

Apr 24th, 2011
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  1. [18:51:44] <i-haet-mushrooms> Reaper-X: Hi.
  2. [18:51:50] ** Quantization has joined
  3. [18:51:51] <Reaper-X> i-haet-mushrooms: Hey.
  4. [18:51:58] <i-haet-mushrooms> Reaper-X: How are you?
  5. [18:52:00] <BloodyVagina> Cuntaku:
  6. [18:52:05] <Reaper-X> i-haet-mushrooms: I'm okay, you?
  7. [18:52:20] <i-haet-mushrooms> Reaper-X: I'm absolutely wonderful.
  8. [18:52:23] <i-haet-mushrooms> Wonderfully pissed.
  9. [18:52:24] <i-haet-mushrooms> :)
  10. [18:52:28] <Reaper-X> i-haet-mushrooms: Why?
  11. [18:52:33] <i-haet-mushrooms> You.
  12. [18:52:40] ** hankgetaplz has joined
  13. [18:52:45] ** Quantization has left [timed out]
  14. [18:54:14] ** hankgetaplz has left [connection closed]
  15. [18:54:18] ** 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01 has joined
  16. [18:54:33] <xShinigamixGrell> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: ohi
  17. [18:54:44] <Reaper-X> What happened?
  18. [18:54:46] <10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01> xShinigamixGrell: Hey there :)
  19. [18:55:06] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Hey, man.
  20. [18:55:13] <xShinigamixGrell> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: c:
  21. [18:55:19] <Reaper-X> What's going on?
  22. [18:55:19] <Quantization> Reaper-X: So, I'm a little angry right now.
  23. [18:55:28] <xBAKURA-star> :c
  24. [18:55:29] <Quantization> Reaper-X: As I'm sure I have every right to be.
  25. [18:55:47] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Why did you let Kristen and I send you $500 to go see her
  26. [18:55:55] <Reaper-X> So I could go see her.
  27. [18:56:00] <Reaper-X> I want to go see her!
  28. [18:56:01] <Quantization> Reaper-X: When you've been fucking cheating on her?
  29. [18:56:09] <xBAKURA-star> e.o
  30. [18:56:24] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: You made us think everything was fucking okay.
  31. [18:56:25] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Oslo, I fucking <b>cried</b> for the two of you.
  32. [18:56:52] <Reaper-X> I know!
  33. [18:56:54] <Quantization> Reaper-X:
  34. [18:56:58] <Reaper-X> It's why I wanted to do right by her.
  35. [18:58:08] <Reaper-X> I was wrong for what I did, and I remained faithful ever since. I know the one time was wrong. It tears me apart thinking about it and I wish I never did it.
  36. [18:58:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> Faithful ever since?
  37. [18:58:27] <Reaper-X> Yes. I've never been with anyone else.
  38. [18:58:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> Being tempted to fuck around with another bitch is being fucking faithful?
  39. [18:58:39] <i-haet-mushrooms> Fucking news to me.
  40. [18:58:43] <Reaper-X> First off, I told you what happened.
  41. [18:58:55] <Reaper-X> and I told you what frame of mind I was in and why I never let anything happen.
  42. [18:59:04] <Reaper-X> I apologised and you forgave me.
  43. [18:59:15] <i-haet-mushrooms> I shouldn't have to forgive that.
  44. [18:59:24] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Telling her that you were "Tempted" to do it doesn't sound like trying to be faithful, it sounds like a threat.
  45. [18:59:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> I gave you my fucking heart, and you fed me utter bullshit up until you fucking cheated on me.
  46. [18:59:35] <Reaper-X> I know, and it was the worst choice of words.
  47. [18:59:43] <Reaper-X> I didn't feed you bullshit.
  48. [18:59:44] <Reaper-X> I love you.
  49. [18:59:47] <Reaper-X> I truly do!
  50. [18:59:53] <i-haet-mushrooms> You fed me promises that you couldn't fucking keep.
  51. [19:00:17] <Reaper-X> I couldn't keep that one, and I'm sorry I broke that one, but ever since I tried to be good.
  52. [19:00:25] <i-haet-mushrooms> Nobody has ever hurt me as much as you have, Oslo, with the exceptions of my father and my cousin.
  53. [19:00:31] <i-haet-mushrooms> You could fucking keep that one.
  54. [19:00:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> <b>You chose not to.</b>
  55. [19:00:45] <Reaper-X> I know.
  56. [19:01:14] <Reaper-X> and ever since I chose to do right after you told me never to do it again.
  57. [19:01:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> I have felt nothing but absolute fucking pain and agitation for the last. fucking however many goddamn months.
  58. [19:01:28] <i-haet-mushrooms> I
  59. [19:01:29] <i-haet-mushrooms> don't
  60. [19:01:30] <i-haet-mushrooms> trust
  61. [19:01:30] <i-haet-mushrooms> you.
  62. [19:01:30] <Reaper-X> i-haet-mushrooms: Why didn't you talk to me more about it?
  63. [19:01:35] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: Oslo, I don't think you understand what the fuck you've really done to Angie.
  64. [19:01:41] <i-haet-mushrooms> I tried to. you ranted at me.
  65. [19:01:45] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: What the fuck? You had to be TOLD not to fucking cheat?
  66. [19:01:49] <Reaper-X> No
  67. [19:01:53] <Reaper-X> I didn't have to be told.
  68. [19:01:54] <Reaper-X> I mean.
  69. [19:01:56] <i-haet-mushrooms> You fucked up my trust beyond goddamn repair.
  70. [19:02:01] <xShinigamixGrell> Sorry to interrupt and shit but 'love' doesn't mean you're so easy to get tempted into cheating.
  71. [19:02:04] <i-haet-mushrooms> I can't trust fucking anyone now.
  72. [19:02:12] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Kristen and I wanted nothing more than to help the two of you, and make the two of you happy. What she needs to be happy now is for you to leave.
  73. [19:02:38] <Reaper-X> I ranted because I was afraid and I wanted to make it better.
  74. [19:02:44] <i-haet-mushrooms> You have done more harm than good. I am a wreck.
  75. [19:02:53] <Reaper-X> and you told me to give you space.
  76. [19:02:56] <Reaper-X> and I gave you space.
  77. [19:02:58] <i-haet-mushrooms> Not even my fucking medication is holding this anger back.
  78. [19:03:04] <i-haet-mushrooms> It's not calming my fucking anxiety.
  79. [19:03:10] <i-haet-mushrooms> It's too fucking much for the goddamn meds.
  80. [19:03:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> That is fucking <b>bad.</b>
  81. [19:04:09] <i-haet-mushrooms> I am such a nervous wreck that I can't even see straight right now, and it's your goddamn fault.
  82. [19:04:09] <Reaper-X> I wanted to be the best I could for you and I fucked up, but I've been trying to do all I can to make it better.
  83. [19:04:26] <i-haet-mushrooms> you know what, Oslo?
  84. [19:04:33] <i-haet-mushrooms> Once a cheater, fucking always a cheater.
  85. [19:04:38] <xShinigamixGrell> ^
  86. [19:04:38] <Reaper-X> No!
  87. [19:04:45] <Reaper-X> That's not true.
  88. [19:04:46] <i-haet-mushrooms> I gave you enough time to fucking change and you still let shit get too far.
  89. [19:04:51] <Reaper-X> I didn't
  90. [19:04:54] <i-haet-mushrooms> It is fucking true and you goddamn know it.
  91. [19:04:59] <xShinigamixGrell> Reaper-X: You said yourself you were tempted to do it again.
  92. [19:05:05] <xShinigamixGrell> Which is practically proving that statement right.
  93. [19:05:09] <Reaper-X> No.
  94. [19:05:13] <xShinigamixGrell> :I
  95. [19:05:17] <i-haet-mushrooms> You shouldn't have even let her fucking start.
  96. [19:05:17] <Reaper-X> It doesn't prove the statement.
  97. [19:05:26] <xShinigamixGrell> What if you gave in?
  98. [19:05:31] <xShinigamixGrell> What if you got tempted again after that?
  99. [19:05:32] <Reaper-X> I didn't.
  100. [19:05:33] <xShinigamixGrell> And gave in.
  101. [19:05:33] ** hyperbolicjackass has left [timed out]
  102. [19:05:37] <Reaper-X> and I never got tempted after.
  103. [19:05:43] <xShinigamixGrell> People who don't cheat don't get tempted in the first place.
  104. [19:05:52] <Reaper-X> That's not always true.
  105. [19:05:53] <i-haet-mushrooms> You had to fucking block her.
  106. [19:05:54] <xShinigamixGrell> If you loved her you wouldn't have been.
  107. [19:05:58] <xShinigamixGrell> Jesus...
  108. [19:06:04] <i-haet-mushrooms> It is fucking true.
  109. [19:06:05] <Reaper-X> I blocked her because I didn't want to talk to her again.
  110. [19:06:19] <Reaper-X> I didn't want to talk to her because I didn't want to be tied down to shit that kept me HERE.
  111. [19:06:20] <i-haet-mushrooms> If you didn't want to talk to her again, you wouldn't have.
  112. [19:06:32] <Reaper-X> I didn't think It was going to turn out like that.
  113. [19:06:41] <xShinigamixGrell> Oh man.
  114. [19:06:43] <i-haet-mushrooms> But it did, because you fucking let it get that way.
  115. [19:06:47] <xShinigamixGrell> This is ridiculous.
  116. [19:06:55] <Reaper-X> but I didn't let anything happen.
  117. [19:06:58] <Reaper-X> I didn't give in.
  118. [19:07:04] <Quantization> Reaper-X: If you understood Angie even in the slightest, you'd know that she wull never trust you again. If you truly wanted her to be happy, you'd let her go.
  119. [19:07:09] <Reaper-X> and I told you about it because I felt terrible.
  120. [19:07:17] <xShinigamixGrell> To be tempted is enough to show you don't love her with your whole heart, man.
  121. [19:07:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> I feel like I'm going to pass out again.
  122. [19:07:31] <Quantization> Reaper-X: You cheated on her once, and being with her is only going to make her feel like an inferior person.
  123. [19:08:10] <xShinigamixGrell> Have you ever been cheated on, Oslo? :n
  124. [19:08:15] <Reaper-X> Yes.
  125. [19:08:23] <xShinigamixGrell> Doesn't it make you feel bad? Mad?
  126. [19:08:25] <Quantization> Then you know how it feels.
  127. [19:08:26] <xBAKURA-star> Then you should know how it feels to be cheated on.
  128. [19:08:29] ** EnigmaRaver has left
  129. [19:08:32] <xBAKURA-star> And yet you do it <i>anyways.</i>
  130. [19:08:32] <xShinigamixGrell> Exactly what Brandon said.
  131. [19:08:38] <xShinigamixGrell> It makes you feel terrible.
  132. [19:08:50] <Quantization> It makes you never want to trust another person again.
  133. [19:08:52] <BloodyVagina> I think it would be fair if people who were directly effected by this should be the ones talking.
  134. [19:08:53] <Reaper-X> but the person that cheated on me, never wanted to make it right at all.
  135. [19:09:06] <xShinigamixGrell> So?
  136. [19:09:13] <Reaper-X> So they left.
  137. [19:09:13] <xShinigamixGrell> You were still cheated on in the first place.
  138. [19:09:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> Oslo, I want to leave you.
  139. [19:09:19] <10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01> Making it 'right' doesn't undo the fact that you did it.
  140. [19:09:20] <Quantization> It would be a lot easier to believe you if you weren't borderline threatening to leave Angie.
  141. [19:09:24] ** hyperbolicjackass has joined
  142. [19:09:25] <BloodyVagina> Eg, Angie, Kristin and Brandon
  143. [19:09:26] <xBAKURA-star> It's quite funny how this is all going in a big fat circle.
  144. [19:09:29] <xShinigamixGrell> Trying to make things right just prolongs the pain.
  145. [19:09:32] <Quantization> "I'm tempted." It's a threat.
  146. [19:09:45] <Reaper-X> I never said "I'm tempted"
  147. [19:09:49] <i-haet-mushrooms> I can't slow my breathing down.
  148. [19:09:55] <xBAKURA-star> i-haet-mushrooms: :c
  149. [19:09:58] <i-haet-mushrooms> I'm going to end up passing out.
  150. [19:10:01] <Reaper-X> I said i thought that I was tempted.
  151. [19:10:13] * Kid-Umby zombies. (FOOOOOD | 36 minutes, 19 seconds)
  152. [19:10:14] <xBAKURA-star> That's pretty much the equal of saying that you're tempted.
  153. [19:10:21] <Reaper-X> and the temptation stemmed from fear of ruining everything.
  154. [19:10:22] <xBAKURA-star> i-haet-mushrooms: no! D:
  155. [19:10:43] ** know-no-now has joined
  156. [19:10:45] <Reaper-X> I got my head together and refused to give in.
  157. [19:10:47] <Kid-Umby> Wha
  158. [19:10:49] <know-no-now> hello
  159. [19:10:49] <10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01> How can you 'think' you're tempted? You either are or you aren't.
  160. [19:10:53] <BloodyVagina> I think it would be fair if people who were directly effected by this should be the ones talking to/at Oslo.
  161. [19:10:55] ** know-no-now has been made a member of FuckingAnnihilated by i-haet-mushrooms *
  162. [19:10:55] ** know-no-now has been kicked by i-haet-mushrooms * not privileged
  163. [19:10:58] <xShinigamixGrell> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: True.
  164. [19:11:09] ** know-no-now has been made a member of KillYourself by i-haet-mushrooms *
  165. [19:11:11] <BloodyVagina> So
  166. [19:11:13] <Kid-Umby> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: Ohi, didn't expect to see you here.
  167. [19:11:15] <BloodyVagina> y'know
  168. [19:11:15] <xBAKURA-star> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: so true.
  169. [19:11:17] <BloodyVagina> Husg.
  170. [19:11:19] <BloodyVagina> Hush.
  171. [19:11:25] <10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01> Smells like an excuse.
  172. [19:11:30] <Reaper-X> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: and I wasn't really tempted as much as I was afraid.
  173. [19:11:35] <xBAKURA-star> :\
  174. [19:11:35] <10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01> Kid-Umby: Hi there!
  175. [19:11:52] <Reaper-X> I truly was afraid because of other things.
  176. [19:12:00] <Reaper-X> but I knew I never wanted to leave Angie.
  177. [19:12:03] <10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01> Reaper-X: SO wait, first you're tempted, then you thought you were tempted, and now you were't really tempted? Kindly pick one.
  178. [19:12:09] <xShinigamixGrell> ...
  179. [19:12:10] <BloodyVagina> Uh.
  180. [19:12:15] <xBAKURA-star> HAHA.
  181. [19:12:15] <BloodyVagina> Do I have to repeat myself again?
  182. [19:12:20] <xBAKURA-star> so funny.
  183. [19:12:24] <xShinigamixGrell> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: Maybe changing the story is how you make things better.
  184. [19:12:24] * xBAKURA-star slapped
  185. [19:12:26] <xShinigamixGrell> Anyway.
  186. [19:12:37] <i-haet-mushrooms> let Quantization and RottedStamps talk
  187. [19:12:39] <i-haet-mushrooms> only them
  188. [19:12:41] <BloodyVagina> ^
  189. [19:12:42] <Kid-Umby> ^
  190. [19:12:43] <Reaper-X> No, I'm not changing the story.
  191. [19:12:44] <i-haet-mushrooms> they know
  192. [19:12:53] <i-haet-mushrooms> i cant speak for myself right now
  193. [19:13:08] * xShinigamixGrell will stop then. :u
  194. [19:13:10] <Quantization> Reaper-X: You can keep the money we sent you to go see her. We don't give a fuck about the money.
  195. [19:13:17] <BloodyVagina> If you do, I'll be sure you mute you.
  196. [19:13:18] <Quantization> Reaper-X: But she doesn't want to see you any more.
  197. [19:13:21] * xBAKURA-star stares at xShinigamixGrell
  198. [19:13:41] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Going there to be with her will only make shit worse.
  199. [19:14:02] ** LordOfDemise has joined
  200. [19:14:30] <Quantization> Reaper-X: It's equivalent to forcing her to be with you, a man she can't trust. It's practically rape.
  201. [19:15:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> gonna pass out
  202. [19:15:34] <i-haet-mushrooms> bye byee
  203. [19:15:38] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: I'd rather you not use my money to see her, Oslo. You made us fucking believe everything was okay.
  204. [19:15:38] <Reaper-X> I wasn't tempted. I was guilty. Whether you believe me or not, that was what was on my mind.
  205. [19:15:41] <BloodyVagina> Angie go lie down
  206. [19:15:44] <BloodyVagina> :c
  207. [19:15:47] <i-haet-mushrooms> cant stand
  208. [19:15:52] <i-haet-mushrooms> too weak to stand
  209. [19:15:59] <BloodyVagina> crawl?
  210. [19:15:59] <Reaper-X> I was truly guilty and I spoke of it like temptation.
  211. [19:16:11] <Quantization> Reaper-X: You're still guilty.
  212. [19:16:15] <i-haet-mushrooms> oslo you hurt me
  213. [19:16:24] <i-haet-mushrooms> i cant trust you
  214. [19:16:24] <i-haet-mushrooms> i triedd but i cant
  215. [19:16:24] <i-haet-mushrooms> listen to them
  216. [19:16:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> they are like my familythey are my fsmily
  217. [19:16:43] <i-haet-mushrooms> i love them
  218. [19:16:44] <i-haet-mushrooms> they know
  219. [19:16:47] <i-haet-mushrooms> i hurt
  220. [19:16:52] <Quantization> i-haet-mushrooms: We love you too.
  221. [19:16:54] <i-haet-mushrooms> cant feel my face
  222. [19:17:13] <BloodyVagina> Angie, please stay safe.
  223. [19:17:24] <Quantization> Reaper-X: We sent you money so you could see her, and make her happy. All going out there to see her will do is trigger an attack.
  224. [19:17:45] ** EvilGreenBunny has joined
  225. [19:17:49] <i-haet-mushrooms> oslo i cut today because of you
  226. [19:17:55] <xBAKURA-star> :c
  227. [19:17:57] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Even if you're 120% honest with everyone in here, right now, you'll never be able to fix this.
  228. [19:18:07] <EvilGreenBunny> o-o
  229. [19:18:14] <BloodyVagina> EvilGreenBunny: Don't talk.
  230. [19:18:17] <i-haet-mushrooms> cant feel my legs
  231. [19:18:17] <LordOfDemise> Could someone please explain to me what sort of shitstorm I just walked into?
  232. [19:18:20] <Reaper-X> I'm aware... and it kills me.
  233. [19:18:21] ** hyperbolicjackass has left [timed out]
  234. [19:18:23] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: You know what you did, Oslo? You fucking punished Angie, essentially blaming her for being so far away from you.
  235. [19:18:26] <BloodyVagina> LordOfDemise: Later.
  236. [19:18:29] <EvilGreenBunny> BloodyVagina: I shall thank you.
  237. [19:18:33] <LordOfDemise> BloodyVagina: ThanksAlice&lt;3
  238. [19:18:33] <Reaper-X> I didn't blame her for this.
  239. [19:18:38] <Reaper-X> I never blamed her for anything.
  240. [19:18:39] <EvilGreenBunny> i-haet-mushrooms: Why you an executioner O_O
  241. [19:18:45] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Your actions made her feel blamed.
  242. [19:18:47] <BloodyVagina> EvilGreenBunny: Don't talk.
  243. [19:18:49] <Kid-Umby> ^
  244. [19:18:57] <xShinigamixGrell> :I
  245. [19:18:58] <Reaper-X> Quantization: But I owned all of my wrongdoings.
  246. [19:18:59] <i-haet-mushrooms> LordOfDemise: Quantization and RottedStamps can tell you lat
  247. [19:18:59] <i-haet-mushrooms> er
  248. [19:19:06] <i-haet-mushrooms> efmwld,asd
  249. [19:19:06] <EvilGreenBunny> ..
  250. [19:19:09] <LordOfDemise> Ok
  251. [19:19:09] <LordOfDemise> ay
  252. [19:19:14] <i-haet-mushrooms> LordOfDemise: &lt;3
  253. [19:19:16] <Reaper-X> Quantization: I never made it seem like it was her fault.
  254. [19:19:23] <i-haet-mushrooms> ilo ve ouu guys/
  255. [19:19:23] <LordOfDemise> i-haet-mushrooms: &lt;3
  256. [19:19:30] <RottedStamps> THAT'S NOT THE FUCKING POINT.
  257. [19:19:37] <Reaper-X> I know what I did was wrong. I know I was wrong and I know I hurt the only person I loved the most.
  258. [19:19:46] <RottedStamps> Whether you 'purposely' wanted her feel blamed or not, you did it anyway.
  259. [19:19:46] <Quantization> Reaper-X: It doesn't matter if you owned them or not. This isn't a situation you can fix by 'being a man and owning up to it', it's only a situation you can fix by letting her go.
  260. [19:20:11] <i-haet-mushrooms> starting to black outtt
  261. [19:20:17] <i-haet-mushrooms> bbsbbs
  262. [19:20:18] <i-haet-mushrooms> -s
  263. [19:20:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> fdflg
  264. [19:20:22] <i-haet-mushrooms> bbs
  265. [19:20:32] <Quantization> Reaper-X: She needs you out of her life, and if you really loved her, you'd leave.
  266. [19:20:47] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Instead of forcing yourself on her and making everything worse.
  267. [19:21:12] <Reaper-X> I'm not forcing myself on her. She said she wanted space, but she wanted me to be around.
  268. [19:21:30] <Quantization> Reaper-X: She's telling you right now that she wants you gone.
  269. [19:21:40] <Reaper-X> Yeah, I know.
  270. [19:22:02] <Quantization> Reaper-X: She looks at you and sees her own faults reflected back on her. She looks at you and sees a liar and a cheat. She can't look at you and see love, no matter how hard you try to project it. It will never outshine what you did to her.
  271. [19:24:47] <Quantization> Reaper-X: There isn't anything you could say or do in the world right now that would make things better for her. The best thing to do for her is to go.
  272. [19:24:50] ** sketchodie has joined
  273. [19:24:57] <sketchodie> munch
  274. [19:25:01] <i-haet-mushrooms> dont tlakk
  275. [19:25:07] <Kid-Umby> ^
  276. [19:25:07] <i-haet-mushrooms> not eygrb
  277. [19:25:08] <i-haet-mushrooms> '
  278. [19:25:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> im completely trekdf nubmb
  279. [19:25:27] <BloodyVagina> Angie
  280. [19:25:38] <BloodyVagina> Please please somehow manage to lie down
  281. [19:25:45] <i-haet-mushrooms> gnf
  282. [19:25:45] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: Let it be known that Brandon set a bar for online relationships where he never cheated on me, <i>despite</i> living with a woman. To not meet it makes you look like a weak, selfish bitch.
  283. [19:26:04] <sketchodie> :| I came at a wrong time did I?
  284. [19:26:10] <BloodyVagina> sketchodie: Hush.
  285. [19:26:15] <i-haet-mushrooms> shutb pu;
  286. [19:26:27] <xShinigamixGrell> why not just -msg guests
  287. [19:26:45] ** privilege class Never has been updated by Quantization with: -msg
  288. [19:26:46] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  289. [19:27:05] ** privilege class Prohibited has been updated by BloodyVagina with: -admin -msg
  290. [19:27:06] <i-haet-mushrooms> never pased out cuz of sitod sahit liehmt siomebfoe
  291. [19:27:06] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  292. [19:27:14] <i-haet-mushrooms> ..,
  293. [19:27:16] <i-haet-mushrooms> ngdf
  294. [19:27:24] ** privilege class KillYourself has been updated by BloodyVagina with: -admin -kick -msg -topic -title
  295. [19:27:25] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  296. [19:27:30] <Quantization> Reaper-X: The only way she's been able to manage this whole thing without going completely insane is because someone else has been trying to pick up for your slack.
  297. [19:27:41] ** privilege class VisaApproved has been updated by BloodyVagina with: -admin -kick -msg -topic -title
  298. [19:27:42] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  299. [19:27:57] ** hyperbolicjackass has joined
  300. [19:28:42] <DicksInMyEyes> i dntb wnt oyu
  301. [19:28:51] <DicksInMyEyes> fns feozne
  302. [19:28:54] <DicksInMyEyes> sdlkg
  303. [19:28:57] <Quantization> Reaper-X: She's been cheating on you for months with someone, and I fully support her doing it.
  304. [19:29:14] <DicksInMyEyes> hurt merr
  305. [19:29:16] <DicksInMyEyes> tldgfvc
  306. [19:29:20] <DicksInMyEyes> dfdnt wnat youm r
  307. [19:29:26] <Quantization> Reaper-X: This person doesn't make her see herself the way you make her see herself.
  308. [19:29:37] <Quantization> Reaper-X: She doesn't want you around anymore.
  309. [19:29:59] <Reaper-X> For months?
  310. [19:30:20] <i-haet-mushrooms> i known d him longer and e neverhurt me
  311. [19:30:25] <i-haet-mushrooms> ever
  312. [19:30:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> alwatsgben there for me
  313. [19:30:37] <i-haet-mushrooms> youtbroekmy hafrey
  314. [19:30:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> haeart
  315. [19:30:40] <i-haet-mushrooms> heart
  316. [19:30:42] <i-haet-mushrooms> 'dksmflx;dzcz'vfa
  317. [19:30:47] <i-haet-mushrooms> brokemit hard mannd
  318. [19:30:52] <i-haet-mushrooms> o toehr choice
  319. [19:31:10] <i-haet-mushrooms> i dht5r care yhjow tou rwatcg
  320. [19:31:14] <i-haet-mushrooms> thsi cat befixed
  321. [19:31:24] <i-haet-mushrooms> no carwe how reacft
  322. [19:31:24] <Reaper-X> So when you made it seem like you were okay, you really weren't.
  323. [19:31:35] <i-haet-mushrooms> triekmdnto vbe ok
  324. [19:31:44] <i-haet-mushrooms> blamer be for it i dont fuckgn give an shiot
  325. [19:31:51] <i-haet-mushrooms> you brokedm me
  326. [19:31:57] <Reaper-X> I don't blame you for it.
  327. [19:32:02] <i-haet-mushrooms> i still bnwatned tyou nadb you brome me
  328. [19:32:10] <i-haet-mushrooms> youj5rn nruined me
  329. [19:32:21] <BloodyVagina> Angie, can we stop for a bit until you feel better?
  330. [19:32:26] <i-haet-mushrooms> no
  331. [19:32:33] <i-haet-mushrooms> neeeds to be said
  332. [19:32:36] <i-haet-mushrooms> dsf
  333. [19:32:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> now
  334. [19:32:41] <i-haet-mushrooms> beycsd
  335. [19:32:49] <i-haet-mushrooms> i dont bb wat to feekb bad anyhnkpre
  336. [19:32:51] <i-haet-mushrooms> anymore
  337. [19:32:59] <i-haet-mushrooms> i dontb wat mtohurt naymroe
  338. [19:33:15] ** zombiewhale has left [connection closed]
  339. [19:33:35] <i-haet-mushrooms> tiemnfv for me to bem sefjsi
  340. [19:33:37] <i-haet-mushrooms> selfish
  341. [19:33:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> nbe
  342. [19:33:38] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: You are ignorant if you think being cheated on is so easily forgiven. You were just wishing it never happened, weren't you? Hoping she would just forget about it?
  343. [19:33:41] <i-haet-mushrooms> in fdont car
  344. [19:33:49] <i-haet-mushrooms> e
  345. [19:34:01] <Reaper-X> RottedStamps: No.
  346. [19:34:03] <i-haet-mushrooms> i hsved blodj over you
  347. [19:34:16] <i-haet-mushrooms> my preociusiouys blood overty yuou
  348. [19:34:17] <Reaper-X> RottedStamps: I didn't think I could easily be forgiven. I didn't even think fixing it would be easy.
  349. [19:34:22] <i-haet-mushrooms> allk yours foutb
  350. [19:34:30] <RottedStamps> "06:30:28 PM &lt;Reaper-X&gt; So when you made it seem like you were okay, you really weren't."
  351. [19:34:51] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Would you be able to forgive anyone who cheated on you and then made you feel like it was entirely your fault?
  352. [19:35:17] <Reaper-X> I never made her feel like it was entirely her fault. I knew and said that it was all my fault.
  353. [19:35:29] <i-haet-mushrooms> not preyt enoug
  354. [19:35:40] <i-haet-mushrooms> seeign me nake wasnt enogh
  355. [19:35:40] <Quantization> Because I wouldn't be able to forgive Kristen if she ever cheated on me, and she wouldn't be able to forgive me if I ever did it to her.
  356. [19:35:53] <i-haet-mushrooms> me wasnt enoug for you
  357. [19:35:56] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: Do you fucking see what she's saying?
  358. [19:35:58] <hyperbolicjackass> i-haet-mushrooms: i am still on skype-- so you know.
  359. [19:36:06] <Quantization> i-haet-mushrooms: You're beautiful, Angie.
  360. [19:36:20] <i-haet-mushrooms> gaven you myns fuck ing soul ndb you crushed
  361. [19:36:21] <i-haet-mushrooms> it
  362. [19:36:24] <i-haet-mushrooms> crushdd me
  363. [19:36:35] <i-haet-mushrooms> brokenan already breken 16 yetar old
  364. [19:36:37] <Reaper-X> Seeing her was my number one goal.
  365. [19:36:45] <i-haet-mushrooms> welllmk fuck you
  366. [19:36:55] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: Apparently you strayed.
  367. [19:37:02] <i-haet-mushrooms> i watbed to diueuy
  368. [19:37:05] <i-haet-mushrooms> wanted to die
  369. [19:37:06] <i-haet-mushrooms> because
  370. [19:37:07] <i-haet-mushrooms> OF YOU
  371. [19:37:11] <i-haet-mushrooms> ALL YOU
  372. [19:37:15] <i-haet-mushrooms> sallkf fuckng you
  373. [19:37:20] <RottedStamps> Hammerfall<abbr title="i-haet-mushrooms"></abbr>: God, baby. I'm so fucking sorry...
  374. [19:37:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> hyeoprventielating because of you
  375. [19:37:40] <i-haet-mushrooms> threw up because of you
  376. [19:37:46] <Quantization> Reaper-X: Please stop killing one of the only people in this world I can call family.
  377. [19:37:46] <i-haet-mushrooms> allkf you
  378. [19:38:03] <i-haet-mushrooms> feeeklp oimhaumna because of you
  379. [19:38:09] <i-haet-mushrooms> notn hman anymore
  380. [19:38:21] ** bureiku-fox has left [timed out]
  381. [19:38:23] <i-haet-mushrooms> tookm my humanity asway oiiemny father and cousiiondid
  382. [19:38:29] <i-haet-mushrooms> allkk you
  383. [19:38:58] <i-haet-mushrooms> atabed y walk coutnelsss tikmes because of you
  384. [19:39:03] <i-haet-mushrooms> could haven been a person
  385. [19:39:07] <i-haet-mushrooms> i coudld have killed someoen
  386. [19:39:15] <i-haet-mushrooms> over you
  387. [19:39:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> akkd oyu
  388. [19:39:35] <i-haet-mushrooms> reduced men to a woerthless fucking oeiece ofnshit]
  389. [19:39:44] <i-haet-mushrooms> akks tyour faut;
  390. [19:40:07] <i-haet-mushrooms> woiduldt evenm give ykme you rgddamn name
  391. [19:40:17] <i-haet-mushrooms> fuckignr asshorrek
  392. [19:40:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> assohl4e
  393. [19:40:21] <i-haet-mushrooms> erko
  394. [19:40:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> nto fuckign godd aneough
  395. [19:40:51] <i-haet-mushrooms> im nnbevree fuckignrg0od enough for youm gaggots
  396. [19:40:59] <i-haet-mushrooms> ever
  397. [19:41:09] <Quantization> i-haet-mushrooms: You don't need to make yourself any better for anyone, Angie.
  398. [19:41:19] <i-haet-mushrooms> david lvoes me
  399. [19:41:22] <i-haet-mushrooms> e henevfert hurt me
  400. [19:41:29] <i-haet-mushrooms> fucki youy
  401. [19:41:31] <Quantization> i-haet-mushrooms: There's a person somewhere that loves you for who you are and doesn't want to change you.
  402. [19:41:40] <i-haet-mushrooms> known him longer and he still bever hurt me
  403. [19:41:42] <Reaper-X> I never wanted to change her.
  404. [19:41:49] <i-haet-mushrooms> shut ythe fuck up
  405. [19:41:49] <RottedStamps> Hammerfall<abbr title="i-haet-mushrooms"></abbr>: Baby, you are absolutely beautiful.
  406. [19:42:03] <RottedStamps> Reaper-X: Then you don't know Angie's mind works.
  407. [19:42:16] <hyperbolicjackass> i-haet-mushrooms: ang?
  408. [19:42:23] <i-haet-mushrooms> epi
  409. [19:42:25] <i-haet-mushrooms> m&lt;33e
  410. [19:42:29] <hyperbolicjackass> &lt;33333
  411. [19:42:33] <hyperbolicjackass> babe, you still on skype?
  412. [19:42:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> nn
  413. [19:42:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> no
  414. [19:42:40] <i-haet-mushrooms> wl;dsla
  415. [19:42:43] <i-haet-mushrooms> i m sory
  416. [19:42:45] <hyperbolicjackass> still got my number, right?
  417. [19:42:45] <i-haet-mushrooms> e
  418. [19:42:51] <hyperbolicjackass> i was just going to tell you, you can call if you want.
  419. [19:42:54] * hyperbolicjackass leans against i-haet-mushrooms.
  420. [19:42:58] <i-haet-mushrooms> odh
  421. [19:42:59] <i-haet-mushrooms> f
  422. [19:43:01] <hyperbolicjackass> mmhmm.
  423. [19:43:03] <i-haet-mushrooms> uyes i stol have to
  424. [19:43:07] <Quantization> Reaper-X: It's not what you say, it's what you do. My fiancee and Angie are so very much alike, and I saw her with a man who cheated on her, too.
  425. [19:43:07] <Reaper-X> What do you want out of yelling at me further?
  426. [19:43:08] <hyperbolicjackass> just in case you need an ear.
  427. [19:43:10] <i-haet-mushrooms> i still heva eoit
  428. [19:43:22] <Quantization> Reaper-X: She just wants you to go, Oslo.
  429. [19:43:29] <hyperbolicjackass> I think hee should.
  430. [19:43:30] <hyperbolicjackass> -e
  431. [19:43:31] <i-haet-mushrooms> fuckign,ekave
  432. [19:43:33] <i-haet-mushrooms> leave
  433. [19:43:42] <i-haet-mushrooms> fuckignassholem fuicking done enough danmage
  434. [19:43:58] <Quantization> Reaper-X: She wants to be able to get on with her life. Why aren't you letting her?
  435. [19:44:07] <i-haet-mushrooms> serlfkizah
  436. [19:44:08] <i-haet-mushrooms> selfis/
  437. [19:44:10] <i-haet-mushrooms> \
  438. [19:44:13] <i-haet-mushrooms> selfish
  439. [19:44:20] <i-haet-mushrooms> despeeirte
  440. [19:44:31] <i-haet-mushrooms> imn not sorry
  441. [19:44:32] ** sterbenlicht has left [connection closed]
  442. [19:44:32] <Reaper-X> I will. I'll go away. I apologise for everything.
  443. [19:44:50] ** Reaper-X has left
  444. [19:45:01] <i-haet-mushrooms> bna him
  445. [19:45:09] ** Reaper-X has been made a member of FuckingAnnihilated by Quantization *
  446. [19:45:13] <i-haet-mushrooms> grt him ot of r myjlcas
  447. [19:45:23] <i-haet-mushrooms> i fuckignf llvoe you guyms
  448. [19:45:25] <RottedStamps> Hammerfall<abbr title="i-haet-mushrooms"></abbr>: Love you, babecakes. :heart:
  449. [19:45:29] <Quantization> i-haet-mushrooms: :heart: We love you too.
  450. [19:45:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> thnkan you so much
  451. [19:45:38] <i-haet-mushrooms> i hurft a lil bit but
  452. [19:45:47] <i-haet-mushrooms> needded done
  453. [19:45:52] <i-haet-mushrooms> jjust dontbb leabve me
  454. [19:45:53] ** privilege class VisaApproved has been updated by BloodyVagina with: -admin -kick +msg -topic -title
  455. [19:45:54] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  456. [19:45:59] <xBAKURA-star> :c
  457. [19:46:00] <i-haet-mushrooms> pelas
  458. [19:46:02] <hyperbolicjackass> I can't kick?
  459. [19:46:06] <xBAKURA-star> i-haet-mushrooms: :hug: );
  460. [19:46:07] ** privilege class Never has been updated by BloodyVagina with: -admin -kick +msg -topic -title
  461. [19:46:07] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  462. [19:46:13] <EvilGreenBunny> BloodyVagina: ;; Sorry
  463. [19:46:16] ** privilege class KillYourself has been updated by BloodyVagina with: -admin -kick +msg -topic -title
  464. [19:46:17] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  465. [19:46:24] ** privilege class Prohibited has been updated by BloodyVagina with: -admin +msg
  466. [19:46:25] Got members for #KillingDignity.
  467. [19:46:27] <Quantization> i-haet-mushrooms: We are not going to leave you, Angie.
  468. [19:46:33] <i-haet-mushrooms> thnak you
  469. [19:46:33] <Kid-Umby> ^
  470. [19:46:34] <RottedStamps> Hammerfall<abbr title="i-haet-mushrooms"></abbr>: :heart: :heart: :heart: Everyone supports you.
  471. [19:46:36] <10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01> i-haet-mushrooms: :huggle: You are amazing.
  472. [19:46:37] <i-haet-mushrooms> all i hacve
  473. [19:46:42] <Kid-Umby> i-haet-mushrooms: I'll always be an ear if you need one. &#x2665;
  474. [19:46:46] <Quantization> i-haet-mushrooms: Kristen and I are here to stay, no matter what.
  475. [19:46:46] <xShinigamixGrell> i-haet-mushrooms: ilu angie, i always loved you always will man
  476. [19:46:49] <i-haet-mushrooms> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01: i dodnt okwnow who you are but ok
  477. [19:46:58] <xShinigamixGrell> 10-GunShOTreSiDUe-01 is one of my friends
  478. [19:47:03] <i-haet-mushrooms> oh gfosaK
  479. [19:47:05] <xShinigamixGrell> yeah
  480. [19:47:10] <i-haet-mushrooms> hi jneanas friend
  481. [19:47:18] <EvilGreenBunny> i-haet-mushrooms: I know you, don't hardly know me or anything but.. :tighthug:
  482. [19:47:32] <i-haet-mushrooms> i coduldnt have done that on my own
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