
Shooting centaurs

Jan 28th, 2024
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  1. And by degrees her stature increased with her years, and she affected virginity, and shunned the conversation of men, and delighted in the desert, making choice of the highest of the Arcadian Mountains, where there was a valley well furnished with water and tall oaks, as also fresh gales and a thick wood. Why should it seem tedious to hear the description of Atalanta's cave, more then that of Calypso in Homer? In the hollow of the cliff there was a cave very deep fortified at the entrance with a great precipice; along it crept ivy, and twined about the young trees, upon which it climbed.
  2. ...
  3. On a time it happened that two bold young-men of the neighbouring country, Centaurs, Hyleus and Rhecus, in love with her, came in a frolic to her. They had no players on the flute in this frolick, nor such things as the young men use in cities upon the like occasion, but took with them lighted Torches, the sight whereof might have frighted a multitude, much more a lone Maiden. Then breaking boughs from the Pine trees, they twined them about them, and made themselves Garlands of them, and with continual clashing of weapons as they went along the Mountains, set fire on the trees in their way to her, presenting her with injuries instead of Nuptial gifts. She was aware of their Plot, for she beheld the fire from her cave, and knowing who those revellers were, was nothing terrified with the sight: but drawing her bow, and letting fly an arrow, chanced to kill the first, who falling down, the other assaulted her, not in mirth, but as an enemy to revenge his friend and satisfie his passion. But he met with another vindictive arrow from her hand.
  5. Author: Aelian
  6. Source: Varia Historia
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