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- import discord
- from discord import app_commands
- from discord.ext import commands, tasks
- import aiohttp
- import sqlite3
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- import logging
- # Configuration
- API_URL = ""
- STAFF_CHANNEL_ID = 123456789012345678 # Replace with your staff channel ID
- ALLOWED_ROLES = {"lifetime client", "ghosty", "admin"} # Set of allowed roles (case-insensitive)
- # Logging setup
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
- # Initialize bot
- intents = discord.Intents.default()
- bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)
- tree = app_commands.CommandTree(bot)
- # Database setup
- DATABASE_FILE = "hwid_resets.db"
- conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE)
- cursor = conn.cursor()
- cursor.execute("""
- discord_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
- key TEXT,
- last_reset TIMESTAMP,
- first_reset TIMESTAMP,
- total_resets INTEGER DEFAULT 0
- )
- """)
- conn.commit()
- # Streaming activity status
- @tasks.loop(seconds=30)
- async def update_activity():
- """Updates the bot's activity status periodically."""
- await bot.change_presence(
- activity=discord.Streaming(name="Reset HWID Bot | /hwid", url="")
- )
- # Helper function: Reset HWID via API
- async def reset_hwid(hwid: str) -> dict:
- """Sends a reset HWID request to the API."""
- async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
- headers = {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- }
- payload = {
- "type": "admin_command",
- "command": "reset_hwid",
- "hwid": hwid,
- }
- try:
- async with, headers=headers, json=payload) as response:
- if response.status == 200:
- return await response.json()
- return {"status": "error", "message": f"HTTP {response.status}"}
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error(f"API error: {str(e)}")
- return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}
- # Helper function: Check user roles
- def has_allowed_role(user: discord.Member) -> bool:
- """Checks if the user has at least one allowed role."""
- user_roles = { for role in user.roles}
- return not ALLOWED_ROLES.isdisjoint(user_roles)
- # Event: Bot ready
- @bot.event
- async def on_ready():
- """Handles the bot's ready event."""
-"Bot logged in as {bot.user}")
- update_activity.start()
- await tree.sync()
-"Slash commands synced.")
- # Slash command: Reset HWID
- @tree.command(name="hwid", description="Reset your HWID key.")
- async def hwid(interaction: discord.Interaction):
- """Handles the /hwid command to reset a user's HWID."""
- user = interaction.user
- # Check role permissions
- if not has_allowed_role(user):
- await interaction.response.send_message(
- "❌ You do not have the required role to use this command.", ephemeral=True
- )
- logging.warning(f"Unauthorized HWID reset attempt by {user}.")
- return
- # Prompt for HWID key
- await interaction.response.send_message("Please enter your HWID key:", ephemeral=True)
- try:
- message = await bot.wait_for(
- "message",
- check=lambda m: == user and ==,
- timeout=60.0
- )
- hwid_key = message.content.strip()
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- await interaction.followup.send("You took too long to respond. Please try again.", ephemeral=True)
- logging.warning(f"{user} did not respond with an HWID key in time.")
- return
- # Validate HWID ownership
- cursor.execute("SELECT discord_id FROM hwid_resets WHERE key = ?", (hwid_key,))
- key_owner = cursor.fetchone()
- if key_owner and key_owner[0] != str(
- await interaction.followup.send("❌ This HWID key is already registered to another user!", ephemeral=True)
- logging.error(f"{user} tried to reset a key owned by another user: {hwid_key}")
- return
- # Check rate limits
- cursor.execute("SELECT last_reset, total_resets, first_reset FROM hwid_resets WHERE discord_id = ?", (str(,))
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- if result:
- last_reset, total_resets, first_reset = result
- last_reset = datetime.fromisoformat(last_reset)
- cooldown = timedelta(minutes=30)
- if - last_reset < cooldown:
- remaining = last_reset + cooldown -
- await interaction.followup.send(
- f"You can reset your HWID again in {remaining.seconds // 60} minutes and {remaining.seconds % 60} seconds.",
- ephemeral=True
- )
- logging.warning(f"{user} attempted an HWID reset during cooldown.")
- return
- else:
- total_resets = 0
- first_reset =
- # Attempt HWID reset via API
- response = await reset_hwid(hwid_key)
- if response["status"] == "success":
- # Update database
- cursor.execute("""
- INSERT OR REPLACE INTO hwid_resets (discord_id, key, last_reset, first_reset, total_resets)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- """, (str(, hwid_key,, first_reset.isoformat(), total_resets + 1))
- conn.commit()
- # Notify user
- await interaction.followup.send("✅ Your HWID has been reset successfully!", ephemeral=True)
-"HWID reset successful for {user} (Key: {hwid_key}).")
- # Log to staff channel
- staff_channel = bot.get_channel(STAFF_CHANNEL_ID)
- embed = discord.Embed(
- title="🔧 HWID Reset Log",
- timestamp=datetime.utcnow()
- )
- embed.add_field(name="User", value=f"{user.mention} (`{}`)", inline=False)
- embed.add_field(name="HWID Key", value=f"`{hwid_key}`", inline=False)
- embed.add_field(name="Total Resets", value=str(total_resets + 1), inline=False)
- embed.add_field(name="First Reset", value=first_reset.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), inline=False)
- embed.add_field(name="Last Reset",'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), inline=False)
- embed.add_field(name="Status", value="✅ Success", inline=False)
- embed.set_footer(text="HWID Reset System")
- await staff_channel.send(embed=embed)
- else:
- # Notify user of failure
- await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ Failed to reset HWID: {response.get('message', 'Unknown error')}", ephemeral=True)
- logging.error(f"HWID reset failed for {user} - Error: {response.get('message', 'Unknown error')}")
- # Start the bot
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