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- name: GorillaOfTime
- game: Ocarina of Time
- description: Generated by for Ocarina of Time
- Ocarina of Time:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- death_link: 'false'
- logic_rules: glitchless
- logic_no_night_tokens_without_suns_song: 'true'
- open_forest: closed_deku
- open_kakariko: closed
- open_door_of_time: 'false'
- zora_fountain: closed
- gerudo_fortress: fast
- bridge: tokens
- shuffle_interior_entrances: all
- shuffle_grotto_entrances: 'true'
- shuffle_dungeon_entrances: all
- shuffle_overworld_entrances: 'true'
- owl_drops: 'true'
- warp_songs: 'true'
- spawn_positions: both
- shuffle_bosses: full
- triforce_hunt: 'false'
- triforce_goal: '20'
- extra_triforce_percentage: '50'
- bombchus_in_logic: 'true'
- dungeon_shortcuts: 'off'
- mq_dungeons_mode: count
- bridge_stones: '3'
- bridge_medallions: '6'
- bridge_rewards: '9'
- bridge_tokens: '75'
- bridge_hearts: '20'
- shuffle_song_items: any
- shopsanity: fixed_number
- shop_slots: '4'
- shopsanity_prices: affordable
- tokensanity: all
- shuffle_scrubs: low
- shuffle_child_trade: shuffle
- shuffle_freestanding_items: all
- shuffle_pots: all
- shuffle_crates: all
- shuffle_cows: 'true'
- shuffle_beehives: 'true'
- shuffle_kokiri_sword: 'true'
- shuffle_ocarinas: 'true'
- shuffle_gerudo_card: 'true'
- shuffle_beans: 'true'
- shuffle_medigoron_carpet_salesman: 'true'
- shuffle_frog_song_rupees: 'true'
- shuffle_mapcompass: keysanity
- shuffle_smallkeys: keysanity
- shuffle_hideoutkeys: vanilla
- shuffle_bosskeys: keysanity
- enhance_map_compass: 'true'
- shuffle_ganon_bosskey: dungeons
- ganon_bosskey_medallions: '6'
- ganon_bosskey_stones: '3'
- ganon_bosskey_rewards: '9'
- ganon_bosskey_tokens: '40'
- ganon_bosskey_hearts: '20'
- key_rings: all
- no_escape_sequence: 'true'
- no_guard_stealth: 'true'
- no_epona_race: 'true'
- skip_some_minigame_phases: 'true'
- complete_mask_quest: 'true'
- useful_cutscenes: 'false'
- fast_chests: 'true'
- free_scarecrow: 'true'
- fast_bunny_hood: 'true'
- plant_beans: 'false'
- big_poe_count: '1'
- fae_torch_count: '2'
- correct_chest_appearances: both
- minor_items_as_major_chest: 'false'
- invisible_chests: 'false'
- correct_potcrate_appearances: textures_unchecked
- hints: always
- misc_hints: 'true'
- hint_dist: async
- text_shuffle: except_hints
- damage_multiplier: normal
- deadly_bonks: none
- no_collectible_hearts: 'false'
- starting_tod: default
- blue_fire_arrows: 'true'
- fix_broken_drops: 'true'
- start_with_consumables: 'true'
- start_with_rupees: 'true'
- item_pool_value: balanced
- junk_ice_traps: normal
- ice_trap_appearance: major_only
- adult_trade_start: claim_check
- default_targeting: switch
- display_dpad: 'true'
- dpad_dungeon_menu: 'true'
- correct_model_colors: 'true'
- background_music: normal
- fanfares: normal
- ocarina_fanfares: 'false'
- kokiri_color: completely_random
- goron_color: completely_random
- zora_color: completely_random
- silver_gauntlets_color: completely_random
- golden_gauntlets_color: completely_random
- mirror_shield_frame_color: completely_random
- navi_color_default_inner: completely_random
- navi_color_default_outer: completely_random
- navi_color_enemy_inner: completely_random
- navi_color_enemy_outer: completely_random
- navi_color_npc_inner: completely_random
- navi_color_npc_outer: completely_random
- navi_color_prop_inner: completely_random
- navi_color_prop_outer: completely_random
- sword_trail_color_inner: completely_random
- sword_trail_color_outer: completely_random
- bombchu_trail_color_inner: completely_random
- bombchu_trail_color_outer: completely_random
- boomerang_trail_color_inner: completely_random
- boomerang_trail_color_outer: completely_random
- heart_color: completely_random
- magic_color: completely_random
- a_button_color: completely_random
- b_button_color: completely_random
- c_button_color: completely_random
- start_button_color: completely_random
- sfx_navi_overworld: default
- sfx_navi_enemy: default
- sfx_low_hp: default
- sfx_menu_cursor: default
- sfx_menu_select: default
- sfx_nightfall: default
- sfx_horse_neigh: default
- sfx_hover_boots: default
- start_inventory: {}
- trials: random
- starting_age: random
- mq_dungeons_count: random
- chicken_count: random
- sword_trail_duration: random
- sfx_ocarina: random
- logic_tricks: ["Pass Through Visible One-Way Collisions", "Hidden Grottos without Stone of Agony", "Fewer Tunic Requirements", "Beehives with Bombchus", "Adult Kokiri Forest GS with Hover Boots", "Backflip over Mido as Adult", "Windmill PoH as Adult with Nothing", "Goron City Spinning Pot PoH with Strength", "Zora's River Rupees with Jump Dive", "Bottom of the Well without Lens of Truth", "Shadow Temple Stationary Objects without Lens of Truth", "Spirit Temple without Lens of Truth", "Spirit Temple MQ without Lens of Truth", "Gerudo Training Ground without Lens of Truth", "Gerudo Training Ground MQ without Lens of Truth", "Ganon's Castle without Lens of Truth", "Ganon's Castle MQ without Lens of Truth"]
- ---
- name: GorillaSpinner
- game: Timespinner
- description: Generated by for Timespinner
- Timespinner:
- death_link: 'false'
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- start_with_jewelry_box: 'true'
- downloadable_items: 'true'
- eye_spy: 'false'
- start_with_meyef: 'false'
- quick_seed: 'false'
- specific_keycards: 'true'
- gyre_archives: 'true'
- cantoran: 'true'
- lore_checks: 'true'
- boss_rando: scaled
- enemy_rando: scaled
- damage_rando: balanced
- hp_cap: '400'
- level_cap: '25'
- extra_earrings_xp: '0'
- boss_healing: 'true'
- shop_fill: randomized
- shop_warp_shards: 'true'
- shop_multiplier: '0'
- loot_pool: randomized
- drop_rate_category: randomized
- fixed_drop_rate: '5'
- loot_tier_distro: full_random
- show_bestiary: 'true'
- show_drops: 'true'
- enter_sandman: 'true'
- dad_percent: 'false'
- rising_tides: 'true'
- unchained_keys: 'true'
- back_to_the_future: 'true'
- trap_chance: '0'
- traps:
- - Bee Trap
- - Chaos Trap
- - Meteor Sparrow Trap
- - Neurotoxin Trap
- - Poison Trap
- start_inventory: {}
- inverted: random
- ---
- name: GorillaToThePast
- game: A Link to the Past
- description: Generated by for A Link to the Past
- A Link to the Past:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- goal: bosses
- mode: open
- glitches_required: no_glitches
- dark_room_logic: lamp
- open_pyramid: auto
- crystals_needed_for_ganon: '7'
- triforce_pieces_mode: available
- triforce_pieces_percentage: '150'
- triforce_pieces_required: '20'
- triforce_pieces_available: '30'
- triforce_pieces_extra: '10'
- entrance_shuffle: crossed
- entrance_shuffle_seed: gorillapelago
- big_key_shuffle: any_world
- small_key_shuffle: any_world
- key_drop_shuffle: 'true'
- compass_shuffle: start_with
- map_shuffle: start_with
- restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss: 'false'
- item_pool: normal
- item_functionality: normal
- enemy_health: default
- enemy_damage: default
- progressive: 'on'
- swordless: 'false'
- dungeon_counters: 'on'
- retro_bow: 'false'
- retro_caves: 'false'
- hints: 'on'
- scams: 'off'
- boss_shuffle: chaos
- pot_shuffle: 'false'
- enemy_shuffle: 'true'
- killable_thieves: 'true'
- bush_shuffle: 'true'
- shop_item_slots: '30'
- randomize_shop_inventories: randomize_each
- shuffle_shop_inventories: 'true'
- include_witch_hut: 'true'
- randomize_shop_prices: 'true'
- randomize_cost_types: 'false'
- shop_price_modifier: '50'
- shuffle_capacity_upgrades: on_combined
- bombless_start: 'true'
- shuffle_prizes: general
- tile_shuffle: 'false'
- glitch_boots: 'true'
- beemizer_total_chance: '0'
- beemizer_trap_chance: '60'
- timer: none
- countdown_start_time: '10'
- red_clock_time: '-2'
- blue_clock_time: '2'
- green_clock_time: '4'
- death_link: 'false'
- allow_collect: 'true'
- ow_palettes: good
- uw_palettes: good
- hud_palettes: good
- sword_palettes: good
- shield_palettes: good
- heartbeep: quarter
- heartcolor: red
- quickswap: 'true'
- menuspeed: instant
- music: 'true'
- reduceflashing: 'true'
- triforcehud: normal
- start_inventory: {}
- start_inventory_from_pool: {}
- crystals_needed_for_gt: random
- misery_mire_medallion: random
- turtle_rock_medallion: random
- ---
- name: GorillaWorld
- game: Super Mario World
- description: Generated by for Super Mario World
- Super Mario World:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- death_link: 'false'
- early_climb: 'false'
- goal: bowser
- bosses_required: '11'
- max_yoshi_egg_cap: '50'
- percentage_of_yoshi_eggs: '100'
- dragon_coin_checks: 'true'
- moon_checks: 'true'
- hidden_1up_checks: 'true'
- bonus_block_checks: 'true'
- blocksanity: 'true'
- bowser_castle_doors: slow
- bowser_castle_rooms: labyrinth
- level_shuffle: 'true'
- exclude_special_zone: 'false'
- boss_shuffle: full
- junk_fill_percentage: '0'
- trap_fill_percentage: '0'
- ice_trap_weight: medium
- stun_trap_weight: medium
- literature_trap_weight: medium
- timer_trap_weight: medium
- reverse_trap_weight: medium
- thwimp_trap_weight: medium
- display_received_item_popups: none
- autosave: 'true'
- overworld_speed: fast
- music_shuffle: full
- sfx_shuffle: none
- mario_palette: mario
- level_palette_shuffle: on_curated
- overworld_palette_shuffle: on_curated
- starting_life_count: '69'
- start_inventory: {}
- swap_donut_gh_exits: random
- ---
- name: KingdomGorilla
- game: Kingdom Hearts
- description: Generated by for Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- goal: final_ansem
- end_of_the_world_unlock: reports
- final_rest_door: reports
- required_reports_eotw: '4'
- required_reports_door: '10'
- reports_in_pool: '11'
- super_bosses: 'false'
- atlantica: 'true'
- hundred_acre_wood: 'true'
- cups: 'true'
- vanilla_emblem_pieces: 'false'
- exp_multiplier: '80'
- level_checks: '100'
- force_stats_on_levels: '101'
- strength_increase: '24'
- defense_increase: '24'
- hp_increase: '23'
- ap_increase: '18'
- mp_increase: '7'
- accessory_slot_increase: '1'
- item_slot_increase: '3'
- keyblades_unlock_chests: 'true'
- randomize_keyblade_stats: 'true'
- bad_starting_weapons: 'false'
- keyblade_min_str: '3'
- keyblade_max_str: '14'
- keyblade_min_mp: '-2'
- keyblade_max_mp: '3'
- puppies: triplets
- starting_worlds: '1'
- interact_in_battle: 'false'
- advanced_logic: 'false'
- extra_shared_abilities: 'true'
- exp_zero_in_pool: 'false'
- donald_death_link: 'false'
- goofy_death_link: 'false'
- start_inventory: {}
- start_inventory_from_pool: {}
- ---
- name: LogicalDoer
- game: Lingo
- description: Generated by for Lingo
- Lingo:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- shuffle_doors: doors
- group_doors: 'false'
- location_checks: insanity
- shuffle_colors: 'true'
- shuffle_panels: rearrange
- shuffle_paintings: 'true'
- victory_condition: pilgrimage
- early_color_hallways: 'true'
- shuffle_postgame: 'true'
- death_link: 'false'
- enable_pilgrimage: 'true'
- pilgrimage_allows_roof_access: 'false'
- pilgrimage_allows_paintings: 'true'
- sunwarp_access: individual
- shuffle_sunwarps: 'true'
- progressive_orange_tower: 'false'
- progressive_colorful: 'true'
- trap_percentage: '0'
- puzzle_skip_percentage: '0'
- start_inventory:
- Atbash Trap: 805
- start_inventory_from_pool: {}
- mastery_achievements: random
- level_2_requirement: random
- ---
- name: Megorilla
- game: Mega Man 2
- description: Generated by for Mega Man 2
- Mega Man 2:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- death_link: 'false'
- energy_link: 'true'
- consumables: all
- yoku_jumps: 'false'
- enable_lasers: 'true'
- enemy_weakness: 'true'
- strict_weakness: 'true'
- random_weakness: randomized
- wily_5_requirement: '8'
- palette_shuffle: randomized
- quickswap: 'true'
- reduce_flashing: virtual_console
- random_music: vanilla
- start_inventory: {}
- starting_robot_master: random
- ---
- name: MonkeySee
- game: The Witness
- description: Generated by for The Witness
- The Witness:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- puzzle_randomization: umbra_variety
- victory_condition: panel_hunt
- panel_hunt_total: '100'
- panel_hunt_required_percentage: '90'
- panel_hunt_postgame: everything_is_eligible
- panel_hunt_discourage_same_area_factor: '80'
- disable_non_randomized_puzzles: 'false'
- shuffle_discarded_panels: 'true'
- shuffle_vault_boxes: 'true'
- shuffle_EPs: individual
- EP_difficulty: normal
- shuffle_postgame: 'true'
- shuffle_symbols: 'true'
- shuffle_doors: mixed
- door_groupings: 'off'
- shuffle_boat: 'true'
- shuffle_lasers: anywhere
- obelisk_keys: 'true'
- trap_percentage: '0'
- puzzle_skip_amount: '0'
- hint_amount: '10'
- vague_hints: experimental
- area_hint_percentage: '50'
- laser_hints: 'true'
- early_caves: 'off'
- elevators_come_to_you: 'true'
- death_link: 'false'
- death_link_amnesty: '1'
- shuffle_dog: random_item
- start_inventory: {}
- mountain_lasers: random
- challenge_lasers: random
- puzzle_randomization_seed: random
- ---
- name: SecretCode
- game: TUNIC
- description: Generated by for TUNIC
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- sword_progression: 'true'
- start_with_sword: 'false'
- keys_behind_bosses: 'false'
- ability_shuffling: 'true'
- shuffle_ladders: 'true'
- entrance_rando: gorillapelago
- fixed_shop: 'true'
- fool_traps: 'off'
- hexagon_quest: 'false'
- hexagon_goal: '20'
- extra_hexagon_percentage: '50'
- laurels_location: anywhere
- lanternless: 'false'
- maskless: 'false'
- laurels_zips: 'false'
- ice_grappling: 'off'
- ladder_storage: 'off'
- ladder_storage_without_items: 'false'
- start_inventory: {}
- start_inventory_from_pool: {"Dath Stone": 1}
- ---
- name: A Code In Time
- game: A Hat in Time
- description: Generated by for A Hat in Time
- A Hat in Time:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- death_link: 'false'
- EndGoal: rush_hour
- ShuffleAlpineZiplines: 'true'
- LogicDifficulty: normal
- ShuffleStorybookPages: 'true'
- ShuffleActContracts: 'true'
- ShuffleSubconPaintings: 'true'
- NoPaintingSkips: 'false'
- CTRLogic: time_stop_only
- MinPonCost: '75'
- MaxPonCost: '300'
- BadgeSellerMinItems: '4'
- BadgeSellerMaxItems: '8'
- ActRandomizer: insanity
- FinaleShuffle: 'true'
- LowestChapterCost: '3'
- HighestChapterCost: '30'
- ChapterCostIncrement: '4'
- ChapterCostMinDifference: '5'
- FinalChapterMinCost: '30'
- FinalChapterMaxCost: '35'
- RandomizeHatOrder: 'true'
- UmbrellaLogic: 'true'
- StartWithCompassBadge: 'true'
- CompassBadgeMode: closest
- YarnCostMin: '4'
- YarnCostMax: '8'
- YarnAvailable: '50'
- MinExtraYarn: '10'
- HatItems: 'true'
- EnableDLC1: 'true'
- Tasksanity: 'true'
- TasksanityTaskStep: '1'
- TasksanityCheckCount: '18'
- ExcludeTour: 'false'
- ShipShapeCustomTaskGoal: '0'
- EnableDLC2: 'true'
- BaseballBat: 'true'
- MetroMinPonCost: '50'
- MetroMaxPonCost: '200'
- NyakuzaThugMinShopItems: '2'
- NyakuzaThugMaxShopItems: '4'
- NoTicketSkips: 'true'
- EnableDeathWish: 'false'
- DWShuffle: 'false'
- DWShuffleCountMin: '18'
- DWShuffleCountMax: '25'
- DeathWishOnly: 'false'
- DWEnableBonus: 'false'
- DWAutoCompleteBonuses: 'true'
- DWExcludeAnnoyingContracts: 'true'
- DWExcludeAnnoyingBonuses: 'true'
- DWExcludeCandles: 'true'
- DWTimePieceRequirement: '15'
- TrapChance: '0'
- BabyTrapWeight: '40'
- LaserTrapWeight: '40'
- ParadeTrapWeight: '20'
- start_inventory: {}
- StartingChapter: random
- YarnBalancePercent: random
- TimePieceBalancePercent: random
- MaxExtraTimePieces: random
- ---
- name: CodeGorilla64
- game: Super Mario 64
- description: Generated by for Super Mario 64
- Super Mario 64:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- area_rando: courses_and_secrets
- buddy_checks: 'true'
- exclamation_boxes: 'true'
- progressive_keys: 'false'
- enable_coin_stars: 'true'
- enable_move_rando: 'true'
- move_rando_actions:
- - Triple Jump
- - Long Jump
- - Backflip
- - Side Flip
- - Wall Kick
- - Dive
- - Ground Pound
- - Kick
- - Climb
- - Ledge Grab
- strict_cap_requirements: 'true'
- strict_cannon_requirements: 'true'
- strict_move_requirements: 'true'
- amount_of_stars: '120'
- death_link: 'false'
- completion_type: all_bowser_stages
- start_inventory: {}
- first_bowser_star_door_cost: random
- basement_star_door_cost: random
- second_floor_star_door_cost: random
- mips1_cost: random
- mips2_cost: random
- stars_to_finish: random
- ---
- name: CodeHeartsII
- game: Kingdom Hearts 2
- description: Generated by for Kingdom Hearts 2
- Kingdom Hearts 2:
- progression_balancing: '0'
- accessibility: full
- LevelDepth: level_99_sanity
- Sora_Level_EXP: '5'
- Valor_Form_EXP: '3'
- Wisdom_Form_EXP: '3'
- Limit_Form_EXP: '3'
- Master_Form_EXP: '3'
- Final_Form_EXP: '3'
- Summon_EXP: '5'
- Schmovement: level_0
- RandomGrowth: '4'
- AntiForm: 'true'
- Promise_Charm: 'true'
- Goal: hitlist
- FinalXemnas: 'true'
- LuckyEmblemsAmount: '40'
- LuckyEmblemsRequired: '35'
- BountyAmount: '16'
- BountyRequired: '10'
- BountyStartingHintToggle: 'true'
- Keyblade_Minimum: '5'
- Keyblade_Maximum: '10'
- WeaponSlotStartHint: 'false'
- FightLogic: normal
- FinalFormLogic: light_and_darkness
- AutoFormLogic: 'true'
- DonaldGoofyStatsanity: 'true'
- FillerItemsLocal: 'false'
- Visitlocking: first_and_second_visit_locking
- RandomVisitLockingItem: '3'
- SuperBosses: 'true'
- Cups: cups_and_hades_paradox
- SummonLevelLocationToggle: 'true'
- AtlanticaToggle: 'false'
- CorSkipToggle: 'false'
- CustomItemPoolQuantity:
- Aerial Dodge: 4
- Anti Form: 1
- Battlefields of War: 2
- Beast's Claw: 2
- Blizzard Element: 3
- Bone Fist: 2
- Chicken Little: 1
- Cure Element: 3
- Disney Castle Key: 2
- Dodge Roll: 4
- Final Form: 1
- Fire Element: 3
- Genie: 1
- Glide: 4
- High Jump: 4
- Ice Cream: 3
- Identity Disk: 2
- Limit Form: 1
- Magnet Element: 3
- Master Form: 1
- Membership Card: 2
- Namine Sketches: 1
- Peter Pan: 1
- Promise Charm: 1
- Proof of Connection: 1
- Proof of Nonexistence: 1
- Proof of Peace: 1
- Proud Fang: 2
- Quick Run: 4
- Reflect Element: 3
- Scimitar: 2
- Skill and Crossbones: 2
- Stitch: 1
- Sword of the Ancestor: 2
- Thunder Element: 3
- Torn Page: 5
- Valor Form: 1
- Way to the Dawn: 2
- Wisdom Form: 1
- start_inventory: {}
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