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- #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
- using namespace sf;
- int width = 1024;
- int height = 768;
- int roadW = 2000;
- int segL = 200; //segment length
- float camD = 0.84; //camera depth
- void drawQuad(RenderWindow &w, Color c, int x1, int y1, int w1, int x2, int y2, int w2)
- {
- ConvexShape shape(4);
- shape.setFillColor(c);
- shape.setPoint(0, Vector2f(x1 - w1, y1));
- shape.setPoint(1, Vector2f(x2 - w2, y2));
- shape.setPoint(2, Vector2f(x2 + w2, y2));
- shape.setPoint(3, Vector2f(x1 + w1, y1));
- w.draw(shape);
- }
- struct Line
- {
- float x, y, z; //3d center of line
- float X, Y, W; //screen coord
- float curve, spriteX, clip, scale;
- Sprite sprite;
- Line()
- {
- spriteX = curve = x = y = z = 0;
- }
- void project(int camX, int camY, int camZ)
- {
- scale = camD / (z - camZ);
- X = (1 + scale*(x - camX)) * width / 2;
- Y = (1 - scale*(y - camY)) * height / 2;
- W = scale * roadW * width / 2;
- }
- void drawSprite(RenderWindow &app)
- {
- Sprite s = sprite;
- int w = s.getTextureRect().width;
- int h = s.getTextureRect().height;
- float destX = X + scale * spriteX * width / 2;
- float destY = Y + 4;
- float destW = w * W / 266;
- float destH = h * W / 266;
- destX += destW * spriteX; //offsetX
- destY += destH * (-1); //offsetY
- float clipH = destY + destH - clip;
- if (clipH<0) clipH = 0;
- if (clipH >= destH) return;
- s.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, w, h - h*clipH / destH));
- s.setScale(destW / w, destH / h);
- s.setPosition(destX, destY);
- app.draw(s);
- }
- };
- void Game_Start() {
- RenderWindow app(VideoMode(width, height), "Rado Tuning!");
- app.setFramerateLimit(60);
- Texture t[50];
- Sprite object[50];
- for (int i = 1;i <= 7;i++)
- {
- t[i].loadFromFile("images/" + std::to_string(i) + ".png");
- t[i].setSmooth(true);
- object[i].setTexture(t[i]);
- }
- Texture bg;
- bg.loadFromFile("images/bg.png");
- bg.setRepeated(true);
- Sprite sBackground(bg);
- sBackground.setTextureRect(IntRect(0, 0, 5000, 411));
- sBackground.setPosition(-2000, 0);
- std::vector<Line> lines;
- for (int i = 0;i<1600;i++)
- {
- Line line;
- line.z = i*segL;
- if (i>300 && i<700) line.curve = 0.5;
- if (i>1100) line.curve = -0.7;
- if (i<300 && i % 20 == 0) { line.spriteX = -2.5; line.sprite = object[5]; }
- if (i % 17 == 0) { line.spriteX = 2.0; line.sprite = object[6]; }
- if (i>300 && i % 20 == 0) { line.spriteX = -0.7; line.sprite = object[4]; }
- if (i>800 && i % 20 == 0) { line.spriteX = -1.2; line.sprite = object[1]; }
- if (i == 400) { line.spriteX = -1.2; line.sprite = object[7]; }
- if (i>750) line.y = sin(i / 30.0) * 1500;
- lines.push_back(line);
- }
- int N = lines.size();
- float playerX = 0;
- int pos = 0;
- int H = 1500;
- while (app.isOpen())
- {
- Event e;
- while (app.pollEvent(e))
- {
- if (e.type == Event::Closed)
- app.close();
- }
- int speed = 0;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Right)) playerX += 0.1;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Left)) playerX -= 0.1;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Up)) speed = 200;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Down)) speed = -200;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Tab)) speed *= 3;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W)) H += 100;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S)) H -= 100;
- pos += speed;
- while (pos >= N*segL) pos -= N*segL;
- while (pos < 0) pos += N*segL;
- app.clear(Color(105, 205, 4));
- app.draw(sBackground);
- int startPos = pos / segL;
- int camH = lines[startPos].y + H;
- if (speed>0) sBackground.move(-lines[startPos].curve * 2, 0);
- if (speed<0) sBackground.move(lines[startPos].curve * 2, 0);
- int maxy = height;
- float x = 0, dx = 0;
- ///////draw road////////
- for (int n = startPos; n<startPos + 300; n++)
- {
- Line &l = lines[n%N];
- l.project(playerX*roadW - x, camH, startPos*segL - (n >= N ? N*segL : 0));
- x += dx;
- dx += l.curve;
- l.clip = maxy;
- if (l.Y >= maxy) continue;
- maxy = l.Y;
- Color grass = (n / 3) % 2 ? Color(16, 200, 16) : Color(0, 154, 0);
- Color rumble = (n / 3) % 2 ? Color(255, 255, 255) : Color(0, 0, 0);
- Color road = (n / 3) % 2 ? Color(107, 107, 107) : Color(105, 105, 105);
- Line p = lines[(n - 1) % N]; //previous line
- drawQuad(app, grass, 0, p.Y, width, 0, l.Y, width);
- drawQuad(app, rumble, p.X, p.Y, p.W*1.2, l.X, l.Y, l.W*1.2);
- drawQuad(app, road, p.X, p.Y, p.W, l.X, l.Y, l.W);
- }
- ////////draw objects////////
- for (int n = startPos + 300; n>startPos; n--)
- lines[n%N].drawSprite(app);
- app.display();
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- Game_Start();
- return 0;
- }
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