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- Shader "Custom/Snow Interactive" {
- Properties{
- [Header(Main)]
- _Noise("Snow Noise", 2D) = "gray" {}
- _NoiseScale("Noise Scale", Range(0,2)) = 0.1
- _NoiseWeight("Noise Weight", Range(0,2)) = 0.1
- [HDR]_ShadowColor("Shadow Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1)
- [Space]
- [Header(Tesselation)]
- _MaxTessDistance("Max Tessellation Distance", Range(10,100)) = 50
- _Tess("Tessellation", Range(1,32)) = 20
- [Space]
- [Header(Snow)]
- [HDR]_Color("Snow Color", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1)
- [HDR]_PathColorIn("Snow Path Color In", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.7,1)
- [HDR]_PathColorOut("Snow Path Color Out", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.7,1)
- _PathBlending("Snow Path Blending", Range(0,3)) = 0.3
- _MainTex("Snow Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
- _SnowHeight("Snow Height", Range(0,2)) = 0.3
- _SnowDepth("Snow Path Depth", Range(-2,2)) = 0.3
- _SnowTextureOpacity("Snow Texture Opacity", Range(0,2)) = 0.3
- _SnowTextureScale("Snow Texture Scale", Range(0,2)) = 0.3
- [Space]
- [Header(Sparkles)]
- _SparkleScale("Sparkle Scale", Range(0,10)) = 10
- _SparkCutoff("Sparkle Cutoff", Range(0,10)) = 0.8
- _SparkleNoise("Sparkle Noise", 2D) = "gray" {}
- [Space]
- [Header(Rim)]
- _RimPower("Rim Power", Range(0,20)) = 20
- [HDR]_RimColor("Rim Color Snow", Color) = (0.5,0.5,0.5,1)
- }
- // Includes
- #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
- #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
- #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Shadows.hlsl"
- #include "SnowTessellation.hlsl"
- #pragma vertex TessellationVertexProgram
- #pragma hull hull
- #pragma domain domain
- // Keywords
- #pragma multi_compile _ _ADDITIONAL_LIGHT_SHADOWS
- #pragma multi_compile _ _SHADOWS_SOFT
- #pragma multi_compile_fog
- ControlPoint TessellationVertexProgram(Attributes v)
- {
- ControlPoint p;
- p.vertex = v.vertex;
- p.uv = v.uv;
- p.normal = v.normal;
- return p;
- }
- SubShader{
- Tags{ "RenderType" = "Opaque" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"}
- Pass{
- Tags { "LightMode" = "UniversalForward" }
- // vertex happens in snowtessellation.hlsl
- #pragma fragment frag
- #pragma target 4.0
- sampler2D _MainTex, _SparkleNoise;
- float4 _Color, _RimColor;
- float _RimPower;
- float4 _PathColorIn, _PathColorOut;
- float _PathBlending;
- float _SparkleScale, _SparkCutoff;
- float _SnowTextureOpacity, _SnowTextureScale;
- float4 _ShadowColor;
- half4 frag(Varyings IN) : SV_Target{
- // Effects RenderTexture Reading
- float3 worldPosition = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, IN.vertex).xyz;
- float2 uv = IN.worldPos.xz - _Position.xz;
- uv /= (_OrthographicCamSize * 2);
- uv += 0.5;
- // effects texture
- float4 effect = tex2D(_GlobalEffectRT, uv);
- // mask to prevent bleeding
- effect *= smoothstep(0.99, 0.9, uv.x) * smoothstep(0.99, 0.9,1- uv.x);
- effect *= smoothstep(0.99, 0.9, uv.y) * smoothstep(0.99, 0.9,1- uv.y);
- // worldspace Noise texture
- float3 topdownNoise = tex2D(_Noise, IN.worldPos.xz * _NoiseScale).rgb;
- // worldspace Snow texture
- float3 snowtexture = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.worldPos.xz * _SnowTextureScale).rgb;
- //lerp between snow color and snow texture
- float3 snowTex = lerp(_Color.rgb,snowtexture * _Color.rgb, _SnowTextureOpacity);
- //lerp the colors using the RT effect path
- float3 path = lerp(_PathColorOut.rgb * effect.g, _PathColorIn.rgb, saturate(effect.g * _PathBlending));
- float3 mainColors = lerp(snowTex,path, saturate(effect.g));
- // lighting and shadow information
- float shadow = 0;
- half4 shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(IN.worldPos);
- Light mainLight = GetMainLight(shadowCoord);
- shadow = mainLight.shadowAttenuation;
- #else
- Light mainLight = GetMainLight();
- #endif
- // extra point lights support
- float3 extraLights;
- int pixelLightCount = GetAdditionalLightsCount();
- for (int j = 0; j < pixelLightCount; ++j) {
- Light light = GetAdditionalLight(j, IN.worldPos, half4(1, 1, 1, 1));
- float3 attenuatedLightColor = light.color * (light.distanceAttenuation * light.shadowAttenuation);
- extraLights += attenuatedLightColor;
- }
- float4 litMainColors = float4(mainColors,1) ;
- extraLights *= litMainColors.rgb;
- // add in the sparkles
- float sparklesStatic = tex2D(_SparkleNoise, IN.worldPos.xz * _SparkleScale).r;
- float cutoffSparkles = step(_SparkCutoff,sparklesStatic);
- litMainColors += cutoffSparkles *saturate(1- (effect.g * 2)) * 4;
- // add rim light
- half rim = 1.0 - dot((IN.viewDir), IN.normal) * topdownNoise;
- litMainColors += _RimColor * pow(abs(rim), _RimPower);
- // ambient and mainlight colors added
- half4 extraColors;
- extraColors.rgb = litMainColors.rgb * mainLight.color.rgb * (shadow + unity_AmbientSky.rgb);
- extraColors.a = 1;
- // colored shadows
- float3 coloredShadows = (shadow + (_ShadowColor.rgb * (1-shadow)));
- litMainColors.rgb = litMainColors.rgb * mainLight.color * (coloredShadows);
- // everything together
- float4 final = litMainColors+ extraColors + float4(extraLights,0);
- // add in fog
- final.rgb = MixFog(final.rgb, IN.fogFactor);
- return final;
- }
- }
- // casting shadows is a little glitchy, I've turned it off, but maybe in future urp versions it works better?
- // Shadow Casting Pass
- // Pass
- // {
- // Name "ShadowCaster"
- // Tags { "LightMode" = "ShadowCaster" }
- // ZWrite On
- // ZTest LEqual
- // Cull Off
- // #pragma target 3.0
- // // Support all the various light ypes and shadow paths
- // #pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster
- // // Register our functions
- // #pragma fragment frag
- // // A custom keyword to modify logic during the shadow caster pass
- // half4 frag(Varyings IN) : SV_Target{
- // return 0;
- // }
- // }
- }
- }
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