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- --This lua script gets loaded when Cheat Engine loads
- --You can use this to define some often used functions and libraries you'd like to use
- require("defines")
- --[[
- List of CE specific functions and variables:
- TrainerOrigin : A variable that contains the path of the trainer that launched cheat engine (Only set when launched as a trainer)
- getCEVersion(): Returns a floating point value specifying the version of cheat engine
- activateProtection(): Prevents basic memory scanners from opening the cheat engine process
- fullAccess(address,size): Changes the protection of a block of memory to writable and executable
- loadTable(filename, merge OPTIONAL): Loads a .ct or .cetrainer. If merge is provided and set to true it will not clear the old table
- saveTable(filename, protect OPTIONAL): Saves the current table. If protect is provided and set to true and the filename has the .CETRAINER extension, it will protect it from reading normally
- note: addresses can be strings, they will get interpreted by ce's symbolhandler
- readBytes(address,bytecount, ReturnAsTable ) : returns the bytes at the given address. If ReturnAsTable is true it will return a table instead of multiple bytes
- Reads the bytes at the given address and returns a table containing the read out bytes
- writeBytes(address, x,x,x,x,...) : Write the given bytes to the given address from a table
- writeBytes(address, table) : Write the given bytes to the given address from a table
- readInteger(address) : Reads an integer from the specified address
- readQword(address): Reads a 64-bit integer from the specified address
- readPointer(address): In a 64-bit target this equals readQword, in a 32-bit target readInteger()
- readFloat(address) : Reads a single precision floating point value from the specified address
- readDouble(address) : Reads a double precision floating point value from the specified address
- readString(address, maxlength, widechar OPTIONAL) : Reads a string till it encounters a 0-terminator. Maxlength is just so you won't freeze for too long, set to 6000 if you don't care too much. Set WideChar to true if it is encoded using a widechar formatting
- writeInteger(address,value) : Writes an integer to the specified address. Returns true on success
- writeQword(address, value): Write a 64-bit integer to the specified address
- writeFloat(address,value) : Writes a single precision floating point to the specified address. Returns true on success
- writeDouble(address,value) : Writes a double precision floating point to the specified address. Returns true on success
- writeString(address,text, widechar OPTIONAL) : Write a string to the specified address. Returns true on success
- readBytesLocal(address,bytecount, ReturnAsTable) : See readBytes but then it's for Cheat engine's memory
- readIntegerLocal(address) : Reads an integer from the specified address in CE's memory
- readQwordLocal(address) : Reads a 64-bit integer from the specified address in CE's memory
- readPointerLocal(address) : ReadQwordLocal/ReadIntegerLocal depending on the cheat engine build
- readFloatLocal(address) : Reads a single precision floating point value from the specified address in CE's memory
- readDoubleLocal(address) : Reads a double precision floating point value from the specified address in CE's memory
- readStringLocal(address, maxlength, widechar OPTIONAL)
- writeIntegerLocal(address,value) : Writes an integer to the specified address in CE's memory. Returns true on success
- writeQwordLocal(address,value) : Writes a 64-bit integer to the specified address in CE's memory. Returns true on success
- writeFloatLocal(address,value) : Writes a single precision floating point to the specified address in CE's memory. Returns true on success
- writeDoubleLocal(address,value) : Writes a double precision floating point to the specified address in CE's memory. Returns true on success
- writeStringLocal(address,string, widechar OPTIONAL)
- writeBytesLocal(address, x,x,x,x,...) : See writeBytes but then it's for Cheat Engine's memory
- writeBytesLocal(address, table, , count) : See writeBytes but then it's for Cheat Engine's memory
- wordToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a word to a bytetable
- dwordToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a dword to a bytetable
- qwordToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a qword to a bytetable
- floatToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a float to a bytetable
- doubleToByteTable(number): {} - Converts a double to a bytetable
- stringToByteTable(string): {} - Converts a string to a bytetable
- wideStringToByteTable(string): {} - Converts a string to a widestring and converts that to a bytetable
- byteTableToWord(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a word
- byteTableToDword(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a dword
- byteTableToQword(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a qword
- byteTableToFloat(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a float
- byteTableToDouble(table): number - Converts a bytetable to a double
- byteTableToString(table): string - Converts a bytetable to a string
- byteTableToWideString(table): string - Converts a bytetable to a widestring and convets that to a string
- bOr(int1, int2) : Binary Or
- bXor(int1, int2) : Binary Xor
- bAnd(int1, int2) : Binary And
- bShl(int, int2) : Binary shift left
- bShr(int, int2) : Binary shift right
- bNot(int) : Binary not
- writeRegionToFile(filename, sourceaddress,size) : Writes the given region to a file. Returns the number of bytes written
- readRegionFromFile(filename, destinationaddress)
- resetLuaState(): This will create a new lua state that will be used. (Does not destroy the old one, so memory leak)
- createRef(...): integer - Returns an integer reference that you can use with getRef. Useful for objects that can only store integers and need to reference lua objects. (Component.Tag...)
- getRef(integer): ... - Returns whatever the reference points out
- destroyRef(integer) - Removes the reference
- reloadSettingsFromRegistry(): This will cause cheat engine to reload the settings from the registry and apply them
- ansiToUtf8(string): Converts a string in Ansi encoding to UTF8
- utf8ToAnsi(string): Converts a string in UTF8 encoding to Ansi
- Note: GUI components mainly show in UTF8, some other functions use Ansi, try to find out which ones...
- enumModules(processid OPTIONAL):
- Returns a table containing information about each module in the current process, or the specified processid
- Each entry is a table with fields
- Name : String containing the modulename Address: Integer representing the address the module is loaded
- Is64Bit: Boolean set to true if it's a 64-bit module
- PathToFile: String to the location this module is loaded
- getAddress(string, local OPTIONAL): returns the address of a symbol. Can be a modulename or an export. set Local to true if you wish to querry the symboltable of the ce process
- getSymbolInfo(symbolname): Returns a table as defined by the SymbolList class object (modulename, searchkey, address, size)
- getModuleSize(modulename): Returns the size of a given module (Use getAddress to get the base address)
- reinitializeSymbolhandler(waittilldone: BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, default=TRUE): reinitializes the symbolhandler. E.g when new modules have been loaded
- reinitializeDotNetSymbolhandler(modulename OPTIONAL): Reinitializes only the DotNet part of the symbol list. (E.g After an ILCode has been JITed) (6.4+)
- errorOnLookupFailure(state): If set to true (default) address lookups in stringform will raise an error if it can not be looked up. This includes symbolnames that are not defined and pointers that are bad. If set to false it will return 0 in those cases
- (Useful for pointers that don't work 100% of the time)
- 6.4+:Returns the original state
- generateAPIHookScript(address, addresstojumpto, addresstogetnewcalladdress OPT) : Generates an auto assembler script which will hook the given address when executed
- autoAssemble(text, targetself OPTIONAL) : runs the auto assembler with the given text. Returns true on success (if targetself is set it will assemble into Cheat Engine itself)
- registerAutoAssemblerCommand(command, function(parameters, syntaxcheckonly)): Registers an auto assembler command to call the specified function. The command will be replaced by the string this function returns when executed. The function can be called twice. Once for syntax check and symbol lookup(1), and the second time for actual execution by the assembler(2) if it has not been removed in phase1.
- Note: The callback function can return multiple values
- Nil, <String>: Will raise an error with the given string
- MultilineString: Replaces the line in the script with the given strings.
- If the function returns nil, and as secondary parameter a string, this will make the auto assembler fail with that error
- unregisterAutoAssemblerCommand(command)
- registerSymbolLookupCallback(function(string):integer, location): ID 6.4+
- Registers a function to be called when a a symbol is parsed
- Location determines at what part of the symbol lookup the function is called
- slStart: The very start of a symbol lookup. Before tokenization
- slNotInt: Called when it has been determined it's not a hexadecimal only string. Before tokenization
- --The following locations can be called multiple times for one string as they are called for each token and appended token
- slNotModule: Called when it has been determined the current token is not a modulename
- slNotUserdefinedSymbol: Called when it has been determined it's not a userdefined symbol
- slNotSymbol: Called when it has been determined it's not a symbol in the symbollist
- slFailure: Called when it has no clue what the given string is
- Note: slNotSymbol and slFailure are similar, but failure comes only if there's no token after the current token that can be concatenated. Else slNotSymbol will loop several times till all tokens make up the full string
- Return an Integer with the corresponding address if you found it. Nil or 0 if you didn't.
- unregisterSymbolLookupCallback(ID): Removes the callback
- registerAddressLookupCallback(function(integer):string): ID
- Registers a function to be called when the name of an address is requested
- unregisterAddressLookupCallback(ID): Removes the callback
- registerStructureDissectOverride(function(structure, baseaddress): table):
- same as onAutoGuess, but is called by the structure dissect window when the user chooses to let cheat engine guess the structure for him.
- Use the structure object to fill it in
- Return true if you have filled it in, or false or nil if you did not
- Tip: Use inputQuery to ask the user the size if your function doesn't do that automatically
- unregisterStructureDissectOverride(ID)
- registerStructureNameLookup(function(address): name, address OPTIONAL):
- Registers a function to be called when dissect data asks the user for the name of a new structure define. If you have code that can look up the name of a structure, and perhaps also the real starting point, you can use this to improve the data dissection.
- unregisterStructureNameLookup(ID)
- registerAssembler(function(address, instruction):bytetable)
- Registers a function to be called when the single line assembler is invoked to convert an instruction to a list of bytes
- Return a bytetable with the specific bytes, or nil if you wish to let another function, or the original x86 assembler to assemble it
- unregisterAssembler(ID): Unregisters the registered assembler
- registerAutoAssemblerPrologue(function(script, syntaxcheck))
- Registers a function to be called when the auto assembler is about to parse an auto assembler script. The script you get is after the [ENABLE] and [DISABLE] tags have been used to strip the script to the according one, but before comment stripping and trimming has occured
- script is a Strings object which when changed has direct effect to the script
- unregisterAutoAssemblerPrologue(ID)
- showMessage(text) : shows a messagebox with the given text
- inputQuery(caption, prompt, initialstring): Shows a dialog where the user can input a string. This function returns the given string, or nil on cancel CE6.4+
- messageDialog(text, type, buttons...) : pops up a messagebox with a specific icon/sound with the specified buttons (mbok, mbyes, ....)
- sleep(milliseconds): pauses for the number of specified milliseconds (1000= 1 sec...)
- getProcesslist(Strings): Fills a Strings inherited object with the processlist of the system. Format: %x-pidname
- getThreadlist(List): fills a List object with the threadlist of the currently opened process. Format: %x
- function onOpenProcess(processid):
- If this function is defined it will be called whenever cheat engine opens a process.
- Note: The the same process might be opened multiple times in a row internally
- Note 2: This function is called before attachment is fully done. You can call reinitializeSymbolhandler() to force the open to complete, but it will slow down process opens. Alternatively, you could launch a timer which will run when the opening has finished
- getOpenedProcessID() : Returns the currently opened process. If none is open, returns 0
- getProcessIDFromProcessName(name) : returns a processid
- openProcess(processid) : causes cheat engine to open the given processid
- openProcess(processname): causes cheat engine to find and open the given process
- pause() : pauses the current opened process
- unpause(): resumes the current opened process
- getPixel(x,y) : returns the rgb value of the pixel at the specific screen coordinate
- getMousePos: returns the x,y coordinates of the mouse
- setMousePos(x,y): sets the mouse position
- isKeyPressed(key) : returns true if the specified key is currently pressed
- keyDown(key) : causes the key to go into down state
- keyUp(key) :causes the key to go up
- doKeyPress(key) : simmulates a key press
- shortCutToText(shortcut): Returns the textual representation of the given shortut value (integer) (6.4+)
- textToShortCut(shortcutstring): Returns an shortcut integer that the given string represents. (6.4+)
- convertKeyComboToString(key1,...): Returns a string representation of the given keys like the hotkey handler does
- convertKeyComboToString({key1,...}): ^
- outputDebugString(text): Outputs a message using the windows OutputDebugString message. You can use tools like dbgview to read this. Useful for testing situations where the gui freezes
- shellExecute(command, parameters OPTIONAL, folder OPTIONAL, showcommand OPTIONAL): Executes a given command
- getTickCount() : Returns the current tickcount since windows was started. Each tick is one millisecond
- processMessages() : Lets the main eventhandler process the new messages (allows for new button clicks)
- inMainThread(): Returns true if the current code is running inside the main thread (6.4+)
- integerToUserData(int): Converts a given integer to a userdata variable
- userDataToInteger(UserDataVar): Converts a given userdata variable to an integer
- synchronize(function(...), ...): Calls the given function from the main thread. Returns the return value of the given function
- checkSynchronize(): Calls this from an infinite loop in the main thread when using threading and synchronize calls. This will execute any queued synchronize calls
- writeToClipboard(text): Writes the given text to the clipboard
- readFromClipboard(): Reads the text from the clipboard
- speedhack_setSpeed(speed)
- injectDLL(filename): Injects a dll, and returns true on success
- loadPlugin(dllnameorpath): Loads the given plugin. Returns nil on failure. On success returns a value of 0 or greater
- registerCustomTypeLua(typename, bytecount, bytestovaluefunction, valuetobytesfunction, isFloat)
- Registers a Custom type based on lua functions
- The bytes to value function should be defined as "function bytestovalue (b1,b2,b3,b4)" and return an integer as result
- The value to bytes function should be defined as "function valuetobytes (integer)" and return the bytes it should write
- registerCustomTypeAutoAssembler(script)
- Registers a custom type based on an auto assembler script. The script must allocate an "ConvertRoutine" and "ConvertBackRoutine"
- onAutoGuess(function) :
- Registers an function to be called whenever autoguess is used to predict a variable type
- function override (address, ceguess): Return the variable type you want it to be. If no change, just return ceguess
- closeCE() : just closes ce
- hideAllCEWindows() : makes all normal ce windows invisible (e.g trainer table)
- unhideMainCEwindow() : shows the main cheat engine window
- getAutoAttachList(): returns the AutoAttach StringList object. It can be controlled with the stringlist_ routines (it's not recommended to destroy this list object)
- AOBScan(x,x,x,x,...):
- scans the currently opened process and returns a StringList object containing all the results. don't forget to free this list when done
- Bytevalue of higher than 255 or anything not an integer will be seen as a wildcard
- AOBScan(aobstring): see above but here you just input one string
- Regarding eventhandlers. You can initialize them using both a string of a functionname or the function itself.
- If initialized using a function itself it won't be able to get saved in the table
- allocateSharedMemory(name, size):
- Creates a shared memory object of the given size if it doesn't exist yet. If size is not given and there is no shared region with this name then the default size of 4096 is used
- It then maps this shared memory block into the currently targeted process. It returns the address of mapped region in the target process
- getForegroundProcess() : Returns the processID of the process that is currently on top
- cheatEngineIs64Bit(): Returns true if CE is 64-bit, false if 32-bit
- targetIs64Bit(): Returns true if the target process is 64-bit, false if 32-bit
- getCheatEngineDir(): Returns the folder Cheat Engine is located at
- disassemble(address): Disassembles the given address and returns a string in the format of "address - bytes - opcode : extra"
- splitDisassembledString(disassembledstring): Returns 4 strings. The address, bytes, opcode and extra field
- getInstructionSize(address): Returns the size of an instruction (basically it disassembles the instruction and returns the number of bytes for you)
- getPreviousOpcode(address): Returns the address of the previous opcode (this is just an estimated guess)
- beep() : Plays the fabulous beep/ping sound!
- playSound(stream, waittilldone OPTIONAL): Plays the given memorystream containing a .WAV formatted memory object. If waittilldone is true the script will stop executing till the sound has stopped
- playSound(tablefile, waittilldone OPTIONAL) : Takes the memorystream from the tablefile and plays it.
- There are two tablefiles predeclared inside cheat engine "Activate" and "Deactivate" . You are free to use or override them
- getUserRegistryEnvironmentVariable(name): string - Returns the environment variable stored in the user registry environment
- setUserRegistryEnvironmentVariable(name, string) - Sets the environment variable stored in the user registry environment
- broadcastEnvironmentUpdate() : Call this when you've changed the environment variables in the registry. This will cause at least the shell to update so you don't have to reboot. (It's always recommended to reboot though)
- stringToMD5String(string): Returns an md5 hash string from the provided string
- getFormCount() : Returns the total number of forms assigned to the main CE application
- getForm(index): Returns the form at the specific index
- registerFormAddNotification(function(form)): Registers a function to be called when a form is attached to ce's form list. This is useful for extentions that add new functionality to certain existing forms. It returns an object you can use with unregisterFormAddNotification
- unregisterFormAddNotification(Object)
- getSettingsForm(): Returns the main settings form
- getMemoryViewForm() : Returns the main memoryview form class object which can be accessed using the Form_ class methods and the methods of the classes it inherits from. There can be multiple memory views, but this will only find the original/base
- getMainForm() : Returns the main form class object which can be accessed using the Form_ class methods and the methods of the classes it inherits from
- getLuaEngine() : Returns the lua engine form object (Creates it if needed)
- getApplication() : Returns the application object. (the titlebar)
- getAddressList() : Returns the cheat table addresslist object
- getFreezeTimer() : Returns the freeze timer object
- getUpdateTimer() : Returns the update timer object
- setGlobalKeyPollInterval(integer): Sets the global keypoll interval. The interval determines the speed of how often CE checks if a key has been pressed or not. Lower is more accurate, but eats more cpu power
- setGlobalDelayBetweenHotkeyActivation(integer): Sets the minimum delay between the activation of the same hotey in milliseconds. Affects all hotkeys that do not set their own minimum delay
- undefined property functions. Not all properties of all classes have been explicitly exposed to lua, but if you know the name of a property of a specific class you can still access them (assuming they are declared as published in the pascal class declaration)
- getPropertyList(class) : Returns a stringlist object containing all the published properties of the specified class (free the list when done) (Note, not all classed with properties have 'published' properties. E.g: stringlist)
- setProperty(class, propertyname, propertyvalue) : Sets the value of a published property of a class (Won't work for method properties)
- getProperty(class, propertyname) : Gets the value of a published property of a class (Won't work for method properties)
- setMethodProperty(class, propertyname, function): Sets the method property to the specific function
- getMethodProperty(Class, propertyname): Returns a function you can use to call the original function
- registerSymbol(symbolname, address, OPTIONAL donotsave): Registers a userdefined symbol. If donotsave is true this symbol will not get saved when the table is saved
- unregisterSymbol(symbolname)
- getNameFromAddress(address): Returns the given address as a string. Registered symbolname, modulename+offset, or just a hexadecimal string depending on what address
- inModule(address) : returns true if the given address is inside a module
- inSystemModule(address) : returns true if the given address is inside a system module
- getCommonModuleList: Returns the commonModuleList stringlist. (Do not free this one)
- AOBScan("aobstring", protectionflags OPTIONAL, alignmenttype OPTIONAL, alignmentparam HALFOPTIONAL):
- protectionflags is a string.
- X=Executable W=Writable memory C=Copy On Write. Add a + to indicate that flag MUST be set and a - to indicate that that flag MUST NOT be set. (* sets it to don't care)
- Examples:
- +W-C = Writable memory exluding copy on write and doesn't care about the Executable flag
- +X-C-W = Find readonly executable memory
- +W = Finds all writable memory and don't care about copy on write or execute
- "" = Find everything (is the same as "*X*C*W" )
- alignmenttype is an integer:
- 0=No alignment check
- 1=Address must be dividable by alignmentparam
- 2=Address must end with alignmentparam
- alignmentparam is a string which either holds the value the addresses must be dividable by or what the last digits of the address must be
- -debugging
- debug variables
- 64-bit: RAX, EBX, RBX, RDX, RDI, RSP, RBP, RSP, RIP, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15 : The value of the register
- Debug related routines:
- function debugger_onBreakpoint():
- When a breaking breakpoint hits (that includes single stepping) and the lua function debugger_onBreakpoint() is defined it will be called and the global variables EAX, EBX, .... will be filled in
- Return 0 if you want the userinterface to be updated and anything else if not (e.g: You continued from the breakpoint in your script)
- createProcess(path, parameters OPTIONAL, debug OPTIONAL, breakonentrypoint OPTIONAL) : Creates a process. If debug is true it will be created using the windows debugger and if breakonentry is true it will cause a breakpoint to occur on entrypoint
- debugProcess(interface OPT): starts the debugger for the currently opened process (won't ask the user) Optional interface: 0=default, 1=windows debug, 2=VEHDebug, 3=Kerneldebug
- debug_isDebugging(): Returns true if the debugger has been started
- debug_canBreak(): Returns true if there is a possibility the target can stop in a breakpoint. 6.4+
- debug_getBreakpointList(): Returns a lua table containing all the breakpoint addresses
- debug_setBreakpoint(address, size OPTIONAL, trigger OPTIONAL) : sets a breakpoint of a specific size at the given address. if trigger is bptExecute then size is ignored. If trigger is ignored then it will be of type bptExecute, which obviously also ignores the size then as well
- debug_removeBreakpoint(address) : if the given address is a part of a breakpoint it will be removed
- debug_continueFromBreakpoint(continueMethod) : if the debugger is currently waiting to continue you can continue with this. Valid parameters are :co_run (just continue), co_stepinto(when on top of a call, follow it), co_stepover (when on top of a call run till after the call)
- debug_getXMMPointer(xmmregnr) :
- Returns the address of the specified xmm register of the thread that is currently broken
- This is a LOCAL Cheat Engine address. Use Local memory access functions to read and modify
- xmmregnr can be 0 to 15 (0 to 7 on 32-bit)
- The following routines describe last branch recording. These functions only work when kernelmode debugging is used and using windows XP (vista and later work less effective or not at all because the operating system interferes. Might also be intel specific. A dbvm upgrade in the future might make this work for windows vista and later)
- debug_setLastBranchRecording(boolean): When set the Kernel debugger will try to record the last branch(es) taken before a breakpoint happens
- debug_getMaxLastBranchRecord() : Returns the maximum branch record your cpu can store (-1 if none)
- debug_getLastBranchRecord(index): Returns the value of the Last Branch Record at the given index (when handling a breakpoint)
- function debugger_onModuleLoad(modulename, baseaddress) :
- this routine is called when a module is loaded. Only works for the windows debugger
- return 1 if you want to cause the debugger to break
- Changing registers:
- When the debugger is waiting to continue you can change the register variables. When you continue those register values will be set in the thread's context
- detachIfPossible() : Detaches the debugger from the target process (if it was attached)
- getComment(address) : Gets the userdefined comment at the specified address
- setComment(address, text) : Sets a userdefined comment at the specifried address. %s is used to display the autoguess value if there is one
- getHeader(address) : Gets the userdefined header at the specified address
- setHeader(address) : Sets the userdefined header at the specified address
- class helper functions
- inheritsFromObject(object): Returns true if given any class
- inheritsFromComponent(object): Returns true if the given object inherits from the Component class
- inheritsFromControl(object): Returns true if the given object inherits from the Control class
- inheritsFromWinControl(object): Returns true if the given object inherits from the WinControl class
- createClass(classname): Creates an object of the specified class (Assuming it's a registered class and has a default constructor)
- Class definitions
- Object class: (Inheritance: )
- Properties:
- ClassName: String - The name of class (Read only)
- Methods:
- getClassName(): Returns the classname
- destroy(): Destroys the object
- Component Class: (Inheritance: Object)
- properties
- ComponentCount: Integer - Number of child components . Readonly
- Component[int]: Component - Array containing the child components. Starts at 0. Readonly
- ComponentByName[string]: Component - Returns a component based on the name. Readonly
- Name: string - The name of the component
- Tag: integer - Free to use storage space. (Usefull for id's)
- Owner: Component - Returns the owner of this object. Nil if it has none
- methods
- getComponentCount() : Returns the number of components attached to his component
- getComponent(index) : Returns the specific component
- findComponentByName(name) : Returns the component with this name
- getName() : Return the name
- setName(newname) : Changes the name
- getTag() : Sets an integer value. You can use this for ID's
- setTag(tagvalue) : Get the tag value
- getOwner() : Returns the owner of this component
- Control Class: (Inheritance: Component->Object)
- properties:
- Caption: string - The text of a control
- Top : integer - The x position
- Left : integer - The y position
- Width : integer - The width of the control
- Height : integer - The height of the control
- ClientWidth: integer - The usable width inside the control (minus the borders)
- ClientHeight: integer - The usable height the control (minus the borders)
- Align: AlignmentOption - Alignment of the control
- Enabled: boolean - Determines if the object is usable or greyed out
- Visible: boolean - Determines if the object is visible or not
- Color: ColorDefinition/RGBInteger - The color of the object. Does not affect the caption
- Parent: WinControl - The owner of this control
- PopupMenu: PopupMenu - The popup menu that shows when rightclicking the control
- Font: Font - The font class associated with the control
- OnClick: function - The function to call when a button is pressed
- methods:
- getLeft()
- setLeft(integer)
- getTop()
- setTop(integer)
- getWidth()
- setWidth(integer)
- getHeight()
- setHeight()
- setCaption(caption) : sets the text on a control. All the gui objects fall in this category
- getCaption() : Returns the text of the control
- setPosition(x,y): sets the x and y position of the object base don the top left position (relative to the client array of the owner object)
- getPosition(): returns the x and y position of the object (relative to the client array of the owner object)
- setSize(width,height) : Sets the width and height of the control
- getSize() : Gets the size of the control
- setAlign(alignmentoption): sets the alignment of the control
- getAlign(alignmentoption): gets the alignment of the control
- getEnabled() : gets the enabled state of the control
- setEnabled(boolean) : Sets the enabled state of the control
- getVisible() : gets the visible state of the control
- setVisible(boolean) : sets the visible state of the control
- getColor() : gets the color
- setColor(rgb) : Sets the color
- getParent() : Returns nil or an object that inherits from the Wincontrol class
- setParent(wincontrol) : Sets the parent for this control
- getPopupMenu()
- setPopupMenu()
- getFont(): Returns the Font object of this object
- setFont(): Assigns a new font object. (Not recommended to use. Change the font object that's already there if you wish to change fonts)
- repaint(): Invalidates the graphical area of the control and forces and update
- update() : Only updates the invalidated areas
- setOnClick(functionnameorstring) : Sets the onclick routine
- getOnClick(): Gets the onclick function
- doClick(): Executes the current function under onClick
- GraphicsObject : (GraphicsObject->Object)
- Region Class : (Region->GraphicsObject->Object)
- createRegion(): Created an empty region
- properties
- -
- methods
- addRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2): Adds a rectangle to the region
- addPolygon(tablewithcoordinates): Adds an array of 2D locations. (example : {{0,0},{100,100}, {0,100}} for a triangle )
- WinControl Class: (Inheritance: Control->Component->Object)
- properties
- DoubleBuffered: boolean - Graphical updates will go to a offscreen bitmap which will then be shown on the screen instead of directly to the screen. May reduce flickering
- ControlCount : integer - The number of child controls of this wincontrol
- Control[] : Control - Array to access a child control
- OnEnter : function - Function to be called when the WinControl gains focus
- OnExit : function - Function to be called when the WinControl loses focus
- methods
- getControlCount() Returns the number of Controls attached to this class
- getControl(index) : Returns a WinControl class object
- getControlAtPos(x,y): Gets the control at the given x,y position relative to the wincontrol's position
- canFocus(): returns true if the object can be focused
- focused(): returns boolean true when focused
- setFocus(): tries to set keyboard focus the object
- setShape(Region): Sets the region object as the new shape for this wincontrol
- setShape(Bitmap):
- setOnEnter(function) : Sets an onEnter event. (Triggered on focus enter)
- getOnEnter()
- setOnExit(function) : Sets an onExit event. (Triggered on lost focus)
- getOnExit()
- MenuItem class(Inheritance: Component->Object)
- createMenuItem(ownermenu) : Creates a menu item that gets added to the owner menu
- properties
- Caption : String - Text of the menu item
- Shortcut : string - Shortcut in textform to trigger the menuitem
- Count : integer - Number of children attached to this menuitem
- Menu: Menu - The menu this item resides in
- Parent: MenuItem - The menuitem this item hangs under
- Item[] : Array to access each child menuitem
- [] : Item[]
- OnClick: Function to call when the menu item is activated
- methods
- getCaption() : Gets the caption of the menu item
- setCaption(caption) : Sets the caption of the menu item
- getShortcut(): Returns the shortcut for this menu item
- setShortcut(shortcut): Sets the shortcut for this menuitem. A shortcut is a string in the form of ("ctrl+x")
- getCount()
- getItem(index) : Returns the menuitem object at the given index
- add(menuitem) : Adds a menuItem as a submenu item
- insert(index, menuitem): Adds a menuItem as a submenu item at the given index
- delete(index)
- setOnClick(function) : Sets an onClick event
- getOnClick()
- doClick(): Executes the onClick method if one is assigned
- Menu Class: (Inheritance: Component->Object)
- properties
- Items : MenuItem - The base MenuItem class of this menu (readonly)
- methods
- getItems() : Returns the main MenuItem of this Menu
- MainMenu Class: (Inheritance: Menu->Component->Object)
- createMainMenu(form)
- The mainmenu is the menu at the top of a window
- PopupMenu Class: (Inheritance: Menu->Component->Object)
- createPopupMenu(owner)
- The popup menu is the menu that pops up when showing the (rightclick) context of an control
- Strings Class: (Inheritance : Object) (Mostly an abstract class)
- properties
- Text : String - All the strings in one string
- Count: Integer - The number of strings in this list
- String[]: String - Array to access one specific string in the list
- [] = String[]
- methods
- clear() : Deletes all strings in the list
- add(string) : adds a string to the list
- delete(index) : Deletes a string from the list
- getText() : Returns all the strings as one big string
- setText() : Sets the strings of the given strings object to the given text (can be multiline)
- indexOf(string): Returns the index of the specified string. Returns -1 if not found
- insert(index, string): Inserts a string at a specific spot moving the items after it
- getCount(): Returns the number is strings in the list
- remove(string); Removes the given string from the list
- loadFromFile(filename) : Load the strings from a textfile
- saveToFile(filename) : Save the strings to a textfile
- getString(index) : gets the string at the given index
- setString(index, string) : Replaces the string at the given index
- Stringlist Class: (Inheritance : Strings->Object)
- createStringlist() : Creates a stringlist class object (for whatever reason, lua strings are probably easier to use)
- properties
- Duplicates : DuplicatesType - Determines how duplicates should be handled
- Sorted : boolean - Determines if the list should be sorted
- CaseSensitive: boolean - Determines if the list is case sensitive or not.
- methods
- getDuplicates() : returns the duplicates property
- setDuplicates(Duplicates) : Sets the duplicates property (dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError)
- getSorted() : returns true if the list has the sorted property
- setSorted(boolean) : Sets the sorted property
- getCaseSensitive() : Returns true if the case sensitive property is set
- setCaseSensitive(boolean): Sets the case sensitive property
- Application Class: (Inheritance: CustomApplication->Component->Object)
- properties
- Title: The title of cheat engine in the bar
- methods
- bringToFront(): Shows the cheat engine app
- Form Class: (Inheritance: ScrollingWinControl->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- properties
- AllowDropFiles: boolean - Allows files to be dragged into the form
- ModalResult: integer - The current ModalResult value of the form. Note: When this value gets set the modal form will close
- Menu: MainMenu - The main menu of the form
- OnClose: function(sender) - The function to call when the form gets closed
- OnDropFiles: function(sender, {filenames}) - Called when files are dragged on top of the form. Filenames is an arraytable with the files
- methods
- centerScreen(); : Places the form at the center of the screen
- hide() : Hide the form
- show() : show the form
- close(): Closes the form. Without an onClose this will be the same as hide
- bringToFront(): Brings the form to the foreground
- showModal() : show the form and wait for it to close and get the close result
- isForegroundWindow(): returns true if the specified form has focus
- setOnClose(function) : function (sender) : Return a CloseAction to determine how to close the window
- getOnClose() : Returns the function
- getMenu() : Returns the mainmenu object of this form
- setMenu(mainmenu)
- setBorderStyle( borderstyle): Sets the borderstyle of the window
- getBorderStyle()
- printToRasterImage(rasterimage): Draws the contents of the form to a rasterimage class object
- dragNow(): Call this on mousedown on any object if you wish that the mousemove will drag the whole form arround. Useful for borderless windows (Dragging will stop when the mouse button is released)
- CEForm Class: (Inheritance: Form->ScrollingWinControl->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createForm(visible OPT): creates a CEForm class object(window) and returns the pointer for it. Visible is default true but can be changed
- createFormFromFile(filename): Returns the generated CEform
- properties
- DoNotSaveInTable: boolean - Set this if you do not wish to save the forms in the table
- methods
- saveToFile(filename): Saves a userdefined form
- getDoNotSaveInTable(): Returns the DoNotSaveInTable property
- setDoNotSaveInTable(boolean): Sets the DoNotSaveInTable property
- GraphicControl Class: (Inheritance: Control->Component->Object)
- properties
- Canvas: Canvas - The canvas for rendering this control
- methods
- getCanvas() : Returns the Canvas object for the given object that has inherited from customControl
- PaintBox class: (Inheritance: GraphicControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createPaintBox(owner): Creates a Paintbox class object
- Label Class: (Inheritance: GraphicControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createLabel(owner): Creates a Label class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- Splitter Class: (Inheritance: CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createSplitter(owner): Creates a Splitter class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- Panel Class: (Inheritance: CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createPanel(owner): Creates a Panel class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Alignment: alignment
- BevelInner: panelBevel
- BevelOuter: panelBevel
- BevelWidth: Integer
- FullRepaint: boolean
- methods
- getAlignment() : gets the alignment property
- setAlignment(alignment) : sets the alignment property
- getBevelInner()
- setBevelInner(PanelBevel)
- getBevelOuter()
- setBevelOuter(PanelBevel)
- getBevelWidth()
- setBevelWidth(BevelWidth)
- getFullRepaint()
- setFullRepaint(boolean)
- Image Class: (Inheritance: GraphicControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createImage(owner): Creates an Image class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Canvas: Canvas - The canvas object to access the picture of the image
- Transparent: boolean - Determines if some parts of the picture are see through (usually based on the bottomleft corner)
- Stretch: boolean - Determines if the picture gets stretched when rendered in the image component
- Picture: Picture - The picture to render
- methods
- loadImageFromFile(filename)
- getStretch()
- setStretch(boolean)
- getTransparent()
- setTransparent(boolean)
- getCanvas()
- setPicture(picture)
- getPicture() : Returns the Picture object of this image
- Edit Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createEdit(owner): Creates an Edit class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Text: string - The current contents of the editfield
- OnChange: function - The function to call when the editfield is changed
- methods
- clear()
- selectAll()
- clearSelection()
- copyToClipboard()
- cutToClipboard()
- pasteFromClipboard()
- onChange(function)
- Memo Class: (Inheritance: Edit->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createMemo(owner): Creates a Memo class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Lines: Strings - Strings object for this memo
- WordWrap: boolean - Set if words at the end of the control should go to the next line
- WantTabs: Boolean - Set if tabs will add a tab to the memo. False if tab will go to the next control
- WantReturns: Boolean - Set if returns will send a event or not
- Scrollbars: Scrollstyle - Set the type of ascrollbars to show (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssBoth,
- ssAutoHorizontal, ssAutoVertical, ssAutoBoth)
- methods
- append(string)
- getLines() : returns a Strings class
- getWordWrap()
- setWordWrap(boolean)
- getWantTabs()
- setWantTabs(boolean)
- getWantReturns()
- setWantReturns(boolean)
- getScrollbars()
- setScrollbars(scrollbarenumtype) :
- Sets the scrollbars. Horizontal only takes affect when wordwrap is disabled
- valid enum types:
- ssNone : No scrollbars
- ssHorizontal: Has a horizontal scrollbar
- ssVertical: Has a vertical scrollbar
- ssBoth: Has both scrollbars
- ssAutoHorizontal: Same as above but only shows when there actually is something to scroll for
- ssAutoVertical: " " " " ...
- ssAutoBoth: " " " " ...
- ButtonControl Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- Button Class: (Inheritance: ButtonControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createButton(owner): Creates a Button class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- ModalResult: ModalResult - The result this button will give the modalform when clicked
- methods
- getModalResult(button)
- setModalResult(button, mr)
- CheckBox Class: (Inheritance: ButtonControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createCheckBox(owner): Creates a CheckBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Checked: boolean - True if checked
- AllowGrayed: boolean - True if it can have 3 states. True/False/None
- State: checkboxstate - The state. (cbUnchecked=0, cbChecked=1, cbGrayed=2)
- OnChange: function - Function to call when the state it changed
- methods
- getAllowGrayed()
- setAllowGrayed(boolean)
- getState(): Returns a state for the checkbox. (cbUnchecked, cbChecked, cbGrayed)
- setState(boolean): Sets the state of the checkbox
- onChange(function)
- ToggleBox Class: (Inheritance: CheckBox->ButtonControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createToggleBox(owner): Creates a ToggleBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- GroupBox Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createGroupBox(owner): Creates a GroupBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- RadioGroup class: (Inheritance: GroupBox->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createRadioGroup(owner): Creates a RadioGroup class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Items: Strings - Strings derived object containings all the items in the list
- Columns: Integer - The number of columns to split the items into
- ItemIndex: Integer - The currently selected item
- OnClick: Called when the control is clicked
- methods
- getRows(): Returns the number of rows
- getItems(): Returns a Strings object
- getColumns(): Returns the nuber of columns
- setColumns(integer)
- getItemIndex()
- setItemIndex(integer)
- setOnClick(function)
- getOnClick()
- ListBox Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createListBox(owner): Creates a ListBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- MultiSelect: boolean - When set to true you can select multiple items
- Items: Strings - Strings derived object containings all the items in the list
- Selected[] - Returns true if the given line is selected. Use Items.Count-1 to find out the max index
- ItemIndex: integer - Get selected index. -1 is nothing selected
- Canvas: Canvas - The canvas object used to render on the object
- methods
- clear()
- clearSelection() : Deselects all items in the list
- selectAll(): Selects all items in the list
- getItems(): Returns a strings object
- setItems(Strings): sets a strings object to the listbox
- getItemIndex()
- setItemIndex(integer)
- getCanvas()
- Calendar Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createCalendar(owner): Creates a Calendar class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl. Valid date is between "September 14, 1752" and "December 31, 9999"
- properties
- Date: string - current date of the Calendar, format: yyyy-mm-dd
- DateTime: number - days since December 30, 1899
- methods
- getDateLocalFormat - returns current date of the Calendar, format: ShortDateFormat from OS local settings
- ComboBox Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createComboBox(owner): Creates a ComboBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Items: Strings - Strings derived object containings all the items in the list
- ItemIndex: integer - Get selected index. -1 is nothing selected
- Canvas: Canvas - The canvas object used to render on the object
- methods
- clear()
- getItems()
- setItems()
- getItemIndex()
- setItemIndex(integer)
- getCanvas()
- ProgressBar Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createProgressBar(owner): Creates a ProgressBar class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Min: integer - The minimum positionvalue the progressbar can have (default 0)
- Max: integer - The maximum positionvalue the progressbar can have (default 100
- Position: integer - The position of the progressbar
- Step: integer- The stepsize to step by when stepIt() is called
- methods
- stepIt() - Increase position with "Step" size
- stepBy(integer) - increase the position by the given integer value
- getMax() - returns the Max property
- setMax(integer) - sets the max property
- getMin() - returns the min property
- setMin(integer)- sets the min property
- getPosition() - returns the current position
- setPosition(integer) - sets the current position
- TrackBar Class : (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createTrackBar(owner): Creates a TrackBar class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Min: integer - Minimal value for the trackbar
- Max: integer - Maximum value for the trackbar
- Position: integer - The current position
- OnChange: function - Function to call when
- methods
- getMax()
- setMax(integer)
- getMin(trackbar)
- setMin(trackbar, integer)
- getPosition(progressbar)
- setPosition(progressbar, integer)
- getOnChange(function)
- setOnChange()
- CollectionItem Class: (Inheritance: Object)
- Base class for some higher level classes. Often used for columns
- properties
- ID: integer
- Index: integer - The index in the array this item belong to
- DisplayName: string
- methods
- getID()
- getIndex()
- setIndex()
- getDisplayName()
- setDisplayName()
- ListColumn class: (Inheritance: CollectionItem->Object)
- properties
- AutoSize: boolean
- Caption: string
- MaxWidth: integer
- MinWidth: integer
- Width: integer
- Visible: boolean
- methods
- getAutosize()
- setAutosize(boolean)
- getCaption()
- setCaption(caption)
- getMaxWidth()
- setMaxWidth(width)
- getMinWidth()
- setMinWidth(width)
- getWidth()
- setWidth(width)
- Collection Class: (Inheritance: TObject)
- properties
- Count: integer
- methods
- clear(collection)
- getCount(collection)
- delete(collection, index)
- ListColumns class : (Inheritance: Collection->Object)
- properties
- Columns[]: Array to access a column
- [] = Columns[]
- methods
- add(): Returns a new ListColumn object
- getColumn(index): Returns a ListColum object;
- setColumn(index, listcolumns): Sets a ListColum object (not recomended, use add instead)
- ListItem Class : (Inheritance: TObject)
- properties
- Caption: boolean - The text of this listitem
- Checked: boolean - Determines if the checkbox is checked (if it has a checkbox)
- SubItems: Strings - The Strings object that hold the subitems
- Selected: boolean - Returns true if selected
- Index: integer - The index in the Items object of the owner of this listitem (readonly)
- Owner: ListItems - The ListItems object that owns this ListItem (readonly)
- methods
- delete()
- getCaption() : Returns the first columns string of the listitem
- setCaption(string) : Sets the first column string of the listitem
- getChecked() : Returns true if the listitem is checked
- setChecked(boolean): Sets the checkbox of the listbox to the given state
- getSubItems(): Returns a Strings object
- makeVisible(partial): Scrolls the listview so this item becomes visible (Cheat Engine 6.4 and later)
- ListItems class : (Inheritance: TObject)
- properties
- Count : Integer - The number of ListItems this object holds (Normally read only, but writable if OwnerData is true in the listview)
- Item[]: ListItem[] - Array to access each ListItem object
- [] = Item[]
- methods
- clear()
- getCount()
- getItem(integer) : Return the listitem object at the given index
- add(): Returns a new ListItem object
- Listview Class : (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createListView(owner): Creates a ListView class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- properties
- Columns: ListColumns - The Listcolumns object of the listview (Readonly)
- Items: ListItems - The ListItems objects of the listview
- ItemIndex: integer - The currently selected index in the Items object (-1 if nothing is selected)
- Selected: ListItem - The currently selected listitem (nil if nothing is selected)
- Canvas: Canvas - The canvas object used to render the listview (Readonly)
- AutoWidthLastColumn: Boolean - When set to true the last column will resize when the control resizes
- HideSelection: Boolean - When set to true the selection will not hide when the focus leaves the control
- RowSelect: Boolean - When set to true the whole row will be selected instead of just the first column
- OwnerData: Boolean - When set to true the listview will call the onData function for every line being displayed. Use Items.Count to set the number of virtual lines
- OnData: function(sender, ListItem) - Called when a listview with OwnerData true renders a line
- methods
- clear()
- getColumns() : ListColumns - Returns a ListColumns object
- getItems(): ListItems - Returns a ListItems object
- getItemIndex(): integer - Returns the currently selected index in the Items object
- setItemIndex(index: integer)- Sets the current itemindex
- getCanvas() : Canvas - Returns the canvas object used to render the listview
- TreeNode clasS : (Inheritance: TObject)
- properties
- Text: string - The text of the treenode
- Parent: Treenode - The treenode this object is a child of. (can be nil) (ReadOnly)
- Level: Integer - The level this node is at
- HasChildren: boolean - Set to true if it has children, or you wish it to have an expand sign
- Count : Integer - The number of children this node has
- Items[]: Treenode - Array to access the child nodes of this node
- Index: Integer - The index based on the parent
- AbsoluteIndex: Integer - The index based on the TreeView's Treenodes object (Items)
- Selected: Boolean - Set to true if currently selected
- MultiSelected: Boolean - Set to true if selected as well, but not the main selected object
- Data: Pointer - Space to store 4 or 8 bytes depending on which version of CE is used
- methods
- delete()
- deleteChildren()
- makeVisible()
- expand(recursive:boolean=TRUE OPTIONAL) : Expands the given node
- collapse(recursive:boolean=TRUE OPTIONAL) : collapses the given node
- getNextSibling(): Returns the treenode object that's behind this treenode on the same level
- add(text:string): Returns a Treenode object that is a child of the treenode used to create it
- TreeNodes class : (Inheritance: TObject)
- properties
- Count : Integer - The total number of Treenodes this object has
- Item[]: TreeNode - Array to access each node
- [] = Item[]
- methods
- clear()
- getCount()
- getItem(integer) : Return the listitem object at the given index
- add(text:string): Returns a new root Treenode object
- insert(treenode, string): Returns a new treenode object that has been inserted before the given treenode
- insertBehind(treenode, string): Returns a new treenode object that has been inserted after the given treenode
- Treeview Class : (Inheritance: CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createTreeView(owner)
- properties
- Items: TreeNodes - The Treenodes object of the treeview (ReadOnly)
- Selected: TreeNode - The currently selected treenode
- methods
- getItems()
- getSelected()
- setSelected()
- fullCollapse() : Collapses all the nodes, including the children's nodes
- fullExpand() : Expands all the nodes and all their children
- saveToFile(filename): Saves the contents of the treeview to disk
- Timer Class : (Inheritance: Component->object)
- createTimer(owner OPT, enabled OPT):
- Creates a timer object. If enabled is not given it will be enabled by default (will start as soon as an onTimer event has been assigned)
- Owner may be nil, but you will be responsible for destroying it instead of being the responsibility of the owner object)
- properties
- Interval: integer - The number of milliseconds (1000=1 second) between executions
- Enabled: boolean
- OnTimer: function - The function to call when the timer triggers
- methods
- getInterval()
- setInterval(interval) : Sets the speed on how often the timer should trigger. In milliseconds (1000=1 second)
- getOnTimer()
- setOnTimer(function)
- getEnabled()
- setEnabled()boolean)
- CustomControl class (CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- properties
- Canvas : The canvas object for drawing on the control/. Readonly
- methods
- getCanvas() : Returns the Canvas object for the given object that has inherited from customControl
- Canvas Class : (Inheritance: CustomCanvas->Object)
- properties
- Brush: Brush - The brush object
- Pen: Pen - The pen object
- Font: Font - The font object
- Width: integer - Width of the canvas
- Height: integer - Height of the canvas
- methods
- getBrush(): Returns the brush object of this canvas
- getPen(): Returns the pen object of this canvas
- getFont(): Returns the font object of this canvas
- getWidth()
- getHeight()
- getPenPosition()
- setPenPosition(x,y)
- clear() - Clears the canvas
- line(sourcex, sourcey, destinationx, destinationy)
- lineTo(destinationx, destinationy)
- rect(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- fillRect(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- textOut(x,y, text)
- getTextWidth(text)
- getTextHeight(text)
- getPixel(x,y)
- setPixel(x,y,color)
- floodFill(x,y)
- ellipse(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- gradientFill(x1,y1,x2,y2, startcolor, stopcolor, direction) : Gradient fills a rectangle. Direction can be 0 or 1. 0=Vertical 1=Horizontal
- copyRect(dest_x1,dest_y1,dest_x2,dest_y2, sourceCanvas, source_x1,source_y1,source_x2,source_y2) : Draws an image from one source to another. Usefull in cases of doublebuffering
- draw(x,y, graphic) : Draw the image of a specific Graphic class
- getClipRect() : Returns a table containing the fields Left, Top, Right and Bottom, which define the invalidated region of the graphical object. Use this to only render what needs to be rendered in the onPaint event of objects
- Pen Class : (Inheritance: CustomPen->CanvasHelper->Object)
- properties
- Color: Integer - The color of the pen
- Width: integer - Thickness of the pen
- methods
- getColor()
- setColor(color)
- getWidth()
- setWidth(width)
- Brush Class : (Inheritance: CustomBrush->CanvasHelper->Object)
- properties
- Color : Integer
- methods
- getColor()
- setColor()
- Font Class : (Inheritance: CustomFont->CanvasHelper->Object)
- createFont(): Returns a font object (default initialized based on the main ce window)
- properties
- Name: string
- Size: integer
- Color: integer
- methods
- getName(): Gets the fontname of the font
- setName(string): Sets the fontname of the font
- getSize(): Gets the size of the font
- setSize(integer): Sets the size of the font
- getColor(): Gets the color of the font
- setColor(integer): Sets the color of the font
- assign(font): Copies the contents of the font given as parameter to this font
- Graphic Class : (Inheritance: Object) : Abstract class
- properties
- Width: integer
- Height: integer
- Transparent: boolean
- methods
- getWidth(graphic): Gets the current width in pixels of this graphics object
- setWidth(graphic, width): Sets thw width in pixels
- getHeight(graphic)
- setHeight(graphic, height)
- RasterImage class: (Inheritance: Graphic->Object) : Base class for some graphical controls
- properties
- Canvas: Canvas
- PixelFormat: PixelFormat - the pixelformat for this image. Will clear the current image if it had one. Supported pixelformats: pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf15bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit (recommended)
- TransparentColor: integer
- methods
- getCanvas(): Returns the Canvas object for this image
- getPixelFormat(): Returns the current pixelformat
- getPixelFormat(pixelformat): Sets the pixelformat for this image. Will clear the current image if it had one. Supported pixelformats: pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf15bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit (recommended)
- setTransparentColor(integer): Sets the color that will be rendered as transparent when drawn
- getTransparentColor(): Returns the color set to be transparent
- Bitmap class: (Inheritance: CustomBitmap->RasterImage->Graphic->Object) : Bitmap based Graphic object
- createBitmap(width, height) - Returns a Bitmap object
- PortableNetworkGraphic Class: (Inheritence: CustomBitmap->RasterImage->Graphic->Object)
- createPNG(width, height) - Returns a PortableNetworkGraphic object
- JpegImage Class: (Inheritence: CustomBitmap->RasterImage->Graphic->Object)
- createJpeg(width, height) - Returns a Jpeg object
- Picture Class : (Inheritance: Object) : Container for the Graphic class
- createPicture() : Returns a empty picture object
- properties
- Graphic
- Bitmap
- Jpeg
- methods
- loadFromFile(filename)
- saveToFile(filename)
- loadFromStream(stream, originalextension OPTIONAL) : Loads a picture from a stream. Note that the stream position must be set to the start of the picture
- assign(sourcepicture)
- getGraphic() : Gets the Graphic object of this picture
- getPNG(): Returns a PortableNetworkGraphic Class object (Can be used from scratch)
- getBitmap(): Returns a Bitmap Class object (Can be used from scratch)
- getJpeg(): Returns a JpegImage Class object (Picture must be initialized with a jpeg file first)
- GenericHotkey Class : (Inheritance: Object)
- createHotkey(function, keys, ...) : returns an initialized GenericHotkey class object. Maximum of 5 keys
- createHotkey(function, {keys, ...}) : ^
- properties
- DelayBetweenActivate: integer - Interval in milliseconds that determines the minimum time between hotkey activations. If 0, the global delay is used
- onHotkey: The function to call when the hotkey is pressed
- methods
- getKeys()
- setKeys(key, ....)
- setOnHotkey(table)
- getOnHotkey
- CommonDialog class:
- properties
- OnShow: function(sender)
- OnClose: function(sender)
- Title: string - The caption at top of the dialog
- methods
- Execute() : Shows the dialog and return true/false depending on the dialog
- FindDialog Class: (Inheritance: CommonDialog->Component->Object)
- properties
- FindText: String - The text the user wishes to find
- Options: Enum - Find Options
- { frDown, frFindNext, frHideMatchCase, frHideWholeWord,
- frHideUpDown, frMatchCase, frDisableMatchCase, frDisableUpDown,
- frDisableWholeWord, frReplace, frReplaceAll, frWholeWord, frShowHelp,
- frEntireScope, frHideEntireScope, frPromptOnReplace, frHidePromptOnReplace }
- OnFind: function (sender) - Called when the find button has been clicked
- OnHelp: function (sender) - Called when the help button is visible (see Options) and clicked
- methods
- FileDialog Class: (Inheritance: CommonDialog->Component->Object)
- properties
- DefaultExt: string - When not using filters this will be the default extention used if no extension is given
- Files: Strings - Stringlist containing all seleced files if multiple files are selected
- FileName: string - The filename that was selected
- Filter: string - A filter formatted string
- FilterIndex: integer - The index of which filter to use
- InitialDir: string - Sets the folder the filedialog will show first
- methods
- OpenDialog Class: (Inheritance: FileDialog->CommonDialog->Component->Object)
- createOpenDialog(owner) : Creates an opendialog object
- properties
- Options: String
- A string formatted as "[param1, param2, param3]" to set OpenDialogs options
- Valid parameters are:
- ofReadOnly,
- ofOverwritePrompt : if selected file exists shows a message, that file will be overwritten
- ofHideReadOnly : hide read only file
- ofNoChangeDir : do not change current directory
- ofShowHelp : show a help button
- ofNoValidate
- ofAllowMultiSelect : allow multiselection
- ofExtensionDifferent
- ofPathMustExist : shows an error message if selected path does not exist
- ofFileMustExist : shows an error message if selected file does not exist
- ofCreatePrompt
- ofShareAware
- ofNoReadOnlyReturn : do not return filenames that are readonly
- ofNoTestFileCreate
- ofNoNetworkButton
- ofNoLongNames
- ofOldStyleDialog
- ofNoDereferenceLinks : do not expand filenames
- ofEnableIncludeNotify
- ofEnableSizing : dialog can be resized, e.g. via the mouse
- ofDontAddToRecent : do not add the path to the history list
- ofForceShowHidden : show hidden files
- ofViewDetail : details are OS and interface dependent
- ofAutoPreview : details are OS and interface dependent
- methods
- -
- SaveDialog Class: (Inheritance: OpenDialog->FileDialog->CommonDialog->Component->Object)
- createSaveDialog(owner)
- SelectDirectoryDialog Class: (Inheritance: OpenDialog->FileDialog->CommonDialog->Component->Object)
- createSelectDirectoryDialog(owner)
- Stream Class
- properties
- Size: integer
- Position: integer
- methods
- copyFrom(stream, count) - Copies count bytes from the given stream to this stream
- read(count): bytetable - Returns a bytetable containing the bytes of the stream. This increases the posion
- write(bytetable, count OPTIONAL)- Writes the given bytetable to the stream
- MemoryStream Class (Inheritance: Stream->Object)
- createMemoryStream()
- properties
- Memory: Integer - The address in Cheat Engine's memory this stream is loaded (READONLY, tends to change)
- methods
- loadFromFile(filename) : Replaces the contents in the memory stream with the contents of a file on disk
- saveToFile(filename) : Writes the contents of the memory stream to the specified file
- FileStream Class (Inheritance: HandleStream->Stream->Object)
- createFileStream(filename, mode)
- TableFile class (Inheritance: Object)
- findTableFile(filename): Returns the TableFile class object for the saved file
- properties
- Name: string
- Stream: MemoryStream
- methods
- saveToFile(filename)
- getData() : Gets a MemoryStream object
- xmplayer class.
- The xmplayer class has already been defined as xmplayer, no need to create it manually
- properties
- IsPlaying : boolean - Indicator that the xmplayer is currently playing a xm file
- Initialized: boolean - Indicator that the xmplayer is actually actively loaded in memory
- methods
- playXM(filename, OPTIONAL noloop)
- playXM(tablefile, OPTIONAL noloop)
- playXM(Stream, OPTIONAL noloop)
- pause()
- resume()
- stop()
- CheatComponent Class: (Inheritance: WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- The cheatcomponent class is the component used in Cheat Engine 5.x trainers
- Most people will probably want to design their own components but for those that don't know much coding and use the autogenerated trainer this will be used
- properties
- Color: Integer - background color
- Textcolor: integer - text color
- Activationcolor: integer - The textcolor to show when activated is true
- Activated: boolean - Toggles between the ActivationColor and the TextColor
- Editleft:integer - The x position of the optional edit field
- Editwidth: integer - the width of the optional edit field
- Editvalue:string - The string of the optional edit field
- Hotkey:string read - The hotkeypart of the cheat line
- Description:string - Description part of the cheat line
- Hotkeyleft: integer - The x position of the hotkey line
- Descriptionleft:integer - The x position of the Description line
- ShowHotkey: boolean - Decides if the hotkey label should be shown
- HasEditBox: boolean - Decides if the editbox should be shown
- HasCheckbox: boolean - Decides if the checkbox should be shown
- Font: Font - The font to use to render the text
- methods
- -
- MemoryRecordHotkey Class: (Inheritance: object)
- The memoryrecord hotkey class is mainly readonly with the exception of the event properties to be used to automatically create trainers
- Use the genreric hotkey class if you wish to create your own hotkeys
- properties
- Owner: MemoryRecord - The memoryrecord this hotkey belongs to (ReadOnly)
- ID: integer - Unique id of this hotkey (ReadOnly)
- Description: string - The description of this hotkey (ReadOnly)
- HotkeyString: string - The hotkey formatted as a string (ReadOnly)
- OnHotkey: function(sender) - Function to be called when a hotkey has just been pressed
- OnPostHotkey: function(sender) - Function to be called when a hotkey has been pressed and the action has been performed
- methods
- doHotkey: Executes the hotkey as if it got triggered by the keyboard
- MemoryRecord Class:
- The memoryrecord objects are the entries you see in the addresslist
- properties
- ID: Integer - Unique ID
- Index: Integer - The index ID for this record. 0 is top. (ReadOnly)
- Description: string- The description of the memory record
- Address: string - Get/set the interpretable address string. Usefull for simple address settings.
- OffsetCount: integer - The number of offsets. Set to 0 for a normal address
- Offset[] : integer - Array to access each offset
- CurrentAddress: integer - The address the memoryrecord points to
- Type: ValueType - The variable type of this record. See vtByte to vtCustom
- If the type is vtString then the following properties are available:
- String.Size: Number of characters in the string
- String.Unicode: boolean
- If the type is vtBinary then the following properties are available
- Binary.Startbit: First bit to start reading from
- Binary.Size : Number of bits
- If the type is vtByteArray then the following propertes are available
- Aob.Size : Number of bytes
- CustomTypeName: String - If the type is vtCustomType this will contain the name of the CustomType
- Script: String - If the type is vtAutoAssembler this will contain the auto assembler script
- Value: string - The value in stringform.
- Selected: boolean - Set to true if selected (ReadOnly)
- Active: boolean - Set to true to activate/freeze, false to deactivate/unfreeze
- Color: integer
- Count: Number of children
- Child[index] : Array to access the child records
- [index] = Child[index]
- HotkeyCount: integer - Number of hotkeys attached to this memory record
- Hotkey[] : Array to index the hotkeys
- OnActivate: function()
- OnDeactivate: function()
- OnDestroy: function()
- methods
- getDescription()
- setDescription()
- getAddress() : Returns the interpretable addressstring of this record. If it is a pointer, it returns a second result as a table filled with the offsets
- setAddress(string) : Sets the interpretable address string, and if offsets are provided make it a pointer
- getOffsetCount(): Returns the number of offsets for this memoryrecord
- setOffsetCount(integer): Lets you set the number of offsets
- getOffset(index) : Gets the offset at the given index
- setOffset(index, value) : Sets the offset at the given index
- getCurrentAddress(): Returns the current address as an integer (the final result of the interpretable address and pointer offsets)
- appendToEntry(memrec): Appends the current memory record to the given memory record
- getHotkey(index): Returns the hotkey from the hotkey array
- getHotkeyByID(integer): Returns the hotkey with the given id
- Addresslist Class: (Inheritance: Panel->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- properties
- Count: Integer - The number of records in the table
- SelCount: integer- The number of records that are selected
- SelectedRecord: MemoryRecord - The main selected record
- MemoryRecord[]: MemoryRecord - Array to access the individial memory records
- [] = MemoryRecord - Default accessor
- methods
- getCount()
- getMemoryRecord(index)
- getMemoryRecordByDescription(description): returns a MemoryRecord object
- getMemoryRecordByID(ID)
- createMemoryRecord() : creates an generic cheat table entry and add it to the list
- getSelectedRecords(): Returns a table containing all the selected records
- doDescriptionChange() : Will show the gui window to change the description of the selected entry
- doAddressChange() : Will show the gui window to change the address of the selected entry
- doTypeChange() : Will show the gui window to change the type of the selected entries
- doValueChange() : Will show the gui window to change the value of the selected entries
- getSelectedRecord() : Gets the main selected memoryrecord
- setSelectedRecord(memrec) : Sets the currently selected memoryrecord. This will unselect all other entries
- MemScan Class (Inheritance: Object)
- getCurrentMemscan() : Returns the current memory scan object. If tabs are used the current tab's memscan object
- createMemScan(progressbar OPTIONAL) : Returns a new MemScan class object
- properties
- OnScanDone: function(memscan) - Set a function to be called when the scan has finished
- FoundList: FoundList - The foundlist currently attached to this memscan object
- OnlyOneResult: boolean - If this is set to true memscan will stop scanning after having found the first result, and written the address to "Result"
- Result: Integer - If OnlyOneResult is used this will contain the address after a scan has finished
- methods
- firstScan(scanoption, vartype, roundingtype, input1, input2 ,startAddress ,stopAddress ,protectionflags ,alignmenttype ,"alignmentparam" ,isHexadecimalInput ,isNotABinaryString, isunicodescan, iscasesensitive);
- Does an initial scan.
- memscan: The MemScan object created with createMemScan
- scanOption: Defines what type of scan is done. Valid values for firstscan are:
- soUnknownValue: Unknown initial value scan
- soExactValue: Exact Value scan
- soValueBetween: Value between scan
- soBiggerThan: Bigger than ... scan
- soSmallerThan: smaller than ... scan
- vartype: Defines the variable type. Valid variable types are:
- vtByte
- vtWord 2 bytes
- vtDword 4 bytes
- vtQword 8 bytes
- vtSingle float
- vtDouble
- vtString
- vtByteArray
- vtGrouped
- vtBinary
- vtAll
- roundingtype: Defined the way scans for exact value floating points are handled
- rtRounded : Normal rounded scans. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.49999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.0499999999
- rtTruncated: Truncated algoritm. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.099999999
- rtExtremerounded: Rounded Extreme. If exact value = "3" then it includes 2.0000001 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 2.900000001 to 3.099999999
- input1: If required by the scanoption this is a string of the given variable type
- input2: If requires by the scanoption this is the secondary input
- startAddress : The start address to scan from. You want to set this to 0
- stopAddress : The address the scan should stop at. (You want to set this to 0xffffffffffffffff)
- protectionflags : See aobscan about protectionflags
- alignmenttype : Scan alignment type. Valid options are:
- fsmNotAligned : No alignment check
- fsmAligned : The address must be dividable by the value in alignmentparam
- fsmLastDigits : The last digits of the address must end with the digits provided by alignmentparam
- alignmentparam : String that holds the alignment parameter.
- isHexadecimalInput: When true this will handle the input field as a hexadecimal string else decimal
- isNotABinaryString: When true and the varType is vtBinary this will handle the input field as a decimal instead of a binary string
- isunicodescan: When true and the vartype is vtString this will do a unicode (utf16) string scan else normal utf8 string
- iscasesensitive : When true and the vartype is vtString this check if the case matches
- nextScan(scanoption, roundingtype, input1,input2, isHexadecimalInput, isNotABinaryString, isunicodescan, iscasesensitive, ispercentagescan, savedresultname OPTIONAL);
- Does a next scan based on the current addresslist and values of the previous scan or values of a saved scan
- memscan: The MemScan object that has previously done a first scan
- scanoption:
- soExactValue: Exact Value scan
- soValueBetween: Value between scan
- soBiggerThan: Bigger than ... scan
- soSmallerThan: smaller than ... scan
- soIncreasedValue: Increased value scan
- soIncreasedValueBy: Increased value by scan
- soDecreasedValue: Decreased value scan
- soDecreasedValueBy: Decreased value by scan
- soChanged: Changed value scan
- soUnchanged: Unchanged value scan
- roundingtype: Defined the way scans for exact value floating points are handled
- rtRounded : Normal rounded scans. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.49999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.0499999999
- rtTruncated: Truncated algoritm. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.099999999
- rtExtremerounded: Rounded Extreme. If exact value = "3" then it includes 2.0000001 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 2.900000001 to 3.099999999
- input1: If required by the scanoption this is a string of the given variable type
- input2: If requires by the scanoption this is the secondary input
- isHexadecimalInput: When true this will handle the input field as a hexadecimal string else decimal
- isNotABinaryString: When true and the varType is vtBinary this will handle the input field as a decimal instead of a binary string
- isunicodescan: When true and the vartype is vtString this will do a unicode (utf16) string scan else normal utf8 string
- iscasesensitive : When true and the vartype is vtString this check if the case matches
- ispercentage: When true and the scanoption is of type soValueBetween, soIncreasedValueBy or soDecreasedValueBy will cause CE to do a precentage scan instead of a normal value scan
- savedResultName: String that holds the name of a saved result list that should be compared against. First scan is called "FIRST"
- newScan() : Clears the current results
- waitTillDone() : Waits for the memscan thread(s) to finish scanning. Always use this
- saveCurrentResults(name) : Save the current scanresults to a unique name for this memscan. This save can be used to compare against in a subsequent next scan
- getAttachedFoundlist() : Returns a FoundList object if one is attached to this scanresults. Returns nil otherwise
- setOnlyOneResult(state): If set to true before you start a scan, this will cause the scanner to only return one result. Note that it does not work with a foundlist
- getOnlyResult(): Only works if returnOnlyOneResult is true. Returns nil if not found, else returns the address that was found (integer)
- FoundList
- The foundlist is an object that opens the current memscan's result file and provides an interface for reading out the addresses
- createFoundList(memscan)
- properties
- Count: integer;
- Address[index]
- Value[index]
- methods
- initialize() : Call this when a memscan has finished scanning. This will open the results for reading
- deinitialize() : Release the results
- getCount()
- getAddress(index) : Returns the address as a string
- getValue(index) : Returs the value as a string
- Memoryview class: (Inheritance: Form->ScrollingWinControl->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- createMemoryView() - Creates a new memoryview window. This window will not receive debug events. Use getMemoryViewForm() function to get the main memoryview window
- properties
- DisassemblerView: The disassemblerview class of this memoryview object
- HexadecimalView: The hexadecimalview class of this memoryview object
- methods
- -
- DisassemblerviewLine class: (Inheritance: Object)
- properties
- Address: The current address of this line
- Owner: The Disassemblerview that owns this line
- methods
- -
- Disassemblerview class: (Inheritance: Panel->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- The visual disassembler used on the memory view window
- properties
- SelectedAddress: integer - The currently selected address in the disassemblerview
- SelectedAddress2: integer - The secondary selected address in the disassemblerview
- TopAddress: Integer - The first address to show
- ShowJumplines: boolean - Determines if the jumplines should be shown
- OnSelectionChange: function(sender, address, address2) - Function to call when the selection has changed
- OnExtraLineRender: function(sender, Address, AboveInstruction, Selected): RasterImage OPTIONAL, x OPTIONAL, y OPTIONAL
- Function to call when you wish to provide the disassembler view with an extra image containing data you wish to show.
- This function is called once to get an image to show above the instruction, and once to get an image to show under the instruction and optional comments.
- The image for both calls must be different objects as rendering will only be done when both calls have been completed
- Sender is a DisassemblerviewLine object
- If no coordinates are given the image will be centered above/below the instruction
- methods
- -
- Hexadecimal class: (Inheritance: Panel->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- The visual hexadecimal object used on the memory view window
- properties
- OnAddressChange(hexadecimalview, function): function(hexadecimalview, address)
- OnByteSelect(hexadecimalview, function): function(hexadecimalview, address, address2)
- methods
- -
- Thread Class: (Inheritance: Object)
- createNativeThread(function(Thread,...), ...) :
- Executes the given function in another thread using the systems thread mechanism
- The function returns the Thread class object
- function declaration: function (Thread, ...)
- properties
- name: string - This name will be shown when the thread terminated abnormally
- methods
- freeOnTerminate(state) :
- When set to true the thread object will free itself when the function ends (default=true)
- Note: Use this only from inside the thread function as the thread might have already terminated and freed itself when called
- synchronize(function(thread, ...), ...) :
- Called from inside the thread. This wil cause the tread to get the main thread to execute the given function and wait for it to finish.
- Usually for gui access
- Returns the return value of the given function
- waitfor() :
- Waits for the given thread to finish (Not recommended to call this from inside the thread itself)
- Structure class related functions:
- getStructureCount(): Returns the number of Global structures. (Global structures are the visible structures)
- getStructure(index): Returns the Structure object at the given index
- createStructure(name): Returns an empty structure object (Not yet added to the Global list. Call structure.addToGlobalStructureList manually)
- structure class: (Inheritance: Object)
- Properties:
- Name: String - The name of the structure
- Size: Integer - The number of bytes between the last element and the start. ReadOnly
- Count: Integer - Number of elements in the structure. ReadOnly
- Element[]: structureElement - Returns the structure element at the given index. Readonly
- Methods:
- getName(): Returns the name
- setName(name): Sets the name
- getElement(index): Returns a structureElement object (Changing offsets can change the index)
- getElementByOffset(offset): Returns a structureElement object where the specified offset is at least the requested offset
- addElement(): Adds a new blank structureElement and returns it
- autoGuess(baseaddresstoguessfrom, offset, size)
- fillFromDotNetAddress(address, changeName): Fills the structure with the layout gathered from querying .NET. If changeName is true, the structure will take the name of the .NET class. (6.4+)
- beginUpdate(): Call this when you want to make multiple updates to a structure. It will speed up the update process
- endUpdate(): Call this when done
- addToGlobalStructureList(): Add this to the list of structures for the user to select from. (Global structures will get saved to the table)
- removeFromGlobalStructureList(): Remove from the list of structures.
- StructureElement class: (Inheritance: Object)
- Properties:
- Owner: structure - The structure this element belongs to. Readonly
- Offset: integer - The offset of this element
- Name: string - The name of this element
- Vartype: integer - The variable type of this element
- ChildStruct: structure - If not nil this element is a pointer to the structure defined here
- ChildStructStart: integer - The number of bytes inside the provided childstruct. (E.g: It might point to offset 10 of a certain structure)
- Bytesize: integer - The number of bytes of this element. Readonly for basic types, writable for types that require a defined length like strings and array of bytes
- Methods:
- getOwnerStructure(): Returns the structure this element belongs to
- getOffset(): Returns the offset of this element
- setOffset(offset): Sets the offset of this element
- getName(): Returns the name of this element
- setName(name): Sets the name of this element (tip: Leave blank if you only want to set the name of the variable)
- getVartype(): Returns the variable type of this element (check Variable types in defines.lua)
- setVartype(vartype)
- getChildStruct()
- setChildStruct(structure)
- getChildStructStart()
- setChildStructStart(offset)
- getBytesize(): Gets the bytesize of the element. Usually returns the size of the type, except for string and aob
- setBytesize(size): sets the bytesize for types that are affected (string, aob)
- supportCheatEngine(attachwindow, hasclosebutton, width, height, position ,yoururl OPTIONAL, extraparameters OPTIONAL, percentageshown OPTIONAL):
- Will show an advertising window which will help keep the development of Cheat Engine going.
- If you provide your own url it will be shown Up to 75% of the time.
- attachwindow: Type=Form : The form that the ad is attached to
- hasclosebutton: Type=boolean : If true the window will have a border an a close button at top
- width, height: Type=integer :
- The client width and height of the window.
- Prefered formats are : 120x600 , 160x600, 300x250, 468x60, 728x90 ,But you are free to use different formats
- Position: Type=integer/enum: The place of the window
- 0=Top, 1=Right, 2=Bottom, 3=left
- Yoururl: Type=string: The url you want to show. When given instead of showing CE's ads 100% it will show your url up to 75%.
- You can use it for your own income, or for updating users about new versions of your trainer or whatever you feel like
- Extraparameters: Type=String : are url request parameters you can add to the default parameters (e.g trainername=mytrainer for tracking purposes)
- PercentageShown: You can change the default of 75% to a smaller value like 50%
- fuckCheatEngine() : Removes the ad window if it was showing
- Following are some more internal functions for Cheat Engine
- dbk_initialize() : Returns true if the dbk driver is loaded in memory. False if it failed for whatever reason (e.g 64-bit and not booted with unsigned driver support)
- dbk_useKernelmodeOpenProcess() : Switches the internal pointer of the OpenProcess api to dbk_OpenProcess
- dbk_useKernelmodeProcessMemoryAccess() : Switches the internal pointer to the ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory apis to dbk_ReadProcessMemory and dbk_WriteProcessMemory
- dbk_useKernelmodeQueryMemoryRegions() : Switches the internal pointer to the QueryVirtualMemory api to dbk_QueryVirtualMemory
- dbk_getPEProcess(processid) : Returns the pointer of the EProcess structure of the selected processid
- dbk_getPEThread(threadid) : Gets the pointer to the EThread structure
- dbk_readMSR(msr): Reads the msr
- dbk_writeMSR(msr, msrvalue): Writes the msr
- dbk_executeKernelMemory(address, parameter) :
- Executes a routine from kernelmode (e.g a routine written there with auto assembler)
- parameter can be a value or an address. It's up to your code how it's handled
- dbvm_initialize(offloados OPTIONAL) : Initializes the dbvm functions (dbk_initialize also calls this) offloados is a boolean that when set will offload the system onto dbvm if it's not yet running (and only IF the dbk driver is loaded)
- dbvm_readMSR(msr): See dbk_readMSR
- dbvm_writeMSR(msr, value): See dbk_writeMSR
- onAPIPointerChange(function): Registers a callback when an api pointer is changed (can happen when the user clicks ok in settings, or when dbk_use*** is used. Does NOT happen when setAPIPointer is called)
- setAPIPointer(functionid, address): Sets the pointer of the given api to the given address. The address can be a predefined address set at initialization by Cheat Engine, or an address you got from an autoassembler script or injected dll (When Cheat Engine itself was targeted)
- functionid:
- 0: OpenProcess
- Known compatible address defines:
- windows_OpenProcess
- dbk_OpenProcess
- 1: ReadProcessMemory
- Known compatible address defines:
- windows_ReadProcessMemory
- dbk_ReadProcessMemory
- dbk_ReadPhysicalMemory
- dbvm_ReadPhysicalMemory
- 2: WriteProcessMemory
- Known compatible address defines:
- windows_WriteProcessMemory
- dbk_WriteProcessMemory
- dbk_WritePhysicalMemory
- dbvm_WritePhysicalMemory
- 3: VirtualQueryEx
- Known compatible address defines:
- windows_VirtualQueryEx
- dbk_VirtualQueryEx
- VirtualQueryExPhysical
- Extra variables defined:
- dbk_NtOpenProcess : Address of the NtOpenProcess implementation in DBK32
- The dbvm_ addresses should only be used with auto assembler scripts injected into Cheat Engine
- dbvm_block_interrupts : Address of function dbvm_block_interrupts : DWORD; stdcall;
- dbvm_raise_privilege : Address of function dbvm_raise_privilege : DWORD; stdcall;
- dbvm_restore_interrupts: Address of function dbvm_restore_interrupts : DWORD; stdcall;
- dbvm_changeselectors : Address of function dbvm_changeselectors(cs,ss,ds,es,fs,gs: dword): DWORD; stdcall;
- D3DHOOK class:
- The d3dhook functions provide a method to render graphics and text inside the game, as long as it is running in directx9, 10 or 11
- createD3DHook(textureandcommandlistsize OPTIONAL, hookmessages OPTIONAL)
- Hooks direct3d and allocates a buffer with given size for storage of for the rendercommand list
- hookmessages defines if you want to hook the windows message handler for the direct3d window. The d3dhook_onClick function makes use of that
- If no size is provided 16MB is used and hookmessages is true
- Note: You can call this only once for a process
- It returns a d3dhook object
- properties
- Width: Integer : The width of the screen (readonly)
- Height: integer: The height of the screen (readonly)
- DisabledZBuffer: boolean : Set this to true if you don't want previously rendered walls to overlap a newly rendered object (e.g map is rendered first, then the players are rendered)
- WireframeMode: boolean : Set this to true if you don't want the faces of 3d objects to be filled
- MouseClip: boolean : Set this if to true if you have one of those games where your mouse can go outside of the gamewindow and you don't want that.
- OnClick: function(d3dhook_sprite, x, y)
- A function to be called when clicked on an sprite (excluding the mouse)
- x and y are coordinates in the sprite object. If sprites overlap the highest zorder sprite will be given. It does NOT care if a transparent part is clicked or not
- Note: If you set this it can cause a slowdown in the game if there are a lot of sprites and you press the left button a lot
- OnKeyDown: function(virtualkey, char)
- function(vkey, char) : boolean
- A function to be called when a key is pressed in the game window (Not compatible with DirectInput8)
- Return false if you do not wish this key event to pass down to the game
- methods
- beginUpdate() : Use this function when you intent to update multiple sprites,textcontainers or textures. Otherwise artifacts may occur (sprite 1 might be drawn at the new location while sprite 2 might still be at the old location when a frame is rendered)
- endUpdate() : When done updating, call this function to apply the changes
- enableConsole(virtualkey): Adds a (lua)console to the specific game. The given key will bring it up (0xc0=tilde)
- createTexture(filename) : Returns a d3dhook_texture object
- createTexture(picture, transparentColor OPTIONAL): Returns a d3dhook_texture object
- if the picture is not a transparent image the transparentcolor parameter can be used to make one of it's colors transparent
- createFontmap(font) : Returns a d3dhook_fontmap object created from the given font
- createSprite(d3dhook_texture): returns a d3dhook_sprite object that uses the given texture for rendering
- createTextContainer(d3dhook_fontmap, x, y, text): Returns a d3dhook_textContainer object
- D3DHook_Texture Class (Inheritance: Object)
- This class controls the texture in memory. Without a sprite to use it, it won't show
- properties
- Height: integer (ReadOnly)
- Width: integer (ReadOnly)
- methods
- loadTextureByPicture(picture)
- D3DHook_FontMap Class (Inheritance: D3DHook_Texture->Object)
- A fontmap is a texture that contains extra data regarding the characters. This class is used by the textcontainer
- Current implementation only supports 96 characters (character 32 to 127)
- properties
- -
- methods
- changeFont(font): Changes the fontmap to the selected font
- getTextWidth(string): Returns the width of the given string in pixels
- D3DHook_RenderObject Class (Inheritance: Object)
- The renderobject is the abstract class used to control in what manner objects are rendered.
- The sprite and TextContainer classed inherit from this
- properties
- X: Float - The x-coordinate of the object on the screen
- Y: Float - The y-coordinate of the object on the screen
- CenterX: Float - X coordinate inside the object. It defines the rotation spot and affects the X position
- CenterY: Float - Y " "
- Rotation: Float - Rotation value in degrees (0 and 360 are the same)
- Alphablend: Float - Alphablend value. 1.0 is fully visible, 0.0=invisible
- Visible: boolean - Set to false to hide the object
- ZOrder: integer - Determines if the object will be shown in front or behind another object
- methods
- -
- D3DHook_Sprite Class (Inheritance: D3DHook_RenderObject->Object)
- A d3dhook_sprite class is a visible texture on the screen.
- properties
- Width: Integer - The width of the sprite in pixels. Default is the initial texture width
- Height: Integer - The height of the sprite in pixels. Default is the initial texture height
- Texture: d3dhook_texture - The texture to show on the screen
- methods
- -
- D3Dhook_TextContainer Class (Inheritance: D3DHook_RenderObject->Object)
- A d3dhook_sprite class draws a piece of text on the screen based on the used fontmap.
- While you could use a texture with the text, updating a texture in memory is slow. So if you wish to do a lot of text updates, use a textcontainer
- properties
- FontMap : The D3DHook_FontMap object to use for rendering text
- Text : The text to render
- methods
- -
- Disassembler Class (Inheritance: Object)
- createDisassembler() - Creates a disassembler object that can be used to disassemble an instruction and at the same time get more data
- getDefaultDisassembler() - Returns the default disassembler object used by a lot of ce's disassembler routines
- getVisibleDisassembler() - Returns the disassembler used by the disassemblerview. Special codes are: {H}=Hex value {R}=Register {S}=Symbol {N}=Nothing special
- registerGlobalDisassembleOverride(function(sender: Disassembler, address: integer, LastDisassembleData: Table): opcode, description): Same as Disassembler.OnDisassembleOverride, but does it for all disassemblers, including newly created ones. Tip: Check the sender to see if you should use syntax highlighting codes or not
- This function returns an ID you can pass on to unregisterGlobalDisassembleOverride() 6.4+
- unregisterGlobalDisassembleOverride(id)
- properties
- LastDisassembleData : Table
- OnDisassembleOverride: function(sender: Disassembler, address: integer, LastDisassembleData: Table): opcode, description
- syntaxhighlighting: boolean : This property is set if the syntax highlighting codes are accepted or not
- Methods
- disassemble(address): Disassembles the given instruction and returns the opcode. It also fills in a LastDisassembleData record
- decodeLastParametersToString() : Returns the unedited "Comments" information. Does not display userdefined comments
- getLastDisassembleData() : Returns the LastDisassembleData table.
- The table is build-up as follow:
- address: integer - The address that was disassembled
- opcode: string - The opcode without parameters
- parameters: string - The parameters
- description: string - The description of this opcode
- bytes: table - A table containing the bytes this instruction consists of (1.. )
- modrmValueType: DisAssemblerValueType - Defines the type of the modrmValue field (dvtNone=0, dvtAddress=1, dvtValue=2)
- modrmValue: Integer - The value that the modrm specified. modrmValueType defines what kind of value
- parameterValueType: DisAssemblerValueType
- parameterValue: Integer - The value that the parameter part specified
- isJump: boolean - Set to true if the disassembled instruction can change the EIP/RIP (not ret)
- isCall: boolean - Set to true if it's a Call
- isRet: boolean - Set to true if it's a Ret
- isConditionalJump: boolean - Set to true if it's a conditional jump
- DissectCode class: (Inheritance: Object)
- getDissectCode() : Created or returns the current code DissectCode object
- properties:
- methods:
- clear() : Clears all data
- dissect(modulename) : Dissects the memory of a module
- dissect(base,size) : Dissect the specified memory region
- addReference(fromAddress, ToAddress, type, OPTIONAL isstring):
- Adds a reference. Type can be jtCall, jtUnconditional, jtConditional, jtMemory
- In case of rtMemory setting isstring to true will add it to the referenced strings list
- deleteReference(fromAddress, ToAddress)
- getReferences(address) : Returns a table containing the addresses that reference this address and the type
- getReferencedStrings(): Returns a table of addresses and their strings that have been referenced. Use getReferences to find out which addresses that are
- saveToFile(filename)
- loadFromFile(filename)
- LuaPipe class: (Inheritance: Object)
- Abstract class that LuaPipeServer and LuaPipeclient inherit from. It implements the data transmission methods
- properties
- Connected: boolean: True if the pipe is connected
- methods
- lock() : Acquire a lick on this pipe till unlock is called. If lock can not be acquired, wait. Recursive calls are allowed
- unlock()
- writeBytes(ByteTable, size OPTIONAL): Writes the provided byte table to the pipe. if size is not provided, the whole table is sent. Returns the number of bytes sent, or nil on failure
- readBytes(size: integer): returns a byte table from the pipe, or nil on failure
- readDouble(): Read a double from the pipe, nil on failure
- readFloat(): Read a float from the pipe, nil on failure
- readQword(): Read an 8 byte value from the pipe, nil on failure
- readDword(): Read a 4 byte value from the pipe, nil on failure
- readWord(): Read a 2 byte value from the pipe, nil on failure
- readByte(): Read a byte from the pipe, nil on failure
- readString(size: integer): Reads a string from the pipe, nil on failure. (Can support 0-byte chars)
- readWideString(size: integer): Reads a widestring from the pipe, nil on failure
- writeDouble(v: double): Writes a double to the pipe. Returns the number of bytes sent, nil on failure
- writeFloat(v: single): writes a float to the pipe. Returns the number of bytes sent, nil on failure
- writeQword(v: qword): writes an 8 byte value to the pipe. Returns the number of bytes sent, nil on failure
- writeDword(v: dword): writes a 4 byte value to the pipe. Returns the number of bytes sent, nil on failure
- writeWord(v: word): writes a word to the pipe. Returns the number of bytes sent, nil on failure
- writeByte(v: byte): writes a byte to the pipe. Returns the number of bytes sent, nil on failure
- writeString(str: string; include0terminator: boolean OPTIONAL); Writes a string to the pipe. If include0terminator is false or not provided it will not write the 0 terminator byte. Returns the number of bytes written, or nil on failure
- writeWideString(str: widestring; include0terminator: boolean OPTIONAL); Writes a widestring to the pipe. If include0terminator is false or not provided it will not write the 0 terminator bytes. Returns the number of bytes written, or nil on failure
- LuaPipeClient class: (Inheritance: LuaPipe>Object)
- Class implementing a client that connects to a pipe
- connectToPipe(pipename): Returns a LuaPipeClient connected to the given pipename. Nil if the connection fails
- properties:
- methods:
- -
- LuaPipeServer Class: (Inheritance: LuaPipe>Object)
- Class launching the server side of a pipe
- createPipe(pipename, inputsize OPTIONAL, outputsize OPTIONAL) : Creates a LuaPipeServer which can be connected to by a pipe client. InputSize and Outputsize define buffers how much data can be in the specific buffer before the writer halts. Default input and output size is 4096 for both
- properties
- valid: boolean - Returns true if the pipe has been created properly. False on failure (e.g wrong pipename)
- methods
- acceptConnection() - Waits for a client to connect to this pipe (Warning: Freezes the thread this is executed in)
- openLuaServer(Name):
- Opens a pipe with the given name. The LuaClient dll needs this name to connect to ce
- LuaClient.dll functions:
- BOOL CELUA_Initialize(char *name) : Initializes
- UINT_PTR CELUA_ExecuteFunction(char *luacode, UINT_PTR parameter)
- This function executes a lua function with parameters (parameter) and with the luacode as body Parameter will be treated as an integer
- In short:
- function(parameter)
- <luacode>
- end
- the return value of this function is the return value of the lua function (integer)
- Settings class
- This class can be used to read out and set settings of cheat engine and of plugins, and store your own data
- global functions
- getSettings(path Optional): Settings - Returns a settings object. If path is nil it will points to the Cheat Engine main settings (Registry) . If name is provides the settings currently accessed will be the one at the subkey provided
- Note: Keep in mind that it returns a new object each call, even if he same name is used multiple times
- properties
- Path: string - Gets/Sets the current subkey (nil if main)
- Value[]: A table access into the settings. e.g: Value["Count"]=12
- methods
- SymbolList class
- This class can be used to look up an address to a symbolname, and a symbolname to an address
- It can also be registered with the internal symbol handler of cheat engine
- This class makes use of a special "Symbol" table construction that contains size and optionally other data
- Symbol Table:
- modulename: string
- searchkey: string
- address: integer
- symbolsize: integer
- Global functions
- createSymbolList() : Creates an empty symbollist
- Properties
- Methods
- clear()
- getSymbolFromAddress(address) : Searches the list for the given address. The address does not have to match the exact address. As long as it falls withing the range
- getSymbolFromString(searchkey)
- addSymbol(modulename, searchkey, address, symbolsize, skipAddressToSymbolLookup OPTIONAL, extradata OPTIONAL)
- Adds a symbol to the symbollist
- extradata is a table which can be used to fill in a return type and parameters for function calls. It has the following fields:
- returntype: string
- parameters: string
- deleteSymbol(searchkey)
- deleteSymbol(address)
- register() : Registers the current symbol list with the symbol handler
- unregister(): Unregisters the current symbol list from the symbol handler
- Pagecontrol Class (WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- This is an object that can hold multiple pages
- global functions
- createPageControl(owner)
- properties
- ShowTabs: boolean - Shows the tabs
- TabIndex: integer - Gets and sets the current tab
- ActivePage: TabSheet - Returns the current tabsheet.
- PageCount: integer - Gets the number of pages
- Page[]: TabSheet - Get a specific page (TabSheet)
- methods
- addTab() : TabSheet - Creates a new TabSheet
- TabSheet class (WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
- Part of a page control. This object can contain other objects
- properties
- TabIndex: integer - the current index in the pagelist of the owning pagecontrol
- methods
- --]]
- --[[
- getSettingsForm(): Returns the main settings form
- getMemoryViewForm() : Returns the main memoryview form class object which can be accessed using the Form_ class methods and the methods of the classes it inherits from. There can be multiple memory views, but this will only find the original/base
- getMainForm() : Returns the main form class object which can be accessed using the Form_ class methods and the methods of the classes it inherits from
- getLuaEngine() : Returns the lua engine form object (Creates it if needed)
- getApplication() : Returns the application object. (the titlebar)
- getAddressList() : Returns the cheat table addresslist object
- getFreezeTimer() : Returns the freeze timer object
- getUpdateTimer() : Returns the update timer object
- ]]
- showMessage([[
- by Stromae
- Changelog:
- - DBVM! Few fixes are already included if you got errors -- see the "if you got problems" folder.
- - Half-way getting full CE table support.
- - Major changes: Full Cheat Engine recompilation and editing straight from the source code! Now that's something Nopde doesn't do :)
- Any issues? Contact "Stromae" on V3rmillion with detailed information about the issue.
- ]])
- hideAllCEWindows()
- if getProcessIDFromProcessName("RobloxPlayerBeta.exe") then
- local engine = getLuaEngine();
- engine:setCaption("CCv3 Lua | by Stromae");
- engine:setVisible(true);
- local mem = getMemoryViewForm();
- mem:setCaption("CCv3 Memory Viewer | by Stromae")
- activateProtection()
- unhideMainCEwindow()
- pause()
- openProcess("RobloxPlayerBeta.exe")
- unpause()
- else
- showMessage("Roblox is not opened :(")
- closeCE()
- end
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