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- How many ways to fetch API?
- fetch API: Provides a modern, promise-based interface for making network requests in the browser. [1]
- Axios: A popular third-party library for making HTTP requests in both the browser and Node.js environments. It provides a simpler and more efficient API compared to Fetch. [2]
- XMLHttpRequest (XHR): The traditional method for making HTTP requests in JavaScript, commonly used before Fetch API became available. It's low-level and less intuitive compared to Fetch. [4]
- jQuery Ajax
- what are the css frameworks you have used?
- Materialize CSS
- Bootstrap
- Tailwind CSS
- styled compoentn
- Skeleton
- How to make responsive wesite using tailwind?
- Utilize Tailwind's responsive utility variants, such as sm:, md:, lg:, and xl:, to adjust styles based on screen sizes. These variants allow you to specify different styles for small, medium, large, and extra-large screens[2].
- Apply responsive breakpoints using min-width or max-width parameters to customize styles for various screen sizes[1].
- Leverage hover: prefix to add responsive hover effects. You can customize the hover behavior using this prefix, providing interactive experiences for users[4].
- Design responsive layouts by combining Tailwind CSS classes with flexbox or grid utilities to create dynamic and adaptable designs for different screen sizes[5].
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