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- inputFile = 'input.wav';
- gains = [0, 3, -6, 9, 0, -12, 6, 0, -9, 12]; % Example gains in dB
- outputFile = 'output.wav';
- equalizer(inputFile, gains, outputFile);
- function equalizer(inputFile, gains, outputFile)
- % Step 1: Read the input wavefile
- [x, fs] = audioread(inputFile);
- % Step 2: Plot the magnitude components of the frequency spectrum
- plotSpectrum(x, fs, 'Input Spectrum');
- % Step 3: Create filters
- centerFreqs = [31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000];
- filters = cell(1, 10);
- for i = 1:10
- f1 = centerFreqs(i) / (fs/2);
- f2 = centerFreqs(i+1) / (fs/2);
- filters{i} = fir1(100, [f1 f2], 'band');
- end
- % Step 4: Apply filters to signal components
- filteredSignals = cell(1, 10);
- for i = 1:10
- filteredSignals{i} = filter(filters{i}, 1, x);
- end
- % Step 5: Apply gain values and reconstruct the signal
- for i = 1:10
- filteredSignals{i} = filteredSignals{i} * 10^(gains(i)/20);
- end
- y = sum(cell2mat(filteredSignals), 2);
- % Step 6: Plot the magnitude components of the frequency spectrum for the resulting audio signal
- plotSpectrum(y, fs, 'Output Spectrum');
- % Step 7: Write the resulting audio signal to the output wavefile
- audiowrite(outputFile, y, fs);
- end
- function plotSpectrum(x, fs, titleText)
- N = length(x);
- f = (-N/2:N/2-1) * fs/N;
- figure;
- subplot(2, 1, 1);
- plot(f, fftshift(abs(fft(x))));
- title('Magnitude Spectrum - Before Equalization');
- xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
- ylabel('Magnitude');
- subplot(2, 1, 2);
- plot(f, fftshift(abs(fft(x))));
- title(titleText);
- xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
- ylabel('Magnitude');
- end
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