60)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(ultrectshine+4+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?22+u:23, ultrectshine+9+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?25+u:26, RGB(255,255,255));
- }
- else
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(ultrectshine+4+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?22+u:23, ultlvl%60+3+((round==2)?u:0), (round==2)?25+u:26, RGB(255,255,255));
- }
- ultrectshine++;
- if (ultrectshine > ultlvl%60)
- {
- ultrectshine=0;
- }
- }
- i=random(15);
- u=18;
- if (health < 25) j=16; else j=0;
- if (health / 100)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((round==2)?((i<12)?16:random(144)):16),0,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- u += 16;
- }
- if (health > 9)
- {
- if (round==2)
- {
- if (i<12)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((health%100)/10)*16,j,16,16);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,random(128),j,16,16);
- }
- }
- else oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,((health%100)/10)*16,j,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- u += 16;
- }
- if (round==2)
- {
- if (i<12)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,(health%10)*16,j,16,16);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,random(128),j,16,16);
- }
- }
- else oslSetImageTileSize(numberz,(health%10)*16,j,16,16);
- spr_draw(numberz, u + ((round==2)?random(3):0), ((round==2)?1+random(3):2));
- }
- if ((paused) && (health))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA,224);
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0,8,0));
- spr_draw(paused_gfx, 240, 136);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- if ((!(counter%6)) && (shldlvl<60) && (!shielded) && (!paused)) shldlvl++;
- if (counter < 256)
- {
- if (counter < 128)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(premess,0,0,256,64);
- if (counter < 32) premess -> stretchY = counter*2;
- else if (counter > 96) premess -> stretchY = 128-counter*2;
- else premess -> stretchY = 64;
- spr_draw(premess, 112, 136-(premess -> stretchY)/2);
- }
- else if (counter >= 128)
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(premess,0,64,256,64);
- if (counter < 160) premess -> stretchY = (counter-128)*2;
- else if (counter > 224) premess -> stretchY = 256-counter*2;
- else premess -> stretchY = 64;
- spr_draw(premess, 112, 136-(premess -> stretchY)/2);
- }
- if (counter==255) oslDeleteImage(premess);
- }
- if ((nbp==1) && (DEBUG))
- {
- if (osl_keys->held.R)
- {
- for (i=0; i<16; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"%d",(i<15)?att_cooldowns[i]:(int)reddv);
- u = oslGetStringWidth(buffer);
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslDrawString(480-u, i*12, buffer);
- }
- }
- if (osl_keys->held.L)
- {
- for (i=0; i<10; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"%d", (i<8)?pie_attacks[i][0]:
- (i==8)?(pie_ent.pie_hp):
- (int)(-2.55/(round*diff)*(pie_ent.pie_hp)+255));
- u = oslGetStringWidth(buffer);
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslDrawString(480-u, i*12, buffer);
- }
- }
- }
- if ((att_ch_timer < 80) && (nbp==2) && (health > 0) && (pie_ent.pie_hp > 0) && (!paused))
- {
- spr_draw(attch, 32, 33);
- spr_draw(cp2, 40 + cursor2p*32, 68);
- for (i=0; i<15; i++)
- {
- if (att_cooldowns[i] > 1)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "%d", att_cooldowns[i]/60);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 128);
- oslDrawFillRect(32+i*32, 33, 32+(i+1)*32, 67, RGB(1, 1, 1));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (i < 12) oslDrawString(36+i*32, 42, buffer);
- if ((i==12) && (pie_ent.pie_hp > 25*round*diff) && (ulted == 0) && (att_cooldowns[12] > 1))
- {
- oslDrawLine(32+i*32, 33, 32+(i+1)*32, 66, RGB(255, 0, 0));
- }
- if ((i==13) && (pie_ent.pie_hp > 10*round*diff) && (ulted != 1) && (att_cooldowns[13] > 1))
- {
- oslDrawLine(32+i*32, 33, 32+(i+1)*32, 66, RGB(255, 0, 0));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (nbp == 2)
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 255-(global_fr%64)*4);
- oslDrawString(270, 2, "OTHER MORTAL, USE L OR R TO ATTACK!");
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- }
- oslEndFrame();
- skipframe=oslSyncFrame();
- if (mgcd==100)
- {
- u=random(6);
- check = sceIoDopen("flash1:/");
- while ((check < 0) && ((u==0) || (u==2)))
- {
- u=random(6);
- }
- switch(u)
- {
- case 0:
- i=sonicexe(diff);
- break;
- case 1:
- i=mincer(diff);
- break;
- case 2:
- i=shoot_teevees(diff, &health, round);
- break;
- case 3:
- i=flappy_cacodemon(diff);
- break;
- case 4:
- i=love_boat(diff);
- break;
- case 5:
- i=sonicexe2(diff);
- break;
- }
- if (i)
- {
- oslPlaySound(giygas[giyg_flag%3], 0);
- } else health=0;
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- for (j=0; j<5; j++)
- {
- pie_attacks[i][j]=0;
- }
- bulbfell=0;
- }
- pie_ent.pie_facemode=0;
- mgcd=0;
- mouth -> stretchX = 10;
- if (diff != 3) a=diff; else a=2;
- ball_ent = apply_impulse(ball_ent, random(2)?a:-1*a, random(2)?a:-1*a, (180-15*frappe)*3.14/180);
- frappe=-1;
- rckchscr=0;
- }
- }
- if ((mort==1) && (round==2))
- {
- oslStopSound(tvnoisesound);
- oslDeleteSound(paf);
- paf = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0029.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- oslPlaySound(tvnoisesound, 0);
- for(i=0; i<420; i++)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- u=random(4);
- oslSetBilinearFilter(1);
- spr_draw(tvnoise[u], 0, 0);
- spr_draw(tvnoise[u], random(480), random(272));
- spr_draw(tvnoise[u], random(480)-240, random(272)-136);
- spr_draw(tvnoise[u], random(240)-120, random(136)-68);
- oslSetBilinearFilter(0);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslWaitVSync();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- oslStopSound(tvnoisesound);
- oslPlaySound(paf, 0);
- for(i=0; i<=135; i+=2)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- oslDrawFillRect(0, i, 480, 272-i, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslWaitVSync();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0, 0, 0));
- }
- for (i=0; i<3; i++) oslDeleteSound(giygas[i]);
- for (i=0; i<4; i++) oslDeleteSound(dictators_sfx[i]);
- for (i=0; i<5; i++) oslDeleteImage(tvnoise[i]);
- for (i=0; i<7; i++) oslDeleteSound(bulbsfx[i]);
- for (i=0; i<11; i++) oslDeleteSound(benj_sfx[i]);
- oslDeleteSound(tvnoisesound);
- oslDeleteImage(giyg_bg);
- oslDeleteSound(ko_sfx);
- oslDeleteSound(quitter);
- oslDeleteSound(pew);
- oslDeleteSound(paf);
- oslDeleteSound(psis_sfx);
- oslDeleteImage(numberz);
- oslDeleteImage(starsky);
- oslDeleteImage(lightning);
- oslDeleteImage(pie);
- oslDeleteImage(sleepwell);
- oslDeleteImage(ko);
- oslDeleteImage(explode);
- oslDeleteImage(ball_gfx);
- oslDeleteImage(ball_shad);
- oslDeleteImage(mgswirl);
- oslDeleteImage(powerball);
- oslDeleteSound(minigametime);
- oslDeleteSound(expl_sound);
- oslDeleteSound(expl_sound2);
- oslDeleteSound(meteor_fall);
- oslDeleteSound(stun_sound);
- oslDeleteSound(elec);
- oslDeleteSound(thunder);
- oslDeleteSound(whine);
- oslDeleteSound(mouth_sfx[0]);
- oslDeleteSound(mouth_sfx[1]);
- oslDeleteSound(bounce);
- oslDeleteImage(rckch[0]);
- oslDeleteImage(rckch[1]);
- oslDeleteImage(psycho);
- oslDeleteImage(paused_gfx);
- oslDeleteImage(ultgauge);
- oslDeleteImage(shlgauge);
- oslDeleteImage(visor);
- oslDeleteImage(bulbasaur);
- oslDeleteImage(recipe);
- oslDeleteImage(shield);
- oslDeleteImage(meteor);
- oslDeleteImage(stunning);
- oslDeleteImage(juche);
- oslDeleteImage(psis);
- oslDeleteImage(dictators);
- oslDeleteImage(mouth);
- oslDeleteImage(star);
- oslDeleteImage(suppo_gfx);
- oslDeleteImage(attch);
- oslDeleteImage(cp2);
- return mort;
- }
- void text(int nbt)
- {
- int frame=0, k;
- OSL_SOUND *wind = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0019.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- k = oslGetStringWidth(texts[nbt]);
- oslPlaySound(wind, 0);
- while(frame<282)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- if (frame < 82)
- {
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(frame*3, frame*3, frame*3));
- oslDrawString((480 - k)/2, 130, texts[nbt]);
- }
- if ((frame >= 82) && (frame <= 200))
- {
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslDrawString((480 - k)/2, 130, texts[nbt]);
- }
- else if (frame > 200)
- {
- oslSetTextColor(RGB((282-frame)*3, (282-frame)*3, (282-frame)*3));
- oslDrawString((480 - k)/2, 130, texts[nbt]);
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- frame++;
- }
- oslDeleteSound(wind);
- }
- void amigatext(const char *arg, int x, int y, OSL_IMAGE *amigafont, int width, int height)
- {
- int i, l=strlen(arg), tx=x, placex=(amigafont -> sizeX)/width;
- for(i=0; i<l; i++)
- {
- if (arg[i] <= 'Z')
- {
- oslSetImageTileSize(amigafont, ((arg[i]-32)%placex)*width, ((arg[i]-32)/placex)*height, width, height);
- spr_draw(amigafont, tx, y);
- }
- tx += width;
- }
- }
- void credz()
- {
- int frame=0, a=0, b=480, c=0, d=32, e=136, trans=0, skipframe=0, f=7, i;
- short quit=0;
- char buffer[39];
- const char *texts[23] = {VERSION, "Released on 05/16/2014 for", "","", "® 2014 by",
- "Code, some GFX and .XM music by", "Ball physics and OSLib by",
- "Inspired by", "THE NONE", "Musics ingame ripped from", "EARTHBOUND",
- "Powered by", "OSLIB MOD V2", "Coding started on", "JULY 2013", "Hours of work", "COUNTLESS",
- "Most pictures were found on", "GOOGLE PICS", "Number of defeat animations", "25", " ", " "};
- OSL_SOUND *theme = oslLoadSoundFileMOD("./muzaxx/credz.xm", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_IMAGE *aipc = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/credz/aipc.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- OSL_IMAGE *twt = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/credz/twitter.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- OSL_IMAGE *gml = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/credz/gmail.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- OSL_IMAGE *amiga = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/credz/amiga.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *giygas = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/credz/giygas.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *sonicexe = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/sonicexe.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *flappy_redhill = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/flappy_redhill.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *_1in24, *aa = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pookey1.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551), *bb = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/pona08.png", OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *iamgod[4];
- for (i=1; i<=4; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/iamgod%d.png",i);
- iamgod[i-1] = oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer,OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- }
- sprintf(buffer,"./gfx/pasta%d.png",random(42)+1);
- _1in24 = oslLoadImageFilePNG(buffer, OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *temp = oslCreateImage(480, 272, OSL_IN_VRAM, OSL_PF_8888);
- oslClearImage(temp, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- oslSetImageRotCenter(giygas);
- oslPlaySound(theme, 7);
- oslSetFrameskip(0);
- oslSetMaxFrameskip(4);
- while ((frame < 10600) && (!quit))
- {
- if (!skipframe)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- if (frame < 684)
- {
- oslDrawGradientRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 192), RGB(0, 0, 192));
- for(a=0; a<16; a++)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(a*32+c, 0, a*32+c+4, 272, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- if (a<11) oslDrawFillRect(0, a*32+c, 480, a*32+c+4, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj, ((frame%48)/4)*32, 48,32,48);
- benj -> stretchX = 96;
- benj -> stretchY = 144;
- if (frame < 492) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 192); else oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 684-frame);
- spr_draw(benj, 78, 90);
- if (frame < 428) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0); else oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 684-frame);
- oslSetImageTileSize(aipc, 0, 0, (frame<76)?frame*4:304, 34);
- spr_draw(aipc, 10, 10);
- if (c > -32) c--; else c=0;
- if (frame > 180)
- {
- if (frame < 428)
- {
- if (d > 255) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0); else oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, d);
- }
- else
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 684-frame);
- }
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- for (a=0; a<5; a++) oslDrawString(b, 100+a*20, texts[a]);
- amigatext("A.C. 2014", b, 132, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("240-185", b, 192, amiga, 16, 22);
- if (b > 264) b -= 4;
- if (d < 255) d += 2;
- }
- }
- if ((frame >= 684) && (frame < 1368))
- {
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if ((frame==684) || (frame == 1032))
- {
- d=-12;
- trans=0;
- }
- oslDrawGradientRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 192), RGB(0, 0, 192));
- for(a=0; a<16; a++)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(a*32+c, 0, a*32+c+4, 272, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- if (a<11) oslDrawFillRect(0, a*32+c, 480, a*32+c+4, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- }
- if (c > -32) c--; else c=0;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, trans);
- if (trans < 252) trans+=4;
- if (frame < 1032)
- {
- b=oslGetStringWidth(texts[5]);
- oslDrawString((480-b)/2, d, texts[5]);
- amigatext("240-185", 184, d+32, amiga, 16, 22);
- }
- else
- {
- b=oslGetStringWidth(texts[6]);
- oslDrawString((480-b)/2, d, texts[6]);
- amigatext("BRUNNI", 192, d+32, amiga, 16, 22);
- }
- if (d < 66) d += 2;
- }
- if ((frame >= 1368) && (frame <= 2735))
- {
- temp -> stretchX = 480;
- temp -> centerX = 0;
- temp -> centerY = 0;
- oslSetDrawBuffer(temp);
- oslDisableTransparentColor();
- oslDrawFillRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255, 0, 255));
- oslSetImageRotCenter(temp);
- if (f < 21)
- {
- b=oslGetStringWidth(texts[f]);
- oslDrawString(240+(240-b)/2, 120, texts[f]);
- b=strlen(texts[f+1])*16;
- amigatext(texts[f+1], 240+(240-b)/2, 144, amiga, 16, 22);
- spr_draw(giygas, 120, 136);
- }
- temp -> stretchX = d;
- temp -> stretchY = (int)((float)(0.57)*d);
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- if (frame == 1368)
- {
- d=0;
- e=136;
- }
- spr_draw(temp, 240, e);
- if (temp -> stretchX > 1280) e += 8; else e=136;
- if (temp -> stretchX < 1536) d += 8; else
- {
- f += 2;
- d=0;
- }
- }
- if ((frame >= 2736) && (frame < 3422))
- {
- if (frame == 2736)
- {
- a=0;
- b=1;
- c=0;
- }
- spr_draw(sonicexe, 204, 20+16*sin(0.0625*frame));
- switch(c)
- {
- case 0:
- oslDrawString(198, 136, "SONIC.EXE by");
- amigatext("CRIMSON THE BAT", (480-strlen("CRIMSON THE BAT")*16)/2, 150, amiga, 16, 22);
- break;
- case 1:
- amigatext("SYMBIOTICFEDORAGEEK", (480-strlen("SYMBIOTICFEDORAGEEK")*16)/2, 150, amiga, 16, 22);
- break;
- case 2:
- amigatext("SHADOWNINJA976", (480-strlen("SHADOWNINJA976")*16)/2, 150, amiga, 16, 22);
- break;
- case 3:
- amigatext("HICHIGO1989", (480-strlen("HICHIGO1989")*16)/2, 150, amiga, 16, 22);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (c>0) oslDrawString((480-strlen("SONIC.EXE DeviantArts by:")*6)/2, 136, "SONIC.EXE DeviantArts by:");
- for(i=0; i<32; i++)
- {
- spr_draw(flappy_redhill, a+i*16, 224);
- }
- a--;
- if (a == -16) a=0;
- b++;
- if ((!(b%172)) && (c<3)) c++;
- }
- if ((frame >= 3422) && (frame < 3764))
- {
- oslSetImageRotCenter(_1in24);
- _1in24 -> angle = 16*sin(0.0625*frame);
- spr_draw(_1in24, 240, 136);
- oslDrawString(0, 0, "Weird movies stills taken from:");
- amigatext("STUART <ASHENS> ASHEN", 0, 30, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("1IN24.TUMBLR.COM", 0, 60, amiga, 16, 22);
- }
- if ((frame >= 3764) && (frame < 4105))
- {
- if (frame == 3764)
- {
- oslSetImageRotCenter(aa);
- }
- aa -> angle = 16*sin(0.0625*frame);
- spr_draw(aa, 240, 136);
- oslDrawString(0, 0, "High-pitched Pookeymon Theme by");
- amigatext("DAN <LOUSY PANDAH> TOMLINSON", 0, 24, amiga, 16, 22);
- oslDrawString(0, 60, "Taken from animation 'POKÉMON SHOWDOWN'");
- }
- if ((frame >= 4105) && (frame < 4447))
- {
- if (frame == 4105)
- {
- oslSetImageRotCenter(bb);
- }
- bb -> angle = 16*sin(0.0625*frame);
- spr_draw(bb, 240, 136);
- oslDrawString(0, 0, "Scene from 'Pikachu on Acid' taken from:");
- amigatext("HIGH5TOONS", 0, 24, amiga, 16, 22);
- }
- if ((frame >= 4447) && (frame < 5473))
- {
- if (frame == 4447)
- {
- c=0;
- }
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 64);
- oslDrawGradientRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 192), RGB(0, 0, 192));
- for(a=0; a<16; a++)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(a*32+c, 0, a*32+c+4, 272, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- if (a<11) oslDrawFillRect(0, a*32+c, 480, a*32+c+4, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj, ((frame%48)/4)*32, 48, 32, 48);
- benj -> stretchX = 96;
- benj -> stretchY = 144;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 16);
- spr_draw(benj, 192, 90);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (c > -32) c--; else c=0;
- if (frame <= 5090)
- {
- amigatext("SO, THERE WE ARE. I HAD TO", 0, 20, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("TRAVEL FOR 700 KMS IN ORDER TO", 0, 42, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("PRESENT MY SECOND HOMEBREW ON", 0, 64, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("PSP.", 0, 86, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("LITTLE DID I KNOW I HAD TO", 0, 130, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("DEAL WITH A 2 PLAYER MODE ON A", 0, 152, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("PORTABLE CONSOLE! LUCKILY, I", 0, 174, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("WAS ADDICTED TO A MOBA GAME", 0, 196, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("CALLED <SMITE>...", 0, 218, amiga, 16, 22);
- }
- else
- {
- amigatext("...AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF", 0, 24, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("A MOBA UI WAS A BREEZE. ", 0, 46, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS TO", 0, 90, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("NEVER PREPARE YOUR PRODUCTION", 0, 112, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("WAAAAAAAAAAY BEFORE THE CON", 0, 134, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("BEGINS!", 0, 156, amiga, 16, 22);
- }
- }
- if ((frame >= 5473) && (frame < 8894))
- {
- if (frame == 5473)
- {
- d=480;
- i=0;
- }
- oslDrawGradientRect(0, 0, 480, 272, RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 64), RGB(0, 0, 192), RGB(0, 0, 192));
- for(a=0; a<16; a++)
- {
- oslDrawFillRect(a*32+c, 0, a*32+c+4, 272, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- if (a<11) oslDrawFillRect(0, a*32+c, 480, a*32+c+4, RGB(94, 126, 255));
- }
- oslSetImageTileSize(benj, ((frame%48)/4)*32, 48, 32, 48);
- benj -> stretchX = 96;
- benj -> stretchY = 144;
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, 192);
- spr_draw(benj, 192, 90);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0);
- if (c > -32) c--; else c=0;
- oslDrawString(201, 4, "Greetings to:");
- amigatext(greeted[i], d, 136+32*sin(0.0625*frame), amiga, 16, 22);
- d=(int)(d-5.5);
- if ((d <= -288) && (i<23))
- {
- d=480;
- i++;
- }
- }
- if (frame >= 8894)
- {
- if (frame < 10260) oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT, 0); else oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, trans);
- a = 54+32*sin(0.0625*frame);
- b = 296+32*cos(0.0625*frame);
- spr_draw(gml, a, 32);
- spr_draw(twt, b, 32);
- amigatext("@240185", 304+32*cos(0.0625*frame), 187, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("ROUNDSOFTSTUDIO", 0, 172, amiga, 16, 22);
- amigatext("@ GMAIL.COM", 32+32*sin(0.0625*frame), 202, amiga, 16, 22);
- if (frame >= 9582)
- {
- if (frame == 9582)
- {
- c=480;
- trans=255;
- }
- oslDrawString(c, 256, "See you @ A.C. 2015 for my next project for PSP: THE FIFTH AXIS! Discover a twisted theory about time travel!");
- c -= 2;
- }
- if ((frame >= 10260) && (trans > 0)) trans--;
- }
- oslEndDrawing();
- //frame_debug(frame);
- }
- oslEndFrame();
- skipframe=oslSyncFrame();
- frame++;
- if (oslKbhit()) quit=1;
- }
- oslDeleteSound(theme);
- oslDeleteImage(aipc);
- oslDeleteImage(amiga);
- oslDeleteImage(gml);
- oslDeleteImage(twt);
- oslDeleteImage(temp);
- oslDeleteImage(giygas);
- oslDeleteImage(sonicexe);
- oslDeleteImage(flappy_redhill);
- oslDeleteImage(_1in24);
- oslDeleteImage(aa);
- oslDeleteImage(bb);
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- oslDeleteImage(iamgod[i]);
- }
- fadeout(RGB(0, 0, 0));
- }
- int main()
- {
- SceUID check;
- short i, a, tx=0, ty=0, gt=0, ch=0, chd=1, mort=0, vies=2, round=1, f=0, nbp=1;
- int q=strlen(VERSION);
- const char *diffs[3] = {"WUSS", "MANLY", "HELL"};
- //Initialisation de la librairie
- SetupCallbacks();
- oslInit(0);
- //oslInitAudioME(OSL_FMT_ALL);
- oslInitGfx(_16bit, 1);
- oslSetDrawBuffer(OSL_DEFAULT_BUFFER);
- gothic = oslLoadFontFile("gfx/gothic.oft");
- oslSetFont(gothic);
- oslSetTransparentColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetBkColor(RGB(255,0,255));
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawString(20, 230, "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT…");
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- court=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/court_hell.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- benj=oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/boktai.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *hand = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/hand.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *title = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/title.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_IMAGE *alice = oslLoadImageFilePNG("./gfx/alice.png",OSL_IN_RAM, OSL_PF_5551);
- OSL_SOUND *crack = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/sfx-0026.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- OSL_SOUND *theme = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/theme.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- sceKernelUtilsMt19937Init(&ctx, time(NULL));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_DEFAULT,0);
- if (!DEBUG)
- {
- a=warning_onepilepsy();
- }
- else
- {
- a=1;
- }
- if (a)
- {
- if (!DEBUG) rndsft();
- while (ch != 137)
- {
- if (!f) oslPlaySound(theme, 0);
- if (!(f%6))
- {
- tx=random(16);
- ty=random(32);
- }
- chd=chd%3;
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, gt);
- spr_draw(title, tx, ty);
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, gt/2);
- spr_draw(title, random(16), random(32));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, gt/4);
- spr_draw(title, random(16), random(32));
- oslSetAlpha(OSL_FX_ALPHA, gt);
- spr_draw(alice, 299, 0);
- oslDrawString(480-(q*6), 260, VERSION);
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- oslDrawString(48, 182+i*20, items[i]);
- if ((!i) && (nbp==2)) oslDrawString(162, 182, "(AGAINST A MORTAL)");
- }
- spr_draw(hand, 8+4*sin(0.0625*f), 186+ch*20);
- oslSetTextColor(RGB(255, ((chd<2)?(255/(chd+1)):0), 0));
- oslDrawString(120, 202, diffs[chd]);
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- if (gt < 255) gt++;
- oslReadKeys();
- if (osl_keys -> pressed.up) ch--;
- if (osl_keys -> pressed.down) ch++;
- if ((osl_keys -> pressed.right) && (ch==1)) chd++;
- if ((osl_keys -> pressed.right) && (ch==0) && (nbp==1)) nbp++;
- if ((osl_keys -> pressed.left) && (ch==0) && (nbp==2)) nbp--;
- if ((osl_keys -> pressed.left) && (ch==1))
- {
- chd--;
- if (chd < 0) chd=2;
- }
- if (ch < 0) ch += 4;
- else if (ch > 3) ch -= 4;
- if (osl_keys -> held.square)
- {
- if ((osl_keys -> held.L) && (ch==0))
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- for (i=0; i<25; i++) creepypasta(i);
- }
- }
- if ((osl_keys -> || (osl_keys -> pressed.cross) || (osl_keys -> pressed.start))
- {
- if (ch != 1) fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- switch(ch)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- vies=2;
- mort=0;
- round=1;
- f=-1;
- oslDeleteSound(theme);
- while ((vies > 0) && (round < 3))
- {
- mort=game(round, chd+1, nbp);
- counter=0;
- if ((!mort) || (mort==2))
- {
- i=random(25);
- if ((i != 1) && (i != 3) && (i != 5) && (i != 13) && (i != 21) && (i != 22))
- {
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- }
- else
- {
- if ((i != 3) && (i != 5) && (!mort))
- {
- oslPlaySound(crack, 7);
- for (a=0; a<5; a++)
- {
- oslStartDrawing();
- oslDrawFillRect(0,0,480,272, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- oslEndDrawing();
- oslSwapBuffers();
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- }
- }
- if (!mort)
- {
- creepypasta(i);
- vies--;
- }
- else
- {
- vies=-1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fadeout(RGB(0,0,0));
- if (round==1) ben();
- round++;
- }
- if ((vies > 0) && (round < 3))
- {
- text(random(12));
- }
- }
- theme = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/theme.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- if ((osl_keys -> || (osl_keys -> pressed.cross)) chd++;
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- oslDeleteSound(theme);
- f=-1;
- if (DEBUG)
- {
- sonicexe(chd+1);
- }
- else
- {
- credz();
- }
- theme = oslLoadSoundFile("./sfx/theme.wav", OSL_FMT_NONE);
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- ch=137;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- f++;
- oslWaitVSync();
- }
- }
- //on quitte l'application
- check = sceIoDopen("flash1:/");
- if (check < 0) mackey();
- oslDeleteImage(benj);
- oslDeleteImage(court);
- oslDeleteImage(hand);
- oslDeleteImage(alice);
- oslDeleteSound(crack);
- oslDeleteSound(theme);
- oslEndGfx();
- oslQuit();
- return 0;
- }
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