
ComputerCraft Platformer Test (ENGINE)

Mar 26th, 2016
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  1. local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize()
  2. palateFile = fs.combine(shell.dir(),"palate")
  3. levelFile = "level"
  5. guy = {
  6.     x = 2,                      --Your X position on the MAP, not the screen.
  7.     y = 5,                      --Same, but with Y.
  8.     speedY = 0,                 --I want to represent gravity fairly accurately.
  9.     char = "O",                 --The character that represents you.
  10.     mode = "",                  --Determines whether you are walking, jumping, whatever.
  11.     grounded = false,           --Whether or not you are on solid ground, and can jump.
  12.     bgcol = colors.red,         --Background color.
  13.     txtcol = colors.yellow,     --Text color.
  14.     name = "Mario",             --Thine name! I just added this in case I want to use it.
  15. }
  17. local tArg = {...}
  18. if tArg[1] then
  19.     levelFile = fs.combine(shell.dir(),tArg[1])
  20. end
  21. if tArg[2] then
  22.     palateFile = fs.combine(shell.dir(),tArg[2])
  23. end
  25. scrollX = 0
  26. scrollY = 0
  28. function CTB(_color) --Color To Blit
  29.     local blitcolors = {
  30.         [colors.white] = "0",
  31.         [colors.orange] = "1",
  32.         [colors.magenta] = "2",
  33.         [colors.lightBlue] = "3",
  34.         [colors.yellow] = "4",
  35.         [colors.lime] = "5",
  36.         [colors.pink] = "6",
  37.         [colors.gray] = "7",
  38.         [colors.lightGray] = "8",
  39.         [colors.cyan] = "9",
  40.         [colors.purple] = "a",
  41.         [colors.blue] = "b",
  42.         [colors.brown] = "c",
  43.         [colors.green] = "d",
  44.         [colors.red] = "e",
  45.         [colors.black] = "f",
  46.     }
  47.     return blitcolors[_color]
  48. end
  50. if fs.exists(palateFile) then
  51.     dofile(palateFile)
  52. end
  54. if not palate then
  55.     palate = {                      --I say palate because it can (as should be expected to) be changed per game.
  56.         [1] = {                     --Blocks will be stored as IDs, not by name.
  57.             desc = "air",           --Brief description of what it is supposed to represent.
  58.             char = " ",             --Character used to represent it.
  59.             txtcol = colors.black,  --TEXT color. Uses colors API, not blit.
  60.             bgcol = colors.black,   --BACKGROUND color. Again, colors API.
  61.             solid = false,          --Whether or not you can go through it.
  62.             isLiquid = false,       --Whether it is a liquid or not.
  63.             touchDamage = 0,        --Damage done by TOUCHING IT. Meaning, being inside it OR a space next to it.
  64.             insideDamage = 0,       --Damage done by BEING IN THE SAME SPACE AS IT. Not being next to it.
  65.             gravity = 1,            --Gravity (let's just say in G's) when INSIDE the block.
  66.         },                          --Oh BTW, [1] will always be air. That's constant. Also, it's not really a block, but an empty space.
  67.         [2] = {
  68.             desc = "sto ne",
  69.             char = "L",
  70.             txtcol = colors.lightGray,
  71.             bgcol = colors.gray,
  72.             solid = true,
  73.             isLiquid = false,  
  74.             touchDamage = 0,
  75.             insideDamage = 0,
  76.             gravity = 1,
  77.         },
  78.         [3] = {
  79.             desc = "woodplank",
  80.             char = "=",
  81.             txtcol = colors.orange,
  82.             bgcol = colors.brown,
  83.             solid = true,
  84.             isLiquid = false,
  85.             touchDamage = 0,
  86.             insideDamage = 0,
  87.             gravity = 1,
  88.         },
  89.         [4] = {
  90.             desc = "water",
  91.             char = "/",
  92.             txtcol = colors.lightBlue,
  93.             bgcol = colors.cyan,
  94.             solid = false,
  95.             isLiquid = true,
  96.             touchDamage = 0,
  97.             insideDamage = 0,
  98.             gravity = 0.4,
  99.         },
  100.         [5] = {
  101.             desc = "lava",
  102.             char = "#",
  103.             txtcol = colors.red,
  104.             bgcol = colors.orange,
  105.             solid = false,
  106.             isLiquid = true,
  107.             touchDamage = 0,
  108.             insideDamage = 2,
  109.             gravity = 1.2,
  110.         },
  111.         [6] = {
  112.             desc = "cactus",
  113.             char = "#",
  114.             txtcol = colors.gray,
  115.             bgcol = colors.green,
  116.             solid = true,
  117.             isLiquid = false,
  118.             touchDamage = 1,
  119.             insideDamage = 0,
  120.             gravity = 1,
  121.         },
  122.     }
  123.     local file = fs.open(palateFile,"w")
  124.     file.write("palate = "..textutils.serialise(palate))
  125.     file.close()
  126. end
  127. selectedItem = 1
  128. local level
  129. if levelFile then
  130.     local file = fs.open(levelFile,"r")
  131.     level = textutils.unserialize(file.readAll())
  132.     file.close()
  133. else
  134.     level = {{}}
  135. end
  137. function inflateLevel(_level)
  138.     local output = _level
  139.     local maxLong = 0
  140.     local maxHigh = #level
  141.     for a = 1, #_level do
  142.         for b = 1, #_level[a] do
  143.             if #_level[a][b] > maxLong then
  144.                 maxLong = #_level[a]
  145.             end
  146.         end
  147.     end
  148.     for a = 1, maxHigh do
  149.         if not _level[a] then
  150.             output[a] = {}
  151.         end
  152.         for b = 1, maxLong do
  153.             if not _level[a][b] then
  154.                 output[a][b] = 1
  155.             end
  156.         end
  157.     end
  158.     return output
  159. end
  161. level = inflateLevel(level)
  163. local function clearDot(x,y,col)
  164.     local pX,pY = term.getCursorPos()
  165.     term.setCursorPos(x,y)
  166.     if col then
  167.         term.blit(" ",CTB(col),CTB(col))
  168.     else
  169.         term.write(" ")
  170.     end
  171.     term.setCursorPos(pX,pY)
  172. end
  174. function palateclear()
  175.     local prevX,prevY = term.getCursorPos()
  176.     term.setBackgroundColor(palate[1].bgcol)
  177.     term.setTextColor(palate[1].txtcol)
  178.     for a = 1, scr_y do
  179.         term.setCursorPos(1,a)
  180.         write(palate[1].char:rep(scr_x))
  181.     end
  182.     term.setCursorPos(prevX,prevY)
  183. end
  185. function renderLevel(_level,_scrollX,_scrollY)
  186.     if guy.x > math.floor(scr_x/2) then
  187.         scrollX = guy.x - math.floor(scr_x/2)
  188.         term.clear()
  189.     else
  190.         clearDot(guy.x,guy.y,palate[level[guy.y][guy.x]].bgcol)
  191.     end
  192.     for y = 1,scr_y do
  193.         for x = 1,scr_x do
  194.             if level[x+scrollX] then
  195.                 lobster = palate[level[(scr_y-y)+scrollY+1][x+scrollX]] --Well it wasn't a rock
  196.                 if lobster then
  197.                     term.setCursorPos(x,y)
  198.                     term.blit(lobster.char,CTB(lobster.txtcol),CTB(lobster.bgcol))
  199.                 end
  200.             end
  201.         end
  202.     end
  203.     term.setCursorPos(guy.x-scrollX,(scr_y-guy.y)+scrollY)
  204.     term.blit(guy.char,CTB(guy.txtcol),CTB(guy.bgcol))
  205. end
  207. function handleQuit()
  208.     term.setCursorPos(1,scr_y)
  209.     term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black)
  210.     term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  211.     term.clearLine()
  212.     sleep(0)
  213.     error() --This is probably the wrong way of going about doing this.
  214. end
  216. function handleGuyPhysics(mode)
  217.     local gravity
  218.     if level[guy.y] then
  219.         if level[guy.y][guy.x] then
  220.             gravity = palate[level[guy.y][guy.x]].gravity
  221.         else
  222.             gravity = palate[1].gravity
  223.         end
  224.     else
  225.         gravity = palate[1].gravity
  226.     end
  227.     guy.speedY = guy.speedY - gravity
  228.     if level[guy.x] then
  229.         if level[guy.x][guy.y-gravity] then
  230.             if palate[level[guy.y-gravity][guy.x]].solid then
  231.                 guy.grounded = true
  232.                 guy.speedY = 0
  233.             else
  234.                 guy.grounded = false
  235.                 guy.y = guy.y + guy.speedY
  236.             end
  237.         else
  238.             guy.grounded = false
  239.             guy.y = guy.y + guy.speedY
  240.         end
  241.     end
  242.     if mode == "jump" then
  243.         if guy.grounded then
  244.             guy.speedY = 5*gravity
  245.         end
  246.     end
  247.     if mode == "walkRight" then
  248.         if level[guy.x+1] then
  249.             if level[guy.y][guy.x+1] then
  250.                 if not level[guy.y][guy.x+1].solid then
  251.                     guy.x = guy.x + 1
  252.                 end
  253.             else
  254.                 guy.x = guy.x + 1
  255.             end
  256.         else
  257.             guy.x = guy.x + 1
  258.         end
  259.     end
  260.     if mode == "walkLeft" then
  261.         if level[guy.y] then
  262.             if level[guy.y][guy.x-1] then
  263.                 if not level[guy.y][guy.x-1].solid then
  264.                     guy.x = guy.x - 1
  265.                 end
  266.             else
  267.                 guy.x = guy.x - 1
  268.             end
  269.         else
  270.             guy.x = guy.x - 1
  271.         end
  272.     end
  273. end
  275. function handleKeyMovement()
  276.     keysPressed = {
  277.         ["right"] = false,
  278.         ["left"] = false,
  279.         ["space"] = false,
  280.     }
  281.     while true do
  282.         local evt = {os.pullEvent()}
  283.         if evt[1] == "key" then
  284.             if evt[2] == keys.right then
  285.                 keysPressed["right"] = true
  286.             elseif evt[2] == keys.left then
  287.                 keysPressed["left"] = true
  288.             elseif evt[2] == keys.space then
  289.                 keysPressed["space"] = true
  290.             end
  291.         elseif evt[1] == "key_up" then
  292.             if evt[2] == keys.right then
  293.                 keysPressed["right"] = false
  294.             elseif evt[2] == keys.left then
  295.                 keysPressed["left"] = false
  296.             elseif evt[2] == keys.space then
  297.                 keysPressed["space"] = false
  298.             end
  299.         end
  300.     end
  301. end
  303. function doit()
  304.     palateclear()
  305.     renderLevel(level,scrollX,scrollY)
  306.     while true do
  307.         sleep(0.05)
  308.         if keysPressed["space"] and guy.grounded then
  309.             handleGuyPhysics("jump")
  310.         end
  311.         if keysPressed["right"] then
  312.             handleGuyPhysics("walkRight")
  313.         elseif keysPressed["left"] then
  314.             handleGuyPhysics("walkLeft")
  315.         else
  316.             handleGuyPhysics()
  317.         end
  318.         renderLevel(level,scrollX,scrollY)
  319.     end
  320. end
  322. parallel.waitForAny(doit,handleKeyMovement)
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