
A Baby's Nest - 07

Dec 22nd, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

젖동냥 --- Publisher Link --- By Kongbiji "콩비지"

~ A Baby's Nest / Milk Match ~

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Wang Gu (MC) Super Dad Single Father
Woo Hee (FMC) Chairwoman (?) Minhyeok's Wife
Minhyeok (Hubby) Team Leader Woo Hee's Husband
Kim Hyejeong (Bitch) Full-time Slut MC's Ex-Girlfriend
Yejiya (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Eeunah (Twin) Cute Daughter MC's Daughter
Seongjya (Blonde) [N/A] Hubby's Bitch

(TLN: High possibilities for Kim Hyejeong and Seongjya to be the same woman, but well it still not totally confirmed)

Chapter - 07


FMC's Apartment MC x Rapist

MC is trying to wake up the Rapist, he shouts at him and shakes his body violently. Rapist wakes up and MC tells him how he must have a talk with him.
Rapist is shitting in his pants in front of him.. Few moment later Rapist is shown running away like a scared bitch.. (Really that's all?)

Convenience Store FMC x MC

MC is running towards FMC's location, he finds her leaning against a table, still wearing her nightie.. He calls her name and says how she's crazy to stay in this outfit when it's so cold so he bought her a blanket (10,000₩ = 8.65$).. He puts a blanket on the top of her body to warm her, she asks him what happened with Rapist, MC starts to narrate her the content of his discussion with Rapist.

MC is shown putting a act of being the right hand's boss of the mafia and how FMC is the wife of this boss and he truly hope to never see him again near FMC and to start anew.. Rapist seems to really afraid of MC and nods his head at everything MC is telling him to do..
The talk finish by him telling Rapist to never talk about this story or.. He knows well what will happen to him (yeah nothing).

After finishing his report he asks her if it's truly a great idea to not let Hubby know about this story.. She tells him how her husband mustn't learn about this event, letting MC speechless.
She lowers her head.. and thanks him. MC rubs his neck saying how she's welcome and he's glad because he intervened in time..

FMC is biting her finger saying without MC's intervention she probably would've been raped.. MC tries to comfort her saying how every normal person would have acted like her in the same situation.

Awkward silent.. MC wonders what would have happened if he was in FMC's situation.. FMC asks him if he thinks she's crazy or dirty knowing she still wants to breastfeed babies even after encountering such a risk. The wind's blowing through her hair.. MC is lost thinking about FMC's shampoo scent..
He wakes up from his thoughts after a moment and asks her what she means, she says his name and tells him how she hopes he'll not reject her offer this time to have a drink with her.
MC's having a red face, FMC's lovely look is too much for him..

MC is paying the bill (33700₩ = 29$), he's amazed by the look of FMC's credit card and thinks how it's his first time seeing something like this.

Few bottles of soju and cans of beer later..
FMC is a bit tipsy and smashes her glasses against the table.. She tells him how she wants to have a baby since she's young and it became an obsession with the time passing and how her and Hubby are both infertile..
She says how she tried really hard to have a baby with natural method but after so many fail she even tried In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and one day.. Milk started to leak from her nipples.. She was very happy, she even contracted morning sickness and others baby stuff. She says how her in-laws were happy about her pregnancy and they went crazy, even celebrating in advance for learning such a good new..

But when she went to the hospital they announced her she was doing a 'Phantom Pregnancy' and how it could be just psychological problem or maybe due to the huge medication in female hormone and how since that days she's secreting mother's milk..
She looks straight in his eyes and asks him if he could imagine what her and Hubby felt at this time.. And how MC is lucky to have such cute twins, how they look like him so much and she envies a lot his situation.

MC just looks at her thinking how she must be really drunk to talk so much.. (lmao)
He tells her how they already drank a lot tonight and must go home now.. She rejects his proposition saying she wants to drink more and starts to open another beer. MC puts his hand on top of her, preventing her to open anymore can, he tells her how she must stop drinking and how Hubby must be really worried right now.

He tells her once again to stop drinking, FMC is a bit pissed against MC and throws a tantrum asking if it's because she's woman that she can't drink as much as she wants. He denies her statement, lowers his head and tells her how it's already pretty late and he has to retrieves his daughters.

She understands, saying how he was just keeping her company because it was his work. She stands up and bows her head towards him to express her thanks once again, he tells her to not leave without him and how he must assure she's going home safely. She tells him how she can go back alone and asks if she can keep the blanket.

MC is reddening speechless by her pretty face and question.. He's lost in this dream like state for a moment before stopping her by holding her shoulder. She looks at this warm and strong hand holding her back and blushes..

Hubby's Car Blonde x Hubby

Blonde is thinking about what just happened..

After hearing Hubby's question about finding some dirt on FMC and being surprised about this sudden question, she asks him what he means by this.. He looks away saying how even he doesn't know but he'll appreciate if she could tail FMC or do something like this..

She looks at Hubby's figure while thinking how even though her 'Oppa' and her have a sexual relationship it's his first time talking about his 'house life'..
She is smitten by his dark expression and says how he's so handsome.. She's really happy to be in her current situation and how it's feeling so great to be given a ride back to her house by him.

The car passes near FMC and MC looking at each other.. Blonde looks trough the window and notices MC and FMC standing in front of each other.. She's startled once she notices it's MC, FMC or both of them being together..*

To be continued..
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