
Ideas for things in Myrrh

Aug 24th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Skills to Port over:
  2. Dying Sun (Cost: 34) Ignize (Cost: 5) Gravity Well (Cost: 47) Dire Coffin (Cost: 11) Rockize (Cost: 5) Efrize (Cost: 5)
  3. Blank Sphere (Cost: 10) Radiate (Cost: 9) Sacred Prism (Cost: 40) Lightspeed (Cost: 20) Thunder Blade (Cost: 20) Spiral Lance (Cost: 9) Gale Burst (Cost: 15) Ablowize (Cost: 5) Zapize (Cost: 5) Oversoul (Ultimate) Brand of the Sanguine Horror (Cost: 285) Sanguine Grand Ceremony (Cost: 36) Sanguine Tomb Eruption (Cost: 50) Sanguine Wing Evolution (Cost: 75) Sanguine Blood Bullet (Cost: 7) Sanguine Heart Boil (Cost: 30) Sanguine Blood Spikes (Cost: 12) Sanguine Blood Coffin (Cost: 23) Sanguine Ferro Clone (Cost: 48) Power Up (Cost: 5) Enchant Weapon (Cost: 25)
  8. Spell Ideas
  10. Spell Name: Twilights' Validation: What Lies Between
  11. Rank: A++
  12. Range: Mid to Long
  13. Type: Twilight Magic (Working name), Large Beam, Wide-Rey
  15. Description: The user combines the opposing energies of Light and Dark magic into a type of energy that has tentatively been named "Twilight Magic" a mixture of magic has (for now) proven unstable, but has proven to be directable and, somewhat, containable. The User creates an orb of light magic in their right hand and an Orb of dark magic in there left after they carefully merge the obs into a larger, grey-colored orb that seems to be moments from exploding, they speak a small chant before making the sphere open and explode in a wide-Rey towards their target (or if there control is particularly good, in a concentrated Beam that usually explodes when it comes in contact with something that can stop it.
  17. Chant: " Light of the Heavens Converge! Darkness of the Abyss Rise!
  18. (after the spheres are created but before merging them)
  19. Embrace the Dawn and become Twilight, destroy your grudge, and become the immutable!
  20. (after Merging the spheres into one sphere)
  21. Erase the past and become the present, Validate thy existence!
  22. (moments before launching it)
  23. Twilights' Validation: What Lies Between
  26. Spell Name: Sanguine Origin: Return of T'huum
  27. Rank: ???
  28. Range: Self/Area
  29. Type: Blood Magic, Spacial Magic, Ritual Magic
  31. Description: he forms 13 clones made from blood and sends them out over a large area, after reaching an appropriate distance They put their hands to the ground and blood floods from their hands forming into the shape of a 13 pointed magic cycle
  32. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/b1/35/7bb1354d8524b2698f475da47033cd64.jpg (closes I could find to the image I wanted)
  33. They all revert from the Human form he usually takes into his true form and begin to chant, during the chant the circle glows a bateful Crimson lifting off of the ground and floating above it before beginning to rotate.
  34. (Help chente I need help with Ideas for what this actually does, I have the Vague Idea of shunting the area within the circle temporarily into another plane of existence while also spawning a Giant egg made of blood from which T'huum emerges but IDK wat else main, pls help, that or Just going "Fuck You" and temporarily release T'huum upon the plane for a time...with all the enhancements I've made, earned, created, and Implanted within myself powering him up beyond the usual bullshit strong he already is)
  36. Chant:
  37. "In This World, There is no such thing as Perfection.
  38. This is a world where there is little difference between Man and Beast.
  39. A difference so small that I have merged them Time and Time Again.
  40. I am the Son of Man born from a Union between Mortal and Demon.
  41. And this Spell is one that could only come from such a Union.
  43. Blood pools upon an endless world upon which all life Gathers.
  44. Where the Only rule is that of a Cycle of Life and Death.
  45. Upon this world, a song as old as time itself is sung.
  46. The song was one born of Blood.
  48. A song that once it reaches its ends, all stops, all returns to the Origin.
  49. and then, life is born once again, the Song starts again and the cycle continues.
  51. Within the center of this world is an Egg of Blood from which the Song emerges, waiting to be Born.
  52. within this Egg is a life that had yet to truly begin.
  53. This is the place where all paths cross.
  54. This is the place where all desires flow.
  55. This is the place where all deaths await
  56. My whole life was for this egg's true birth.
  58. From Blood I was Born and to the Blood I shall Return,
  59. Reach the Sanguine Origin and From the Egg hatch forth...
  60. Sanguine Origin: Return of T'huum"
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