
Plato and Laruelle argue like 5 year olds with vocab of grad students

Dec 1st, 2022
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  1. Plato: Good evening, François. I see that you are contemplating the question of ontological entities. Do you believe that they truly exist, or are they merely figments of the imagination?
  3. François: Good evening, Plato. I believe that ontological entities are a complex and nuanced topic. While they may exist in some sense, they are also fundamentally inseparable from the human mind and perspective.
  5. Plato: I see. And what leads you to this conclusion?
  7. François: It is my belief that ontological entities are not independent, objective realities that exist outside of the human mind. Rather, they are constructs that are created and defined by the human mind in order to make sense of the world and our experiences.
  9. Plato: I understand your perspective, but I must disagree. I believe that ontological entities are real, objective entities that exist independently of the human mind. They are the fundamental building blocks of reality, and they are not dependent on human thought or perception.
  11. François: I can appreciate your point of view, Plato, but I must maintain that ontological entities are not independent of the human mind. They are the product of human thought and interpretation, and they are necessarily bound up with our subjective experience of the world.
  13. Plato: I see that we must agree to disagree, François. I remain convinced of the objective reality of ontological entities, while you maintain that they are the product of human thought. Perhaps our differing perspectives can enrich our understanding of this complex and fascinating topic.
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