
Bluecoat priveleged commandos

Jul 17th, 2013
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  1. acquire-utc Acquire UTC from NTP server
  2. bridge Clear bridge data
  3. cancel-upload Cancel a pending access log upload
  4. clear-arp Clear the ARP table
  5. clear-cache Clear the contents of the cache
  6. clear-errored-connections Clear historical errored connections
  7. clear-statistics Clear statistics
  8. configure Enter configuration mode
  9. disable Turn off privileged commands
  10. disk Perform disk related commands
  11. display Display a text based url
  12. enable Turn on privileged commands
  13. exit Exit command line interface
  14. fips-mode Enable or disable FIPS mode (reinitializes system)
  15. help Information on help
  16. hide-advanced Disable commands for advanced subsystems
  17. inline Install configurations from console input
  18. kill Terminate a CLI session
  19. licensing Licensing commands
  20. load Load installable lists or system upgrade image
  21. pcap Packet capturing commands
  22. ping Send echo messages
  23. ping6 Send IPv6 echo messages
  24. policy Policy commands
  25. register-with-director Register with Director
  26. remove-sgos7-config Remove SGOS 7.x configuration file
  27. restart Restart system
  28. restore-defaults Restore to default configuration
  29. reveal-advanced Enable commands for advanced subsystems
  30. show Show running system information
  31. static-route Manage static route entries
  32. temporary-route Manage temporary route entries
  33. test Test subsystems
  34. traceroute Trace route to destination
  35. traceroute6 Trace route to IPv6 destination
  36. upload Upload access log or running configuration
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