
Avarage 30 Level

Sep 29th, 2016
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  1. Stardust: 592.801
  2. Unique Pokedex Entries: 134
  4. === Pokemon ===
  5. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 3050 IV: 100% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 330
  6. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2477 IV: 96,15% Primary: Lick Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 214
  7. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2401 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 214
  8. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 2288 IV: 95,89% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 330
  9. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2223 IV: 100% Primary: Lick Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 214
  10. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2206 IV: 94,2% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 214
  11. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2183 IV: 86,55% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 214
  12. Pokemon: Gyarados CP: 2146 IV: 98,3% Primary: Bite Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 2.163
  13. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2134 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 214
  14. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2134 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 214
  15. Pokemon: Exeggutor CP: 2102 IV: 96,99% Primary: Confusion Secondary: SolarBeam Candy: 75
  16. Pokemon: Dragonite CP: 2058 IV: 84,08% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: DragonClaw Candy: 330
  17. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 2035 IV: 96,14% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 214
  18. Pokemon: Exeggutor CP: 1999 IV: 90,12% Primary: Confusion Secondary: SeedBomb Candy: 75
  19. Pokemon: Nidoqueen CP: 1780 IV: 27,7% Primary: Bite Secondary: SludgeWave Candy: 305
  20. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 1768 IV: 95,51% Primary: Lick Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 214
  21. Pokemon: Snorlax CP: 1689 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 214
  22. Pokemon: Golem CP: 1688 IV: 91,16% Primary: MudSlap Secondary: AncientPower Candy: 541
  23. Pokemon: Slowbro CP: 1607 IV: 31,15% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: IceBeam Candy: 583
  24. Pokemon: Starmie CP: 1557 IV: 52,49% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: HydroPump Candy: 13
  25. Pokemon: Lapras CP: 1532 IV: 100% Primary: IceShard Secondary: IceBeam Candy: 39
  26. Pokemon: Magmar CP: 1484 IV: 98,13% Primary: KarateChop Secondary: Flamethrower Candy: 40
  27. Pokemon: Pinsir CP: 1417 IV: 83,66% Primary: RockSmash Secondary: Submission Candy: 43
  28. Pokemon: Exeggutor CP: 1401 IV: 82,2% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: SeedBomb Candy: 75
  29. Pokemon: Flareon CP: 1359 IV: 100% Primary: Ember Secondary: HeatWave Candy: 189
  30. Pokemon: Jolteon CP: 1345 IV: 100% Primary: ThunderShock Secondary: Thunderbolt Candy: 189
  31. Pokemon: Venusaur CP: 1327 IV: 30,1% Primary: VineWhip Secondary: SolarBeam Candy: 58
  32. Pokemon: Nidoking CP: 1327 IV: 27,33% Primary: PoisonJab Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 317
  33. Pokemon: Weezing CP: 1265 IV: 59,25% Primary: Tackle Secondary: ShadowBall Candy: 23
  34. Pokemon: Dragonair CP: 1248 IV: 100% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 330
  35. Pokemon: Tauros CP: 1194 IV: 91,24% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: IronHead Candy: 23
  36. Pokemon: Porygon CP: 1159 IV: 100% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: SignalBeam Candy: 45
  37. Pokemon: Gyarados CP: 1152 IV: 100% Primary: Bite Secondary: DragonPulse Candy: 2.163
  38. Pokemon: Jynx CP: 1128 IV: 100% Primary: Pound Secondary: Psyshock Candy: 31
  39. Pokemon: Rapidash CP: 1110 IV: 55,35% Primary: Ember Secondary: HeatWave Candy: 176
  40. Pokemon: Fearow CP: 1053 IV: 52,23% Primary: Peck Secondary: Twister Candy: 25
  41. Pokemon: Seadra CP: 1019 IV: 95,3% Primary: DragonBreath Secondary: Blizzard Candy: 62
  42. Pokemon: Exeggutor CP: 1005 IV: 93,98% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: SeedBomb Candy: 75
  43. Pokemon: Vaporeon CP: 965 IV: 100% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: AquaTail Candy: 189
  44. Pokemon: Ponyta CP: 947 IV: 15,31% Primary: Tackle Secondary: FireBlast Candy: 176
  45. Pokemon: Venusaur CP: 945 IV: 90,13% Primary: RazorLeaf Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 58
  46. Pokemon: MrMime CP: 939 IV: 100% Primary: Confusion Secondary: Psychic Candy: 23
  47. Pokemon: Charizard CP: 937 IV: 30,54% Primary: WingAttack Secondary: FireBlast Candy: 87
  48. Pokemon: Exeggutor CP: 925 IV: 96,99% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: SeedBomb Candy: 75
  49. Pokemon: Blastoise CP: 922 IV: 35,9% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: IceBeam Candy: 46
  50. Pokemon: Rhydon CP: 892 IV: 53,16% Primary: RockSmash Secondary: Megahorn Candy: 275
  51. Pokemon: Lickitung CP: 890 IV: 76,79% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 7
  52. Pokemon: Nidoqueen CP: 821 IV: 24,21% Primary: PoisonJab Secondary: StoneEdge Candy: 305
  53. Pokemon: Raticate CP: 778 IV: 46,43% Primary: Bite Secondary: HyperFang Candy: 21
  54. Pokemon: Alakazam CP: 767 IV: 92,48% Primary: Confusion Secondary: ShadowBall Candy: 27
  55. Pokemon: Arcanine CP: 756 IV: 94,21% Primary: FireFang Secondary: FireBlast Candy: 365
  56. Pokemon: Graveler CP: 742 IV: 50,94% Primary: RockThrow Secondary: StoneEdge Candy: 541
  57. Pokemon: Growlithe CP: 729 IV: 78,03% Primary: Bite Secondary: FlameWheel Candy: 365
  58. Pokemon: Nidoking CP: 641 IV: 36,01% Primary: FuryCutter Secondary: Earthquake Candy: 317
  59. Pokemon: Wartortle CP: 586 IV: 25,24% Primary: Bite Secondary: HydroPump Candy: 46
  60. Pokemon: Clefairy CP: 583 IV: 73,17% Primary: Pound Secondary: DisarmingVoice Candy: 71
  61. Pokemon: Seaking CP: 572 IV: 87,7% Primary: PoisonJab Secondary: Megahorn Candy: 30
  62. Pokemon: Meowth CP: 547 IV: 38,82% Primary: Bite Secondary: NightSlash Candy: 327
  63. Pokemon: Scyther CP: 528 IV: 97,96% Primary: SteelWing Secondary: BugBuzz Candy: 7
  64. Pokemon: Poliwag CP: 517 IV: 25,26% Primary: MudShot Secondary: MudBomb Candy: 32
  65. Pokemon: Shellder CP: 511 IV: 48,78% Primary: IceShard Secondary: WaterPulse Candy: 92
  66. Pokemon: Staryu CP: 504 IV: 56,95% Primary: Tackle Secondary: BubbleBeam Candy: 13
  67. Pokemon: Pikachu CP: 467 IV: 17,77% Primary: ThunderShock Secondary: Thunder Candy: 31
  68. Pokemon: Magnemite CP: 444 IV: 50,35% Primary: Spark Secondary: Discharge Candy: 50
  69. Pokemon: Voltorb CP: 433 IV: 26,91% Primary: Spark Secondary: Thunderbolt Candy: 53
  70. Pokemon: Hitmonchan CP: 429 IV: 95,32% Primary: RockSmash Secondary: FirePunch Candy: 15
  71. Pokemon: Vulpix CP: 388 IV: 26,02% Primary: Ember Secondary: BodySlam Candy: 142
  72. Pokemon: Chansey CP: 379 IV: 95,46% Primary: ZenHeadbutt Secondary: HyperBeam Candy: 29
  73. Pokemon: Arbok CP: 356 IV: 39,42% Primary: Bite Secondary: GunkShot Candy: 722
  74. Pokemon: Rhyhorn CP: 336 IV: 54,49% Primary: RockSmash Secondary: HornAttack Candy: 275
  75. Pokemon: Sandshrew CP: 316 IV: 69,11% Primary: MudShot Secondary: Dig Candy: 480
  76. Pokemon: Spearow CP: 310 IV: 54,49% Primary: QuickAttack Secondary: AerialAce Candy: 25
  77. Pokemon: Gastly CP: 304 IV: 34,19% Primary: SuckerPunch Secondary: DarkPulse Candy: 82
  78. Pokemon: Metapod CP: 299 IV: 73,43% Primary: BugBite Secondary: Struggle Candy: 12
  79. Pokemon: Vulpix CP: 298 IV: 12,73% Primary: QuickAttack Secondary: Flamethrower Candy: 142
  80. Pokemon: Sandshrew CP: 295 IV: 45,17% Primary: Scratch Secondary: RockSlide Candy: 480
  81. Pokemon: Venonat CP: 242 IV: 65,19% Primary: Confusion Secondary: SignalBeam Candy: 121
  82. Pokemon: Paras CP: 215 IV: 66,44% Primary: Scratch Secondary: CrossPoison Candy: 212
  83. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 202 IV: 100% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 2.163
  84. Pokemon: Nidorino CP: 196 IV: 31,32% Primary: PoisonJab Secondary: HornAttack Candy: 317
  85. Pokemon: Persian CP: 192 IV: 30,35% Primary: FeintAttack Secondary: PlayRough Candy: 327
  86. Pokemon: Magikarp CP: 150 IV: 100% Primary: Splash Secondary: Struggle Candy: 2.163
  87. Pokemon: Staryu CP: 97 IV: 95,79% Primary: Tackle Secondary: PowerGem Candy: 13
  88. Pokemon: Slowpoke CP: 82 IV: 57,89% Primary: WaterGun Secondary: Psychic Candy: 583
  89. Pokemon: NidoranFemale CP: 78 IV: 40,34% Primary: Bite Secondary: SludgeBomb Candy: 305
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