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- King Priam in Troy was a great ruler over all the host of Turks,
- and his sons were the highest in rank in his whole host. That
- magnificent hall that the Æsir called Brimir’s hall or beer-hall,
- was King Priam’s hall. And whereas they give a long account of
- Ragnarok, this is the Trojan war. The story goes that Oku-Thor
- used an ox-head as bait and pulled the Midgard serpent up to the
- gunwale, but the serpent survived by sinking into the sea. This
- story is based on the one about how Hector killed the splendid
- hero Volucrontes while the great Achilles was looking on, and
- thus lured Achilles towards him with the head of the slain man
- whom they saw as corresponding to the ox from which Thor had
- taken the head. And when Achilles had been drawn into this
- dangerous situation by his impetuosity, then the only way for him
- to save his life was to run away from Hector’s deadly stroke,
- wounded though he was. It is also said that Hector pressed his
- attack so violently, and that his valour was raised to such a pitch
- when he saw Achilles that there was nothing strong enough to
- stand before him. And when he missed Achilles and he had fled, he
- slaked his wrath by killing a hero called Roddrus. In the same way
- the Æsir said thdt when Oku-Thor missed the serpent, he killed
- giant Hymir; and at Ragnarok the Midgard serpent came with
- frightening suddenness against Thor and blew poison on him and
- struck him his death-blow, but the Æsir did not like to admit that
- Oku-Thor had died as a result of one person overthrowing him in
- death even though such had been the case, and they exaggerated
- the story beyond what was true, when they said that the Midgard
- serpent suffered death there. But they adduced this, that though
- Achilles gained victory over Hector, yet he was to lie dead on the
- same field as a result. This was achieved by Helenus and Alexan-
- der. This Helenus was called Ali by the Æsir. They say that he
- avenged his brother and survived when all the gods were dead and
- the fire, with which Asgard and all the possessions of the gods
- were burned, was extinguished. As for Pyrrhus, they saw him as
- corresponding to Fenriswolf; it killed Odin, and Pyrrhus could be
- said to be a wolf according to their religion, for he paid no respect
- to places of sanctuary when he killed the king in the temple in
- front of Thor’s altar. What they call Surt’s fire was when Troy
- burned. And Oku-Thor’s sons, Modi and Magni, came to claim
- lands from Ali or Vidar. The latter is Aeneas, he escaped from
- Troy and later achieved great deeds. Similarly it is also said that
- Hector’s sons arrived in the land of Phrygia and established
- themselves in that kingdom, driving Helenus out.
- - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
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