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- package eu.sifem.utils;
- ===================================================================================================================
- ======================
- #
- public class Constant {
- /* pak configs parameters*/
- public class PAKSolver{
- public static final String DIV_L="Division L"; //
- public static final String DIV_B="Division B";
- public static final String DIV_W="Division W";
- public static final String DIV_H="Division H";
- public static final String DIV_h="Division h";
- public static final String LENGTH="Length";
- public static final String HEIGHT="Height";
- public static final String WIDTH="Width";
- public static final String WIDTH_OF_BM="Width of BM";
- public static final String THICKNESS="Thickness (h)";
- public static final String LOAD_FREQUENCY="Load Frequency";
- public static final String LOAD_VALUE="Load Value";
- public static final String DENSITY_RHO="Density RHO";
- public static final String SPEED_OF_SOUND_C="Speed of sound (C)";
- public static final String YOUNG_MODULUS="Young Modulus";
- public static final String DAMPING="Damping";
- public static final String DISP_X="DISP_X";
- public static final String DISP_Y="DISP_Y";
- public static final String DISP_Z="DISP_Z";
- public static final String FUNCTION="Function";
- //TODO [IMPROVE] Developing relative way file localizer.
- //public static final String CONFIGFILELOCATION="C:\\ProjetosWS\\sifem\\bkpOne\\swapfiles\\ConceptualModel\\";
- }
- }
- ===================================================================================================================
- ======================
- #
- package eu.sifem.utils;
- import;
- import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
- import java.lang.reflect.Field;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
- import java.util.LinkedList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.Set;
- import java.util.TreeMap;
- import java.util.TreeSet;
- import java.util.Map.Entry;
- import javax.crypto.Cipher;
- import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
- import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
- import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtDataset;
- import virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtGraph;
- import virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtuosoQueryExecution;
- import virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import;
- import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;
- import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
- import eu.sifem.model.helper.MessengerCollectorHelper;
- import;
- import;
- /**
- *
- * @author kartik/jbjares
- *
- */
- public class Util {
- static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
- static final String Y = "y";
- static final String X = "x";
- static final String FILE = "file:///";
- static final String JAVA_UTIL_ARRAY_LIST = "java.util.ArrayList";
- //TODO Refactoring is necessary, python.exe path must be transparent.
- static final String C_PYTHON34_PYTHON_EXE = "C:\\ProgramFilesDevel\\python\\Python34\\python.exe ";
- static final String DISTINCT = "DISTINCT";
- static final String WHERE = "WHERE";
- static final String SELECT = "SELECT";
- static final String GRAPH = "graph";
- public static ParamBean getPakBean(List<ParamBean> lstOfBeans, String param) {
- ParamBean paramBeanTemp = new ParamBean();
- String paramName = null;
- if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_L)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_L;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_B)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_B;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_W)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_W;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_H)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_H;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_h)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DIV_h;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.LENGTH)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.LENGTH;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.HEIGHT)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.HEIGHT;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.WIDTH)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.WIDTH;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.WIDTH_OF_BM)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.WIDTH_OF_BM;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.THICKNESS)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.THICKNESS;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.LOAD_FREQUENCY)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.LOAD_FREQUENCY;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.LOAD_VALUE)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.LOAD_VALUE;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DENSITY_RHO)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DENSITY_RHO;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.SPEED_OF_SOUND_C)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.SPEED_OF_SOUND_C;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.YOUNG_MODULUS)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.YOUNG_MODULUS;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DAMPING)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DAMPING;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DISP_X)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DISP_X;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DISP_Y)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DISP_Y;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.DISP_Z)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.DISP_Z;
- } else if (param.equals(Constant.PAKSolver.FUNCTION)) {
- paramName = Constant.PAKSolver.FUNCTION;
- }
- for (ParamBean paramBean : lstOfBeans) {
- if (paramBean.getPramaName().equals(paramName)) {
- paramBeanTemp = paramBean;
- break;
- }
- }
- return paramBeanTemp;
- }
- public static boolean isIntegerParseInt(String str) {
- try {
- Integer.parseInt(str);
- return true;
- } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static String shuffleString(String str) {
- ArrayList<Character> chars = new ArrayList<Character>(str.length());
- for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
- chars.add(c);
- }
- Collections.shuffle(chars);
- char[] shuffled = new char[chars.size()];
- for (int i = 0; i < shuffled.length; i++) {
- shuffled[i] = chars.get(i);
- }
- String shuffledWord = new String(shuffled);
- return shuffledWord;
- }
- public static Map<String, String> getMappedObjectWithJustStringsAttributes(Object obj) throws Exception {
- Map<String, String> mappedObject = new TreeMap<String, String>();
- Field[] fields = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
- Method[] methods = obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
- for (Field field : fields) {
- for (Method method : methods) {
- if (method.getName().trim().toUpperCase()
- .contains(field.getName().trim().toUpperCase())
- && method.getName().startsWith("get")) {
- mappedObject.put(field.getName(),
- (String) method.invoke(obj));
- }
- }
- }
- return mappedObject;
- }
- public String getMappedObjectAsAtring(Map<String, String> propsWithValues) throws Exception {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (Map.Entry<String, String> item : propsWithValues.entrySet()) {
- String key = item.getKey();
- String value = item.getValue();
- sb.append(key);
- sb.append(value);
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private static byte[] linebreak = {}; // Remove Base64 encoder default
- // linebreak
- private static String secret = "tvnw63ufg9gh5392"; // secret key length must
- // be 16
- private static SecretKey key;
- private static Cipher cipher;
- private static Base64 coder;
- public static String encryptAES(String plainText)
- throws Exception {
- key = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes(), "MD5");
- cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding", "SunJCE");
- coder = new Base64(32, linebreak, true);
- cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
- byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes());
- return new String(coder.encode(cipherText));
- }
- public static byte[] encryptBase64(String plainText)
- throws Exception {
- byte[] bytesEncoded = Base64.encodeBase64(plainText.getBytes());
- return bytesEncoded;
- }
- public static byte[] dencryptBase64(String plainText)
- throws Exception {
- byte[] valueDecoded= Base64.decodeBase64(plainText);
- return valueDecoded;
- }
- public static String generateHashCacheID(DataSetHashCacheTO cache) throws Exception{
- String projectName = cache.getProjectName()==null?"":cache.getProjectName();
- String simulationName = cache.getSimulationName()==null?"":cache.getSimulationName();
- String xName = cache.getxName()==null?"":cache.getxName();
- String yName = cache.getyName()==null?"":cache.getyName();
- String zName = cache.getzName()==null?"":cache.getzName();
- String result = projectName+"_"+simulationName+"_"+xName+"_"+yName+"_"+zName;
- return result.toUpperCase();
- }
- public String toProperCase(String s) {
- String temp=s.trim();
- String spaces="";
- if(temp.length()!=s.length())
- {
- int startCharIndex=s.charAt(temp.indexOf(0));
- spaces=s.substring(0,startCharIndex);
- }
- temp=temp.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
- spaces+temp.substring(1).toLowerCase()+" ";
- return temp;
- }
- public String replaceSpacesForUnderline(String in){
- if(in==null || "".equals(in)){
- return in;
- }
- while(in.contains(" ")){
- in = in.replace(" ","_");
- }
- return in;
- }
- public String replaceUnderlinesForSpace(String in){
- if(in==null || "".equals(in)){
- return in;
- }
- while(in.contains("_")){
- in = in.replace("_"," ");
- }
- return in;
- }
- public String removeSpecialIdentationCharsFromString(String str){
- return str.replaceAll("[\n\r\t]", " ");
- }
- public void createDirectoriesWithMkdirsIfItNotExist(File file){
- if(!file.exists()){
- file.mkdirs();
- }else{
- file.delete();
- file.mkdirs();
- }
- }
- public static String changeStringToDefaultSeparator(String parameterValuesFromFile) {
- parameterValuesFromFile = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(parameterValuesFromFile);
- if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameterValuesFromFile,";")){
- return parameterValuesFromFile;
- }
- if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameterValuesFromFile,"\n") && !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameterValuesFromFile,";")){
- parameterValuesFromFile = StringUtils.replace(parameterValuesFromFile,"\n", ";");
- return parameterValuesFromFile;
- }
- if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameterValuesFromFile,",") && !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameterValuesFromFile,";")){
- parameterValuesFromFile = StringUtils.replace(parameterValuesFromFile,",", ";");
- return parameterValuesFromFile;
- }
- if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameterValuesFromFile,System.getProperty("file.separator")) && !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameterValuesFromFile,";")){
- parameterValuesFromFile = StringUtils.replace(parameterValuesFromFile, System.getProperty("file.separator"), ";");
- return parameterValuesFromFile;
- }
- return parameterValuesFromFile;
- }
- public static int countPossiblesCombinationsBetweenMapKeysAndValues(Map<String, List<String>> mapAttributeValues) {
- int values = 0;
- for (Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry : mapAttributeValues.entrySet()) {
- values = values + entry.getValue().size();
- }
- return mapAttributeValues.size()*values;
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Map<String, List<String>> mapAttributeValues = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>();
- for(int i = 0; i< 3; i ++){
- List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for(int j = 0; j< 3; j ++){
- valueList.add(new Integer(j).toString());
- //System.out.println(j);
- System.out.println(j);
- }
- mapAttributeValues.put(new Integer(i).toString(),valueList);
- }
- System.out.println(mapAttributeValues.size());
- System.out.println(countPossiblesCombinationsBetweenMapKeysAndValues(mapAttributeValues));
- // System.out.println(Util.tryCleanToNumeric("^&%^&%$%^-100.00,00"));
- }
- public static String tryCleanToNumeric(String value) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- char[] charArr = value.toCharArray();
- for(Character realChar:charArr){
- String charStr = realChar.toString();
- if(".".equals(charStr)){
- sb.append(charStr);
- }
- if(",".equals(charStr)){
- sb.append(charStr);
- }
- if("-".equals(charStr)){
- sb.append(charStr);
- }
- if(StringUtils.isNumeric(charStr)){
- sb.append(charStr);
- }
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public static String removeListKeysFromString(String arg){
- if(arg==null || "".equals(arg)){
- return arg;
- }
- arg = StringUtils.replaceChars(arg,"[","");
- arg = StringUtils.replaceChars(arg,"]","");
- return arg;
- }
- public static String getJsonStrFromObject(Object obj) {
- Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
- return gson.toJson(obj);
- }
- public static ResultSet executeQuery(String query, VirtDataset virtDataset) {
- VirtGraph vg = new VirtGraph(virtDataset.getGraphUrl(),
- virtDataset.getGraphUser(), virtDataset.getGraphPassword());
- VirtuosoQueryExecution vur = VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory.create(
- query, vg);
- ResultSet rs = vur.execSelect();
- return rs;
- }
- // format values
- public Map<String, List<String>> getValues(Map<String, List<RDFNode>> queryModel, String queryStr) throws Exception {
- Map<String, List<String>> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
- Map<String, String> queryAttributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
- Set<String> checkAttributes = new TreeSet<String>();
- fillQueryAttributes(queryStr, queryAttributes);
- Set<String> usedKeys = new TreeSet<String>();
- List<RDFNode> usedResources = new ArrayList<RDFNode>();
- for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : queryAttributes.entrySet()) {
- for (Map.Entry entryQueryModel : queryModel.entrySet()) {
- if (usedKeys.contains(entryQueryModel.getKey())) {
- continue;
- }
- String mainkey = (String) entryQueryModel.getKey();
- usedKeys.add(mainkey);
- if (JAVA_UTIL_ARRAY_LIST.equals(entryQueryModel.getValue()
- .getClass().getName())) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- List<RDFNode> rdfnodeList = (List<RDFNode>) entryQueryModel
- .getValue();
- List pyList = new ArrayList(new ArrayList<String>());
- int count = 0;
- for (RDFNode node : rdfnodeList) {
- if (node.isLiteral()) {
- String literalNodeAsString = node.asLiteral()
- .toString();
- literalNodeAsString = literalNodeAsString
- .substring(0,
- literalNodeAsString.indexOf("^^"));
- pyList.add("'" + literalNodeAsString + "'");
- count++;
- }
- if (node.isResource()) {
- if (!usedResources
- .toString()
- .toString()
- .contains(
- node.asResource().toString()
- .toString())) {
- usedResources.add(node);
- }
- if (!node
- .asResource()
- .getURI()
- .contains(
- continue;
- }
- pyList.add("'" + node.asResource().getURI() + "'");
- count++;
- }
- int rdfnodeListSize = rdfnodeList.size();
- if (rdfnodeListSize == count) {
- String key = (String) entryQueryModel.getKey();
- result.put(new String(key), pyList);
- checkAttributes.add(key);
- count = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public void fillQueryAttributes(String originalQuery,
- Map<String, String> attributes) throws Exception {
- String query = BasicFileTools
- .verifyAndConvertFileToString(originalQuery);
- if (query == null || "".equals(query)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Empty or invalid query!");
- }
- if (!query.trim().toUpperCase().contains(SELECT.trim().toUpperCase())
- && !query.trim().toUpperCase()
- .contains(WHERE.trim().toUpperCase())) {
- return;
- }
- Boolean thisQueryContainsWehereClause = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(
- query, WHERE);
- if (thisQueryContainsWehereClause) {
- query = query.trim().substring(
- StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(query, SELECT)
- + SELECT.length(),
- StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(query, WHERE));
- }
- Boolean thisQueryContainsGraphClause = StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(
- query, GRAPH);
- if (thisQueryContainsGraphClause) {
- query = query.trim().substring(
- StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(query, SELECT)
- + SELECT.length(),
- StringUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(query, GRAPH));
- }
- if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(query, DISTINCT)) {
- StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(query, DISTINCT);
- }
- if (!query.trim().startsWith("?")) {
- throw new RuntimeException(
- "Malformed SPARQL Query. This version assumes that all query is followed by attributes (starting with ?). ");
- }
- query = query.substring(1, query.length());
- if (query.contains("?")) {
- query = query.replace("?", ";").trim();
- String[] attributesArr = query.split(";");
- for (String attribute : attributesArr) {
- if ("".equals(attribute)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (attribute.trim().contains("{")) {
- attribute = StringUtils.remove(attribute, "{");
- }
- attributes.put(attribute.trim(), attribute.trim());
- }
- return;
- }
- String uniqueAttribute = query;
- attributes.put(uniqueAttribute, uniqueAttribute);
- return;
- }
- public List<String> removeDuplicatedValues(List<String> original){
- List<String> finalList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (String s : original) {
- if (!finalList.contains(s)) {
- finalList.add(s);
- }
- }
- return finalList;
- }
- }
- ===================================================================================================================
- input.cfg
- ======================
- #
- 100 4 4 4 3
- 3.5e-02 1.0e-03 1.0e-03 3.0e-04 5.0e-05
- 1000.0 1.0
- 1000 1500
- 0.00 14101716.45
- 0.01 12759760.71
- 0.02 11545508.93
- 0.03 10446808.49
- 0.04 9452663.223
- 0.05 8553123.384
- 0.06 7739186.079
- 0.07 7002705.15
- 0.08 6336309.647
- 0.09 5733330.061
- 0.10 5187731.569
- 0.11 4694053.638
- 0.12 4247355.374
- 0.13 3843166.07
- 0.14 3477440.464
- 0.15 3146518.251
- 0.16 2847087.45
- 0.17 2576151.257
- 0.18 2330998.052
- 0.19 2109174.259
- 0.20 1908459.791
- 0.21 1726845.829
- 0.22 1562514.722
- 0.23 1413821.786
- 0.24 1279278.855
- 0.25 1157539.376
- 0.26 1047384.94
- 0.27 947713.0849
- 0.28 857526.2607
- 0.29 775921.8477
- 0.30 702083.1212
- 0.31 635271.0787
- 0.32 574817.0426
- 0.33 520115.9687
- 0.34 470620.3902
- 0.35 425834.9387
- 0.36 385311.3864
- 0.37 348644.16
- 0.38 315466.2816
- 0.39 285445.6957
- 0.40 258281.9463
- 0.41 233703.1694
- 0.42 211463.3724
- 0.43 191339.9719
- 0.44 173131.5661
- 0.45 156655.9193
- 0.46 141748.1375
- 0.47 128259.0188
- 0.48 116053.5594
- 0.49 105009.603
- 0.50 95016.61807
- 0.51 85974.59136
- 0.52 77793.02727
- 0.53 70390.04193
- 0.54 63691.5438
- 0.55 57630.49204
- 0.56 52146.22562
- 0.57 47183.85615
- 0.58 42693.71857
- 0.59 38630.87408
- 0.60 34954.66036
- 0.61 31628.28463
- 0.62 28618.4554
- 0.63 25895.04929
- 0.64 23430.80954
- 0.65 21201.07321
- 0.66 19183.52434
- 0.67 17357.97063
- 0.68 15706.14133
- 0.69 14211.50437
- 0.70 12859.10092
- 0.71 11635.39567
- 0.72 10528.14138
- 0.73 9526.256262
- 0.74 8619.71312
- 0.75 7799.438963
- 0.76 7057.224214
- 0.77 6385.640536
- 0.78 5777.966495
- 0.79 5228.120285
- 0.80 4730.59886
- 0.81 4280.422858
- 0.82 3873.086767
- 0.83 3504.51383
- 0.84 3171.015246
- 0.85 2869.253247
- 0.86 2596.2077
- 0.87 2349.145872
- 0.88 2125.595085
- 0.89 1923.317969
- 0.90 1740.290065
- 0.91 1574.679569
- 0.92 1424.828995
- 0.93 1289.238589
- 0.94 1166.551316
- 0.95 1055.539281
- 0.96 955.091438
- 0.97 864.202471
- 0.98 781.962732
- 0.99 707.54914
- 1.00 640.216937
- 0.00 0.01
- 0.01 0.010513
- 0.02 0.011052
- 0.03 0.011618
- 0.04 0.012214
- 0.05 0.01284
- 0.06 0.013499
- 0.07 0.014191
- 0.08 0.014918
- 0.09 0.015683
- 0.10 0.016487
- 0.11 0.017333
- 0.12 0.018221
- 0.13 0.019155
- 0.14 0.020138
- 0.15 0.02117
- 0.16 0.022255
- 0.17 0.023396
- 0.18 0.024596
- 0.19 0.025857
- 0.20 0.027183
- 0.21 0.028577
- 0.22 0.030042
- 0.23 0.031582
- 0.24 0.033201
- 0.25 0.034903
- 0.26 0.036693
- 0.27 0.038574
- 0.28 0.040552
- 0.29 0.042631
- 0.30 0.044817
- 0.31 0.047115
- 0.32 0.04953
- 0.33 0.05207
- 0.34 0.054739
- 0.35 0.057546
- 0.36 0.060496
- 0.37 0.063598
- 0.38 0.066859
- 0.39 0.070287
- 0.40 0.073891
- 0.41 0.077679
- 0.42 0.081662
- 0.43 0.085849
- 0.44 0.09025
- 0.45 0.094877
- 0.46 0.099742
- 0.47 0.104856
- 0.48 0.110232
- 0.49 0.115883
- 0.50 0.121825
- 0.51 0.128071
- 0.52 0.134637
- 0.53 0.14154
- 0.54 0.148797
- 0.55 0.156426
- 0.56 0.164446
- 0.57 0.172878
- 0.58 0.181741
- 0.59 0.19106
- 0.60 0.200855
- 0.61 0.211153
- 0.62 0.22198
- 0.63 0.233361
- 0.64 0.245325
- 0.65 0.257903
- 0.66 0.271126
- 0.67 0.285027
- 0.68 0.299641
- 0.69 0.315004
- 0.70 0.331155
- 0.71 0.348133
- 0.72 0.365982
- 0.73 0.384747
- 0.74 0.404473
- 0.75 0.425211
- 0.76 0.447012
- 0.77 0.469931
- 0.78 0.494024
- 0.79 0.519354
- 0.80 0.545982
- 0.81 0.573975
- 0.82 0.603403
- 0.83 0.63434
- 0.84 0.666863
- 0.85 0.701054
- 0.86 0.736998
- 0.87 0.774785
- 0.88 0.814509
- 0.89 0.856269
- 0.90 0.900171
- 0.91 0.946324
- 0.92 0.994843
- 0.93 1.04585
- 0.94 1.099472
- 0.95 1.155843
- 0.96 1.215104
- 0.97 1.277404
- 0.98 1.342898
- 0.99 1.41175
- 1.00 1.484132
- 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0 0
- 0.00002 0.125333
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- 0.00036 0.770513
- 0.00038 0.684547
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- 0.00076 -0.998027
- 0.00078 -0.982287
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- 0.001 0
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- 0.00196 -0.24869
- 0.00198 -0.125333
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- 0.002 0
- 0.00202 0.125333
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- 0.00222 0.982287
- 0.00224 0.998027
- 0.00226 0.998027
- 0.00228 0.982287
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- 0.00238 0.684547
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- 0.00252 -0.125333
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- 0.00282 -0.904827
- 0.00284 -0.844328
- 0.00286 -0.770513
- 0.00288 -0.684547
- 0.0029 -0.587785
- 0.00292 -0.481754
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- 0.00296 -0.24869
- 0.00298 -0.125333
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- 0.003 0
- 0.00302 0.125333
- 0.00304 0.24869
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- 0.00308 0.481754
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- 0.00316 0.844328
- 0.00318 0.904827
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- 0.00324 0.998027
- 0.00326 0.998027
- 0.00328 0.982287
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- 0.00332 0.904827
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- 0.00338 0.684547
- 0.0034 0.587785
- 0.00342 0.481754
- 0.00344 0.368125
- 0.00346 0.24869
- 0.00348 0.125333
- 0.0035 0
- 0.00352 -0.125333
- 0.00354 -0.24869
- 0.00356 -0.368125
- 0.00358 -0.481754
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- 0.00368 -0.904827
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- 0.00372 -0.982287
- 0.00374 -0.998027
- 0.00376 -0.998027
- 0.00378 -0.982287
- 0.0038 -0.951057
- 0.00382 -0.904827
- 0.00384 -0.844328
- 0.00386 -0.770513
- 0.00388 -0.684547
- 0.0039 -0.587785
- 0.00392 -0.481754
- 0.00394 -0.368125
- 0.00396 -0.24869
- 0.00398 -0.125333
- 0.004 0
- 0.004 0
- 0.00402 0.125333
- 0.00404 0.24869
- 0.00406 0.368125
- 0.00408 0.481754
- 0.0041 0.587785
- 0.00412 0.684547
- 0.00414 0.770513
- 0.00416 0.844328
- 0.00418 0.904827
- 0.0042 0.951057
- 0.00422 0.982287
- 0.00424 0.998027
- 0.00426 0.998027
- 0.00428 0.982287
- 0.0043 0.951057
- 0.00432 0.904827
- 0.00434 0.844328
- 0.00436 0.770513
- 0.00438 0.684547
- 0.0044 0.587785
- 0.00442 0.481754
- 0.00444 0.368125
- 0.00446 0.24869
- 0.00448 0.125333
- 0.0045 0
- 0.00452 -0.125333
- 0.00454 -0.24869
- 0.00456 -0.368125
- 0.00458 -0.481754
- 0.0046 -0.587785
- 0.00462 -0.684547
- 0.00464 -0.770513
- 0.00466 -0.844328
- 0.00468 -0.904827
- 0.0047 -0.951057
- 0.00472 -0.982287
- 0.00474 -0.998027
- 0.00476 -0.998027
- 0.00478 -0.982287
- 0.0048 -0.951057
- 0.00482 -0.904827
- 0.00484 -0.844328
- 0.00486 -0.770513
- 0.00488 -0.684547
- 0.0049 -0.587785
- 0.00492 -0.481754
- 0.00494 -0.368125
- 0.00496 -0.24869
- 0.00498 -0.125333
- 0.005 0
- 0.00502 0
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