
An erection filled life Ch.7

Apr 3rd, 2018
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  1. An erection filled life Ch.7  [MC thought]
  2. Google Translation
  3. Chapter start after MIL saying "This will you leave it to me?" They both started again while Joowon doing her pussy while MIL licking his neck telling Him don't speak and just continue doing it "Icy Chill" feels MIL continue on his Nipple and then start holding his "D" While Joowon goes Ahhhhweee! MIL stroke it telling MC do it to me too slowly. Joowon started putting his finger inside they started to caress each others while horny MIL cum. MC upon seeing that reaction MC laugh telling her MIL face looks cute. She reply That ridiculous behind that door Joo won tells MIL if He can try? putting it in MIL hold her leg spreading it saying not now please understand but I will let you feel the same feeling you wanted MIL put Joowon "D" in her thigh While on that position MIL tell MC if you are about to cum just tell me  okay? MC goes ah yes!!continue the thigh fucking MIL moaning "That too big too put in my clit this is way better stimulating"
  5. MC kisses MIL "Does it feels good?" MC goes moaning here and tell MIL no no more I cant stand it MIL goes okay and go down given him a blowjob instead "This with my mouth how is it" MC grab MIL head telling "Ah MIL your massage ahhh" and Joowon splatter his cum on to his wife.
  7.  MC wake ups on his Wife fellatio thinking  Why Hyerin is here? Wife while Joowon still cant believe telling him sorry I eat a lot
  8. Shaken MC think [At the border between dream and reality, my heart tremble.] just like that?
  9. His Wife jump on MC saying Did you sleep well wanna work with me? MC No its embarrassing its too early Wife keep pestering him coz of the interval MIL finding them out Wife reveal even in his dream He keep shouting MIL MC goes HUh huh your that a lie right Wife no really
  11. While the 2 couple busy talking MIL call them for breakfast On the bed MC having a hard time facing his MIL for dreaming about her and Well as always his Wife come to cheered him again saying forget about it. its because of what Mom see dont worry to much The couple goes down to eat MC Thinking  [I was laughing at my Wife words] [Honestly, I was embarrassed.] [What is the dream and what is the reality I witness]
  13. MC recall the event when He goes to veranda and take a smoke and remember He heard a shower sounds When he look to his MIL surprise the breast startle Him. MIL feel something weird on MC and tells him "eat a lot" [Breakfast scenery started like so usual.] MC thought
  14. [But in my view, there was no such thing as sinfulness today.]  [Something behind the quiet dining atmosphere A series of tensions that seem to have a big storm and] [A word from my mother-in-law that my expectation was right]
  16. MIL>> Oh .. Today,In the morning,  put out a school leave application Did you say you need to go in the hospital?
  17. Wife>>Why I need to go there? I just need to reserve the afternoon and go with Joo won
  18. MIL >> Can you go alone?
  20. MIL wanted to talk with MC alone after eating
  22. TBC..
  23. Author teasing lol  I guess 50% Mc witness her MIL masturbate when he left MIL see him. So the other 50% When MC open the door are all MIL fantasy stimulation
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