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- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- class node{
- public:
- int data;
- int height;
- node* left;
- node* right;
- node(int data) : data(data), height(1), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {};
- int max(int a, int b){
- return ((a >= b) ? a : b);
- }
- int factor() {
- if (this == nullptr) return 0;
- int left_height = (left != nullptr) ? left->height : 0;
- int right_height = (right != nullptr) ? right->height : 0;
- return left_height - right_height;
- }
- node* right_rotation(){
- node* x = left;
- node* y = x->right;
- x->right = this;
- this->left = y;
- this->height = 1 + max((right ? right->height : 0), (left ? left->height : 0));
- x->height = 1 + max((x->right ? x->right->height : 0), (x->left ? x->left->height : 0));
- return x;
- }
- node* left_rotation(){
- node* x = right;
- node* y = x->left;
- x->left = this;
- this->right = y;
- this->height = 1 + max((right ? right->height : 0), (left ? left->height : 0));
- x->height = 1 + max((x->right ? x->right->height : 0), (x->left ? x->left->height : 0));
- return x;
- }
- node* insert(int key) {
- node*& dest = (key >= data) ? right : left;
- if (dest == nullptr) {
- dest = new node(key);
- this->height = 1 + max((right ? right->height : 0), (left ? left->height : 0));
- return this;
- } else if (key >= data) {
- right = right->insert(key);
- } else {
- left = left->insert(key);
- }
- this->height = 1 + max((right ? right->height : 0), (left ? left->height : 0));
- int balance_factor = this->factor();
- if (balance_factor > 1 && (left && key < left->data)) {
- return this->right_rotation();
- } else if (balance_factor < -1 && (right && key > right->data)) {
- return this->left_rotation();
- } else if (balance_factor > 1 && (left && key > left->data)) {
- left = left->left_rotation();
- return this->right_rotation();
- } else if (balance_factor < -1 && (right && key < right->data)) {
- right = right->right_rotation();
- return this->left_rotation();
- } else return this;
- }
- node* inorder_successor(){
- node* curr = this;
- while(curr->left){
- curr = curr->left;
- }
- return curr;
- }
- node* delete_node(int key){
- if (this == nullptr) return this;
- else if (key > data) right = right->delete_node(key);
- else if (key < data) left = left->delete_node(key);
- else {
- if (left == nullptr or right == nullptr){
- node* temp = (left) ? left : right;
- delete this;
- return temp;
- // if (temp == nullptr){
- // temp = this;
- // this = nullptr;
- // } else {
- // *this = *temp;
- // }
- } else {
- node* temp = right->inorder_successor();
- data = temp->data;
- right = right->delete_node(key);
- }
- }
- if (this == nullptr) return this;
- this->height = 1 + max((right ? right->height : 0), (left ? left->height : 0));
- int balance_factor = this->factor();
- if (balance_factor > 1 && (left && key < left->data)) {
- return this->right_rotation();
- } else if (balance_factor < -1 && (right && key > right->data)) {
- return this->left_rotation();
- } else if (balance_factor > 1 && (left && key > left->data)) {
- left = left->left_rotation();
- return this->right_rotation();
- } else if (balance_factor < -1 && (right && key < right->data)) {
- right = right->right_rotation();
- return this->left_rotation();
- } else return this;
- }
- void inorder(){
- if (this == nullptr) return ;
- if (left != nullptr) left->inorder();
- std::cout << data << " ";
- if (right != nullptr) right->inorder();
- return ;
- }
- void level_order(){
- std::queue<node*> q;
- q.push(this);
- while(!q.empty()){
- node* curr = q.front();
- q.pop();
- if (curr != nullptr) {
- std::cout << curr->data << " " ;
- if (curr->left) q.push(curr->left);
- if (curr->right) q.push(curr->right);
- }
- }
- return ;
- }
- };
- int main(){
- node* root = new node(10);
- root = root->insert(5);
- root = root->insert(15);
- root = root->insert(12);
- root = root->insert(18);
- root = root->insert(20);
- root = root->insert(17);
- root = root->insert(19);
- root = root->insert(14);
- root = root->insert(13);
- root->inorder();
- std::cout << std::endl;
- root->level_order();
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
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