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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use List::Util qw(max);
- my %valve;
- my %unstuck;
- my %dist;
- my %memo;
- while (<>) {
- my ($room, $flow, $lead) = m#^Valve (\w\w) has flow rate=(\d+);.*valves? (.*)#;
- my @paths = ($lead =~ m#(\w\w)#g);
- $valve{$room} = {flow => $flow, paths => \@paths};
- $unstuck{$room} = (1 << scalar keys %unstuck) if ($flow > 0);
- }
- # BFS to build symmetric table of distances between interesting points
- foreach my $i ('AA', keys %unstuck) {
- my %visit;
- my @queue = ([$i,0]);
- while (my $state = shift @queue) {
- my ($room, $time) = @$state;
- next if ($visit{$room}++);
- if ($unstuck{$room}) {
- $dist{$i}{$room} = $time;
- $dist{$room}{$i} = $time;
- }
- foreach my $tun ($valve{$room}{paths}->@*) {
- push( @queue, [$tun, $time + 1] );
- }
- }
- }
- # Recursive path finding on the new distance weighted directed graph
- sub recurse_path {
- my ($room, $time, $left, $open, $total) = @_;
- my $ret = 0;
- $total += $valve{$room}{flow} * (27 - $time); # Add pressure released for valve
- $memo{$open} = $total if (!exists $memo{$open} or $memo{$open} < $total);
- return ($total) if (!$left); # No more valves, wait
- my @moves = grep { $time + $dist{$room}{$_} + 1 < 26 }
- grep { $unstuck{$_} & $left } keys %unstuck;
- foreach my $tun (@moves) {
- my $bit = $unstuck{$tun};
- my $turns = $dist{$room}{$tun} + 1; # Time to move + open valve
- $ret = max($ret, &recurse_path($tun, $time + $turns, ($left ^ $bit), ($open | $bit), $total));
- }
- return ($ret);
- }
- my $left_mask = (1 << scalar keys %unstuck) - 1;
- &recurse_path( 'AA', 1, $left_mask, 0, 0 );
- my @paths = map { int } sort { $memo{$b} <=> $memo{$a} } keys %memo;
- my $part2 = 0;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $#paths; $i++) {
- for (my $j = $i; $j <= $#paths; $j++) {
- next if ($paths[$i] & $paths[$j]);
- next PATH if ($memo{$paths[$i]} + $memo{$paths[$j]} < $part2);
- $part2 = max( $part2, $memo{$paths[$i]} + $memo{$paths[$j]} );
- }
- }
- print "Part 2: $part2\n";
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