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- #
- # translates python into c++ language (over 99.99% copied)
- import os.path
- import re
- import string
- import subprocess
- import sys
- # valid identifier regex (for Python 2.x, Python 3+ adds unicode
- # which is way more complicated probably)
- # [A-Za-z_]\w*
- ppp_lib_imports = "import ppp_lib\n"
- def strip_comments(s):
- """
- Simple regex to get rid of all comments.
- """
- return re.sub(r"^[\t ]*\#.*$", '', s, flags=re.MULTILINE)
- def increment(str):
- """
- Replace all increment and decrement operators with calls to our library
- functions to handle increment and decrements.
- """
- dec_replaced = re.sub(
- r"([A-Za-z_]\w*)\-\-",
- r"ppp_lib.incdec.PostDecrement('\1', locals(), globals())",
- str)
- inc_replaced = re.sub(
- r"([A-Za-z_]\w*)\+\+",
- r"ppp_lib.incdec.PostIncrement('\1', locals(), globals())",
- dec_replaced)
- return inc_replaced
- def function_map(code_body, mod_func):
- """
- Given the entire code body, it identifies all instances of functions and
- processes them using the mod_func function.
- 1. Identify all definitions of functions (not nested, not class methods).
- 2. Call the mod_func function with the header/body of the function.
- 3. Insert in the result.
- """
- # Given the limited scope of functions that we're handling, to find
- # functions, we just need to find instances of the string 'def '
- # code_lines[function_starts[i] : function_ends[i]] should give us a
- # function definition
- function_starts = []
- function_ends = []
- code_lines = code_body.split("\n")
- line = 0
- while line < len(code_lines):
- # If we haven't found the end for the function yet, look for the end.
- if len(function_starts) > len(function_ends) and len(code_lines[line]) > 0 \
- and code_lines[line][0] != ' ':
- function_ends.append(line)
- # Look for a function start.
- if code_lines[line].startswith('def '):
- function_starts.append(line)
- line += 1
- if len(function_starts) > len(function_ends):
- function_ends.append(line)
- # Iterate over the identified function, modify the functions and replace
- # them in the body.
- for start,end in zip(function_starts, function_ends):
- func_def = '\n'.join(code_lines[start:end])
- mod_func_def = mod_func(func_def)
- code_body = code_body.replace(func_def, mod_func_def)
- return code_body
- def mutable_args_func(func_def):
- """
- Handle mutable defaulted parameters in the function definition.
- """
- # Search for the arguments in the function definition.
- header_pattern = r"def[\t ]*[A-Za-z_]\w*\((?P<args>.*)\):\n"
- header =, func_def)
- arg_string ='args')
- args = [s.strip() for s in arg_string.split(',') if len(s.strip()) > 0]
- # Iterate over the arguments and modify as needed.
- new_args = []
- for arg in args:
- # If this is not a keyword argument, continue without changes.
- arg_parts = [s.strip() for s in arg.split('=')]
- if len(arg_parts) == 2:
- arg_name = arg_parts[0]
- arg_default_val = arg_parts[1]
- # Identify if the default value belongs to the set of mutable objects that
- # we're handling.
- mutable_arg_pattern = r"\[.*\]|\{.*\}"
- match = re.match(mutable_arg_pattern, arg_default_val)
- # If this is an immutable default value, continue as is.
- if match:
- # Else use our ppp_lib mutable type to construct a None-like object.
- arg_val = re.sub(
- r"\[.*\]|\{.*\}",
- 'ppp_lib.mutableargs.PPP_Sentinel_Obj(\'{0}\')'.format(arg_name),
- arg_default_val)
- new_args.append('{0}={1}'.format(arg_name, arg_val))
- else:
- new_args.append('{0}={1}'.format(arg_name, arg_default_val))
- else:
- new_args.append(arg_parts[0])
- # Construct the modified header.
- modified_header =, ', '.join(new_args))
- # Using our "None"-type we add checks to the body to set the parameters to their
- # default values if an overriden value is not provided.
- func_body = re.sub(header_pattern, '', func_def)
- arg_checks = []
- # Find the indent amount used in the function definition.
- first_indented_line = [e for e in func_body.split("\n") if len(e) > 0 and e[0] == ' '][0]
- indent = re.match(r"^([\t ]*)", first_indented_line).group(1)
- for arg in args:
- # If this is a keyword argument with a mutable default value, we add
- # a check to the body for it.
- arg_parts = [s.strip() for s in arg.split('=')]
- if len(arg_parts) == 2:
- arg_name = arg_parts[0]
- arg_default_val = arg_parts[1]
- # Check if it's mutable.
- mutable_arg_pattern = r"\[.*\]|\{.*\}"
- match = re.match(mutable_arg_pattern, arg_default_val)
- if match:
- # If the type of the defaulted value is our "None"-type, then we set
- # it's value to be that of it's original defaulted value.
- arg_check = "{0}if (type({1}) is ppp_lib.mutableargs.PPP_Sentinel_Obj):\n"
- arg_check += "{0} {1} = {2}"
- arg_check = arg_check.format(indent, arg_name, arg_default_val)
- arg_checks.append(arg_check)
- # Add the new checks to the function body, prepend the header and return the
- # modified function.
- func_body = '\n'.join(arg_checks) + '\n' + func_body
- return modified_header + func_body
- def deep_copy(str):
- """
- Simple (albeit not very robust) regex to replace all deep copies with
- list comprehensions.
- """
- mult_pattern = r"\][\t ]*\*[\t ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)"
- return re.sub(mult_pattern, r" for _ in range(\1)]", str)
- def tail_call(func_def):
- """
- Given a function definition, identify all tail self-recursive calls and
- handle them accordingly.
- """
- # Identify the indent amount
- first_indented_line = [e for e in func_def.split("\n") if len(e) > 0 and e[0] == ' '][0]
- indent = re.match(r"^([\t ]*)", first_indented_line).group(1)
- # Identify the function name
- header_pattern = r"def[\t ]*(?P<name>[A-Za-z_]\w*)\(.*\):\n"
- header =, func_def)
- func_name ="name")
- # Find (for now only single line) recursive calls. Store their line number iff
- # it appears to be a tail recursive call.
- code_lines = func_def.split("\n")
- line = 0
- tail_calls = []
- while line < len(code_lines):
- stripped_line = code_lines[line].strip()
- line += 1
- # Continue if it doesn't start with a return
- if not (stripped_line.startswith("return %s" % func_name) or
- stripped_line.startswith(func_name)):
- continue
- # Continue if the line ends in something other than a close paren.
- # Obviously, this is not robust, but we assume it's sufficient.
- if not stripped_line.endswith(")"):
- continue
- # If we've made it this far, add the line number (of cur iteration).
- tail_calls.append(line-1)
- # Parse out the parameters (assume no keyword arguments)
- param_pattern = r"def[\t ]*[A-Za-z_]\w*\((?P<args>.*)\):\n"
- parameters =, func_def).group('args')
- # Now process all of the tail calls.
- for i in tail_calls:
- # Retrieve the tail recursive call
- tail_call_line = code_lines[i]
- # Parse out the arguments. Assume no nested brackets, simple functional
- # call.
- start_index = tail_call_line.index("(")
- end_index = tail_call_line.index(")")
- args = tail_call_line[start_index+1:end_index]
- # Get indent of the tail call line
- tail_indent = re.match(r"^([\t ]*)", tail_call_line).group(1)
- # Create two lines: 1. updating params, 2. raising a StopIteration error
- update_line = tail_indent + parameters + " = " + args + "\n"
- error_line = tail_indent + "raise ppp_lib.tail_call.NextCall"
- # Replace the tail call line with the modified version
- func_def = func_def.replace(tail_call_line, update_line + error_line)
- # Indent all of the function definition (after the header on the first line)
- code_lines = func_def.split("\n")
- # Indent every line after the header
- code_lines = [2*indent+line if i > 0 else line for i,line in enumerate(code_lines)]
- # Insert a while True as the first line after the header
- code_lines.insert(1, indent + "while True:")
- # Insert a try statement as the second line after the header
- code_lines.insert(2, indent*2 + "try:")
- # Insert a break right after the code. If we've made it this far without a function call,
- # we would usually exit out without a return statement. Since we don't want to infinite loop
- # we have to do this by breaking out of the while True loop.
- code_lines.append(3*indent + "break")
- # The very last lines will be catching the exception and continuing the outer loop.
- code_lines.append(2*indent + "except ppp_lib.tail_call.NextCall:")
- code_lines.append(3*indent + "continue")
- return "\n".join(code_lines)
- def main():
- if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- print('Invalid args. Please provide a filename.')
- sys.exit(-1)
- input_file_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
- # Basic sanity check to ensure argument is a file.
- if not os.path.isfile(input_file_path):
- print('Invalid args. Please provide a filename.')
- sys.exit(-1)
- # Ensure we're given a ppp file.
- input_file_basename = os.path.basename(input_file_path)
- filename, input_file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_file_basename)
- if input_file_ext != '.ppp':
- print('Input file not a Python++ file.')
- sys.exit(-1)
- # Construct the absolute path to the new file.
- compiled_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input_file_path), filename + '.py')
- # Read input file.
- fin = open(input_file_path, 'r')
- ppp_source = ''.join(fin.readlines())
- fin.close()
- # Perform transforms.
- ppp_source = strip_comments(ppp_source)
- ppp_source = deep_copy(ppp_source)
- ppp_source = function_map(ppp_source, mutable_args_func)
- ppp_source = function_map(ppp_source, tail_call)
- ppp_source = increment(ppp_source)
- # Open output file and dump the modified code to it.
- fout = open(compiled_file_path, 'w')
- fout.write(ppp_lib_imports)
- fout.write(ppp_source)
- fout.close()
- # Pass the output file to the Python3 interpreter.
-'python3 %s' % compiled_file_path, shell=True)
- sys.exit(0)
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