
Test Ruby Bingo Goals

Jun 10th, 2017
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  1. var bingoList = [];
  2. bingoList[1] = [
  3. { name: "Poochyena", types: ["pkmn"] },
  4. { name: "TM05 (Roar)", types: ["tm"] },
  5. { name: "HM05 (Flash)", types: ["hm"] },
  6. { name: "Coin Case", types: ["item"] }
  7. ];
  8. bingoList[2] = [
  9. { name: "Tentacool", types: ["pkmn"] },
  10. { name: "A Pokemon with a stat related ability", types: ["ability"] },
  11. { name: "Soot Sack", types: ["item"] },
  12. { name: "TM36 (Sludge Bomb)", types: ["tm"] }
  13. ];
  14. bingoList[3] = [
  15. { name: "Slakoth", types: ["pkmn"] },
  16. { name: "7 Different Berries", types: ["multiitem"] },
  17. { name: "Numel", types: ["pkmn"] },
  18. { name: "Lava Cookie", types: ["item"] }
  19. ];
  20. bingoList[4] = [
  21. { name: "10 pokemon owned", types: ["dex"] },
  22. { name: "Zangoose or Seviper", types: ["pkmnpair"] },
  23. { name: "6 water type Pokémon", types: ["pkmnpair"] },
  24. { name: "A Pokemon with Mud Shot", types: ["starter"] }
  25. ];
  26. bingoList[5] = [
  27. { name: "Plusle or Minun", types: ["pkmnpair"] },
  28. { name: "Defeat Winstrate Family", types: ["trainer"] },
  29. { name: "Participate in a Contest", types: ["contest"] },
  30. { name: "Mawile or Sableye", types: ["pkmnpair"] }
  31. ];
  32. bingoList[6] = [
  33. { name: "10 TMs", types: ["tm"] },
  34. { name: "Ether", types: ["item"] },
  35. { name: "Magikarp", types: ["pkmn"] },
  36. { name: "Full Daycare", types: ["egg"] }
  37. ];
  38. bingoList[7] = [
  39. { name: "A powder item", types: ["itempair"] },
  40. { name: "No money on hand", types: ["cash"] },
  41. { name: "Do not catch a Legendary Pokemon", types: ["instant"] },
  42. { name: "Trade with an NPC", types: ["trade"] }
  43. ];
  44. bingoList[8] = [
  45. { name: "6 different water type Pokemon", types: ["dex"] },
  46. { name: "Feed a Pokemon a Pokeblock", types: ["pokeblock"] },
  47. { name: "A Pokemon with a status related ability", types: ["ability"] },
  48. { name: "Volbeat or Illumise", types: ["pkmnpair"] }
  49. ];
  50. bingoList[9] = [
  51. { name: "Defeat a Slugma", types: ["pkmn"] },
  52. { name: "A Pokemon with a weather related ability", types: ["ability"] },
  53. { name: "Defeat all 6 trainers on Cycling Road", types: ["trainer"] },
  54. { name: "Complete a Trick House maze", types: ["trickmaster"] }
  55. ];
  56. bingoList[10] = [
  57. { name: "Dustox or Beautifly", types: ["pkmnpair"] },
  58. { name: "Do not heal at any Pokemon Centers", types: ["heal", "instant"] },
  59. { name: "Sell a Rare Candy", types: ["item"] },
  60. { name: "Make a secret base", types: ["tm"] }
  61. ];
  62. bingoList[11] = [
  63. { name: "Gloom", types: ["pkmn"] },
  64. { name: "A Pokemon with 4 moves with STAB", types: ["tm"] },
  65. { name: "Exp Share", types: ["item"] },
  66. { name: "TM44 (Rest)", types: ["tm"] }
  67. ];
  68. bingoList[12] = [
  69. { name: "Pearl or Big Pearl", types: ["itempair"] },
  70. { name: "Spoink", types: ["pkmn"] },
  71. { name: "Hatch an egg", types: ["egg"] },
  72. { name: "Make a Pokémon relearn a move", types: ["item"] }
  73. ];
  74. bingoList[13] = [
  75. { name: "Swablu", types: ["pkmn"] },
  76. { name: "Do not use any TMs", types: ["tm", "instant"] },
  77. { name: "Shedinja", types: ["pkmn"] },
  78. { name: "Three type-boosting items", types: ["multiitem"] }
  79. ];
  80. bingoList[14] = [
  81. { name: "Golbat", types: ["pkmn"] },
  82. { name: "Solrock or Lunatone", types: ["pkmnpair"] },
  83. { name: "A Pokemon with 4 non-TM status moves", types: ["move"] },
  84. { name: "Pokemon with an evasion boosting move", types: ["move"] }
  85. ];
  86. bingoList[15] = [
  87. { name: "7 different types of Poke Ball", types: ["multiitem"] },
  88. { name: "Barboach", types: ["pkmn"] },
  89. { name: "Evolve 5 different Pokémon", types: ["hm", "instant"] },
  90. { name: "A baby Pokemon", types: ["egg", "pkmn"] }
  91. ];
  92. bingoList[16] = [
  93. { name: "20 Pokemon owned", types: ["dex"] },
  94. { name: "Stop starter evolving 6 times", types: ["starter"] },
  95. { name: "Lileep or Anorith", types: ["pkmnpair"] },
  96. { name: "Pelipper", types: ["pkmn"] }
  97. ];
  98. bingoList[17] = [
  99. { name: "TM19 (Giga Drain)", types: ["tm"] },
  100. { name: "Use a stone to evolve a Pokemon", types: ["multiitem"] },
  101. { name: "Use no repels", types: ["repel", "instant"] },
  102. { name: "50 pokemon seen", types: ["dex"] }
  103. ];
  104. bingoList[18] = [
  105. { name: "Defeat all 8 Kecleons", types: ["kecleon"] },
  106. { name: "Gyarados", types: ["pkmn"] },
  107. { name: "Defeat all 7 trainers on Route 123", types: ["trainer"] },
  108. { name: "Breloom", types: ["pkmn"] }
  109. ];
  110. bingoList[19] = [
  111. { name: "Vulpix", types: ["pkmn"] },
  112. { name: "Defeat 10 Swimmers, types: ["trainer"] },
  113. { name: "Catch something from Safari Zone", types: ["safari"] },
  114. { name: "5 Valuable Items", types: ["multiitem"] }
  115. ];
  116. bingoList[20] = [
  117. { name: "Burn a Kecleon", types: ["move"] },
  118. { name: "20 TMs", types: ["item"] },
  119. { name: "HM02 (Fly)", types: ["hm"] },
  120. { name: "Spell Tag", types: ["item"] }
  121. ];
  122. bingoList[21] = [
  123. { name: "Featherbadge", types: ["badge"] },
  124. { name: "Magneton", types: ["pkmn"] },
  125. { name: "$50,000", types: ["cash"] },
  126. { name: "Put a Pokeblock into a Safari Zone Container", types: ["pokeblock"] }
  127. ];
  128. bingoList[22] = [
  129. { name: "Two non-key exchangeable items", types: ["multiitem"] },
  130. { name: "A Trade Evolution Item", types: ["multiitem"] },
  131. { name: "Wobbuffet", types: ["pkmn"] },
  132. { name: "3 different level 30 Pokemon", types: ["dex"] }
  133. ];
  134. bingoList[23] = [
  135. { name: "TM26 (Earthquake)", types: ["tm"] },
  136. { name: "Mindbadge", types: ["badge"] },
  137. { name: "Defeat 5 Ninja Boys", types: ["trainer"] },
  138. { name: "HM08 (Dive)", types: ["hm"] }
  139. ];
  140. bingoList[24] = [
  141. { name: "Seadra", types: ["pkmn"] },
  142. { name: "Grovyle", types: ["starter", "pkmn"] },
  143. { name: "TM04 (Calm Mind)", types: ["tm"] },
  144. { name: "Relicanth or Wailord", types: ["pkmnpair"] }
  145. ];
  146. bingoList[25] = [
  147. { name: "Defeat all 5 Trainers on Route 133", types: ["trainer"] },
  148. { name: "Bagon", types: ["pkmn"] },
  149. { name: "Receive Elixir from Size NPC", types: ["barboach"] },
  150. { name: "Heracross or Pinsir", types: ["pkmnpair"] }
  151. ];
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