
isi dd inventory delete request all

Sep 16th, 2021
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  1. array:108 [
  2. "Id" => 64
  3. "Code" => "INV/150921/130935"
  4. "Name" => "Prisma 5 Beta"
  5. "Category" => "-"
  6. "WarehouseCategory" => "-"
  7. "Price100" => 0
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  9. "Price90" => 0
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  21. "LegalEntityId" => 1
  22. "BranchId" => 1
  23. "created_at" => "2021-09-15 13:09:31"
  24. "updated_at" => "2021-09-15 14:49:56"
  25. "SupplierId" => 1
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  27. "SupplierId3" => null
  28. "Price30" => 0
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  65. "CipenComboPrice60" => 0
  66. "CipenComboPrice30" => 0
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  102. "ProcurementType" => "Reguler"
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  104. "PermanentDelete" => null
  105. "inventory_branches" => array:1 [
  106. 0 => array:20 [
  107. "Id" => 64
  108. "ItemMasterId" => 64
  109. "LegalEntityId" => 1
  110. "BranchId" => 1
  111. "TotalQuantity" => 640
  112. "Quantity100" => 160
  113. "Quantity90" => 160
  114. "Quantity60" => 160
  115. "Quantity30" => 160
  116. "SafetyStockLimit" => 200
  117. "Location" => "AA"
  118. "created_at" => "2021-09-15 13:09:31"
  119. "updated_at" => "2021-09-16 16:36:27"
  120. "RefurbishQuantity" => 0
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  122. "Picture2" => null
  123. "Picture3" => null
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  125. "legal_entity" => array:9 [
  126. "Id" => 1
  127. "Name" => "CITRA GROUP"
  128. "DirectorId" => 1
  129. "created_at" => "2021-04-16 02:17:14"
  130. "updated_at" => "2021-04-16 02:17:14"
  131. "CommissionerId" => null
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  133. "TotalPaid" => null
  134. "TotalUnpaid" => null
  135. ]
  136. "branch" => array:26 [
  137. "Id" => 1
  138. "Name" => "CITRA PUSAT"
  139. "Address" => "Jalan Cikamuning"
  140. "Area" => "Pusat"
  141. "NumOfCar" => 100
  142. "Contact" => "081234567890"
  143. "LegalEntityId" => 1
  144. "ManagerId" => 1
  145. "created_at" => "2021-04-16 02:17:14"
  146. "updated_at" => "2021-04-16 02:17:14"
  147. "ExpectedIncome" => null
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  149. "ActualIncome" => null
  150. "ActualSoldProductQuantity" => null
  151. "LicensePlateNumber" => null
  152. "ListLicencePlateNumber" => null
  153. "CoordinatorId" => null
  154. "TotalPoint" => null
  155. "CurrentPoint" => null
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  159. "ManagerName" => null
  160. "CoordinatorName" => null
  161. "ExpectedMonthIncome" => null
  162. "ActualMonthIncome" => null
  163. ]
  164. ]
  165. ]
  166. "supplier" => array:19 [
  167. "Id" => 1
  168. "Code" => "SPR/160421/022325"
  169. "Name" => "PT Sinergi Membangun Negri"
  170. "Address" => "Test"
  171. "Contact" => "1"
  172. "BankName" => "Test"
  173. "BankAccountNumber" => "00000000"
  174. "TotalDebt" => 0
  175. "TotalPaid" => 0
  176. "TotalUnpaid" => 0
  177. "created_at" => "2021-04-16 02:23:25"
  178. "updated_at" => "2021-04-16 02:23:25"
  179. "Total" => null
  180. "Sisa" => null
  181. "NominalBefore" => null
  182. "SisaBefore" => null
  183. "Nominal" => null
  184. "ContactPersonName" => "Test"
  185. "ContactPersonNumber" => "000000000"
  186. ]
  187. "editor" => 1
  188. "LoggedUserLegalEntityId" => 1
  189. "LoggedUserBranchId" => 1
  190. ]
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