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- #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
- SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
- SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
- #SingleInstance, Force
- ; Setup
- OnExit, Exit
- ;~ FileCreateDir, data
- ;~ FileInstall, data\pick_click.wav, data\pick_click.wav
- ColoretteIcon := A_ScriptFullPath
- ; Hotkeys
- Hotkey, Rbutton, CatchColor ; HEX (Default)
- Hotkey, ^Rbutton, CatchColor ; RGB
- ; Initiation
- Traytip, Colorette:, RIGHTCLICK to copy HEX value`nAdd CTRL for RGB value, 5
- SetSystemCursor("IDC_Cross") ; Reset in OnExit
- If (FileExist("colorette.exe"))
- Menu, Tray, Icon, Colorette.exe
- ; MAIN LOOP: Pick Color
- Loop
- {
- CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
- MouseGetPos X, Y
- PixelGetColor Color, X, Y, RGB
- ColorD := Color ; Build an int based variable
- StringRight, color, color, 6 ; Removes 0x prefix
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
- ColorD += 0 ; Sets Var (which previously contained 11) to be 0xb.
- ColorD .= "" ; Necessary due to the "fast" mode.
- ;~ ModColor := HexModify(Color, 1)
- GetKeyState("LControl") ? ColorMessage := HextoRGB(Color, "Message") : ColorMessage := Color
- Gui, 2:Color, %color%
- Tooltip, %ColorMessage% ; (%ModColor%)
- CoordMode, Pixel
- mX := X - 30 ; Offset Tooltip from Mouse
- mY := Y - 80
- Gui, 2:-Caption +ToolWindow +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +Border ; +0x400000 OR +Border
- Gui, 2:Show, NoActivate x%mX% y%mY% w60 h60
- }
- return
- CatchColor: ; Catch Hover'd color
- If (A_ThisHotkey = "^Rbutton")
- Out := "RGB"
- If (FileExist("data\pick_click.wav"))
- SoundPlay, data\pick_click.wav
- ; Continue
- ColorPicked:
- StringRight, color, color, 6 ; Color HEX to RGB (or RGB to RGB)
- If (Out = "RGB")
- {
- OutColor := HexToRGB(Color)
- OutMsg := HexToRGB(Color, "Message")
- Clipboard := OutMsg
- ;~ OutParse := HexToRGB(Color, "Parse") ; Returns "R,G,B"
- }
- else
- {
- OutColor := Color
- OutMsg := "#" . Color
- Clipboard := OutColor
- }
- Traytip, Colorette:, %outmsg% picked
- RestoreCursors()
- Gui, 2:Destroy
- Sleep 500
- Hotkey, ^Rbutton, Off
- Hotkey, Rbutton, Off
- Sleep 1500
- Gosub, Exit
- Return
- esc::
- Exit:
- RestoreCursors()
- ExitApp
- return
- ; : SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursors()
- HexToRGB(Color, Mode="") ; Input: 6 characters HEX-color. Mode can be RGB, Message (R: x, G: y, B: z) or parse (R,G,B)
- {
- ; If df, d is *16 and f is *1. Thus, Rx = R*16 while Rn = R*1
- Rx := SubStr(Color, 1,1), Rn := SubStr(Color, 2,1)
- Gx := SubStr(Color, 3,1), Gn := SubStr(Color, 4,1)
- Bx := SubStr(Color, 5,1), Bn := SubStr(Color, 6,1)
- AllVars := "Rx|Rn|Gx|Gn|Bx|Bn"
- Loop, Parse, Allvars, | ; Add the Hex values (A - F)
- {
- StringReplace, %A_LoopField%, %A_LoopField%, a, 10
- StringReplace, %A_LoopField%, %A_LoopField%, b, 11
- StringReplace, %A_LoopField%, %A_LoopField%, c, 12
- StringReplace, %A_LoopField%, %A_LoopField%, d, 13
- StringReplace, %A_LoopField%, %A_LoopField%, e, 14
- StringReplace, %A_LoopField%, %A_LoopField%, f, 15
- }
- R := Rx*16+Rn
- G := Gx*16+Gn
- B := Bx*16+Bn
- If (Mode = "Message") ; Returns "R: 255 G: 255 B: 255"
- Out := "R:" . R . " G:" . G . " B:" . B
- else if (Mode = "Parse") ; Returns "255,255,255"
- Out := R . "," . G . "," . B
- else
- Out := R . G . B ; Returns 255255255
- return Out
- }
- ; ToBase / FromBase by Lazslo @
- ToBase(n,b) { ; n >= 0, 1 < b <= 36
- Return (n < b ? "" : ToBase(n//b,b)) . ((d:=mod(n,b)) < 10 ? d : Chr(d+87))
- }
- FromBase(s,b) { ; convert base b number s=strings of 0..9,a..z, to AHK number
- Return (L:=StrLen(s))=0 ? "":(L>1 ? FromBase(SubStr(s,1,L-1),b)*b:0) + ((c:=Asc(SubStr(s,0)))>57 ? c-87:c-48)
- }
- HexModify(n, Add="") ; MsgBox % HexModify("ffffff", -55)
- {
- ;~ Hex := "0123456789abcdef"
- R := ToBase(FromBase(SubStr(n, 1, 2), 16) + Add, 16)
- G := ToBase(FromBase(SubStr(n, 3, 2), 16) + Add, 16)
- B := ToBase(FromBase(SubStr(n, 5, 2), 16) + Add, 16)
- return R . G . B
- }
- RestoreCursors()
- {
- DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", UInt,SPI_SETCURSORS, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0 )
- }
- SetSystemCursor( Cursor = "", cx = 0, cy = 0 )
- {
- BlankCursor := 0, SystemCursor := 0, FileCursor := 0 ; init
- SystemCursors = 32512IDC_ARROW,32513IDC_IBEAM,32514IDC_WAIT,32515IDC_CROSS
- If Cursor = ; empty, so create blank cursor
- {
- VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF ), VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 )
- BlankCursor = 1 ; flag for later
- }
- Else If SubStr( Cursor,1,4 ) = "IDC_" ; load system cursor
- {
- Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, `,
- {
- CursorName := SubStr( A_Loopfield, 6, 15 ) ; get the cursor name, no trailing space with substr
- CursorID := SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) ; get the cursor id
- SystemCursor = 1
- If ( CursorName = Cursor )
- {
- CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", Uint,0, Int,CursorID )
- Break
- }
- }
- If CursorHandle = ; invalid cursor name given
- {
- Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid cursor name
- CursorHandle = Error
- }
- }
- Else If FileExist( Cursor )
- {
- SplitPath, Cursor,,, Ext ; auto-detect type
- If Ext = ico
- uType := 0x1
- Else If Ext in cur,ani
- uType := 0x2
- Else ; invalid file ext
- {
- Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid file type
- CursorHandle = Error
- }
- FileCursor = 1
- }
- Else
- {
- Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid file path or cursor name
- CursorHandle = Error ; raise for later
- }
- If CursorHandle != Error
- {
- Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, `,
- {
- If BlankCursor = 1
- {
- Type = BlankCursor
- %Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "CreateCursor"
- , Uint,0, Int,0, Int,0, Int,32, Int,32, Uint,&AndMask, Uint,&XorMask )
- CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Uint,0x2, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0 )
- DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )
- }
- Else If SystemCursor = 1
- {
- Type = SystemCursor
- CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", Uint,0, Int,CursorID )
- %Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage"
- , Uint,CursorHandle, Uint,0x2, Int,cx, Int,cy, Uint,0 )
- CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Uint,0x2, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0 )
- DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )
- }
- Else If FileCursor = 1
- {
- Type = FileCursor
- %Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "LoadImageA"
- , UInt,0, Str,Cursor, UInt,uType, Int,cx, Int,cy, UInt,0x10 )
- DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )
- }
- }
- }
- }
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