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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Vector2 = {}
- local v2Meta = {}
- function v2Meta.__tostring(v2)
- return v2.X..", "..v2.Y
- end
- function v2Meta.__eq(self,other)
- return self.X == other.X and self.Y == other.Y
- end
- local v2Methods =
- {
- add = "+";
- sub = "-";
- mul = "*";
- div = "/";
- }
- local v2Format = "return,%d%s%d)"
- for key,met in pairs(v2Methods) do
- v2Meta["__"..key] = function (self,other)
- local x = self.X
- local y = self.Y
- local ox = other.X
- local oy = other.Y
- local result = v2Format:format(x,met,ox,y,met,oy)
- return loadstring(result)()
- end
- end
- function,y)
- local x = tonumber(x) and x or 0
- local y = tonumber(y) and y or 0
- local vec =
- {
- X = x;
- Y = y;
- magnitude = math.sqrt(x^2+y^2);
- }
- if vec.magnitude ~= 1 and vec.magnitude ~= 0 then
- vec.unit =,y/vec.magnitude)
- else
- vec.unit = vec
- end
- setmetatable(vec,v2Meta)
- return vec
- end
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local maze =
- {
- "##########################################";
- "# # # # # # # #";
- "# # ### ### # ### ### ### ### # ### # # #";
- "# # # # # # # # # # # # #";
- "######### ##### ### # # ### ### # ##### #";
- "# # # # # # # # #";
- "### ##### ####### ####### ####### ### ###";
- "# # # # # # #";
- "# # ### ##### # ##### ##### # # #########";
- "# # # # # # # # #";
- "# # # ### ####### ########### ######### #";
- "# # # # # # # #";
- "# ##### # # ############# ##### ### # ###";
- "# # # # # # # # # #";
- "### ##### ######### # # ##### ######### #";
- "# # # # # # #";
- "# ### # ##### ##################### # ###";
- "# # # # # # # # #";
- "# ############# # # ######### # # ### ###";
- "# # # # # # #";
- "S # ##### # ################### ### # ###";
- "# # # # # # # # # #";
- "# ##### ##### ### # # # ##### # # ##### E";
- "# # # # # # #";
- "#########################################";
- }
- local data = {}
- local startPos
- local endPos
- local abs = math.abs
- for y,row in pairs(maze) do
- local x = 0
- for char in row:gmatch(".") do
- x = x + 1
- if not data[x] then
- data[x] = {}
- end
- if char == "S" then
- startPos =,y)
- data[x][y] = " "
- elseif char == "E" then
- endPos =,y)
- data[x][y] = " "
- else
- data[x][y] = char
- end
- end
- end
- local function aStar(start_,end_)
- local closedCache = {}
- local closedList = {}
- local function addToClosedList(pos)
- closedList[#closedList+1] = pos
- local x,y = pos.X,pos.Y
- if not closedCache[x] then
- closedCache[x] = {}
- end
- if not closedCache[x][y] then
- closedCache[x][y] = true
- end
- end
- addToClosedList(start_)
- local function getOpenList(pos)
- local openList = {}
- local function processCell(cx,cy)
- if data[cx] then
- local cell = data[cx][cy]
- if cell and cell == " " then
- if not closedCache[cx] then
- closedCache[cx] = {}
- end
- if not closedCache[cx][cy] then
- local openPos =,cy)
- table.insert(openList,openPos)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for x = -1,1 do
- for y = -1,1 do
- local isSame = (x+y == 0)
- local isDiagonal = (abs(x)+abs(y) == 2)
- if not (isSame or isDiagonal) then
- local cx = pos.X + x
- local cy = pos.Y + y
- processCell(cx,cy)
- end
- end
- end
- return openList
- end
- local foundPath = false
- while not foundPath do
- local g = #closedList-1
- local lastPos = closedList[g+1]
- local openList = getOpenList(lastPos)
- if #openList > 0 then
- local lowestF,bestPos = math.huge,
- for _,pos in pairs(openList) do
- local h = (endPos-pos).magnitude
- if h == 0 then
- addToClosedList(end_)
- foundPath = true
- print("Path found!")
- break
- end
- local f = g + h
- if f < lowestF then
- lowestF = f
- bestPos = pos
- end
- end
- if not foundPath then
- addToClosedList(bestPos)
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- return foundPath,closedList
- end
- local findingPath = true
- local currentStartPos = startPos
- local function deepCopy(t)
- local new = {}
- for k,v in pairs(t) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- new[k] = deepCopy(v)
- else
- new[k] = v
- end
- end
- return new
- end
- local arrowKeys =
- {
- ["-1, 0"] = "<";
- ["1, 0"] = ">";
- ["0, -1"] = "^";
- ["0, 1"] = "v";
- }
- local function printMaze(closedList)
- print()
- local dataCopy = deepCopy(data)
- local startPos = closedList[1]
- local endPos = closedList[#closedList]
- for index,node in pairs(closedList) do
- if startPos == node then
- dataCopy[node.X][node.Y] = "S"
- elseif endPos == node then
- dataCopy[node.X][node.Y] = "E"
- else
- local nextNode = closedList[index+1]
- if nextNode then
- local movement = (nextNode-node).unit
- dataCopy[node.X][node.Y] = arrowKeys[tostring(movement)]
- end
- --dataCopy[node.X][node.Y] = string.char(165)
- end
- end
- local finalData = {}
- for y,row in pairs(dataCopy) do
- for x,char in pairs(row) do
- if not finalData[x] then
- finalData[x] = {}
- end
- if char == "B" then
- char = " "
- end
- finalData[x][y] = char
- end
- end
- for _,column in pairs(finalData) do
- print(table.concat(column,""))
- end
- print()
- end
- local function block(pos)
- data[pos.X][pos.Y] = "B"
- end
- while findingPath do
- local foundPath,nodes = aStar(currentStartPos,endPos)
- if foundPath then
- findingPath = false
- printMaze(nodes)
- else
- block(nodes[#nodes])
- end
- end
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