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- Then spoke Just-as-high: ‘It was many ages before the earth
- was created that Niflheim was made, and in its midst lies a spring
- called Hvergelmir, and from it flow the rivers called Svol, Gunn-
- thra, Fiorm, Fimbulthul, Slidr and Hrid, Sylg and Ylg, Vid, Leiptr;
- Gioll is next to Hel-gates.’
- Then spoke Third: ‘But first there was the world in the southern
- region called Muspell. It is bright and hot. That area is flaming
- and burning and it is impassable for those that are foreigners there
- and are not native to it. There is one called Surt that is stationed
- there at the frontier to defend the land. He has a flaming sword
- and at the end of the world he will go and wage war and defeat all
- the gods and burn the whole world with fire. Thus it says in
- Voluspa:
- Surt travels from the south with the stick-destroyer [fire].
- Shines from his sword the sun of the gods of the slain.
- Rock cliffs crash and troll-wives are abroad, heroes tread
- the road of Hel and heaven splits.’
- Gangleri spoke: ‘What were things like before generations
- came to be and the human race was multiplied?’
- - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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- Then spoke Gangleri: ‘You are able to give a great deal of
- information about the heavens. What other chief centres are there
- besides the one at Weird’s well?’
- High said: ‘Many splendid places are there. There is one place
- that is called Alfheim. There live the folk called light-elves, but
- dark-elves live down in the ground, and they are unlike them in
- appearance, and even more unlike them in nature. Light-elves are
- fairer than the sun to look at, but dark-elves are blacker than
- pitch. One place there is called Breidablik, and no fairer place is
- there. Also there is the one called Glitnir, and its walls and
- columns and pillars are of red gold, and its roof of silver. There
- also is a place called Himinbiorg. It stands at the edge of heaven at
- the bridge’s end where Bifrost reaches heaven. There also is a
- great place called Valaskialf. This place is Odin’s. The gods built it
- and roofed it with pure silver, and it is there in this hall that
- Hlidskialf is, the throne of that name. And when All-father sits on
- that throne he can see over all the world. At the southernmost end
- of heaven is the hall which is fairest of all and brighter than the
- sun, called Gimle. It shall stand when both heaven and earth have
- passed away, and in that place shall live good and righteous
- people for ever and ever. Thus it says in Voluspa:
- I know a hall standing fairer than the sun, better than gold,
- at Gimle. There shall virtuous men dwell, and for all ages
- enjoy delight.’
- Then spoke Gangleri: ‘What will protect this place when Surt’s
- fire burns heaven and earth?’
- High said: ‘They say there is another heaven south of and above
- this heaven of ours, and that heaven is called Andlang; and that
- there is a third heaven still further above that one, and that is
- called Vidblain, and it is in that heaven that we believe this place
- to be. But we believe it is only light-elves that inhabit these places
- for the time being.’
- Then spoke Gangleri: ‘Where does the wind come from? It is so
- strong it stirs great seas and whips up fire, but strong as it is, it
- cannot be seen. Thus it is marvellously made.’
- - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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- I shall tell the names of giants. Ymir, Gang and Mimir, Idi
- and Thikssi, Hrungnir, Hrimnir, Hraudnir, Grimnir, Hved-
- rung, Hafli, Hripstod, Gymir.
- Hardverk, Hrokkvir and Hastigi, Hraesvelg, Herkir and
- Hrimgritnnir, Hymir and Hrimthurs, Hval, Thrigeitir,
- Thrym, Thrudgelmir, Thistilbardi.
- Geirrod, Fymir, Galar, Thrivaldi, Fiolverk, Geitir, FI egg,
- Blapthvari, Forniot, Spretting, Fialar, Stigandi, Som and
- Svasud, Svarang, Skrati.
- Surt and Storverk, Saekarlsmuli, Skaerir, Skrymir, Skerkir,
- Salfang, Oskrud and Svart, Ondud, Stumi, Alsvart, Aurnir,
- Am and Skalli.
- Kott, Osgrui and Alfarin, Vindsval, Vipar and Vafthrudnir,
- Eld and Aurgelmir, Ægir, Rangbein, VincL, Vidblindi, Vingnir, Leifi.
- Beinvid, Biorgolf and Brandingi, Dumb, Bergelmir, Dofri
- and Midiung, Nati, Sokmimir. Now there have been listed
- the names of very powerful giants.
- - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
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- Eyvind said this:
- . . . <the mead of poetry> which the speedy one [Odin]
- flying bore from Surt’s deep vales.
- - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
- (Note: Here, "Surt's deep vales" is used as a "kenning," or a complicated poetic allusion/metaphor, for the depths of the giant-inhabited mountains Odin had to venture into to gain the mead of poetry. Surtr has absolutely nothing to do with that story, his name is just being used as a common noun for giants in general.)
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