
Vilgax near immortality

Sep 25th, 2024
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  1. He'd reinforced himself against Gurren Lagann's strikes. It was the natural evolutionary instinct in his body, the same kind of stuff that Anti kid was spliced with. If he was too light to withstand their punches, he would bloat his chitin until his muscle mass was heavy enough to crack the earth.
  3. That was the only reason Simon didn't splatter him with his Lagann bull rush. The point of the drill gouged through his armor, but it was only able to break through a few inches of his musculature. Vilgax's clawed hands were even capable of halting Lagann's spin through brute strength alone.
  5. But he was not capable of stopping Lagann's flight. He wasn't heavy enough for that. And if Lagann couldn't move forward as a drill, it moved forward as a battering ram, slamming Vilgax down into the rock and scraping him straight over the canyon down the cliffside. Its speed compared favorably to Vilgaxia's quickest aircraft, double-digit Mach numbers, tearing tunnels through solid rock until the insides of the cliff were as holey as an ant farm. Vilgax's skin was hard, and his bones were harder. Being slammed through thousands of tons of stone wasn't much of a beating for him. The plan was more to tenderize him, soften him up with constant persistent damage so they could weaken Vilgax for a super-strong finishing move.
  7. Lagann breached the cliff face once again, spraying rock chunks like seafoam, and flew directly towards Gurren with Vilgax still impaled on the front. Gurren cocked its arms, shotgun-style. The several mudra-performing hands of Gurren transformed into a mess of drills.
  9. When Vilgax was about to slam into Gurren, Kamina crashed every drill into Vilgax at the same time, combining the force of Lagann and Gurren's drills to compress Vilgax from every angle! This was the finishing move that they'd just come up with, the deadly pincer attack- Brotherly Claw!
  11. The current form of Gurren had six arms. Each arm ended in one hand, which became two drills apiece. Combined with Lagann's sole giant drill, that was an unlucky total of thirteen drills all spearing into Vilgax at the same time. Together they'd reduced Vilgax to the status of a pincushion, achieving one of the highest echelons of performance for all warriors he had ever faced. Out of hundreds of thousands of venerable heroes, less than ten had ever subjected him to such humiliation.
  13. Even worse for Vilgax, the damnable Vilgaxian armada chose that moment to act. Until this point, they'd been too fearful of damaging Vilgax to take decisive action. Now that there was no choice, their commander chose that moment to order another launch. The earlier missiles were merely Class-2 weaponry. The Legate Commander gave the order to authorize Class-7 weapons immediately.
  15. "[Deploying rapid-loader tungsten rod launcher!]"
  17. One hundred miniature tungsten rods per second launched from the Vilgaxian magnetic miniguns. The landscape was shredded to pieces in less than even that second. An entire cliffside carefully constructed as the setting for large-scale Battleworld conflicts, completely deleted, mile-sized chunks eaten out of the rock with every bullet when every bullet was followed by thousands more bullets. Simon, Kamina, and Vilgax, all of them were caught in the rain of metal which could chew apart a mountain range.
  19. The Legate Commander had no time to call off the barrage. They planned to give the order after at least thirty seconds of sustained fire, enough to be sure the enemy was dead. The poor bastard never even had time to swing their hand down before the impact.
  21. KRA-KOOOM!!
  23. Gurren and Lagann smashed Vilgax against the side of the Mostly Harmful and flipped the entire ship upside-down as easily as a pancake on the griddle. Vilgax was still pinned between the two of them, trapped between a terrifying array of drills, but the force of the blow against the starship was enough to tear him free of them. His body was a terrible sight. It was all torn-up, ragged, full of holes and fissures. Some of those holes went through his head. Somehow, impossibly, he survived. The will that animated him was far stronger than mere brute force. That thing had become antithetical to life.
  25. - Round 5
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