

Mar 10th, 2024
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  1. The Meson build system
  2. Version: 1.3.2
  3. Source dir: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw
  4. Build dir: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/build
  5. Build type: native build
  6. Project name: metrowerks
  7. Project version: undefined
  8. C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 13.2.0 "cc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  9. C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.42
  10. C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 13.2.0 "c++ (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  11. C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.42
  12. Host machine cpu family: x86_64
  13. Host machine cpu: x86_64
  14. Build targets in project: 1
  16. Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/bin/ninja
  17. ninja: Entering directory `/home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/build'
  18. [1/2] Compiling C object mwrap.p/mwrap.c.o
  19. [2/2] Linking target mwrap
  20. INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja
  21. INFO: calculating backend command to run: /usr/bin/ninja -C /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/build
  22. The Meson build system
  23. Version: 1.3.2
  24. Source dir: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum
  25. Build dir: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/build
  26. Build type: cross build
  27. Project name: pokeplatinum
  28. Project version: 1.0
  29. Nasm compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwasmarm (mwasmarm 1.0)
  30. Nasm linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  31. C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  32. C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  33. C++ compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  34. C++ linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  35. Compiler for language nasm for the build machine not found.
  36. C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  37. C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  38. C++ compiler for the build machine: g++ (gcc 13.2.0 "g++ (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  39. C++ linker for the build machine: g++ ld.bfd 2.42
  40. Build machine cpu family: x86_64
  41. Build machine cpu: x86_64
  42. Host machine cpu family: arm
  43. Host machine cpu: arm
  44. Target machine cpu family: arm
  45. Target machine cpu: arm
  46. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/json2bin/
  47. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/json2bin/
  48. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/json2bin/
  49. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/json2bin/
  50. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/postconf/
  51. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/scripts/
  52. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/scripts/
  53. Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/scripts/
  54. Program makebanner found: YES
  55. Program makelcf found: YES
  56. Program makerom found: YES
  57. Program nitrogfx found: NO
  59. Executing subproject nitrogfx
  61. nitrogfx| Project name: nitrogfx
  62. nitrogfx| Project version: undefined
  63. nitrogfx| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  64. nitrogfx| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  65. nitrogfx| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  66. nitrogfx| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  67. nitrogfx| Found pkg-config: YES (/usr/bin/pkg-config) 1.8.1
  68. nitrogfx| Build-time dependency libpng found: YES 1.6.43
  69. nitrogfx| Build targets in project: 6
  70. nitrogfx| Subproject nitrogfx finished.
  72. Program nitrogfx found: YES (overridden)
  73. Found pkg-config: NO
  74. Found CMake: NO
  75. Run-time dependency nitrosdk found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
  76. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency NitroSDK
  78. Executing subproject NitroSDK
  80. NitroSDK| Project name: NitroSDK
  81. NitroSDK| Project version: 4.2.30001
  82. NitroSDK| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  83. NitroSDK| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  84. NitroSDK| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  85. NitroSDK| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  86. NitroSDK| Program found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/subprojects/NitroSDK-4.2.30001/gen/nitro/fx/
  87. NitroSDK| Build targets in project: 36
  88. NitroSDK| Subproject NitroSDK finished.
  90. Dependency NitroSDK found: YES 4.2.30001 (overridden)
  91. Run-time dependency nitrosystem found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
  92. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency NitroSystem
  94. Executing subproject NitroSystem
  96. NitroSystem| Project name: NitroSystem
  97. NitroSystem| Project version: 071126.1
  98. NitroSystem| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  99. NitroSystem| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  100. NitroSystem| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  101. NitroSystem| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  102. NitroSystem| Dependency NitroSDK found: YES 4.2.30001 (overridden)
  103. NitroSystem| Build targets in project: 42
  104. NitroSystem| Subproject NitroSystem finished.
  106. Dependency NitroSystem found: YES 071126.1 (overridden)
  107. Run-time dependency nitrowifi found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
  108. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency NitroWiFi
  110. Executing subproject NitroWiFi
  112. NitroWiFi| Project name: NitroWiFi
  113. NitroWiFi| Project version: 2.1.30003
  114. NitroWiFi| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  115. NitroWiFi| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  116. NitroWiFi| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  117. NitroWiFi| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  118. NitroWiFi| Dependency NitroSDK found: YES 4.2.30001 (overridden)
  119. NitroWiFi| Build targets in project: 49
  120. NitroWiFi| Subproject NitroWiFi finished.
  122. Dependency NitroWiFi found: YES 2.1.30003 (overridden)
  123. Run-time dependency nitrodwc found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
  124. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency NitroDWC
  126. Executing subproject NitroDWC
  128. NitroDWC| Project name: NitroDWC
  129. NitroDWC| Project version: 2.2.30008
  130. NitroDWC| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  131. NitroDWC| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  132. NitroDWC| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  133. NitroDWC| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  134. NitroDWC| Dependency NitroSDK found: YES 4.2.30001 (overridden)
  135. NitroDWC| Dependency NitroSystem found: YES 071126.1 (overridden)
  136. NitroDWC| Dependency NitroWiFi found: YES 2.1.30003 (overridden)
  137. NitroDWC| Build targets in project: 69
  138. NitroDWC| Subproject NitroDWC finished.
  140. Dependency NitroDWC found: YES 2.2.30008 (overridden)
  141. Run-time dependency libvct found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
  142. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency libvct
  144. Executing subproject libvct
  146. libvct| Project name: libvct
  147. libvct| Project version: 1.3.1
  148. libvct| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  149. libvct| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  150. libvct| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  151. libvct| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  152. libvct| Dependency NitroSDK found: YES 4.2.30001 (overridden)
  153. libvct| Build targets in project: 70
  154. libvct| Subproject libvct finished.
  156. Dependency libvct found: YES 1.3.1 (overridden)
  157. Run-time dependency libcrypto found: NO (tried pkgconfig, system and cmake)
  158. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency libcrypto
  160. Executing subproject libcrypto
  162. libcrypto| Project name: libcrypto
  163. libcrypto| Project version: undefined
  164. libcrypto| Nasm compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwasmarm (mwasmarm 1.0)
  165. libcrypto| Nasm linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  166. libcrypto| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  167. libcrypto| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  168. libcrypto| Compiler for language nasm for the build machine not found.
  169. libcrypto| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  170. libcrypto| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  171. libcrypto| Build targets in project: 72
  172. libcrypto| Subproject libcrypto finished.
  174. Dependency libcrypto found: YES undefined (overridden)
  175. Run-time dependency libsyscall found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
  176. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency libsyscall
  178. Executing subproject libsyscall
  180. libsyscall| Project name: libsyscall
  181. libsyscall| Project version: undefined
  182. libsyscall| Nasm compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwasmarm (mwasmarm 1.0)
  183. libsyscall| Nasm linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  184. libsyscall| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  185. libsyscall| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  186. libsyscall| Compiler for language nasm for the build machine not found.
  187. libsyscall| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  188. libsyscall| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  189. libsyscall| Build targets in project: 73
  190. libsyscall| Subproject libsyscall finished.
  192. Dependency libsyscall found: YES undefined (overridden)
  193. Run-time dependency ppwlobby found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
  194. Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency ppwlobby
  196. Executing subproject ppwlobby
  198. ppwlobby| Project name: ppwlobby
  199. ppwlobby| Project version: undefined
  200. ppwlobby| Nasm compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwasmarm (mwasmarm 1.0)
  201. ppwlobby| Nasm linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  202. ppwlobby| C compiler for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwccarm (mwccarm 3.0.137)
  203. ppwlobby| C linker for the host machine: /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/cw/mwrap mwldarm mwldarm 2.0.87
  204. ppwlobby| Compiler for language nasm for the build machine not found.
  205. ppwlobby| C compiler for the build machine: gcc (gcc 13.2.0 "gcc (Debian 13.2.0-18) 13.2.0")
  206. ppwlobby| C linker for the build machine: gcc ld.bfd 2.42
  207. ppwlobby| Dependency NitroDWC found: YES 2.2.30008 (overridden)
  208. ppwlobby| Build targets in project: 76
  209. ppwlobby| Subproject ppwlobby finished.
  211. Dependency ppwlobby found: YES undefined (overridden)
  212. Program sha1sum found: YES (/usr/bin/sha1sum)
  213. Build targets in project: 894
  215. pokeplatinum 1.0
  217. Subprojects
  218. NitroDWC : YES
  219. NitroSDK : YES
  220. NitroSystem : YES
  221. NitroWiFi : YES
  222. libcrypto : YES
  223. libsyscall : YES
  224. libvct : YES
  225. nitrogfx : YES
  226. ppwlobby : YES
  228. User defined options
  229. Cross files : meson/cross_unix.ini
  230. build/root.ini
  231. Native files: meson/native_unix.ini
  232. build/root.ini
  233. wrap_mode : nopromote
  235. Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/bin/ninja
  236. Running postconf script '/usr/bin/python3 /home/kurausukun/pokeplatinum/tools/postconf/'
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