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- --Quarry Receiver Version 3.4.0
- --Made by Civilwargeeky
- --[[
- Ideas:
- For session persistence, you probably only need to save what monitor and what turtle to connect with.
- ]]
- --[[
- Recent Changes:
- Made from scratch!
- ]]
- local debug = false
- local sloppyHandshake = true --If receiver can pick back up in the middle w/o handshake
- local defaultCheckScreen = false --If this is true, it will automatically check for a screen around it.
- local mon, modem, sendChannel, receiveChannel, isDone
- local currBackgroundColor =
- local currTextColor = colors.white
- local function setTextColor(color)
- if mon.isColor() then
- currTextColor = color
- return mon.setTextColor(color)
- end
- end
- local function setBackgroundColor(color)
- if mon.isColor() then
- currBackgroundColor = color
- return mon.setBackgroundColor(color)
- end
- end
- local function swapKeyValue(tab)
- for a,b in pairs(tab) do
- tab[b] = a
- end
- return tab
- end
- local function copyTable(tab)
- local toRet = {}
- for a,b in pairs(tab) do
- toRet[a] = b
- end
- return toRet
- end
- local function checkChannel(num)
- num = tonumber(num)
- if 1 <= num and num <= 65535 then
- return num
- end
- end
- --Initializing Variables
- local sendChannel, receiveChannel
- local periphSides = {monitor = nil, modem = nil}
- local expectedMessage = "Civil's Quarry"
- local respondMessage = "Turtle Quarry Receiver"
- local stopMessage = "stop"
- local sides = swapKeyValue({"top","bottom","right","left","front","back"}) --This allows sides[1] and sides.front
- --tArgs and peripheral list init
- local tArgs = {...}
- local tArgsWithUpper = swapKeyValue(copyTable(tArgs))
- for a, b in pairs(tArgs) do --Lower arguments
- tArgs[a] = string.lower(b)
- end
- tArgs = swapKeyValue(tArgs)
- local foundSides = {}
- for a, b in pairs(sides) do
- if type(a) == "string" then
- foundSides[a] = peripheral.getType(a)
- end
- end
- foundSides = swapKeyValue(foundSides)
- --Size functions
- local sizes = {monitor = {51, 19}, turtle = {39,13}, {7, 5}, {18, 12}, {29, 19}, 39, 50} --Monitor dimensions
- local sizesEnum = {small = 1, medium = 2, large = 3, monitor = 4, turtle = 5} --For reference
- local dim, screenSize
- local function setSize()
- if mon == term or not mon.getCursorPos() then --You should be able to swap out screens
- local a = peripheral.wrap(periphSides.monitor or "")
- if a then --If a is a valid monitor then
- mon = a --Monitor variable is a
- else
- mon = term --Monitor variable is just the screen variable
- end
- end
- screenSize = {}
- dim = {mon.getSize()} --Just pretend its large if it doesn't exist
- if dim[1] == sizes.monitor[1] and dim[2] == sizes.monitor[2] then
- screenSize.isComputer = true
- else
- screenSize.isComputer = false
- end
- if dim[1] == sizes.turtle[1] and dim[2] == sizes.turtle[2] then
- screenSize.isTurtle = true
- else
- screenSize.isTurtle = false
- end
- for a=1, 2 do --X and Y
- for i=3, 1, -1 do --Different sizes 1 - 3
- if dim[a] >= sizes[i][a] then --This will get decrementing screen sizes. Can even be adjusted later!
- screenSize[a] = i
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not (screenSize[1] and screenSize[2]) then error("Screen Size was not set properly") end
- if debug then
- print("Screen Size Reset:")
- print("Size X: ",screenSize[1]," Size Y: ",screenSize[2])
- print("Dim X: ",dim[1]," Dim Y: ",dim[2])
- end
- end
- --Arguments and such
- local function getNext(str)
- return tArgs[tArgs[str]+1]
- end
- if tArgs["-modem"] then
- if sides[getNext("-modem")] then
- periphSides["modem"] = getNext("-modem")
- end
- else --This will check for a modem only if argument isn't specified
- periphSides["modem"] = foundSides["modem"]
- end
- for _, a in pairs({"-monitor","-screen"}) do
- if tArgs[a] then
- if sides[getNext(a)] then --Checks if the argument following monitor is a valid side
- periphSides.monitor = getNext(a)
- else
- periphSides.monitor = foundSides.monitor --This differs from above so if no argument, will default to screen.
- end
- elseif defaultCheckScreen then
- periphSides.monitor = foundSides.monitor
- end
- end
- if tArgs["-channel"] then
- receiveChannel = checkChannel(getNext("-channel")) --This will be nil if it doesn't exist
- end
- if debug then
- print(textutils.serialize(foundSides))
- print("Screen Side: ",periphSides.monitor)
- print("Modem Side: ",periphSides.modem)
- os.pullEvent("char")
- end
- --All UI, handshaking, and monitor finding go here.
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print("Welcome to Quarry Receiver!")
- while peripheral.getType(periphSides["modem"]) ~= "modem" do
- write("Which side is the modem on? " )
- local temp = read()
- if peripheral.getType(temp:lower()) == "modem" then --If the input side is a modem
- periphSides.modem = temp
- else print("That side does not have a modem on it \n") end
- end
- while not receiveChannel do
- write("What channel? (Check turtle) ")
- local temp = tonumber(read()) or 0
- if checkChannel(temp) then
- receiveChannel = temp
- end
- end
- --Init
- local a = peripheral.wrap(periphSides.monitor or "")
- if a then --If a is a valid monitor then
- mon = a --Monitor variable is a
- else
- mon = term --Monitor variable is just the screen variable
- end
- setSize()
- modem = peripheral.wrap(periphSides.modem)
- if debug then
- print("Is computer: ",screenSize.isComputer)
- print("Is turtle: ",screenSize.isTurtle)
- os.pullEvent("char")
- end
- --Handshake
- print("Opening channel ",receiveChannel)
- print("Waiting for turtle message")
- repeat
- local event, modemSide, recCheck, sendCheck, message, distance = os.pullEvent("modem_message")
- if debug then print("Message Received") end
- if (message == expectedMessage or (sloppyHandshake and textutils.unserialize(message))) and recCheck == receiveChannel and modemSide == periphSides.modem then
- sendChannel = sendCheck
- sleep(0.5) --Give it a second to catch up?
- modem.transmit(sendChannel, receiveChannel, respondMessage)
- print("Successfully paired, sending back on channel ",sendChannel)
- else
- if debug then print("Invalid message received: ",message) end
- end
- until sendChannel --This will be assigned when message is received
- --[[
- Items to add:
- +Title with computer name and number
- +Dimensions of quarry
- +Open space
- +Current Fuel
- +Percent Done
- +Current position x
- +Current position z
- +Current number of layers done
- +Number of blocks mined
- +Number of blocks moved
- +If going to next layer, if going back to start, if it home position.
- +Any errors, like chest is full or something.
- Distance to turtle might be cool
- ]]
- --[[
- Needed Fields:
- label
- percent
- relxPos,zPos,layersDone
- x, z, layers
- openSlots
- mined
- moved
- atHome
- chestFull
- fuel
- volume
- ]]
- --This is for testing purposes. Rec will be "receivedMessage"
- --Nevermind, I actually need a default thing with keys in it.
- local rec = {
- label = "Quarry Bot",
- id = 1,
- percent = 0,
- relxPos = 0,
- zPos = 0,
- layersDone = 0,
- x = 0,
- z = 0,
- layers = 0,
- openSlots = 0,
- mined = 0,
- moved = 0,
- chestFull = false,
- isAtChest = false,
- isGoingToNextLayer = false,
- foundBedrock = false,
- fuel = 0,
- volume = 0,
- distance = 0,
- yPos = 0
- --Maybe add in some things like if going to then add a field
- }
- local typeColors = {}
- local function addColor(name, text, back) --Background is optional. Will not change if nil
- typeColors[name] = {text = text, background = back}
- end
- addColor("title",, colors.gray)
- addColor("subtitle", colors.white)
- addColor("pos",
- addColor("dim", colors.lightBlue)
- addColor("extra", colors.lightGray)
- addColor("error",, colors.white)
- addColor("info",, colors.lightGray)
- addColor("inverse", colors.yellow, colors.lightGray)
- local function reset(color)
- setBackgroundColor(color)
- mon.clear()
- mon.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- local function say(text, color, inc)
- local currColor = currBackgroundColor
- setTextColor(color.text)
- if debug and #text > dim[1] then error("Tried printing: "..text..", but was too big") end
- if color.background then setBackgroundColor(color.background) end
- for i=1, dim[1]-#text do --This is so the whole line's background gets filled.
- text = text.." "
- end
- mon.write(text)
- setBackgroundColor(currColor)
- local pos = ({mon.getCursorPos()})[2] or setSize() or 1
- mon.setCursorPos(1, pos+1)
- end
- local toPrint = {}
- local function tryAdd(text, color, ...) --This will try to add text if Y dimension is a certain size
- local doAdd = {...} --booleans for small, medium, and large
- local added = false
- text = text or "-"
- color = color or {text = colors.white}
- for i=1, 3 do
- if doAdd[i] and screenSize[2] == i then --If should add this text for this screen size and the monitor is this size
- table.insert(toPrint, {text = text, color = color})
- added = true
- end
- end
- if not added then return true end --This is so I won't remove elements that haven't been added.
- if #text > dim[1] then return false else return true end
- end
- local function align(text, number)
- if #text >= number then return text end
- for i=1, number-#text do
- text = " "..text
- end
- return text
- end
- local function center(text)
- local a = (dim[1]-#text)/2
- for i=1, a do
- text = " "..text.." "
- end
- return text
- end
- local extraLine --This is used in display and set in commandSender
- function display() while true do sleep(0)
- local str = tostring
- local pos = {mon.getCursorPos()}--Record pos so it can be reset
- toPrint = {} --Reset table
- if not isDone then --Normally
- if screenSize[1] == sizesEnum.small then
- if not tryAdd(rec.label or "Quarry!", typeColors.title, false, false, true) then --This will be a title, basically
- toPrint[#toPrint] = nil
- tryAdd("Quarry!", typeColors.title, false, false, true)
- end
- tryAdd("-Fuel-", typeColors.subtitle , false, true, true)
- if not tryAdd(str(rec.fuel), nil, false, true, true) then --The fuel number may be bigger than the screen
- toPrint[#toPrint] = nil
- tryAdd("A lot", nil, false, true, true)
- end
- tryAdd("--%%%--", typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- tryAdd(align(str(rec.percent).."%", 7), typeColors.pos , false, true, true) --This can be an example. Print (receivedMessage).percent in blue on all different screen sizes
- tryAdd(center(str(rec.percent).."%"), typeColors.pos, true) --I want it to be centered on 1x1
- tryAdd("--Pos--", typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("X:"..align(str(rec.relxPos), 5), typeColors.pos, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Z:"..align(str(rec.zPos), 5), typeColors.pos , true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Y:"..align(str(rec.layersDone), 5), typeColors.pos , true, true, true)
- if not tryAdd(str(rec.x).."x"..str(rec.z).."x"..str(rec.layers), typeColors.dim , true) then --If you can't display the y, then don't
- toPrint[#toPrint] = nil --Remove element
- tryAdd(str(rec.x).."x"..str(rec.z), typeColors.dim , true)
- end
- tryAdd("--Dim--", typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("X:"..align(str(rec.x), 5), typeColors.dim, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Z:"..align(str(rec.z), 5), typeColors.dim, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Y:"..align(str(rec.layers), 5), typeColors.dim, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("-Extra-", typeColors.subtitle, false, false, true)
- tryAdd(align(textutils.formatTime(os.time()):gsub(" ","").."", 7), typeColors.extra, false, false, true) --Adds the current time, formatted, without spaces.
- tryAdd("Open:"..align(str(rec.openSlots),2), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("Dug"..align(str(rec.mined), 4), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("Mvd"..align(str(rec.moved), 4), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- if rec.chestFull then
- tryAdd("ChstFll", typeColors.error, false, false, true)
- end
- end
- if screenSize[1] == sizesEnum.medium then
- if not tryAdd(rec.label or "Quarry!", typeColors.title, false, false, true) then --This will be a title, basically
- toPrint[#toPrint] = nil
- tryAdd("Quarry!", typeColors.title, false, false, true)
- end
- tryAdd("-------Fuel-------", typeColors.subtitle , false, true, true)
- if not tryAdd(str(rec.fuel), nil, false, true, true) then --The fuel number may be bigger than the screen
- toPrint[#toPrint] = nil
- tryAdd("A lot", nil, false, true, true)
- end
- tryAdd(str(rec.percent).."% Complete", typeColors.pos , true, true, true) --This can be an example. Print (receivedMessage).percent in blue on all different screen sizes
- tryAdd("-------Pos--------", typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("X Coordinate:"..align(str(rec.relxPos), 5), typeColors.pos, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Z Coordinate:"..align(str(rec.zPos), 5), typeColors.pos , true, true, true)
- tryAdd("On Layer:"..align(str(rec.layersDone), 9), typeColors.pos , true, true, true)
- if not tryAdd("Size: "..str(rec.x).."x"..str(rec.z).."x"..str(rec.layers), typeColors.dim , true) then --This is already here... I may as well give an alternative for those people with 1000^3quarries
- toPrint[#toPrint] = nil --Remove element
- tryAdd(str(rec.x).."x"..str(rec.z).."x"..str(rec.layers), typeColors.dim , true)
- end
- tryAdd("-------Dim--------", typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Total X:"..align(str(rec.x), 10), typeColors.dim, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Total Z:"..align(str(rec.z), 10), typeColors.dim, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Total Layers:"..align(str(rec.layers), 5), typeColors.dim, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Volume"..align(str(rec.volume),12), typeColors.dim, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("------Extras------", typeColors.subtitle, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("Time: "..align(textutils.formatTime(os.time()):gsub(" ","").."", 12), typeColors.extra, false, false, true) --Adds the current time, formatted, without spaces.
- tryAdd("Used Slots:"..align(str(16-rec.openSlots),7), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("Blocks Mined:"..align(str(rec.mined), 5), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("Spaces Moved:"..align(str(rec.moved), 5), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- if rec.chestFull then
- tryAdd("Chest Full, Fix It", typeColors.error, false, true, true)
- end
- end
- if screenSize[1] == sizesEnum.large then
- if not tryAdd(rec.label..align(" Turtle #"..str(,dim[1]-#rec.label), typeColors.title, true, true, true) then
- toPrint[#toPrint] = nil
- tryAdd("Your turtle's name is long...", typeColors.title, true, true, true)
- end
- tryAdd("Fuel: "..align(str(rec.fuel),dim[1]-6), nil, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Percentage Done: "..align(str(rec.percent).."%",dim[1]-17), typeColors.pos, true, true, true)
- local var1 = math.max(#str(rec.x), #str(rec.z), #str(rec.layers))
- local var2 = (dim[1]-5-var1+3)/3
- tryAdd("Pos: "..align(" X:"..align(str(rec.relxPos),var1),var2)..align(" Z:"..align(str(rec.zPos),var1),var2)..align(" Y:"..align(str(rec.layersDone),var1),var2), typeColors.pos, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Size:"..align(" X:"..align(str(rec.x),var1),var2)..align(" Z:"..align(str(rec.z),var1),var2)..align(" Y:"..align(str(rec.layers),var1),var2), typeColors.dim, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Volume: "..str(rec.volume), typeColors.dim, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("",nil, false, false, true)
- tryAdd(center("____---- EXTRAS ----____"), typeColors.subtitle, false, false, true)
- tryAdd(center("Time:"..align(textutils.formatTime(os.time()),8)), typeColors.extra, false, true, true)
- tryAdd(center("Current Day: "..str(, typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("Used Inventory Slots: "..align(str(16-rec.openSlots),dim[1]-22), typeColors.extra, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Blocks Mined: "..align(str(rec.mined),dim[1]-14), typeColors.extra, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Blocks Moved: "..align(str(rec.moved),dim[1]-14), typeColors.extra, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Distance to Turtle: "..align(str(rec.distance), dim[1]-20), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- tryAdd("Actual Y Pos (Not Layer): "..align(str(rec.yPos), dim[1]-26), typeColors.extra, false, false, true)
- if rec.chestFull then
- tryAdd("Dropoff is Full, Please Fix", typeColors.error, false, true, true)
- end
- if rec.foundBedrock then
- tryAdd("Found Bedrock! Please Check!!", typeColors.error, false, true, true)
- end
- if rec.isAtChest then
- tryAdd("Turtle is at home chest",, false, true, true)
- end
- if rec.isGoingToNextLayer then
- tryAdd("Turtle is going to next layer",, false, true, true)
- end
- end
- else --If is done
- if screenSize[1] == sizesEnum.small then --Special case for small monitors
- tryAdd("Done", typeColors.title, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Dug"..align(str(rec.mined),4), typeColors.pos, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Fuel"..align(str(rec.fuel),3), typeColors.pos, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("-------", typeColors.subtitle, false,true,true)
- tryAdd("Turtle", typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- tryAdd(center("is"), typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- tryAdd(center("Done!"), typeColors.subtitle, false, true, true)
- else
- tryAdd("Done!", typeColors.title, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Blocks Dug: "..str(rec.mined), typeColors.inverse, true, true, true)
- tryAdd("Cobble Dug: "..str(rec.cobble), typeColors.pos, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Fuel Dug: "..str(rec.fuelblocks), typeColors.pos, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Others Dug: "..str(rec.other), typeColors.pos, false, true, true)
- tryAdd("Curr Fuel: "..str(rec.fuel), typeColors.inverse, true, true, true)
- end
- end
- reset(
- for a, b in ipairs(toPrint) do
- say(b.text, b.color)
- end
- if extraLine then
- mon.setCursorPos(1,dim[2])
- say(extraLine[1],extraLine[2])
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(pos[1], pos[2]) --Reset pos for command sender
- if isDone then --Is done :D
- return true
- end
- while true do --I want specific events
- event = os.pullEvent() --This should wait for any event to update. Function rednet queues an event once info is set
- if event == "monitor_resize" or event == "peripheral" or event == "peripheral_detach" then
- setSize(); extraLine = nil; break
- elseif event == "updateScreen" or (debug and event == "char") then
- break
- end
- end
- end end
- local messageToSend --This will be a command string sent to turtle
- function rednetHandler() while true do sleep(0)--Super sneaky loop
- --Will send rednet message to send if it exists, otherwise sends default message.
- local event, sideCheck, receiveCheck, sendCheck, message, distance = os.pullEvent("modem_message")
- if periphSides.modem == sideCheck and receiveCheck == receiveChannel and sendCheck == sendChannel and message == stopMessage then isDone = true end --Flag for other programs
- if not isDone then --Normally
- if periphSides.modem == sideCheck and receiveCheck == receiveChannel and sendCheck == sendChannel then
- rec = textutils.unserialize(message) or {}
- rec.distance = math.floor(distance)
- if rec then
- os.queueEvent("updateScreen") --Tell display that there is new information
- else
- if debug then error("expected Table, got "..message) end
- end
- local toSend
- if messageToSend then
- toSend = messageToSend
- messageToSend = nil
- else
- toSend = respondMessage
- end
- modem.transmit(sendChannel, receiveChannel, toSend)
- else
- print("Message was not sent on proper channel/ modem") --Maybe here do something about other channels?
- if debug then
- print("ReceiveCheck: ",receiveCheck," ReceiveChannel: ",receiveChannel)
- print("SendCheck: ",sendCheck," SendChannel: ",sendChannel)
- print("Side: ",periphSides.modem, " SideCheck: ",sideCheck)
- error("improper message received") end
- end
- elseif message ~= stopMessage then --If is done
- if debug then print("Received final final message") end
- modem.close(receiveChannel)
- rec = textutils.unserialize(message)
- if rec then
- os.queueEvent("updateScreen")
- else
- error("Finished with program, but received bad message", 0)
- end
- print("Done with program")
- else --If is done, before final message
- if debug then print("Received final: ", message) end
- end
- end end
- function commandSender() while true do sleep(0)
- if screenSize.isComputer or screenSize.isTurtle then
- extraLine = {"Command: ", {text = colors.lightBlue}}
- mon.setCursorPos(#extraLine[1]+1, dim[2])
- messageToSend = read()
- os.queueEvent("updateScreen") --Update Screen
- else
- extraLine = nil
- end
- end end
- ------------------------------------------
- sleep(0.5)
- parallel.waitForAny( commandSender, display, rednetHandler)
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