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- --//Variables
- local remoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("OpenShop")
- local shop = script.Parent.ShopFrame
- local exit = shop.Exit
- --//Open
- remoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function()
- shop.Visible = true
- end)
- --//Close
- exit.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- shop.Visible = false
- end)
- --//Everything above this comment is different for each person depending on what you chose in part 1 of the series
- local function OpenFrame(frame) --Function for opening frames
- local framefolder = script.Parent.ShopFrame.Information --Variable for Frame Folder
- for _, Frame in ipairs(framefolder:GetChildren()) do --Loop through all the frames in Frame Folder
- if Frame:IsA("Frame") then --If item is a Frame then
- if Frame == frame then --If the item is the Frame we want then
- Frame.Visible = true --Set the frame's visibility to True
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function CloseFrames() --Function for closing frames
- local framefolder = script.Parent.ShopFrame.Information --Variable for Frame Folder
- for _, Frame in ipairs(framefolder:GetChildren()) do --Loop through all the frames in Frame Folder
- if Frame:IsA("Frame") then --If the item is a Frame then
- Frame.Visible = false --Set the frame's visibility to False
- end
- end
- end
- --//Buttons
- local ClassicSwordButton = shop.Buttons.ClassicSword.ImageButton --Variable for Classic Sword Button
- local FlashLightButton = shop.Buttons.FlashLight.ImageButton --Variable for Flash Light Button
- --//Frames
- local ClassicSwordFrame = shop.Information.ClassicSwordInfo --Variable for Classic Sword Frame
- local FlashLightFrame = shop.Information.FlashLightInfo --Variable for Flash Light Frame
- --//Open Frame Functions
- ClassicSwordButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() --When Classic Sword Button is clicked
- CloseFrames() --Close All Frames
- OpenFrame(ClassicSwordFrame) --Open Classic Sword Frame
- end)
- FlashLightButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() --Same thing as Classic Sword but with Flash Light instead
- CloseFrames()
- OpenFrame(FlashLightFrame)
- end)
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