

Mar 24th, 2018
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  1. pocket: Add hardware acceleration and properly maintain SYSTEM_UI flags
  2. pocket: Close sysfs resource after every write
  3. Enhance wakelock for IPReachabilityMonitor
  4. Revert "camera: Skip HFR checks for privileged apps."
  5. Use System.currentTimeMillis() again to calc TTFF
  6. base: SystemUI: Mark PIE strings as non translatable
  7. Magnification gesture: fix screen freezing
  8. Fixed another memory leak
  9. Fix drm hal resource leaks
  10. Perf: Fix RemoteViews memory leak
  11. Clear native shader when Paint shader changes
  12. PocketService: Adjust light sensor rate to 400ms
  13. PhoneWindowManager: Block screenshots when pocket lock is showing
  14. Fix static analyzer complaints
  15. Fix warning: Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'set'
  16. PhoneWindowManager: Fix ANBI getIntForUser call
  17. Fix dead lock in Tethering state machine
  18. Revert "SystemServer: Don't start widget service when it is alarm boot"
  19. base: Introduce three finger swipe for screenshot
  20. base: Introduce Accidental Touch
  21. pocket: introduce pocket bridge
  22. policy: introduce pocket lock
  23. pocket: introduce pocket judge
  24. Introduce color engine.
  25. frameworks: PIE 3.0 (nougat)
  26. PhoneWindowManager: Address forced immersive mode issues
  27. DozeService: Fallback to tilt sensor as pickup sensor
  28. DocumentsUI: use "Files" application name properly
  29. Binder: Be forceful about a forceful exit
  30. Make a11y node info parceling more robust
  31. Check for spurious wake ups
  32. GC in heapDumpFinished to cleanup hprof fd
  33. SystemUI: Fix task lock & freeform buttons placement
  34. SystemUI: locked tasks should have a valid view
  35. Init MemoryIntArray#mFd with -1
  36. CarrierConfigManager: Bring defaults in line with AOSP
  37. pa_config: change doubleTapOnHomeKeyBehavior
  38. FlashlightTile: Retry opening camera later on if it failed before
  39. Fix wrong array index bound in NotificationUsageStats
  40. base: Import new default PA wallpaper
  41. jni: MediaPlayer: Improve the handling of lib loading
  42. base: standardize copyrights once more with feeling
  43. Camera2: Fix Error Callback if buffer lost.
  44. SystemUI: move time tick to bg handler
  45. base: Reduce default for the FP unlock boost duration
  46. fingerprint: Speed up wake-and-unlock scenario
  47. PowerManagerService: cut button lights duration in half
  48. PowerManagerService: only enable button light when the button is pressed
  49. Remove the unnecessary window animation request
  50. Optimised hwui rounded corners shader
  51. StorageManager: Improve exception handling
  52. Add Screen off to custom button actions [1/2]
  53. base: Add temporary fix for reboot to recovery
  54. ShutdownThread: Use the same reboot message for recovery reboot
  55. Fix TaskRecord wrong dump element firstActiveTime
  56. input: change config_doubleTapOnAppSwitchKeyBehavior to KEY_ACTION_NOTHING
  57. base: Make our copyright consistent again
  58. Add gestures control [3/4]
  59. Rework Battery and Notification Lights [1/2]
  60. Battery and Notification Lights [1/2]
  61. SettingsLib: Add material color picker dialog
  62. Schedule agentDisconnected() in handler thread
  63. frameworks/base: reduce the setTransactions
  64. Reduce hwui CPU time by using glDrawRangeElements
  65. AlertSliderTile: update toggle state when opening detail view
  66. Fix the notification issue shown on startForeground
  67. Fix crash issue on Storage Manager app
  68. StatusBar: Catch OOM caused by third-party icons
  69. Fix keyguard is black background while screen turning off/on quickly
  70. PhoneWindowManager: fix menu action
  71. Query geo description in worker thread to prevent ANR
  72. core: os: Build: Don't fail consistency check if vendor is mismatched
  73. BoostFramework: Remove debug boost prop dependency
  74. Activity: Improve DragBoost logic
  75. policy: fix ShutdownThread reboot dialog labelling logic
  76. Implement better Screen Zoom levels
  77. ShutdownThread: fix reboot bootloader dialog having no text
  78. policy: fix ShutdownThread reason check
  79. policy: refact shutdown thread a bit
  80. policy: rework global actions
  81. Add toggle for screenshot shutter sound [1/2]
  82. Fix intermittent slowness in resolver activity towards end of day.
  83. Introduce Rotation Boost
  84. Rework AOSPA boosting configuration
  85. PhoneWindowManager: fix leftover wrong indentation due to immersive changes
  86. policy: fix global immersive calculations
  87. Keypress Boost: Improve dispatching logic
  88. Keypress Boost: Block multiple Keypress boosts
  89. [BUG] fix NullPointerException in
  90. base: Increase brightness faster if ambient light is brightening quickly.
  91. Introduce FP unlock boost
  92. input: enable custom key event policy
  93. policy: refact navigation bar configs and defaults
  94. input: switch to long press back to unlock screen pinning
  95. input: swap hw back with recents button [1/2]
  96. SystemUI: support swapping navigation bar keys order
  97. SystemUI: patch navigation bar to emulate hw keys
  98. input: introduce custom key event policy
  99. Introduce Keypress Boost
  100. Disable touch slop for generated gesture events
  101. SystemUI: Add battery warning for Night Display QSTile
  102. BoostFramework: Implement asynchronous processing of perflocks
  103. EdgeGestureService: silence debug logging
  104. SystemUI: Recents: Allow closing empty view via tapping
  105. PhoneWindowManager: show transient bar when coming from keyguard
  106. TunerService: don't reset battery styles and tile layout when removing tuner
  107. StatusBarIconController: fix battery level text size not updating correctly
  108. SystemUI: Enable three icon switching within QS DND tile
  109. SystemUI: add quick settings pull down with one finger
  110. base: LocationTile detail
  111. KeyguardStatusBarView: Fix battery text visibility issues
  112. BatteryMeterView: Use our circle style
  113. StatusBarIconController: Fix battery text scaling
  114. SystemUI: remove horizontal battery icon
  115. SystemUI: Add VectorDrawable battery styles
  116. SystemUI: Implement hidden and text battery styles
  117. SystemUI: Implement battery level text customisations
  118. UserController: Introduce Bootup Boost
  119. Avoid starving RT anims
  120. base: Add back support for QC's time_daemon
  121. input: hardware buttons lights integration
  122. policy: introduce global immersive mode
  123. input: support dynamic navigation bar toggling
  124. keyguard: Allow disabling fingerprint wake-and-unlock
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