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- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
- <html xmlns="" manifest="sketchpad.appcache">
- <head>
- <title>Sketchpad - Online Paint/Drawing application</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <meta name="description" content="Sketchpad is an online drawing application -- written in <canvas>." />
- <meta name="keywords" content="" />
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />
- <link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />
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- <script type="text/javascript">
- marqueeID = false;
- mixin = function(o) { // dojo.mixin
- var len = arguments.length;
- for(var i = 1; i < len; i++)
- for(var j in arguments[i])
- o[j] = arguments[i][j];
- return o;
- };
- var dtx2D = document.createElement("canvas");
- var ctx2D; try { ctx2D = dtx2D.getContext('2d'); } catch(e) {};
- var data2pattern = function(obj, data) {
- // if(dtx2D.parentNode === null) document.body.appendChild(dtx2D);
- if(ctx2D == null) ctx2D = dtx2D.getContext('2d');
- function createPattern(src, id) {
- var image = new Image();
- image.onload = function() {
- obj[id] = ctx2D.createPattern(image, "repeat");
- };
- image.src = src;
- };
- for(var key in data) {
- createPattern(data[key], key);
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">/* GUI */
- gui = {
- // Options
- 'options': function () {
- var r = [],
- fu = N.format;
- cF = {
- 'inner_radius_spirograph': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [1, 100, 10]
- },
- 'outer_radius_spirograph': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [1, 100, 10]
- },
- 'diameter_spirograph': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [1, 500, 10]
- },
- 'speed_spirograph': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [2, 250, 10]
- },
- 'resolution_spirograph': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [1, 1000, 10]
- },
- 'stroke_text': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [0, 20, 2]
- },
- 'fontSize': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [16, 256, 64]
- },
- 'kerning': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [0, 2, 1, 'float']
- },
- 'diameter_pencil': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [1, 15, 10]
- },
- 'opacity_fill': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [1, 100, 100],
- fu: infc.opacity
- },
- 'lineOpacity': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [2, 100, 1]
- },
- 'sides_shape': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [2, 100, 1]
- },
- 'slope_shape': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [0.2, 10, 1, 'float']
- },
- 'sides_marquee': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [2, 100, 1]
- },
- 'slope_marquee': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [0.2, 10, 1, 'float']
- },
- 'stampSize': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [1, 200, 100]
- },
- 'leading': {
- type: 'X',
- val: [0, 2, 1, 'float']
- },
- 'rand': {
- type: 'X',
- val: {
- '_min': [0, 100, 50],
- '_max': [0, 100, 50]
- }
- },
- 'fill': {
- type: 'menu',
- val: ['Color', 'Gradient', 'Pattern']
- },
- 'marquee': {
- type: 'menu',
- val: ['Ellipses', 'Polygon', 'Star', 'Burst', 'Gear']
- },
- 'spirograph': {
- type: 'menu',
- val: ['Hypotrochoid', 'Epitrochoid']
- },
- 'shape': {
- type: 'menu',
- val: ['Ellipses', 'Polygon', 'Star', 'Burst', 'Gear']
- },
- 'crop': {
- type: 'menu',
- val: ['Display (' + fu(screen.width) + 'x' + fu(screen.height) + ')', 'Original (' + fu(canvas.W) + 'x' + fu(canvas.H) + ')', '2x3', '3x5', '4x3 (DVD)', '4x3 (Book)', '4x6 (Postcard)', '5x7 (L, 2L)', '8x10', '16x9 (HD)', '16x20', '20x30 (Poster)', 'Square']
- },
- 'draw': {
- type: 'menu',
- val: ['Pencil', 'Brush', 'Calligraphy']
- },
- 'lineClose': {
- type: 'check',
- val: ["lineClose", 'true', 'false']
- },
- 'constrain': {
- type: 'check',
- val: ["constrain", 'true', 'false']
- },
- 'preview': {
- type: 'check',
- val: ["preview", 'true', 'false']
- },
- 'marqType': {
- type: 'radio',
- val: ["marquee", 'lasso', 'ellipses', 'rectangle', 'star', 'burst', 'gear']
- },
- 'aspect': {
- type: 'radio',
- val: ["aspect", 'landscape', 'portrait']
- },
- 'lineCap': {
- type: 'radio',
- val: ["lineCap", 'butt', 'round', 'square']
- },
- 'corner': {
- type: 'radio',
- val: ["lineJoin", 'round', 'miter', 'bevel']
- }
- };
- r = ["marquee", "text", "line", "ellipses", "polygon", "star", "burst", "gear", "brush", "calligraphy", "pencil", "stamp", "fill", "eraser"];
- for (var i in r) {
- cF["movement_" + r[i]] = {
- type: "radio",
- val: ["movement_" + r[i], "anchored", "freedraw", "active"]
- };
- }
- function z(r, v) {
- for (var i in r) {
- cF[v + "_" + r[i]] = {
- type: "X",
- val: [1, 100, 100]
- };
- }
- };
- z(["ellipses", "polygon", "star", "burst", "gear", "line"], "stroke");
- z(["brush", "calligraphy", "eraser", "pencil", "stamp"], "opacity");
- z(["brush", "calligraphy", "eraser"], "diameter");
- z(["brush", "calligraphy", "eraser", "stamp"], "flow");
- z(["brush", "eraser"], "hardness");
- var j = 0,
- r = [];
- for (var i in stamp.r) {
- r[j++] = i;
- }
- cF.stamp = {
- type: "menu",
- val: r
- };
- if (! {
- if (!vars.crop) {
- vars.crop = "Original (" + fu(canvas.W) + "x" + fu(canvas.H) + ")";
- }
- = {};
- = {};
- = vars.stamp;
- = vars.font;
- = vars.draw;
- = vars.shape;
- = vars.marquee;
- = vars.crop;
- = vars.fill;
- = vars.spirograph;
-['PT*'] = vars['PT*'];
-['GD*'] = vars['GD*'];
-['CO*'] = vars['CO*'];
- for (var i in {
-[i] = String([i]);
- }
-"crop", vars.crop);
- }
- },
- //* Check Box
- 'check': {
- 'build': function (v, c, r) {
- return ('<div id="' + c + '_check" class="check">' + ' <span>' + v + '</span><br>' + ' <div onclick=",\'' + r[0] + '\')"' + (vars[r[0]] == 'true' ? 'class="cur"' : '') + '>' + vars[r[0]] + '</div>' + '</div>');
- },
- 'click': function (o, v) {
- function z(a, b, c, d) {
- vars[v] = c;
- o.innerHTML = c;
- o.className = d;
- }
- if (o.className == 'cur') z('block', 'none', 'false', '');
- else z('none', 'block', 'true', 'cur');
- }
- },
- //* Radio Button
- 'radio': {
- 'build': function (v, c, r) {
- var b = '';
- for (var i = 1; i < r.length; i++) b += '<div class="' + (((vars[r[0]] == r[i] && vars.type != 'crop') || (vars[r[0]] == r[i] && vars.type == 'crop' && !crop.force(vars.crop))) ? ' cur' : '') + '" onclick=",\'' + r[0] + '\')">' + r[i] + '</div><br>';
- return ('<div' + ((crop.force(vars.crop) && vars.type == 'crop') ? ' style="opacity: 0.6"' : '') + ' class="radio" id="' + c + '_radio"><span>' + v + '</span><br>' + b + '</div>');
- },
- 'click': function (o, v) {
- if (!$C("cur", o.parentNode)[0]) {
- return;
- }
- var i = o.innerHTML,
- cur = vars[v];
- $C("cur", o.parentNode)[0].className = "";
- o.className = "cur";
- vars[v] = i;
- if (v == "marquee") {
- var b = $C("Marquee_" + cur, "tools")[0];
- if (i == "lasso" || cur == "lasso") {
- marquee.reset("", 1);
- }
- b.src = "media/gui/Marquee_" + i + "_2.png";
- b.className = "Marquee_" + i;
- gui_tools.prev = b.className;
- vars.tool = "Marquee_" + i;
- }
- vars.cache(1);
- }
- },
- //* Select Menu
- 'menu': {
- 'build': function (c, r) {
- var z = '',
- length = 0,
- o =;
- if (typeof(r) == 'object' && !r.length) for (var i in r) {
- length++;
- } else length = r.length;
- for (var i in r) {
- var style = (i == 0) ? 'style="border-top: none;"' : ((parseInt(i) + 1) == length ? 'style="border-bottom: none;"' : '');
- if (r[i].toLowerCase() == o.cur[c].toLowerCase() || (!o.cur[c] && i == 0)) {
- className = 'class="sel"';
- var position = 'style="top:-' + (o.cellHeight * i) + 'px"';
- } else {
- className = '';
- }
- z += '<li onmousedown="" onmouseup="" onmouseover="" ' + style + ' ' + className + '>' + r[i] + '</li>';
- }
- return ('<div class="menuWrap" id="' + c + '_opt">' + ' <div class="t"><div class="l"></div><div class="r"></div><div class="c"></div></div>' + ' <div class="menuBox">' + ' <ul ' + position + '>' + ' <li class="top"><div class="l"></div><div class="r"></div><div class="c"></div></li>' + z + ' <li class="bottom"><div class="l"></div><div class="c"></div><div class="r"></div></li>' + ' </ul>' + ' </div>' + ' <div class="b"><div class="l"></div><div class="r"></div><div class="c"></div></div>' + '</div>');
- },
- 'fu': {
- 'z': function (c, o) {
-, o.innerHTML);
- },
- 'crop': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- $T('div', 'constrain_check')[0].innerHTML = 'true';
- $T('div', 'constrain_check')[0].className = 'cur';
- vars.constrain = 'true';
- vars.cache(1);
- },
- 'fill': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- gui_swatch.cur({
- "Gradient": "GD",
- "Color": "CO",
- "Pattern": "PT"
- }[o.innerHTML]);
- },
- 'stamp': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- stamp.fileNumber = 1;
- stop = 1;
- var o = gui.Y;
- o.cur.stamp = 1;
- o.prev.stamp = null;
- = 'stamp';
- o.stamp();
- o.kontrol_update('stamp');
- vars.cache(1);
- },
- 'draw': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- var b = o.innerHTML;
- vars.draw = b;
- $C(vars.draw, 'tools')[0].title = b;
- gui_tools.imageCurrent(b);
- },
- 'spirograph': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- var b = o.innerHTML;
- vars.type_spirograph = b;
- },
- 'sw': function (c, o, v1, v2) {
-, o);
- var i = + v1;
- vars[v1] = Q[v1][o.innerHTML];
- gui_swatch.n[i] = Math.min(gui_swatch.n[i], vars[v1].length);
- vars[i] = vars[v1][gui_swatch.n[i] - 1];
- var o = gui.Y;
- gui_swatch.cur(v1);
- o.prev[v1] = null;
- o.sw(1);
- o.kontrol_update(v1);
- vars.cache(1);
- $('author_' =;
- },
- 'CO*': function (c, o) {
-, o, 'CO', 'solid');
- },
- 'GD*': function (c, o) {
-, o, 'GD', 'gradient');
- },
- 'PT*': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- vars.PT = Q.PT[o.innerHTML];
- var i = + 'PT',
- n = vars.PT.length - (gui_swatch.n[i] = Math.min(gui_swatch.n[i], vars.PT.length));
- vars.PT[n + 1] = new Image();
- vars.PT[n + 1].src = gui_pattern.dir + vars['PT*'] + '/' + n + '-live.jpg';
- vars[ + 'PT'] = vars.PT[n + 1];
- vars[ + 'PT'].onload = function () {
- vars[ + 'PT'].opacity = 1;
- var o = gui.Y;
- gui_swatch.cur('PT');
- o.prev.PT = null;
- o.sw(1);
- o.kontrol_update('PT');
- vars.cache(1);
- }
- $('author_' =;
- },
- 'shape': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- gui_tools.imageCurrent(vars.tool = 'Shape_' + (vars.shape = vars.shape.toLowerCase()));
- },
- 'marquee': function (c, o) {
-, o);
- gui_tools.imageCurrent(vars.tool = 'Marquee_' + (vars.marquee = vars.marquee.toLowerCase()));
- }
- },
- 'klean': function (v, o) {
-[v] = o;
- vars[v] = o;
- var a = o,
- b = a.substr(0, a.indexOf('(') != -1 ? a.indexOf('(') - 1 : a.length);
-[v] = b;
- },
- // Data
- 'cellHeight': 17,
- 'parent': {},
- 'prev': {},
- 'toggle': function (n) {
- var p = n.parentNode.parentNode,
- o =;
- if (p.opened != true) {
- if (o.parent.opened == true) o.close();
- stop = 0;
- o.prev = n;
- o.parent = p;
- var c ='_opt', '');
- = p.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
- if (c == 'CO*' || c == 'GD*' || c == 'PT*') {
- =;
- }
- zindex(;
- var offset = parseInt(;
- if (!isNaN(offset)) {
- offset = (offset / o.cellHeight) * (o.cellHeight + 2);
- var d = -1 * offset - abPos(p).Y + 3;
- if (d > 0) {
- = (offset + d) + 'px';
- } else = (offset - 3) + 'px';
- }
- = 'visible';
- n.parentNode.className += 'opened';
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- p.opened = true;
- },
- 100);
- window.onmousedown = o.close;
- } else o.doSelect(n, p);
- },
- 'doSelect': function (n, s) {
- var p = n.parentNode.parentNode;
- stop = 1;
- var o = $T('li', p);
- = 'hidden';
- for (var x = 0; x < o.length; x++) {
- o[x].className = trim(o[x].className.replace('sel', ''));
- if (o[x] == n) {
- n.className += ' sel';
- = -((x - 1) * + 'px';
- }
- }
- n.parentNode.className = trim(n.parentNode.className.replace('opened', ''));
- p.opened = p.okClose = false;
- window.onmousedown = null;
- var c ='_opt', '');
-[c](c, n, s);
- },
- 'close': function () {
- if ( == true)
- },
- 'select': function (n, s) {
- var p = n.parentNode.parentNode;
- if (p.okClose == true), s);
- },
- 'okClose': function (p) {
- if (p.opened) p.okClose = true;
- }
- },
- //* Y-Scroll
- 'Y': {
- 'id': 'stamp',
- 'cur': {
- 'stamp': 1,
- 'hi': 1,
- 'CO': 1,
- 'GD': 1,
- 'PT': 1
- },
- 'prev': {
- 'stamp': 10,
- 'hi': 10,
- 'CO': 10,
- 'GD': 10,
- 'PT': 10
- },
- 'fu': {
- 'stamp': 'gui.Y.stamp',
- 'hi': 'gui.Y.hi',
- 'CO': 'gui.Y.sw',
- 'GD': 'gui.Y.sw',
- 'PT': 'gui.Y.sw'
- },
- 'r': {
- 'stamp': {
- 'Y': 110,
- 'n': function () {
- return (stamp.r[vars.stamp]);
- },
- 'display': 12,
- 'col': 4,
- 'row': 3
- },
- 'hi': {
- 'Y': 135,
- 'n': function () {
- var r = canvas.history_r;
- return (1 + r.z - r.a);
- },
- 'display': 7,
- 'col': 1,
- 'row': 7
- },
- 'CO': {
- 'Y': 106,
- 'n': function () {
- return (vars['CO'].length);
- },
- 'display': 28,
- 'col': 7,
- 'row': 4
- },
- 'GD': {
- 'Y': 106,
- 'n': function () {
- return (vars['GD'].length);
- },
- 'display': 28,
- 'col': 7,
- 'row': 4
- },
- 'PT': {
- 'Y': 106,
- 'n': function () {
- return (vars['PT'].length);
- },
- 'display': 28,
- 'col': 7,
- 'row': 4
- }
- },
- // WHEEL
- 'wheel': function (event) {
- var o = gui.Y,
- r = o.r[];
- if (event.wheelDelta) {
- var v = event.wheelDelta / 120;
- if (window.opera) {
- v = -v;
- }
- // OPERA + IE
- } else if (event.detail) {
- var v = -event.detail / 3;
- // MOZ
- }
- var n = Math.max(2.5, (r.n() / (r.col * r.row)) / r.row * 4),
- v = (v <= 0) ? Math.floor(v + 0.2) : Math.ceil(v + 0.5); //- JUNK
- o.cord(v * n);
- eval(o.fu[] + "()");
- },
- 'cord': function (v) {
- var o = gui.Y,
- r = o.r[];
- var Y2 = r.Y - o.height(,
- n = r.n() - r.display,
- cur = o.cur[];
- if ( == 'hi') cur -= canvas.history_r.a + 1;
- v = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(n, cur - v)));
- $S( + 'Slide').top = Math.round(1 / n * Y2 * v) + 'px';
- if ( == 'hi') v += canvas.history_r.a + 1;
- o.cur[] = v;
- },
- // SLIDE
- 'kontrol': function (i, n) {
- var o = gui.Y,
- r = o.r[i],
- H = o.height(i);
- return ('<div id="' + i + 'Kontrol" onmousedown="gui.Y.slide_fu(event,\'' + i + '\')" class="slideY" style="top: ' + (!isNaN(n) ? n : 35) + 'px; height: ' + r.Y + 'px; display:' + (r.n() <= r.display ? 'none' : 'block') + '">' + ' <span class="rT"></span><span class="rB" style="top:' + r.Y + 'px;"></span>' + ' <div id="' + i + 'Slide" class="slider" style="position: relative; height:' + o.height(i) + 'px; top:' +, r) + 'px;">' + ' <div class="rT"></div><div class="rB" style="top:' + H + 'px"></div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>');
- },
- 'kontrol_update': function (v, s) {
- var o = gui.Y,
- r = o.r[v],
- i = $(v + 'Slide');
- var H = o.height(v),
- b =;
- $S(v + 'Kontrol').display = 'none';
- b.height = H + 'px';
- i.childNodes[2] = H + 'px';
- =, r) + 'px';
- $S(v + 'Kontrol').display = (r.n() <= r.display) ? 'none' : 'block';
- },
- 'slide': function (a, b, m) {
- var o = gui.Y,
- r = o.r[],
- n = r.n() - r.display;
- $S( + 'Slide').top = b.Y + 'px';
- var a = Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(n, (b.Y / (r.Y - o.height( * n)));
- if ( == 'hi') a += canvas.history_r.a + 1;
- o.cur[] = a;
- eval(o.fu[] + "()");
- },
- 'slide_fu': function (e, i) {
- var o = gui.Y,
- H = o.height(i);
- = i;
- core.fu(i + 'Slide', e, {
- fu: core.Y,
- oX: 0,
- oY: -(H / 2),
- Y1: 0,
- Y2: o.r[i].Y - H
- },
- o.slide);
- },
- 'height': function (i) {
- var o = gui.Y.r[i];
- return (Math.round(o.row / Math.ceil(o.n() / o.col) * o.Y));
- },
- 'top': function (o, r) {
- var cur = o.cur[],
- n = r.row,
- H = o.height(;
- if ( == 'hi') cur -= canvas.history_r.a - 6;
- return (cur <= 1 ? 0 : Math.round((cur / ((r.n() - r.display) + n)) * (r.Y - H)));
- },
- 'active': function (o, n, n1, n2, fu, s) {
- var z = '',
- v = '',
- r = gui.Y;
- if (s) r.prev[] = null;
- while (Math.round(r.cur[] - 1) % n != 0) {
- r.cur[]++;
- n1++;
- n2++;
- }
- if (r.cur[] != r.prev[]) {
- if (fu.change) fu.change();
- for (var i = n1; i <= n2; i++) {
- var v = fu.each(i, fu.vars);
- if (v) z += v;
- }
- o.innerHTML = z;
- r.prev[] = r.cur[];
- return true;
- }
- },
- 'sw': function (s) {
- var r = gui.Y,
- c = r.cur;
- function fu(i, r) {
- if (i <= r.length) {
- if ( == 'PT') {
- vars.PT[i - 1] = new Image();
- vars.PT[i - 1].id = i;
- vars.PT[i - 1].src = gui_pattern.dir + vars['PT*'] + '/' + String(vars.PT.length - i) + '-live.jpg';
- }
- return ('<canvas id="' + + + i + '" height="16" width="16"' + (r.n == i ? 'class="cur"' : '') + ' onmousedown="" title="' + String(vars.PT.length - i) + '"></canvas>');
- }
- }
- if ($(, 7, c[], c[] + 27, {
- 'each': fu,
- 'vars': {
- 'length': vars[].length,
- 'n': gui_swatch.n[ +]
- }
- },
- s)) {
- if ( == 'PT') {
- for (var i = c[]; i <= c[] + 27; i++) if (i <= vars[].length && vars.PT[i - 1]) vars.PT[i - 1].onload = function () {
- gui_swatch.update(;
- }
- } else gui_swatch.update(;
- }
- },
- 'stamp': function (s) {
- var r = gui.Y,
- c = r.cur;
- function fu(i, r) {
- if (i <= r.length) {
- stamp.src[i] = new Image();
- stamp.src[i].src = 'media/glyph/' + vars.stamp + '/' + (i - 1) + '-thumb.png';
- stamp.src[i].id = i;
- return ('<canvas width="34" height="34" onmousedown="if(!=stamp.fileNumber) { stamp.current(this); co.glyph(stamp.uri(\'live\'),; }" id="stamp' + i + '"' + (stamp.fileNumber == i ? ' class="cur"' : '') + '></canvas>');
- }
- }
- if($('brush_author')) {
- var stampSet = Resources.Brushes[vars.stamp];
- if(!stampSet) {
- $('brush_author').innerHTML = '';
- } else {
- $('brush_author').innerHTML = '<i style="-moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; user-select: none; ">by: <a href="'+stampSet.url+'" target="_blank">''</a></i><div style="background: #555; height: 1px; margin: 6px 0 2px; "></div>';
- }
- }
- if ($('stamp'), 4, c[], c[] + 11, {
- 'change': function () {
- stamp.src = [];
- },
- 'each': fu,
- 'vars': {
- 'length': stamp.r[vars.stamp]
- }
- },
- s)) {
- for (var i in stamp.src) stamp.src[i].onload = function () {
- stamp.preview(;
- };
- }
- },
- 'hi': function (s) {
- var r = gui.Y,
- c = r.cur;
- = 'hi';
- function fu(i) {
- var r = canvas.history_r;
- i--;
- if (i <= r.z && i >= r.a) {
- var v =[r.r[i]];
- if (v) {
- v = v[3] ? {
- 'img': v[3],
- 'type': v[4] ? v[4] : v[2],
- 'n': 1
- } : {
- 'img': 'Original',
- 'type': 'original'
- };
- return ('<div onmousedown="gui.Y.prev[]=null; canvas.history_set(canvas.history_r.n=' + i + ',1)" class="' + (r.n == i ? 'cur' : (i <= r.n ? 'keep' : 'discard')) + '">' + ' <div style="float: left">' + ' <div style="background: url(media/gui/tools/' + v.img + '.png); opacity: ' + (i <= r.n ? 1.00 : 0.65) + '"></div>' + ' </div>' + ' <div style="float: left; margin-left: 3px;">' + v.type + '</div>' + ' <span>' + (v.n ? '#' + i : '') + '</span>' + '</div>');
- }
- }
- }
-$C('z', 'history')[0], 1, c[], c[] + 7, {
- 'each': fu
- }, s);
- }
- },
- //* X-Slide
- 'X': {
- 'html': function (o, r, n, m) {
- if (r[3]) vars[o] = Math.round(Math.max(r[0], n * r[1]) * 100) / 100;
- else vars[o] = Math.round(Math.max(r[0], n * r[1]));
- $(o + 'CurV').innerHTML = vars[o];
- if (m == 'up') co.glyph();
- },
- 'left': function (o, n) {
- $S(o + 'Cur').left = Math.max(0, n) + 'px';
- },
- 'build': function (v, o, r) {
- var a = '',
- b = '',
- n = 0;
- if (!isNaN(r[0])) {
- r = {
- '': r
- };
- d = 'slideX';
- } else {
- d = 'slideXX';
- }
- for (var i in r) {
- n++;
- a = '<div id="' + o + i + 'Cur" class="' + i + '" style="left: ' + Math.round(vars[o + i] / (i ? cF[o].val[i] : cF[o].val)[1] * 112) + 'px"></div>' + a;
- b = '<div id="' + o + i + 'CurV" class="v">' + Math.round(vars[o + i]) + '</div>' + (b ? '<div class="u">/</div>' : '') + b;
- }
- return ('<div class="' + d + '"><span>' + v + '</span><br><div onmousedown="gui.X.' + (n > 1 ? 'xxSwitch' : 'xRun') + '(\'' + o + '\',event,this)" class="slide_div">' + (n > 1 ? '<div id="' + o + 'cCur" class="slide_center"></div>' : '') + a + '</div>' + b + '<br></div>' + (d == 'slideXX' ? '<div style="margin-top: 42px; clear: both;"></div>' : ''));
- },
- 'xRun': function (o, e) {
- core.fu(o + 'Cur', e, {
- fu: core.X,
- oX: -6,
- X1: 0,
- X2: 110,
- oY: 0
- },
- function (a, b, m) {
- var i = cF[o];
- if (i.fu) {
- i.fu(o, i.val, b.X, m);
- } else {
- gui.X.html(o, i.val, b.X / 110, m);
- }
- gui.X.left(o, b.X);
- if (m == 'up') vars.cache(1);
- });
- },
- 'xxSwitch': function (o, e, v) {
- var n = (XY(e, 'X') - abPos(v).X - 7);
- gui.X.xxID = o;
- function z(v1, v2) {
- $S(o + v1 + 'Cur').zIndex = 1;
- $S(o + v2 + 'Cur').zIndex = 0;
- core.fu(o + v1 + 'Cur', e, {
- fu: core.X,
- oX: v1 == '_min' ? 0 : -7,
- X1: 0,
- X2: 115,
- oY: 0
- },
- function (a, b, m) {
- gui.X.xxRun(a, b, m, v1);
- if (m == 'up') vars.cache(1);
- });
- }
- var a = zero($S(o + '_maxCur').left),
- b = zero($S(o + '_minCur').left);
- if (Math.abs(n - a) < Math.abs(n - b) || (Math.abs(n - a) == Math.abs(n - b) && n <= a)) z('_max', '_min');
- else z('_min', '_max');
- },
- 'range': function (v, i, n) {
- var a = (i == '_min') ? n : parseInt($S(v + '_minCur').left),
- z = (i == '_max') ? n : parseInt($S(v + '_maxCur').left);
- $S(v + 'cCur').left = (z + 7) + 'px';
- $S(v + 'cCur').width = Math.max(0, a - z - 7) + 'px';
- },
- 'xxRun': function (a, b, m, i) {
- var o = gui.X,
- v = o.xxID;
- function z(i, b) {
- o.html(v + i, cF[v].val[i], b / 115, m);
- o.left(v + i, b);
- o.range(v, i, b);
- }
- if (i == '_max' && zero($S(v + '_minCur').left) < (b.X + 1)) z('_min', Math.min(115, b.X + 1));
- else if (i == '_min' && zero($S(v + '_maxCur').left) > (b.X - 1)) z('_max', Math.max(0, b.X - 1));
- z(i, b.X);
- },
- 'xxID': 0
- }
- };
- win = {
- // Mouse
- 'close': function (v, s) {
- win.tog(v, {
- display: 'none',
- effect: true
- });
- if (s) {
- setTimeout("var v=$('i" + v + "'); v.className=(v.className=='cur')?'':'cur'; v.opened=false;", 190);
- }
- },
- 'tab': function (o, v) {
- var d = $(;
- if (o.opened == false) {
- var i =, 2);
- i = gui_swatch.L2S[i];
- if (i) gui_swatch.cur(i);
- }
- if (o.opened == false && !d.interval) {
- o.opened = true;
- o.className = '';
- win.tog(v, {
- display: 'block',
- effect: true
- });
- } else if (!d.interval) {
- o.opened = false;
- o.className = 'cur';
- win.tog(v, {
- display: 'none',
- effect: true
- });
- }
- },
- 'tog': function (v, s, r) {
- if ($(v)) {
- var o = $(v),
- d = $S(v),
- n = win.getCenter();
- if (typeof(s) != 'object') {
- s = {
- display: s,
- effect: false
- };
- }
- if (win && isNaN(win)) {
- d.left = (win.r[v][1] + n) + 'px';
- = win.r[v][2] + 'px';
- }
- if ($('i' + v)) {
- var a, b;
- if (!o.start) o.start = {
- 'top': 20,
- 'left': $('i' + v).offsetLeft + (String($('i' + v).innerHTML).length * 2.5) + 8 - n,
- 'width': 1,
- 'height': 1,
- 'opacity': 10
- };
- o.end = {
- 'top': parseInt(win.r[v][2]),
- 'left': parseInt(win.r[v][1]),
- 'width': 216,
- 'height': parseInt(win.r[v][3]),
- 'opacity': 100
- };
- if (s.display == 'block' && s.display != d.display) {
- if (s.effect) {
- a = o.start;
- b = o.end;
- } else {
- a = o.end;
- }
- } else if (s.display == 'none' && d.display == 'block') {
- if (s.effect) {
- a = o.end;
- b = o.start;
- } else {
- a = o.start;
- }
- }
- if (b) {
- win.apply(o, a);
- win.go(o, b, .4);
- } else {
- win.apply(o, a);
- }
- } else {
- o.start = o.end = {
- 'opacity': 100
- };
- win.apply(o, o.start);
- }
- win.r[v][0] = s.display;
- win.cp(1);
- }
- },
- // Create
- 'feed': function () {
- win.r = {
- 'canvas': ['block', -10, 19, ],
- 'solid': ['block', 588, 49, 256],
- 'gradient': ['none', 338, 382, 230],
- 'pattern': ['none', 338, 152, 219],
- 'swatch': ['none', 589, 306, 217],
- 'tools': ['block', -102, 19, 279],
- 'options': ['block', -103, 296, 200],
- 'history': ['none', 138, 416, 187]
- };
- if (r = cookieGrab('windows'));
- else;
- },
- 'mk': function (r) {
- var n = win.getCenter(),
- r = r.split(':');
- for (var i in r) {
- var v = r[i].split(','),
- o = '';
- if(!v[0]) continue; //- there's a missing name being passed somewhere...
- win.r[v[0]] = [v[1], parseInt(v[2]), v[3], v[4]];
- win.tog(v[0], v[1], [n + parseInt(v[2]), v[3], v[4]]);
- if (o = $('i' + v[0])) {
- o.opened = (v[1] == 'none') ? false : true;
- o.className = (v[1] == 'none') ? 'cur' : '';
- } // TEST("'"+v[0]+"':['"+v[1]+"',"+v[2]+","+v[3]+","+v[4]+"],",1);
- }
- },
- 'cp': function (o, r) {
- var z = '';
- if (r) {
- r[1] -= win.getCenter();
- win.r[o] = deObject(r);
- }
- for (var i in win.r) {
- z += i + ',' + win.r[i] + ':';
- }
- if (o) {
- cookieStab('windows', z);
- } else {
- return (z);
- }
- },
- // Visualizer
- 'apply': function (o, r) {
- var d =,
- n = win.getCenter();
- for (i in r) {
- if (i == 'opacity') {
- var b = r[i] / 100;
- d.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + r[i] + ')';
- d.MozOpacity = b;
- d.opacity = b;
- d.KhtmlOpacity = b;
- if (r[i] <= o.start.opacity && r[i] != o.end.opacity) d.display = 'none';
- else d.display = 'block';
- } else if (i == 'left') {
- d[i] = (r[i] + n) + 'px';
- } else {
- d[i] = r[i] + 'px';
- }
- o[i] = r[i];
- }
- },
- 'go': function (o, r, n) {
- stop = 0;
- zindex(o);
- if (o.interval) {
- window.clearInterval(o.interval);
- } // .01 (super slow) to 1 (instant)
- win.overflow(o, 'hidden');
- = 'pointer';
- o.interval = window.setInterval(function () {
- var done = true,
- A = [],
- Z = [];
- for (i in r) {
- A[i] = Math.round((r[i] - o[i]) * n);
- }
- for (i in A) {
- Z[i] = o[i] + A[i];
- if (A[i] == 0 || (A[i] > 0 && Z[i] > r[i]) || (A[i] < 0 && Z[i] < r[i])) {
- Z[i] = r[i];
- } else {
- done = false;
- }
- }
- win.apply(o, Z);
- if (done) {
- window.clearInterval(o.interval);
- o.interval = null;
- stop = 1;
- = 'move';
- win.overflow(o, 'visible');
- }
- },
- 35);
- },
- 'overflow': function (o, v) {
- = v;
- function fu(d) {
- = v;
- }
- fu($C('z', o)[0]);
- var d = $C('TML', o)[0];
- if (d) fu(d);
- var d = $C('TRx', o)[0];
- if (d) fu(d);
- },
- // Data
- 'zindex': 3,
- 'getCenter': function () {
- return (zero((XYwin('X') - 710) / 2));
- }
- };
- win_size = {
- // Mouse
- 'core': function (e) {
- function fu(o, m, a) {
- var Y = Math.max(100, (a.Y - r.Y) + r.H),
- X = Math.max(212, (a.X - r.X) + r.W);
- var o = {
- W: X - 32,
- H: Y - 40
- };
- win_size.fu(o, r);
- if (m == 'up') {
- vars.cache(1);
- }
- }
- var r = win_size.construct({
- 'X': $('canvas').offsetLeft,
- 'Y': $('canvas').offsetTop,
- 'W': parseInt($S('canvas').width),
- 'H': parseInt($S('canvas').height)
- });
- core.fu('canvas', e, {
- fu: fu
- });
- },
- 'tog': function (v) {
- var o = $S('canvas');
- win_size[v]();
- vars.winMax = (v == 'max') ? 1 : 0;
- vars.cache(1);
- win.cp('canvas', ['block', zero(o.left), zero(, parseInt(win.r['canvas'][3])]);
- },
- 'max': function () {
- var o = win_size;
- o.fu({
- cT: 19,
- cL: -8,
- W: XYwin('X') - 16,
- H: XYwin('Y') - 56
- },
- o.construct({}));
- },
- 'min': function () {
- var o = win_size;
- o.fu({
- cT: 19,
- cL: (document.body.scrollWidth - (canvas.W + 30)) / 2,
- W: canvas.W,
- H: canvas.H
- },
- o.construct({}));
- },
- // Create
- 'fu': function (o, c) {
- var d = $S('canvas');
- vars.winW = o.W;
- vars.winH = o.H;
- if (o.cT) {
- = o.cT + 'px';
- d.left = o.cL + 'px';
- }
- d.width = (o.W + 32) + 'px';
- d.height = (o.H + 40) + 'px';
- var d = $S('cBound');
- d.height = o.H + 'px';
- d.width = o.W + 'px';
- c['ML'].height = o.H + 'px';
- c['MM'].height = o.H + 'px';
- c['MR'].height = o.H + 'px';
- c['TM'].width = o.W + 'px';
- c['MM'].width = o.W + 'px';
- c['BM'].width = o.W + 'px';
- var o = win_size.LT(),
- r = ['ctx_box', 'ctx_temp', 'ctx_marquee', 'ctx_active', 'ctx_mouse'];
- for (var i in r) {
- var d = $S(r[i]);
- d.left = o.L + 'px';
- = o.T + 'px';
- };
- },
- 'LT': function () {
- return ({
- L: Math.round((vars.winW - canvas.W) / 2),
- T: Math.round((vars.winH - canvas.H) / 2)
- });
- },
- 'construct': function (o) {
- var d = $('canvas'),
- r = ['ML', 'MM', 'MR', 'TM', 'BM'];
- for (var i in r) {
- i = r[i];
- o[i] = $C(i, d)[0].style;
- }
- return (o);
- }
- };/*
- // Canvas2D : v0.3 : 2009.01.16
- --------------------------------
- 1) Retrofits older browsers that don't support HTML 5.0
- * IECanvas, an ActiveX module which emulates <canvas>, retrofits IE:
- * Retrofits prototyping up to Safari 3. IE is fixed externally in /lib/
- * Retrofits arcTo up to (which browsers don't work???)
- * Retrofits fillText / strokeText up to Safari 4, Firefox 3.1, and Opera
- * Retrofits transform / setTransform up to Safari 4, Firefox 3.1 (+?)
- 2) Parses and Implements SVG:
- * Parses <font> attributes and paths then converts to FOB for fast access. In the process of emulating more attributes in <canvas>.
- * Parses <path> [ M, m, L, l, C, c, Q, q, Z, H, h, V, v, A, a ] and converts to VOB [ M, L, C, Q, Z ] for fast access
- * Implements Shapes: circle, ellipse, line, path, polygon, polyline, rect
- 3) Adds non-standardized features:
- * Pixel: colorMatrix, colorTransform (browser must support getImageData / putImageData)
- * Path: arc, roundRect, star, polygon, burst, arrow, wedge, gear, spiral, superformula, drawVector, drawVOB
- * Typeface: drawText
- * Breaking down the libraries:
- -------------------------------
- Canvas2D.js // add, remove, fix (browser fixes), ect
- Canvas2D.Pixel.js // ColorMatrix + ConvolutionMatrix + CustomFilter mixing and applying (maybe a few other default filters, such as DisplacementMap)
- Canvas2D.Raster.js // reflect, straighten, flip, rotate, resize
- Canvas2D.Record.js // sets up functions for recording native functions
- Canvas2D.StyleSheet.js // importing, exporting, converting, and storing: patterns, gradients, colors, and native styles (i.e. miterLimit, font, ect)
- Canvas2D.SVG.js // parse SVG into VOB (fonts and paths)
- Canvas2D.Transform.js // geometric TransformationMatrix + Decompose
- Canvas2D.Typeface.js // text building and styles
- Canvas2D.Vector.js // shapes and broken native path functions (optionally caches in VOB)
- Canvas2D.VOB.js // v2.0 is pretty complex, ties in layers + groups w/ vector objects, so gets it's own .js
- * Listing functions supported by the library:
- ----------------------------------------------
- Canvas2D.add // create new <canvas> element
- Canvas2D.remove // remove specific <canvas> element
- HTMLCanvasElement (HTML 5.0)
- -----------------------------
- attribute unsigned long width;
- attribute unsigned long height;
- DOMString toDataURL([Optional] in DOMString type); // converts <canvas> in a base64 string of image type
- DOMObject getContext(in DOMString contextId); // returns CanvasRenderingContext2D
- State Stack (HTML 5.0)
- --------------------------
- void save(); // push state on state stack
- void restore(); // pop state stack and restore state
- void getPath(); // returns current path *
- Style API
- -----------------------
- Composition (HTML 5.0)
- -----------------------
- attribute float globalAlpha; // (default 1.0)
- attribute DOMString globalCompositeOperation; // (default source-over)
- Colors & Styles (HTML 5.0)
- --------------------------
- attribute any strokeStyle; // (default black)
- attribute any fillStyle; // (default black)
- Line Caps & Joins (HTML 5.0)
- ----------------------------
- attribute float lineWidth; // (default 1)
- attribute DOMString lineCap; // "butt", "round", "square" (default "butt")
- attribute DOMString lineJoin; // "round", "bevel", "miter" (default "miter")
- attribute float miterLimit; // (default 10)
- Shadows: supported in Firefox 3.1, Safari 3, Opera 10
- -----------------------------------------
- attribute float shadowOffsetX; // (default 0)
- attribute float shadowOffsetY; // (default 0)
- attribute float shadowBlur; // (default 0)
- attribute DOMString shadowColor; // (default transparent black)
- CanvasGradient (HTML 5.0)
- -------------------------
- createLinearGradient(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1);
- createRadialGradient(float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1);
- interface { void addColorStop(float offset, DOMString color); };
- Patterns (HTML 5.0)
- -------------------
- CanvasPattern createPattern(HTMLImageElement image, DOMString repetition);
- CanvasPattern createPattern(HTMLCanvasElement image, DOMString repetition);
- Transformation API (HTML 5.0)
- ------------------------------
- void scale(float x, float y);
- void rotate(float angle);
- void translate(float x, float y);
- void transform(float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy);
- void setTransform(float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy);
- Pixel API (HTML 5.0)
- ------------------------
- ImageData createImageData(float sw, float sh);
- ImageData getImageData(float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh); // Opera 9.5+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 4.0+
- void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, float dx, float dy);
- void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, float dx, float dy, float dirtyX, float dirtyY, float dirtyWidth, float dirtyHeight);
- Addon: Filters (seperate file contains filters, cause this is a lot of information)
- void getPixel();
- void setPixel();
- Raster API (HTML 5.0)
- ------------------------
- void drawImage(HTMLImageElement image, float dx, float dy, [Optional] float dw, float dh);
- void drawImage(HTMLImageElement image, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh, float dx, float dy, float dw, float dh);
- void drawImage(HTMLCanvasElement image, float dx, float dy, [Optional] float dw, float dh);
- void drawImage(HTMLCanvasElement image, float sx, float sy, float sw, float sh, float dx, float dy, float dw, float dh);
- Vector API (HTML 5.0)
- ----------------------
- boolean isPointInPath(float x, float y);
- void beginPath();
- void closePath();
- void moveTo(float x, float y);
- void lineTo(float x, float y);
- void arcTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius); // don't punish for not having arcTo native
- void bezierCurveTo(float cp1x, float cp1y, float cp2x, float cp2y, float x, float y);
- void quadraticCurveTo(float cpx, float cpy, float x, float y);
- void arc(float x, float y, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, boolean anticlockwise); //
- void rect(float x, float y, float w, float h);
- void clearRect(float x, float y, float w, float h);
- void fillRect(float x, float y, float w, float h);
- void strokeRect(float x, float y, float w, float h);
- void fill();
- void stroke();
- void clip();
- // Addon: SVG Shapes @
- void circle(float cx, float cy, float r) // defines a circle based on a center point and a radius
- void ellipse(float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry) // defines an ellipse based on a center point and two radii
- void line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) // defines a line segment that starts at one point and ends at another
- void path(string d) // SVG instructions, contains the moveto, line, cubic, quadratic, arc, and closepath: "M5,5 C5,45 45,45 45,5"
- // Addon: Path Shapes
- void roundRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, float rad) // circular rounded-rectangle
- void roundRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, float rx, float ry) // elliptical rounded-rectangle (two radii)
- void wedge(float x, float y, float radius, float startAngle, float endAngle, boolean anticlockwise); //
- void polygon(x, y, radius, sides) //
- void gear(float x, float y, float radius, int sides, float slope); //
- void star(float x, float y, float radius, int sides, float slope);
- void burst(float x, float y, float radius, int sides, float slope);
- void spiral(x, y, radius, sides, coils) //
- void superformula(x, y, radius, points, m, n1, n2, n3) //
- Typeface API (HTML 5.0) -- Firefox 3.1+ and Safari 4.0+
- ------------------------
- attribute DOMString font; // (default 10px sans-serif)
- attribute DOMString textAlign; // "start", "end", "left", "right", "center" (default: "start")
- attribute DOMString textBaseline; // "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom" (default: "alphabetic")
- void fillText(DOMString text, float x, float y, [Optional] float maxWidth);
- void strokeText(DOMString text, float x, float y, [Optional] float maxWidth);
- void measureText(DOMString text); // returns { width: 100 }
- // Addon: Mozilla
- void drawText(DOMString text, float x, float y, [Optional] float maxWidth); //
- */
- if (typeof Canvas2D == 'undefined') {
- var Canvas2D = {};
- }
- (function () {
- var surface = {}; // canvas array
- Canvas2D = mixin(Canvas2D, { // Global functions
- add: function (attr, height, id, style) { // add <canvas> element
- if (typeof attr == "number") { // accepts Canvas2D.add(width, height, id, style)
- attr = {
- width: attr,
- height: height,
- id: id,
- style: style
- };
- }
- if (attr) { // check whether surface exists
- if (typeof attr == "string") {
- attr = { // convert to object
- id: attr
- };
- }
- if (attr && && surface[]) {
- return surface[];
- }
- }
- var d = document.createElement('canvas'),
- ctx = d.getContext('2d');
- if (typeof attr == "object") {
- for (var key in attr) {
- switch (key) { // type of attribute
- case "style":
- if (typeof attr[key] == "object") {
- for (var type in attr[key]) // style object
-[type] = attr[key][type];
- break;
- }
- else { // string
- d.setAttribute(key, attr[key]);
- break;
- }
- default:
- //-
- d[key] = attr[key];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- document.body.appendChild(d);
- if ( { // cache surface
- surface[] = ctx;
- }
- return ctx;
- },
- remove: function (id) { // remove <canvas> element
- if (!surface[id]) {
- return;
- }
- delete surface[id]; // delete reference
- document.body.removeChild($("#" + id)); // remove DOM
- }
- });
- })();(function() {
- // Debugging
- TEST = { };
- TEST = (function() {
- var max,
- depth = 0,
- INDENT = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
- function valueToStr(value, depth) {
- switch(typeof value) {
- case "object":
- return objectToStr(value, depth + 1);
- case "function":
- return "function";
- case "string":
- return "'"+value+"'";
- default:
- return value;
- }
- };
- function objectToStr(object, depth) {
- if(depth > max)
- return false;
- var type =,
- output = "\n",
- indent = INDENT.substr(0, depth);
- for(var key in object)
- output += indent + valueToStr(key) + ": " + valueToStr(object[key], depth) + ",\n";
- indent = INDENT.substr(0, depth - 1);
- switch(type) {
- case "[object Object]":
- return "{ " + output.substr(0, output.length - 2) + "\n" + indent + "}";
- case "[object Array]":
- return "[ " + output.substr(0, output.length - 2) + "\n" + indent + "]";
- default:
- return;
- }
- };
- return function(value, aggregate, MAX) {
- var d = document.getElementById("TEST");
- if(!d) { // element does not exist
- var d = document.createElement("div");
- = "TEST";
- document.body.appendChild(d);
- }
- // recurse
- max = MAX || 2;
- if(typeof value != "string")
- value = valueToStr(value, depth);
- var br = == "[object HTMLDivElement]" ? "<br>" : "\n";
- d.innerHTML = aggregate ? d.innerHTML + br + value : value;
- };
- })();
- TEST.element = function(type, style) {
- var d = document.getElementById("TEST");
- if(d) // remove element
- document.body.removeChild(d);
- var d = document.createElement(type);
- = "TEST";
- if(style)
- d.setAttribute("style", style);
- document.body.appendChild(d);
- if(type == "textarea") {
- = (window.innerWidth - d.offsetLeft - 6) + "px";
- = (window.innerHeight - d.offsetTop - 6) + "px";
- }
- return d;
- };
- TEST.speed = function(a, b, n) {
- var T1, T2, Z1, Z2;
- T1 = now();
- for(var i = 0; i<= n; i++) a();
- Z1 = now()-T1;
- T2 = now();
- for(var i = 0; i<= n; i++) b();
- Z2 = now()-T2;
- TEST('A: '+Z1+', B: '+Z2+' = '+(Math.round(Z2/Z1*1000)/1000), 1);
- };
- // Class: Dump
- // Author: Shuns (
- // Last Updated: 10/10/06
- // Version: 1.1
- dump = function(object, aggregate, showTypes) {
- var dump = '';
- var st = typeof showTypes == 'undefined' ? true : showTypes;
- var winName = 'dumpWin';
- var browser = _dumpIdentifyBrowser();
- var w = 760;
- var h = 500;
- var leftPos = screen.width ? (screen.width - w) / 2 : 0;
- var topPos = screen.height ? (screen.height - h) / 2 : 0;
- var settings = 'height=' + h + ',width=' + w + ',top=' + topPos + ',left=' + leftPos + ',scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes';
- var title = 'Dump';
- var script = 'function tRow(s) {t = s.parentNode.lastChild;tTarget(t, tSource(s)) ;}function tTable(s) {var switchToState = tSource(s) ;var table = s.parentNode.parentNode;for (var i = 1; i < table.childNodes.length; i++) {t = table.childNodes[i] ;if ( {tTarget(t, switchToState);}}}function tSource(s) {if ( == "italic" || == null) { = "normal";s.title = "click to collapse";return "open";} else { = "italic";s.title = "click to expand";return "closed" ;}}function tTarget (t, switchToState) {if (switchToState == "open") { = "";} else { = "none";}}';
- dump += (/string|number|undefined|boolean/.test(typeof(object)) || object == null) ? object : recurse(object, typeof object);
- var d = document.getElementById("TEST");
- if(!d) { // TEST does not exist
- var d = document.createElement("div");
- = "TEST";
- document.body.appendChild(d);
- }
- d.innerHTML = aggregate ? d.innerHTML + dump : dump;
- function recurse(o, type) {
- var i;
- var j = 0;
- var r = '';
- type = _dumpType(o);
- switch (type) {
- case 'regexp':
- var t = type;
- r += '<table' + _dumpStyles(t,'table') + '><tr><th colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(t,'th') + '>' + t + '</th></tr>';
- r += '<tr><td colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(t,'td-value') + '><table' + _dumpStyles('arguments','table') + '><tr><td' + _dumpStyles('arguments','td-key') + '><i>RegExp: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o + '</td></tr></table>';
- j++;
- break;
- case 'date':
- var t = type;
- r += '<table' + _dumpStyles(t,'table') + '><tr><th colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(t,'th') + '>' + t + '</th></tr>';
- r += '<tr><td colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(t,'td-value') + '><table' + _dumpStyles('arguments','table') + '><tr><td' + _dumpStyles('arguments','td-key') + '><i>Date: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o + '</td></tr></table>';
- j++;
- break;
- case 'function':
- var t = type;
- var a = o.toString().match(/^.*function.*?\((.*?)\)/im);
- var args = (a == null || typeof a[1] == 'undefined' || a[1] == '') ? 'none' : a[1];
- r += '<table' + _dumpStyles(t,'table') + '><tr><th colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(t,'th') + '>' + t + '</th></tr>';
- r += '<tr><td colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(t,'td-value') + '><table' + _dumpStyles('arguments','table') + '><tr><td' + _dumpStyles('arguments','td-key') + '><i>Arguments: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + args + '</td></tr><tr><td' + _dumpStyles('arguments','td-key') + '><i>Function: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o + '</td></tr></table>';
- j++;
- break;
- case 'domelement':
- var t = type;
- r += '<table' + _dumpStyles(t,'table') + '><tr><th colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(t,'th') + '>' + t + '</th></tr>';
- r += '<tr><td' + _dumpStyles(t,'td-key') + '><i>Node Name: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o.nodeName.toLowerCase() + '</td></tr>';
- r += '<tr><td' + _dumpStyles(t,'td-key') + '><i>Node Type: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o.nodeType + '</td></tr>';
- r += '<tr><td' + _dumpStyles(t,'td-key') + '><i>Node Value: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o.nodeValue + '</td></tr>';
- r += '<tr><td' + _dumpStyles(t,'td-key') + '><i>innerHTML: </i></td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o.innerHTML + '</td></tr>';
- j++;
- break;
- }
- if (/object|array/.test(type)) {
- for (i in o) {
- var t = _dumpType(o[i]);
- if (j < 1) {
- r += '<table' + _dumpStyles(type,'table') + '><tr><th colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(type,'th') + '>' + type + '</th></tr>';
- j++;
- }
- if (typeof o[i] == 'object' && o[i] != null) {
- r += '<tr><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-key') + '>' + i + (st ? ' [' + t + ']' : '') + '</td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + recurse(o[i], t) + '</td></tr>';
- } else if (typeof o[i] == 'function') {
- r += '<tr><td' + _dumpStyles(type ,'td-key') + '>' + i + (st ? ' [' + t + ']' : '') + '</td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + recurse(o[i], t) + '</td></tr>';
- } else {
- r += '<tr><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-key') + '>' + i + (st ? ' [' + t + ']' : '') + '</td><td' + _dumpStyles(type,'td-value') + '>' + o[i] + '</td></tr>';
- }
- }
- }
- if (j == 0) {
- r += '<table' + _dumpStyles(type,'table') + '><tr><th colspan="2"' + _dumpStyles(type,'th') + '>' + type + ' [empty]</th></tr>';
- }
- r += '</table>';
- return r;
- };
- };
- dump.object = function(o) {
- doc = o;
- };
- var _dumpStyles = function(type, use) {
- var r = '';
- var table = 'font-size:xx-small;font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;cell-spacing:2px;';
- var th = 'font-size:xx-small;font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-align:left;color: white;padding: 5px;vertical-align :top;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;';
- var td = 'font-size:xx-small;font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;vertical-align:top;padding:3px;';
- var thScript = 'onClick="tTable(this);" title="click to collapse"';
- var tdScript = 'onClick="tRow(this);" title="click to collapse"';
- switch (type) {
- case 'string':
- case 'number':
- case 'boolean':
- case 'undefined':
- case 'object':
- switch (use) {
- case 'table':
- r = ' style="' + table + 'background-color:#0000cc;"';
- break;
- case 'th':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#4444cc;"' + thScript;
- break;
- case 'td-key':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#ccddff;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;"' + tdScript;
- break;
- case 'td-value':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#fff;"';
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'array':
- switch (use) {
- case 'table':
- r = ' style="' + table + 'background-color:#006600;"';
- break;
- case 'th':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#009900;"' + thScript;
- break;
- case 'td-key':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#ccffcc;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;"' + tdScript;
- break;
- case 'td-value':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#fff;"';
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'function':
- switch (use) {
- case 'table':
- r = ' style="' + table + 'background-color:#aa4400;"';
- break;
- case 'th':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#cc6600;"' + thScript;
- break;
- case 'td-key':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#fff;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;"' + tdScript;
- break;
- case 'td-value':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#fff;"';
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'arguments':
- switch (use) {
- case 'table':
- r = ' style="' + table + 'background-color:#dddddd;cell-spacing:3;"';
- break;
- case 'td-key':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#eeeeee;color:#000000;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;"' + tdScript;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'regexp':
- switch (use) {
- case 'table':
- r = ' style="' + table + 'background-color:#CC0000;cell-spacing:3;"';
- break;
- case 'th':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#FF0000;"' + thScript;
- break;
- case 'td-key':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#FF5757;color:#000000;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;"' + tdScript;
- break;
- case 'td-value':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#fff;"';
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'date':
- switch (use) {
- case 'table':
- r = ' style="' + table + 'background-color:#663399;cell-spacing:3;"';
- break;
- case 'th':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#9966CC;"' + thScript;
- break;
- case 'td-key':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#B266FF;color:#000000;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;"' + tdScript;
- break;
- case 'td-value':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#fff;"';
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'domelement':
- switch (use) {
- case 'table':
- r = ' style="' + table + 'background-color:#FFCC33;cell-spacing:3;"';
- break;
- case 'th':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#FFD966;"' + thScript;
- break;
- case 'td-key':
- r = ' style="' + th + 'background-color:#FFF2CC;color:#000000;cursor:hand;cursor:pointer;"' + tdScript;
- break;
- case 'td-value':
- r = ' style="' + td + 'background-color:#fff;"';
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- return r;
- };
- var _dumpIdentifyBrowser = function() {
- var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- if (typeof window.opera != 'undefined') {
- return 'opera';
- } else if (typeof document.all != 'undefined') {
- if (typeof document.getElementById != 'undefined') {
- var browser = agent.replace(/.*ms(ie[\/ ][^ $]+).*/, '$1').replace(/ /, '');
- if (typeof document.uniqueID != 'undefined') {
- if (browser.indexOf('5.5') != -1) {
- return browser.replace(/(.*5\.5).*/, '$1');
- } else {
- return browser.replace(/(.*)\..*/, '$1');
- }
- } else {
- return 'ie5mac';
- }
- }
- } else if (typeof document.getElementById != 'undefined') {
- if (navigator.vendor.indexOf('Apple Computer, Inc.') != -1) {
- return 'safari';
- } else if (agent.indexOf('gecko') != -1) {
- return 'mozilla';
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- var _dumpType = function (obj) {
- var t = typeof(obj);
- if (t == 'function') {
- var f = obj.toString();
- if ( ( /^\/.*\/[gi]??[gi]??$/ ).test(f)) {
- return 'regexp';
- } else if ((/^\[object.*\]$/i ).test(f)) {
- t = 'object'
- }
- }
- if (t != 'object') {
- return t;
- }
- switch (obj) {
- case null:
- return 'null';
- case window:
- return 'window';
- case document:
- return document;
- case window.event:
- return 'event';
- }
- if (window.event && (event.type == obj.type)) {
- return 'event';
- }
- var c = obj.constructor;
- if (c != null) {
- switch(c) {
- case Array:
- t = 'array';
- break;
- case Date:
- return 'date';
- case RegExp:
- return 'regexp';
- case Object:
- t = 'object';
- break;
- case ReferenceError:
- return 'error';
- default:
- var sc = c.toString();
- var m = sc.match(/\s*function (.*)\(/);
- if(m != null) {
- return 'object';
- }
- }
- }
- var nt = obj.nodeType;
- if (nt != null) {
- switch(nt) {
- case 1:
- if(obj.item == null) {
- return 'domelement';
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- return 'string';
- }
- }
- if (obj.toString != null) {
- var ex = obj.toString();
- var am = ex.match(/^\[object (.*)\]$/i);
- if(am != null) {
- var am = am[1];
- switch(am.toLowerCase()) {
- case 'event':
- return 'event';
- case 'nodelist':
- case 'htmlcollection':
- case 'elementarray':
- return 'array';
- case 'htmldocument':
- return 'htmldocument';
- }
- }
- }
- return t;
- };
- })();/* GENERIC */
- function $(v, o) {
- if (!v) return;
- return ((typeof(o) == 'object' ? o : document).getElementById(v));
- }
- function $2D(o) {
- return ($(o).getContext('2d'));
- }
- function $S(o) {
- return ($(o).style);
- }
- function $SS(n) {
- var o = document.styleSheets[0];
- if (o.cssRules) o = o.cssRules;
- else o = o.rules;
- return (o[n].style);
- }
- function $T(v, o) {
- return ((typeof(o) == 'object' ? o : $(o)).getElementsByTagName(v));
- }
- function abPos(o) {
- var o = (typeof(o) == 'object' ? o : $(o)),
- i = {
- X: 0,
- Y: 0
- };
- while (o != null) {
- i.X += o.offsetLeft;
- i.Y += o.offsetTop;
- o = o.offsetParent;
- };
- return (i);
- }
- function agent(v) {
- return (Math.max(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(v), 0));
- }
- function cookieStab(f, v) {
- document.cookie = f + "=" + v + "; path=/";
- }
- function cookieGrab(f) {
- var b = f + "=",
- d = document.cookie.split(';');
- for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
- var c = d[i];
- while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
- if (c.indexOf(b) == 0) return (c.substring(b.length, c.length));
- }
- }
- function getTime() {
- return ((new Date()).getTime());
- }
- function isset(v) {
- return ((typeof(v) == 'undefined' || v.length == 0) ? v : '');
- }
- function noMove() {
- if (stop) {
- stop = 0;
- document.onmouseup = function () {
- document.onmouseup = '';
- stop = 1;
- };
- }
- return false;
- }
- function trim(s) {
- return (s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''));
- }
- function ucletter(v) {
- return (v.substr(0,1).toUpperCase());
- }
- function ucword(v) {
- return (v.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + v.substr(1));
- }
- function XYwin(v) {
- var o = agent('msie') ? {
- 'X': document.body.clientWidth,
- 'Y': document.body.clientHeight
- } : {
- 'X': window.innerWidth,
- 'Y': window.innerHeight
- };
- return (v ? o[v] : o);
- }
- function XY(e, v) {
- var o = agent('msie') ? {
- 'X': event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft,
- 'Y': event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop
- } : {
- 'X': e.pageX,
- 'Y': e.pageY
- };
- return (v ? o[v] : o);
- }
- function zindex(d) {
- = win.zindex++;
- }
- function $C(v, o) { // GET CLASS
- var o = (typeof(o) == 'object' ? o : $(o)).getElementsByTagName("*"),
- rx = new RegExp('\\b' + v + '\\b'),
- z = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
- if (rx.test(o[i].className)) z.push(o[i]);
- }
- return (z);
- };
- function C$(v, o) { // SET CLASS
- if (!$(v)) {
- return false;
- }
- var d = $(v),
- c = d.className;
- if (o['+']) {
- d.className = c + ' ' + o['+'];
- }
- if (o['-']) {
- var ob = o['-'].split(' '),
- r = {};
- for (var i in ob) {
- r[ob[i]] = 1;
- }
- var c = c.split(' '),
- z = '';
- for (var i in c) {
- i = c[i];
- if (!r[i]) z += i + ' ';
- };
- d.className = z;
- }
- };
- /* EVENT */
- Event = {
- 'add': function (o, v, fu) {
- if (typeof(v) != 'object') v = {
- el: v,
- e: v
- };
- if (o.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(v.el, fu, false);
- else if (o.attachEvent) {
- v = v.e;
- o["e" + v + fu] = fu;
- o[v + fu] = function () {
- o["e" + v + fu](window.event);
- };
- o.attachEvent("on" + v, o[v + fu]);
- }
- },
- 'rm': function (o, v, fu) {
- if (typeof(v) != 'object') v = {
- el: v,
- e: v
- };
- if (o.removeEventListener) o.removeEventListener(v.el, fu, false);
- else if (o.detachEvent) {
- v = v.e;
- o.detachEvent("on" + v, o[v + fu]);
- o[v + fu] = null;
- o["e" + v + fu] = null;
- }
- }
- };
- /* MOVEMENT */
- var aXY = {},
- bXY = {},
- oXY = {},
- cXY = {},
- mXY = '',
- moXY = {},
- mcXY = {},
- stop = 1;
- core = {
- 'X': function (o, m, a, x) {
- a.X = Math.max(x.X1, x.X2 ? Math.min(x.X2, a.X + x.X1) : a.X + x.X1);
- return (a);
- },
- 'Y': function (o, m, a, x) {
- a.Y = Math.max(x.Y1, x.Y2 ? Math.min(x.Y2, a.Y + x.Y1) : a.Y + x.Y1);
- return (a);
- },
- 'XY': function (o, m, a, x) {
- a.X = x.X2 ? Math.min(a.X + x.X1, x.X2 - x.X1) : a.X + x.X1;
- a.Y = x.Y2 ? Math.min(a.Y + x.Y1, x.Y2 - x.Y1) : a.Y + x.Y1;
- return (a);
- },
- 'fu': function (o, e, C, F) {
- if (stop) {
- var oX = abPos($(o)).X,
- oY = abPos($(o)).Y,
- r = XY(e);
- function c(e, m) {
- r = XY(e);
- if (C) r = C.fu(o, m, {
- 'X': r.X - oX,
- 'Y': r.Y - oY
- },
- C);
- return (r);
- }
- function f(e, m) {
- c(e, m);
- if (F) F(oXY, r, m, e);
- return (r);
- }
- function p(e, m) {
- r = XY(e);
- return ((m == 'down' ? 'P' : ' ') + (r.X - oX) + ' ' + (r.Y - oY) + (m == 'up' ? 'z' : ''));
- }
- if (isNaN(C.oX)) {
- oX = r.X - oX;
- } else {
- oX = oX - C.oX - zero($S(o).left);
- }
- if (isNaN(C.oY)) {
- oY = r.Y - oY;
- } else {
- oY = oY - C.oY - zero($S(o).top);
- }
- stop = 0;
- oXY = c(e);
- cXY = f(e, mXY = 'down');
- core.time = getTime();
- var tool = 'T' + vars.type + ' rgba(' + vars['fillCO'].join(",") + ') rgba(' + vars['strokeCO'].join(",") + ')';
- var i = '',
- t = [],
- v = {};
- if ((vars.type in gui_options.modules) && ('vars' in gui_options.modules[vars.type])) {
- v = gui_options.modules[vars.type].vars;
- for (i in v) if (i in vars) t.push(i + '(' + vars[i] + ')');
- if (t.length) tool += ' ' + t.join(' ');
- }
- document.onmousemove = function (e) {
- if(typeof(e) == 'undefined') var e = event;
- if (!stop) {
- cXY = f(e, 'move');
- }
- }
- document.onmouseup = function (e) {
- if(typeof(e) == 'undefined') var e = event;
- stop = 1;
- document.onmousemove = '';
- document.onmouseup = '';
- cXY = f(e, mXY = 'up');
- };
- document.onselectstart = function () {
- return false;
- }
- }
- },
- 'win': function (o, m, a, x) {
- a.X = (!isNaN(x.X1) ? Math.max(a.X, x.X1) : a.X);
- a.Y = (!isNaN(x.Y1) ? Math.max(a.Y, x.Y1) : a.Y);
- var d = $S(o);
- if (m == 'down') {
- if (x.z) {
- zindex($(o));
- }
- = 0;
- setTimeout("if(! { core.win_visible('" + o + "','hidden'); }", 500);
- } else if (m == 'move') {
- if (! core.win_visible(o, 'hidden');
- = 1;
- }
- if ( && oXY) { // SNAP TO XY
- if (Math.abs(a.X - oXY.X) < Math.abs(a.Y - oXY.Y)) {
- = a.Y + 'px';
- d.left = oXY.X + 'px';
- } else {
- d.left = a.X + 'px';
- = oXY.Y + 'px';
- }
- } else {
- d.left = a.X + 'px';
- = a.Y + 'px';
- }
- if (m == 'up') {
- if (win.r[o]) {
- win.cp(o, ['block', zero(d.left), zero(, parseInt(win.r[o][3])]);
- }
- = 1;
- core.win_visible(o, 'visible');
- }
- return (a);
- },
- 'win_visible': function (o, s) {
- var op = (s == 'visible') ? 1 : 0.5;
- if ($C('TMM', o)[0]) {
- $C('TMM', o)[0].style.opacity = op;
- } else if ($C('west', $C('TM', o)[0])[0]) {
- $C('west', o)[0].style.opacity = op;
- $C('east', o)[0].style.opacity = op;
- } else if ($C('TRx', o)[0]) {
- $C('TRx', o)[0].style.opacity = op;
- $C('TML', o)[0].style.opacity = op;
- } // $S(o).overflow=s;
- }
- };
- /* MATH */
- N = {
- 'format': function (n) {
- n = String(n);
- var x = n.split('.'),
- x1 = x[0],
- x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '',
- rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
- while (rgx.test(x1)) {
- x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
- }
- return (x1 + x2);
- },
- 'between': function (n, a, z) {
- return ((n >= a && n <= z) ? true : false);
- },
- 'rand': function (n) {
- return (Math.floor(Math.random() * n));
- }
- };
- function exp(a, z, n, d) {
- if (n <= 1) n *= 100;
- if (d == 'low') var y = Math.pow(2, n / 15.019);
- else var y = -105.78 * Math.pow(2, -1 * n / 15) + 102;
- return ((y / 100) * (z - a) + a - (.01 * z))
- };
- function zero(n) {
- return (!isNaN(n = parseFloat(n)) ? n : 0);
- }
- /* JUNK */
- function deObject(o) {
- var z = [];
- for (var i in o) {
- if (typeof(o[i]) == 'object') {
- z[i] = [];
- for (var ii in o[i]) {
- if (!isNaN(o[i][ii])) z[i][ii] = Number(o[i][ii]); // NUMBERS
- else if (typeof(o[i][ii]) == 'object') z[i][ii] = String(o[i][ii]).split(','); // ARRAYS
- else if (typeof(o[i][ii]) == 'string') z[i][ii] = o[i][ii]; // STRINGS
- //- should accept objects, and null values
- }
- } else z = '';
- }
- return (z ? z : String(o).split(','));
- };
- function typeOf(v) {
- var z = typeof(v);
- if (z === 'object') {
- if (v) {
- if (v instanceof Array) {
- z = 'array';
- }
- } else {
- z = 'null';
- }
- }
- return (z);
- };
- /* SETTINGS */
- var co = { },
- vars = { };
- (function() {
- vars = {
- 'id': 'fill',
- 'draw': 'Brush',
- 'font': 'Arial',
- 'gradient': 'fixed',
- 'marquee': 'polygon',
- 'shape': 'ellipses',
- 'stamp': 'Default',
- // Splatter',
- 'PT*': 'Squidfingers',
- 'GD*': 'Web v2.0',
- 'CO*': 'Oxygen',
- 'constrain': 'false',
- 'fillPT': new Image(),
- 'fill': 'solid',
- 'lineCap': 'round',
- 'lineClose': 'false',
- 'lineJoin': 'miter',
- 'strokePT': new Image(),
- 'stroke': 'solid',
- 'type': 'Brush',
- 'zoom': 100
- };
- vars.updateTool = function () {
- var b = vars.type;
- vars.tool = ucword(b) + (b == 'shape' || b == 'marquee' ? '_' + vars[b] : '');
- };
- (vars.cache = function (s) {
- var c = cookieGrab('settings');
- if (!vars.tool) {
- vars.updateTool();
- }
- if (c && !s) {
- var z = c.split(','); // OPEN
- for (var i in z) {
- var v = z[i].split(':');
- if (!isNaN(parseInt(v[1]))) v[1] = parseInt(v[1]);
- if (v[0] != 'zoom') vars[v[0]] = v[1];
- }
- } else {
- var z = '',
- r = {
- 'object': 1,
- 'function': 1
- }; // SAVE
- for (var i in vars) {
- if (!r[typeof(vars[i])]) {
- z += i + ':' + vars[i] + ',';
- }
- }
- z = z.substr(0, z.length - 1);
- cookieStab('settings', z);
- }
- })();
- /* SHAPES */
- co.polygon=function(a,b,c,s) {
- var T=!isNaN(s)?'marquee':'shape', o=co.constrain(a,b,s), scale=co.scale(a,b,s);
- var rad=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.X-o.X,2)+Math.pow(a.Y-o.Y,2))/2, sides=vars['sides_'+T];
- var x=o.X-((o.X-a.X)/2), y=o.Y-((o.Y-a.Y)/2), step=(Math.PI*2)/sides;
- var angle=E.ctrl?Math.atan2(o.X-a.X,o.Y-a.Y):(Math.PI/180*45), j=0;
- var check=(isNaN(s) && mXY=='up' && Math.abs(a.X-b.X)>0 && Math.abs(a.Y-b.Y)>0);
- function fu_x() {
- return x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n))*rad*scale.X;
- }
- function fu_y() { return(y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n))*rad*scale.Y); }
- var n=0;
- c.moveTo(fu_x(), fu_y());
- for(var n=1; n<=sides; n++) {
- c.lineTo(fu_x(), fu_y());
- }
- c.closePath();
- };
-,b,c,s) { var T=!isNaN(s)?'marquee':'shape', o=co.constrain(a,b,s), scale=co.scale(a,b,s);
- var rad=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.X-o.X,2)+Math.pow(a.Y-o.Y,2))/2, rad2=rad/vars['slope_'+T], sides=vars['sides_'+T];
- var x=o.X-((o.X-a.X)/2), y=o.Y-((o.Y-a.Y)/2), step=(Math.PI*2)/sides, halfStep=step/2;
- var r=(Math.PI/180), angle=E.ctrl?Math.atan2(o.X-a.X,o.Y-a.Y):r*45, j=0;
- var check=(isNaN(s) && mXY=='up' && Math.abs(a.X-b.X)>0 && Math.abs(a.Y-b.Y)>0);
- function fu1(v) { return((v=='X')?(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n)-halfStep)*rad*scale.X):(y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n)-halfStep)*rad*scale.Y)); }
- function fu2(v) { return((v=='X')?(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n))*rad2*scale.X):(y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n))*rad2*scale.Y)); }
- var n=0; c.moveTo(fu2('X'), fu2('Y'));
- for(var n=1; n<=sides; n++) {
- c.lineTo(fu1('X'), fu1('Y')); c.lineTo(fu2('X'), fu2('Y'));
- }
- c.closePath();
- };
- co.burst=function(a,b,c,s) { var T=!isNaN(s)?'marquee':'shape', o=co.constrain(a,b,s), scale=co.scale(a,b,s);
- var rad=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.X-o.X,2)+Math.pow(a.Y-o.Y,2))/2, rad2=rad/vars['slope_'+T], sides=vars['sides_'+T];
- var x=o.X-((o.X-a.X)/2), y=o.Y-((o.Y-a.Y)/2), step=(Math.PI*2)/sides, halfStep=step/2, qtrStep=step/4;
- var angle=E.ctrl?Math.atan2(o.X-a.X,o.Y-a.Y):(Math.PI/180*45), j=0;
- var check=(isNaN(s) && mXY=='up' && Math.abs(a.X-b.X)>0 && Math.abs(a.Y-b.Y)>0);
- c.moveTo(x+(Math.cos(angle)*rad)*scale.X, y-(Math.sin(angle)*rad)*scale.Y);
- for(var n=1; n<=sides; n++) {
- c.quadraticCurveTo(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n)-(qtrStep*3))*(rad2/Math.cos(qtrStep))*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n)-(qtrStep*3))*(rad2/Math.cos(qtrStep))*scale.Y, x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n)-halfStep)*rad2*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n)-halfStep)*rad2*scale.Y);
- c.quadraticCurveTo(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n)-qtrStep)*(rad2/Math.cos(qtrStep))*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n)-qtrStep)*(rad2/Math.cos(qtrStep))*scale.Y, x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n))*rad*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n))*rad*scale.Y);
- }
- c.closePath();
- };
- co.gear=function(a,b,c,s) { var T=!isNaN(s)?'marquee':'shape', o=co.constrain(a,b,s), scale=co.scale(a,b,s);
- var rad=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.X-o.X,2)+Math.pow(a.Y-o.Y,2))/2, rad2=rad/vars['slope_'+T], sides=vars['sides_'+T];
- var x=o.X-((o.X-a.X)/2), y=o.Y-((o.Y-a.Y)/2), step=(Math.PI*2)/sides, halfStep=step/2, qtrStep=step/4;
- var angle=E.ctrl?Math.atan2(o.X-a.X,o.Y-a.Y):(Math.PI/180*45), j=0;
- var check=(isNaN(s) && mXY=='up' && Math.abs(a.X-b.X)>0 && Math.abs(a.Y-b.Y)>0);
- c.moveTo(x+(Math.cos(angle)*rad2)*scale.X, y-(Math.sin(angle)*rad2)*scale.Y);
- for(var n=1; n<=sides; n++) {
- c.lineTo(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n)-(qtrStep*3))*rad*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n)-(qtrStep*3))*rad*scale.Y);
- c.lineTo(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n)-(qtrStep*2))*rad*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n)-(qtrStep*2))*rad*scale.Y);
- c.lineTo(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n)-qtrStep)*rad2*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n)-qtrStep)*rad2*scale.Y);
- c.lineTo(x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n))*rad2*scale.X, y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n))*rad2*scale.Y);
- }
- c.closePath();
- };
- co.ellipses=function(a,b,c,s) {
- var T=!isNaN(s)?'marquee':'shape', o=co.constrain(a,b,s), scale=co.scale(a,b,s);
- var rad=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.X-o.X,2)+Math.pow(a.Y-o.Y,2))/2, sides=150;
- var x=o.X-((o.X-a.X)/2), y=o.Y-((o.Y-a.Y)/2), step=(Math.PI*2)/sides;
- var angle=E.ctrl?Math.atan2(o.X-a.X,o.Y-a.Y):(Math.PI/180*45), j=0;
- var check=(isNaN(s) && mXY=='up' && Math.abs(a.X-b.X)>0 && Math.abs(a.Y-b.Y)>0);
- function fu_x() {
- return x+Math.cos(angle+(step*n))*rad*scale.X;
- }
- function fu_y() { return(y-Math.sin(angle+(step*n))*rad*scale.Y); }
- var n=0;
- c.moveTo(fu_x(), fu_y());
- for(var n=1; n<=sides; n++) {
- c.lineTo(fu_x(), fu_y());
- }
- c.closePath();
- };
- = function (a, b, c) {
- var d = {
- 'X': Math.max(a.X, b.X) - Math.abs(a.X - b.X) / 2,
- 'Y': Math.max(a.Y, b.Y) - Math.abs(a.Y - b.Y) / 2
- };
- var r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a.X - b.X, 2) + Math.pow(a.Y - b.Y, 2)) / 2;
- c.arc(d.X, d.Y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
- c.closePath();
- };
- co.rectangle = function (a, b, c, s) {
- var o = co.constrain(a, b, s);
- if ((a.X - o.X <= 0) != (a.Y - o.Y <= 0)) {
- c.moveTo(a.X, a.Y);
- c.lineTo(o.X, a.Y);
- c.lineTo(o.X, o.Y);
- c.lineTo(a.X, o.Y);
- } else {
- c.moveTo(a.X, a.Y);
- c.lineTo(a.X, o.Y);
- c.lineTo(o.X, o.Y);
- c.lineTo(o.X, a.Y);
- }
- c.closePath();
- };
- /* CACHE */
- co.brush = function () {
- if (vars.type == 'brush' || vars.type == 'eraser' || vars.type == 'pencil') {
- var c = $2D('ctx_brush'),
- D = vars['diameter_' + vars.type],
- D2 = D * 2;
- $('ctx_brush').width = D2;
- $('ctx_brush').height = D2;
- co.del(c);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- var r = c.createRadialGradient(D, D, (vars.type == 'pencil') ? D - 1 : vars['hardness_' + vars.type] / 100 * D - 1, D, D, D);
- r.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,' + (vars['opacity_' + vars.type] / 100) + ')');
- r.addColorStop(0.95, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); // prevent aggregation of semi-opaque pixels
- r.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
- c.fillStyle = r;
- c.fillRect(0, 0, D2, D2);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
- c.rect(0, 0, D2, D2);
- 'X': 0,
- 'Y': 0
- },
- {
- 'X': D2,
- 'Y': D2
- },
- c, 'fill');
- }
- };
- co.glyph = function (v, o) {
- co.brush();
- if(!v) {
- co.stamp();
- return;
- }
- co.stamp.image = new Image();
- co.stamp.image.src = v;
- ///
- if ($(o)) {
- if ($(stamp.o)) {
- $(stamp.o).className = '';
- }
- co.del(o);
- C$(o, {
- '+': 'load'
- });
- stamp.o = o;
- }
- co.stamp.image.onload = function () {
- var o = co.stamp.image;
- stamp.loaded = true;
- var id = stamp.fileNumber;
- C$('stamp' + id, { '-': 'load' });
- stamp.preview(id, 'move');
- co.stamp.r = {
- W: o.width,
- H: o.height
- };
- co.stamp();
- }
- };
- co.stamp = function () {
- if ((vars.type == 'calligraphy' || vars.type == 'stamp') && co.stamp.image.src) {
- var c = $2D('ctx_stamp'),
- i = co.stamp.image,
- n = vars.type == 'stamp' ? vars.rand_min / 100 : 1,
- o = co.stamp.r = {
- W: Math.round(i.width * n),
- H: Math.round(i.height * n)
- };
- $('ctx_stamp').width = o.W;
- $('ctx_stamp').height = o.H;
- c.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- c.globalAlpha = vars['opacity_' + vars.type] / 100;
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- c.drawImage(i, 0, 0, o.W, o.H);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop';
- c.rect(0, 0, o.W, o.H);
- style(c, "fillStyle", "fill", { X: 0, Y: 0 }, { X: o.W, Y: o.H });
- c.fill();
- c.restore();
- }
- };
- co.stamp.image=new Image();
- co.stamp.r={};
- /* EXTENDED */
- co.core = function (e, fu) {
- var d = win_size.LT();
- core.fu('cBound', e, {
- fu: core.XY,
- X1: 0,
- Y1: 0,
- oX: -1 - d.L,
- oY: -1 - d.T
- },
- fu);
- };
- co.copy = function (a, b) {
- $2D(b).drawImage($(a), 0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- };
- co.del = function (c) {
- if (c.length) c = $2D(c);
- c.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- };
- co.path = function (c, r) {
- c.moveTo(r[0].X, r[0].Y);
- for (var i in r) {
- c.lineTo(r[i].X, r[i].Y);
- }
- };
- co.constrain = function (a, b, s) {
- if ((( || !isNaN(s)) && s == 1) || ( && isNaN(s)) && !E.ctrl) {
- var X = (b.X - a.X) ? (b.X - a.X) : 1,
- Y = (b.Y - a.Y) ? (b.Y - a.Y) : 1,
- Z = {
- X: Math.abs(X),
- Y: Math.abs(Y)
- };
- if (Z.X < Z.Y) return ({
- X: a.X + (X / Z.X * Z.Y),
- Y: b.Y
- });
- else return ({
- Y: a.Y + (Y / Z.Y * Z.X),
- X: b.X
- });
- } else {
- return (b);
- }
- };
- co.scale = function (a, b, s) {
- if (((( || !isNaN(s)) && s == 1) || ( && isNaN(s)))) {
- return ({
- X: 1,
- Y: 1
- });
- } else if (Math.abs(a.X - b.X) > Math.abs(a.Y - b.Y)) {
- return ({
- X: 1,
- Y: zero(Math.abs(a.Y - b.Y) / Math.abs(a.X - b.X))
- });
- } else {
- return ({
- X: zero(Math.abs(a.X - b.X) / Math.abs(a.Y - b.Y)),
- Y: 1
- });
- }
- };
- /* STYLE */
- = { };
- = function (c, s) {
- c.fillStyle = s;
- c.fill();
- };
- = function (c, s) {
- c.strokeStyle = s;
- c.stroke();
- };
- = function (a, b, c, v, s) {
-[v](c, 'rgba(' + vars[((s && isNaN(s)) ? s : v) + 'CO'].join(",") + ')');
- };
- = function (a, b, c, v, s) {
-[v](c, vars[((s && isNaN(s)) ? s : v)+'PT~']);
- };
- = {};
- = function (a, b, c, v, s) {
-[vars.gradient](a, b, c, v, s);
- };
- = function (a, b, c, v, s) {
- co.gradient(a, b, c, vars[((s && isNaN(s)) ? s : v) + 'GD'], v, s);
- };
- = function (a, b, c, v, s) {
- co.gradient(cXY, b, c, vars[((s && isNaN(s)) ? s : v) + 'GD'], v, s);
- };
- = function (a, b, c, v, s) {
- co.gradient({
- X: 0,
- Y: 0
- },
- {
- X: canvas.W,
- Y: canvas.H
- },
- c, vars[((s && isNaN(s)) ? s : v) + 'GD'], v, s);
- };
- co.gradient = function (a, b, c, r, v, s) {
- var g;
- if (!s) { // ROTATE
- var W = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b.X - a.X, 2)),
- W2 = W / 2,
- rad = gui_gradient.rotate,
- mX = Math.min(b.X, a.X),
- mY = Math.min(b.Y, a.Y);
- var s1 = Math.abs((Math.sin(rad) * W2) + W2),
- s2 = Math.abs((Math.cos(rad) * W2) - W2);
- var x1 = Math.abs((Math.sin(rad + Math.PI) * W2) + W2),
- y1 = Math.abs((Math.cos(rad + Math.PI) * W2) - W2);
- g = c.createLinearGradient(s1 + mX, s2 + mY, x1 + mX, y1 + mY);
- } else g = c.createLinearGradient(a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y);
- for (var i in r) {
- if (!r[i][2]) {
- g.addColorStop(r[i][0], 'rgba(' + r[i][1].join(",") + ')');
- }
- }
-[v](c, g);
- };
- })();
- /*
- GUI Interface / 0.1 /
- -------------------------
- gui_tools
- gui_palette
- gui_color
- gui_gradient
- gui_pattern
- gui_swatch
- */
- // TOOLS window
- gui_tools = {
- imagePos: {}, // y-pos of backgroundPosition (all tools are in media/GUI/Tools.png
- imageMap: function () { // create image mapping
- var elements = $T('div', $C('tools', 'tools')[0]),
- icons = [
- 'Brush',
- 'Calligraphy',
- 'Crop',
- 'Eraser',
- 'Fill',
- 'Marquee_burst',
- 'Marquee_ellipses',
- 'Marquee_gear',
- 'Marquee_lasso',
- 'Marquee_polygon',
- 'Marquee_rectangle',
- 'Marquee_star',
- 'Original',
- 'Pencil',
- 'Picker',
- 'Select',
- 'Shape_burst',
- 'Shape_ellipses',
- 'Shape_gear',
- 'Shape_polygon',
- 'Shape_rectangle',
- 'Shape_star',
- 'Stamp',
- 'Text',
- 'Zoom',
- 'Spirograph'
- ];
- for (var n in icons) {
- gui_tools.imagePos[icons[n]] = n * 26 - 5;
- }
- for (var image in elements) {
- image = elements[image];
- if (typeof(image) == 'object') {
- var o = $T('img', image);
- if (o[0]) {
- o = (o[1] && o[1].className != 'plus') ? o[1] : o[0];
- var o = o.className.split(' ')[0];
- var u = o.split('_')[0];
- if (u == 'Marquee' || u == 'Shape') {
- o = u + '_' + vars[u.toLowerCase()];
- } else if (u == 'Brush') {
- o = ucword(vars['draw']);
- }
- = 'url(media/gui/tools/Tools.png)';
- = '5px ' + (-gui_tools.imagePos[o]) + 'px';
- image.title = o.split('_')[0];
- image.onmousedown = function (event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- };
- }
- }
- }
- },
- imageSize: function (v, i, end) { // image animation (switching tools)
- var o = $C(v, 'tools')[0],
- d =;
- d.width = (15 + i) + 'px';
- d.height = (15 + i) + 'px';
- = (-(i / 2)) + 'px';
- d.left = (-(i / 2)) + 'px';
- if (i == end) {
- var d =;
- d.backgroundPosition = '5px ' + (-gui_tools.imagePos[v]) + 'px';
- if (i == 25) {
- = "block";
- o.src = 'media/gui/tools/' + v + '_2.png';
- d.backgroundImage = '';
- } else if (i == 0) {
- o.src = '';
- = "none";
- d.backgroundImage = 'url(media/gui/tools/Tools.png)';
- }
- } else if ((i == 0 && end == 25) || (i == 25 && end == 0)) {
- var o = $T('img', o.parentNode);
- if (o[1]) {
- o[0].style.display = (i == 0) ? 'none' : 'block';
- }
- }
- },
- imageCurrent: function (v) {
- function getRoot(v) {
- return (v.indexOf('_') != -1 ? v.substr(0, v.indexOf('_')) : v).toLowerCase();
- };
- var prev = gui_tools.prev,
- p = getRoot(prev ? prev : vars.type),
- c = getRoot(v);
- vars.type = c;
- vars.typeImg = v;
- if (prev != v) { // tool has switched
- function zoom(o, n) {
- setTimeout("gui_tools.imageSize('" + o + "'," + i + "," + n + ")", (timer++) * 4);
- };
- if (c == 'marquee' || c == 'crop') {
- marquee.reset();
- }
- if (p == 'crop') {
- crop.reset();
- }
- if (prev) {
- var timer = 0,
- img1 = new Image();
- img1.src = 'media/gui/tools/' + prev + '.png';
- for (var i = 25; i >= 0; i--) {
- zoom(prev, 0);
- }
- }
- var timer = 0,
- img2 = new Image();
- img2.src = 'media/gui/tools/' + v + '_2.png';
- for (var i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
- zoom(v, 25);
- }
- gui_tools.prev = v;
- gui_options.forge(vars.type); // build "OPTIONS" window
- vars.updateTool(); //
- vars.cache(1);
- }
- }
- };
- // "OPTIONS" window
- gui_options = {
- modulesObject: function () {
- gui_options.modules = {
- 'marquee': {
- build: ['sides_marquee', 'slope_marquee'],
- vars: {
- 'movement_marquee': 'anchored',
- 'slope_marquee': 2,
- 'sides_marquee': 7
- },
- head: 'marquee',
- size: {
- 'ellipses': 15,
- 'polygon': 40,
- '': 85
- }
- },
- 'crop': {
- build: ['constrain', 'aspect'],
- vars: {
- 'constrain': 'false',
- 'aspect': 'landscape'
- },
- head: 'crop',
- size: 58
- },
- 'text': {
- build: ['fontSize', 'stroke_text'],//'kerning', 'leading',
- vars: {
- 'movement_text': 'active',
- 'fontSize': 90,
- 'kerning': 1,
- 'leading': 1.2,
- 'stroke_text': 3
- },
- size: 140
- },
- 'shape': {
- build: ['movement_' + vars.shape, 'corner', 'sides_shape', 'slope_shape', 'stroke_' + vars.shape],
- vars: {
- 'movement_shape': 'anchored',
- 'stroke_shape': 7,
- 'gradient': 'fixed',
- 'slope_shape': 2,
- 'sides_shape': 7
- },
- head: 'shape',
- size: {
- 'ellipses': 130,
- 'polygon': 170,
- '': 210
- }
- },
- 'pencil': {
- build: ['diameter_pencil', 'opacity_pencil'],
- vars: {
- 'movement_pencil': 'freedraw',
- 'lineJoin': 'round',
- 'gradient': 'absolute',
- 'diameter_pencil': 10,
- 'flow_pencil': 100,
- 'opacity_pencil': 80
- },
- head: 'draw',
- size: 85,
- glyph: 1
- },
- 'brush': {
- build: ['diameter_brush', 'hardness_brush', 'flow_brush', 'opacity_brush'],
- vars: {
- 'movement_brush': 'freedraw',
- 'diameter_brush': 25,
- 'hardness_brush': 60,
- 'flow_brush': 92,
- 'opacity_brush': 70
- },
- head: 'draw',
- size: 165,
- glyph: 1
- },
- 'calligraphy': {
- build: ['diameter_calligraphy', 'opacity_calligraphy'],
- vars: {
- 'movement_calligraphy': 'freedraw',
- 'lineJoin': 'round',
- 'gradient': 'absolute',
- 'diameter_calligraphy': 50,
- 'flow_calligraphy': 100,
- 'opacity_calligraphy': 90
- },
- head: 'draw',
- size: 80,
- glyph: 1
- },
- 'spirograph': {
- build: ['inner_radius_spirograph', 'outer_radius_spirograph', 'diameter_spirograph','speed_spirograph','resolution_spirograph'],
- vars: {
- 'inner_radius_spirograph': 29,
- 'outer_radius_spirograph': 79,
- 'diameter_spirograph': 30,
- 'speed_spirograph': 100,
- 'resolution_spirograph': 364,
- 'type_spirograph': 'Hypotrochoid'
- },
- head: 'spirograph',
- size: 205,
- glyph: 1
- },
- 'stamp': {
- build: ['rand', 'flow_stamp', 'opacity_stamp'],
- vars: {
- 'movement_stamp': 'freedraw',
- 'flow_stamp': 10,
- 'opacity_stamp': 100,
- 'rand_min': 70,
- 'rand_max': 25
- },
- size: 275,
- head: 'stamp'
- },
- 'fill': {
- build: ['opacity_fill'],
- vars: {
- 'movement_fill': 'anchored',
- 'opacity_fill': 70
- },
- size: 40,
- head: 'fill'
- },
- 'eraser': {
- build: ['diameter_eraser', 'hardness_eraser', 'flow_eraser', 'opacity_eraser'],
- vars: {
- 'movement_eraser': 'freedraw',
- 'diameter_eraser': 25,
- 'flow_eraser': 90,
- 'hardness_eraser': 60,
- 'opacity_eraser': 30
- },
- size: 165,
- glyph: 1
- },
- 'picker': {
- size: 75
- }
- }
- },
- forge: function (v) { // build "OPTIONS" window
- if (!gui_options.modules || v == 'shape') {
- gui_options.modulesObject();
- };
- var r = gui_options.modules[v],
- z = '';
- for (var i in r.vars) { // BUILD CONTENT
- if (!vars[i]) var b = r.vars[i];
- if (i == 'movement_shape') {
- i = 'movement_' + vars.shape;
- } else if (i == 'stroke_shape') {
- i = 'stroke_' + vars.shape;
- }
- if (!vars[i]) {
- vars[i] = b;
- }
- }
- if (v == 'shape' || v == 'marquee') {
- var d = vars[v];
- gui_options.resize(r.size[d] ? r.size[d] : r.size['']);
- } else {
- gui_options.resize(r.size);
- };
- for (var i in {
- i =[i];
- var o = i.indexOf('_') != -1 ? i.substr(0, i.indexOf('_')) : i,
- title = o.replace('_', ' ').replace('line', '').replace('rand', 'diameter · min, max').replace('font', '').replace('marq', '').replace('shape', '').toLowerCase(),
- fu = (i == 'br') ? '<br>' : gui[cF[i].type].build(title, i, cF[i].val);
- if (v == 'shape') {
- if ((d != 'ellipses' && d != 'polygon') || (d == 'ellipses' && i != 'corner' && i != 'sides_shape' && i != 'slope_shape') || (d == 'polygon' && i != 'slope_shape')) {
- z += (i == 'stroke_ellipses' ? '<br>' : '') + fu;
- }
- } else if (v == 'marquee') {
- if ((d != 'ellipses' && d != 'polygon') || (d == 'polygon' && i != 'slope_marquee')) {
- z += fu;
- }
- } else {
- z += fu;
- }
- }
- if(v == 'fill' || v =='brush' || v == 'pencil' || v == 'calligraphy' || v == 'stamp') { // these tools use only the "fill" property
- } else if(v == 'spirograph') { // these ones use only the "stroke" property
- }
- switch(v) { // extra stuff
- case 'picker':
- z = '<img src="media/gui/loupe.png" onmousedown="return(noMove())" class="loupe" alt="...">'+
- '<canvas id="picker" height="106" width="149" style="height: 106px; width: 149px"></canvas>'+
- '<div class="picker"><div>R<br>G<br>B<br>A</div><div id="picker_hex">0<br>0<br>0<br>0</div></div>'+
- '<canvas id="picker1x1" height="1" width="1"></canvas>';
- break;
- case 'stamp':
- z = '<div id="stamp"></div>' + gui.Y.kontrol('stamp') +
- "<span style=\"position: relative; top: -6px; border: 0\" id=\"brush_author\"></span>" + z;
- break;
- case 'text':
- if(!vars.textMessage) {
- vars.textMessage = "hello!";
- }
- z = '<div id="text" style="padding-bottom: 13px">' +
- ' <span style="font-size: 11px; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; user-select: none; ">MESSAGE</span><br>' +
- ' <input type="text" onmousedown="preventDefault = false;" onkeydown="vars.textMessage=this.value;" onkeyup="vars.textMessage=this.value;" style="width: 90%; font-size: 16px" value="'+vars.textMessage+'">' +
- '</div>' + z;
- break;
- }
- var d = $('options');
- $C('TML', d)[0].innerHTML = '<span style="-moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; user-select: none; ">'+(r.head ?, cF[r.head].val) : v)+'</div>';
- $C('MM', d)[0].innerHTML = '<div class="z" style="display: none; margin-top:1px;">' + z + '</div>';
- if (v == 'stamp') {
- stamp.reset();
- } else if (v == 'calligraphy') {
- co.glyph('media/glyph/Calligraphy/0-live.png');
- }
- if (r.glyph) {
- co.glyph();
- }
- if (!$('ioptions').opened) {
-$('ioptions'), 'options');
- }
- $C('z', d)[0].style.display = 'block';
- },
- resize: function (n) { // resize "OPTIONS" window
- function fu(o) {
- = n + "px";
- };
- var o = $('options'),
- l = $C('ML', o)[0],
- m = $C('MM', o)[0],
- r = $C('MR', o)[0];
- fu(l);
- fu(r);
- fu(m);
- $S('options').height = (n + 40) + 'px';
- win.r['options'][3] = n + 40;
- }
- };
- gui_palette = {
- click: function (v) {
- if( == v) {
- return;
- }
- gui_palette.zindex(v);
-[vars[ = v]]);
- },
- zindex: function (v) {
- var r = {
- 'fill': 'stroke',
- 'stroke': 'fill'
- };
- function fu(v, c, i) {
- var o = $(v);
- o.zIndex = i;
- o.cursor = c;
- $S(v).cursor = c;
- }
- fu(v, 'default', 2);
- fu(r[v], 'pointer', 1);
- $('swap').innerHTML = v.substr(0,1).toUpperCase();
- },
- current: function () {
- var q = gui_swatch.L2S,
- r = {
- 'CO': 1,
- 'GD': 1,
- 'PT': 1
- },
- b;
- for (var i in r) {
- b = gui_swatch.n['fill' + i];
- gui_swatch.n['fill' + i] = gui_swatch.n['stroke' + i];
- gui_swatch.n['stroke' + i] = b;
- }
- var z = ( == 'fill'),
- a = z ? 'stroke' : 'fill',
- b = z ? 'fill' : 'stroke',
- z = '';
- if (vars.fill == 'pattern' || vars.stroke == 'pattern') {
- gui_pattern.o[a] = vars[b + 'PT'];
- gui_pattern.o[b] = vars[a + 'PT'];
- gui_pattern.create();
- }
- z = vars[a];
- vars[a] = vars[b];
- vars[b] = z;
- z = vars[a + 'CO'];
- vars[a + 'CO'] = vars[b + 'CO'];
- vars[b + 'CO'] = z;
- z = vars[a + 'GD'];
- vars[a + 'GD'] = vars[b + 'GD'];
- vars[b + 'GD'] = z;
- z = vars[a + 'PT'];
- vars[a + 'PT'] = vars[b + 'PT'];
- vars[b + 'PT'] = z;
- gui_palette.update(a);
- },
- // Visualizer
- run: function (n) {
- if (n != 'GD');
- gui_swatch.cur(n);
- co.glyph();
- vars.cache(1);
- },
- create: function (v) {
- if (v) vars[] = v;
- gui_palette.update();
- co.glyph();
- },
- update: function (b, m) {
- stamp.preview(stamp.fileNumber, m);
- var id = b ||,
- d = $(id),
- c = d.getContext('2d');
- c.clearRect(0, 0, d.width = 34, d.height = 23);
- style(c, "fillStyle", id, { X: 0, Y: 0 }, { X: 34, Y: 23 });
- c.fillRect(0, 0, 34, 23);
- }
- };
- gui_color = {
- // Mouse
- 'core': function (o, e, fu) {
- if ( == 'PT') gui_swatch.cur('CO');
- core.fu(o, e, {
- fu: core.X,
- oX: -13.5,
- X1: 0,
- X2: 121,
- oY: 0
- },
- fu);
- },
- 'cur': function (n, v, i, m) {
- var b = gui_color[v+"_"][i],
- n = Math.max(0, n) / 121;
- gui_color[v][i[0]] = (i == 'Alpha') ? n : Math.round((1 - n) * b);
- if (m == 'up') gui_palette.create();
- else gui_palette.update('', m);
- },
- 'pos': function (r, v, i) {
- var s = (i == 'Alpha'),
- n = r[i[0]];
- n = s ? (1 - n) * 100 : n;
- $S(i + 'Cur').left = parseInt((121 - (n / gui_color[v+"_"][i]) * 121) + 10) + 'px';
- $(i + 'Me').innerHTML = Math.round(s ? 100 - n : n);
- },
- // Create
- 'mk': function () {
- var z = '',
- o = $C('MM', 'solid')[0];
- var R = {
- 'Hue': 'HSV',
- 'Saturation': 'HSV',
- 'Value': 'HSV',
- 'Red': 'RGB',
- 'Green': 'RGB',
- 'Blue': 'RGB',
- 'Alpha': 'RGB'
- };
- for (var i in R) {
- var v = 'gui_color.core(\'' + i + 'Cur\',event,function(a,b,m) { gui_color.cur(b.X,\'' + R[i] + '\',\'' + i + '\',m); })';
- z += '<div title="' + i.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + i.substr(1) + '">' + ' <div class="west" id="' + i + 'T">' + i.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + '</div>' +
- ' <span class="east" id="' + i + 'Me"></span>' + ' <div onmousedown="' + v + '; return false;" id="' + i + 'Cur" class="cur"></div>' +
- ' <canvas id="' + i + '" onmousedown="' + v + '" height="18" width="120"></canvas><br>' +
- '</div>';
- }
- o.innerHTML = '<div class="z">' + z + '</div>';
- },
- // Visualizer
- 'run': function (m, r) {
- if (m == 'set') {
- m = 'Red';
- }
- if (r) {
- var r = gui_color.RGB = {
- R: r[0],
- G: r[1],
- B: r[2],
- A: r[3]
- },
- h = gui_color.HSV = Color.RGB_HSV(gui_color.RGB);
- } else {
- var r = gui_color.RGB,
- h = gui_color.HSV;
- }
- if (gui_color.HSV_[m]) {
- var t = Color.HSV_RGB(h);
- t.A = r.A;
- r = gui_color.RGB = t;
- } else if (gui_color.RGB_[m]) {
- h = gui_color.HSV = Color.RGB_HSV(r);
- }
- var R = {
- 'Hue': [
- [0, { H: 0, S: h.S, V: h.V }],
- [0.15, { H: 300, S: h.S, V: h.V}],
- [0.30, { H: 240, S: h.S, V: h.V}],
- [0.50, { H: 180, S: h.S, V: h.V}],
- [0.65, { H: 120, S: h.S, V: h.V}],
- [0.85, { H: 60, S: h.S, V: h.V}],
- [1, { H: 0, S: h.S, V: h.V}]],
- 'Saturation': [
- [0, { H: h.H, S: 100, V: h.V}],
- [1, { H: h.H, S: 0, V: h.V}]],
- 'Value': [
- [0, { H: h.H, S: h.S, V: 100}],
- [1, { H: h.H, S: h.S, V: 0}]],
- 'Red': [
- [0, { R: 255, G: r.G, B: r.B, A: r.A }],
- [1, { R: 0, G: r.G, B: r.B, A: r.A }]],
- 'Green': [
- [0, { R: r.R, G: 255, B: r.B, A: r.A }],
- [1, { R: r.R, G: 0, B: r.B, A: r.A }]],
- 'Blue': [
- [0, { R: r.R, G: r.G, B: 255, A: r.A }],
- [1, { R: r.R, G: r.G, B: 0, A: r.A }]],
- 'Alpha': [
- [0, { R: r.R, G: r.G, B: r.B, A: 0 }],
- [1, { R: r.R, G: r.G, B: r.B, A: 1 }]]
- };
- for (var i in R) {
- var c = $2D(i),
- g = c.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 120, 18);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy';
- for (var j in R[i]) {
- var j = R[i][j],
- k = j[1];
- if (gui_color.HSV_[i]) {
- k = Color.HSV_RGB(k);
- k.A = r.A;
- }
- var rgb = gui_color.mode(k, isNaN(k.A) ? 1 : 0);
- rgb = rgb.R + ',' + rgb.G + ',' + rgb.B + ',' + rgb.A;
- g.addColorStop(j[0], 'rgba(' + rgb + ')');
- }
- c.rect(0,0,120,18);
-, g);
- if (gui_color.HSV_[i]) {
- gui_color.pos(h, 'HSV', i);
- } else {
- gui_color.pos(r, 'RGB', i);
- }
- }
- var r = gui_color.mode(r);
- $('HEX').innerHTML = Color.HEX_STRING(r.R << 16 | r.G << 8 | r.B);
- if (vars[] == 'solid') {
- vars[ + 'CO'] = [ r.R, r.G, r.B, r.A ];
- vars.opacity_fill = r.A * 100;
- if($('opacity_fillCur') && == "fill") {
- $('opacity_fillCur').style.left = parseInt(r.A * 110) + 'px';
- $('opacity_fillCurV').innerHTML = parseInt(r.A * 100);
- }
- } else if (vars[] == 'gradient') {
- var b =;
- vars[ + 'GD'][b][1] = [ r.R, r.G, r.B, r.A ];
-, 'move');
- }
- },
- // Data
- 'mode': function (r, s) {
- return (s ? r : { R: r.R, G: r.G, B: r.B, A: r.A });
- },
- 'RGB_': {
- 'Red': 255,
- 'Green': 255,
- 'Blue': 255,
- 'Alpha': 100
- },
- 'HSV_': {
- 'Hue': 360,
- 'Saturation': 100,
- 'Value': 100
- },
- 'RGB': {
- 'R': 255,
- 'G': 0,
- 'B': 0,
- 'A': 1
- },
- 'HSV': {
- 'H': 0,
- 'S': 100,
- 'V': 100
- }
- };
- gui_gradient = {
- // Mouse
- 'slide_x': function (a, b, m) {
- var g = vars[ + 'GD'],
- r = g[];
- if (N.between(b.Y, 0, 40)) {
- if (gui_gradient.del) {
- = 'block';
- gui_gradient.del = '';
- r[2] = 0;
- }
- r[0] = Math.round(Math.min(1, Math.max(0, b.X / 169)) * 1000) / 1000;
- $('gPos').innerHTML = Math.round(r[0] * 100) + '<span class="small">%</span>';
- = (Math.max(0, b.X) - 5) + 'px';
- } else if (g.length > 2) {
- = 'none';
- gui_gradient.del = gui_gradient.o;
- r[2] = 1;
- }
- if (m == 'up' && gui_gradient.del && g.length > 2) gui_gradient.remove();
-, 'cGD2', 'gPos');
- gui_gradient.fill(m);
- },
- 'slide_y': function (a, b, m) {
- var g = vars[ + 'GD'],
- op = Math.round((1 - (b.Y + 5) / 91) * 1000) / 1000;
- $S('gOpacity').top = b.Y + 'px';
- $('gPos').innerHTML = Math.round(op * 100) + '<span class="small">%</span>';
- vars.opacity_fill = op * 100;
- if($('opacity_fillCur') && == "fill") {
- $('opacity_fillCur').style.left = parseInt(op * 110) + 'px';
- $('opacity_fillCurV').innerHTML = parseInt(op * 100);
- }
- for (var i in g) {
- g[i][1][3] = op;
- }
-, 'cGD2', 'gPos');
-'false', m);
- gui_gradient.cs();
- },
- 'slide_o': function (o, m, a, x) {
- a.X += x.oX;
- a.Y += x.oY;
- var o = $S('gAngle'),
- W = 132,
- W2 = W / 2,
- R = Math.atan2(a.X - W2 - 3, W - a.Y - W2 - 6);
- gui_gradient.rotate = R;
- o.left = (Math.abs((Math.sin(R) * W2) + W2) + 30) + 'px';
- = (Math.abs((Math.cos(R) * W2) - W2) + 40) + 'px';
- $('gPos').innerHTML = Math.round((gui_gradient.rotate + (Math.PI * 2.5)) * (180 / Math.PI) % 360) + '°';
-, 'cGD2', 'gPos');
- gui_gradient.fill(m);
- },
- 'cur': function (o) {
- if (gui_gradient.o) gui_gradient.o.className = '';
- o.className = 'cur';
- gui_gradient.o = o;
- },
- 'add': function (e) {
- if (stop) {
- var g = vars[ + 'GD'],
- n = g.length;
- g[n] = [0, deObject(vars[ + 'GD'][][1])];
- gui_gradient.mk_x('gd' + n);
- core.fu('gd' + n, e, {
- fu: core.X,
- oX: 0,
- oY: 15,
- X1: 0,
- X2: 169
- },
- gui_gradient.slide_x);
- }
- },
- 'remove': function (o) {
- vars[ + 'GD'].splice(, 1);
- gui_gradient.mk_x();
- },
- // Create
- 'mk': function () {
- var o = $C('MM', 'gradient')[0];
- o.innerHTML = '<div class="z" onmousedown="gui_swatch.toType(\'GD\')">' + ' <div onmousedown="core.fu(\'cGD1\',event, {fu:gui_gradient.slide_o, oX:-7, oY:-13}); return false;" id="gAngle" class="blue_dot" title="Angle"></div>' + ' <div onmousedown="core.fu(\'cGD1\',event, {fu:core.Y, oX:0, oY:-41, Y1:-5, Y2:86}, gui_gradient.slide_y); return false;" class="blue_slide"><div id="gOpacity" class="blue_dot" title="Opacity"></div></div>' + ' <div id="gPos"></div>' + ' <canvas id="cGD1" height="169" width="169"></canvas>' + ' <canvas id="cGD2" onmousedown="core.fu(\'cGD1\',event, {fu:gui_gradient.slide_o, oX:-7, oY:-13})" height="169" width="169"></canvas>' + ' <div class="slide_x" onmousedown="gui_gradient.add(event)"></div>' + '</div>';
- gui_gradient.mk_x();
- infc.info_draw('cGD2');
- if (vars[] == 'gradient') gui_gradient.cs();
- },
- 'mk_x': function (o) {
- var g = vars[ + 'GD'],
- z = '';
- for (var i in g) z += '<div onmousedown="gui_gradient.cur(this); gui_gradient.cs(); core.fu(\'gd' + i + '\',event,{fu:core.X, oX:0, oY:15, X1:0, X2:169}, gui_gradient.slide_x)" id="gd' + i + '" style="left: ' + ((g[i][0] * 169) - 5) + 'px"><canvas height="7" width="7"></canvas></div>';
- $C('slide_x', 'gradient')[0].innerHTML = z;
- gui_gradient.cur($(o ? o : 'gd' + i));
-'false', 'move');
- },
- // Visualizer
- 'run': function (v, m) {
- var g = vars[ + 'GD'];
- function z(i) {
- var c = $T('canvas', 'gd' + i)[0].getContext('2d');
- c.clearRect(0, 0, 7, 7);
- c.rect(0,0,7,7);
-, 'rgba(' + g[i][1].join(',') + ')');
- }
- if (isNaN(v)) {
- for (var i in g) {
- z(i);
- }
- } else {
- z(v);
- }
- gui_gradient.fill(m);
- },
- 'fill': function (m) {
- var c = $2D('cGD1'),
- g = vars[ + 'GD'];
- co.gradient({
- 'X': 0,
- 'Y': 0
- },
- {
- 'X': 169,
- 'Y': 169
- },
- c, g, 'fill');
- c.clearRect(0, 0, 169, 169);
- c.fillRect(0, 0, 169, 169);
- if (m == 'up') gui_palette.create();
- else gui_palette.update('', m);
- },
- // Data
- 'cs': function (v) {
- v = vars[ + 'GD'][][1];
-'set', v);
- },
- 'rotate': (Math.PI / 2) + Math.PI
- };
- var gui_pattern = {
- // Mouse
- 'slide_y': function (a, b, m) {
- var op = (gui_pattern.op[] = Math.round((1 - (b.Y + 5) / 91) * 1000) / 1000);
- $('pPos').innerHTML = Math.round(op * 100) + '<span class="small">%</span>';
- vars.opacity_fill = op * 100;
- if($('opacity_fillCur') && == "fill") {
- $('opacity_fillCur').style.left = parseInt(op * 110) + 'px';
- $('opacity_fillCurV').innerHTML = parseInt(op * 100);
- }
- $S('pOpacity').top = b.Y + 'px';
-, 'cPT2', 'pPos');
- gui_pattern.create(op, m);
- if (m == 'up') gui_palette.create();
- else gui_palette.update('', m);
- },
- // Create
- 'mk': function (s) {
- var j = 0,
- r = vars[ + 'GD'],
- o = $C('MM', 'pattern')[0],
- z = '';
- o.innerHTML = '<div class="z" onmousedown="gui_swatch.toType(\'PT\')">' + ' <div onmousedown="core.fu(\'cPT1\',event, {fu:core.Y, oX:0, oY:-41, Y1:-5, Y2:86}, gui_pattern.slide_y); return false;" class="blue_slide"><div id="pOpacity" class="blue_dot" title="Opacity"></div></div>' + ' <div id="pPos"></div>' + ' <canvas id="cPT"></canvas>' + ' <canvas id="cPT1" height="169" width="169"></canvas>' + ' <canvas id="cPT2" height="169" width="169"></canvas>' + '</div>';
- gui_pattern.o[] = vars[ + 'PT'];
- gui_pattern.fill();
- infc.info_draw('cPT2', 1);
- gui_palette.update();
- if (vars[] == 'pattern') {
- gui_gradient.cs();
- }
- gui_pattern.cache("fill");
- gui_pattern.cache("stroke");
- },
- // Visualizer
- 'cache': function (type) { // cache image w/ createPattern()
- var pattern = vars[type+'PT'];
- dtx2D.width = pattern.width;
- dtx2D.height = pattern.height;
- ctx2D.globalAlpha = isNaN(pattern.opacity) ? 1 : pattern.opacity;
- ctx2D.drawImage(pattern, 0, 0);
- ctx2D.restore();
- vars[type+'PT~'] = ctx2D.createPattern(dtx2D, "repeat");
- },
- 'create': function (opacity, m) {
- var image = vars[ + 'PT'],
- b = { X: image.width, Y: image.height };
- if (!opacity) {
- opacity = gui_pattern.op[];
- }
- image.opacity = opacity;
- $('cPT').width = b.X;
- $('cPT').height = b.Y;
- gui_pattern.cache(;
- gui_pattern.o[] = $('cPT'); // GENERATE
- gui_pattern.fill(opacity, 0, m); // UPDATE
- },
- 'fill': function (op, b, m, i) {
- if (!op) op = gui_pattern.op[];
- var a = {
- 'X': 0,
- 'Y': 0
- },
- b = b ? b : {
- 'X': 169,
- 'Y': 169
- },
- c = $2D(i ? i : 'cPT1');
- co.del(c);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- c.rect(a.X,a.Y,b.X,b.Y);
-, c.createPattern(vars[ + 'PT'], 'repeat'));
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';
- c.rect(a.X,a.Y,b.X,b.Y);
- c.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + op + ')';
- c.fill();
- if (m == 'up') gui_palette.create();
- else gui_palette.update('', m);
- },
- // Data
- 'o': {
- 'stroke': new Image(),
- 'fill': new Image()
- },
- 'op': {
- 'stroke': 1,
- 'fill': 1
- },
- 'dir': 'media/patterns/'
- };
- gui_swatch = {
- // Mouse
- 'click': function (o) {
- var n = parseInt([a-zA-Z]*/, ''));
- if (gui_swatch.n[ +] != n) {
- if ( == 'PT') {
- vars[ +] = new Image();
- vars[ +].src = vars[][n - 1].src;
- } else {
- vars[ +] = deObject(vars[][n - 1]);
- }
- gui_swatch.cur_switch(n);
- co.glyph();
- }
- },
- 'cur': function (type, s) {
- = type = type || "CO";
- vars[] = gui_swatch.r[type][0];
- function z(a, b, c) {
- $C(a, 'swatch')[0].style[b] = c;
- }
- if( {
- z(, 'display', 'none');
- z( + 'menu', 'cursor', 'pointer');
- }
- z(type, 'display', 'block');
- z(type + 'menu', 'cursor', 'default');
- gui_swatch.pos(gui_swatch.n[ + ( = type)]);
- gui_swatch.cur_switch(gui_swatch.n[ +], s);
- co.glyph();
- },
- 'cur_switch': function (n, s) {
- var b = gui_swatch.n[ +];
- gui_swatch.n[ +] = n;
- if (!s) {
- }
- if ($(gui_swatch.o)) {
- $(gui_swatch.o).className = '';
- gui_swatch.update(b);
- }
- $(gui_swatch.o = + + n).className = 'cur';
- gui_swatch.update(n);
- },
- 'pos': function (n) {
- var o = gui.Y,
- a = Math.ceil(n / 7) * 7,
- b = (a - 7) - (o.cur[] - 1);
- if (b > 21 || b < 0) o.cur[] = (a - (b < 0 ? 7 : 28));
- o.prev[] = 0;
- o.cord(0);
- o.sw(gui_swatch.n[ +] = n);
- },
- 'add': function () {
- var r = vars[],
- n = gui_swatch.n[ +];
- var fu = {
- 'CO': function (r) {
- r = deObject(vars[ +]);
- return (r);
- },
- 'GD': function (r) {
- r = deObject(vars[ +]);
- return (r);
- },
- 'PT': function (r) {
- r = new Image();
- r[r.length - 1].src = vars[ +].src;
- return (r);
- }
- };
- r.splice(n, 0, fu[](r));
- vars[ +] = r[n];
- gui.Y.kontrol_update(;
- gui_swatch.pos(n + 1);
- },
- 'remove': function () {
- if (vars[].length > 1) {
- var r = vars[],
- n = gui_swatch.n[ +];
- r.splice(n - 1, 1);
- vars[ +] = r[(n = Math.min(n, r.length)) - 1];
- gui_swatch.pos(n);
- gui.Y.kontrol_update(;
- }
- },
- // Create
- author: function(id) {
- var id = id ||,
- res = Resources[id][vars[id+'*']] || "";
- if(res) { // resource
- return '<i>by: <a href="'+res.url+'" target="_blank">''</a></i>';
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- },
- 'mk': function () {
- var z = '';
- gui_swatch.set = {};
- for (var i in gui_swatch.r) {
- var k = 0;
- gui_swatch.set[i] = {};
- for (var j in Q[i]) gui_swatch.set[i][k++] = j;
- }
- for (var i in gui_swatch.r) {
- var res = '<div id="author_'+i+'" class="author">''</div>';
- z += '<div class="menu ' + i + 'menu" onmousedown="gui_swatch.cur(\'' + i + '\'); vars.cache(1);">' + ' <div>' + gui_swatch.r[i][0].toUpperCase() + 'S</div>' +
- ' <span class="east">' +
- ' <div style="padding: 2px 0 0; font-size: 12px" id="'+i+'_author"></div>' +
- // ' <img src="media/gui/sw_remove.png" onmousedown="if(\'default\') gui_swatch.remove(); return false;" alt="..." class="remove">' +
- // ' <img src="media/gui/sw_add.png" onmousedown="if(\'default\') gui_swatch.add(); return false;" alt="...">' +
- ' </span>' +
- '</div>' +
- '<div class="' + i + '" style="display: none">' +
- ' <div style="position: absolute; left: 19px; top: ' + (42 + gui_swatch.r[i][2]) + 'px;">' + + '*', gui_swatch.set[i]) + '</div>' +
- ' <div id="' + i + '" class="squares"></div>' + gui.Y.kontrol(i, gui_swatch.r[i][2] + 49) + '<br>' +res+
- '</div>';
- }
- $C('MM', 'swatch')[0].innerHTML = '<div class="z">' + z + '</div>';
- gui_swatch.cur( = gui_swatch.L2S[vars[]]);
- },
- // Visualizer
- 'run': function () {
- ({
- 'CO': function () {
-'set', vars[ +]);
- gui_palette.update();
- },
- 'GD': function () {
- gui_gradient.mk_x();
- gui_gradient.cs();
- $S('gOpacity').top = '-5px';
- },
- 'PT': function () {
- gui_pattern.o[] = vars[ + 'PT'];
- gui_pattern.create();
- }
- })[]();
- },
- 'update': function (i, s) {
- var r = vars[];
- var fu = {
- 'CO': function (r, c) {
- c.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + r[i - 1].join(',') + ')';
- c.fill();
- },
- 'GD': function (r, c) {
- co.gradient({
- 'X': 3,
- 'Y': 3
- },
- {
- 'X': 13,
- 'Y': 13
- },
- c, r[i - 1], 'fill', 1);
- },
- 'PT': function (r, c) {
- c.fillStyle = c.createPattern(r[i - 1], 'repeat');
- c.fill();
- }
- };
- function z(i) {
- var d = $( + + i);
- if (d) {
- var c = $2D( + + i);
- c.clearRect(0, 0, 16, 16);
- if (gui_swatch.n[ +] == i && !s) {
- var a = {
- 'X': 3,
- 'Y': 3
- },
- b = {
- 'X': 13,
- 'Y': 13
- };
- c.beginPath();
-, b, c);
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- c.lineWidth = 1.5;
- c.stroke();
- fu[](r, c);
- c.beginPath();
- } else {
- c.rect(0, 0, 16,16);
- fu[](r, c);
- }
- }
- }
- if (isNaN(i)) for (var i = gui.Y.cur[], ii = 1; i <= r.length && ii <= 28; i++, ii++) z(i);
- else z(i);
- },
- toType: function (type) {
- if ( != type) {
- gui_swatch.cur(type, 1);
- gui_palette.create();
- }
- },
- // Data
- 'L2S': {
- 'solid': 'CO',
- 'gradient': 'GD',
- 'pattern': 'PT'
- },
- 'S2L': {
- 'CO': 'solid',
- 'GD': 'gradient',
- 'PT': 'pattern'
- },
- 'S2N': {
- 'CO': 1,
- 'GD': 2,
- 'PT': 3
- },
- 'r': {
- 'CO': ['solid', -13, 6],
- 'GD': ['gradient', 6, 25],
- 'PT': ['pattern', 25, 44]
- },
- 'n': {
- 'fillCO': 1,
- 'fillGD': 1,
- 'fillPT': 1,
- 'strokeCO': 2,
- 'strokeGD': 2,
- 'strokePT': 2
- },
- 'o': ''
- };
- infc = {
- 'info': function (m, o, i) {
- if (m == 'down' || m == 'up') {
- var c = $2D(o),
- r = {
- 'down': ['source-over', 0.4, 0.2, 0],
- 'up': ['destination-out', 1, 1, 1]
- } [m];
- c.beginPath();
- c.globalCompositeOperation = r[0];
- 'X': 35 + r[3],
- 'Y': 20 + r[3]
- },
- {
- 'X': -15 - r[3],
- 'Y': -30 - r[3]
- },
- c);
- c.lineWidth = 1;
-, 'rgba(0,0,0,' + r[1] + ')');
-, 'rgba(0,0,0,' + r[2] + ')');
- $S(i).display = (m == 'down') ? 'block' : 'none';
- }
- },
- 'info_draw': function (v, s) {
- var c = $2D(v),
- a = {
- 'X': 37,
- 'Y': 37
- },
- b = {
- 'X': 131,
- 'Y': 131
- }
- function ellip(a, b, r, w) {
- c.beginPath();
- c.lineWidth = w;
-, b, c);
-, 'rgba(' + r + ')');
- }
- function line(a, b, r, w) {
- c.beginPath();
- c.lineWidth = w;
- c.moveTo(a.X, a.Y);
- c.lineTo(b.X, b.Y);
-, 'rgba(' + r + ')');
- }
- if (!s) { // DRAW ROTATE
- ellip(a, b, [0, 0, 0, 1], 8);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-out';
- ellip({
- 'X': a.X + 3,
- 'Y': a.Y + 3
- },
- {
- 'X': b.X + 3,
- 'Y': b.Y + 3
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 0.3], 2);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- ellip(a, b, [128, 128, 128, 0.4], 8);
- ellip({
- 'X': a.X,
- 'Y': a.Y + 1
- },
- {
- 'X': b.X,
- 'Y': b.Y + 1
- },
- [255, 255, 255, 0.2], 1);
- ellip(a, b, [33, 33, 33, 1], 1);
- line({
- X: 84,
- Y: 14
- },
- {
- X: 84,
- Y: 7
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 0.4], 2);
- line({
- X: 85,
- Y: 14
- },
- {
- X: 85,
- Y: 7
- },
- [255, 255, 255, 0.4], 1); // N
- line({
- X: 85,
- Y: 154
- },
- {
- X: 85,
- Y: 161
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 0.4], 2);
- line({
- X: 85,
- Y: 154
- },
- {
- X: 84,
- Y: 161
- },
- [255, 255, 255, 0.4], 1); // S
- line({
- X: 154,
- Y: 85
- },
- {
- X: 161,
- Y: 85
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 0.4], 2);
- line({
- X: 154,
- Y: 86
- },
- {
- X: 161,
- Y: 86
- },
- [255, 255, 255, 0.4], 1); // E
- line({
- X: 14,
- Y: 86
- },
- {
- X: 7,
- Y: 86
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 0.4], 2);
- line({
- X: 14,
- Y: 85
- },
- {
- X: 7,
- Y: 85
- },
- [255, 255, 255, 0.4], 1); // W
- }
- line({
- X: 87,
- Y: 35
- },
- {
- X: 87,
- Y: 135
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 0.7], 1);
- line({
- X: 84,
- Y: 35
- },
- {
- X: 84,
- Y: 135
- },
- [128, 128, 128, 0.4], 8);
- line({
- X: 84,
- Y: 35
- },
- {
- X: 84,
- Y: 135
- },
- [0, 0, 0, 1], 1);
- line({
- X: 85,
- Y: 35
- },
- {
- X: 85,
- Y: 135
- },
- [255, 255, 255, 0.2], 1);
- c.closePath();
- },
- 'opacity': function (o, v, n) {
- var op = Math.round((vars[o] = Math.min(v[1], (Math.max(0, n) / 110) * 100)));
- if ($(o + 'CurV')) {
- $(o + 'CurV').innerHTML = Math.round(op);
- }
- switch(vars["fill"]) {
- case 'pattern':
- gui_pattern.create(op / 100);
- $S('pOpacity').top = ((1 - (op / 100)) * 91 - 5) + 'px'
- gui_pattern.op["fill"] = Math.round((op / 100) * 1000) / 1000;
- break;
- case 'gradient':
- $S('gOpacity').top = Math.round((1 - (op / 100)) * 91 - 5) + 'px'
- var g = vars["fill" + 'GD'];
- for (var i in g) {
- g[i][1][3] = op / 100;
- }
-'false', 'move');
- break;
- case 'solid':
- var c = vars["fill" +];
- c[3] = op / 100;
-'set', c);
- gui_palette.update();
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- /*
- */
- (function() {
- E = {
- 'k': 0,
- 'run': 0,
- 'sh': 0,
- 'sh_var': 0
- };
- key = {
- 'k': function (e) {
- if(typeof(e) == 'undefined') var e = event;
- if(typeof(e.shiftKey) == 'undefined') e.shiftKey = 0;
- = E.sh_var = e.shiftKey ? 1 : 0;
- E.ctrl = e.ctrlKey ? 1 : 0;
- return (key.code(e));
- },
- 'active': function () {
- if (vars.type == 'marquee') {
- marquee.core(oXY, cXY, 'move');
- } else if (vars.type == 'shape') {
- draw.shape(oXY, cXY, 'move');
- }
- },
- 'block': function (e, k) {
- var o = {
- 8: 'x',
- 13: '\n',
- 32: 'space',
- 46: 'x',
- 191: '/',
- 222: "'",
- 37: 'left',
- 38: 'up',
- 39: 'right',
- 40: 'down'
- };
- if (k in o) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- }
- },
- 'code': function (e) {
- return ! (agent('msie') || agent('opera')) ? e.keyCode : e.which;
- },
- 'press': function (k, move, down, up) {
- function mv(x) {
- return function (n) {
- move({
- X: x.X * n,
- Y: x.Y * n
- });
- };
- };
- window.blur();
- setTimeout(window.focus, 0);
- E.k = k;
- key.up = up;
- key.down = down;
- key.move = {
- 37: mv({
- X: -1,
- Y: 0
- }),
- 38: mv({
- X: 0,
- Y: -1
- }),
- 39: mv({
- X: 1,
- Y: 0
- }),
- 40: mv({
- X: 0,
- Y: 1
- })
- } [k];
- setTimeout('' + ( = getTime()) + ')', 0);
- },
- 'run': function (t) {
- if (E.k && == t) {
- if (key.down) {
- key.down();
- key.down = '';
- };
- key.move(E.sh_var ? 10 : 1);
- setTimeout('' + t + ')', 100);
- } else if (!E.k && key.up) {
- key.up();
- }
- }
- };
- document.onkeydown = function (e) {
- if(typeof(e) == 'undefined') var e = event;
- var k = key.k(e),
- r = {};
- if (vars.type == 'marquee' && E.ctrl && k == 65) { // SELECT ALL
- marquee.core({
- 'X': 1,
- 'Y': 1
- },
- {
- 'X': canvas.W - 1,
- 'Y': canvas.H - 1
- },
- 'up');
- }
- else if (e.ctrlKey && && k == 90 && (r = canvas.history_r) && r.r[r.n + 1] <= canvas.history_n && (r.n + 1) <= r.z) { // REDO
- canvas.history_set(r.n++);
- } else if (e.ctrlKey && ! && k == 90 && (r = canvas.history_r) && r.r[r.n - 1] >= 0 && (r.n - 1) >= r.a) { // UNDO
- canvas.history_set(r.n--);
- } else if (mXY != 'up' && cXY && cXY.X) { // TOGGLE CONSTRAIN
- } else if (marquee.on || { // MARQUEE
- if (k == 8 || k == 46) { // DELETE SELECTION
- marquee.del();
- } else if (k == 27) { // DESELECT
- marquee.reset();
- } else if (k >= 37 & k <= 40) { // MOVE
- marquee.on = 0;
- window.clearInterval(marqueeID);
- = 1;
-, marquee.move, null, function () {
- = 0;
- });
- }
- } else if (vars.type == 'crop') { // CROP
- if (bXY.X && k == 13) { // CROP SELECTION
- crop.apply(aXY, bXY);
- } else if (E.ctrl && k == 65) { // SELECT ALL
- crop.core({
- 'X': 0,
- 'Y': 0
- },
- {
- 'X': canvas.W,
- 'Y': canvas.H
- },
- 'up');
- } else if (k == 27) { // DESELECT
- crop.core({
- 'X': 0,
- 'Y': 0
- },
- {
- 'X': 0,
- 'Y': 0
- },
- 'up');
- } else if (k >= 37 && k <= 40 && bXY.X) { // MOVE
-, crop.move);
- }
- }
- if(vars.type != 'text')
- key.block(e, k);
- };
- document.onkeypress = function (e) {
- if(typeof(e) == 'undefined') var e = event;
- var k = key.k(e);
- if(vars.type != 'text')
- key.block(e, k);
- };
- document.onkeyup = function (e) {
- if(typeof(e) == 'undefined') var e = event;
- var k = key.k(e);
- if (k == E.k) E.k = 0;
- if (mXY != 'up' && oXY.X && cXY.X);
- };
- })();
- /* MARQUEE */
- marquee = {
- // Keypress
- 'move': function (x) {
- var r = marquee.shapes;
- for (var i in r) {
- i = r[i];
- if (i.T == 'lasso') {
- for (var j in i.R) {
- i.R[j].X += x.X;
- i.R[j].Y += x.Y;
- }
- } else {
- i.A.X += x.X;
- i.A.Y += x.Y;
- i.Z.X += x.X;
- i.Z.Y += x.Y;
- }
- }
- marquee.dash(ants[ants_n]);
- },
- // Mouse
- 'del': function (c) {
- c = $2D('ctx_temp');
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- marquee.draw(c);
-, 'rgba(0,0,0,1)');
- c = $2D('ctx_box');
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
- c.drawImage($('ctx_temp'), 0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- co.del('ctx_temp');
- canvas.history_set('delete selection');
- },
- 'core': function (a, b, m, e) {
- var c = $2D('ctx_marquee');
- c.beginPath();
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- if (!E.sh_var && == 'move') {
- var r = marquee.shapes,
- o = marquee.prev;
- if (!o) o = a;
- var v = {
- X: o.X - b.X,
- Y: o.Y - b.Y
- };
- if (m == 'down') {
- marquee.on = 0;
- window.clearInterval(marqueeID);
- }
- for (var i in r) {
- i = r[i];
- if (i.T == 'lasso') {
- for (var j in i.R) {
- i.R[j].X -= v.X;
- i.R[j].Y -= v.Y;
- }
- } else {
- i.A.X -= v.X;
- i.A.Y -= v.Y;
- i.Z.X -= v.X;
- i.Z.Y -= v.Y;
- }
- }
- marquee.dash(ants[ants_n]);
- marquee.prev = b;
- if (m == 'up') {
- marquee.prev = '';
- marquee.cursor();
- }
- } else if (m != 'down' && (!e || || mouse.moved == 1 || (getTime() - core.time) <= 1250)) {
- if (!mouse.down && e) {
- marquee.reset(b);
- mouse.down = 1;
- if (marquee.shape > 0) {
- = 0;
- }
- } else {
- moXY = a;
- mcXY = b;
- mouse.moved = 1;
- }
- if (Math.abs(a.X - b.X) > 1 && Math.abs(a.Y - b.Y) > 1) {
- if (vars.marquee == 'lasso') {
- marquee.r[marquee.i++] = b;
- }
- marquee.cache(marquee.shape);
- if (m == 'up') {
- mouse.reset();
- if (mouse.moveCheck(a, b)) {
- marquee.reset();
- } else {
- marquee.cache(marquee.shape++);
- marquee.cursor();
- }
- }
- }
- marquee.dash(ants[ants_n], c, 1);
- } else if(m == "down" && E.sh_var && marquee.shapes.length) {
- marquee.dash(ants[ants_n]);
- } else {
- marquee.reset();
- }
- },
- /* Visualize */
- 'draw': function (c, s1, s2) {
- var r = marquee.shapes,
- o = {
- sides: vars.sides_marquee,
- slope: vars.slope_marquee
- },
- hasPath = false;
- for (var i in r) {
- var i = r[i];
- if (Math.abs(i.A.X - i.Z.X) > 1 && Math.abs(i.A.Y - i.Z.Y) > 1) { //... silly this has to be here
- if (i.sides) {
- vars.sides_marquee = i.sides;
- }
- if (i.slope) {
- vars.slope_marquee = i.slope;
- }
- if (i.T == 'lasso') {
- co.path(c, i.R);
- if (!s1) c.closePath();
- } else if (i.T == 'ellipses') {
- co.ellipses(i.A, i.Z, c,;
- } else if (i.T == 'polygon') {
- co.polygon(i.A, i.Z, c,;
- } else if (i.T == 'star') {
-, i.Z, c,;
- } else if (i.T == 'burst') {
- co.burst(i.A, i.Z, c,;
- } else if (i.T == 'gear') {
- co.gear(i.A, i.Z, c,;
- }
- hasPath = true;
- }
- }
- if (s2 && hasPath) {
- c.strokeStyle = s2.v;
- c.stroke();
- }
- vars.sides_marquee = o.sides;
- vars.slope_marquee = o.slope;
- },
- 'cursor': function () {
- var c = $2D('ctx_mouse');
- co.del(c);
- c.beginPath();
- marquee.draw(c);
- c.lineWidth = 2;
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)';
- c.stroke();
- c.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)';
- c.fill();
- if (!mouse.area) mouse.area = {};
- mouse.area['000000FF'] = {
- 'id': 'move',
- 'cursor': 'move'
- };
- mouse.fu = function () {
- return (E.sh_var ? false : true);
- };
- },
- 'cache': function (n) {
- var o = marquee.shapes,
- sh = ? 1 : 0,
- ctrl = E.ctrl ? 1 : 0;
- if (vars.marquee == 'lasso') {
- o[marquee.shape = 0] = {
- 'T': vars.marquee,
- 'R': marquee.r,
- 'sh': sh,
- 'ctrl': ctrl
- };
- } else {
- o[n] = {
- 'T': vars.marquee,
- 'A': moXY,
- 'Z': mcXY,
- 'sides': vars['sides_marquee'],
- 'slope': vars['slope_marquee'],
- 'sh': sh,
- 'ctrl': ctrl
- };
- }
- },
- 'dash': function (p, c, s) {
- var c = c ? c : $2D('ctx_marquee'),
- p = p ? p : ants[ants_n = (ants_n + 1) % 4],
- lasso = (s && vars.marquee == 'lasso');
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- c.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- c.lineWidth = lasso ? 0.5 : 1;
- marquee.draw(c, s, {
- 'o': 'stroke',
- 'v': p
- });
- if (!lasso) { //- replace this with actually combining the paths
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
-, 'rgba(0,0,0,1)');
- }
- },
- 'run': function (t, s) {
- if (!s) {
- = (t = getTime());
- marquee.on = 1;
- marquee.ghost = 1;
- }
- // marqueeID = setInterval(function() { marquee.dash(); }, 300);
- },
- 'reset': function (v, s) {
- v = v ? v : '';
- = 0;
- marquee.r = '';
- moXY = v;
- mcXY = v;
- marquee.on = 0;
- window.clearInterval(marqueeID);
- marquee.ghost = 0;
- marquee.r = [];
- marquee.i = 0;
- if (!E.sh_var || !marquee.shapes || s) {
- marquee.shapes = [];
- marquee.shape = 0;
- }
- $2D('ctx_marquee').clearRect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- $2D('ctx_temp').clearRect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- marquee.cursor();
- },
- /* Data */
- 'shapes': []
- };
- /* PICKER */
- picker={
- 'core':function (a, b, m) {
- var c = $2D('picker'),
- w = 129,
- h = 96,
- data = $2D('ctx_box').getImageData(Math.max(0, a.X - 1), Math.max(0, a.Y - 1), 1, 1),
- r =,
- ctx = $2D('picker1x1');
- ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
- ctx.putImageData(data, 0, 0);
- r[3] = parseInt(r[3] / 255 * 100);
- $('picker_hex').innerHTML = r[0] + '<br>' + r[1] + '<br>' + r[2] + '<br>' + r[3];
- c.clearRect(0, 0, w + 20, h);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- var x = a.X - 7,
- y = a.Y - 3,
- xx = (x < 0 ? Math.abs(x + 1) : 0) * 10,
- yy = (y < 0 ? Math.abs(y + 1) : 0) * 10;
- //- should grab image data for area, then draw rectangles (pixels) manually... Then run the c.arc() to mask it out
- c.drawImage($('ctx_box'), Math.max(0, x), Math.max(0, y), w / 10, h / 10, 20 + xx, yy, w, h);
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';
- 'X': 45,
- 'Y': -7
- },
- {
- 'X': w,
- 'Y': w - 58
- },
- c);
- c.fill();
- if (m == 'down') {
- r[3] = r[3] / 100;
-'set', r);
- gui_palette.update();
- }
- }
- };
- /* MOUSE */
- mouse = {
- 'cursor': function (e, o) {
- var r = mouse.area;
- if (r) {
- var a = XY(e);
- var d = win_size.LT();
- a.X -= abPos(o).X + d.L;
- a.Y -= abPos(o).Y + d.T;
- var getID = function () {
- var v ='.'),
- n = parseInt(v[0]);
- return ({
- 'n': n,
- 'id': v[1],
- 'num': !isNaN(n)
- });
- }
- function z(v1, v2) {
- $S('cBound').cursor = v1;
- $('cZoom').innerHTML = = v2;
- var d = $2D('ctx_active'),
- q = getID();
- co.del(d);
- if ( && != 'A') {
- var v = path.r[q.n + 1],
- o = path.O2R,
- n = o[v[0]][];
- if (n) {
- d.beginPath();
- d.drawImage(path[ == 'P' ? 'point_select' : 'node_select'], 0, 0, 7, 7, Math.round(v[n] - 4), Math.round(v[n + 1] - 4), 7, 7);
- d.closePath();
- }
- }
- };
- var o = $2D('ctx_mouse').getImageData(a.X,a.Y,1,1).data,
- hex = (o[0] << 24 | o[1] << 16 | o[2] << 8 | o[3]) >>> 0,
- i = '';
- if (hex != '00000000' && mouse.fu()) {
- if ((i = r[hex]) && != {
- z(i.cursor,;
- }
- } else if ( {
- z('crosshair', '');
- }
- }
- },
- 'draw': function (r) {
- var c = $2D('ctx_mouse'),
- fu = N.rand;
- co.del(c);
- mouse.area = {};
- for (var i in r) {
- var o = [fu(255), fu(255), fu(255), 255],
- k = r[i];
- c.beginPath();
- if (!k[2]) {
- co.rectangle(k[0], k[1], c);
- } else if (k[2] == 'ellipses') {
- co.ellipses(k[0], k[1], c);
- } else if (k[2] == 'star') {
-[0], k[1], c);
- } else if (k[2] == 'burst') {
- co.burst(k[0], k[1], c);
- } else if (k[2] == 'gear') {
- co.gear(k[0], k[1], c);
- } else if (k[2] == 'path') {
- path.draw(c);
- }
- c.lineWidth = 2.5;
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + o + ')';
- c.stroke();
- c.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + o + ')';
- c.fill();
- mouse.area[(o[0] << 24 | o[1] << 16 | o[2] << 8 | o[3]) >>> 0] = {
- 'id': i,
- 'cursor': k[3] ? r[i][3] : i
- };
- }
- },
- 'moveCheck': function (a, b) {
- var t = getTime() - core.time;
- return (Math.abs(a.X - b.X) <= 5 || Math.abs(a.Y - b.Y) <= 5 || (mouse.area && ! && t <= 125));
- },
- 'reset': function () {
- mouse.down = 0;
- mouse.moved = 0;
- }
- };
- /* CROP */
- crop={
- /* Keypress */
- 'move':function(x) {'move';
- var value = function(a,v) { return({X:a.X+(!isNaN(v)?v:v.X), Y:a.Y+(!isNaN(v)?v:v.Y)}); };
- aXY=value(aXY,x); bXY=value(bXY,x);
- var x=Math.abs(aXY.X-bXY.X), y=Math.abs(aXY.Y-bXY.Y), w=canvas.W, h=canvas.H;
- if(aXY.X<0) { aXY.X=0; bXY.X=x; } else if(bXY.X>w) { aXY.X=w-x; bXY.X=w; }
- if(aXY.Y<0) { aXY.Y=0; bXY.Y=y; } else if(bXY.Y>h) { aXY.Y=h-y; bXY.Y=h; }
- crop.core(aXY,bXY,'up');
- },
- /* Mouse */
- 'click':function() { if(vars.type=='crop') {
- var v=$T('div',$('constrain_check'))[0].className;
- if(crop.force(vars.crop) || !v) {
- var d=$C('cur','aspect_radio'); if(d.length>0) { d[0].className=''; }
- $S('aspect_radio').opacity=0.6;
-; vars.aspect='landscape';
- }
- else if(v) { var;
- if(o.constrain) { vars.aspect=String(o.constrain); o.constrain=''; }
- $T('div',$('aspect_radio'))[vars.aspect=='portrait'?1:0].className='cur'; $S('aspect_radio').opacity=1;
- }
- if(!isNaN(aXY.X) && !isNaN(bXY.X)) {
- if(vars.constrain=='true') { crop.aspect(aXY,bXY); crop.transform(aXY,bXY); }
- crop.core(aXY,bXY,'up');
- }
- } },
- 'core': function (a, b, m, e) {
- if (m != 'down' && (!e || || mouse.moved == 1 || (getTime() - core.time) <= 1250)) {
- if (!mouse.down && e) {
- if (! crop.reset();
- mouse.down = 1;
- } else {
- mouse.moved = 1;
- }
- var c = $2D('ctx_temp');
- x = { X: a.X, Y: a.Y };
- a = transform.xy(a);
- transform(a, b, m, e);
- var x1 = a.X + 0.5,
- x2 = b.X - 0.5,
- y1 = a.Y + 0.5,
- y2 = b.Y - 0.5;
- c.lineWidth = 1;
- c.beginPath();
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy';
- c.rect(0,0,canvas.W,canvas.H);
- c.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
- c.fill(); // EVERYTHING
- c.beginPath();
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
- c.rect(a.X, a.Y, b.X-a.X, b.Y-a.Y);
- c.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)';
- c.fill(); // AREA OUT
- c.beginPath();
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- c.rect(x1 - 1, y1 - 1, x2 - x1 + 2, y2 - y1 + 2)
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
- c.stroke();
- c.beginPath();
- c.rect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
- if (m != 'up') { // DIVIDING LINES
- c.moveTo(((x2 - x1) / 3) + x1, y1);
- c.lineTo(((x2 - x1) / 3) + x1, y2); // Y1
- c.moveTo(((x2 - x1) / 3 * 2) + x1, y1);
- c.lineTo(((x2 - x1) / 3 * 2) + x1, y2); // Y2
- c.moveTo(x1, ((y2 - y1) / 3) + y1);
- c.lineTo(x2, ((y2 - y1) / 3) + y1); // X1
- c.moveTo(x1, ((y2 - y1) / 3 * 2) + y1);
- c.lineTo(x2, ((y2 - y1) / 3 * 2) + y1); // X2
- }
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
- c.stroke();
- c.beginPath();
- var NW = [{
- X: x1,
- Y: y1
- },
- {
- X: x1 + 8,
- Y: y1 + 8
- }],
- NE = [{
- X: x2 - 8,
- Y: y1
- },
- {
- X: x2,
- Y: y1 + 8
- }],
- SW = [{
- X: x1,
- Y: y2 - 8
- },
- {
- X: x1 + 8,
- Y: y2
- }],
- SE = [{
- X: x2 - 8,
- Y: y2 - 8
- },
- {
- X: x2,
- Y: y2
- }];
- if (Math.abs(x1 - x2) > 33 && Math.abs(y1 - y2) > 23) {
- co.rectangle({
- X: (x2 + x1) / 2 - 4,
- Y: y1
- },
- {
- X: (x2 + x1) / 2 + 4,
- Y: y1 + 8
- },
- c);
- co.rectangle({
- X: (x2 + x1) / 2 - 4,
- Y: y2 - 8
- },
- {
- X: (x2 + x1) / 2 + 4,
- Y: y2
- },
- c);
- }
- if (Math.abs(y1 - y2) > 33 && Math.abs(x1 - x2) > 23) {
- co.rectangle({
- X: x2 - 8,
- Y: (y2 + y1) / 2 - 4
- },
- {
- X: x2,
- Y: (y2 + y1) / 2 + 4
- },
- c);
- co.rectangle({
- X: x1,
- Y: (y2 + y1) / 2 - 4
- },
- {
- X: x1 + 8,
- Y: (y2 + y1) / 2 + 4
- },
- c);
- }
- if (Math.abs(x1 - x2) > 23 && Math.abs(y1 - y2) > 23) {
- co.rectangle(NW[0], NW[1], c);
- co.rectangle(NE[0], NE[1], c);
- co.rectangle(SE[0], SE[1], c);
- co.rectangle(SW[0], SW[1], c);
- }
- c.fillStyle = 'rgba(100,100,100,0.8)';
- c.fill();
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
- c.stroke();
- if (m == 'up') {
- mouse.reset();
- if (mouse.moveCheck(a, b)) {
- crop.reset();
- } else {
- aXY = a;
- bXY = b;
- mouse.fu = function () {
- return (true);
- };
- mouse.draw({
- 'move': [a, b],
- 'n-resize': [{
- X: x1 + 8,
- Y: y1
- },
- {
- X: x2 - 8,
- Y: y1 + 8
- }],
- 's-resize': [{
- X: x1 + 8,
- Y: y2 - 8
- },
- {
- X: x2 - 8,
- Y: y2
- }],
- 'e-resize': [{
- X: x2 - 8,
- Y: y1 + 8
- },
- {
- X: x2,
- Y: y2 - 8
- }],
- 'w-resize': [{
- X: x1,
- Y: y1 + 8
- },
- {
- X: x1 + 8,
- Y: y2 - 8
- }],
- 'nw-resize': [NW[0], NW[1]],
- 'ne-resize': [NE[0], NE[1]],
- 'se-resize': [SE[0], SE[1]],
- 'sw-resize': [SW[0], SW[1]]
- });
- }
- }
- }
- },
- /* Math */
- 'aspect':function(a,b) {
- if((Math.abs(a.X-b.X)>Math.abs(a.Y-b.Y)?'landscape':'portrait')!=vars.aspect) {
- crop.XY(a,b, {X:Math.abs((b.Y-a.Y)*.5), Y:Math.abs((b.X-a.X)*.5)});
- crop.overflow(a,b);
- }
- },
- 'constrain':function(a,b) { var r=crop.ratio[]; //- JUNK
- var n=(vars.aspect=='portrait')?{A:r[1]/r[0],B:r[0]/r[1]}:{A:r[0]/r[1],B:r[1]/r[0]};
- if('n-resize' ||'s-resize') {
- if((b.X-a.X>0 && b.Y-a.Y>0) || (b.X-a.X<0 && b.Y-a.Y<0)) b.X=a.X+(b.Y-a.Y)*n.B; else b.X=a.X-(b.Y-a.Y)*n.B;
- if(b.X>canvas.W) { b.X=canvas.W/b.X*b.X; if(b.Y<a.Y) { b.Y=a.Y-(b.X-a.X)*n.A; } else { b.Y=a.Y+(b.X-a.X)*n.A; } }
- else if(a.X<0) { a.X=0; if(b.Y>a.Y) { b.Y=a.Y+(b.X-a.X)*n.A; } else { b.Y=a.Y-(b.X-a.X)*n.A; } }
- b.X=Math.round(b.X); b.Y=Math.round(b.Y);
- }
- else {
- if((b.X-a.X>0 && b.Y-a.Y>0) || (b.X-a.X<0 && b.Y-a.Y<0)) b.Y=a.Y+(b.X-a.X)*n.A; else b.Y=a.Y-(b.X-a.X)*n.A;
- if(b.Y>canvas.H) { b.Y=canvas.H/b.Y*b.Y; if(b.X<a.X) { b.X=a.X-(b.Y-a.Y)*n.B; } else { b.X=a.X+(b.Y-a.Y)*n.B; } }
- else if(b.Y<0) { b.Y=0; if(b.X>a.X) { b.X=a.X-(b.Y-a.Y)*n.B; } else { b.X=a.X+(b.Y-a.Y)*n.B; } }
- b.X=Math.round(b.X); b.Y=Math.round(b.Y);
- }
- },
- 'overflow':function(a,b) { var w=b.X-a.X, h=b.Y-a.Y, r=h/w;
- var N=a.Y<0, S=b.Y>canvas.H, E=b.X>canvas.W, W=a.X<0;
- if(N || S) { if(N) { h+=a.Y; a.Y=0; } if(S) { h+=canvas.H-b.Y-1; b.Y=canvas.H; } w=h/r; }
- if(E || W) { if(W) { w+=a.X; a.X=0; } if(E) { w+=canvas.W-b.X-1; b.X=canvas.W;} h=w*r; }
- crop.XY(a,b, {X:w/2, Y:h/2});
- },
- 'transform':function(a,b) { var r=crop.ratio[], R2=r[0]/r[1];
- var w=Math.abs(b.X-a.X), h=Math.abs(b.Y-a.Y), R1=h/w;
- if((R1<1 && R2>1) || (R1>1 && R2<1)) R2=1/R2;
- w=Math.sqrt((1/R2)*(R1*w*w));
- crop.XY(a,b, {X:w/2, Y:(R2*w)/2});
- crop.overflow(a,b);
- },
- 'XY':function(a,b,r) { var c={X:((b.X-a.X)*.5)+a.X, Y:((b.Y-a.Y)*.5)+a.Y};
- a.X=Math.round(c.X-r.X); a.Y=Math.round(c.Y-r.Y);
- b.X=Math.round(c.X+r.X); b.Y=Math.round(c.Y+r.Y);
- },
- /* Visualize */
- 'apply':function(a,b) { var c=$2D('ctx_temp'), prev={W:canvas.W, H:canvas.H}; co.del(c);
- var m=[Math.max(a.X,b.X), Math.max(a.Y,b.Y), Math.min(a.X,b.X), Math.min(a.Y,b.Y)];
- c.drawImage($('ctx_box'), m[2],m[3], m[0]-m[2],m[1]-m[3], 0,0, m[0]-m[2],m[1]-m[3]);
- co.del('ctx_box'); co.del('ctx_marquee');
- canvas.W=m[0]-m[2]; canvas.H=m[1]-m[3];
- $('ctx_box').width=canvas.W; $('ctx_box').height=canvas.H;
- $2D('ctx_box').drawImage($('ctx_temp'),0,0,prev.W,prev.H);
- crop.resize(); canvas.history_set();
- },
- 'resize':function() { co.del('ctx_temp');
- var w=canvas.W, h=canvas.H, o=$C('MM','canvas')[0].style;
- var l=(parseInt(o.width)-canvas.W)/2, t=(parseInt(o.height)-canvas.H)/2;
- function fu(o) { $(o).width=w; $(o).height=h; $S(o).left=l+'px'; $S(o).top=t+'px'; }
- $S('ctx_box').left=l+'px'; $S('ctx_box').top=t+'px';
- $S('cBound').cursor='crosshair';''; aXY={}; bXY={}; mouse.area='';
- var r=['ctx_temp','ctx_marquee','ctx_active','ctx_mouse'];
- for(var i in r) { fu(r[i]); };
- },
- /* Data */
- 'force':function(v) {
- eval("var r={'Display ("+screen.width+"x"+screen.height+")':1,'Original ("+canvas.W+"x"+canvas.H+")':1,'4x3 (DVD)':1,'16x9 (HD)':1}");
- return(r[v]);
- },
- 'ratio_mk':function() {
- crop.ratio={'Display':[screen.height,screen.width], 'Original':[canvas.H,canvas.W], '2x3':[2,3], '3x5':[3,5], '4x3':[4,3], '4x6':[4,6], '5x7':[5,7], '8x10':[8,10], '16x9':[9,16], '16x20':[16,20], '20x30':[20,30], 'Square':[1,1]};
- },
- 'reset':function() {
- $2D('ctx_temp').clearRect(0,0,canvas.W,canvas.H); $S('cBound').cursor='crosshair';
-''; aXY={}; bXY={}; mouse.area='';
- }
- };
- transform={}; transXY={X:0,Y:0};
- transform=function(a,b,m,e) {
- if(e) { var o=transXY;
- function zarea(v) { transXY={X:0,Y:0}; $S('cBound'); co.core(e); }
- if('n-resize') { a.X=aXY.X; a.Y=bXY.Y; b.X=bXY.X; b.Y=Math.max(0,aXY.Y+(b.Y-oXY.Y));
- if(a.Y<b.Y) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:bXY.X,Y:aXY.Y-o.Y}; aXY={X:aXY.X,Y:v.Y}; zarea('s-resize'); }
- }
- else if('ne-resize') { a.X=aXY.X; a.Y=bXY.Y; b.X=Math.min(canvas.W,bXY.X+(b.X-oXY.X)); b.Y=Math.max(0,aXY.Y+(b.Y-oXY.Y));
- if(a.Y<b.Y) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:bXY.X-o.X,Y:aXY.Y-o.Y}; aXY={X:aXY.X,Y:v.Y}; zarea('se-resize'); }
- else if(a.X>b.X) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:aXY.X,Y:bXY.Y}; aXY={X:v.X-o.X,Y:aXY.Y-o.Y}; zarea('nw-resize'); }
- }
- else if('e-resize') { a.X=aXY.X; a.Y=aXY.Y; b.X=Math.min(canvas.W,bXY.X+(b.X-oXY.X)); b.Y=bXY.Y;
- if(a.X>b.X) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:aXY.X,Y:bXY.Y}; aXY={X:v.X-o.X,Y:aXY.Y}; zarea('w-resize'); }
- }
- else if('se-resize') { a.X=aXY.X; a.Y=aXY.Y; b.X=Math.min(canvas.W,bXY.X+(b.X-oXY.X)); b.Y=Math.min(canvas.H,bXY.Y+(b.Y-oXY.Y));
- if(a.Y>b.Y) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:bXY.X,Y:aXY.Y}; aXY={X:aXY.X,Y:v.Y-o.Y}; zarea('ne-resize'); }
- else if(a.X>b.X) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:aXY.X,Y:bXY.Y}; aXY={X:v.X-o.X,Y:aXY.Y}; zarea('sw-resize'); }
- }
- else if('s-resize') { a.X=aXY.X; a.Y=aXY.Y; b.X=bXY.X; b.Y=Math.min(canvas.H,bXY.Y+(b.Y-oXY.Y));
- if(a.Y>b.Y) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:bXY.X,Y:aXY.Y}; aXY={X:aXY.X,Y:v.Y-o.Y}; zarea('n-resize'); }
- }
- else if('sw-resize') { a.X=bXY.X; a.Y=aXY.Y; b.X=Math.max(0,aXY.X+(b.X-oXY.X)); b.Y=Math.min(canvas.H,bXY.Y+(b.Y-oXY.Y));
- if(a.Y>b.Y) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:bXY.X,Y:aXY.Y}; aXY={X:aXY.X-o.X,Y:v.Y-o.Y}; zarea('nw-resize'); }
- else if(a.X<b.X) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:aXY.X-o.X,Y:bXY.Y-o.Y}; aXY={X:v.X,Y:aXY.Y}; zarea('se-resize'); }
- }
- else if('w-resize') { a.X=bXY.X; a.Y=aXY.Y; b.X=Math.max(0,aXY.X+(b.X-oXY.X)); b.Y=bXY.Y;
- if(a.X<b.X) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:aXY.X-o.X,Y:bXY.Y}; aXY={X:v.X,Y:aXY.Y}; zarea('e-resize'); }
- }
- else if('nw-resize') { a.X=bXY.X; a.Y=bXY.Y; b.X=Math.max(0,aXY.X+(b.X-oXY.X)); b.Y=Math.max(0,aXY.Y+(b.Y-oXY.Y));
- if(a.Y<b.Y) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:bXY.X-o.X,Y:aXY.Y-o.Y}; aXY={X:aXY.X,Y:v.Y}; zarea('sw-resize'); }
- else if(a.X<b.X) { var v=bXY; bXY={X:aXY.X-o.X,Y:bXY.Y}; aXY={X:v.X,Y:aXY.Y}; zarea('ne-resize'); }
- }
- else if('move') {
- var W=bXY.X-aXY.X, H=bXY.Y-aXY.Y;
- var aA=Math.max(0,aXY.X+(b.X-oXY.X)), bA=Math.max(0,aXY.Y+(b.Y-oXY.Y)); // MIN
- var aB=aA-Math.max(0,aA+W-canvas.W), bB=bA-Math.max(0,bA+H-canvas.H); // MAX
- a.X=aB; a.Y=bB; b.X=W+aB; b.Y=H+bB;
- }
- else {
- b.X=Math.min(canvas.W,Math.max(0,b.X)); b.Y=Math.min(canvas.H,Math.max(0,b.Y));
- }
- }
- if(vars.constrain=='true') { crop.constrain(a,b); }
- if(m=='down') { transXY={X:b.X-oXY.X,Y:b.Y-oXY.Y}; }
- if(a.X-b.X>0) { var t=parseInt(a.X); a.X=parseInt(b.X); b.X=parseInt(t); }
- if(a.Y-b.Y>0) { var t=parseInt(a.Y); a.Y=parseInt(b.Y); b.Y=parseInt(t); }
- };
- transform.xy=function(o,n) { n=n?n:0;
- return({X:Math.max(0+n,Math.min(canvas.W-n,o.X)), Y:Math.max(0+n,Math.min(canvas.H-n,o.Y))});
- };// DRAW
- style = function(c, style, type, a, b) {
- switch(vars[type]) {
- case "solid":
- c[style] = "rgba("+vars[type+'CO'].join(",")+")";
- break;
- case "gradient":
- var r = vars[type+'GD'],
- gradient = c.createLinearGradient(a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y);
- for (var key in r) {
- gradient.addColorStop(r[key][0], 'rgba(' + r[key][1].join(",") + ')');
- }
- c[style] = gradient;
- break;
- case "pattern":
- if(!vars[type+'PT~']) {
- gui_pattern.cache(type);
- }
- c[style] = vars[type+'PT~'];
- break;
- }
- };
- (function() {
- // helper functions
- function createFlow(b, type, callback) {
- var oX = b.X - cXY.X,
- oY = b.Y - cXY.Y,
- flow = Math.max(1, 100 - vars['flow_' + type]);
- function run(a, b, n) {
- var i = n / flow;
- if (n > 0) {
- for (; i > 0; i--) {
- callback(a * i, b * i);
- }
- } else {
- for (; i < 0; i++) {
- callback(a * i, b * i);
- }
- }
- };
- if (Math.abs(oX) > Math.abs(oY)) {
- run(flow, flow * (oY / oX), oX);
- } else {
- run(flow * (oX / oY), flow, oY);
- }
- };
- function mask_active(m) {
- var c = $2D('ctx_temp'),
- type = vars.type == 'shape' ? vars.shape : vars.type;
- c.globalCompositeOperation = canvas.mode;
- if (vars['movement_' + type] == 'anchored') {
- c.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- }
- if (m == 'down' && marquee.on) {
- c.beginPath();
- marquee.draw(c);
- c.clip();
- marquee.on = 0;
- window.clearInterval(marqueeID);
- }
- return c;
- };
- function mask_up(c) {
- var ctx_temp = document.getElementById('ctx_temp').getContext('2d');
- co.copy('ctx_temp', 'ctx_box');
- ctx_temp.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- canvas.history_set();
- if (marquee.ghost) {
- c.restore();
- }
- moved = false;
- };
- var moved = false;
- // tools
- draw = {
- shape: function (a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m);
- if (vars['movement_' + vars.shape] == 'freedraw') {
- oXY = b;
- }
- if (Math.abs(a.X - b.X) > 0 && Math.abs(a.Y - b.Y) > 0) {
- moved = true;
- c.beginPath();
- co[vars.shape](a, b, c);
- c.lineJoin = vars.lineJoin;
- c.lineWidth = vars['stroke_' + vars.shape];
- style(c, "fillStyle", "fill", a, b);
- style(c, "strokeStyle", "stroke", a, b);
- c.fill();
- c.stroke();
- }
- if (m == 'up' && moved) {
- mask_up(c);
- }
- },
- text: function(a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m);
- // NOTES: Check into scale.
- if(m == "down" || m == "move") {
- c.beginPath();
- if(c.setFont) c.setFont(vars.fontSize + "px Liberation Sans");
- c.font = vars.fontSize + "px Liberation Sans, sans-serif";
- c.lineWidth = vars.stroke_text;
- style(c, "strokeStyle", "stroke", a, b);
- style(c, "fillStyle", "fill", a, b);
- c.fillText(vars.textMessage, b.X, b.Y);
- c.strokeText(vars.textMessage, b.X, b.Y);
- }
- if(m == "up") {
- mask_up(c);
- }
- },
- pencil: function (a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m),
- d = $('ctx_brush'),
- D = vars.diameter_pencil,
- D2 = D * 2;
- function z(x, y) {
- c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, D2, D2, b.X - D - x, b.Y - D - y, D2, D2);
- };
- if (m == 'down') {
- z(0, 0);
- } else if (m == 'move') {
- createFlow(b, 'pencil', z);
- }
- if(m == "up") {
- mask_up(c);
- }
- },
- brush: function (a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m),
- d = $('ctx_brush'),
- D = vars.diameter_brush,
- D2 = D * 2;
- function z(x, y) {
- c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, D2, D2, b.X - D - x, b.Y - D - y, D2, D2);
- };
- if (m == 'down') {
- z(0, 0);
- } else if (m == 'move') {
- createFlow(b, 'brush', z);
- }
- if(m == "up") {
- mask_up(c);
- }
- },
- calligraphy: function (a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m),
- d = $('ctx_stamp'),
- r = co.stamp.r,
- D = vars.diameter_calligraphy / 100,
- D2 = D * 2;
- function z(x, y) {
- c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, r.W, r.H, b.X - ((r.W * D) / 2) - x, b.Y - ((r.H * D) / 2) - y, r.W * D, r.H * D);
- };
- if (m == 'down') {
- z(0, 0);
- } else if (m == 'move') {
- createFlow(b, 'calligraphy', z);
- }
- if(m == "up") {
- mask_up(c);
- }
- },
- stamp: function (a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m),
- d = $('ctx_stamp'),
- r = co.stamp.r,
- D = vars.diameter_stamp,
- D2 = D * 2;
- function z(x, y) {
- var n = Math.random(),
- zoom = Math.max(vars.rand_max / 100, Math.min(vars.rand_min / 100, n));
- c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, r.W, r.H, b.X - ((r.W * zoom) / 2) - x, b.Y - ((r.H * zoom) / 2) - y, r.W * zoom, r.H * zoom);
- };
- if (m == 'down') {
- z(0, 0);
- } else if (m == 'move') {
- createFlow(b, 'stamp', z);
- }
- if(m == "up") {
- mask_up(c);
- }
- },
- eraser: function (a, b, m) {
- if(m == "down") {
- co.copy('ctx_box', 'ctx_temp');
- co.del('ctx_box');
- }
- var c = mask_active(m),
- D = vars.diameter_eraser,
- D2 = D * 2;
- function z(x, y) {
- c.drawImage($('ctx_brush'), 0, 0, D2, D2, b.X - D - x, b.Y - D - y, D2, D2);
- };
- if (m == 'down') {
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
- z(0, 0);
- } else {
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
- createFlow(b, 'eraser', z);
- }
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- if(m == "up") {
- mask_up(c);
- }
- },
- fill: function (a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m),
- type = vars.fill;
- if (type == 'gradient') {
- c.beginPath();
- c.lineWidth = 0.5;
- c.lineCap = 'round';
- c.moveTo(a.X, a.Y);
- c.lineTo(b.X, b.Y);
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(127,127,127,1)';
- c.stroke();
- c.drawImage(path['point'], 0, 0, 7, 7, a.X - 4, a.Y - 4, 7, 7);
- c.drawImage(path['node_select'], 0, 0, 7, 7, b.X - 4, b.Y - 4, 7, 7);
- if(m == "up") {
- co.del('ctx_temp');
- style(c, "fillStyle", "fill", a, b);
- c.rect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- c.fill();
- mask_up(c);
- }
- } else if(m == "down") {
- style(c, "fillStyle", "fill", a, b);
- c.rect(0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
- c.fill();
- mask_up(c);
- }
- }
- };
- // STAMP
- stamp = { // Mouse Events
- current: function (o) {
- var b = stamp.fileNumber;
- stamp.fileNumber =;
- if ($('stamp' + b)) {
- stamp.preview(b);
- $('stamp' + b).className = '';
- }
- $('stamp' + stamp.fileNumber).className = 'cur';
- vars.cache(1);
- },
- uri: function (v) {
- return 'media/glyph/' + vars.stamp + '/' + (stamp.fileNumber - 1) + '-' + v + '.png';
- },
- preview: function (i, m) {
- if ($('stamp' + i) && stamp.src[i].src) {
- function O(n) {
- return (n < 34 ? (34 - n) / 2 : 0);
- }
- function Z(n) {
- o = {
- W: (34 / n) * o.W,
- H: (34 / n) * o.H
- };
- }
- var c = $2D('stamp' + i),
- d = stamp.src[i],
- o = {
- W: d.width,
- H: d.height
- };
- if (o.W >= o.H) Z(o.W);
- else if (o.H > o.W) Z(o.H);
- c.clearRect(0, 0, 34, 34);
- c.drawImage(d, O(o.W), O(o.H), o.W, o.H);
- if (i == stamp.fileNumber) {
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
- c.rect(0, 0, 34, 34);
- 'X': 0,
- 'Y': 0
- },
- {
- 'X': 34,
- 'Y': 34
- },
- c, 'fill',;
- c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
- if (!m || m == 'up') {
- co.glyph(stamp.uri('live'));
- }
- }
- }
- },
- reset: function () {
- var o = gui.Y,
- r = o.r.stamp;
- if (!stamp.fileNumber) {
- stamp.fileNumber = 1;
- }
- var a = parseInt(stamp.fileNumber),
- b = stamp.r[vars.stamp],
- i = r.n() - r.display,
- n = (a / b <= 0.5) ? -2 : 2;
- o.prev.stamp = null;
- o.cur.stamp = Math.max(1, Math.min(i, Math.floor(((a + n) / b) * i)));
- = 'stamp';
- o.stamp();
- o.kontrol_update(;
- gui.X.range('rand');
- },
- r: {
- 'Default': 1,
- 'Butterflies': 27,
- 'Doodles': 11,
- 'Flowers': 28,
- 'Footprints': 18,
- 'Leafs': 50,
- 'Light': 15,
- 'Retro': 30,
- 'Simple Smudges': 14,
- // 'Splatter': 35,
- 'Tizzape': 20,
- 'Typogrunge': 24,
- 'Water Colors': 17
- },
- src: []
- };
- // Spirograph
- (function() {
- var interval,
- o = { };
- draw.spirograph = function (a, b, m) {
- var c = mask_active(m);
- if (m == 'move') {
- o = b;
- } else if (m == 'up') {
- clearTimeout(interval);
- mask_up(c);
- } else if (m == 'down') {
- o = b;
- var R = vars.inner_radius_spirograph, // Fixed circle
- r = vars.outer_radius_spirograph, // Moving circle
- d = vars.diameter_spirograph, // Distance
- speed = vars.speed_spirograph,
- resolution = vars.resolution_spirograph,
- stroke = 0.5,
- type = vars.type_spirograph,
- theta = 0,
- strokeStyle = vars["stroke" + gui_swatch.L2S[vars["stroke"]]];
- switch(vars["stroke"]) { // compile styles
- case "pattern":
- c.strokeStyle = vars["stroke"+'PT~'];
- break;
- case "gradient":
- var Additive = function(A, B) {
- var C = A + B;
- return (C > 0xFF) ? 0xFF : C;
- },
- gradient = vars["stroke" + "GD"],
- prev,
- cur,
- spectrum = [ ];
- for (var key in gradient) {
- cur = gradient[key][1];
- if (prev) {
- var len = 512 / (gradient.length - 1);
- for (var j = 0; j <= len; j++) {
- var n1 = (j / len),
- n2 = 1 - n1,
- color = [
- cur[0] + (Additive(cur[0], prev[0]) - cur[0]) * prev[3] / 0xFF,
- cur[1] + (Additive(cur[1], prev[1]) - cur[1]) * prev[3] / 0xFF,
- cur[2] + (Additive(cur[2], prev[2]) - cur[2]) * prev[3] / 0xFF,
- Math.min(cur[3] * 0xFF + prev[3] * 0xFF, 0xFF)
- ];
- spectrum.push(cur.join(","));
- }
- }
- prev = cur;
- }
- break;
- default: // color
- c.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + strokeStyle.join(",") + ")";;
- break;
- }
- interval = setInterval(function() {
- var _x, // previous line
- _y,
- _oX = o.X, // previous mouse position
- _oY = o.Y;
- c.lineWidth = stroke;
- for (var n = 0; n < speed; n++) {
- if (type == 'Hypotrochoid') {
- x = (R - r) * Math.cos(theta) + d * Math.cos((R / r - 1) * theta) + (_oX + (o.X - _oX) * (n / speed)); // Hypotrochoid
- y = (R - r) * Math.sin(theta) - d * Math.sin((R / r - 1) * theta) + (_oY + (o.Y - _oY) * (n / speed));
- } else {
- x = (R + r) * Math.cos(theta) - d * Math.cos((R / r + 1) * theta) + (_oX + (o.X - _oX) * (n / speed)); // Epitrochoid
- y = (R + r) * Math.sin(theta) - d * Math.sin((R / r + 1) * theta) + (_oY + (o.Y - _oY) * (n / speed));
- }
- if (!isNaN(_x)) {
- c.beginPath();
- c.moveTo(_x, _y);
- c.lineTo(x, y);
- if (vars["stroke"] == 'gradient') {
- var current = (((theta * Math.abs(1 - R / r) / Math.PI / 2) % 1) * 512) >> 0;
- c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + spectrum[current] + ')';
- }
- c.stroke();
- }
- theta += resolution * Math.PI / 180 * 2;
- _x = x;
- _y = y;
- }
- _oX = o.X;
- _oY = o.Y;
- }, 5);
- }
- };
- })();
- })();
- /*
- Resources Database
- */
- /*
- Canvas2D.vars = {
- marquee: {
- movement: 10
- },
- stroke: {
- pattern:
- gradient:
- color:
- },
- fill: {
- pattern:
- gradient:
- color:
- }
- };
- Resource = {
- // default databases
- brush: { // source: /media/brush/name.png
- 'Butterflies': { //ps7_butterfly_brushes_by_dead_brushes.abr
- author: 'Dead-Brushes',
- url: '',
- email: '',
- type: "Library", // set of elements organized by the creator
- data: [ // can be array, or integer (see below)
- 'green pea',
- 'yellow squash'
- ]
- },
- 'Randomizer': { // modulate within a custom collection
- type: "Collection", // set of elements organized by a user (contains parts of multiple libaries)
- data: [
- 'Butterflies.greenpea',
- 'Butterflies.yellow squash'
- ]
- }
- },
- pattern: { // source: /media/pattern/name.filetype
- 'Ava7': {
- author: 'Ava7',
- url: '',
- email: '',
- type: "Library",
- data: 41 // there are 41 numbered patterns in /media/pattern/Ava7/
- }
- },
- gradient: { // source: /media/gradient/name.ogr
- 'Web v2.0': {
- author: 'Navdeep & Navin',
- url: '',
- email: '',
- type: "Library",
- data: { // can be object or array
- 'golden-yellow': [ 0, 0xFFFFD700, 0.5, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF ],
- 'green': [ 0, 0xFF008000, 0.5, 1, 0xFFFFFF ],
- 'indigo-orange': [ 0, 0xFF4B0082, 0.5, 1, 0xFFFFA500 ],
- 'indigo': [ 0, 0xFF4B0082, 0.5, 1, 0xFFFFFF ]
- }
- }
- },
- color: { // source: /media/color/name.opl
- 'Oxygen': {
- author: 'KDE',
- url: '',
- email: '',
- type: "Library",
- data: { // can be object or array
- 'Almond': 0xEED9C4,
- 'Antique Brass': 0xC88A65,
- 'Apricot': 0xFDD5B1,
- 'Aquamarine': 0x71D9E2,
- 'Asparagus': 0x7BA05B
- }
- }
- },
- // keep multiple versions in RAM for quick switching (think randomizer on active mode)
- __brush: {
- 'Butterflies': { // is an object, so it's easy to do: delete Resource.__brush.Butterflies['green pea'];
- 'green pea': createPattern(),
- 'yellow squash': createPattern()
- },
- 'Randomizer': { //
- 'green pea': createPattern(),
- 'yellow squash': createPattern()
- }
- },
- __pattern: {
- 'Gaudi': { // would have at least two active (unless both stroke/fill were the same pattern)
- '0': createPattern(),
- '1': createPattern()
- }
- },
- __gradient: {
- 'Nature': {
- '0': createLinearGradient() // or createRadialGradient() depending on what they have set
- }
- },
- __color: {
- 'Fruity': {
- '0': 'rgba(123,45,67,1)'
- }
- }
- };
- */
- Resources = {
- 'Brushes': {
- 'Butterflies': { //ps7_butterfly_brushes_by_dead_brushes.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'dead-brushes'
- },
- 'Doodles': { //punksafetypin_set21_boneydoodles.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'punksafetypin'
- },
- 'Flowers': { //flowers1_brushes_by_hawksmont.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'hawksmont'
- },
- 'Footprints': { //Chain - Footprints.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'chain'
- },
- 'Leafs': { //leaves_brushes_by hawksmont.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'hawksmont'
- },
- 'Retro': { //retro1.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'vwake'
- },
- 'Simple Smudges': { //SimpleSmudges__1__Brushes_Pack_by_env1ro.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'env1ro'
- },
- /* 'Splatter': { //SM_SplatterisM1_Low.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'smashmethod'
- },
- */
- 'Tizzape': { //tizzape_brushes.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'keepwaiting'
- },
- 'Typogrunge': { //JS_Scully7491_Typogrungebrushessm.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'scully7491'
- },
- 'Water Colors': { //watercolors_env1ro.abr
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'env1ro'
- }
- },
- 'PT': {
- 'Ava7': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Ava7'
- },
- 'DinPattern': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'DinPattern'
- },
- 'Gaudi': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Don Barnett'
- },
- 'Headlock': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Headlock'
- },
- 'HG - Patterns': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Hybrid Genesis'
- },
- 'HGX - Patterns': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Hybrid Genesis'
- },
- 'Squidfingers': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Travis'
- }
- },
- 'GD': {
- 'Web v2.0': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Navdeep & Navin'
- },
- 'Web v2.1': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Navdeep & Navin'
- }
- },
- 'CO': {
- 'Oxygen': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'KDE'
- },
- 'Cranes': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Carol'
- },
- 'Grays': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Carol'
- },
- 'Named Colors': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Carol'
- },
- 'Pastels': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Carol'
- },
- 'Reds and Purples': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Carol'
- },
- 'Web': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'Carol'
- },
- 'Fruity': {
- 'email': '',
- 'url': '',
- 'name': 'MUD'
- }
- }
- };
- Q={}; Q.GD={};
- Q.GD['Nature']=[
- [[0,[86,3,0,1]],[0.11,[153,0,0,1]],[0.36,[205,112,19,1]],[0.7,[219,181,82,1]],[1,[115,94,41,1]]],
- [[0,[0,0,0,1]],[1,[153,0,0,1]]],
- [[0,[41,68,99,1]],[0.57,[254,221,144,1]],[1,[41,68,99,1]]],
- [[0,[39,73,105,1]],[0.27,[98,122,155,1]],[0.61,[156,171,204,1]],[1,[215,220,254,1]]],
- [[0,[40,66,82,1]],[0.09,[206,213,254,1]],[0.28,[41,68,99,1]],[0.39,[65,79,92,1]],[0.57,[119,151,215,1]],[0.68,[70,103,145,1]],[0.81,[89,122,157,1]],[0.91,[41,68,99,1]],[1,[2,33,54,1]]],
- [[0,[87,42,0,1]],[0.2,[69,46,2,1]],[0.66,[190,160,88,1]],[1,[142,121,64,1]]],
- [[0,[177,128,152,1]],[0.36,[95,52,71,1]],[0.36,[99,58,75,1]],[1,[248,210,236,1]]],
- [[0,[139,9,3,1]],[1,[254,221,144,1]]],
- [[0,[139,9,3,1]],[1,[234,85,78,1]]],
- [[0,[16,40,65,1]],[1,[89,122,157,1]]],
- [[0,[168,183,240,1]],[0.32,[214,163,126,1]],[1,[120,124,148,1]]],
- [[0,[254,248,188,1]],[1,[254,228,170,1]]],
- [[0,[52,7,1,1]],[1,[177,128,152,1]]],
- [[0,[95,52,71,1]],[0.5,[254,246,185,1]],[1,[95,52,71,1]]],
- [[0,[136,113,86,1]],[1,[229,205,152,1]]],
- [[0,[205,135,85,1]],[1,[89,38,12,1]]],
- [[0,[83,58,7,1]],[1,[254,241,185,1]]],
- [[0,[33,43,52,1]],[1,[198,167,127,1]]],
- [[0,[2,33,54,1]],[0.11,[57,23,36,1]],[0.24,[95,52,71,1]],[0.6,[40,66,82,1]],[1,[2,33,54,1]]],
- [[0,[142,121,64,1]],[1,[41,68,99,1]]]]
- Q.GD['Web v2.0']=[
- [[0,[16,16,16,1]],[1,[124,125,124,1]]],
- [[0,[43,43,43,1]],[0.51,[1,1,1,1]],[0.51,[61,61,61,1]],[1,[77,77,77,1]]],
- [[0,[128,224,248,1]],[1,[205,248,255,1]]],
- [[0,[65,151,238,1]],[1,[121,187,255,1]]],
- [[0,[66,145,219,1]],[0.13,[75,184,240,1]],[0.62,[58,134,197,1]],[0.62,[99,154,200,1]],[1,[205,219,232,1]]],
- [[0,[191,110,78,1]],[0.29,[118,34,1,1]],[0.54,[118,34,1,1]],[0.54,[141,53,18,1]],[1,[240,183,160,1]]],
- [[0,[109,0,25,1]],[1,[168,3,41,1]]],
- [[0,[255,116,0,1]],[1,[255,116,0,1]]],
- [[0,[254,191,5,1]],[1,[255,214,93,1]]],
- [[0,[202,38,0,1]],[0.18,[255,102,0,1]],[0.18,[255,101,0,1]],[0.59,[246,41,12,1]],[0.59,[233,116,96,1]],[1,[241,186,176,1]]],
- [[0,[225,233,160,1]],[1,[234,239,181,1]]],
- [[0,[171,220,40,1]],[1,[182,224,38,1]]],
- [[0,[63,76,107,1]],[1,[96,107,136,1]]],
- [[0,[98,145,192,1]],[1,[204,230,249,1]]],
- [[0,[128,171,203,1]],[1,[206,224,236,1]]],
- [[0,[215,236,251,1]],[0.29,[138,195,235,1]],[0.54,[138,195,235,1]],[0.54,[171,211,238,1]],[1,[234,241,246,1]]],
- [[0,[125,227,31,1]],[0.25,[160,240,38,1]],[1,[199,254,48,1]]],
- [[0,[125,227,31,1]],[1,[166,242,39,1]]],
- [[0,[255,123,215,1]],[0.18,[253,137,215,1]],[0.54,[253,137,215,1]],[0.54,[251,167,225,1]],[1,[251,231,251,1]]],
- [[0,[251,224,151,1]],[0.27,[248,182,3,1]],[0.56,[248,182,3,1]],[0.56,[252,205,79,1]],[1,[252,234,185,1]]],
- [[0,[255,126,2,1]],[0.51,[255,124,0,1]],[0.51,[255,167,61,1]],[1,[255,160,61,1]]],
- [[0,[169,73,164,1]],[1,[229,112,231,1]]],
- [[0,[216,49,162,1]],[0.51,[169,0,119,1]],[0.51,[193,70,161,1]],[1,[193,65,164,1]]],
- [[0,[198,232,250,1]],[1,[235,247,253,1]]],
- [[0,[209,20,20,1]],[1,[254,27,1,1]]],
- [[0,[234,58,42,1]],[0.18,[216,41,21,1]],[0.54,[246,41,12,1]],[0.54,[238,85,67,1]],[1,[254,88,55,1]]],
- [[0,[209,211,96,1]],[1,[229,230,149,1]]],
- [[0,[255,228,0,1]],[0.57,[255,136,0,1]],[1,[230,109,29,1]]],
- [[0,[241,244,246,1]],[0.51,[216,223,227,1]],[0.51,[229,235,238,1]],[1,[246,248,249,1]]],
- [[0,[252,181,54,1]],[1,[239,228,91,1]]]];
- Q.GD['Web v2.1']=[
- [[0,[76,76,76,1]],[0.25,[102,102,102,1]],[0.5,[44,44,44,1]],[0.5,[0,0,0,1]],[0.76,[43,43,43,1]],[1,[19,19,19,1]]],
- [[0,[135,224,253,1]],[1,[5,171,224,1]]],
- [[0,[240,249,255,1]],[1,[161,219,255,1]]],
- [[0,[122,188,255,1]],[1,[64,150,238,1]]],
- [[0,[0,183,234,1]],[1,[0,158,195,1]]],
- [[0,[136,191,232,1]],[1,[112,176,224,1]]],
- [[0,[254,255,255,1]],[1,[160,216,239,1]]],
- [[0,[37,141,200,1]],[1,[37,141,200,1]]],
- [[0,[64,150,238,1]],[1,[64,150,238,1]]],
- [[0,[184,225,252,1]],[0.25,[144,186,228,1]],[0.5,[144,191,240,1]],[0.5,[107,168,229,1]],[1,[189,243,253,1]]],
- [[0,[59,103,158,1]],[0.5,[43,136,217,1]],[0.5,[32,124,202,1]],[1,[125,185,232,1]]],
- [[0,[109,179,242,1]],[0.5,[84,163,238,1]],[0.5,[54,144,240,1]],[1,[30,105,222,1]]],
- [[0,[235,241,246,1]],[0.5,[171,211,238,1]],[0.5,[137,195,235,1]],[1,[213,235,251,1]]],
- [[0,[228,245,252,1]],[0.5,[191,232,249,1]],[0.5,[159,216,239,1]],[1,[42,176,237,1]]],
- [[0,[206,219,233,1]],[0.5,[97,153,199,1]],[0.5,[58,132,195,1]],[0.71,[75,184,240,1]],[1,[38,85,139,1]]],
- [[0,[167,199,220,1]],[1,[133,178,211,1]]],
- [[0,[63,76,107,1]],[1,[63,76,107,1]]],
- [[0,[208,228,247,1]],[0.5,[10,119,213,1]],[1,[135,188,234,1]]],
- [[0,[225,255,255,1]],[0.12,[225,255,255,1]],[0.12,[253,255,255,1]],[0.54,[200,238,251,1]],[1,[177,216,245,1]]],
- [[0,[179,220,237,1]],[0.5,[41,184,229,1]],[1,[188,224,238,1]]],
- [[0,[213,206,166,1]],[1,[183,173,112,1]]],
- [[0,[240,183,161,1]],[0.5,[140,51,16,1]],[0.5,[117,34,1,1]],[1,[191,110,78,1]]],
- [[0,[169,3,41,1]],[1,[109,0,25,1]]],
- [[0,[254,252,234,1]],[1,[241,218,54,1]]],
- [[0,[180,221,180,1]],[0.33,[82,177,82,1]],[0.67,[0,138,0,1]],[1,[0,36,0,1]]],
- [[0,[205,235,142,1]],[1,[165,201,86,1]]],
- [[0,[201,222,150,1]],[1,[57,130,53,1]]],
- [[0,[248,255,232,1]],[1,[183,223,45,1]]],
- [[0,[169,219,128,1]],[1,[150,197,111,1]]],
- [[0,[180,227,145,1]],[0.5,[97,196,25,1]],[1,[180,227,145,1]]],
- [[0,[41,154,11,1]],[1,[41,154,11,1]]],
- [[0,[143,200,0,1]],[1,[143,200,0,1]]],
- [[0,[0,110,46,1]],[1,[0,110,46,1]]],
- [[0,[107,186,112,1]],[1,[107,186,112,1]]],
- [[0,[205,235,139,1]],[1,[205,235,139,1]]],
- [[0,[143,196,0,1]],[1,[143,196,0,1]]],
- [[0,[182,224,38,1]],[1,[171,220,40,1]]],
- [[0,[157,213,58,1]],[0.5,[161,213,79,1]],[0.5,[128,194,23,1]],[1,[124,188,10,1]]],
- [[0,[230,240,163,1]],[0.5,[210,230,56,1]],[0.5,[195,216,37,1]],[1,[219,240,67,1]]],
- [[0,[191,210,85,1]],[0.5,[142,185,42,1]],[0.5,[114,170,0,1]],[1,[158,203,45,1]]],
- [[0,[180,223,91,1]],[1,[180,223,91,1]]],
- [[0,[238,238,238,1]],[1,[204,204,204,1]]],
- [[0,[206,220,231,1]],[1,[89,106,114,1]]],
- [[0,[96,108,136,1]],[1,[63,76,107,1]]],
- [[0,[176,212,227,1]],[1,[136,186,207,1]]],
- [[0,[242,245,246,1]],[1,[200,215,220,1]]],
- [[0,[216,224,222,1]],[0.33,[153,175,171,1]],[0.67,[130,157,152,1]],[1,[14,14,14,1]]],
- [[0,[181,189,200,1]],[1,[40,52,59,1]]],
- [[0,[184,198,223,1]],[1,[109,136,183,1]]],
- [[0,[207,231,250,1]],[1,[99,147,193,1]]],
- [[0,[210,223,237,1]],[0.51,[190,208,234,1]],[0.51,[166,192,227,1]],[0.75,[186,208,239,1]],[1,[121,155,200,1]]],
- [[0,[238,238,238,1]],[1,[238,238,238,1]]],
- [[0,[226,226,226,1]],[0.5,[219,219,219,1]],[0.5,[209,209,209,1]],[1,[254,254,254,1]]],
- [[0,[242,246,248,1]],[0.5,[216,225,231,1]],[0.5,[181,198,208,1]],[1,[224,239,249,1]]],
- [[0,[212,228,239,1]],[1,[134,174,204,1]]],
- [[0,[245,246,246,1]],[0.49,[184,186,198,1]],[1,[245,246,246,1]]],
- [[0,[243,226,199,1]],[0.5,[193,158,103,1]],[0.5,[182,141,76,1]],[1,[233,212,179,1]]],
- [[0,[249,252,247,1]],[1,[245,249,240,1]]],
- [[0,[195,217,255,1]],[1,[152,176,217,1]]],
- [[0,[210,255,82,1]],[1,[145,232,66,1]]],
- [[0,[254,254,253,1]],[1,[174,191,118,1]]],
- [[0,[228,239,192,1]],[1,[171,189,115,1]]],
- [[0,[164,179,87,1]],[1,[117,137,12,1]]],
- [[0,[98,125,77,1]],[1,[31,59,8,1]]],
- [[0,[115,136,10,1]],[1,[115,136,10,1]]],
- [[0,[255,175,75,1]],[1,[255,146,10,1]]],
- [[0,[250,198,149,1]],[1,[239,141,49,1]]],
- [[0,[255,197,120,1]],[1,[251,157,35,1]]],
- [[0,[249,198,103,1]],[1,[247,150,33,1]]],
- [[0,[252,234,187,1]],[0.5,[252,205,77,1]],[0.5,[248,181,0,1]],[1,[251,223,147,1]]],
- [[0,[255,168,76,1]],[1,[255,123,13,1]]],
- [[0,[255,103,15,1]],[1,[255,103,15,1]]],
- [[0,[255,116,0,1]],[1,[255,116,0,1]]],
- [[0,[255,183,107,1]],[0.5,[255,167,61,1]],[0.5,[255,124,0,1]],[1,[255,127,4,1]]],
- [[0,[255,93,177,1]],[1,[239,1,124,1]]],
- [[0,[251,131,250,1]],[1,[233,60,236,1]]],
- [[0,[229,112,231,1]],[1,[168,73,163,1]]],
- [[0,[203,96,179,1]],[0.5,[173,18,131,1]],[1,[222,71,172,1]]],
- [[0,[255,0,132,1]],[1,[255,0,132,1]]],
- [[0,[252,236,252,1]],[0.5,[251,166,225,1]],[0.5,[253,137,215,1]],[1,[255,124,216,1]]],
- [[0,[203,96,179,1]],[0.5,[193,70,161,1]],[0.5,[168,0,119,1]],[1,[219,54,164,1]]],
- [[0,[235,233,249,1]],[0.5,[216,208,239,1]],[0.5,[206,199,236,1]],[1,[193,191,234,1]]],
- [[0,[137,137,186,1]],[1,[137,137,186,1]]],
- [[0,[254,187,187,1]],[1,[255,92,92,1]]],
- [[0,[242,130,91,1]],[0.5,[229,91,43,1]],[1,[240,113,70,1]]],
- [[0,[255,48,25,1]],[1,[207,4,4,1]]],
- [[0,[255,26,0,1]],[1,[255,26,0,1]]],
- [[0,[204,0,0,1]],[1,[204,0,0,1]]],
- [[0,[248,80,50,1]],[0.5,[241,111,92,1]],[0.5,[246,41,12,1]],[1,[231,56,39,1]]],
- [[0,[254,204,177,1]],[0.5,[241,116,50,1]],[0.5,[234,85,7,1]],[1,[251,149,94,1]]],
- [[0,[239,197,202,1]],[0.5,[210,75,90,1]],[0.5,[186,39,55,1]],[1,[241,142,153,1]]],
- [[0,[243,197,189,1]],[0.5,[232,108,87,1]],[0.5,[234,40,3,1]],[0.75,[255,102,0,1]],[1,[199,34,0,1]]],
- [[0,[183,222,237,1]],[0.5,[113,206,239,1]],[0.5,[33,180,226,1]],[1,[183,222,237,1]]],
- [[0,[224,243,250,1]],[0.5,[216,240,252,1]],[0.5,[184,226,246,1]],[1,[182,223,253,1]]],
- [[0,[254,255,232,1]],[1,[214,219,191,1]]],
- [[0,[252,255,244,1]],[1,[233,233,206,1]]],
- [[0,[252,255,244,1]],[1,[179,190,173,1]]],
- [[0,[229,230,150,1]],[1,[209,211,96,1]]],
- [[0,[234,239,181,1]],[1,[225,233,160,1]]],
- [[0,[69,72,77,1]],[1,[0,0,0,1]]],
- [[0,[125,126,125,1]],[1,[14,14,14,1]]],
- [[0,[149,149,149,1]],[0.5,[1,1,1,1]],[0.76,[78,78,78,1]],[1,[27,27,27,1]]],
- [[0,[174,188,191,1]],[0.5,[110,119,116,1]],[0.5,[10,14,10,1]],[1,[10,8,9,1]]],
- [[0,[197,222,234,1]],[1,[6,109,171,1]]],
- [[0,[247,251,252,1]],[1,[173,217,228,1]]],
- [[0,[214,249,255,1]],[1,[158,232,250,1]]],
- [[0,[233,246,253,1]],[1,[211,238,251,1]]],
- [[0,[99,182,219,1]],[1,[48,157,207,1]]],
- [[0,[44,83,158,1]],[1,[44,83,158,1]]],
- [[0,[169,228,247,1]],[1,[15,180,231,1]]],
- [[0,[178,225,255,1]],[1,[102,182,252,1]]],
- [[0,[79,133,187,1]],[1,[79,133,187,1]]],
- [[0,[147,206,222,1]],[1,[73,165,191,1]]],
- [[0,[222,239,255,1]],[1,[152,190,222,1]]],
- [[0,[73,192,240,1]],[1,[44,175,227,1]]],
- [[0,[254,255,255,1]],[1,[210,235,249,1]]],
- [[0,[167,207,223,1]],[1,[35,83,138,1]]],
- [[0,[73,155,234,1]],[1,[32,124,229,1]]],
- [[0,[53,106,160,1]],[1,[53,106,160,1]]],
- [[0,[255,255,255,1]],[1,[237,237,237,1]]],
- [[0,[242,249,254,1]],[1,[214,240,253,1]]],
- [[0,[255,255,255,1]],[1,[229,229,229,1]]],
- [[0,[255,255,255,1]],[0.5,[241,241,241,1]],[0.5,[225,225,225,1]],[1,[246,246,246,1]]],
- [[0,[255,255,255,1]],[0.5,[243,243,243,1]],[0.5,[237,237,237,1]],[1,[255,255,255,1]]],
- [[0,[246,248,249,1]],[0.5,[229,235,238,1]],[0.5,[215,222,227,1]],[1,[245,247,249,1]]],
- [[0,[246,230,180,1]],[1,[237,144,23,1]]],
- [[0,[234,185,45,1]],[1,[199,152,16,1]]],
- [[0,[255,214,94,1]],[1,[254,191,4,1]]],
- [[0,[241,231,103,1]],[1,[254,182,69,1]]],
- [[0,[255,255,136,1]],[1,[255,255,136,1]]],
- [[0,[254,191,1,1]],[1,[254,191,1,1]]]];
- /* COLORS */
- Q.CO={};
- Q.CO['Fruity']=[
- [252,233,79,1],[237,212,0,1],[196,160,0,1],[138,226,52,1],[115,210,22,1],[78,154,6,1],[78,154,6,1],
- [252,175,62,1],[245,121,0,1],[206,92,0,1],[114,159,207,1],[52,101,164,1],[32,74,135,1],[32,74,135,1],
- [233,185,110,1],[193,125,17,1],[143,89,2,1],[173,127,168,1],[117,80,123,1],[92,53,102,1],[92,53,102,1],
- [164,0,0,1],[204,0,0,1],[239,41,41,1],[248,46,0,1],[255,142,3,1],[255,213,3,1],[189,248,0,1]];
- Q.CO['Oxygen']=[[56,37,9,1],[87,64,30,1],[117,81,26,1],[143,107,50,1],[179,146,93,1],[222,188,133,1],[156,15,15,1],[191,3,3,1],[226,8,0,1],[232,87,82,1],[240,134,130,1],[249,204,202,1],[156,15,86,1],[191,3,97,1],[226,0,113,1],[232,82,144,1],[240,130,176,1],[249,202,222,1],[106,0,86,1],[133,2,108,1],[160,39,134,1],[177,79,154,1],[193,115,176,1],[232,183,215,1],[29,1,85,1],[52,23,110,1],[70,40,134,1],[100,74,155,1],[142,121,165,1],[195,180,218,1],[0,49,110,1],[0,67,138,1],[0,87,174,1],[44,114,199,1],[97,147,207,1],[164,192,228,1],[0,72,77,1],[0,96,102,1],[0,120,128,1],[0,167,179,1],[0,196,204,1],[168,221,224,1],[0,8,63,1],[0,115,77,1],[0,153,102,1],[0,179,119,1],[0,204,136,1],[153,220,198,1],[0,110,41,1],[0,137,44,1],[55,164,44,1],[119,183,83,1],[177,210,143,1],[216,232,194,1],[227,173,0,1],[243,195,0,1],[255,221,0,1],[255,235,85,1],[255,242,153,1],[255,246,200,1],[172,67,17,1],[207,73,19,1],[235,115,49,1],[242,155,104,1],[242,187,136,1],[255,217,176,1],[46,52,54,1],[85,87,83,1],[136,138,133,1],[186,189,182,1],[211,215,207,1],[238,238,236,1],[77,38,0,1],[128,63,0,1],[191,94,0,1],[255,126,0,1],[255,191,128,1],[255,223,191,1],[89,0,0,1],[140,0,0,1],[191,0,0,1],[255,0,0,1],[255,128,128,1],[255,191,191,1],[115,0,85,1],[163,0,123,1],[204,0,154,1],[255,0,191,1],[255,128,223,1],[255,191,240,1],[44,0,89,1],[64,0,128,1],[90,0,179,1],[128,0,255,1],[192,128,255,1],[223,191,255,1],[0,0,128,1],[0,0,191,1],[0,0,255,1],[0,102,255,1],[128,179,255,1],[191,217,255,1],[0,77,0,1],[0,140,0,1],[0,191,0,1],[0,255,0,1],[128,255,128,1],[191,255,191,1],[99,128,0,1],[139,179,0,1],[191,245,0,1],[229,255,0,1],[240,255,128,1],[248,255,191,1],[255,170,0,1],[255,191,0,1],[255,213,0,1],[255,255,0,1],[255,255,153,1],[255,255,191,1],[50,50,50,1],[85,85,85,1],[136,136,136,1],[187,187,187,1],[221,221,221,1],[238,238,238,1]];
- Q.CO['Cranes']=[[8,8,8,1],[192,176,144,1],[192,164,128,1],[80,72,68,1],[112,140,88,1],[104,132,96,1],[92,104,84,1],[24,8,12,1],[96,108,92,1],[128,104,76,1],[44,28,24,1],[156,140,116,1],[156,148,116,1],[68,68,60,1],[212,196,148,1],[144,136,108,1],[160,148,128,1],[216,220,216,1],[44,28,40,1],[68,12,16,1],[12,8,32,1],[56,8,48,1],[48,8,40,1],[44,20,40,1],[104,104,92,1],[52,28,48,1],[156,176,124,1],[124,160,96,1],[44,40,24,1],[168,168,172,1],[196,188,168,1],[8,28,20,1],[160,60,60,1],[180,144,100,1],[192,144,112,1],[132,40,60,1],[48,8,24,1],[156,176,144,1],[80,84,64,1],[136,148,136,1],[120,160,116,1],[44,20,24,1],[128,84,80,1],[128,20,56,1],[168,68,76,1],[64,56,44,1],[56,40,40,1],[156,172,164,1],[100,92,72,1],[124,116,88,1],[32,8,28,1],[176,180,180,1],[156,44,68,1],[172,176,156,1],[176,168,144,1],[188,8,88,1],[148,8,52,1],[20,48,52,1],[68,60,68,1],[216,204,160,1],[140,160,112,1],[112,116,88,1],[152,160,164,1],[116,156,104,1],[192,192,184,1],[80,84,72,1],[56,24,24,1],[24,36,40,1],[48,56,52,1],[92,84,64,1],[180,160,120,1],[112,100,76,1],[156,120,88,1],[96,96,84,1],[148,160,152,1],[192,200,144,1],[68,56,56,1],[100,48,96,1],[108,144,100,1],[188,180,160,1],[60,48,68,1],[80,48,52,1],[188,56,72,1],[196,176,128,1],[220,180,164,1],[132,116,100,1],[68,36,52,1],[168,132,100,1],[180,168,132,1],[148,156,140,1],[120,128,108,1],[108,12,48,1],[108,80,68,1],[44,40,56,1],[140,124,104,1],[24,28,20,1],[204,172,120,1],[164,156,132,1],[116,104,96,1],[144,152,148,1],[84,92,72,1],[120,148,100,1],[120,112,108,1],[60,64,56,1],[204,176,140,1],[212,140,128,1],[80,56,64,1],[152,140,108,1],[72,72,76,1],[20,12,48,1],[140,152,128,1],[208,100,88,1],[8,36,48,1],[80,104,68,1],[44,40,8,1],[76,60,84,1],[56,40,24,1],[112,52,64,1],[212,124,112,1],[152,72,76,1],[212,124,128,1],[88,88,96,1],[16,68,8,1],[36,8,40,1],[128,168,112,1],[208,212,196,1],[216,208,176,1],[76,68,56,1],[40,44,28,1],[32,20,80,1],[136,64,68,1],[60,76,64,1],[200,104,96,1],[92,84,80,1],[164,148,116,1],[116,108,84,1],[148,128,100,1],[80,80,84,1],[136,140,128,1],[88,16,76,1],[124,12,8,1],[100,96,104,1],[132,52,36,1],[56,28,40,1],[196,96,88,1],[64,84,44,1],[164,188,132,1],[204,196,168,1],[216,220,208,1],[136,172,100,1],[148,188,124,1],[52,72,32,1],[108,108,116,1],[136,172,132,1],[60,60,64,1],[108,92,92,1],[216,156,144,1],[104,96,84,1],[172,180,172,1],[140,108,88,1],[160,164,156,1],[148,132,108,1],[128,140,120,1],[40,84,56,1],[132,56,108,1],[96,32,56,1],[164,88,84,1],[96,104,72,1],[172,192,152,1],[192,196,172,1],[208,108,100,1],[68,84,72,1],[140,128,96,1],[224,228,224,1],[128,128,132,1],[76,96,56,1],[88,76,100,1],[72,12,52,1],[56,44,56,1],[68,48,68,1],[60,20,64,1],[44,12,56,1],[84,68,76,1],[44,8,8,1],[148,136,100,1],[148,180,108,1],[184,52,20,1],[0,0,0,1],[40,0,0,1],[0,56,92,1],[0,0,4,1],[0,0,0,1],[60,56,56,1],[56,20,40,1],[192,28,36,1],[72,80,60,1],[72,92,68,1],[88,100,76,1],[88,116,72,1],[0,0,0,1],[56,40,56,1],[72,76,68,1],[128,48,52,1],[168,36,60,1],[76,96,76,1],[80,108,80,1],[128,120,108,1],[184,72,80,1],[104,128,84,1],[136,132,108,1],[148,140,116,1],[112,152,92,1],[208,184,132,1],[104,116,100,1],[132,128,116,1],[136,120,88,1],[0,0,0,1],[116,124,120,1],[136,152,152,1],[144,156,160,1],[156,168,176,1],[184,184,176,1],[152,172,184,1],[184,188,188,1],[196,200,196,1],[212,212,208,1],[148,164,172,1],[84,96,84,1],[96,8,20,1],[100,116,80,1],[96,120,92,1],[164,176,184,1],[204,188,152,1],[128,128,100,1],[44,40,40,1],[204,204,188,1],[92,128,80,1],[100,140,88,1],[56,48,44,1],[128,148,112,1],[36,28,40,1],[196,160,112,1],[124,116,96,1],[104,104,84,1],[132,140,140,1],[140,132,116,1],[204,208,200,1],[196,80,84,1],[116,112,96,1],[88,116,84,1],[64,44,56,1],[44,24,8,1],[196,116,116,1],[180,148,116,1],[136,176,116,1],[148,140,124,1]];
- Q.CO['Grays']=[[0,0,0,1],[7,7,7,1],[15,15,15,1],[23,23,23,1],[31,31,31,1],[39,39,39,1],[47,47,47,1],[55,55,55,1],[63,63,63,1],[71,71,71,1],[79,79,79,1],[87,87,87,1],[95,95,95,1],[103,103,103,1],[111,111,111,1],[119,119,119,1],[127,127,127,1],[135,135,135,1],[143,143,143,1],[151,151,151,1],[159,159,159,1],[167,167,167,1],[175,175,175,1],[183,183,183,1],[191,191,191,1],[199,199,199,1],[207,207,207,1],[215,215,215,1],[223,223,223,1],[231,231,231,1],[239,239,239,1],[247,247,247,1]];
- Q.CO['Named Colors']=[[255,250,250,1],[248,248,255,1],[245,245,245,1],[220,220,220,1],[255,250,240,1],[253,245,230,1],[250,240,230,1],[250,235,215,1],[255,239,213,1],[255,235,205,1],[255,228,196,1],[255,218,185,1],[255,222,173,1],[255,228,181,1],[255,248,220,1],[255,255,240,1],[255,250,205,1],[255,245,238,1],[240,255,240,1],[245,255,250,1],[240,255,255,1],[240,248,255,1],[230,230,250,1],[255,240,245,1],[255,228,225,1],[255,255,255,1],[0,0,0,1],[47,79,79,1],[105,105,105,1],[112,128,144,1],[119,136,153,1],[190,190,190,1],[211,211,211,1],[25,25,112,1],[0,0,128,1],[100,149,237,1],[72,61,139,1],[106,90,205,1],[123,104,238,1],[132,112,255,1],[0,0,205,1],[65,105,225,1],[0,0,255,1],[30,144,255,1],[0,191,255,1],[135,206,235,1],[135,206,250,1],[70,130,180,1],[176,196,222,1],[173,216,230,1],[176,224,230,1],[175,238,238,1],[0,206,209,1],[72,209,204,1],[64,224,208,1],[0,255,255,1],[224,255,255,1],[95,158,160,1],[102,205,170,1],[127,255,212,1],[0,100,0,1],[85,107,47,1],[143,188,143,1],[46,139,87,1],[60,179,113,1],[32,178,170,1],[152,251,152,1],[0,255,127,1],[124,252,0,1],[0,255,0,1],[127,255,0,1],[0,250,154,1],[173,255,47,1],[50,205,50,1],[154,205,50,1],[34,139,34,1],[107,142,35,1],[189,183,107,1],[240,230,140,1],[238,232,170,1],[250,250,210,1],[255,255,224,1],[255,255,0,1],[255,215,0,1],[238,221,130,1],[218,165,32,1],[184,134,11,1],[188,143,143,1],[205,92,92,1],[139,69,19,1],[160,82,45,1],[205,133,63,1],[222,184,135,1],[245,245,220,1],[245,222,179,1],[244,164,96,1],[210,180,140,1],[210,105,30,1],[178,34,34,1],[165,42,42,1],[233,150,122,1],[250,128,114,1],[255,160,122,1],[255,165,0,1],[255,140,0,1],[255,127,80,1],[240,128,128,1],[255,99,71,1],[255,69,0,1],[255,0,0,1],[255,105,180,1],[255,20,147,1],[255,192,203,1],[255,182,193,1],[219,112,147,1],[176,48,96,1],[199,21,133,1],[208,32,144,1],[255,0,255,1],[238,130,238,1],[221,160,221,1],[218,112,214,1],[186,85,211,1],[153,50,204,1],[148,0,211,1],[138,43,226,1],[160,32,240,1],[147,112,219,1],[216,191,216,1],[255,250,250,1],[238,233,233,1],[205,201,201,1],[139,137,137,1],[255,245,238,1],[238,229,222,1],[205,197,191,1],[139,134,130,1],[255,239,219,1],[238,223,204,1],[205,192,176,1],[139,131,120,1],[255,228,196,1],[238,213,183,1],[205,183,158,1],[139,125,107,1],[255,218,185,1],[238,203,173,1],[205,175,149,1],[139,119,101,1],[255,222,173,1],[238,207,161,1],[205,179,139,1],[139,121,94,1],[255,250,205,1],[238,233,191,1],[205,201,165,1],[139,137,112,1],[255,248,220,1],[238,232,205,1],[205,200,177,1],[139,136,120,1],[255,255,240,1],[238,238,224,1],[205,205,193,1],[139,139,131,1],[240,255,240,1],[224,238,224,1],[193,205,193,1],[131,139,131,1],[255,240,245,1],[238,224,229,1],[205,193,197,1],[139,131,134,1],[255,228,225,1],[238,213,210,1],[205,183,181,1],[139,125,123,1],[240,255,255,1],[224,238,238,1],[193,205,205,1],[131,139,139,1],[131,111,255,1],[122,103,238,1],[105,89,205,1],[71,60,139,1],[72,118,255,1],[67,110,238,1],[58,95,205,1],[39,64,139,1],[0,0,255,1],[0,0,238,1],[0,0,205,1],[0,0,139,1],[30,144,255,1],[28,134,238,1],[24,116,205,1],[16,78,139,1],[99,184,255,1],[92,172,238,1],[79,148,205,1],[54,100,139,1],[0,191,255,1],[0,178,238,1],[0,154,205,1],[0,104,139,1],[135,206,255,1],[126,192,238,1],[108,166,205,1],[74,112,139,1],[176,226,255,1],[164,211,238,1],[141,182,205,1],[96,123,139,1],[198,226,255,1],[185,211,238,1],[159,182,205,1],[108,123,139,1],[202,225,255,1],[188,210,238,1],[162,181,205,1],[110,123,139,1],[191,239,255,1],[178,223,238,1],[154,192,205,1],[104,131,139,1],[224,255,255,1],[209,238,238,1],[180,205,205,1],[122,139,139,1],[187,255,255,1],[174,238,238,1],[150,205,205,1],[102,139,139,1],[152,245,255,1],[142,229,238,1],[122,197,205,1],[83,134,139,1],[0,245,255,1],[0,229,238,1],[0,197,205,1],[0,134,139,1],[0,255,255,1],[0,238,238,1],[0,205,205,1],[0,139,139,1],[151,255,255,1],[141,238,238,1],[121,205,205,1],[82,139,139,1],[127,255,212,1],[118,238,198,1],[102,205,170,1],[69,139,116,1],[193,255,193,1],[180,238,180,1],[155,205,155,1],[105,139,105,1],[84,255,159,1],[78,238,148,1],[67,205,128,1],[46,139,87,1],[154,255,154,1],[144,238,144,1],[124,205,124,1],[84,139,84,1],[0,255,127,1],[0,238,118,1],[0,205,102,1],[0,139,69,1],[0,255,0,1],[0,238,0,1],[0,205,0,1],[0,139,0,1],[127,255,0,1],[118,238,0,1],[102,205,0,1],[69,139,0,1],[192,255,62,1],[179,238,58,1],[154,205,50,1],[105,139,34,1],[202,255,112,1],[188,238,104,1],[162,205,90,1],[110,139,61,1],[255,246,143,1],[238,230,133,1],[205,198,115,1],[139,134,78,1],[255,236,139,1],[238,220,130,1],[205,190,112,1],[139,129,76,1],[255,255,224,1],[238,238,209,1],[205,205,180,1],[139,139,122,1],[255,255,0,1],[238,238,0,1],[205,205,0,1],[139,139,0,1],[255,215,0,1],[238,201,0,1],[205,173,0,1],[139,117,0,1],[255,193,37,1],[238,180,34,1],[205,155,29,1],[139,105,20,1],[255,185,15,1],[238,173,14,1],[205,149,12,1],[139,101,8,1],[255,193,193,1],[238,180,180,1],[205,155,155,1],[139,105,105,1],[255,106,106,1],[238,99,99,1],[205,85,85,1],[139,58,58,1],[255,130,71,1],[238,121,66,1],[205,104,57,1],[139,71,38,1],[255,211,155,1],[238,197,145,1],[205,170,125,1],[139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- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent('Text')"><img src="" class="Text" alt="Text" /></div>
- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent('Shape_'+vars.shape)"><img src="" class="plus" alt="Shape" /><img src="" class="Shape_ellipses Shape_polygon Shape_star Shape_burst Shape_gear" alt="Shape" /></div>
- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent('Spirograph')"><img src="" class="Spirograph" alt="Spirograph" /></div>
- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent(vars.draw)"><img src="" class="plus" alt="Draw" /><img src="" class="Brush Calligraphy Pencil" alt="Draw" /></div>
- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent('Fill')"><img src="" class="Fill" alt="Fill" /></div>
- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent('Stamp')"><img src="" class="Stamp" alt="Stamp" /></div>
- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent('Eraser')"><img src="" class="Eraser" alt="Eraser" /></div>
- <div onclick="gui_tools.imageCurrent('Picker')"><img src="" class="Picker" alt="Picker" /></div>
- <br />
- <div class="hr"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="ss">
- <div id="swap">F</div>
- <div class="fill">
- <canvas onmousedown="'fill')" id="fill" title="Fill"></canvas>
- </div>
- <div class="stroke">
- <canvas onmousedown="'stroke')" id="stroke" title="Stroke"></canvas>
- <div onmousedown="'stroke')"><div></div></div>
- <img src="" style="display: block" onmousedown="gui_palette.current(); return false" alt="Switch Stroke with Fill" />
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="options" class="gui">
- <div class="bounds">
- <div class="TL"></div>
- <div class="TM">
- <span class="TML"></span>
- <div class="TRx"><img onclick="win.close('options',1)" onmousedown="return(noMove())" src="media/gui/win_close.png" title="Close" /></div>
- </div>
- <div class="TR"></div><br />
- <div class="ML"></div>
- <div class="MM" onmousedown="noMove()"></div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="history" class="gui">
- <div class="bounds">
- <div class="TL"></div>
- <div class="TM">
- <span class="TML">history</span>
- <div class="TRx"><img onclick="win.close('history',1)" onmousedown="return(noMove())" src="" title="Close" /></div>
- </div>
- <div class="TR"></div><br />
- <div class="ML"></div>
- <div class="MM" onmousedown="noMove()"></div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="swatch" class="gui">
- <div class="bounds">
- <div class="TL"></div>
- <div class="TM">
- <span class="TML">swatch</span>
- <div class="TRx"><img onclick="win.close('swatch',1)" onmousedown="return(noMove())" src="" title="Close" /></div>
- </div>
- <div class="TR"></div><br />
- <div class="ML"></div>
- <div class="MM" onmousedown="noMove()"></div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="pattern" class="gui">
- <div class="bounds">
- <div class="TL"></div>
- <div class="TM">
- <span class="TML">pattern</span>
- <div class="TRx"><img onclick="win.close('pattern',1)" onmousedown="return(noMove())" src="" title="Close" /></div>
- </div>
- <div class="TR"></div><br />
- <div class="ML"></div>
- <div class="MM" onmousedown="noMove()"><div class="z"></div></div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="gradient" class="gui">
- <div class="bounds">
- <div class="TL"></div>
- <div class="TM">
- <span class="TML">gradient</span>
- <div class="TRx"><img onclick="win.close('gradient',1)" onmousedown="return(noMove())" src="media/gui/win_close.png" title="Close" /></div>
- </div>
- <div class="TR"></div><br />
- <div class="ML"></div>
- <div class="MM" onmousedown="noMove()"></div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="solid" class="gui">
- <div class="bounds">
- <div class="TL"></div>
- <div class="TM">
- <span id="HEX" class="TML" title="HEX" onmousedown="preventDefault = false;" style="cursor: text; text-transform:uppercase">FFFFFF</span>
- <div class="TRx"><img onclick="win.close('solid',1)" onmousedown="return(noMove())" src="" title="Close" /></div>
- </div>
- <div class="TR"></div><br />
- <div class="ML"></div>
- <div class="MM" onmousedown="noMove()"></div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="canvas" onmousedown="core.fu('canvas',event,{,Y1:19})" class="gui" style="width: 732px; height: 615px;">
- <div class="TL"></div>
- <div class="TM" ondblclick="win_size.tog(vars.winMax?'min':'max')">
- <div class="center">
- <span id="cTitle">DRAWING.PNG</span>
- </div>
- <div class="east" id="cZoom"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="TR"></div><br />
- <div class="ML"></div>
- <div class="MM">
- <div class="z">
- <div id="cBound" onmousedown="return(noMove())">
- <canvas id="ctx_box" style="z-index: 1"></canvas>
- <canvas id="ctx_temp" style="z-index: 2"></canvas>
- <canvas id="ctx_active" style="z-index: 5"></canvas>
- <canvas id="ctx_marquee" style="z-index: 6"></canvas>
- <canvas id="ctx_mouse" style="z-index: 7"></canvas>
- </div>
- <canvas id="ctx_brush" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
- <canvas id="ctx_stamp" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
- <canvas id="ctx_eraser" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
- <canvas id="ctx_picker" height="1" width="1"></canvas>
- <div id="cHistory"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="MR"></div><br />
- <div class="BL"></div>
- <div class="BM"></div>
- <div class="BR" onmousedown="vars.winMax='min'; win_size.core(event)"></div>
- </div>
- <div style="display: none" id="canvas_open">
- <div style="padding: 15px 0;">
- My Computer…<br><input type="file" id="local" size="17"><br><br>The Internet…<br><input type="datafile_url" id="server" size="27"><br><br><input onclick="canvas.open_event()" type="submit" value="open">
- <div id="canvas_open_error" style="padding: 4px 0 0 0; color: #ef3333"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="ads">
- <a href="" target="_blank">Sketchpad 3.4 is out!</a>
- </div>
- <div id="TEST" style="color: #fff; position: absolute; top: 40px; z-index: 100000"></div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var preventDefault = true;
- var init = {
- 'canvas': function (w, h, u) {
- = 'CO';
- function z(n) {
- return (Math.floor(Math.random() * n));
- }
- $('ctx_box').width = canvas.W = w;
- $('ctx_box').height = canvas.H = h;
- crop.apply({
- X: 0,
- Y: 0
- },
- {
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- Y: h
- });
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- c.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.W, canvas.H);
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- Y: h
- },
- c = $2D('ctx_box');
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- co.gradient(a, b, c, vars.GD[z(vars.GD.length)], 'fill', 1);
- }
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- } else if (!isNaN(vars.winW)) {
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- H: zero(vars.winH)
- },
- win_size.construct({}));
- } else {
- canvas.resize(700, 575);
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- gui.options();
- gui_tools.imageMap();
- //Interface
- gui_palette.update('stroke');
- gui_palette.update('fill');
- gui_palette.zindex(;
- crop.ratio_mk();
- win.feed();
- gui_tools.imageCurrent(vars.tool);
- canvas.mode_sw(vars.mode = vars.mode ? vars.mode : 'paint');
- canvas.history_mk();
- },
- 'events': function () {
- //Canvas
- var o = $('cBound');
- o.oncontextmenu = function (e) {
- if ({
- 'zoom': 1,
- 'path': 1,
- 'shape': 1,
- 'marquee': 1
- } [vars.type]) return false;
- };
- o.ondblclick = function (e) {
- if (vars.type == 'text') {
- noMove()
- // co.core(e, text.core);
- }
- };
- o.onmousemove = function (e) {
- if (stop) {
- if ({
- 'marquee': 1,
- 'text': 1,
- 'crop': 1
- } [vars.type]) {
- mouse.cursor(e, this);
- }
- if (vars.type == 'picker') {
- var a = XY(e);
- a.X -= abPos(this).X;
- a.Y -= abPos(this).Y;
- a.X = Math.max(0, Math.min(canvas.W - 1, a.X));
- a.Y = Math.max(0, Math.min(canvas.H - 1, a.Y));
- picker.core(a, '', 'move');
- }
- }
- };
- o.onmousedown = function (e) {
- if (vars.type == 'crop') {
- co.core(e, crop.core);
- } else if (vars.type == 'fill') {
- co.core(e, draw.fill);
- } else if (vars.type == 'marquee') {
- co.core(e, marquee.core);
- } else if (vars.type == 'picker') {
- var a = XY(e);
- a.X -= abPos(this).X;
- a.Y -= abPos(this).Y;
- a.X = Math.max(0, Math.min(canvas.W - 1, a.X));
- a.Y = Math.max(0, Math.min(canvas.H - 1, a.Y));
- picker.core(a, a, 'down', e);
- } else if (vars.type == 'shape') {
- co.core(e, draw.shape);
- } else if (vars.type == 'text') {
- co.core(e, draw.text);
- } else if ({
- 'calligraphy': 1,
- 'stamp': 1
- } [vars.type]) {
- if (stamp.loaded) {
- co.core(e, draw[vars.type]);
- } else {
- noMove();
- }
- } else if(vars.type == 'spirograph') {
- co.core(e, draw.spirograph);
- } else if ({
- 'brush': 1,
- 'pencil': 1,
- 'eraser': 1
- } [vars.type]) {
- co.core(e, draw[vars.type]);
- } else {
- return noMove();
- }
- return false;
- };
- o.onmouseout = function (e) {
- if (stop) {
- if (vars.type == 'picker') {
- var a = XY(e);
- a.X -= abPos(this).X;
- a.Y -= abPos(this).Y;
- a.X = Math.max(0, Math.min(canvas.W - 1, a.X));
- a.Y = Math.max(0, Math.min(canvas.H - 1, a.Y));
- picker.core(a);
- }
- }
- };
- //Mouse Wheel
- var o = {
- 'stamp': $C('MM', 'options'),
- 'hi': $C('MM', 'history'),
- 'CO': $C('CO', 'swatch'),
- 'GD': $C('GD', 'swatch'),
- 'PT': $C('PT', 'swatch')
- };
- function addWheel(id) {
- Event.add(o[id][0], {
- el: 'DOMMouseScroll',
- e: 'onmousewheel'
- },
- function (event) {
- = id;
- gui.Y.wheel(event);
- event.preventDefault();
- });
- };
- for (var i in o) addWheel(i);
- //Window CoreXY
- var o = $C('gui', document.body);
- for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
- if (o[i].onmousedown) continue;
- Event.add(o[i], {
- el: 'mousedown',
- e: 'onmousedown'
- },
- function (event) {
- core.fu(, event, {
- fu:,
- Y1: 19,
- z: true
- });
- });
- }
- },
- 'images': function () {
- var dir = 'media/gui/';
- op_8x8 = new Image();
- op_8x8.src = dir + 'op_8x8.gif';
- path = {
- point: new Image(),
- node_select: new Image()
- }
- path.point.src = dir + 'point.png';
- path.node_select.src = dir + 'node_select.png';
- },
- 'swatch': function () {
- var rand = N.rand;
- init.images();
- if(typeof ScreenMetrics == 'function') {
- $.metrics = ScreenMetrics();
- }
- function PT(v, n) {
- var n = vars.PT.length;
- var random;
- if(vars['PT*'] == 'Squidfingers')
- random = Math.random() > .5 ? '82' : '105';
- else random = rand(n);
- src = gui_pattern.dir + vars['PT*'] + '/' + (gui_swatch.n[v + 'PT'] = random) + '-live.jpg';
- gui_pattern.o[v].src = src;
- vars[v + 'PT'].src = src;
- gui_swatch.n[v + 'PT'] = n - gui_swatch.n[v + 'PT'];
- }
- function CO(v) {
- var n = vars[v].length,
- a = rand(n),
- z = rand(n);
- vars['fill' + v] = vars[v][a];
- gui_swatch.n['fill' + v] = a + 1;
- vars['stroke' + v] = vars[v][z];
- gui_swatch.n['stroke' + v] = z + 1;
- }
- vars.CO = Q.CO[vars['CO*']];
- vars.GD = Q.GD[vars['GD*']];
- vars.PT = Q.PT[vars['PT*']];
- CO('CO');
- CO('GD');
- PT('fill');
- PT('stroke');
- // setTimeout( init.content, 1000);
- gui_pattern.o.fill.onload = function () {
- if (gui_pattern.o.stroke.loaded) init.content();
- gui_pattern.o.fill.loaded = 1;
- };
- gui_pattern.o.stroke.onload = function () {
- if (gui_pattern.o.fill.loaded) init.content();
- gui_pattern.o.stroke.loaded = 1;
- };
- }
- };
- var ants = [ ];
- var ants_n = 0;
- window.onresize = win.feed;
- window.currentBlob = null;
- window.currentPort = null;
- window.saveDrawing = function() {
- window.location.href=$('ctx_box').toDataURL();
- };
- window.onload = function () {
- if (document.location.hash == '#snapshot') {
- = 'transparent';
- // FIXME: Waiting on toBlob for Canvas
- window.saveDrawing = function (e) {
- if (!window.currentPort) {
- window.href = $('ctx_box').toDataURL();
- }
- var n = $('ctx_box').toDataURL();
- window.currentPort.postMessage("send", '*');
- window.currentPort.postMessage(n, '*');
- return false;
- };
- window.onmessage = function (event) {
- if (event.origin.indexOf('chrome-extension:') == -1) if (event.origin != '') if (event.origin != '') if (event.origin != '') return;
- if (event.source != window.self) event.source.postMessage("recv", '*');
- var data =;
- if (typeof (data) == 'object' && data.type) {
- if (window.currentBlob) webkitURL.revokeObjectURL(window.currentBlob);
- window.currentBlob = webkitURL.createObjectURL(data);
- data = window.currentBlob;
- window.currentPort = event.source;
- }
- if (data.indexOf(':') > -1) {
- var a = document.createElement('img');
- a.onload = function () {
- var width = a.naturalWidth;
- var height = a.naturalHeight;
- win_size.fu({
- W: width,
- H: height
- }, win_size.construct({}));
- canvas.resize(width, height);
- init.canvas(width, height, data);
- }
- a.src = data;
- }
- }
- if (window.parent && window.parent != window.self) {
- // FIXME: Don't ack until load, otherwise we'll overwrite the image.
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (window.parent.postMessage) window.parent.postMessage('ack', '*');
- }, 300);
- }
- }
- setTimeout(function () {
- dtx2D = document.createElement("canvas");
- ctx2D = dtx2D.getContext('2d');
- }, 100);
- setTimeout(, 250);
- setTimeout(function () {
- }, 200);
- };
- Color = { };
- Color.HEX_STRING = function(o) {
- var z = o.toString(16), n = z.length;
- while(n < 6) { z = '0' + z; n++; }
- return z;
- };
- Color.RGB_HSV = function(o) { //- RGB from 0 to 255
- var _R = o.R / 255, _G = o.G / 255, _B = o.B / 255, H, S, V;
- var min = Math.min(_R, _G, _B), max = Math.max(_R, _G, _B), D = max - min;
- V = max;
- if(D == 0) { H = 0; S = 0; } // No chroma
- else { // Chromatic data
- S = D / max;
- var DR = ( ((max - _R) / 6) + (D / 2) ) / D;
- var DG = ( ((max - _G) / 6) + (D / 2) ) / D;
- var DB = ( ((max - _B) / 6) + (D / 2) ) / D;
- if(_R == max) H = DB - DG;
- else if(_G == max) H = (1 / 3) + DR - DB;
- else if(_B == max) H = (2 / 3) + DG - DR;
- if(H < 0) H += 1;
- if(H > 1) H -= 1;
- }
- return { H: H * 360, S: S * 100, V: V * 100 };
- };
- Color.HSV_RGB = function(o) {
- var H = o.H / 360, S = o.S / 100, V = o.V / 100, R, G, B;
- if(S == 0) { R = G = B = Math.round(V * 255); }
- else { if(H >= 1) H = 0;
- H = 6 * H;
- D = H - Math.floor(H);
- A = Math.round(255 * V * (1 - S));
- B = Math.round(255 * V * (1 - (S * D)));
- C = Math.round(255 * V * (1 - (S * (1 - D))));
- V = Math.round(255 * V);
- switch(Math.floor(H)) {
- case 0: R = V; G = C; B = A; break;
- case 1: R = B; G = V; B = A; break;
- case 2: R = A; G = V; B = C; break;
- case 3: R = A; G = B; B = V; break;
- case 4: R = C; G = A; B = V; break;
- case 5: R = V; G = A; B = B; break;
- }
- }
- return { R: R, G: G, B: B };
- };
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