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- import time
- from functools import partial
- from itertools import chain, imap
- from osgeo import ogr
- from pywps.Process.Process import WPSProcess
- def iter_points(layer):
- for feature in layer:
- exterior_ring = feature.GetGeometryRef().GetGeometryRef(0)
- for i in xrange(exterior_ring.GetPointCount()):
- yield exterior_ring.GetPoint(i)
- def clean_points(points):
- #
- # Delete the last point of each triangle (we only need three point for our
- # calculations)
- #
- # TODO: The code below has the effect of the original code but it doesn't
- # match the description above and it repeats points which will get
- # filtered out in a later processing step anyway. I guess the
- # `drop_every_nth()` function below is actually wanted here instead.
- #
- points = iter(points)
- try:
- while True:
- yield next(points)
- next(points)
- point = next(points)
- yield point
- yield point
- next(points)
- except StopIteration:
- pass # Ignored intentionally.
- def drop_every_nth(iterable, nth):
- return (item for i, item in enumerate(iterable) if i % nth != 0)
- def calculate_mid_value(a, b):
- return min(a, b) + abs(b - a) / 2.0
- def partition_points(points, bounding_box):
- bbox_xmin, bbox_xmax, bbox_ymin, bbox_ymax = bounding_box
- vertical_middle = calculate_mid_value(bbox_xmin, bbox_xmax)
- horizontal_middle = calculate_mid_value(bbox_ymin, bbox_ymax)
- result = [[list(), list()], [list(), list()]]
- for point in points:
- x, y, _ = point
- #
- # TODO: Points *on* the lines won't get filtered out here. If that's
- # a bug we need an extra test here.
- #
- result[y < horizontal_middle][x < vertical_middle].append(point)
- for row in result:
- for cell in row:
- yield cell
- def distance(point_a, point_b):
- return sum((a - b)**2 for a, b in zip(point_a, point_b))
- def filter_close_points(minimal_distance, points):
- seen = set()
- for point in points:
- if (
- point not in seen
- and all(distance(point, p) >= minimal_distance for p in points)
- ):
- seen.add(point)
- yield point
- def create_geometry(points):
- geometry = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPoint)
- wkb_point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
- for point in points:
- wkb_point.AddPoint(*point)
- geometry.AddGeometry(wkb_point)
- return geometry
- class Process(WPSProcess):
- def __init__(self):
- WPSProcess.__init__(
- self,
- identifier=__name__,
- title='Pollmueller Tin-Reducer',
- version = '0.1',
- storeSupported='true',
- statusSupported='true',
- abstract=(
- 'reduces the points of a given triangulated irregular network'
- ' by a variable factor'
- ),
- grassLocation=False
- )
- self.data_output = self.addComplexOutput(
- identifier='output',
- title='Output vector data',
- formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/xml'}]
- )
- self.time_output = self.addLiteralOutput(
- identifier='output2',
- title='computation time (to compare different approaches)'
- )
- self.data_filename_input = self.addComplexInput(
- identifier='data',
- title='Input vector data',
- formats=[{'mimeType': 'text/xml'}]
- )
- self.minimal_distance_input = self.addLiteralInput(
- identifier='input2', title='minimal distance between points'
- )
- def execute(self):
- #
- # TODO: Different operating systems have different semantics and
- # resolutions for `time()` and `clock()`. Make sure `clock()` is
- # the correct one here.
- #
- start_timestamp = time.clock()
- shape_file = ogr.Open(self.data_filename_input.getValue())
- if shape_file is None:
- raise Exception('failed to open shape file.')
- #
- # Get the first layer.
- #
- layer = shape_file.GetLayer(0)
- layer.ResetReading()
- #
- # Read points.
- #
- cleaned_points = clean_points(iter_points(layer))
- #
- # Create raster cells with the corresponding points (5% overlap added).
- #
- # TODO: Where is the 5% overlap actually realized?
- #
- cells = partition_points(cleaned_points, layer.GetExtent())
- minimal_distance = self.minimal_distance_input.getValue()
- result_points = chain.from_iterable(
- imap(partial(filter_close_points, minimal_distance), cells)
- )
- gml = create_geometry(result_points).ExportToGML()
- elapsed_time = time.clock() - start_timestamp
- self.data_output.setValue(gml)
- self.time_output.setValue(elapsed_time)
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