

Sep 2nd, 2017
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  1. wt = 0.05 s = script it = v3 = c3 = ud = cf = ca = CFrame.Angles pi = math.pi rd = math.rad
  2. bc = ab = math.abs de = math.deg ts = tostring tn = tonumber ti = table.insert tr = table.remove
  3. cr = coroutine.resume cc = coroutine.create
  4. asset = ""
  5. sr = string.reverse sl = string.lower su = string.upper
  6. Serv = {} Serv.p = game:GetService(sr("sreyalP")) Serv.l = game:GetService(sr("gnithgiL"))
  7. = game:GetService(sr("ecivreStresnI")) if game:findFirstChild(sr("revreSkrowteN")) then Serv.ns = game:GetService(sr("revreSkrowteN")) else NetworkServer = nil end
  8. = game:GetService(sr("iuGretratS")) Serv.sp = game:GetService(sr("kcaPretratS")) Serv.d = game:GetService(sr("sirbeD"))
  9. Decs = {}
  10. Decs.Crack = "49173398" Decs.Cloud = "1095708" Decs.Spike = "1033714" Decs.Rock = "1290033" Decs.Crown = "1323306"
  11. function ft(tablez,item) if not tablez or not item then return nil end for i=1,#tablez do if tablez[i] == item then return i end end return nil end
  12. function re(par,obj) if type(par) ~= "userdata" or type(obj) ~= "string" then return nil end if par:findFirstChild(obj) then par[obj]:Remove() end end
  13. function pa(pa,sh,x,y,z,c,a,tr,re,bc2) local fp = nil if sh ~= "Wedge" and sh ~= "CornerWedge" then fp = it("Part",pa) fp.Shape = sh fp.formFactor = "Custom" elseif sh == "Wedge" then fp = it("WedgePart",pa) fp.formFactor = "Custom"
  14. elseif sh == "CornerWedge" then fp = it("CornerWedgePart",pa) end fp.Size = v3(x,y,z) fp.CanCollide = c fp.Anchored = false fp.BrickColor = bc(bc2) fp.Transparency = tr fp.Reflectance = re fp.BottomSurface = 0
  15. fp.TopSurface = 0 fp.CFrame = t.CFrame +,50,0) fp.Velocity =,10,0) fp:BreakJoints() return fp end
  16. function clearit(tab) for xx=1,#tab do tab[xx]:Remove() end end
  17. function weld(pa,p0,p1,x,y,z,a,b,c) local fw = it("Weld",pa) fw.Part0 = p0 fw.Part1 = p1 fw.C0 = cf(x,y,z) *ca(a,b,c) return fw end
  18. function spm(ty,pa,ss) local sp = it("SpecialMesh",pa) sp.MeshType = ty sp.Scale =,ss,ss) end function mbm(pa,sx,sy,sz) local bm ="BlockMesh",pa) bm.Scale =,sy,sz) end
  19. function ra(mn,mx,dc) local tms = 1 if dc == nil then dc = 0 end if type(dc) == "number" and dc > 5 then dc = 5 end for zx=1,dc do tms = tms*10 end return math.random(mn*tms,mx*tms)/tms end
  20. p = Serv.p.Likebossfromdk -----Josemmoya
  21. bp = p.Backpack
  22. pg = p.PlayerGui
  23. c = p.Character
  24. he = c.Head
  25. t = c.Torso
  26. hu = c.Humanoid
  27. mou = nil
  28. re(c,"Hand")
  29. s = 2
  31. --tool var
  32. Equip = false
  33. HTrans = 0
  34. HRef = 0
  35. HCol = "a"
  36. LaserCol = "Navy blue"
  37. LaserCol2 = "Deep blue"
  38. LaserCol3 = "Bright blue"
  39. Posing = "Follow"
  40. Facing = "Owner"
  41. Anim = {}
  42. Anim.a = "None"
  43. Anim.b = "None"
  44. Anim.Welding = 0
  45. local fingwide = 1.5*s
  46. local finghei = 2.8
  47. local tiphei = 2.55
  48. handoffset = v3(5,18,-8)*s
  49. bgx,bgy,bgz = -90,0,0
  50. w = {}
  51. Button = false
  52. --
  53. BlastMesh = it("FileMesh")
  54. BlastMesh.MeshId = ""
  55. RingMesh = it("FileMesh")
  56. RingMesh.MeshId = ""
  57. RockMesh = it("FileMesh")
  58. DiamondMesh = it("FileMesh")
  59. DiamondMesh.MeshId = ""
  60. m ="Model",c) m.Name = "Hand"
  61. Palm = pa(m,"Block",6*s,7*s,fingwide*2,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(Palm,1,1,0.6)
  62. local x,y,z = Palm.Size.x,Palm.Size.y,Palm.Size.z
  63. bPoint1 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  64. Point1 = weld(bPoint1,Palm,bPoint1,-x/2+(fingwide/2),y/2,0,0,0,0)
  65. pPoint1 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,finghei*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pPoint1,0.9,1,0.9)
  66. wPoint1 = weld(pPoint1,bPoint1,pPoint1,0,pPoint1.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  67. bPoint3 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  68. Point3 = weld(bPoint3,bPoint3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  69. pPoint3 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,tiphei*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pPoint3,0.9,1,0.9)
  70. wPoint3 = weld(pPoint3,bPoint3,pPoint3,0,pPoint3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  71. bMid1 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  72. Mid1 = weld(bMid1,Palm,bMid1,-x/2+((fingwide/2)+((fingwide)*1)),y/2,0,0,0,0)
  73. pMid1 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,(finghei*1.1)*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pMid1,0.9,1,0.9)
  74. wMid1 = weld(pMid1,bMid1,pMid1,0,pMid1.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  75. bMid3 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  76. Mid3 = weld(bMid3,bMid3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  77. pMid3 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,(tiphei*1.1)*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pMid3,0.9,1,0.9)
  78. wMid3 = weld(pMid3,bMid3,pMid3,0,pMid3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  79. bRing1 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  80. Ring1 = weld(bRing1,Palm,bRing1,-x/2+((fingwide/2)+((fingwide)*2)),y/2,0,0,0,0)
  81. pRing1 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,(finghei*0.98)*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pRing1,0.9,1,0.9)
  82. wRing1 = weld(pRing1,bRing1,pRing1,0,pRing1.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  83. bRing2 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  84. Ring2 = weld(bRing2,pRing1,bRing2,0,pRing1.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  85. pRing2 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,(finghei*0.98)*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pRing2,0.9,1,0.9)
  86. wRing2 = weld(pRing2,bRing2,pRing2,0,pRing1.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  87. bRing3 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  88. Ring3 = weld(bRing3,pRing2,bRing3,0,pRing2.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  89. pRing3 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,(tiphei*0.98)*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pRing3,0.9,1,0.9)
  90. wRing3 = weld(pRing3,bRing3,pRing3,0,pRing3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  91. bPinkie1 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  92. Pinkie1 = weld(bPinkie1,Palm,bPinkie1,-x/2+((fingwide/2)+((fingwide)*3)),y/2,0,0,0,0)
  93. pPinkie1 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,(finghei*0.8)*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pPinkie1,0.9,1,0.9)
  94. wPinkie1 = weld(pPinkie1,bPinkie1,pPinkie1,0,pPinkie1.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  95. bPinkie3 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  96. Pinkie3 = weld(bPinkie3,bPinkie3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  97. pPinkie3 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide,(tiphei*0.8)*s,fingwide,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pPinkie3,0.9,1,0.9)
  98. wPinkie3 = weld(pPinkie3,bPinkie3,pPinkie3,0,pPinkie3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  99. bThumb1 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  100. Thumb1 = weld(bThumb1,Palm,bThumb1,-x/2+(fingwide/7),-y*0.1,-fingwide*0.25,0,0,0)
  101. pThumb1 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide*1.4,(finghei*1)*s,fingwide*1.4,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pThumb1,0.9,1,0.9)
  102. wThumb1 = weld(pThumb1,bThumb1,pThumb1,0,pThumb1.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  103. bThumb3 = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol)
  104. Thumb3 = weld(bThumb3,bThumb3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  105. pThumb3 = pa(m,"Block",fingwide*1.25,(tiphei*1)*s,fingwide*1.25,true,false,HTrans,HRef,HCol) mbm(pThumb3,0.9,1,0.9)
  106. wThumb3 = weld(pThumb3,bThumb3,pThumb3,0,pThumb3.Size.y/2,0,0,0,0)
  107. w["a1"] = Pinkie1
  108. w["a3"] = Pinkie3
  109. w["b1"] = Ring1
  110. w["b3"] = Ring3
  111. w["c1"] = Mid1
  112. w["c3"] = Mid3
  113. w["d1"] = Point1
  114. w["d3"] = Point3
  115. w["e1"] = Thumb1
  116. w["e3"] = Thumb3
  118. w.e1.C1 = ca(0,rd(35),rd(-20))
  119. w.e2.C1 = ca(rd(20),0,0)
  120. w.e3.C1 = ca(rd(20),0,0)
  121. w.d1.C1 = ca(0,0,rd(-3))
  122. w.c1.C1 = ca(0,0,rd(-1))
  123. w.b1.C1 = ca(0,0,rd(1))
  124. w.a1.C1 = ca(0,0,rd(3))
  125. function c1(wexx,smmx,xx,yy,zz)
  126. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  127. local xx2,yy2,zz2 = wexx.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
  128. local aa,bb,cc = wexx.C0.x,wexx.C0.y,wexx.C0.z
  129. local twa = smmx/wt
  130. Anim.Welding = Anim.Welding + 1
  131. for i=0,twa,1 do wexx.C0 = cf(aa,bb,cc)
  132. wexx.C1 = ca(xx2-(((xx2-rd(xx))/twa)*i),yy2-(((yy2-rd(yy))/twa)*i),zz2-(((zz2-rd(zz))/twa)*i))
  133. wait()
  134. end
  135. Anim.Welding = Anim.Welding - 1
  136. end))
  137. end
  138. function CloseFing(fingz,spee) if spee == nil then spee = 1 end c1(w[fingz.. "1"],spee,80,0,0) c1(w[fingz.. "2"],spee,110,0,0) c1(w[fingz.. "3"],spee,30,0,0) end
  139. function OpenFing(fingz,spee) if spee == nil then spee = 1 end c1(w[fingz.. "1"],spee,2,0,0) c1(w[fingz.. "2"],spee,2,0,0) c1(w[fingz.. "3"],spee,2,0,0) end
  140. function HandSign(form,spee) form = form:lower() if spee == nil then spee = 1 end
  141. if form == "f" then
  142. CloseFing("d",spee) CloseFing("a",spee) CloseFing("b",spee)
  143. c1(w["c1"],spee,0,0,0) c1(w["c2"],spee,0,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,0,0,0)
  144. c1(w["e1"],spee,70,40,-90) c1(w["e2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,50,0,0)
  145. elseif form == "fist" then
  146. CloseFing("d",spee) CloseFing("a",spee) CloseFing("b",spee) CloseFing("c",spee)
  147. c1(w["e1"],spee,70,40,-90) c1(w["e2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,50,0,0)
  148. elseif form == "pointer" then
  149. CloseFing("a",spee) CloseFing("b",spee) CloseFing("c",spee)
  150. c1(w["d1"],spee,5,0,0) c1(w["d2"],spee,5,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,5,0,0)
  151. c1(w["e1"],spee,70,40,-90) c1(w["e2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,50,0,0)
  152. elseif form == "v" then
  153. CloseFing("a",spee) CloseFing("b",spee)
  154. c1(w["c1"],spee,1,0,15) c1(w["c2"],spee,1,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,1,0,0)
  155. c1(w["d1"],spee,1,0,-15) c1(w["d2"],spee,1,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,1,0,0)
  156. c1(w["e1"],spee,70,40,-90) c1(w["e2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,50,0,0)
  157. elseif form == "free" or form == "five" then
  158. OpenFing("a",spee) OpenFing("b",spee) OpenFing("c",spee) OpenFing("d",spee)
  159. c1(w["e1"],spee,0,35,-20) c1(w["e2"],spee,20,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,20,0,0)
  160. elseif form == "ride" then
  161. c1(w["a1"],spee,60,0,0) c1(w["a2"],spee,-30,0,0) c1(w["a3"],spee,-30,0,0)
  162. c1(w["b1"],spee,30,0,0) c1(w["b2"],spee,65,0,0) c1(w["b3"],spee,60,0,0)
  163. c1(w["c1"],spee,30,0,0) c1(w["c2"],spee,65,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,60,0,0)
  164. c1(w["d1"],spee,30,0,0) c1(w["d2"],spee,65,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,60,0,0)
  165. c1(w["e1"],spee,-70,185,0) c1(w["e2"],spee,30,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,30,0,0)
  166. elseif form == "gun" then
  167. CloseFing("a",spee) CloseFing("b",spee)
  168. c1(w["c1"],spee,0,0,1) c1(w["c2"],spee,0,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,0,0,0)
  169. c1(w["d1"],spee,0,0,-1) c1(w["d2"],spee,0,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,0,0,0)
  170. c1(w["e1"],spee,-60,90,0) c1(w["e2"],spee,20,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,-20,0,0)
  171. elseif form == "wide" then
  172. c1(w["a1"],spee,-3,0,45) c1(w["a2"],spee,-3,0,0) c1(w["a3"],spee,-3,0,0)
  173. c1(w["b1"],spee,-3,0,15) c1(w["b2"],spee,-3,0,0) c1(w["b3"],spee,-3,0,0)
  174. c1(w["c1"],spee,-3,0,-15) c1(w["c2"],spee,-3,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,-3,0,0)
  175. c1(w["d1"],spee,-3,0,-45) c1(w["d2"],spee,-3,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,-3,0,0)
  176. c1(w["e1"],spee,-70,90,0) c1(w["e2"],spee,10,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,-10,0,0)
  177. elseif form == "wide2" then
  178. c1(w["a1"],spee,-18,0,45) c1(w["a2"],spee,36,0,0) c1(w["a3"],spee,30,0,0)
  179. c1(w["b1"],spee,-18,0,15) c1(w["b2"],spee,36,0,0) c1(w["b3"],spee,30,0,0)
  180. c1(w["c1"],spee,-18,0,-15) c1(w["c2"],spee,36,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,30,0,0)
  181. c1(w["d1"],spee,-18,0,-45) c1(w["d2"],spee,36,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,30,0,0)
  182. c1(w["e1"],spee,-50,90,-10) c1(w["e2"],spee,5,0,-30) c1(w["e3"],spee,-10,0,-40)
  183. elseif form == "grab2" then
  184. c1(w["a1"],spee,-70,-65,0) c1(w["a2"],spee,40,0,0) c1(w["a3"],spee,20,0,0)
  185. c1(w["b1"],spee,-70,-20,0) c1(w["b2"],spee,40,0,0) c1(w["b3"],spee,20,0,0)
  186. c1(w["c1"],spee,-70,20,-0) c1(w["c2"],spee,40,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,20,0,0)
  187. c1(w["d1"],spee,-70,65,-0) c1(w["d2"],spee,40,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,20,0,0)
  188. c1(w["e1"],spee,-70,150,0) c1(w["e2"],spee,30,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,30,0,0)
  189. elseif form == "grab3" then
  190. c1(w["a1"],spee,-30,-40,30) c1(w["a2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["a3"],spee,35,0,0)
  191. c1(w["b1"],spee,-30,-15,12) c1(w["b2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["b3"],spee,35,0,0)
  192. c1(w["c1"],spee,-30,15,-12) c1(w["c2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["c3"],spee,35,0,0)
  193. c1(w["d1"],spee,-30,40,-30) c1(w["d2"],spee,50,0,0) c1(w["d3"],spee,35,0,0)
  194. c1(w["e1"],spee,-55,205,0) c1(w["e2"],spee,30,0,0) c1(w["e3"],spee,30,0,0)
  195. end
  196. end
  197. function ColFings(iscol)
  198. pPinkie1.CanCollide = iscol
  199. pPinkie3.CanCollide = iscol
  200. pRing1.CanCollide = iscol
  201. pRing2.CanCollide = iscol
  202. pRing3.CanCollide = iscol
  203. pMid1.CanCollide = iscol
  204. pMid3.CanCollide = iscol
  205. pPoint1.CanCollide = iscol
  206. pPoint3.CanCollide = iscol
  207. pThumb1.CanCollide = iscol
  208. pThumb3.CanCollide = iscol
  209. end
  210. function ray(Pos, Dir)
  211. return Workspace:FindPartOnRay(, Dir.unit *999), c)
  212. end
  213. function Earthsplosion(pos,siz,dmg,rndmg,forc,eos) local colz22 = "Earth green" if eos == nil or eos == "earth" then eos = "earth" else colz22 = "Pastel brown" eos = "sand" end
  214. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  215. if eos == "earth" then local cr = pa(m,"Block",((14*siz)/10)*s,0,((14*siz)/10)*s,false,false,1,0,"") cr.Anchored = true cr.CFrame = pos *ca(rd(0),rd(ra(-360,360)),rd(0)) cr.CFrame = cr.CFrame + v3(ra(-siz*10,siz*10)/22,0,ra(-siz*10,siz*10)/22)
  216. local de = it("Decal",cr) de.Face = "Top" de.Texture = asset .. Decs.Crack Serv.d:AddItem(cr,25) end
  217. for i=1,4 do
  218. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  219. local sw = pa(m,"Block",(siz/3)*s,(siz*1.3)*s,(siz/3)*s,true,true,0,0,colz22) sw.Anchored = true sw.CFrame = pos *cf(ra(-3*s,3*s),0,ra(-3*s,3*s)) *ca(rd(ra(-27,27)),rd(ra(-360,360)),rd(ra(-27,27))) local swm = it("SpecialMesh",sw) if eos == "earth" then swm.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  220. swm.MeshId = asset .. Decs.Spike else swm.MeshType = "Sphere" end if eos == "earth" then swm.Scale = v3(sw.Size.x/1.3,sw.Size.y*1.2,sw.Size.z/1.3)
  221. else swm.Scale = v3(sw.Size.x/10,sw.Size.y/37,sw.Size.z/10) end sw.CFrame = sw.CFrame + v3(ra(-0.3*siz*s,0.3*siz*s,7),0,ra(-0.3*siz*s,0.3*siz*s)) sw.CFrame = sw.CFrame * cf(0,-sw.Size.y/1.4,0)
  222. Dustplosion(cf(pos.p+v3(0,2*s,0)),18*s,{"Dark green","Bright green","Brown"},1)
  223. if eos == "earth" then
  224. for x=1,8 do
  225. sw.CFrame = sw.CFrame *cf(0,sw.Size.y/8,0) wait() end wait(ra(1,5))
  226. for x=1,20 do
  227. sw.CFrame = sw.CFrame *cf(0,-sw.Size.y/20,0) wait()
  228. end sw:Remove()
  229. else
  230. for x=1,25 do
  231. sw.CFrame = sw.CFrame *cf(0,sw.Size.y/25,0) sw.Transparency = x/25 - 0.1 swm.Scale = swm.Scale + v3(0.025,0.025,0.025) wait() end
  232. end sw:Remove()
  233. end)) end
  234. wait(0.3)
  235. DmgHumanoidsNear(pos.p,dmg,rndmg,5.5*s*(siz/4),forc)
  236. end))
  237. end
  238. function Dustplosion(onb,scale,col,cls) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  239. for x=1,cls do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  240. local sw = pa(m,"Block",1*s,0,1*s,false,false,0.2,0,col[ra(1,#col)]) sw.Anchored = true sw.CFrame = onb *ca(rd(ra(-35,35)),rd(ra(-360,360)),rd(ra(-35,35))) local swm = it("SpecialMesh",sw) swm.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  241. swm.MeshId = asset .. Decs.Cloud sw.CFrame = sw.CFrame + v3(ra(-scale,scale)/8,ra(-scale,scale)/8,ra(-scale,scale)/8)
  242. for i=1,scale,0.25 do
  243. swm.Scale = v3(i*1.5,i*1,i*1.5) sw.Transparency = ((i/scale)/2) + 0.45
  244. wait()
  245. end
  246. sw:Remove()
  247. end)) end
  248. end)) end
  249. function ShockWave(onb,scale,col) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local sw = pa(m,"Block",1*s,0,1*s,false,false,0.2,0,col) sw.Anchored = true sw.CFrame = onb *ca(rd(90),0,0) local swm = it("SpecialMesh",sw) swm.MeshType = "FileMesh" swm.MeshId = RingMesh.MeshId
  250. for i=1,scale,0.75 do swm.Scale = v3(i*1.5,i*1.5,i*1.5) sw.Transparency = (i/scale) + 0 wait() end sw:Remove() end)) end
  251. function BlastWave(onb,scale,ymes,col) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  252. local sw = pa(m,"Block",1*s,0,1*s,false,false,0.2,0,col) sw.Anchored = true sw.CFrame = onb *ca(rd(0),0,0) local swm = it("SpecialMesh",sw) swm.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  253. swm.MeshId = BlastMesh.MeshId
  254. for i=1,scale,scale/11 do
  255. swm.Scale = v3(i*1.25,i*ymes,i*1.25) sw.CFrame = sw.CFrame *ca(0,rd(720*(i/scale)),0) sw.Transparency = (i/scale) + 0
  256. wait()
  257. end
  258. sw:Remove()
  259. end))
  260. end
  261. function Explode(onb,scale,col) local Torm = m coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local e1 ="Part") e1.Anchored = true e1.formFactor = "Custom" e1.CanCollide = false e1.Size =,1,1) e1.BrickColor =
  262. e1.Transparency = 0.6 e1.TopSurface = 0 e1.BottomSurface = 0 e1.Parent = Torm e1.CFrame = onb local e1m ="SpecialMesh")
  263. e1m.MeshType = "Sphere" e1m.Parent = e1 local r1 ="Part") r1.Anchored = true r1.formFactor = "Custom" r1.CanCollide = false r1.Size =,1,1) r1.BrickColor = r1.Transparency = 0.6 r1.TopSurface = 0 r1.BottomSurface = 0 r1.Parent = Torm r1.CFrame = e1.CFrame *CFrame.Angles(math.rad(180),0,0) local r1m ="SpecialMesh") r1m.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  264. r1m.Scale =,3,3) r1m.Parent = r1 r1m.MeshId = RingMesh.MeshId local r2 ="Part") r2.Anchored = true r2.formFactor = "Custom" r2.CanCollide = false r2.Size =,1,1) r2.BrickColor = r2.Transparency = 0.6 r2.TopSurface = 0 r2.BottomSurface = 0 r2.Parent = Torm r2.CFrame = e1.CFrame *CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0) local r2m ="SpecialMesh") r2m.MeshType = "FileMesh"
  265. r2m.Parent = r2 r2m.Scale =,3,3) r2m.MeshId = RingMesh.MeshId local bla ="Part") bla.Anchored = true
  266. bla.formFactor = "Custom" bla.CanCollide = false bla.Size =,1,1) bla.BrickColor = bla.Transparency = 0.6 bla.TopSurface = 0 bla.BottomSurface = 0 bla.Parent = Torm bla.CFrame = onb local blam ="SpecialMesh")
  267. blam.MeshType = "FileMesh" blam.Parent = bla blam.Scale =,5,5) blam.MeshId = BlastMesh.MeshId for i=1,30 do local pluscal = scale/38 e1m.Scale = e1m.Scale +,pluscal,pluscal)
  268. r1m.Scale = r1m.Scale +,pluscal,pluscal) r2m.Scale = r1m.Scale +,pluscal,pluscal)
  269. blam.Scale = blam.Scale +,pluscal/2,pluscal) bla.CFrame = bla.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(12),0) r1.CFrame = r1.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(6),0,0) r2.CFrame = r2.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(6),0) wait() end for i=1,30 do local pluscal = scale/38 e1m.Scale = e1m.Scale +,pluscal,pluscal) r1m.Scale = r1m.Scale +,pluscal,pluscal) r2m.Scale = r1m.Scale +,pluscal,pluscal)
  270. blam.Scale = blam.Scale +,pluscal/3,pluscal/3) bla.CFrame = bla.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(12),0) r1.CFrame = r1.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(6),0,0) r2.CFrame = r2.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(6),0) bla.Transparency = bla.Transparency + 0.1 e1.Transparency = e1.Transparency + 0.1 r1.Transparency = r1.Transparency + 0.1 r2.Transparency = r2.Transparency + 0.1 wait() end e1:Remove() r1:Remove() r2:Remove() end)) end
  271. function Hurtsplosion(pos,dmg,rndmg,siz,forc)
  272. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local boomcol = {"Bright red","New Yeller","Neon orange"}
  273. for i=1,3 do
  274. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  275. local plos = pa(m,"Block",1*s*siz,1.5*s*siz,0.7*s*siz,false,false,0.3,0,boomcol[i]) spm("Sphere",plos,1) plos.Anchored = true
  276. plos.CFrame = cf(pos + v3(0,0,0)) * ca(rd(ra(-360,360)),rd(ra(-360,360)),rd(ra(-360,360)))
  277. plos.Mesh.Scale = v3(0.1,0.1,0.1)
  278. for i=0.3,1,0.03 do local plc = plos.CFrame
  279. plos.Mesh.Scale = v3(i*6,i*6,i*6) plos.Transparency = i plos.CFrame = plc * ca(rd(3),rd(3),0)
  280. wait()
  281. end
  282. plos:Remove()
  283. end))
  284. end
  285. end))
  286. wait(0.1)
  287. DmgHumanoidsNear(pos,dmg,rndmg,5.5*s*siz,forc)
  288. end
  289. function DmgHumanoidsNear(pos,dmg,rndmg,mag,forc)
  290. local function kidive(ob)
  291. for i,v in pairs(ob:children()) do
  292. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") == nil and v.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") == nil and (v.Position - pos).magnitude < mag*1.3 and v.Anchored == false and v:GetMass() < 150 then
  293. v:BreakJoints() v.Velocity = cf(pos,v.Position).lookVector*forc
  294. end
  295. if v:IsA("Humanoid") and v ~= hu and v.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  296. if (pos - v.Parent.Torso.Position).magnitude < mag then local tdmg = dmg*ra(1,rndmg)
  297. if v.Parent:findFirstChild("Hh") == nil then local hh="NumberValue",v.Parent) hh.Name = "Hh"
  298. hh.Value = v.Health - tdmg else v.Parent.Hh.Value = v.Health - (tdmg*3.5) end
  299. v.Health = v.Parent.Hh.Value if v.Parent.Hh.Value < 1 then v.Parent:BreakJoints() end
  300. end
  301. end
  302. if v:IsA("Model") or v:IsA("Workspace") then kidive(v) end end end
  303. kidive(workspace)
  304. end
  305. function Fire(bullet,typez,siz,dmg,rndmg,forc)
  306. if typez == 1 then
  307. bullet.Anchored = true
  308. local bullethit = false
  309. local tyms = 0
  310. repeat
  311. tyms = tyms + 2
  312. local bhit,bpos = ray(bullet.Position,bullet.Position - (bullet.CFrame *cf(0,0,-1)).p)
  313. if bpos ~= nil and (bpos - bullet.Position).magnitude < 7 then bullethit = true else bullet.CFrame = bullet.CFrame *cf(0,0,-1*s) *ca(rd(-0.0025),rd(0),0) end
  314. if tyms%32 == 0 then wait() end
  315. until bullethit or bullet.Position.y < -300 or tyms > 800
  316. bullet.CFrame = bullet.CFrame *cf(0,0,8) bullet:Remove()
  317. if bullet.Position.y < -300 then
  318. else
  319. Hurtsplosion(bullet.Position,dmg,rndmg,siz,forc)
  320. end
  321. elseif typez == 2 then
  322. bullet.Anchored = true
  323. local bullethit = false
  324. local tyms = 0
  325. local ming = 0.001
  326. repeat
  327. if tyms > 70 and (ming == 0.001 or ming == -2.5) then ming = -2.5
  328. local bpos = (bullet.CFrame *cf(0,0,-300)).p if (bpos - v3(Palm.Position.x,bpos.y,Palm.Position.z)).magnitude < 25*s then ming = 0 end
  329. end
  330. tyms = tyms + 2
  331. local bhit,bpos = ray(bullet.Position,bullet.Position - (bullet.CFrame *cf(0,0,-1)).p)
  332. if bpos ~= nil and (bpos - bullet.Position).magnitude < 7 then bullethit = true else bullet.CFrame = bullet.CFrame *cf(0,0,-0.5) *ca(rd(ming),rd(0),0) end
  333. if tyms%16 == 0 then wait() end
  334. until bullethit or bullet.Position.y < -300 or tyms > 500
  335. bullet.CFrame = bullet.CFrame *cf(0,0,8) bullet:Remove()
  336. if bullet.Position.y < -300 then
  337. else
  338. Hurtsplosion(bullet.Position,dmg,rndmg,siz,forc)
  339. end
  340. elseif typez == 3 then
  341. end
  342. end
  343. function ShortifiedAnim(theanim)
  344. if theanim == "Beam" then
  345. local crom = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,true,true,0.5,0,LaserCol3) local cromm = it("SpecialMesh",crom) cromm.MeshType = "FileMesh" cromm.MeshId = asset .. Decs.Crown
  346. cromm.Scale = v3(15*s,5*s,15*s) crom.Anchored = true --local cromw = weld(crom,Palm,crom,0,Palm.Size.y/3.6,-Palm.Size.z*1.8,rd(-90),0,0)
  347. dias = {} loldiv = 360/8 for x=0,360,loldiv do
  348. local dia = pa(m,"Block",0,0,0,false,false,0,0,LaserCol2) dia.Anchored = true local diam = it("SpecialMesh",dia) diam.MeshType = "FileMesh" diam.MeshId = DiamondMesh.MeshId
  349. diam.Scale = v3(3*s,9*s,3*s) table.insert(dias,dia)
  350. end Button = true coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local tardz = 0 repeat wait() tardz = tardz+ 15
  351. crom.CFrame = Palm.CFrame *ca(rd(-90),0,0) *cf(0,5.5*s,2*s) *ca(0,rd(tardz),0)
  352. for rofl=1,#dias do dias[rofl].CFrame = crom.CFrame *ca(0,rd(rofl*loldiv),0) *cf(0,-19*s,0) *ca(rd(25),0,0) *cf(0,32*s,0) end
  353. until not Button for x2=0.5,1,0.05 do wait() crom.Transparency = x2 end end))
  354. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for xk=1,0.5,-0.02 do wait() for i=1,#dias do dias[i].Transparency =xk end end end))
  355. wait(1) local beamoffset = v3(0,0,0)
  356. local b1 = pa(m,"Ball",10*s,10*s,10*s,false,false,0.1,0,LaserCol) b1.Anchored = true
  357. local b2 = pa(m,"Block",10*s,1,10*s,false,false,0.1,0,LaserCol) b2.Anchored = true local b2m = it("CylinderMesh",b2)
  358. local b3 = pa(m,"Ball",10*s,10*s,10*s,false,false,0.1,0,LaserCol) b3.Anchored = true
  359. local bpos = nil local bhit = nil local ts = 0
  360. repeat beamoffset = v3(ra(-2*s,2*s),ra(-2*s,2*s),ra(-2*s,2*s)) ts = ts + 1
  361. bhit,bpos = ray(Palm.Position,Palm.Position - (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,0,1)).p)
  362. if bhit == nil or (Palm.Position - bpos).magnitude > 1500 then break end
  363. b1.CFrame = Palm.CFrame *cf(0,3*s,-11*s)
  364. b3.CFrame = cf(bpos) local lenz = (b1.Position - b3.Position).magnitude
  365. b2.CFrame = cf(b1.Position,b3.Position) *ca(rd(90),0,0) *cf(0,-lenz/2,0) b2m.Scale = v3(1,lenz,1)
  366. b1.CFrame = b1.CFrame + beamoffset b2.CFrame = b2.CFrame + beamoffset b3.CFrame = b3.CFrame + beamoffset
  367. if ts%10 == 0 then DmgHumanoidsNear(b3.Position,3,10,(14*s)+2,100) Explode(b3.CFrame*cf(0,b3.Size.y/3,0),25*s,LaserCol2) end
  368. wait() until not Button or ts > 600
  369. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for xk=0.1,1.1,0.08 do wait() b1.Transparency = xk b2.Transparency = xk b3.Transparency = xk end b1:Remove() b2:Remove() b3:Remove() end))
  370. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for xk=0.5,1.1,0.02 do wait() for i=1,#dias do dias[i].Transparency =xk end end end))
  371. wait(1) clearit(dias) crom:Remove()
  372. end
  373. end
  374. PalmLev = it("BodyPosition",Palm)
  375. PalmFace = it("BodyGyro",Palm) PalmFace.maxTorque = v3(0,0,0)
  376. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  377. PalmLev.position = (t.CFrame *cf(handoffset)).p
  378. local yspi = 0
  379. while true do yspi = yspi + 8
  380. if Anim.a == "Gun" or Anim.a == "Ride" or Anim.a == "Pound" then
  381. Facing = "Mouse" bgx = -90 bgy = 90 bgz = 0
  382. elseif Anim.a == "Fu" or Anim.a == "Fist" or Anim.a == "GroundGrip" then
  383. Facing = "Mouse" bgx = -90 bgy = 0 bgz = 0
  384. elseif Anim.a == "Splat" or Anim.a == "Beam" then
  385. Facing = "Mouse" bgx = 0 bgy = 0 bgz = 0
  386. elseif Anim.a == "None" then
  387. Facing = "Owner" bgx = -90 bgy = 0 bgz = 0 Posing = "Follow"
  388. elseif Anim.a == "Shower" then
  389. Facing = "None" bgx = 0 bgy = 0 bgz = 0 Posing = "TopOwner"
  390. end
  391. if Posing == "Follow" then
  392. PalmLev.maxForce = v3(1/0,1/0,1/0) PalmLev.position = (t.CFrame *cf(handoffset) *cf(0,0,0)).p
  393. elseif Posing == "TopOwner" then
  394. PalmLev.maxForce = v3(1/0,1/0,1/0) PalmLev.position = (t.CFrame *cf(0,12*s,0)).p
  395. end
  396. if Facing == "Owner" then
  397. PalmFace.maxTorque = v3(1/0,1/0,1/0) PalmFace.cframe = cf(Palm.Position,he.Position) *ca(rd(bgx),rd(bgy),rd(bgz))
  398. elseif Facing == "Mouse" and mou ~= nil and Equip then
  399. if Anim.a == "Gun" or Anim.a == "Beam" or Anim.a == "Ride" or Anim.a == "GroundGrip" or Anim.a == "Fu" or Anim.a == "Pound" or Anim.a == "Splat" or Anim.a == "Fist" then
  400. if Anim.b == "None" or Anim.a == "Beam" or Anim.a == "Ride" then
  401. PalmFace.cframe = cf(Palm.Position,mou.Hit.p) *ca(rd(bgx),rd(bgy),rd(bgz)) wait(0.05)
  402. end end end
  403. wait(0.05)
  404. end
  405. end))
  406. function FireFinger(lasercol,ffingz,targ,typez,siz,dmg,rndmg,forc) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  407. local laser = pa(m,"Block",fingwide*1.3,fingwide*1.3,fingwide*2.5,true,false,0,0,lasercol) spm("Sphere",laser,1+(siz/5.5)) laser.Name = "Projectile"
  408. local lw = weld(laser,ffingz,laser,0,ffingz.Size.y/0.8 +(siz/2.5),0,rd(90),0,0)
  409. for i=1,0.4,-0.05 do laser.Transparency = i wait() end
  410. BlastWave(ffingz.CFrame*cf(0,ffingz.Size.y*1.3,0)*ca(0,0,0),ffingz.Size.x*1.6,1.8,LaserCol2)
  411. lw:Remove() laser.CFrame = cf(laser.Position,targ)
  412. Fire(laser,typez,siz,dmg,rndmg,forc)
  413. end))
  414. end
  415. GrabWeld = it("Weld",m)
  416. Palm.Touched:connect(function(touch)
  417. if Anim.a == "Ride" and GrabWeld.Part1 == nil and touch.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") and touch.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  418. local tor = touch.Parent.Torso touch.Parent.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  419. GrabWeld.Part0 = Palm GrabWeld.Part1 = tor GrabWeld.C0 = cf(-3*s,4.5*s,-Palm.Size.x/2) GrabWeld.C1 = ca(0,rd(90),rd(-90)) *ca(0,rd(0),0)
  420. end
  421. end)
  422. re(bp,"Hand")
  423. hb = it("HopperBin",bp) hb.Name = "Hand"
  424. hb.Selected:connect(function(mouse) mou = mouse Equip = true
  425. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k) k = k:lower()
  426. if Anim.a == "Ride" and k == "f" then FireFinger(LaserCol,pPinkie3,mouse.Hit.p,1,2.25,1,18,30) end
  427. if Anim.b ~= "None" or Anim.Welding ~= 0 then return end
  428. if Anim.a == "None" then
  429. if k == "f" then -- on anim on
  430. Anim.a = "Gun" HandSign("Gun",0.7)
  431. elseif k == "p" then
  432. Anim.a = "Fu" HandSign("f",1)
  433. elseif k == "g" then
  434. Anim.a = "Fist" HandSign("fist",1)
  435. elseif k == "c" then
  436. Anim.a = "Splat" HandSign("wide",1)
  437. elseif k == "r" then
  438. Anim.a = "Ride" HandSign("ride",1) Posing = "None"
  439. elseif k == "v" then
  440. Anim.a = "Shower" HandSign("grab2",1) PalmFace.cframe = cf(0,0,0) *ca(0,0,0)
  441. elseif k == "b" then
  442. Anim.a = "Pound" HandSign("fist",1)
  443. elseif k == "x" then
  444. Anim.a = "GroundGrip" HandSign("grab2",1)
  445. elseif k == "z" then
  446. Anim.a = "Beam" HandSign("wide2",1)
  447. end
  448. else
  449. if k == "f" and Anim.a == "Gun" then -- on anim off
  450. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8)
  451. elseif k == "p" and Anim.a == "Fu" then
  452. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8)
  453. elseif k == "g" and Anim.a == "Fist" then
  454. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8)
  455. elseif k == "c" and Anim.a == "Splat" then
  456. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8)
  457. elseif k == "r" and Anim.a == "Ride" then
  458. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8) GrabWeld.Part0 = nil Anim.b = "None" Posing = "Follow" Facing = "Owner"
  459. if GrabWeld.Part1 ~= nil and GrabWeld.Part1.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then GrabWeld.Part1.Parent.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false end GrabWeld.Part1 = nil
  460. elseif k == "v" and Anim.a == "Shower" then
  461. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8) Posing = "Follow" Facing = "Owner"
  462. elseif k == "b" and Anim.a == "Pound" then
  463. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8)
  464. elseif k == "x" and Anim.a == "GroundGrip" then
  465. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8)
  466. elseif k == "z" and Anim.a == "Beam" then
  467. Anim.a = "None" HandSign("five",0.8)
  468. end
  469. end
  470. end)
  471. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  472. if Anim.a == "None" or Anim.b ~= "None" then return end
  473. if Anim.a == "Gun" then
  474. Anim.b = "Gun" FireFinger(LaserCol,pPoint3,mouse.Hit.p,1,2.25,1,10,60) FireFinger(LaserCol,pMid3,mouse.Hit.p,1,2.25) wait(1) Anim.b = "None"
  475. elseif Anim.a == "Fu" then
  476. Anim.b = "Fu" FireFinger(LaserCol,pMid3,mouse.Hit.p,1,3.65,2,14,95) wait(0.25) Anim.b = "None"
  477. elseif Anim.a == "Fist" then
  478. local bhit,bpos = ray(Palm.Position,Palm.Position - (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,-1,0)).p)
  479. if bhit == nil or (Palm.Position - bpos).magnitude > 500 then return end
  480. Anim.b = "Fist" Posing = "None" PalmFace.cframe = cf(Palm.Position,bpos) *ca(rd(-90),0,0)
  481. PalmLev.position = (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,-15*s,0)).p
  482. wait(0.45)
  483. PalmLev.position = bpos + ((Palm.CFrame *cf(0,1*s,0)).p - Palm.Position)
  484. local tz = 0 repeat wait() BlastWave(Palm.CFrame*ca(rd(180),0,0),8*s,3.5,HCol) tz = tz + wait() until (PalmLev.position - Palm.Position).magnitude < 8*s or tz > 1
  485. Explode(Palm.CFrame *cf(0,6*s,0) *ca(rd(180),0,0),15*s,ts(bhit.BrickColor))
  486. DmgHumanoidsNear((Palm.CFrame *cf(0,8,0)).p,3,10,(12*s)+2,105)
  487. if not bhit.Anchored then PalmLev.position = (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,12*s,0)).p wait(0.5) end
  488. wait(1) Posing = "Follow" Anim.b = "None"
  489. elseif Anim.a == "Splat" then
  490. if mouse.Target == nil and (Palm.Position - mouse.Hit.p).magnitude > 500 then return end local bpos = mouse.Hit.p
  491. Anim.b = "Splat" Posing = "None"
  492. local ya,yb,yc = PalmFace.cframe:toEulerAnglesXYZ() PalmFace.cframe = cf(0,0,0) *ca(0,yb,0) *ca(rd(-90),0,0) PalmLev.position = bpos + v3(0,10*s,0)
  493. local tz = 0 repeat wait() tz = tz + wait() until (PalmLev.position - Palm.Position).magnitude < 5*s or tz > 1.3
  494. for i=-90,0,5 do
  495. PalmLev.position = PalmLev.position + v3(0,2*s,0) PalmFace.cframe = cf(0,0,0) *ca(0,yb,0) *ca(rd(i),0,0)
  496. wait()
  497. end wait(0.2)
  498. for i=0,-100,-10 do
  499. local lewd = i
  500. if lewd < -50 then lewd = -95 end
  501. PalmLev.position = PalmLev.position - v3(0,4.7*s,0) PalmFace.cframe = cf(0,0,0) *ca(0,yb,0) *ca(rd(lewd),0,0)
  502. wait()
  503. end wait(0.2)
  504. local cr = pa(m,"Block",16*s,0,16*s,false,false,1,0,"") cr.Anchored = true cr.CFrame = cf(bpos) *ca(0,rd(ra(-360,360)),0)
  505. local de = it("Decal",cr) de.Face = "Top" de.Texture = asset .. Decs.Crack Serv.d:AddItem(cr,16)
  506. DmgHumanoidsNear((Palm.CFrame *cf(0,0,-1)).p,3,20,(15*s)+2,110)
  507. ShockWave(Palm.CFrame *ca(rd(90),0,0),25*s,LaserCol)
  508. wait(1) Posing = "Follow" Anim.b = "None"
  509. elseif Anim.a == "Ride" and Button == false then
  510. Posing = "None" Anim.b = "Ride"
  511. Button = true
  512. repeat PalmLev.position = (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,10,0)).p wait() until Button == false
  513. Anim.b = "None"
  514. elseif Anim.a == "Shower" and Button == false then
  515. Anim.b = "Shower" Button = true
  516. repeat
  517. local targz = Palm.Position + v3(0,20*s,0)
  518. if ra(1,12) == 1 then FireFinger(LaserCol,pPinkie3,targz,2,4,1,18,55) end
  519. if ra(1,13) == 1 then FireFinger(LaserCol,pRing3,targz,2,4,1,18,60) end
  520. if ra(1,12) == 1 then FireFinger(LaserCol,pMid3,targz,2,4,1,18,65) end
  521. if ra(1,13) == 1 then FireFinger(LaserCol,pPoint3,targz,2,4,1,18,70) end
  522. if ra(1,12) == 1 then FireFinger(LaserCol,pThumb3,targz,2,4,1,18,80) end
  523. PalmFace.cframe = PalmFace.cframe *ca(0,rd(10),0)
  524. wait()
  525. until Button == false
  526. Anim.b = "None"
  527. elseif Anim.a == "Pound" and Anim.b == "None" then Posing = "None" Anim.b = "Pound"
  528. local bhit,bpos = ray(Palm.Position,Palm.Position - (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,-1,0)).p)
  529. if bhit == nil or (Palm.Position - bpos).magnitude > 500 then return end
  530. PalmLev.position = bpos + v3(0,15*s,0)
  531. local ya,yb,yc = PalmFace.cframe:toEulerAnglesXYZ() PalmFace.cframe = ca(ya,yb,yc)
  532. local tz = 0 repeat wait() tz = tz + wait() until (PalmLev.position - Palm.Position).magnitude < 5*s or tz > 1.3 wait(0.1)
  533. for i=-90,-10,10 do
  534. PalmFace.cframe = ca(ya,yb,yc) *ca(0,0,rd(i+90)) PalmLev.position = PalmLev.position + v3(0,2.5*s,0)
  535. wait() end wait(0.25) local realcf = cf(v3(he.Position.x,0,he.Position.z),v3(Palm.Position.x,0,Palm.Position.z))
  536. for i=-10,-90,-10 do
  537. PalmFace.cframe = ca(ya,yb,yc) *ca(0,0,rd(i+90)) PalmLev.position = PalmLev.position - v3(0,4*s,0)
  538. wait() end PalmFace.cframe = realcf *ca(rd(-90),rd(90),0) wait(0.25)
  539. local cr = pa(m,"Block",22*s,0,22*s,false,false,1,0,"") cr.Anchored = true cr.CFrame = cf(bpos) *ca(0,rd(ra(-360,360)),0)
  540. local de = it("Decal",cr) de.Face = "Top" de.Texture = asset .. Decs.Crack Serv.d:AddItem(cr,16)
  541. Dustplosion(Palm.CFrame *cf(2*s,0,0) *ca(rd(90),0,rd(90)),30*s,{"Dark green","Bright green","Brown"},3)
  542. ShockWave(Palm.CFrame *cf(2*s,0,0) *ca(rd(90),0,rd(90)),20*s,ts(bhit.BrickColor))
  543. DmgHumanoidsNear((Palm.CFrame *cf(0,1,0)).p,1,20,(15*s)+2,90) wait(0.2)
  544. local palmcf = cf(bpos) local earthsplos = ra(5,8) palmcf = Palm.CFrame *ca(0,rd(90),0) *ca(rd(-90),0,rd(0))
  545. for i=1,earthsplos do Earthsplosion(palmcf *cf(0,-2*s,((i*7)+7)*s),10,1,20,75) wait(0.1) end
  546. Earthsplosion(palmcf *cf(0,-2*s,(((earthsplos+1)*7)+7)*s),16,2,25,75)
  547. wait(1) Posing = "Follow" wait(0.25) Anim.b = "None"
  548. elseif Anim.a == "GroundGrip" then Posing = "None" Anim.b = "GroundGrip"
  549. local bhit,bpos = ray(Palm.Position,Palm.Position - (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,-1,0)).p)
  550. if bhit == nil or (Palm.Position - bpos).magnitude > 500 then return end
  551. PalmLev.position = bpos + v3(0,27*s,0) ColFings(false)
  552. local tz = 0 repeat wait() tz = tz + wait() until (PalmLev.position - Palm.Position).magnitude < 8*s or tz > 1.3 wait(0.1)
  553. local thepos = (Palm.CFrame *cf(0,-0.1*s,0)).p - Palm.Position
  554. PalmFace.cframe = cf(Palm.Position,bpos + thepos) *ca(rd(-90),0,0)
  555. for i=27,1,-3 do PalmLev.position = bpos + v3(0,i*s,0) wait(0.07) end HandSign("grab3",0.4) wait(0.55)
  556. local ro = pa(m,"Ball",0,0,0,false,false,0,0,"Earth green") ro.Name = "Rock" local row = it("SpecialMesh",ro) row.MeshType = "FileMesh" row.MeshId = asset .. Decs.Rock
  557. local rowe = weld(ro,Palm,ro,0,Palm.Size.y,-Palm.Size.z*1.2,0,0,0) row.Scale = v3(9*s,10*s,9*s)
  558. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for xz=1,70,7 do PalmLev.position = bpos + v3(0,xz*s,0) wait(0.06) end end))
  559. wait(0.25) Dustplosion(cf(bpos),30*s,{"Dark green","Bright green","Brown"},3) local lolra = ra(-360,360)
  560. Earthsplosion(cf(bpos),25,1,20,125,"sand") for yyy=0,360,60 do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  561. for zzz=1,4 do
  562. Earthsplosion(cf(bpos) *ca(0,rd(yyy+lolra),0) *cf(0,0,zzz*15*s),10,1,20,75) wait(0.14)
  563. end wait(0.25) Earthsplosion(cf(bpos) *ca(0,rd(yyy+lolra),0) *cf(0,0,5*18*s),25,1,20,120) end)) end
  564. wait(0.3) HandSign("grab2",0.5) wait(0.75) Serv.d:AddItem(ro,20) rowe:Remove() ro.CanCollide = true local rocf = ro.CFrame ro.Size=v3(14*s,14*s,14*s) ro.CFrame = rocf wait(0.75) ColFings(true) Posing = "Follow" Anim.b = "None"
  565. elseif Anim.a == "Beam" and not Button and Anim.b == "None" then Anim.b = "Beam"
  566. ShortifiedAnim("Beam") wait(0.5) Anim.b = "None"
  567. end
  568. end)
  569. mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  570. Button = false
  571. end)
  572. mouse.Move:connect(function()
  573. end)
  574. end)
  575. hb.Deselected:connect(function(mouse)
  576. Equip = false
  577. end)
  578. --lego
  579. game.Workspace.Likebossfromdk.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge -----Put your name where it says "Josemmoya"
  580. print(lego)
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