
Prose Edda References

Jun 30th, 2023 (edited)
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  3. Then spoke Just-as-high: ‘It was many ages before the earth
  4. was created that Niflheim was made, and in its midst lies a spring
  5. called Hvergelmir, and from it flow the rivers called Svol, Gunn-
  6. thra, Fiorm, Fimbulthul, Slidr and Hrid, Sylg and Ylg, Vid, Leiptr;
  7. Gioll is next to Hel-gates.’
  9. Then spoke Third: ‘But first there was the world in the southern
  10. region called Muspell. It is bright and hot. That area is flaming
  11. and burning and it is impassable for those that are foreigners there
  12. and are not native to it. There is one called Surt that is stationed
  13. there at the frontier to defend the land. He has a flaming sword
  14. and at the end of the world he will go and wage war and defeat all
  15. the gods and burn the whole world with fire. Thus it says in
  16. Voluspa:
  18. Surt travels from the south with the stick-destroyer [fire].
  19. Shines from his sword the sun of the gods of the slain.
  20. Rock cliffs crash and troll-wives are abroad, heroes tread
  21. the road of Hel and heaven splits.’
  23. Gangleri spoke: ‘What were things like before generations
  24. came to be and the human race was multiplied?’
  27. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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  32. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘You are able to give a great deal of
  33. information about the heavens. What other chief centres are there
  34. besides the one at Weird’s well?’
  36. High said: ‘Many splendid places are there. There is one place
  37. that is called Alfheim. There live the folk called light-elves, but
  38. dark-elves live down in the ground, and they are unlike them in
  39. appearance, and even more unlike them in nature. Light-elves are
  40. fairer than the sun to look at, but dark-elves are blacker than
  41. pitch. One place there is called Breidablik, and no fairer place is
  42. there. Also there is the one called Glitnir, and its walls and
  43. columns and pillars are of red gold, and its roof of silver. There
  44. also is a place called Himinbiorg. It stands at the edge of heaven at
  45. the bridge’s end where Bifrost reaches heaven. There also is a
  46. great place called Valaskialf. This place is Odin’s. The gods built it
  47. and roofed it with pure silver, and it is there in this hall that
  48. Hlidskialf is, the throne of that name. And when All-father sits on
  49. that throne he can see over all the world. At the southernmost end
  50. of heaven is the hall which is fairest of all and brighter than the
  51. sun, called Gimle. It shall stand when both heaven and earth have
  52. passed away, and in that place shall live good and righteous
  53. people for ever and ever. Thus it says in Voluspa:
  54. I know a hall standing fairer than the sun, better than gold,
  55. at Gimle. There shall virtuous men dwell, and for all ages
  56. enjoy delight.’
  58. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What will protect this place when Surt’s
  59. fire burns heaven and earth?’
  61. High said: ‘They say there is another heaven south of and above
  62. this heaven of ours, and that heaven is called Andlang; and that
  63. there is a third heaven still further above that one, and that is
  64. called Vidblain, and it is in that heaven that we believe this place
  65. to be. But we believe it is only light-elves that inhabit these places
  66. for the time being.’
  68. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘Where does the wind come from? It is so
  69. strong it stirs great seas and whips up fire, but strong as it is, it
  70. cannot be seen. Thus it is marvellously made.’
  73. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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  78. I shall tell the names of giants. Ymir, Gang and Mimir, Idi
  79. and Thikssi, Hrungnir, Hrimnir, Hraudnir, Grimnir, Hved-
  80. rung, Hafli, Hripstod, Gymir.
  82. Hardverk, Hrokkvir and Hastigi, Hraesvelg, Herkir and
  83. Hrimgritnnir, Hymir and Hrimthurs, Hval, Thrigeitir,
  84. Thrym, Thrudgelmir, Thistilbardi.
  86. Geirrod, Fymir, Galar, Thrivaldi, Fiolverk, Geitir, FI egg,
  87. Blapthvari, Forniot, Spretting, Fialar, Stigandi, Som and
  88. Svasud, Svarang, Skrati.
  90. Surt and Storverk, Saekarlsmuli, Skaerir, Skrymir, Skerkir,
  91. Salfang, Oskrud and Svart, Ondud, Stumi, Alsvart, Aurnir,
  92. Am and Skalli.
  94. Kott, Osgrui and Alfarin, Vindsval, Vipar and Vafthrudnir,
  95. Eld and Aurgelmir, Ægir, Rangbein, VincL, Vidblindi, Vingnir, Leifi.
  97. Beinvid, Biorgolf and Brandingi, Dumb, Bergelmir, Dofri
  98. and Midiung, Nati, Sokmimir. Now there have been listed
  99. the names of very powerful giants.
  102. - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
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  107. Eyvind said this:
  108. . . . <the mead of poetry> which the speedy one [Odin]
  109. flying bore from Surt’s deep vales.
  112. - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
  115. (Note: Here, "Surt's deep vales" is used as a "kenning," or a complicated poetic allusion/metaphor, for the depths of the giant-inhabited mountains Odin had to venture into to gain the mead of poetry. Surtr has absolutely nothing to do with that story, his name is just being used as a common noun for giants in general.)
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