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- - Project: **Servo Control**
- - Source Code NOT compiled for: ESP32 DevKit V1
- - Source Code created on: 2025-02-13 13:10:39
- ********* **********/
- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS *****/
- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 1 *****/
- /* solar tracker, one vertical servo,one */
- /* rotational servo, 4 ldr */
- /* START CODE */
- #include <ESP32Servo.h> //
- #include <analogWrite.h> //
- #include <tone.h> //
- #include <ESP32Tone.h> //
- #include <ESP32PWM.h> //
- /****** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *****/
- void setup(void);
- void loop(void);
- // Servo configuration
- #define SERVO_YAW 26 // Horizontal servo pin
- #define SERVO_TILT 27 // Vertical servo pin
- // LDR pins
- #define LDR_TL 34 // Top-Left LDR
- #define LDR_TR 35 // Top-Right LDR
- #define LDR_BL 32 // Bottom-Left LDR
- #define LDR_BR 33 // Bottom-Right LDR
- Servo servoYaw;
- Servo servoTilt;
- // Servo angle limits
- #define MIN_ANGLE 45
- #define MAX_ANGLE 135
- // Movement and control parameters
- #define MOVEMENT_STEP 1
- #define THRESHOLD 20
- #define DEADZONE 10 // Increased to prevent jitter
- #define SERVO_DELAY 20
- #define DEBUG_INTERVAL 1000
- int yawAngle = 90;
- int tiltAngle = 90;
- int lastYawAngle = 90;
- int lastTiltAngle = 90;
- unsigned long lastDebugTime = 0;
- // Function to read and average LDR values
- int readLDR(int pin) {
- long total = 0;
- const int readings = 5;
- for (int i = 0; i < readings; i++) {
- total += analogRead(pin);
- delay(2);
- }
- return total / readings;
- }
- // Normalize LDR values between 0 and 100
- int normalizeLDR(int value) {
- const int minVal = 300; // Adjusted for more tolerance
- const int maxVal = 4095;
- return constrain(map(value, minVal, maxVal, 0, 100), 0, 100);
- }
- void moveServos() {
- // Clamp angles within range
- yawAngle = constrain(yawAngle, MIN_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE);
- tiltAngle = constrain(tiltAngle, MIN_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE);
- // Move Yaw servo gradually
- if (yawAngle != lastYawAngle) {
- if (yawAngle > lastYawAngle) lastYawAngle += MOVEMENT_STEP;
- else if (yawAngle < lastYawAngle) lastYawAngle -= MOVEMENT_STEP;
- servoYaw.write(lastYawAngle);
- }
- // Move Tilt servo gradually
- if (tiltAngle != lastTiltAngle) {
- if (tiltAngle > lastTiltAngle) lastTiltAngle += MOVEMENT_STEP;
- else if (tiltAngle < lastTiltAngle) lastTiltAngle -= MOVEMENT_STEP;
- servoTilt.write(lastTiltAngle);
- }
- delay(SERVO_DELAY);
- }
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(115200);
- // The following lines are compatible with ESP32
- // analogSetAttenuation(ADC_11db); // Uncomment if using ADC attenuation settings
- // analogSetWidth(12); // Uncomment if using ADC width settings
- servoYaw.attach(SERVO_YAW);
- servoTilt.attach(SERVO_TILT);
- delay(100);
- servoYaw.write(90);
- servoTilt.write(90);
- delay(500);
- Serial.println("System Initialized.");
- }
- void loop() {
- int topLeft = readLDR(LDR_TL);
- int topRight = readLDR(LDR_TR);
- int bottomLeft = readLDR(LDR_BL);
- int bottomRight = readLDR(LDR_BR);
- int tl = normalizeLDR(topLeft);
- int tr = normalizeLDR(topRight);
- int bl = normalizeLDR(bottomLeft);
- int br = normalizeLDR(bottomRight);
- int horizontalDiff = ((tr + br) - (tl + bl)) / 2;
- int verticalDiff = ((bl + br) - (tl + tr)) / 2;
- if (abs(horizontalDiff) > DEADZONE) {
- yawAngle += (horizontalDiff > 0) ? MOVEMENT_STEP : -MOVEMENT_STEP;
- }
- if (abs(verticalDiff) > DEADZONE) {
- tiltAngle += (verticalDiff > 0) ? -MOVEMENT_STEP : MOVEMENT_STEP;
- }
- moveServos();
- if (millis() - lastDebugTime >= DEBUG_INTERVAL) {
- Serial.println("\n--- Debug Info ---");
- Serial.printf("Raw ADC: TL=%d, TR=%d, BL=%d, BR=%d\n", topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight);
- Serial.printf("Normalized: TL=%d, TR=%d, BL=%d, BR=%d\n", tl, tr, bl, br);
- Serial.printf("Diff: H=%d, V=%d\n", horizontalDiff, verticalDiff);
- Serial.printf("Servos: Yaw=%d, Tilt=%d\n", lastYawAngle, lastTiltAngle);
- Serial.println("-------------------");
- lastDebugTime = millis();
- }
- delay(20);
- }
- /* END CODE */
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