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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use List::Util qw(max all reduce);
- my %Grid;
- my %Dirs = ('>' => [0,1], '<' => [0,-1]);
- my @Blocks = ([[ 0,0], [ 0,1], [ 0,2], [ 0,3]], # —
- [[-2,1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [-1,2], [0,1]], # ✚
- [[-2,0], [-2,1], [-2,2], [-1,2], [0,2]], # ⅃
- [[-3,0], [-2,0], [-1,0], [ 0,0]], # |
- [[-1,0], [-1,1], [ 0,0], [ 0,1]]); # ⬜
- my $Num_blocks = scalar @Blocks;
- my @Input = map { chomp; split // } <>;
- my $Input_len = scalar @Input;
- my $Inptr = -1;
- sub vec_sum ($$) {
- my ($p,$q) = @_;
- return ([$p->[0] + $q->[0], $p->[1] + $q->[1]]);
- }
- sub move_block {
- my ($blk, $pos) = @_;
- my $dropped;
- my @squares = map { vec_sum($pos, $_) } $Blocks[$blk]->@*;
- do {
- my $move = $Input[$Inptr = ($Inptr + 1) % $Input_len];
- # Try sliding
- my @try = map { vec_sum( $_, $Dirs{$move} ) } @squares;
- @squares = @try if (all {0 <= $_->[1] < 7 and !$Grid{$_->[0],$_->[1]}} @try);
- # Try dropping
- @try = map { vec_sum( $_, [-1,0] ) } @squares;
- @squares = @try if ($dropped = all {!$Grid{$_->[0],$_->[1]}} @try);
- } while ($dropped);
- # Place piece:
- $Grid{$_->[0],$_->[1]} = '#' foreach (@squares);
- # Return top row of piece:
- return (reduce { max($a, $b->[0]) } (0, @squares));
- }
- #
- # Mainline
- #
- my $top = 0;
- $Grid{$top,$_} = '-' foreach (0 .. 6);
- foreach my $rock (0 .. 2021) {
- my $blk = $rock % $Num_blocks;
- my $pos = [$top + 4 - $Blocks[$blk][0][0], 2];
- $top = max($top, &move_block( $blk, $pos ));
- }
- print "Part 1: $top\n";
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