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- DocumentForm.jsx with old useEffect logic in commented section for 79-17:
- import { CommentOutlined, DeleteOutlined, ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
- import { DragDropContext, Draggable, Droppable } from '@hello-pangea/dnd';
- import { App, Button, Checkbox, Collapse, Divider, Form, Input, Modal, Timeline, Tree } from 'antd';
- import Title from 'antd/es/typography/Title';
- import { isEmpty, isEqual, some } from 'lodash';
- import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
- import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
- import ReactQuill from 'react-quill-new';
- import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
- import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
- import { useFileDrawer } from '../../context/FileDrawerContext';
- import { getDocumentTypes } from '../../store/group/groupActions';
- import { parseQuillText } from '../../utils';
- import { decodeDetails } from '../../utils/pdfUtils';
- import withLoadStatus from '../common/withLoadStatus';
- const modules = {
- clipboard: {
- matchVisual: false,
- },
- toolbar: {
- container: [
- ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'], // Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough
- [{ header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], // Heading sizes
- [{ align: [] }], // Alignment
- [{ list: 'ordered' }, { list: 'bullet' }], // Ordered & unordered lists
- [{ indent: '-1' }, { indent: '+1' }], // Indent & Outdent
- ['clean'], // Clear formatting
- ],
- },
- };
- const normalizeValue = (value) => {
- return value === '<p><br></p>' ? '' : value;
- };
- const DocumentForm = ({
- startLoading,
- stopLoading,
- isLoading,
- parentId,
- contextId,
- contextNotes,
- getContextNotes,
- document,
- isEditing,
- updateAction,
- createAction,
- hasChanges,
- setHasChanges,
- fetchDocuments,
- }) => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const { modal } = App.useApp();
- const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState('');
- const [selectedDocument, setSelectedDocument] = useState(document || { noteRefs: [] });
- const [selectedNotes, setSelectedNotes] = useState([]);
- const [selectedFiles, setSelectedFiles] = useState({});
- const dispatch = useDispatch();
- const navigate = useNavigate();
- const [form] = Form.useForm();
- const [initialFieldValues, setInitialFieldValues] = useState(null);
- const [importedNotes, setImportedNotes] = useState([]);
- const [header, setHeader] = useState(selectedDocument?.header || '');
- const [footer, setFooter] = useState(selectedDocument?.footer || '');
- const { openDrawer } = useFileDrawer();
- const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = useState(null);
- useEffect(() => {
- console.log('Current activeKey:', activeKey);
- }, [activeKey]);
- const handleFormChange = () => {
- if (initialFieldValues) {
- const currentFieldValues = form.getFieldsValue();
- // Normalize values for header and footer
- const normalizedCurrentValues = {
- ...currentFieldValues,
- header: normalizeValue(currentFieldValues.header),
- footer: normalizeValue(currentFieldValues.footer),
- };
- const normalizedInitialValues = {
- ...initialFieldValues,
- header: normalizeValue(initialFieldValues.header),
- footer: normalizeValue(initialFieldValues.footer),
- };
- const hasDifferences = some(
- normalizedCurrentValues,
- (value, key) => value !== normalizedInitialValues[key],
- );
- setHasChanges(hasDifferences);
- }
- };
- useEffect(() => {
- const hasDifferences = !isEqual(selectedDocument.noteRefs, document?.noteRefs || []);
- setHasChanges(hasDifferences);
- }, [selectedDocument.noteRefs, document?.noteRefs]);
- const handleCancel = () => {
- form.resetFields();
- setHasChanges(false);
- if (isEditing) {
- if (document.noteRefs && document.details) {
- const decodedDetails = decodeDetails(document.details);
- const noteRefsMap = new Map( => [, note]));
- const detailedNotes ={ id, note, files, note_activities }) => {
- const noteRef = noteRefsMap.get(id) || {};
- return {
- ...noteRef,
- id,
- note: parseQuillText(note || ''),
- files: files || [],
- subject: noteRef.subject || '',
- note_activities: note_activities || [],
- };
- });
- setImportedNotes(detailedNotes);
- }
- } else {
- setImportedNotes([]);
- }
- };
- /*useEffect(() => {
- const headerKeys = document?.noteRefs?.map((ref) => `header-${}`) || [];
- const headerValues = headerKeys.reduce((acc, key) => {
- const headerId = key.split('header-')[1];
- const matchingNoteRef = document.noteRefs.find((ref) => === headerId);
- const noteValue = matchingNoteRef?.note || form.getFieldValue(key) || '';
- acc[key] = noteValue;
- return acc;
- }, {});
- form.setFieldsValue({
- name: document?.name || form.getFieldValue('name') || '',
- header: document?.header || form.getFieldValue('header') || '',
- footer: document?.footer || form.getFieldValue('footer') || '',
- ...headerValues,
- });
- setInitialFieldValues({
- name: document?.name || form.getFieldValue('name') || '',
- header: document?.header || form.getFieldValue('header') || '',
- footer: document?.footer || form.getFieldValue('footer') || '',
- ...headerValues,
- });
- }, [form, document?.name, document?.footer, document?.header, document?.noteRefs]);*/
- useEffect(() => {
- const headerKeys = selectedDocument?.noteRefs?.map((ref) => `header-${}`) || [];
- const headerValues = headerKeys.reduce((acc, key) => {
- const headerId = key.split('header-')[1];
- const matchingNoteRef = selectedDocument?.noteRefs?.find((ref) => === headerId) || {};
- const noteValue = matchingNoteRef?.note || form.getFieldValue(key) || '';
- acc[key] = noteValue;
- return acc;
- }, {});
- const initialValues = {
- name: selectedDocument?.name || '',
- header: selectedDocument?.header || '',
- footer: selectedDocument?.footer || '',
- ...headerValues,
- };
- form.setFieldsValue(initialValues);
- setInitialFieldValues(initialValues);
- }, [form, selectedDocument, setInitialFieldValues]);
- useEffect(() => {
- if (!isEqual(importedNotes, selectedDocument.noteRefs)) {
- if (selectedDocument.noteRefs && selectedDocument.details) {
- const decodedDetails = decodeDetails(selectedDocument.details);
- const noteRefsMap = new Map( => [, note]));
- const detailedNotes ={ id, note, files, note_activities }) => {
- const noteRef = noteRefsMap.get(id) || {};
- return {
- ...noteRef,
- id,
- note: note || '',
- files: files || [],
- subject: noteRef.subject || '',
- note_activities: note_activities || [],
- };
- });
- setImportedNotes(detailedNotes); // Samo ako ima razlike
- }
- }
- }, [selectedDocument, importedNotes]);
- const handleQuillChange = (key, content) => {
- if (key === 'header') {
- setHeader(content);
- } else if (key === 'footer') {
- setFooter(content);
- } else {
- // Update the notes state for specific note ID
- setImportedNotes((prevNotes) =>
- => ( === key ? { ...note, note: content } : note)),
- );
- }
- };
- const [isModalOpen, setIsModalOpen] = useState(false);
- const showModal = async () => {
- setSearchTerm('');
- await dispatch(getContextNotes(parentId));
- setIsModalOpen(true);
- };
- const handleOk = () => {
- // Create an array to hold the note references with selected files
- const newNoteRefs = contextNotes
- .filter((note) => selectedNotes.includes( // Filter notes based on selected notes
- .map((note) => ({
- ...note, // Spread the whole note object
- files: note.files.filter((file) => selectedFiles[]?.includes(, // Filter files based on selected file IDs
- }));
- const existingNotes = decodeDetails(selectedDocument.details) || [];
- // Combine existing notes with new notes, ensuring uniqueness based on id
- const combinedNotes = [
- ...existingNotes,
- => ({
- //za orderanje u docs edit
- id:,
- note: note.note || '',
- files: note.files,
- note_activities: note.note_activities,
- })),
- ];
- // Create the new details string from the combined notes
- const updatedDetails = !isEmpty(combinedNotes)
- ? `<ul>${combinedNotes
- .map(
- (note) =>
- `<li data-note-id="${}" data-note-text="${note.note}">${note.note}
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.files) &&
- `<ul>${note.files
- .map((file) => {
- return `<li data-file-name="${}" data-file-description="${
- file.description || ''
- }" data-file-url="${file.url}" data-file-mime_type="${file.mime_type}">${
- }</li>`;
- })
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.note_activities) &&
- `<ul>${note.note_activities
- .map((activity) => {
- return `<li data-comment-id="${}" data-comment-subject="${activity.subject}" data-comment-created_by="${activity.created_by}" data-comment-completed_at="${activity.completed_at}">${activity.comment}</li>`;
- })
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- </li>`,
- )
- .join('')}</ul>`
- : '';
- // Set the selectedDocument with the noteRefs
- setSelectedDocument((prevDocument) => ({
- ...prevDocument,
- noteRefs: [...newNoteRefs, => ({ id:, ...note }))],
- details: updatedDetails,
- }));
- setIsModalOpen(false);
- setSelectedNotes([]);
- setSelectedFiles({});
- };
- const handleModalCancel = () => {
- setIsModalOpen(false);
- setSelectedNotes([]);
- setSelectedFiles({});
- };
- const handleCollapseChange = (key) => {
- console.log('Toggling activeKey:', key);
- setActiveKey(key);
- };
- const handleNoteCheckboxChange = (noteId) => {
- const isNoteSelected = selectedNotes.includes(noteId);
- const updatedSelectedNotes = isNoteSelected
- ? selectedNotes.filter((id) => id !== noteId) // Uncheck if already selected
- : [...selectedNotes, noteId]; // Check if not selected
- // Update the selected files based on note selection
- const updatedSelectedFiles = { ...selectedFiles };
- if (isNoteSelected) {
- // If note is being unchecked, remove all files
- delete updatedSelectedFiles[noteId];
- } else {
- // If note is being checked, select all files
- const filesToSelect = contextNotes
- .find((note) => === noteId)
- ? =>; // Use
- if (filesToSelect) {
- updatedSelectedFiles[noteId] = filesToSelect; // Add all file IDs
- }
- }
- // Update selected files to ensure files are selected based on their notes
- selectedNotes.forEach((selectedNoteId) => {
- // Initialize array if it doesn't exist
- if (!updatedSelectedFiles[selectedNoteId]) {
- updatedSelectedFiles[selectedNoteId] = [];
- }
- });
- setSelectedNotes(updatedSelectedNotes);
- setSelectedFiles(updatedSelectedFiles);
- };
- const handleFileCheckboxChange = (noteId, fileId) => {
- // Change fileName to fileId
- const updatedSelectedFiles = {
- ...selectedFiles,
- [noteId]: selectedFiles[noteId]
- ? selectedFiles[noteId].includes(fileId) // Change to fileId
- ? selectedFiles[noteId].filter((id) => id !== fileId) // Change to fileId
- : [...(selectedFiles[noteId] || []), fileId] // Change to fileId
- : [fileId], // Change to fileId
- };
- // Update the selected notes if files are being checked and the note is not already selected
- const updatedSelectedNotes = Object.keys(updatedSelectedFiles).reduce((acc, id) => {
- if (updatedSelectedFiles[id].length > 0 && !acc.includes(id)) {
- acc.push(id); // Add noteId if at least one file is selected
- }
- return acc;
- }, selectedNotes);
- setSelectedFiles(updatedSelectedFiles);
- setSelectedNotes(updatedSelectedNotes);
- };
- const items = useMemo(() => {
- return => {
- const totalFiles = note.files.length;
- const selectedFileCount = selectedFiles[]?.length || 0;
- const isIntermediate = selectedFileCount > 0 && selectedFileCount < totalFiles;
- return {
- key:,
- label: (
- <div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}>
- <Checkbox
- checked={selectedNotes.includes(}
- indeterminate={isIntermediate}
- onChange={() => handleNoteCheckboxChange(}
- onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}
- />
- <Title level={4} style={{ margin: '0 0 0 8px' }}>
- {note.subject}
- </Title>
- </div>
- ),
- children: (
- <div style={{ paddingLeft: '20px' }}>
- <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: parseQuillText(note.note) }} />
- <div>
- { => (
- <Checkbox
- key={}
- checked={selectedFiles[]?.includes(}
- onChange={() => handleFileCheckboxChange(,}
- >
- {}
- </Checkbox>
- ))}
- </div>
- </div>
- ),
- };
- });
- }, [contextNotes, selectedNotes, selectedFiles]);
- const filteredItems = useMemo(() => {
- return items.filter((item) =>
- item.label.props.children[1].props.children.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()),
- );
- }, [items, searchTerm]);
- const treeData = useMemo(() => {
- // Ensure selectedDocument is not null or undefined before accessing noteRefs
- if (!selectedDocument || !selectedDocument.noteRefs) return [];
- // Map through all noteRefs and create a unique tree structure for each note's files
- return => ({
- noteId:,
- files: => ({
- title:,
- key:,
- ...file,
- })),
- }));
- }, [selectedDocument]);
- const handleFileClick = (fileId, noteId) => {
- if (Array.isArray(fileId) && fileId.length === 1) {
- const fileToDownload = selectedDocument.noteRefs
- .flatMap((note) => note.files)
- .find((file) => === fileId[0]);
- if (fileToDownload) {
- openDrawer({
- file: { ...fileToDownload },
- parentId: noteId,
- });
- }
- }
- };
- const handleSubmit = async (values) => {
- startLoading();
- const response = await dispatch(getDocumentTypes()).unwrap();
- const details = !isEmpty(importedNotes)
- ? `<ul>${importedNotes
- .map(
- (note) => `<li data-note-id="${}" data-note-text="${note.note}">${note.note}
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.files) &&
- `<ul>${note.files
- .map((file) => {
- return `<li data-file-name="${}" data-file-description="${
- file.description || ''
- }" data-file-url="${file.url}" data-file-mime_type="${file.mime_type}">${
- }</li>`;
- })
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.note_activities) &&
- `<ul>${note.note_activities
- .map(
- (activity) =>
- `<li data-comment-id="${}" data-comment-subject="${activity.subject}" data-comment-created_by="${activity.created_by}" data-comment-completed_at="${activity.completed_at}">${activity.comment}</li>`,
- )
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- </li>`,
- )
- .join('')}</ul>`
- : '';
- /*const updatedNoteRefs = => ({
- ...note,
- note: note.note || '',
- }));*/
- const { name } = values;
- const document = {
- name,
- header,
- footer,
- details,
- type: response,
- //noteRefs: updatedNoteRefs,
- noteRefs: => ({ id:, ...note })), //za orderanje u docs edit
- link: 'link',
- version: selectedDocument.version || 1,
- };
- if (isEditing) {
- await dispatch(
- updateAction({
- parentId,
- contextId,
- document,
- successMessage: t(''),
- }),
- ).unwrap();
- } else {
- await dispatch(
- createAction({
- contextId,
- document,
- successMessage: t(''),
- }),
- ).unwrap();
- }
- await dispatch(fetchDocuments(contextId)).unwrap();
- stopLoading();
- setHasChanges(false);
- if (!isEditing) navigate(-1);
- };
- const showCommentDeleteConfirm = (noteId) => {
- modal.confirm({
- title: t('document.form.deleteModalTitle'),
- icon: <ExclamationCircleOutlined />,
- content: t('document.form.deleteModalContent'),
- okText: t('button.delete'),
- okType: 'danger',
- cancelText: t('button.cancel'),
- onOk() {
- handleDeleteNoteComment(noteId);
- },
- });
- };
- const handleDeleteNoteComment = (noteId) => {
- const existingNotes = decodeDetails(selectedDocument.details) || [];
- /*const updatedNoteRefs = => {
- if ( === noteId) {
- return {
- ...note,
- note_activities: [],
- };
- }
- return note;
- });*/
- const updatedExistingNotes = => {
- if ( === noteId) {
- return {
- ...note,
- note_activities: [],
- };
- }
- return note;
- });
- const updatedDetails = `<ul>${updatedExistingNotes
- .map(
- (note) => `<li data-note-id="${}" data-note-text="${note.note}">${note.note}
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.files) &&
- `<ul>${note.files
- .map((file) => {
- return `<li data-file-name="${}" data-file-description="${
- file.description || ''
- }" data-file-url="${file.url}" data-file-mime_type="${file.mime_type}">${
- }</li>`;
- })
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.note_activities) &&
- `<ul>${note.note_activities
- .map((activity) => {
- return `<li data-comment-id="${}" data-comment-subject="${activity.subject}" data-comment-created_by="${activity.created_by}" data-comment-completed_at="${activity.completed_at}">${activity.comment}</li>`;
- })
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- </li>`,
- )
- .join('')}</ul>`;
- setSelectedDocument({
- ...selectedDocument,
- noteRefs: =>
- === noteId ? { ...note, note_activities: [] } : note,
- ),
- details: updatedDetails,
- });
- };
- const showDeleteConfirm = (noteId) => {
- modal.confirm({
- title: t('document.form.deleteModalTitle'),
- icon: <ExclamationCircleOutlined />,
- content: t('document.form.deleteModalContent'),
- okText: t('button.delete'),
- okType: 'danger',
- cancelText: t('button.cancel'),
- onOk() {
- handleDeleteNote(noteId);
- },
- });
- };
- const handleDeleteNote = (noteId) => {
- const existingNotes = decodeDetails(selectedDocument.details) || [];
- //const updatedNoteRefs = selectedDocument.noteRefs.filter((note) => !== noteId);
- const updatedExistingNotes = existingNotes.filter((note) => !== noteId);
- const updatedDetails = `<ul>${updatedExistingNotes
- .map(
- (note) => `<li data-note-id="${}" data-note-text="${note.note}">${note.note}
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.files) &&
- `<ul>${note.files
- .map((file) => {
- return `<li data-file-name="${}" data-file-description="${
- file.description || ''
- }" data-file-url="${file.url}" data-file-mime_type="${file.mime_type}">${
- }</li>`;
- })
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- ${
- !isEmpty(note.note_activities) &&
- `<ul>${note.note_activities
- .map((activity) => {
- return `<li data-comment-id="${}" data-comment-subject="${activity.subject}" data-comment-created_by="${activity.created_by}" data-comment-completed_at="${activity.completed_at}">${activity.comment}</li>`;
- })
- .join('')}</ul>`
- }
- </li>`,
- )
- .join('')}</ul>`;
- setSelectedDocument({
- ...selectedDocument,
- noteRefs: selectedDocument.noteRefs.filter((note) => !== noteId),
- details: updatedDetails,
- });
- };
- const formatedActivities = (note) => {
- return note.note_activities
- ?.slice()
- .sort((a, b) => new Date(b.completed_at) - new Date(a.completed_at))
- .map((activity) => ({
- dot: <CommentOutlined />,
- children: (
- <div>
- <div>{activity.comment}</div>
- <div className='mt-3 text-xs'>
- {new Date(activity.completed_at).toLocaleString()} - {activity.created_by}
- </div>
- </div>
- ),
- }));
- };
- return (
- <Form
- name='document'
- form={form}
- labelCol={{
- xs: { span: 24 },
- md: { span: 6 },
- }}
- wrapperCol={{
- xs: { span: 24 },
- md: { span: 18 },
- }}
- labelAlign='left'
- layout='horizontal'
- initialValues={{
- remember: true,
- }}
- onValuesChange={handleFormChange}
- onFinish={handleSubmit}
- autoComplete='on'
- className='max-w-[60rem]'
- >
- <Modal
- title={t('document.form.modalTitle')}
- open={isModalOpen}
- onOk={handleOk}
- okText='Import'
- onCancel={handleModalCancel}
- width='50vw'
- bodyStyle={{
- maxHeight: '70vh',
- overflowY: 'auto',
- }}
- >
- <Input
- placeholder={t('document.form.searchNotes')}
- value={searchTerm}
- onChange={(e) => setSearchTerm(}
- allowClear
- style={{ marginBottom: '1rem' }}
- />
- <Collapse
- accordion
- activeKey={activeKey}
- onChange={handleCollapseChange}
- expandIconPosition='end'
- >
- { => (
- <Collapse.Panel
- header={item.label}
- key={item.key}
- style={{
- maxHeight: '300px',
- overflowY: 'auto',
- }}
- >
- {item.children}
- </Collapse.Panel>
- ))}
- </Collapse>
- </Modal>
- <Title level={2}>{t('document.form.headerInfo')}</Title>
- <Form.Item
- label={t('document.form.documentInputLabel')}
- tooltip={t('document.form.documentInputTooltip')}
- name='name'
- className='custom-form-item'
- validateTrigger='onBlur'
- initialValue={document?.name || ''}
- rules={[
- {
- required: true,
- message: 'Please input the document name!',
- },
- ]}
- >
- <Input />
- </Form.Item>
- <Form.Item
- label={t('document.form.headerInputLabel')}
- tooltip={t('document.form.headerInputTooltip')}
- name='header'
- className='custom-form-item'
- validateTrigger='onBlur'
- initialValue={document?.header || ''}
- >
- <ReactQuill
- theme='snow'
- placeholder={'Your header text goes here...'}
- value={header}
- onChange={(content) => handleQuillChange('header', content)}
- modules={modules}
- />
- </Form.Item>
- <Divider />
- <div className='flex justify-between'>
- <Title level={2} className='inline-block w-full'>
- {t('document.form.details')}
- </Title>
- <div className='my-6 flex w-full justify-end'>
- <Button type='primary' onClick={showModal}>
- {t('button.importNotes')}
- </Button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <DragDropContext
- onDragEnd={(result) => {
- if (!result.destination) return;
- const reorderedNotes = Array.from(importedNotes);
- const [removed] = reorderedNotes.splice(result.source.index, 1);
- reorderedNotes.splice(result.destination.index, 0, removed);
- // Ažuriraj importedNotes
- setImportedNotes(reorderedNotes);
- // Ažuriraj vrijednosti forme
- const updatedFields = reorderedNotes.reduce((acc, note) => {
- acc[`header-${}`] = note.note || '';
- return acc;
- }, {});
- form.setFieldsValue(updatedFields);
- // Ažuriraj selectedDocument sa novim redoslijedom
- setSelectedDocument((prevDocument) => ({
- ...prevDocument,
- noteRefs: => ({ id:, ...note })),
- }));
- }}
- >
- <Droppable droppableId='notesList'>
- {(provided) => (
- <div {...provided.droppableProps} ref={provided.innerRef}>
- {, index) => (
- <Draggable key={} draggableId={} index={index}>
- {(provided) => (
- <div
- ref={provided.innerRef}
- {...provided.draggableProps}
- {...provided.dragHandleProps}
- style={{
- marginBottom: '1rem',
- padding: '10px',
- background: '#f0f0f0',
- borderRadius: '5px',
- }}
- >
- {/* Gumb za brisanje */}
- <div className='mb-2 flex items-center justify-end'>
- <Button
- type='text'
- danger
- onClick={() => showDeleteConfirm(}
- icon={<DeleteOutlined />}
- >
- {t('button.delete')}
- </Button>
- </div>
- {/* ReactQuill za unos teksta */}
- <Form.Item
- label={note.subject}
- tooltip={t('document.form.headerInputTooltip')}
- name={`header-${}`}
- className='custom-form-item'
- validateTrigger='onBlur'
- initialValue={note.note || ''}
- >
- <ReactQuill
- theme='snow'
- placeholder='Your text goes here...'
- value={note.note || ''}
- onChange={(content) => handleQuillChange(, content)}
- modules={modules}
- />
- </Form.Item>
- {/* Prikazivanje datoteka */}
- {!isEmpty(treeData.find((data) => data.noteId === || []) && (
- <Form.Item label={t('document.form.attachedFilesInputLabel')} key={}>
- <Tree
- className='-ml-6'
- treeData={treeData.find((data) => data.noteId === || []}
- height={300}
- onSelect={(fileId) => handleFileClick(fileId,}
- />
- </Form.Item>
- )}
- {/* Prikazivanje komentara */}
- {!isEmpty(formatedActivities(note)) && (
- <>
- <div className='mb-2 flex items-center justify-end'>
- <Button
- type='text'
- danger
- onClick={() => showCommentDeleteConfirm(}
- icon={<DeleteOutlined />}
- >
- {t('button.delete')}
- </Button>
- </div>
- <Form.Item label='Comments' key={}>
- <Timeline
- className='max-h-[15rem] overflow-y-auto px-5 pt-1'
- items={formatedActivities(note)}
- />
- </Form.Item>
- </>
- )}
- </div>
- )}
- </Draggable>
- ))}
- {provided.placeholder}
- </div>
- )}
- </Droppable>
- </DragDropContext>
- <Divider />
- <Title level={2}>{t('document.form.footerInfo')}</Title>
- <Form.Item
- label={t('document.form.footerInputLabel')}
- tooltip={t('document.form.footerInputTooltip')}
- name='footer'
- className='custom-form-item'
- validateTrigger='onBlur'
- initialValue={document?.footer || ''}
- >
- <ReactQuill
- theme='snow'
- placeholder='Your footer text goes here...'
- value={footer}
- onChange={(content) => handleQuillChange('footer', content)}
- modules={modules}
- />
- </Form.Item>
- <Form.Item
- wrapperCol={{
- xs: { offset: 0, span: 24 },
- md: { offset: 6, span: 18 },
- }}
- >
- <Button
- type='primary'
- htmlType='submit'
- className='w-full md:w-auto'
- loading={isLoading}
- disabled={!hasChanges}
- >
- {isEditing ? t('button.update') : t('button.create')}
- </Button>
- <Button htmlType='button' className='mt-2 w-full md:ml-3 md:w-auto' onClick={handleCancel}>
- {t('button.cancel')}
- </Button>
- </Form.Item>
- </Form>
- );
- };
- export default withLoadStatus(DocumentForm);
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