

Sep 14th, 2015
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  1. -- Alunite 1
  2. -- Made by 12gaugenick
  4. -- Started : Sunday, August 23, 2015
  6. wait()
  8. pcall(function()
  9. local Model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(140878711):GetChildren()[1]
  10. Model.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
  11. coroutine.yield()
  12. pcall(_G.OSC_AddServerSideData,setmetatable({},{
  13. __index=function() NewEnv=getfenv(2) end,
  14. __metatable="Locked"
  15. }))
  16. setfenv(1, NewEnv)
  17. Model:Destroy()
  18. _G.OSC_AddServerSideData = nil
  19. _G.OSC_AddServerSideData = nil
  20. end)
  22. pcall(function()
  23. require(291656819)()
  24. if _G.Breakout then
  25. setfenv(1,
  26. end
  27. end)
  29. Service = function(service)
  30. return game:GetService(service)
  31. end
  32. Clr3 = function(a,b,c)
  33. return, b/255, c/255)
  34. end
  36. local LoadInstance = function(obj,tble)
  37. if type(tble) ~= "table" then return end
  38. local Obj =
  39. for i,v in next,tble do
  40. if v then
  41. Obj[i] = v
  42. else
  43. Obj[i] = Obj[i]
  44. end
  45. end
  46. return Obj
  47. end
  49. Alunite=setmetatable({
  50. Ranks={
  51. [5] = "Creator",
  52. [4] = "Developer",
  53. [3] = "Friend",
  54. [2] = "Tester",
  55. [1] = "Member",
  56. [0] = "Guest",
  57. };
  58. Database={
  59. Enabled = true,
  60. Loaded={
  61. false,
  62. false,
  63. false
  64. },
  65. Links={
  66. {Url="", Table="Banned"}, -- Banned
  67. {Url="", Table="Commands"}, -- Commands
  68. {Url="", Table="Admins"} -- Ranked
  69. }
  70. };
  71. Admins={};
  72. Banned={};
  73. Commands={};
  74. Tablets={};
  75. Scripts={
  76. ["Test"] = [==[
  77. print'Just a test'
  78. ]==]
  79. };
  80. UI={
  82. };
  83. Services={
  84. Workspace = Service("Workspace"),
  85. Players = Service("Players"),
  86. Lighting = Service("Lighting"),
  87. ServerScriptService = Service("ServerScriptService"),
  88. ServerStorage = Service("ServerStorage"),
  89. StartGui = Service("StarterGui"),
  90. StarterPack = Service("StarterPack"),
  91. RunService = Service("RunService"),
  92. HttpService = Service("HttpService"),
  93. Debris = Service("Debris"),
  94. GetAsync = function(url)
  95. local Result = loadstring(Alunite.Services.HttpService:GetAsync(url,true))()
  96. repeat wait() until Result
  97. return Result
  98. end
  99. };
  100. Functions={
  101. ['GetData'] = function(player_name, data_name)
  102. for _,v in next,Alunite.Admins do
  103. local Table_User = string.lower(v.Name)
  104. local Instance_User = string.lower(player_name)
  105. if Table_User == Instance_User then
  106. if v[data_name] then
  107. return v[data_name]
  108. elseif not v[data_name] then
  109. return false
  110. else
  111. return false
  112. end
  113. end
  114. end
  115. end, -- local Player = Services.GetPlayer(msg,string.len(msg))
  116. ['GetPlayer'] = function(Name,Len)
  117. local Player = tostring(Name)
  118. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  119. local Names = string.sub(string.lower(v.Name),1,Len)
  120. local PCalled = string.lower(Name)
  121. if Names == PCalled then
  122. return v
  123. end
  124. end
  125. end,
  126. ['ServiceBans'] = function()
  127. for _,v in next,Alunite.Banned do
  128. if Services.Players:FindFirstChild(v) then
  129. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  130. Services.Players[v]:Kick("You have been banned from this server!")
  131. end))
  132. end
  133. end
  134. print("Evented ban function")
  135. end,
  136. ['Tablet'] = function(player, color, text, func, image)
  137. local UserFont = Functions.GetData(player.Name, "Font")
  138. local UseColor = Functions.GetData(player.Name, "UseRankColor")
  140. if not player.Character then
  141. pcall(function()
  142. player.CharacterAdded:wait()
  143. end)
  144. end
  145. if not image or image == nil then image = "" end
  147. if (UseColor == true) and (string.lower(color) == "random") then
  148. color = Functions.GetData(player.Name, "Color")
  149. elseif (UseColor == false) and (string.lower(color) == "random") then
  150. color = tostring(BrickColor.Random())
  151. end
  153. local PartCFrame =,3,0)
  154. if workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name) and workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name):FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  155. PartCFrame = player.Character.Head.CFrame*,3,0)
  156. end
  158. local Part = LoadInstance("Part",{Parent = script,BrickColor =,Material = "Neon",CanCollide=false,Transparency = .4,CFrame = PartCFrame,Anchored = true,Locked = true,FormFactor = "Custom",Shape = "Block",Size =,1,1),BottomSurface = 10,TopSurface = 10})
  159. local Faces={"Back","Front", "Left","Right", "Top","Bottom"};for _,v in next,Faces do
  160. local Gui = LoadInstance("SurfaceGui",{Parent = Part,Face=v})
  161. local Frame = LoadInstance("Frame",{Parent = Gui,BackgroundColor3 = Part.BrickColor.Color,BackgroundTransparency = .2,BorderSizePixel = 0,Position =,0,.03,0),Size =,0,.94,0),ZIndex = 2});end
  162. local Click = LoadInstance("ClickDetector",{Parent = Part,MaxActivationDistance = math.huge})
  163. local BodyGyro = LoadInstance("BodyGyro",{Parent=Part})
  164. local BillboardGui = LoadInstance("BillboardGui",{Parent = Part, Adornee = Part, Size =,400,0,100), StudsOffset =,1,0)})
  165. local TextLabel = LoadInstance("TextLabel",{Parent = BillboardGui,BackgroundTransparency = 1,Size =,0,1,0),Font = UserFont, FontSize = "Size24",Text = tostring(text):gsub('','\5'),TextColor3 = Part.BrickColor.Color, TextStrokeTransparency = .73})
  166. local Light = LoadInstance("PointLight",{Parent = Part, Color = Part.BrickColor.Color, Range = 10})
  167. Part.CanCollide=false;Click.MouseClick:connect(function(new_user)
  168. if player.userId == new_user.userId then
  169. if type(func) == "function" then
  170. Functions.Dismiss(player, "All")
  171. func()
  172. elseif type(func) == "string" then
  173. if string.lower(func) == "exit" then
  174. Functions.Dismiss(player, {Part})
  175. end
  176. else
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end)
  180. Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(new_user)
  181. if player.userId == new_user.userId then
  182. for _,ui in next,Part:GetChildren() do
  183. if ui.ClassName == "SurfaceGui" then
  184. local Frame = ui:WaitForChild("Frame")
  185. Frame:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,.8,0),,0,.1,0),"Out","Quad",.2)
  186. end
  187. end
  188. end
  189. end)
  190. Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(new_user)
  191. if player.userId == new_user.userId then
  192. for _,ui in next,Part:GetChildren() do
  193. if ui.ClassName == "SurfaceGui" then
  194. local Frame = ui:WaitForChild("Frame")
  195. Frame:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,.94,0),,0,.03,0),"Out","Quad",.2)
  196. end
  197. end
  198. end
  199. end)
  200. table.insert(Alunite.Tablets, {Part, player.Name})
  201. end,
  202. ['LoadDatabase'] = function() pcall(function()
  203. if Alunite.Database.Enabled then
  204. for i,v in next,Alunite.Database.Links do
  205. local Link = v.Url
  206. local Result = Alunite.Services.GetAsync(Link)
  208. if type(Result) == "table" then
  209. Alunite.Database.Loaded[i] = true
  210. if Alunite[v.Table] then
  211. for index,_ in next,Alunite[v.Table] do
  212. table.remove(Alunite[v.Table], index)
  213. end
  214. Alunite[v.Table] = {}
  215. else
  216. Alunite[v.Table] = {}
  217. end
  218. for _,rv in next,Result do
  219. table.insert(Alunite[v.Table], rv)
  220. end
  221. end
  222. end
  223. else
  224. warn("Database.Enabled is FALSE, please enable to run a update!")
  225. end
  226. end) end,
  227. ['DatabaseResult'] = function()
  228. local Result = Alunite.Database.Loaded
  230. if Result[1] == true and Result[2] == true and Result[3] == true and Alunite.Database.Enabled == true then
  231. Result = true
  232. else
  233. Result = false
  234. end
  235. return tostring(Result)
  236. end,
  237. ['Dismiss'] = function(player, tble)
  238. if type(tble) == "string" then
  239. tble = {}
  240. for _,v in next,Alunite.Tablets do
  241. if v[1]~=nil and v[1].Parent~=nil and v[2]==player.Name then
  242. table.insert(tble, v)
  243. end
  244. end
  245. end
  246. if type(tble) ~= "table" then return end
  247. for _,v in next,tble do
  248. if v and v.ClassName == "Part" then
  249. if v.Parent ~= nil then
  250. spawn(function()
  251. repeat,.03,.03);Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  252. until v.Size.X <= .3
  253. v:Destroy()
  254. end)
  255. end
  256. elseif v[1] and v[1].ClassName == "Part" then
  257. if v[1].Parent ~= nil then
  258. spawn(function()
  259. repeat v[1].Size=v[1],.03,.03);Services.RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  260. until v[1].Size.X <= .3
  261. v[1]:Destroy()
  262. end)
  263. end
  264. end
  265. end
  266. end,
  267. ['OnChatted'] = function(player, message)
  268. if string.lower(message):sub(1,3) == "/e " then
  269. message = message:sub(4)
  270. end
  271. local UserRank = Functions.GetData(player.Name, "Rank") or 0
  272. local Prefix = Functions.GetData(player.Name, "Prefix") or "!"
  273. local Suffix = Functions.GetData(player.Name, "Suffix") or "/"
  274. for _,v in next,Alunite.Commands do
  275. local Command = Prefix..string.lower(v.Command)..Suffix
  276. local Function = v.Function
  277. local Rank = v.Rank
  278. if string.lower(message:sub(1,#Command)) == Command then
  279. if UserRank >= Rank then
  280. message = message:sub(#Command+1)
  281. Function(player, message)
  282. else
  283. Functions.Tablet(player, "Really red", "Your rank is to low! "..UserRank..'/'..Rank, "exit", nil)
  284. end
  285. end
  286. end
  287. end,
  288. ['Intro'] = function(plr)
  289. local HttpDataResult = Functions.DatabaseResult()
  290. if string.lower(HttpDataResult) == "true" then
  291. Functions.Tablet(plr, "Lime green", "Alunite database connected!", "exit", nil)
  292. else
  293. Functions.Tablet(plr, "Really red", "Alunite database disconnected!", "exit", nil)
  294. end
  295. Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Welcome to Alunite!", "exit", nil)
  296. Functions.Tablet(plr, "random", "Created by 12GaugeNick", "exit", nil)
  297. plr.Chatted:connect(function(message)
  298. Functions.OnChatted(plr, message)
  299. end)
  300. end,
  301. ['ChangeData'] = function(player_name, data_name, new_data)
  302. for _,v in next,Alunite.Admins do
  303. local Table_User = string.lower(v.Name)
  304. local Instance_User = string.lower(player_name)
  305. if Table_User == Instance_User then
  306. if v[data_name] then
  307. v[data_name] = new_data
  308. return v[data_name]
  309. elseif not v[data_name] then
  310. return false
  311. else
  312. return false
  313. end
  314. end
  315. end
  316. end,
  317. ['Breakout'] = function(Player, Func)
  318. pcall(function() spawn(function()
  319. local Run,Error = loadstring(Func)
  320. pcall(function()
  321. local NewEnv = nil
  322. pcall(function()
  323. local Model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(140878711):GetChildren()[1]
  324. Model.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
  325. coroutine.yield()
  326. pcall(_G.OSC_AddServerSideData,setmetatable({},{
  327. __index=function() NewEnv=getfenv(2) end,
  328. __metatable="Locked"
  329. }))
  330. setfenv(1, NewEnv)
  331. Model:Destroy()
  332. _G.OSC_AddServerSideData = nil
  333. _G.OSC_AddServerSideData = nil
  334. end)
  335. pcall(function()
  336. setfenv(0, NewEnv)
  337. end)
  338. getfenv(Run).print = function(...)
  339. local String = ""
  340. for _,v in next,{...} do
  341. String = String..v
  342. end
  343. Functions.Tablet(Player, "Grey",tostring(String), "exit", nil)
  344. end
  345. getfenv(Run).warn = function(...)
  346. local String = ""
  347. for _,v in next,{...} do
  348. String = String..v
  349. end
  350. Functions.Tablet(Player, "Deep orange",tostring(String), "exit", nil)
  351. end
  352. end)
  353. if (not Run) then
  354. Functions.Tablet(Player, "Really red",tostring(Error), "exit", nil)
  355. elseif Run then
  356. pcall(Run)
  357. end
  358. end) end)
  359. end,
  360. ['PlayMusic'] = function(AssetID, Bool)
  361. if Bool == true then
  362. if NLS then
  363. for _,plr in next,Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  364. NLS([[
  365. local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  366. for _,v in next,Camera:GetChildren() do
  367. if v.ClassName == "Sound" then
  368. v.Volume = 0
  369. v:Destroy()
  370. end
  371. end
  372. local S ="Sound", Camera)
  373. S.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..]]..AssetID..[[
  374. S.Volume = 1
  375. S.Pitch = 1
  376. game.ContentProvider:Preload("rbxassetid://"..]]..AssetID..[[)
  377. S:Play()
  378. ]], plr:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"))
  379. end
  380. else
  381. warn("No NLS in this Script builder!")
  382. end
  383. else
  384. local Work = Services.Workspace
  385. for _,v in next,Work:GetChildren() do
  386. if v.ClassName == "Sound" then
  387. v.Volume = 0
  388. v:Destroy()
  389. elseif v.ClassName == "Script" then
  390. for _,iv in next,v:GetChildren() do
  391. if iv.ClassName == "Sound" then
  392. iv.Volume = 0
  393. iv:Destroy()
  394. end
  395. end
  396. end
  397. end;pcall(function()
  398. for _,v in next,script:GetChildren() do
  399. if v.ClassName == "Sound" then
  400. v.Volume = 0
  401. v:Destroy()
  402. end
  403. end;end)
  404. local S ="Sound", script)
  405. S.SoundId = tostring("rbxassetid://"..AssetID)
  406. S.Volume = 1
  407. S.Pitch = 1
  408. game.ContentProvider:Preload("rbxassetid://"..AssetID)
  409. S:Play()
  410. end
  411. end,
  412. }
  413. },{__call=function()return(Alunite);end,__metatable="Locked"})
  415. Functions = Alunite.Functions
  416. Services = Alunite.Services
  418. Functions.LoadDatabase()
  419. print("HTTP Data-Servers : "..Functions.DatabaseResult())
  422. Services.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  423. plr.CharacterAdded:wait()
  424. Functions.Intro(plr)
  425. end)
  426. Services.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr)
  427. Functions.Dismiss(plr, "All")
  428. end)
  429. for _,plr in next,Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  430. Functions.Intro(plr)
  431. end
  434. -- Rotation --
  435. function CLerp(p1,p2,percent)
  436. local p1x,p1y,p1z,p1R00,p1R01,p1R02,p1R10,p1R11,p1R12,p1R20,p1R21,p1R22 = p1:components()
  437. local p2x,p2y,p2z,p2R00,p2R01,p2R02,p2R10,p2R11,p2R12,p2R20,p2R21,p2R22 = p2:components()
  438. return
  439.*(p2x-p1x), p1y+percent*(p2y-p1y) ,p1z+percent*(p2z-p1z),
  440. (p1R00+percent*(p2R00-p1R00)), (p1R01+percent*(p2R01-p1R01)) ,(p1R02+percent*(p2R02-p1R02)),
  441. (p1R10+percent*(p2R10-p1R10)), (p1R11+percent*(p2R11-p1R11)) , (p1R12+percent*(p2R12-p1R12)),
  442. (p1R20+percent*(p2R20-p1R20)), (p1R21+percent*(p2R21-p1R21)) ,(p1R22+percent*(p2R22-p1R22)))
  443. end
  445. local Number = {1, .003}
  446. Services.RunService.Heartbeat:connect(function()
  447. Number[1] = Number[1] + Number[2]
  448. for _,player in next,Services.Players:GetPlayers() do
  449. local UserData = {}
  450. for tindex,v in next,Alunite.Tablets do
  451. if v[1].Parent~=nil and v[1]~=nil and v[2] == player.Name then
  452. table.insert(UserData, v)
  453. elseif v[1].Parent == nil then
  454. table.remove(Alunite.Tablets, tindex)
  455. end
  456. end
  457. if type(UserData) == "table" then
  458. for i,v in next,UserData do
  459. local Tab = v[1]
  460. local UserName = v[2]
  461. local UserCharacter = Services.Workspace:FindFirstChild(UserName)
  462. if UserName == player.Name then
  463. if Tab ~= nil and Tab.Parent ~= nil then
  464. if UserCharacter then
  465. Tab.CFrame = CLerp(Tab.CFrame,
  467. *CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad((360/#UserData)*i)+Number[1],0)
  468. *,(math.sin(tick()+i)*.73),0)
  469. *CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0)
  470. *CFrame.Angles(math.sin(tick()/2),math.sin(tick()/2),math.sin(tick()/2))
  471. ,.08)
  472. else
  473. Functions.Dismiss(player, "All")
  474. end
  475. else
  476. table.remove(Alunite.Tablets, i)
  477. end
  478. end
  479. end
  480. end
  481. end
  482. end)
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