
benefits of being tall

Dec 25th, 2024
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  1. Driscoll led the way, and in a few dozen steps they found a stream. To the left it flowed in the general direction of the Wall, but it had worn its way through the rock of the cliff off to the right. It tumbled down a steep ravine, the rush of the water drowning out every other sound.
  2. “Kong must have come through here,” Driscoll said. “It’s the only way, unless he climbed down from the plateau.”
  3. “Yeah,” Denham said. “But he could wade it without getting his ankles wet. That white water would sweep us off our feet.”
  5. Merian C. Cooper's King Kong, Chapter 11
  8. “Come on,” Driscoll ordered. They picked their way across the hardened asphalt—it bore them up better than it would have Kong or any of the gigantic saurians—past the fallen triceratops, past the bulge in the soft tar that covered the sunken one, and up the ridge that Kong had taken. At the top, Driscoll looked ahead. To his chagrin, half a mile ahead, a ravine cut across their line of march, diagonally from right to left. It looked as though the earth had torn itself apart in a quake, or perhaps a volcanic upheaval had split the stone foundation of the island. Maybe Kong could leap the barrier, but it was too wide for a man.
  10. Merian C. Cooper's King Kong, Chapter 13
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