
Rage War Armageddon 38

May 6th, 2024
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  1. The Xenomorphs swarmed across the ruins, trampling bodies, never slowing or relenting in their attack. Not even the sudden flickers of heat-haze movement
  2. gave them pause. Budanov recognized the signs, though. He'd seen them enough over the past few days, and although they rarely fought with the Marines, they were ever-present, their help a major factor in continuing the fight.
  4. Cloaked, the Yautja cut through the advancing creatures as effectively as cannon blasts from a destroyer. A dozen enemy fell in the first wave, slashed apart. Moments later a secondary assault began, the distinctive triple targeting lasers splashing across the Xenomorph troops before blasters opened up, blowing many of the monsters apart. Another wave charged from behind, skittering through their dead and dying brethren, to be
  5. met with a fusillade of fire from the defending marines.-pg.253 chpt.21
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