
DABG strings output

Jan 25th, 2016
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  1. `HHJJJJ
  2. h`0123456789ABCDEF
  3. A` 3
  4. Game paused
  5. JJJJ
  6. !"#$%&'()0123456789@ABCDEFGHIPQRSTUVWXY`abcdefghipqrstuvwxy
  7. JJJJ
  8. JZK[
  9. JJJJ
  10. JJJJ
  11. hhL;
  12. JJJJ
  13. JJJJ
  14. JJ)8
  15. JJJJJ
  16. hh8`
  17. hJJJJ
  20. jjj)
  21. HJJ)<J
  22. ` !!!!!!!!""""""""######
  23. HJJJ
  24. JJ)8
  25. JJJJ
  26. JJJJ
  27. JJ)8
  28. JJJJJ
  29. JJJJ
  30. JJ)8
  31. JJJJJ
  32. JJJJ
  33. JJJJ
  34. 0*JJJJ
  35. `h8`
  36. `pqr
  37. JJJJ
  38. JJJJ
  39. JJJ)
  40. JJJJ
  41. JJJJ
  42. JJ)8
  43. JJJJJ
  44. )>J8
  45. "Double Action
  46. Blaster Guys"
  47. Cart
  48. Edition
  49. Press Start!
  50. 2014 NovaSquirrel
  51. Play Game
  52. Level Edit
  53. How To Play
  54. Credits
  55. Exit to menu
  56. ` 3
  57. = NEXT LEVEL =
  58. Level:
  59. Custom
  60. Lives:
  61. Defeat
  62. enemies
  63. the other guy!
  64. Collect
  65. dollars
  66. Survive
  67. seconds
  68. Green to red
  69. Double Action
  70. Blaster Guys
  71. Complete the objectives for
  72. each level to move on to the
  73. next one, while avoiding any
  74. hazards like enemy bullets.
  75. Players can join in at any
  76. time by pressing A and B.
  77. A-Jump
  78. B-Shoot
  79. Start-Pause
  80. Select-Skip level
  81. Press anything to continue
  82. Double Action
  83. Blaster Guys
  84. Nearly everything
  85. by NovaSquirrel
  86. (
  87. Sound and trig code, some
  88. sounds & sprites by Tepples
  89. (
  90. Music is a heavily edited
  91. version of Morning Mood
  92. Built 5/27/2015
  93. Press anything to continue
  94. "6E`o
  95. Player_1, Player_2, Both
  96. Original
  97. Co-op, Score, Fight
  98. Normal, Harder
  99. 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 Bonus
  100. 33 37 41 45 49
  101. 3 9 14 18 21 22 27 30 Edit
  102. Off, Low, Powerups
  103. Cancel, Exit
  104. Same, New, Exit
  105. 1DUfWho's playing?
  106. What game mode?
  107. Which difficulty?
  108. Level to start at?
  109. Enable powerups?
  110. Exit the editor?
  111. Play again on same level?
  112. ` 3
  113. @hJ&?J&@h
  114. NOBODY
  115. PLAYER
  116. WINS!
  117. Scores:
  118. PLAYER
  119. WINS!
  120. Press anything to continue
  121. bVbY
  122. t qbTaWbx
  123. h`Ya
  124. Ca b$b*b
  125. &shc
  126. iL`\
  127. ecgCgD
  128. jvfFhV
  129. U`V!Z"\
  130. W%L L
  131. Q.@7G
  132. "RcVr
  133. tsjsW
  134. hJJJJ
  135. hJJJJ
  136. Versus
  137. Level Studio
  138. -MAIN-
  139. Play
  140. Spawn
  141. Setup
  142. Quit
  143. None
  144. Walker
  145. Jumpy
  146. DiagShoot
  147. WaitShoot
  148. Bomb
  149. FlyBomber
  150. FlyDiag
  151. FloatShootV
  152. Plodder
  153. Sneaker
  154. Volcano
  155. Giana Owl
  156. Toastbot
  157. Burger1
  158. Burger2
  159. Burger3
  160. Bill Nye
  161. RollBall
  162. JumpBall
  163. TrigWalk
  164. TrigBomb
  165. Smash Static
  166. Smash Move
  167. Flappy Owl
  168. Potion
  169. Spears
  170. &+5=IQYakt|
  171. Level Setup
  172. -------------
  173. Goal
  174. Type:
  175. Amount:
  176. Enemies
  177. Enemy1:
  178. Enemy2:
  179. Enemy3:
  180. Enemy4:
  181. Distr.:
  182. Hard?:
  183. Max:
  184. Effect:
  185. JJJ`
  186. JJJJ`
  187. None Scroll 1Scroll 2Scroll 3No Cycle
  188. `EasyHard
  189. `Kill all Get money Survive Green->Red
  190. !'!G!g!
  191. "'"G"g"
  192. JJJJ
  193. JJJJ
  194. `h8` .
  195. $-5;?@?;5-$
  196. $-5;?
  197. JJJJ
  198. |gR?-
  199. ~wpjd^YTOKFB?;841/,)'%#!
  200. hJJJ
  201. JJJJ
  202. O O!O"O#O$O%O&O'O(O)O O!O O!O"O#O"O#O$O%O$O%O&O'O&O'O(O)O(O)
  203. !O O!@"@#O$O/O&O/O(O/O
  204. O O!@"@#O$O/@&@/O(O/O O
  205. O O @ @ O#O#@&@&O&O'
  206. Pi{Cy
  207. Pi3CYxAHPXiX@
  208. @iA0A0Qi@
  209. @PiYx@@HPXiX@
  210. A0A0iy@
  211. !!168#
  212. <Z~f<
  213. 6kIA"
  214. 6kIA"
  215. 6kIA"
  216. eUeEG
  217. <~@~v<
  218. <Z~n<
  219. <nb~<
  220. $"fG
  221. <fnvf<
  222. 0`|f<
  223. $<f<f<
  224. <f>
  225. &<f~f
  226. $|f|f|
  227. <b`b<
  228. <|f|
  229. $~`|`~
  230. &~`|`
  231. <b`nf<
  232. ff~f
  233. flxpxlf
  234. aqy]OGC
  235. <<f<
  236. &|f|`
  237. <<f<
  238. &|f|f
  239. xfdx
  240. ff<f
  241. L`|f|
  242. <b`b<
  243. <f~`<
  244. N`|f
  245. @`flxlf
  246. |f|`
  247. 4jT*V,
  248. w0O8
  249. <Z~v<
  250. <~@~v<
  251. <j~\b<
  252. <~H~v<
  253. Z~v<
  254. <Z~Zf<
  255. ~Z~Zf~
  256. ~Z~f
  257. ~HZ~Zf
  258. ~Z~f~
  259. <j~B<
  260. |`^`<
  261. DGBb
  262. $nS8<
  263. "GBF<Fc
  264. B<$f;
  265. DGBf<B~P8<
  266. DGB~^8<
  267. DGB~
  268. ~W8<
  269. DGB~
  270. ~W8<
  271. DGB$
  272. $DfG8<
  273. DGB$
  274. %B`G8<
  275. DGB$
  276. FG8<
  277. DGB|
  278. `0T@
  279. 6kIA"
  280. Z$B$Z
  281. ~|~|~T
  282. <~<
  283. <nb~<
  284. 0p`p
  285. *U*0
  286. H?#08?
  287. |b|8
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  294. &Fdp
  295. &crp
  296. 1yYH
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  298. x*T)/<
  299. a? <{
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  302. <fnvf<
  303. 0`|f<
  304. $<f<f<
  305. <f>
  306. 6kIA"
  307. 6kIA"
  308. |{wx
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