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- #!/bin/bash
- set -e
- set -u
- set -o pipefail
- LOG_FILE="/var/log/install_script.log"
- ROLLBACK_FILE="/var/log/install_script_rollback.log"
- log() {
- printf "%s - %s\n" "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" "$1" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"
- }
- rollback_log() {
- printf "%s\n" "$1" | tee -a "$ROLLBACK_FILE"
- }
- command_exists() {
- command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- package_installed() {
- dpkg -l | grep -q "$1"
- }
- commands=("ftp" "pftp" "sh" "apache2" "telnetd" "nginx" "mysql" "sshd" "postgresql" "redis-server" "docker")
- pre_flight_checks() {
- if ! command_exists "sudo"; then
- log "Error: This script requires 'sudo' to run. Please install 'sudo' and try again." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- detect_os() {
- if [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then
- if grep -q "Ubuntu" /etc/os-release; then
- printf "ubuntu\n"
- else
- printf "debian\n"
- fi
- elif [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]]; then
- if grep -q "CentOS" /etc/redhat-release; then
- printf "centos\n"
- elif grep -q "Fedora" /etc/redhat-release; then
- printf "fedora\n"
- else
- printf "redhat\n"
- fi
- elif [[ -f /etc/arch-release ]]; then
- printf "arch\n"
- elif [[ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]]; then
- printf "suse\n"
- elif [[ -f /etc/freebsd-update.conf ]]; then
- printf "freebsd\n"
- elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
- printf "darwin\n"
- else
- printf "unsupported\n"
- fi
- }
- prompt_user() {
- read -p "$1 (y/n): " -n 1 -r
- printf "\n"
- if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
- log "Operation aborted by user." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- install_packages() {
- local os="$1"
- case "$os" in
- debian | ubuntu)
- sudo apt-get update
- for cmd in "${missing[@]}"; do
- if ! package_installed "$cmd"; then
- if sudo apt-get install -y "$cmd"; then
- rollback_log "sudo apt-get remove -y $cmd"
- else
- log "Error: Failed to install $cmd." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- ;;
- redhat | centos)
- for cmd in "${missing[@]}"; do
- if sudo yum install -y "$cmd"; then
- rollback_log "sudo yum remove -y $cmd"
- else
- log "Error: Failed to install $cmd." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- ;;
- fedora)
- for cmd in "${missing[@]}"; do
- if sudo dnf install -y "$cmd"; then
- rollback_log "sudo dnf remove -y $cmd"
- else
- log "Error: Failed to install $cmd." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- ;;
- arch)
- for cmd in "${missing[@]}"; do
- if sudo pacman -S --noconfirm "$cmd"; then
- rollback_log "sudo pacman -R --noconfirm $cmd"
- else
- log "Error: Failed to install $cmd." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- ;;
- suse)
- for cmd in "${missing[@]}"; do
- if sudo zypper install -y "$cmd"; then
- rollback_log "sudo zypper remove -y $cmd"
- else
- log "Error: Failed to install $cmd." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- ;;
- freebsd)
- for cmd in "${missing[@]}"; do
- if sudo pkg install -y "$cmd"; then
- rollback_log "sudo pkg delete -y $cmd"
- else
- log "Error: Failed to install $cmd." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- ;;
- darwin)
- for cmd in "${missing[@]}"]; do
- if brew install "$cmd"; then
- rollback_log "brew uninstall $cmd"
- else
- log "Error: Failed to install $cmd." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- ;;
- *)
- log "Error: Unsupported OS. Please install the missing packages manually." >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- wait
- }
- set_permissions() {
- for cmd in "${commands[@]}"; do
- local path; path=$(command -v "$cmd")
- if [[ -n "$path" ]]; then
- log "Setting correct permissions for $path"
- if ! sudo chmod u+rwx "$path"; then
- log "Error: Failed to set permissions for $path." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- }
- configure_services() {
- local os="$1"
- case "$os" in
- debian | ubuntu)
- command_exists "apache2" && sudo systemctl enable apache2 && sudo systemctl start apache2 && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable apache2 && sudo systemctl stop apache2"
- command_exists "telnetd" && sudo systemctl enable inetd && sudo systemctl start inetd && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable inetd && sudo systemctl stop inetd"
- command_exists "nginx" && sudo systemctl enable nginx && sudo systemctl start nginx && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable nginx && sudo systemctl stop nginx"
- command_exists "mysql" && sudo systemctl enable mysql && sudo systemctl start mysql && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable mysql && sudo systemctl stop mysql"
- command_exists "sshd" && sudo systemctl enable ssh && sudo systemctl start ssh && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable ssh && sudo systemctl stop ssh"
- command_exists "postgresql" && sudo systemctl enable postgresql && sudo systemctl start postgresql && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable postgresql && sudo systemctl stop postgresql"
- command_exists "redis-server" && sudo systemctl enable redis-server && sudo systemctl start redis-server && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable redis-server && sudo systemctl stop redis-server"
- command_exists "docker" && sudo systemctl enable docker && sudo systemctl start docker && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable docker && sudo systemctl stop docker"
- ;;
- redhat | centos | fedora)
- command_exists "httpd" && sudo systemctl enable httpd && sudo systemctl start httpd && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable httpd && sudo systemctl stop httpd"
- command_exists "telnetd" && sudo systemctl enable telnet.socket && sudo systemctl start telnet.socket && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable telnet.socket && sudo systemctl stop telnet.socket"
- command_exists "nginx" && sudo systemctl enable nginx && sudo systemctl start nginx && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable nginx && sudo systemctl stop nginx"
- command_exists "mysqld" && sudo systemctl enable mysqld && sudo systemctl start mysqld && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable mysqld && sudo systemctl stop mysqld"
- command_exists "sshd" && sudo systemctl enable sshd && sudo systemctl start sshd && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable sshd && sudo systemctl stop sshd"
- command_exists "postgresql" && sudo systemctl enable postgresql && sudo systemctl start postgresql && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable postgresql && sudo systemctl stop postgresql"
- command_exists "redis" && sudo systemctl enable redis && sudo systemctl start redis && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable redis && sudo systemctl stop redis"
- command_exists "docker" && sudo systemctl enable docker && sudo systemctl start docker && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable docker && sudo systemctl stop docker"
- ;;
- arch | suse)
- command_exists "httpd" && sudo systemctl enable httpd && sudo systemctl start httpd && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable httpd && sudo systemctl stop httpd"
- command_exists "telnetd" && sudo systemctl enable telnetd && sudo systemctl start telnetd && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable telnetd && sudo systemctl stop telnetd"
- command_exists "nginx" && sudo systemctl enable nginx && sudo systemctl start nginx && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable nginx && sudo systemctl stop nginx"
- command_exists "mysqld" && sudo systemctl enable mysqld && sudo systemctl start mysqld && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable mysqld && sudo systemctl stop mysqld"
- command_exists "sshd" && sudo systemctl enable sshd && sudo systemctl start sshd && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable sshd && sudo systemctl stop sshd"
- command_exists "postgresql" && sudo systemctl enable postgresql && sudo systemctl start postgresql && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable postgresql && sudo systemctl stop postgresql"
- command_exists "redis" && sudo systemctl enable redis && sudo systemctl start redis && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable redis && sudo systemctl stop redis"
- command_exists "docker" && sudo systemctl enable docker && sudo systemctl start docker && rollback_log "sudo systemctl disable docker && sudo systemctl stop docker"
- ;;
- freebsd)
- command_exists "apache24" && sudo sysrc apache24_enable="YES" && sudo service apache24 start && rollback_log "sudo sysrc apache24_enable=\"NO\" && sudo service apache24 stop"
- command_exists "nginx" && sudo sysrc nginx_enable="YES" && sudo service nginx start && rollback_log "sudo sysrc nginx_enable=\"NO\" && sudo service nginx stop"
- command_exists "mysql-server" && sudo sysrc mysql_enable="YES" && sudo service mysql-server start && rollback_log "sudo sysrc mysql_enable=\"NO\" && sudo service mysql-server stop"
- command_exists "openssh" && sudo sysrc sshd_enable="YES" && sudo service sshd start && rollback_log "sudo sysrc sshd_enable=\"NO\" && sudo service sshd stop"
- command_exists "postgresql" && sudo sysrc postgresql_enable="YES" && sudo service postgresql start && rollback_log "sudo sysrc postgresql_enable=\"NO\" && sudo service postgresql stop"
- command_exists "redis" && sudo sysrc redis_enable="YES" && sudo service redis start && rollback_log "sudo sysrc redis_enable=\"NO\" && sudo service redis stop"
- command_exists "docker" && sudo sysrc docker_enable="YES" && sudo service docker start && rollback_log "sudo sysrc docker_enable=\"NO\" && sudo service docker stop"
- ;;
- esac
- }
- handle_edge_cases() {
- local disk_usage; disk_usage=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $5}' | sed 's/%//')
- if [[ -n "$disk_usage" && "$disk_usage" -gt 90 ]]; then
- log "Error: Insufficient disk space. Please free up some space and try again." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! ping -c 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- log "Error: Network is unreachable. Please check your internet connection and try again." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- rollback() {
- log "Rolling back changes..."
- tac "$ROLLBACK_FILE" | while read -r line; do
- eval "$line"
- done
- log "Rollback completed."
- }
- trap rollback ERR
- main() {
- log "Starting script execution"
- pre_flight_checks
- handle_edge_cases
- local os; os=$(detect_os)
- if [[ "$os" == "unsupported" ]]; then
- log "Error: Unsupported OS. Exiting." >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- log "Detected OS: $os"
- missing=()
- for cmd in "${commands[@]}"; do
- if ! command_exists "$cmd"; then
- missing+=("$cmd")
- fi
- done
- if [[ ${#missing[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then
- log "Missing commands: ${missing[*]}"
- prompt_user "Do you want to attempt to install the missing packages?"
- install_packages "$os"
- else
- log "All required commands are installed."
- fi
- set_permissions
- prompt_user "Do you want to configure specific services?"
- configure_services "$os"
- log "Script execution completed successfully."
- }
- main "$@"
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