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- use crate::graph::*;
- use crate::hash_map::HashMap;
- use crate::q::PriorityQ;
- use std::hash::Hash;
- //Not sure if I spelled this right lol
- pub fn dijkstra<T: Hash + Eq + PartialOrd + GraphNode<T>>(start: &T, goal: &T) {
- let mut pq = PriorityQ::<&T>::new();
- //HashMap<Elem, (prev nghbr with least dist, dist from prev nghbr)>
- //consider using struct to improve readability
- let mut node_meta = HashMap::<&T, (Option<&T>, usize)>::new();
- //visited means all of it's neighbors have been queued, not whether or not
- //it's distance values have been added
- //using a hashmap with unit type because I didn't feel like implementing hash set too lmao
- let mut visited = HashMap::<&T, ()>::new();
- pq.push(start, 0);
- node_meta.insert(start, (None, 0));
- while !pq.is_empty() {
- let (curr_elem, cum_dist) = pq.pop().unwrap();
- visited.insert(curr_elem, ());
- if curr_elem == goal {
- break;
- }
- for (neighbor, nghbr_dist) in curr_elem.get_neighbors() {
- //note: possible optimization would be caching hash or giving a hash hint
- //since we're hashing the same element twice
- //is_none_or is available with nightly rust, but I don't think it's worth the switch
- if node_meta.get(&neighbor).is_none()
- || cum_dist + nghbr_dist < node_meta.get(&neighbor).unwrap().1
- {
- node_meta.insert(neighbor, (Some(curr_elem), cum_dist + nghbr_dist));
- }
- if visited.get(&neighbor).is_none() {
- pq.push(&neighbor, cum_dist + nghbr_dist);
- }
- }
- }
- }
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